National holiday Kazan Autumn is celebrated on November 4, 2019 (October 22 is the old style date). IN church calendar On this day (starting from 1649) a celebration was established in honor of the Kazan Icon Mother of God, as a token of gratitude to the miraculous image for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the Poles in 1612.

history of the holiday

The 16th-17th centuries are called the Time of Troubles. During that period, the Polish principality mocked the Christian religion and the entire Orthodox faith, plundered churches and monasteries, cities and villages. With the help of deception, it took control of Moscow. Patriarch Ermagen convened the people into a militia to defend the Motherland. It was headed by Prince Pozharsky. An image was sent from Kazan for spiritual support Holy Mother of God.

The entire Russian people raised a prayer to the Lord God and the Mother of God for help and imposed a 3-day fast on themselves. The prayer was heard, and the wrath of God was replaced by mercy. On October 22, 1612, the militia defeated the invaders and liberated Moscow.

Traditions and rituals

This day is considered a turning point. It is after this that winter comes into its possession.

Kazan autumn - the time of settlements for completed construction work. This day was the last when the owners could pay off all the workers: painters, carpenters, plasterers, masons, simple mercenaries and others. The men returned home with money, where their wives and laid tables, laden with food and beer, were waiting for them.

Traditionally, on this day the basement was ventilated, the juniper was set on fire and the room was fumigated with it. This was done in order to preserve supplies: so that they would not rot and run out.


If the harvest was rich, then the winter will be very cold.

If it is a clear day on Kazan autumn, then cold will soon come, and if there is fog, it will be warm.

If this day passes without rain, then the year will be difficult.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, which is confirmed by many historical facts. Since ancient times Orthodox people they prayed to her, asked for help and support in the most difficult times for Russia.

The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated twice a year: in the summer - on July 21 - in memory of the appearance of the icon in Kazan, and on November 4 - in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Rus' from Polish invaders.


© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has a very interesting story. It was found in 1579 by a nine-year-old girl in the ashes of a terrible fire that destroyed part of the city of Kazan.

The fire in Kazan started in the house of the merchant Onuchin. After the fire, the Mother of God appeared to the merchant’s daughter Matrona in a dream and revealed to her that under the ruins of their house there was her miraculous image buried in the ground.

It still remains a mystery how the shrine fell into ruins. It is believed that it was buried by secret confessors of Christianity during Tatar rule.

At first they didn’t pay attention to the girl’s words, but when the dream repeated itself three times they began to dig and found an icon on the ashes amazing beauty. The holy image, despite the fire, looked as if it had just been painted.

The image was solemnly transferred to the parish church of St. Nicholas of Tula, the rector of which was then the pious priest, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Hermogenes.

The future saint, who died at the hands of the Poles for his fidelity to Orthodoxy and was canonized, compiled a detailed account of the miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The fact that the icon was miraculous became clear immediately, since already during the procession the sight was restored to two Kazan blind people. These miracles were the first in a long list of cases of grace-filled help.

At the site where the icon was found, a convent was subsequently founded, where Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

So by the time difficult times came in Russia, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was no longer just known, but also very revered.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatkov

Many copies were made of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the icon itself became famous for its miraculousness - the sick recovered, the blind gained sight, enemies were defeated and expelled.

The most famous miracles of the intercession of the Mother of God are associated with the events of the Time of Troubles. It is believed that it is miraculous icon helped the militia led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and merchant Kuzma Minin defeat the enemy on November 4, 1612 and liberate Moscow from the Poles.


At the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, a series of tragic circumstances occurred in Russia and this era went down in history as the Time of Troubles. This is the era of the deep crisis of the Moscow state, caused by the suppression of the royal Rurik dynasty.

The dynastic crisis soon developed into a national-state crisis. One Russian state collapsed, numerous impostors appeared. Widespread robberies, robbery, theft, and widespread drunkenness struck the country.

By call His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes, the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland. A list of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Kazan was sent from Kazan to the Nizhny Novgorod people's militia, which was led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.

The militia, having learned about the miracles performed by the icon, took it with them and constantly prayed in front of it, asking for help. They liberated Kitay-Gorod on October 22 (November 4, new style), and two days later they took the Kremlin. The next day, Russian soldiers with a religious procession went to the Kremlin with miraculously in hand.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Artist G. Lissner. "The expulsion of Polish interventionists from the Moscow Kremlin. 1612."

In memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles by the will of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, the first Russian Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, and the blessing of the Metropolitan, later Patriarch Philaret, Orthodox Church It was established annually on October 22 to celebrate the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow with a procession of the cross.

At first this celebration took place only in Moscow, but since 1649 it became all-Russian. It is believed that the Most Holy Theotokos took the Russian militia under her protection. The holiday was celebrated in Russia until the 1917 Revolution.

The icon of Our Lady of Kazan became the common shrine of Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and all of Russia, where there were three main miraculous icons of Our Lady of Kazan - the discovered one and two copies.

One of the lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was brought into Moscow liberated from the Poles by Dmitry Pozharsky, who headed the people’s militia. Now it is kept in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

Traditions and signs

On this day, all people went to church, where they prayed for their homeland, for their loved ones and relatives, so that there would be peace and tranquility in families.

After the liturgy, all believers went to a religious procession - with icons in their hands, they walked around cities and villages, which symbolized the protection of the settlement from harm. Today they are limited to walking along the main streets or just around the church.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

In the old days, women believed that on this day the Mother of God helped them. There were many protective rituals that women used on this day.

For example, a birch leaf gives beauty and protects against old age. To do this, early in the morning on the holiday, women went to birch grove, where they were looking for leaves covered with frost. Having torn off a piece of paper, they looked at it as if in a mirror. It was believed that after this the face would become clearer and younger, and the woman would look beautiful throughout the next year.

This day is considered happy for marriages and weddings. In the old days it was believed that on such a bright day of celebration Orthodox faith, it's the right time to create new family. Those who wanted to live family life without problems and in happiness, they tried to coincide the wedding ceremony precisely with the autumn holiday of the Kazan Mother of God.

There are many signs associated with the weather: if in the morning the ground is covered with fog, it will be warm, and if It is raining- it will snow soon, if the sun shines brightly - the winter will be just as sunny.

Rainy weather on this day is a good sign. People said that this Mother of God cries and prays for all people. She begs the Lord God for forgiveness for the people and asks that their life be easier, that the harvest next year be good, and that there be no famine.

But dry weather, on the contrary, is bad omen. People say that if there is no rain on Kazanskaya, then next year will be very difficult. And you can’t count on a good harvest at all.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Nasyrov

Also on this day, the villagers went out into their gardens and scattered salt on the ground: “they treated them to bread and salt” so that the future harvest would be rich and plentiful. After this, all the fields were walked around with the icon, and then a festive meal was held on the ground, consisting of gifts of earth and holy water.

What do they pray for?

The Kazan Mother of God is considered a miraculous icon, and prayers to her can be fateful. People believe that during any disaster, grief or misfortune, the Kazan Mother of God can cover a person asking for help from all troubles with her invisible veil and save him.

In front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God they pray for the healing of eye and other diseases, protection of the house from disaster and fire, deliverance from enemy invasions, blessing of the newlyweds, the birth of children, and family well-being.


Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Orthodox Christians reverence the icon of the Mother of God. This is explained by the numerous miracles that are associated with the miraculous icon. Temples and churches of the same name were built in honor of the Kazan icon. And in the church calendar, the appearance of the icon is marked by holiday dates, one of which falls on July 21 - the day of the first appearance in Kazan.

July 21 is the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the story of a miraculous appearance

The story of the miraculous appearance of the icon took place in 1579. The faith of Christians was not yet strong enough to resist trials. An unmerciful test falls on the shoulders of Kazan residents.

The rays of the scorching sun are not able to break through the columns of dust and ash. A terrible fire that burned here for a week mercilessly destroyed the Church of St. Nicholas.

The Kazan Kremlin was also engulfed in flames. No matter how hard the men tried, they could not put it out - and the glow stood over the hail for many hours. Horror gripped the women and children. what will happen if it is not possible to stop the disaster and the flames spread to houses. After all, winter is coming very soon, and there is no way to have time to rebuild a new home.

And the opponents of the church grinned sarcastically, why did your god allow a fire - he did not protect his temple. And many doubted their faith. Maybe this is a sign of God’s displeasure that people turned to Christ.

The efforts were in vain - and the fire was still able to destroy many houses. Construction has begun.

There is no time to grieve, and there is no one to expect help from.

Very soon it will be cold - and work will begin to boil at an accelerated pace. The days of fire victim Daniil Onuchin also passed in worries.

But the daughter of the Sagittarius, Matrona, did not understand parental worries at all. The nine-year-old girl was glad that her mother and father did not prohibit interesting fun. And the little ones had something to get carried away with.

We spent the whole day conducting research excavations at the fire site. Either you find an interesting pebble, or an outlandish piece of glass. Only in the evening, having calmed down, Matrona ran home and quickly fell asleep.

But one night the little girl woke up from an unusual dream.

The Virgin Mary herself came to her, illuminating her with a bright light. And she told me where to find the miraculous icon at the fire. The little girl was frightened and couldn’t understand whether it was a dream or a vision.

Tired parents swore at their daughter. Dreams are not all from God, and only saints have visions. So Matrosha’s unusual dream remained unnoticed.

But the vision is repeated the next night, and the next day. Nevertheless, the parents decided to check, and what if it was not without reason that Matrona sees the Mother of God every night.

And Matrona and her mother went to the fire in the indicated place. We started digging. A little more, and, lo and behold, is it really an icon? They took out a package, and there, indeed, was an icon of the Mother of God.

How did the icon end up in the ground? Most likely, in this way the first Christians saved the icon from the encroachments of infidels.

News of the discovery quickly spread to neighboring villages. And the priests hurried to the wonderful place.

Archbishop Jeremiah accepted the icon and ordered it to be transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas.

After holding a prayer service, the icon is carried in a procession to the first Orthodox church city ​​of Kazan - Annunciation Cathedral.

The miraculous power of the icon manifested itself on the way. Two blind men from Kazan, Nikita and Joseph, received their sight during Procession of the Cross. And lines of sufferers hurried to the icon, and even those who had grinned yesterday, doubting their faith.

The pilgrims asked the icon to return health, goodness for great deeds, and help in important events.

Ivan the Terrible himself was so amazed by the story of the discovery of the icon that he immediately ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and a convent to begin.

It was in this monastery that Matrona and her mother subsequently took monastic vows.

Miracles of the Kazan Mother of God Icon

The icon of the Mother of God is a guide, and many Orthodox believers have found their way thanks to the holy image.

With the Kazan icon, the militia marched towards Moscow during the Time of Troubles and was able to liberate the city from impostors.

In 1636, the most significant temple was erected in Moscow - the Kazan Cathedral. It was to that temple that the miraculous icon was later transferred.

Peter I and his soldiers, on the eve of an important battle - the Battle of Poltava, turned specifically to the icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which was located in the village of Kaplunovka.

In the war with Napoleon, soldiers went into battle with the image of the Kazan Mother of God. It was on October 22, on the day of the celebration of the appearance of the Kazan Icon, that a major victory was won over the French after they left Moscow. The day began with snowfall and severe frosts, which was one of the reasons for the melting of the enemy army.

But the holy image shows the way not only to warriors and liberators. It is with this icon that parents bless young people for their life together. Many miracles are associated with the icon, which became beloved in Rus'.

Celebration of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God

First of all, from this day harvesting began in the villages.

But for villages and cities where the icon was the throne, July 21 was a holiday and a non-working day.

It was a sin to work on such a day.

Therefore, festive celebrations were organized, which were attended by residents of neighboring villages. Treats and songs accompanied by an accordion were obligatory.

They sang short songs and ditties. Young people danced in the streets. The holiday could last for several days.

History, traditions, signs and rituals of Kazanskaya.

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is associated with the greatest historical events of Russia, with the names of people deeply revered by the people. This icon was miraculously found in 1579 in Kazan, shortly before that it was taken by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. After a fire that destroyed almost the entire Christian part of the city, the Mother of God appeared three times in a dream to the 9-year-old girl Matrona and ordered Her icon to be found on the ashes. When the mother and daughter began to dig in the place where there had been a stove before the fire, they discovered an icon at a depth of two cubits (about 1 m). One of the first eyewitnesses of this miracle was the modest priest of the St. Nicholas Church, Ermogen, later the Patriarch of All Rus'. Many people immediately flocked to the place where the icon was found, and the city resounded with festive ringing. This day has since become annually celebrated, first in Kazan, and then throughout Rus'. At the site where the icon was found in the same year, 1579, Ivan the Terrible founded the Bogoroditsky Monastery, where the revealed Kazan Icon was kept.

The small icon acquired by the girl soon became a national shrine, the banner of the Heavenly Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos over our Fatherland. She showed her miraculous help during the Time of Troubles, when Russia was invaded by Polish invaders. Polish troops took Moscow and imprisoned the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Hermogenes. In captivity, the Patriarch prayed to the Mother of God, and soon the Nizhny Novgorod militia of Minin and Pozharsky arose. Russian troops liberated Moscow and entered Red Square with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (a miraculous copy of it). Prince Pozharsky, in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, erected a temple of the Kazan Icon on Red Square in the 1630s, where it was kept for almost 300 years. In the 1920s, the temple was barbarically destroyed.

The image of the Kazan Mother of God was especially revered by Peter the Great. It is known that the miraculous list from the icon (the so-called Kaplunovsky) stood on the battlefield during the Battle of Poltava. There is a legend that Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh blessed Peter I with the Kazan icon even before the founding of St. Petersburg: “Take the icon of the Kazan Mother of God - and it will help you win evil enemy. Then you will transfer this icon to the new capital... The Kazan icon will become the cover of the city and all your people.” In 1710, the Tsar ordered the miraculous copy of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God to be transported from Moscow to St. Petersburg. For some time the icon stayed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and then (under Anna Ioannovna) it was transferred to a special temple built on Nevsky Prospect. The accession to the throne of Catherine II is associated with this St. Petersburg shrine. Paul I, having become emperor in 1796, decides to erect a more worthy temple for the Kazan Icon and announces a design competition, which is won by A. N. Voronikhin, who designed the temple on the model of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. The cathedral took 10 years to build and was completed under Alexander I. In 1812, M.I. Kutuzov prayed in front of the miraculous icon for the salvation of Russia, and here, in the Kazan Cathedral, on December 25, 1812, the first prayer service was served for the deliverance of Russia from the invasion of Napoleon . IN scary days During the blockade of Leningrad, residents of the besieged city recalled the prophetic words of Bishop Mitrofan and believed that the enemy would not enter the city as long as the protection of the Mother of God extended to it.

On this day, the Orthodox Church also celebrates the memory of three saints of the same name - the righteous Procopius. One is the Great Martyr Procopius - a general Christian saint, the other two are locally revered saints: Procopius, the Fool for Christ, the Wonderworker of Ustyug (canonized at the end of the 15th century), the other is Procopius of Ustyansky (canonized in the 17th century). Both Russian saints are associated with the Russian North, where their cult was very widespread. “There is reason to believe,” says T. A. Bernshtam, “that in the minds of local residents, all three Procopius, celebrated on the same day, merged into a single “righteous” image” [Bernshtam, 1995; 253]. It is not surprising that Procopius is here somewhat weakened attention to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

About the righteous Procopius of Ustyug, G.P. Fedotov wrote that he was the first real holy fool in Rus'. “Unfortunately,” the scientist noted, “his life was compiled (XVI century) many generations after his death, which it itself dates back to 1302, placing individual events in either the XII or the XV century. This life brings Procopius to Ustyug from Novgorod and, what is most striking, makes him a German. From a young age he was a rich merchant, “from Western countries, from the Latin language, from the German land." In Novgorod, he learned the true faith in "church decoration", icons, ringing and singing. Having been baptized by Saint Varlaam of Khutyn (anachronism) (Fedorov calls this anachronism, that is, an erroneous attribution of an event to another time, transferring it to the present or a time close to us. - A.N.) and having distributed his property, he “accepts the foolish kin of Christ for the sake of life and violence, shift to violence,” according to the Apostle. From Novgorod, Procopius, through impenetrable forests and swamps, gets to Ustyug, a city that amazed him with “church decoration.” Here he leads a life with which the most severe monastic feats could not be compared: has no roof over his head, sleeps on the ground or on the porch of the cathedral church. He prays secretly, at night, asking for “the well-being of the city and the people." Once, entering the church, he predicted God's wrath on the city of Ustyug. No one listened to the holy fool's calls to repentance, he cried alone for days on the porch. “Only when a terrible cloud came over the city and the earth shook,” everyone ran to the church. “Prayers in front of the icon of the Mother of God turned away God’s wrath, and a hail of stones broke out twenty miles from Ustyug, where centuries later one could still see the fallen forest” [Fedotov, 259, 260].

A church in the name of Saint Procopius was erected in the Solvychegodsk Boris and Gleb Monastery. There are legends about numerous miracles (mainly healings, restoration of sight, expulsion of demons from the possessed) performed by the icon depicting Procopius of Ustyug, the main shrine of the temple.

The Dvina-Vazhsky watershed, as T. A. Bernshtam found out, was the main place of veneration of Saint Procopius of Ustyansky. In the village of Bestuzhevo, where all the roads in this region converged, there was a cult symbol - the source of Procopius the Righteous (in the upper reaches of the Kodima River, a tributary of the Northern Dvina).

Prokopyev Day in the Russian North was a votive (beer) holiday, covering “the entire range of human existence and the well-being of livestock” (Bernstam, 1995; 228].

In most Russian provinces, the day of Summer Kazan was considered a significant holiday. It was celebrated most solemnly and widely in those villages where Kazan was a patronal holiday. Guests came here, young people organized festivities, and the celebration could last for several days.

The punishment for disrespect for the holiday is evidenced by a story recorded in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow province. In the village of Nikolskoye, the German manager (one of the most ferocious, according to the recollections of the peasants) “drove the peasants to mow down Kazanskaya. The peasants say: “Vasily Romanovich, today is Kazan, a holiday!” - “What a holiday! The holiday is in Kazan,” he replies.

At two o'clock in the afternoon a terrible thunderstorm broke out and hit the prince's barnyard, killing about two hundred cattle on the spot. “Well,” the peasants say, “here’s a holiday for you in Kazan!” Since then, they have never worked in Kazanskaya again” [Eleonskaya, 229].

The hottest time of summer is approaching, literally (weather) and figuratively (work in the field). “We believe,” wrote A. S. Ermolov, “that from this time, along with the harvesting, the most intense summer heat begins” [Ermolov, 1; 373]. In connection with hot days, they joked: They say that in the old days and on Kazanskaya a man froze on the stove.

The day is considered the opening of the harvest season.

The harvest is ripe, and the sickle is sharpened.

Grain in the ear - hurry to reap the strip.

They reap sometimes - they chew in winter.

The harvest is an expensive time, there is no peace for anyone here.

Sweat pours out, but the reaper takes its toll.

Procopius is the reaper, the reaper, he begins the harvest.

Where the veneration of Saint Procopius was great, before the start of the rye harvest they served a prayer service to the saint, slaughtered sheep, and organized worldly treats. In the Vyatka village of Varzha, Luza district, quite recently, old-timers recalled that on the day of Procopius “they went to church with cheeses. There they will be sprinkled and the priest, the deaconess, and the psalm-reader must be cut off. The rest will be put on the grave” [Vyat. Ph. NK, 115].

In central Russia, from Kazan, they began to truly prepare for harvesting grain (in Tambov, Voronezh provinces), and in some years they had already begun to harvest rye.

Smolensk women, going to the field for dinner, took with them boiled eggs, bread, salt and lard. Having pressed several sheaves, they separated the first and sat down to eat the food they had brought. To ensure a bountiful harvest, before harvesting the first sheaf, they said: “Become, my sheaf, worth a thousand kopecks!”

In a number of localities, after cutting the first ears of corn, the reaper twisted them and tucked them into her belt, so that, as they said, her back would not hurt, there would be no ache in the lower back - after all, they reaped at an angle, and even in the heat, and this is very hard work. The Vologda reapers, starting the harvest and girded with the first cut ears, uttered a kind of spell: “Just as a blade of grass bends and does not break, so would the back of the servant of God (name) bend and not break and not get tired. Forever and ever, amen!” [Spiritual Council SB, 118].

The first sheaf was given great importance. He was solemnly brought into the house, placed under the icon, he was the first to be placed in the barn, and threshing began with him.

Blueberries are ripe for Kazan.

The blueberry berry is ripe, and so is the rye.

Blueberries are not only a delicacy. Since ancient times, people have used its berries and leaves as an effective medicine, especially for stomach and intestinal disorders, diabetes, rheumatism and gout.

Centuries of experience have shown that it is very beneficial to eat blueberries in large quantities during the hot summer.

Around Prokopiev day in the Tyumen region they began to collect hay into shafts and then dig it up. And from the heaps to form seeds. In the northern provinces, the day of the Kazan Mother of God was considered the beginning of mowing.

The Vyatka farmer considered Prokopyev Day as the middle date between Peter’s Day and Ilyin’s Day: it was separated from the first by 12 days, from the second by 9 days. Based on these dates, the timing of various agricultural works was established:

From Petrov to Prokopyev day, haymaking, from Prokopyev to Ilyin day, sowing of winter crops.

Based on the weather of Prokopius' day, they judged the day of Elijah the prophet: It rained on Procopius and rain on Elijah. Correlating Prokopyev Day with Ilyin, they transferred to it the danger of a thunderstorm that could burn the collected dry hay: Prokopyev Day is an angry holiday: you cannot rake hay [Vyat. Ph. NK, 115]. The peasant could not do without a joke, without playing on the name of the saint: if the rains became frequent at this time, they said: The hole on the stove is wet.

In the Middle Urals, winter rye was also sown between Prokopyev Day and Ilyin Day.

Interestingly, the connection between Procopius and Elijah is found in the beliefs and rules of behavior regarding evil spirits. Siberians, for example, believed that on Prokopyev Day, as well as on Ilyin, people should not swim, since it was at this time that the merman loves to splash and play in his element and does not tolerate being disturbed. You should also not wash clothes on this day (especially rinse them in a river or pond): the water will drag away the guilty ones.

The first compressed sheaf that was brought into the house drove out flies, cockroaches, etc.

The first sheaf enters the house, and the bugs and cockroaches are out!

Flies, bastards, get out! The owner is coming into the house!

Traditionally, on November 4, Rus' celebrates the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The holiday, which has a long history, is dedicated to the day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1916. It is believed that it was the miraculous icon that helped the militia led by Prince Pozharsky overcome a lot of difficulties and defeat the enemy.

In the old days, this holiday was considered a state holiday and enjoyed special love among the people. Nowadays, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is widely celebrated by Orthodox citizens of the country. In 1993, on this day on Red Square, the opening of the restored Kazan Cathedral, destroyed by Soviet power in 1936, took place. The liberator icon is kept in it.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icons; long list miracles and healings. First magical power was assessed by two blind men who were entrusted with transferring the icon to the temple. Immediately after completing the assigned work, they began to see clearly.

Let the Kazan icon
Today he will bless you,
Will cover up troubles,
It will protect you from all diseases!

I wish you warmth on this day,
There is calm and peace in the soul,
To happy life was
And it brought only joy!

Let Mother of God protects you
Protects from troubles and worries.
Goodness, love and peace promise
And he will keep faith in his heart!

Let the icons have a bright face
It will illuminate your entire family,
Doesn't allow enemies or illness into the house
And it helps you all in life!

On the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, I sincerely wish you peace and prosperity, health for the whole family and prosperity, bright hopes and good thoughts, strong faith and incredible strength. May the Kazan Icon always protect you from life’s disasters and enemies, may the Mother of God never allow you to fall and lose your soul.

A short

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
Let him help and find the answer to everything.
Let him protect with his grace,
Bring love and joy to your home!

Let the Kazan icon
Protects from misfortune
Let the Mother of God help,
Let it ignite faith in your heart.

Know that miracles are possible
Always pray sincerely
Heaven will always help
Make your wishes come true.

Today we honor the Kazan Icon.
May the Mother of God protect you.
And now the bells are ringing
Let your soul thunder with happiness.

I also wish you peace of mind
And strong, sincere, great faith.
Let him surround the world with his beauty
And the Mother of God will always be with you.

Let the Kazan icon bring
Welcome, good luck, joy in fate!
Let everyone who asks her for a miracle,
Suddenly he will experience a miracle!

Let the icon protect everyone from troubles,
And gives everyone magical salvation,
The icon does the impossible,
And there is no explanation for these miracles!

Let the Kazan icon
Will protect you from harm.
Peace and happiness will be at home,
And there is light in the soul of hope.

Let the Mother of God help,
Heal all illnesses.
Let problems not bother you,
And love reigns all around.

There are special holidays in the world,
Which bring only grace.
They are revered by adults and children.
They are protected by the Mother of God.

People pray to her not in vain.
She will always help everyone who is waiting.
Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan
Let joy and peace come to your home!