Modern tattoo parlors are equipped with everything necessary; their management allows only the most talented and experienced artists to work. Such conditions make it possible to apply any images to the body. Clients of both sexes often get tattoos on their stomachs; rough ones are often not suitable for girls. male images and to make the right choice, they are offered more feminine, playful and gentle sketches.

Tattoo on a girl's stomach

Those who have a frantic desire to apply tattoos to any area of ​​the body should first analyze all aspects of this serious step.

Our body is designed in such a way that the thighs and abdomen are designed for intense accumulation subcutaneous fat. This feature of human physiology makes it impractical to use tattoos on the body of women who periodically gain weight and lose weight.

Against the background of body deformations, a tattoo in the form of a simple pattern, hieroglyph or inscription will not suffer so much. But if a detailed ornament or a complex multi-colored pattern is located on a plump belly, then ultimately it transforms into an unclear blurry picture. This terrible sight will enhance the deplorable appearance of a flabby belly.

Women who have not given birth are not recommended to get a tattoo on their stomach. The design will look great on the body of a young girl, but in a few years she will still have to become a mother. Often, marks in the form of stretch marks remain on the lower half of the abdomen or on the entire body after pregnancy. If this happens, the tattoo is guaranteed to be ruined. Even in the absence of skin atrophy in the form of stretch marks, bearing a child will definitely leave a mark on the stomach - the skin will stretch. In any case, before pregnancy or at a very young age, it is not advisable to get tattoos.

Also, nulliparous girls need to remember that surgical intervention is often used during childbirth - C-section. Such a procedure will certainly affect the tattoo and irrevocably ruin it, turning it into a scattered, inharmonious image. Yes, this can be corrected later, but the work will be difficult.

While we are young, it seems to us that our body will remain so attractive and fit forever. But this is far from true, and with age, the skin will still sag, even if you take intensive care of your body. Along with skin deformation, all tattoos will be disfigured. The first thing to suffer will be the drawings on the stomach.

For many, the unpleasant sensations from the procedure will not be an obstacle, but it is still worth emphasizing that experts consider the abdominal area to be the most painful areas of the body. There is a practice of using anesthesia, but in general it is believed that all your tattoos need to be suffered and experienced live.


flowers and dragonfly

pattern and plain butterfly

baby elephant with flower



Stomach Tattoo Ideas

Practical purpose of tattoo

A tattoo on the stomach for girls is not necessarily an object that helps attract attention to one’s own person. In many cases, drawings on the stomach or other parts of the body act as a reliable camouflage technique that allows you to forever get rid of complexes about the imperfection of your body.

For example, there is a scar on the stomach that looks extremely unaesthetic. The master will be able to make sure that instead of this defect, a very attractive picture will appear on the skin. This is how many adult women hide their cesarean section scars. To properly decorate scars, you will need to choose the most experienced master. This event will take a lot of time and money. But the result is worth it.

In addition to postoperative or other scars, the reason for applying a tattoo on the stomach can be an unsightly birthmark, which can also be decorated and thereby made completely invisible. In the same way, you can hide pronounced burn scars.

Popular drawings

It is impossible to single out any particular type of drawing that is particularly popular. When choosing an image for the belly, the decisive factor is the personal preferences of the girl or woman. These can be huge images extending from the chest to the navel, or moderately sized images placed symmetrically on the sides. In many cases, the images are placed directly below the navel on the side of the abdomen or in the center.

I wonder what stomach tattoo ideas for girls are considered the most relevant? Let's list possible options drawings

  • If a tattoo does not have a deep meaning and is done solely for aesthetic reasons, then more often girls give preference to intricate intertwining patterns of different sizes. For some, a small pattern is enough, while others need a whole belt of ornamentation at the waist.
  • In some cases, the owner of a tattoo does not pursue the goal of painting the body for the purpose of decorating it, but, on the contrary, wants to put it into the body drawing hidden meaning. In such cases, isolated letters, words or sentences written in a non-native language are selected. Hieroglyphs or other symbols that are incomprehensible to our people are popular. A popular type of tattoo text are interesting expressions written in English language or in Latin. The text usually looks like handwriting.
  • Those who want to imprint symbols of devotion, family, and love on their body choose the image of a swallow. Also other birds and animals are in demand.
  • Looking at the sketches of flowers, it is difficult to make a choice - they are all bright and feminine. Often, floral images on the stomach are decorated in the style of “ old school" A fashionable women's tattoo, which is placed not only on the stomach, but also on many other areas, is the rose flower. You can also often see images of delicate sakura or passionate poppies on women’s bodies. In order to never part with the symbol of good luck, a four-leaf clover is applied to the stomach and other parts of the body.
  • Lizards, butterflies, and ladybugs. Such tattoos look more sophisticated and cute compared to male designs, which are in many cases inappropriate on a female body.
  • No need to choose beautiful birds and animals. The salon can offer for consideration fantastic catalogs with images of living creatures and plants that do not exist in nature. These fantasy tattoos always attract attention.


bird on one side

fairy on flowers

flowers with pattern


plain flower

Most of all, tattoos on the stomach fit into the image of athletes or stage figures, for example, dancers.

Stomach tattoos for girls – great way decorate the body and hide from prying eyes the innermost craving for various kinds of experiments. It should be understood that such a step is quite serious, because it will remain with you for a single year. If you are a person who flares up easily and quickly goes out, and who quickly gets bored with everything, you should give up painting with long-lasting paint. For such ladies, there are methods of filling with henna, which will be completely washed off the tummy after the end of the summer season.


Body painting has long been considered an art direction, because it is also a manifestation of human creativity. The body, especially the female body, has always been a source of inspiration, which means that the desire to decorate it will never dry up. A tattoo on the stomach is a whole world, space, a Universe that has no boundaries or frames. A girl who dares to make it in this area can choose any size of the picture and its theme, as well as color solutions. But everything, of course, depends entirely on the master you trust. And if you don’t delve into the subtleties of meaning and sacred secrets embedded in the ornaments created by a deft hand, the overall picture against the backdrop of a beautiful chest and rounded hips always looks very sexy and piquant, especially if we're talking about about girls who don't have overweight.

The original architecture on the body is gorgeous

Why is this necessary?

Every lady always has her own reasons for doing one thing or another. But what motivates them to get a tummy tattoo? There may be several answers, for example:

  • The desire to define your own individuality and stand out from the crowd.
  • The opportunity to express what you don’t always want to describe in words (life position, guidelines, principles, motivation, etc.).
  • Creating a special style.
  • Getting rid of deep complexes that torment and prevent you from fully opening up.
  • Concealing skin defects, such as scars and scars after childbirth and other operations.

Advice!Not all women give birth naturally, which results in a scar closer to the groin area. For some, it causes unpleasant associations, makes them feel embarrassed about their body, and puts a ban on buying revealing things. In this case, a tattoo really becomes the best way to get rid of complexes. If the scars are very noticeable, you can make a 3D object using the play of light and shadow.

Important information! Before you put yourself in the hands of a master, carefully study his recommendations, “portfolio”. If he is famous enough, there will be plenty of reviews about him on the Internet. You also need to take the choice of design seriously. You shouldn’t blindly type in the picture you like: sacred meanings can affect your way of life. Remember, there should be no mistakes! Such decorations are made once and for all, and any mistake can ruin the mood and lead to nervous disorder. And if you want to withdraw her, the procedure will cost you another painful sensations and significant budget expenditures.

The main advantage of a flat girlish tummy is, undoubtedly, a large enough area to realize your ideas and fantasies. On such a canvas you can express any image, no matter how complex and intricate it may be.

In this section, we decided to take responsibility and give a number of tips on choosing a suitable picture. It should be noted right away that this should not look like an imposition of an opinion or a strong recommendation that needs to be paid close attention to. We will just list the most popular tattoos that modern beauties prefer in the coming year. The choice, as always, is yours!

So, today they are relevant and in demand the following types tattoo:

  • Plant and flower compositions;

  • Zodiac signs and combinations of stars of different sizes;

  • Commemorative inscriptions and Japanese and Chinese characters;
  • Representatives of fauna;

  • Insects, such as a butterfly or dragonfly;

  • Abstract drawings.

First of all, body painting should be feminine, flirty and gentle. Thus, you will emphasize your attractiveness and hidden sexuality. Probably for this reason, you rarely see images of reptiles, spiders, lizards or dragons on a girl’s skin. These are, rather, brutal drawings typical of men.

Advantages and disadvantages

Durable painting in this part female body has both pros and cons. This is due to the fact that for such large area You can get a tattoo of any size. Let's first understand the merits of such experiments on the body:

  • Only your closest and dearest people can know that you are an ardent fan of tattoo artists’ work. The pattern is easy to hide under clothes. Even if you are an employee of a serious company with a strict dress code, a tattoo will never be a reason for dismissal.
  • To show off your tattoo, you just need to wear it. short top or a T-shirt, or go to the nearest beach and demonstrate your beauty in a swimsuit.
  • The desire to fill a picture can become a serious motivation for losing weight. You understand that in order for the pattern not to blur and have strict outlines, you need to lose extra pounds and turn your tummy into a smooth and even surface.
  • Tattoos in such places always attract the attention of others. And if, in the presence of strangers, your blouse rides up and a piece of the picture peeks out, men will definitely look at you from the other side.

Well, as you can see, there are plenty of advantages. But are there any disadvantages, because, as you know, any coin has two sides.

  • If you are not an ardent supporter of a sports lifestyle and proper nutrition, it is better to refuse tattoos. Their owners have to constantly monitor their parameters, do abdominal training and monitor their daily diet.
  • The application procedure is always very painful. Girls with a low pain threshold often cannot stand it. In addition, you constantly have to take breaks while working.
  • And after the “stuffing”, the sensations of pain and discomfort do not subside for several days. Therefore, it is better to do such “operations” during vacation or long rest. At this time, it is not recommended to leave the house and disturb the abs with unnecessary loads.

How to make the right choice?

In this matter, it is important not only the image itself, which in just a few days will decorate your body, but also its stylistic direction. This is what we will talk about in this section.

The Internet, friends and professionals will help you decide on this issue. It all depends on how the girl wants to present herself in society. Style, character, fullness of meaning - all this is the key to the success of the decision you make.

  • If you want to express your sexuality and eroticism, a small image of a panther or any other cat– their grace always fascinates and attracts attention.

  • Floral compositions- a sign of an elegant, sophisticated and glamorous person.

  • In cases where you want to perpetuate a memorable date or a phrase reminiscent of a significant day in your life, we use various hieroglyphs and inscriptions in English, French or Latin.

  • Charming butterflies or flowers- a sign of romanticism, tenderness and coquetry.

Advice! You must understand that in this matter you cannot rely on momentary impulses and weaknesses. This should be a balanced and deliberate decision. Therefore, in order not to regret your action for the rest of your life, carefully weigh the pros and cons.


It should be noted that this area of ​​the body is the easiest to correct or restore any fragment of the pattern. You can even supplement it, of course, subject to consultation with a specialist. Be sure to look through the catalogs before doing this, they are in large quantities usually lie on tables in the master's waiting room.

You have probably already looked through the photos presented and are convinced that color and black and white pictures in the waist area they always look very harmonious, attractive and extraordinary. But this is only if a decision is made in favor of the correct pattern.


Floral arrangements are a symbol of unity with nature, naturalness and genuineness. In many countries around the world they have a special meaning. For an example, check out the following definitions:

  • Jasmine– love and female coquetry.

  • Orchid- beauty and mystery.
  • Pansies– reflection and sophistication.
  • Lotus- determination and eternal overcoming of difficulties, but his place is on the neck.

  • If you want to cover up a scar, you can create whole bouquet, for example, from roses - a classic interpretation of girlish beauty, peony - a sign of longevity, thistle - a symbol of firmness and integrity of character, wildflowers, which are an expression of femininity.

Advice! Make small tattoos, because anesthesia is not recommended - the wounds will take a very long time to heal.


  • Peacock tail speaks of greatness and royalty.
  • Bee- about energy, hard work and diligence.

  • bird feather will talk about lightness and romantic mood.
  • Angel wings– purity, spirituality, sublimity.
  • Soaring bird– unity with God, freedom from everyday worries and vanity.

  • Hare indicates happiness and a carefree attitude towards life.

As for the inscriptions and hieroglyphs, that's a completely different story. Memorable phrases carrying sacred meaning, you must choose based on your own feelings and worldview.

We have already said a lot about the beauty of stomach tattoos, but at the end of the article we should talk about contraindications. Girls suffering from psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, it is not recommended to get a tattoo, the design will be spoiled by rashes and redness.

And once again I would like to say about the choice of the master. This must be taken seriously, because it is to him that you entrust your body. Carefully look for any information about how professional the selected specialist is, whether he has enough experience, whether there are precedents bad work and poor quality service. Pay attention to the level of sanitary and hygienic treatment of instruments - remember, through the needle of a machine you can become infected with dangerous diseases!

People always want to highlight the beauty of their body, and not the least place in this desire is occupied by tattoos on the stomach. Beautiful, elastic abs are attractive in themselves, and a tattoo, in the best possible way, emphasizes the charms of the body. That’s why both men’s and women's tattoos rations.

The abdominal area allows for drawings bigger size than on other parts of the body, choose beautiful voluminous compositions and do not tear fragments. The selected images will be complete and beautiful. At the same time, girls and men, in order not to lose their attractiveness and maintain the perfection of the tattoo, take care of themselves, play sports and maintain a stable weight.

On the stomach, the skin is often subject to changes, and the incentive to always remain fit and athletic is achieved by applying a tattoo you like.

Women's stomach tattoos

Women's tattoos on the stomach look more elegant and gentle than men's, because only a feminine, light, stylish design can emphasize a thin waist and well-trained body muscles. At the same time, as you know, tattoos are chosen according to individual preferences. They reflect the character and temperament of cute girls. What cannot be expressed in words is expressed through an original tattoo.

Men like women's tattoos because they can look into the innermost thoughts of beautiful female representatives, while remaining incognito and only sneaking glances at the lovely parts of the body. And women, in turn, do not bother themselves with explaining their life attitudes, when everything is already clear from the tattoo design. Therefore, girls should approach the choice of a suitable pattern carefully and leisurely.

Women's tattoos can depict beautiful birds and animals, whimsical fantasy creatures, favorite flower arrangements, symbols of love and fidelity, etc. Characteristic feature drawings is their simplicity and harmony.

Men's stomach tattoos

Men by nature are hunters and conquerors; they hold leading positions and conquer territory where their loved ones can live in comfort and convenience. That's why men's tattoos on the stomach are often made in the form of epic images; symbols whose meaning is clear to the entire male half of humanity; warning signs, the meaning of which boils down to the inviolability of personal territory; declarations and vows of love to girls; illustrations of fights and military events; portraits of loved ones, etc. Moreover, men willingly take this step, unlike girls, who think and weigh the pros and cons.

Tattoos are a great way to express your individuality through a beautiful symbol or image that does not fade over the years, is not washed off the body and always remains the same as on the first day of execution.

Disadvantages of stomach tattoos

Weight fluctuations and changes in health status should be closely monitored. Surgeries, postpartum physical changes, age-related changes and stress can stretch the thin skin of the abdomen and turn a solid pattern into a blurry spot torn into fragmented pieces. Healthy image life will help avoid unwanted changes.

Video of tattoo on stomach

Below are photos of stomach tattoos from different tattoo artists.

Lettering tattoo on stomach are not so common because this part of the body is quite painful for tattoos. Both female and male belly can change its shape over time. The tattoo will change along with it. You don't even have to get fat. Abdominal abs pumped up on the stomach can also negatively affect appearance tattoos, as well as a slightly swollen tummy. Inscriptions for this part of the body are chosen because they are minimal in area of ​​application compared to full-fledged multicolor canvases.

Stomach tattoo- attention, girls! Lettering tattoo on the stomach can behave especially unpredictably if the girl is carrying a baby. Since most tattoos are done in at a young age, then you need to take into account the future fact of pregnancy. No matter how skilled the tattoo artist is, no matter what high-quality paints are used, it will be impossible to guarantee the complete safety of the body inscription. The tattoo may especially suffer if a caesarean section is performed. If the scar gets exactly where the inscription is, it will have to be corrected. But this does not mean that you need to give up tattoos. You just need to further clarify with the specialist which part of the abdomen is best suited. A tattoo applied to the lower abdomen will not be affected by pregnancy or age-related changes. Temporary tattoo on the stomach Among temporary tattoos on the stomach, inscriptions on the bellies of pregnant women can be considered the most popular. Made in a romantic American (with hearts and curls) or discreet French font, a tattoo “we are waiting for a girl Katya” or a similar one will appeal to many expectant mothers. Especially if the gender is already known and a name has been chosen for the baby. For a photo tattoo on the stomach, you can choose a small funny image with a stork or any paraphernalia associated with childbirth. Which inscription is better for the belly? Inscription tattoos on the stomach can be both serious and mocking. Not any catchphrase or an original interpretation of the font will look good on this part of the body. It all depends on the belly, the shape and content of the inscription.

It is best to apply and secure the sketch temporarily in order to “live” with the tattoo for several days. People who love self-irony like to write inscriptions on their not very athletic tummy like “No more beer will fit here” or “Why do we need six packs?” It is not always possible to cope with an enlarged belly, but it is easy to overcome complexes about this with the help of a tattoo.

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Old school tattoo

It is not uncommon to practice tattoos for girls on the stomach. This is a convenient way to hide traces of operations and emphasize femininity.

Placing a woman's tattoo on the stomach has a sacred meaning - protection of sexual health. Thus, when choosing a plot for your next tattoo, think over the semantic content.

What explains the tattoo on the stomach?

Stomach tattoos have practical and aesthetic uses. In the female body, this is an area where subcutaneous fat is deposited.

During the process of gaining and losing weight, delicate skin can become covered with stretch marks. Such a defect can easily be covered with a tattoo.

In addition, tattoos in the lower abdomen are performed over scars after operations or caesarean section.

Doctors rarely care about the aesthetics of the skin stitching area. As a result, disfiguring scars prevent a woman from revealing her charm.

A tattoo in the navel or bikini area looks like. A skillfully executed image creates an attractive image. This is a chance to create a unique touch, spurring your partner's imagination.

How to choose the right drawing according to your style

When choosing a tattoo on the lower abdomen for girls, it is worth considering the temperament of the owner. Inscriptions, images of plants and flowers are suitable for gentle young ladies.

Placing the pattern along a “V” shaped line will help visually elongate the contours of the body.

When choosing a tattoo, it is best to pay attention to the shape of the abdomen, the presence of folds and volume. The drawing should hide defects and emphasize advantages.

The pattern can cover all spaces, be symmetrical or one-sided.

Feather tattoo on scar

The lower the image is located, the more intimate the message it carries.

Women aged 25 to 55 can choose color images with a large number of elements. It won't look rough if the lines are done gracefully.

Do right choice The tattoo artist will help you. He will guide you according to the condition of your skin and select the best option according to your preferences.

The most popular tattoos on the stomach of girls

Popular tattoos for the stomach include:

  • peacock tail;
  • butterflies;
  • roses;
  • dolphins;
  • with various inscriptions;
  • bows;
  • phoenix;
  • birds;
  • stars;
  • crystals.

Traditionally, flower tattoos signify femininity, the desire to give life and joy. These designs are perfect for any age.

Placing a pattern around the navel is best done in the form of a mandala or oriental patterns. Separate large drawings on the side of the abdomen adorn girls with a strong and strong-willed character.

The larger the tattoo, the more delicate the design on the stomach looks. The sides of the abdomen can be decorated with ornaments and patterns. This will highlight the beauty of the body and create an original exterior.

One of the main tips from tattoo artists for girls is that when creating a design, tattoo sketches should not be chosen that are posted on the Internet. It is better to draw up a sketch individually, based on the body shape and quality of the client’s skin.

  1. Tattoos applied to stretch marks will hide the defect, but healing requires strict adherence to the instructions.
  2. Stretching is a scar, without care after the session it can become inflamed.

Recommendations and advice boil down to the fact that you should choose a salon with good craftsmen. A competent tattoo artist will be able to understand which image will look better. Will give advice or dissuade you from an erroneous option.

Will a stomach tattoo stretch after pregnancy?

Tattoos for girls after childbirth can be a hassle. The condition of the drawing will depend on individual characteristics. Playing important the size of the abdomen during pregnancy, its shape, the load on the skin.

Immediately after giving birth, you should not take any steps. During pregnancy and about 1 year after it, a woman’s body releases a large amount of hormones. Only when they reach a balanced state can the fate of the tattoo be decided.

Very often the skin is completely restored and minimal correction is required. But in some cases it is necessary to hide stretch marks and correct colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo on the stomach

The advantage of a tattoo on a girl’s stomach is beauty and emphasized femininity. Thanks to the pattern and the chosen style, an additional accent appears.

With the help of a tattoo you can hide defects that have arisen for various reasons.

Tattoo on a scar

The disadvantages include the process. This is an area of ​​thin skin and large number nerve endings. The delicate structure is prone to stretching.

Over the course of her life, a girl may gain or lose weight, which will affect the condition of the drawing. If you take into account the nuances of your body, timely correction will preserve the beauty of the image.

Stomach tattoo on scar

Elimination of scars on scars has become effective method combating defects. Multiple photos before and after the procedure prove that this is The best way get rid of negative consequences.

In addition to aesthetics, a woman regains confidence and comfort. Because even after the appearance of a flaw, she continues to look seductive and attractive.

With the help of a tattoo, both small and raised scars are covered. Working with this type of damage requires skill so that the added paint does not become a source of inflammation. That is why, before going to the salon, carefully choose a specialist.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your stomach?

You should be patient before the procedure. Masters use anesthetic ointments. However, this does not eliminate all discomfort.

Since many nerve endings are accumulated in the abdominal area, sensations can range from itching to aching pain.

In addition, the soft structure of muscles and tissues creates complexity. If the abs are not trained, the work will take longer.

The master will have to carefully go through each line. However, these nuances are not scary if your tattoo artist has experience working with similar areas.

Video on the topic