January 26 is international day without the Internet. On this day, active users log out worldwide network into real life, trying to distract from the so-called “network exhibitionism” - the desire to notify the whole world of almost every step, commenting on posts, updating statuses and posting photos on in social networks. Getting rid of online addiction is not so difficult: there are 10 reliable ways to do this.

1. The simplest and most radical way is to turn off the Internet. If your willpower is not enough to simply say a firm “no” to yourself, you can use special programs, such as, Time Boss, Tmeter, iNet Protector and others. Using this software, you can set a time on your computer after which access to the network will be blocked. Or simply limit the operation of certain sites.

2. One more, no less effective way- create a strict daily routine and stick to it, monitoring the implementation of your goals. With a responsible approach to business, you simply won’t have time for mindless Internet surfing.

3. You shouldn’t start and end your day sitting at the computer. It’s worth at least an hour after waking up and another one before going to bed to devote to yourself or homework. The habit of seeing your computer always on creates an attention trap. You subconsciously want to listen to music, look at photos, update programs. In general, do everything except the truly necessary and important things.

4. Try to make a list of changes that you can make by reducing the time you spend at the computer. You can learn languages, travel, visit galleries and theaters, spend time with friends and loved ones.

5. If you spend too much time on social networks, you should consider deleting your accounts on them. Just think about the name of this group of sites: “network”. It's a network for our time, attention and money. You will be surprised how productively you can spend your day without constantly checking your news feed. When it comes to email, you need to reduce the frequency of checking incoming messages to a maximum of once a day. Notify your colleagues and clients about your busy schedule and your desire to streamline your work process; they will treat this with understanding.

6. Even while sitting at the computer, you can give yourself a little activity. Once every 15 minutes, we recommend resting your eyes by covering and relaxing them. Once every forty-five minutes you should move your whole body, paying special attention to the spine, which is most likely in the wrong position, and the legs.

7. Since you spend a lot of time on the Internet anyway, you can do it effective tool to earn money. There are many ways. This includes the creation of an online store and services that can be provided remotely. Over time everything more people switches to remote work, and you can connect to the office computer using remote access programs, for example - GoToMyPC.

8. Translate your network connections into real relationships. If you are attracted to someone on a dating site, online game, social network, just get to know him. It’s much more interesting to be next to a living person than with a glowing screen, right?

9. Almost all people who spend most of the day online have a disorder called attention deficit disorder. It is expressed in the inability to concentrate, difficulties with memory and perception. The user's attention is focused on a huge, but targeted amount of information. Memes, comics, Twitter posts. A large amount of news entering the brain disappears from it at the same moment and the person loses the ability to think and specifically express his position. All thinking process equates to immediate actions and emotional outbursts - reactions to external stimuli - likes, comments, reposts... Therefore, if you notice this feature in yourself, try to avoid multitasking and do not get scattered among several insignificant sources of information. Avoid oversimplification. If you need to understand any issue, it will be better to study it completely, rather than read excerpts from various articles in snatches.

10. Remember about your hobbies, which you probably abandoned, exchanging them for the Internet. Live real life, which we only have one and it flies past us day after day, bogged down head over heels in a non-existent reality.

Without a doubt, the Internet is one of the greatest inventions in human history. Thanks to the capabilities of the Internet, we have the opportunity to find out any information that interests us, as well as communicate with people located anywhere on our planet, without leaving our own apartment. However, the Internet also has reverse side medals - too frequent use of the possibilities of virtual space leads to the fact that people begin to replace live communication with their friends and loved ones with it, and trips to nature or some event are replaced by viewing the contents of the corresponding pages. In this case, we can say that the person has begun to develop Internet addiction.

How to overcome this addiction and return to a normal and fulfilling life? How do you know if you are addicted to a computer network?
The first sign of tech sickness is that you're visiting websites for more than just information. new information, but aimlessly and mechanically. You endlessly check your email, but you do this not because you are expecting an important letter, but just like that, on “autopilot”. Unfortunately, he himself does not notice that he has become dependent on the computer, but if you increasingly begin to hear words that you spend too much time on the Internet, then at least this should alert you. After all, most likely this is actually the case, and you have begun to prefer communicating with virtual strangers to live conversations with people close to you.

Another sign that there is actually a problem is that instead of calling the person, you try to contact them using text messages, and you make most of your purchases on virtual trading platforms.

How dangerous is this? Firstly, spending a huge amount of time in front of a computer display is literally killing your eyes. Even if you use the most technologically advanced and modern monitors, this will still not protect your eyes from constant and increased strain and fatigue.

Another negative result of your constant sitting at the computer can be back problems, such as scoliosis, stoop, and constant pain. But the most important danger of Internet addiction is that a person turns into an aggressive and antisocial being. Meeting with friends and talking with them becomes uninteresting to you, and this leads to the fact that you gradually lose the ability to interact with real interlocutors. This makes it more difficult for you to communicate with strangers, and being in large groups can cause you to have panic attacks.

How to stop surfing the Internet? In order to solve the problem of computer slavery for yourself, you must realize that in your case it exists, and only you yourself can free yourself from the power of electronics and new technologies. Analyze how much time you spend on the Internet, and also how much time it took you to find and process the information that you actually need. Using this, you can find out how much time your daily minimum of Internet use takes. Having determined this time, set yourself a limit. When working at the computer every day, try not to exceed it and have time to do everything that you wanted to do on the Internet during this period. Thanks to this, you will be able to reassess the importance of your affairs and learn to rationally use such an important resource as time.

Another way to combat addiction is to put up stickers and signs within your sight with reminders that spending too much time on the Internet is harmful and dangerous.

In the most radical way how to stop surfing the internet is to block access to those sites that do not give you anything useful, but which you constantly visit and waste your time on.

If you have already tried all these methods, but have not achieved a positive result in the fight against Internet addiction, it means that the problem facing you is much more acute, and you cannot do without help.

Have you stopped noticing how much time you spend on the Internet? Or, on the contrary, do you see that it flies very quickly on the Internet (once - and the whole day has passed)? Then we have a reason to talk about whether the Internet has become too big a part of your life.

How do I know if I have an Internet addiction?

We are all dependent on something. The simplest example is water and food. A person cannot live without them. But in extreme conditions You can even go without water for several days. Think about it, access to the Internet is like air for you?

Answer a few questions honestly:
  1. Do you want to be online all the time?
  2. Do you feel irritated if you cannot go online or someone prevents you from doing so?
  3. Do you forget to eat on time when you're on the Internet?
  4. Can you forget to comb your hair, wash your hair, put on a clean T-shirt?
  5. Do you agree that communication on social networks and online games has become much more important for you than communicating with friends in real life?
  6. Are you ready to spend all your savings on the Internet?

If you answered yes to at least half of the questions, it’s time to take action and return to real life. How to distinguish addiction from, albeit very serious, hobby? To do this, you need to answer two questions: “how much?” and for what?"

How many?

So how much time a day do you spend online? To do this, over the course of several days, add up the time of all your accesses to the Internet, even if only for a couple of minutes, and reply to your friend in messenger. If the total is more than 5 hours a day, it’s time to be wary. After all, this is almost a whole working day! Can you imagine how many things could be done in this time?

For what?

Everyone uses the Internet for different purposes. Why do you need it? It's one thing if you are looking for information on your studies or hobbies. But it’s completely different if you’re aimlessly surfing the Internet: watching cat videos one after another, browsing websites without a specific task, communicating in chats and social networks, or hanging out in online games. In the first case, you work on yourself and develop with the help of the Internet. And in the second - you kill time.

Why did this happen to me?

So, why are you drawn to the Internet like a magnet? The reasons may vary. After all, you can find a lot of interesting things on the Internet. Here and helpful information, and bright pictures, and music, and films... So the Internet is like a new toy. You get carried away with it for a while and then move on to something else.

If you can’t switch, honestly answer this question: what does the Internet give me that I don’t get online? real life? Very often we are driven online by the need for communication. Well, things don’t work out with classmates and friends. And online communication gives you a feeling of freedom and lightness. Here you can try on masks, pretend to be a superhero and attract attention. In a word, become someone completely different. If the reason for your passion for the Internet is that you feel lonely in the real world, talking to a psychologist will help. It’s also worth going to practical communication training for teenagers.

How to return to reality?
  1. Team up with your girlfriends. After all, doing everything with them is much more fun, including getting rid of Internet addiction. Agree that you won't be on your phone when you're together! You can come up with a system of fines for each time you go online: if you score 10 points, you fulfill your girlfriends’ wishes.
  2. Come up with an Internet daily routine. Experts advise checking email in all mailboxes at once! The same applies to social networks. Choose one hour a day when you will devote time to online communication (or network games). Set the alarm clock, just close everything too honestly when you hear the bell! And the next time you visit the Internet, you don’t take a step there, only the next day.
  3. Spend one day a week without the Internet. This is very useful exercise. But don’t sit idly by, but try to find a good replacement for the Internet (watching series on TV is not good). It may not be easy for you the first time, but it’s worth practicing, and soon a smartphone forgotten at home will no longer be a tragedy for you.
  4. It's important to reward yourself for your success! To do this, come up with a personal reward system; an extra hour of internet cannot be a reward - think again! Be sure to reward yourself when your time spent on the Internet decreases. After all, this means that now it is not the Internet that controls you, but you control the Internet yourself.
Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? Confess!

If you are looking for information on how to get rid of Internet addiction, most likely you yourself or someone close to you suffers from it. This article will help you cope with the disease of the 21st century - Internet addiction. You just need to follow the tips and ways to get rid of it.

Recognize the problem

To make at least an attempt to get rid of Internet addiction, you need to understand the problem. If you are:

  • You skip meals or overeat at the computer;
  • You forget to wash, get dressed and comb your hair;
  • You forget about doing important things;
  • You skip classes to surf the Internet longer;
  • You often spend more time online than planned.

Then you are addicted to the Internet. You can also add to this that your family and friends will tell you about this more than once even before you yourself realize the problem.

Delve into yourself

People become dependent on something when they lack something in life, when many problems have accumulated, and a person is not able to solve them. Instead of finding support, he avoids problems by drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and... going on the Internet.

What do you need to feel happy without being online? Typically, Internet addicts have problems communicating with real people. They are attracted to virtuality because they can make casual acquaintances without obligations. It is as easy to start any relationship over the Internet as it is to break it. You shouldn’t escape reality by plunging headlong into the World Wide Web. In reality, this will not make the situation any better. On the contrary, the situation will worsen.

Fight fire with fire

To get rid of one addiction, you need to start depending on something else. Instead of being addicted to the network, make it a rule to lead healthy image life. By walking in the fresh air and jogging regularly, you will have less time to spend online. This will help you make friends with similar interests.

Strength of will

How to get rid of Internet addiction without willpower? It's practically impossible. To quit this bad habit, you need to limit your time at the computer. For example, tell yourself that you will no longer unnecessarily spend more than two hours a day on the computer. You don't completely cut yourself off from the Internet with this. But you get the opportunity to find out how good real life is compared to virtual life. Of course, you won't notice it right away. To avoid sitting at the computer for more than two hours, set an alarm clock.

Help from a psychologist

If you have mental disorders, or you're just upset, consult a psychologist. It is he who will help you identify the reason that makes you spend your time online all day long instead of enjoying life. Together with a psychologist you can achieve great success.

Access blocking

If willpower doesn’t help, and you’re only interested in a couple of sites on the Internet, then block access to them. At first you will feel empty, you will have nothing to do. But in a few days this condition will pass. To block a site, contact your system administrator.


Visit relatives or spend time with friends. Try to do this as often as possible. Even if you are a very reserved person, communication in reality will help you loosen up more than communication on the Internet. virtual communication will never make you liberated in real life.

Perhaps you have no idea this moment how to live without the Internet. But just recently he was gone, and everyone was happy. What to do if there is no Internet, you say? You can find a lot of things to do. Instead of “doing nothing,” you can spend your time productively. Let it be small things (helping with the housework, expanding your horizons with the help of books, documentaries etc.), but they will be useful.

Never run away from problems in real life. Solve them right away. Only life problems can make a person dependent on something that can give them at least a little happiness. Be strong to face any challenges that life is full of.

Today, it would seem that everyone is registered on social networks, but there is a line between visiting your page from time to time and a pronounced Internet addiction. If you are afraid of losing interest in other aspects of your life due to constant surfing on the Internet, then you may be developing an Internet addiction. Fortunately, you can avoid it and not spend your whole life at the computer.


Limit the time spent on the computer

    Admit there is a problem. More and more people in the world suffer from Internet addiction. You are not the only one who faces a similar problem: more and more people are connected to the Internet. Do not be shy. Find people with a similar problem and help each other solve it.

    Limit your time at the computer. Don't turn it on unless necessary. If you have a laptop, close it and put it away. When the computer is out of sight, there is no temptation to use it. If you have a desktop computer, cover it with something and don't go near it unless necessary.

    Call people instead of texting or using instant messengers. Arrange for a walk with a friend and spend at least 3 hours outside. This will take your mind off the computer. If you're in school, try doing something together homework– over the phone or actually get together.

    Use an alarm clock or timer. Before using the computer, set a timer, for example, for 30 minutes, and when the time is up, walk away from the computer. You can also set a timer to turn off your computer (Google how to do this). With it, you program the computer to automatically turn off after a certain time after turning on.

    • Make a list of what you need to watch on the Internet and set a timer when you go to a site. Do this constantly and try to reduce the time to 5 minutes per page.
  1. Copy the information you need. If you constantly use the same sites, simply copy the necessary texts and save them on your computer or print them on a printer. This way you will not have to use the Internet so often and you will not move from one page to another.

    If possible, try to use the computers in the library. You will not be tempted to visit certain sites, and there are time restrictions on using the Internet in the library. In addition, in the library you will have access to a large number books and magazines, so you won't have the same urge to surf the Internet as you do at home.

    Find other activities

    1. Find yourself a hobby that is not related to the Internet, computers, smartphones, video games, TV and other technology. Sign up for sport Club, dancing, singing, attending church and the like. Start running or take up some sport. Learn to go to bed on time and get enough sleep. Find out what events are held in your city: films, concerts, lectures, sports, book presentations. Choose anything that is not related to the Internet.

      Put things first. If you are a student or student, study and do your homework. If you are working, concentrate on what needs to be done first, rather than procrastinating on the Internet. Make a to-do list for each day and stick to it. Allow yourself to have fun and surf the Internet only after all the work is done.

      Help your family cook. If you can do without a computer for at least some time, your self-esteem will increase and you will realize that you can stay away from it for longer. Cook dinner or bake something and make your family happy.

      • Don't eat at the computer! So you won't once again go online.
    2. Meet your friends. Go with them to shopping mall, play bowling, go skating, walk the dog together. Avoid places with free internet access (such as coffee shops).

      Spend your evenings with your family. Instead of watching TV, gather the whole family around the table, talk, and play a game together after dinner.

    • Get your sleep in order. Many people have trouble sleeping due to their addiction to the Internet. Become more organized and disciplined.
    • If you need to look at something on the Internet, do not be distracted by extraneous things, look only at what you need. Set a timer and don't stay online for too long.
    • Set yourself up to achieve your goal!
    • Make a list of reasons why you will be happier without the Internet.
    • Go to the park or the beach and spend time in nature.
    • Don't forget to eat, sleep, take a bath and maintain hygiene on time.
    • Avoid addictive sites. If you become addicted to certain sites, ask someone to block them, or use parental controls to adjust access to certain sites and time spent on the computer.
    • Ask friends or family to remind you if you spend too much time on the computer.
    • Turn off notifications, subscriptions, and anything else that will distract you while surfing the Internet.
    • Think about how much money you will save without the Internet.
    • If you decide to turn off the Internet, then be prepared to give it up completely.
    • Disconnect from the Internet or get rid of your computer.


    • You may need a computer to complete school tasks and doing homework. Use your computer only for necessary tasks.
    • After 15 minutes of working at the computer, get up and stretch, this will prevent fatigue of the eyes and the body as a whole. Using a keyboard or mouse for long periods of time can cause carpal tunnel syndrome and other serious problems.