Mysterious India is different from what we are used to European countries even dividing the climate into seasons. Based on temperature changes, the year in India can be divided into three periods: winter (from November to February), summer (from March to June) and the long monsoon season, which lasts from June to September.

A similar change of seasons is typical for all countries located in the so-called zone monsoon climate, which is characterized by high humidity and heavy precipitation in the summer, while in winter there is practically no precipitation.

But, as a rule, tourists are not stopped by either rain or heat, and on the vast territory of the country at any time of the year you can find a favorable place to visit.

Climatic features in the states of India depend on the geographical location of the region. The Himalayan range is one of the most important climate-forming factors. With their height, the mountains block the flow of cold winds approaching from the side Central Asia, which contributes to rising temperatures in most parts of the Indian subcontinent. The rainiest month in the Himalayas is March, and the warmest months are the summer months. In the highlands of the Himalayas, temperatures drop below zero; there is Gulmarg, a popular ski resort.

In the valley of the Ganges River, where the largest and famous cities India, Delhi and Kolkata, monsoon season is June. In general, on the flat part, the weather in winter is somewhat closer to ours - the temperature at night can drop to +5 degrees; but by May it gets very warm. Throughout the central territory of the country there is never cold weather, and many trees do not even shed their leaves.

There are no sudden temperature fluctuations on the southern coast of India. Precipitation here is uneven. Most of them occur at the extreme points of Hindustan, where from June to September, due to heavy rains, strong waves rage on the surface of the sea, making swimming dangerous. On the other hand, over the beaches There is almost no rain in the Tamil Nadu region.

The best time to travel to India is winter. This season, warm weather is established throughout the country without sudden changes and with minimum quantity precipitation. Exceptions are high points The Himalayas, where it is quite cold in winter.

Temperature in January throughout India decreases significantly, at this time it blows from the North-East dry monsoon. In the northern part of the country, temperatures down to 0 degrees are possible, while in the south the average temperature continues to remain at +27. In January, holidays are in full swing ski resort in Gulmarg, and other beaches are the focus of tourists.

In Central India in February The thermometer drops to approximately +20 degrees. Climate this month in different regions of the country very contrasting. It falls in the mountains a large number of snow, while for Goa February marks the peak influx of holidaymakers. Air humidity in February does not exceed 40%.

In March It's getting hot in all regions. Cool evenings and nights still occur, but in general the beginning of summer is already noticeable, and the velvet season is ending. In March you can go to the Andaman Islands, where a refreshing sea breeze constantly blows, and the sea, still calm in the absence of rain, is ideal for diving.

In April The flow of tourists in the South and Center of India is significantly reduced, since not many are able to withstand the coming heat. Rains are extremely rare this month. Sometimes during the whole of April there is no precipitation at all. Those who are not afraid of temperatures from +35 to +45 degrees can safely visit Indian beaches. This month they are not so crowded, and the sun is not aggressive, and the tan will lie evenly without burning the skin.

In May Temperatures throughout almost the entire country may reach their annual maximum. In Delhi, for example, it is almost +50 degrees, and the average temperature is about +40. In May difficulty transferring weather conditions even the local residents themselves experience it; Only dry air helps to survive the heat. This is not the best period for traveling to South India, where temperatures remain high even at night.

June is the beginning of the rainy season. In the first week, monsoons dominate the entire territory of India. Relatively little precipitation at this time at the foot. In many regions there are thunderstorms throughout the month. On the flat territory in June it is hot and wet air, which is not very comfortable. Frequent rains occur on the coast of the Arabian Sea.

July is the rainiest month of the year; Besides, the heat hasn't subsided yet. It is difficult to be in most of India at this time, although in the North the rains are gradually subsiding, and it is already possible to visit Delhi and other cities in the Ganges Valley relatively calmly.

In August It’s already getting cooler, although not very significantly. Temperatures generally drop at night due to rain. This month, you can probably only spend time in comfortable conditions in the mountains, where there is practically no monsoon. In other regions, precipitation levels reach 600 mm.

September is the last month of the rainy season. Precipitation is rapidly decreasing, the heat is also receding, but the flow of tourists is increasing sharply. This month you can visit Ladakh and have time to travel through the mountain passes, which, as a rule, are already closed at the end of the month.

The so-called post-monsoon season begins in October., that is, the movement of the monsoon in the opposite direction. The temperature this month drops to about +30 degrees, the weather is clear and sunny. Goa is again gaining great popularity, as well as the state of Kerala, where Ayurvedic resorts(Ayurveda is a system of alternative medicine that originated in Tibet before our era).

The most suitable month for vacation is November. In Goa, the average air and water temperature this month is 30 degrees. There is practically no precipitation in November in the Center and South of India, and Kerala, rich in parks, plantations and other tropical vegetation, as well as beaches in the Kovalam area and other southern cities are ideal to visit this month.

Holidays in December are also included in the velvet season. average temperature on the southern part of the peninsula it is about +25-27 degrees, and no more than 70 mm of precipitation falls.

How, when and where exactly to go depends only on you. Some people do not tolerate heat and high humidity well, while others take them calmly but avoid them large cluster of people. For some, a beach holiday is preferable, while for others, an active or even sports holiday is preferable. India welcomes guests all year round. In winter, there are ideal conditions for traveling to the South, and when the heat comes to the coast, the mountains greet you with hospitable coolness. However, you need to remember that due to the global trend of climate change, the weather can be changeable, so be sure to check the accurate forecasts when planning a trip to India.

And finally, great video, filmed during the rainy season in the summer of 2015 in Goa

A country of incredible contrasts in everything, the second most populous in the world, and perhaps the only one that has six seasons! India reveals its weather secrets, which are worth using when planning a trip to this distant country.

Climate zones of India

Spread over three million square kilometers of the peninsula Hindustan , India has an impressive territory. It would be very strange if the weather here were boringly ordinary.

Bay of Bengal, Palk Strait, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea– all this natural wealth influences not only the development of the tourism industry, but also the formation of different, sometimes reaching extreme, climates.

The Indian landscape is conducive to weather diversity: the hot breath of the desert, the Himalayan mountain temperature extremes, and the humid valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers.

The Weather 33 website separately describes the climate of the state of Goa, since most tourists go there. But in India there are many others no less interesting places.

It is the remoteness from the ocean expanses and the landscape, together with the altitude above sea level, that are prevalent in determining the climate in each specific region of India.

Geographically, the following main climatic regions can be distinguished:

  • Subequatorial belt – it contains most of India. Here they dominate tropical monsoons starting at the end of May, gradually moving up to the Himalayas. At the beginning of July, it is already recorded throughout the country maximum amount precipitation. The monsoon period lasts until November.
  • Himalayas - Here mountain high altitude climate (in winter, sub-zero temperatures in the highlands, in summer – maximum +30°C)
  • Indo-Gangetic Plain temperate climate with continental features, dominant in the north of the country, implies hot summers and cold winters
  • tropical wet - islands
  • tropical dry - states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, southern Punjab
  • Subtropical monsoon – Northern India


  • November-February – sunny but cool, little precipitation
  • March-June – hot weather, no precipitation
  • July-September – hot, but monsoons prevail, so humidity is very high
  • October-December – post-monsoon

In general, India has six seasons - three main ones, plus early spring and two rainy seasons.

Tourist seasons in India

Among the three main seasons of the year, the most comfortable for tourists who are not accustomed to the constant “sauna” on the city streets or torrential rains is the period from October to March. This period is good for traveling around Central, Northern and partly South India.

The best time to climb the mountains is June-August. At this time, the Himalayas most cordially welcome tourists.

The average air temperature is around +28+32°C, the water temperature in the Indian Ocean is around +25°C.

The first half of the year can be spent in the south of India, and during this time you can visit the deserts of Rajasthan.

The most unique combination different types The month of rest is December, because at this time the ski season starts in one region, and the beach season is in full swing in another!

What to take with you

India is a country of contrasts. If in tourist centers everything is possible, for every taste and thickness of wallet, then on the outskirts there is poverty and unsanitary conditions. If a traveler wants to see the real India, outside the tourist routes, then, first of all, you need to stock up on a first aid kit. Analgesics, all kinds of drugs for gastrointestinal disorders, preventive drugs for malaria and allergies.

It is definitely worth bringing sunscreen, hats and sunglasses.

As for clothing, in India women wear long saris; here it is not customary to wear short skirts and parade around the street in a swimsuit. It is better to take several sets of clothes with you (not cotton - it takes a long time to dry, it is better to take satin or silk), the rest can be bought cheaply. Loose shirts for men and long dresses for women can be purchased locally at a low price. You need to take your underwear with you; you should not buy it on the spot. Good sturdy shoes and a raincoat in bad weather are a must. By the way, regarding the last point, you don’t need to take an umbrella: in dry weather it is not needed, and in the rainy season you will get wet even under it. In the cold months, a hat and fleece jacket are a must. For ski holidays - appropriate equipment. A windbreaker will come in handy in the mountains.

Take with you a pair of shoes, or better yet several, that you don’t mind saying goodbye to. The fact is that when entering temples, it is customary in India to take off your shoes. And you won’t always find it where you left it.

Giving clothes to be washed in India is also not an easy task. Of course, you can use the services of a male washerwoman (the so-called dhobi), but it is not a fact that your snow-white shirt will be returned to you safe and sound, and even without any tint.

It’s best not to take gold jewelry, which has a cult following here, as it could be torn off your neck or stolen on the train while you’re sleeping.

A separate item is bed linen. Not everywhere your ideas about cleanliness will coincide with local traditions.

You will also need such little things as a flashlight (electricity is intermittent everywhere), personal dishes, a boiler (you are unlikely to find one there), personal hygiene products, and a phrase book.

Weather in India by month


In the valley of the Indus and Ganges rivers, a period of low temperatures, even frosts, begins. Sub-zero temperatures are present in the Himalayas. December is the beginning of the ski season. This is also an excellent time for beach holiday on South.

New Year (Diwali) is celebrated here in India for five days.


While it is cold in the north of India, it is hot in the south. Although January is considered the coldest month, this month marks the end of winter - Lori. In the Himalayas, due to temperature changes, there are snow avalanches.


The wet and warm winter in the Himalayas results in the presence of significant snow cover - the ski season is in full swing. Temperature – up to -10°C. At the same time, in the south, in the state of Kerala, the thermometer rarely drops below +35°C, and the water temperature there is +30°C.


In the second half of March, spring begins in India. It is characteristic that almost the entire territory of the country experiences hot and dry weather, which is brought by the northeastern monsoons. During the day it reaches +30°C, and the temperature is gradually rising. Water temperature is about +29+30°C.

In the spring, Holly festival is held throughout India - a festival of colors, flowers and joy.


The hottest time begins. April and May are months when temperatures can rise to +47°C. There is almost no precipitation, but there is high humidity.

For unprepared Europeans, the period from May to June is not the best time to travel around the country, as the sweltering heat quickly exhausts you with high humidity, and also has a bad effect on the cardiovascular system.


The rainy season begins. May is a comfortable time to visit Kashmir and the Himachal Pradesh mountain range. There is a period of heavy rainfall in the Himalayas. Summer begins on the 20th of May, the air temperature reaches +40°C.

May is one of the best periods to visit India if you are a surfing enthusiast - the waves will please both beginners and professionals.


Not the best time for active water sports and relaxing on the beach - heavy downpours, wind and thunderstorms. High air humidity, the thermometer in Delhi shows about +33°C, the water is heated to +29°C.

The rainiest city in the world is Indian Cherrapunji (more than 11 thousand mm of precipitation/year), which is located in the northeast of the country on the Shillong plateau.


The hottest month manifests itself differently in different regions. In the south, the humidity is almost 100%, very parc, when real +30°C feels like +40°C. In the Himalayas – up to +30°C.

On July 20th, summer ends in India. At the end of the month, monsoons take over the weather, bringing increased humidity. It is most comfortable in mountainous areas - in the Himalayas. There, during the hot period on the plains, it is only about +23+25°C.


In August, only surfers have a good time on the beaches - high waves and wind contribute exclusively to such a pastime. For sightseeing, you should go to Central India - there it reaches +33°C. The Himalayas are comfortable for trekking.


The season of high waves continues, which makes professional surfers happy. While there are showers on the Adaman Islands, there is minimal precipitation in the southeast.


During the transition month (between wet and dry), the weather varies across Indian regions. The Arabian coast is rainy, windy and damp. In the west it is humid.


November is a favorable time to visit the states of Punjab and Rajasthan - the weather there is comfortable and not hot. Ideal conditions for a holiday in Goa and Kerala. There are hurricanes and tides in Gujarat, so this region is not the best place for visiting.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 21 24 29 36 39 39 35 34 34 33 28 23
Average minimum, °C 8 10 15 22 26 28 27 26 25 20 13 9
Weather in Delhi by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 22 25 32 39 42 41 35 34 34 34 30 24
Average minimum, °C 8 10 16 22 26 29 27 26 24 20 14 9
Rains, mm 13 18 9 6 11 56 203 243 130 25 4 6
Weather in Agra by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 23 26 33 39 40 38 34 33 33 33 29 25
Average minimum, °C 9 12 16 22 26 27 26 25 24 21 14 10
Weather in Varanasi by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 32 32 32 33 33 30 29 29 30 32 33 32
Average minimum, °C 20 21 23 26 26 25 24 24 24 24 22 21
Weather in Goa by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 25 27 33 38 41 40 35 34 35 36 31 27
Average minimum, °C 10 12 17 23 27 28 26 25 24 20 15 11
Jodhpur weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 30 31 32 34 34 30 29 29 29 30 30 31
Average minimum, °C 22 23 24 25 25 24 23 23 23 23 23 22
Rains, mm 9 15 30 110 240 650 726 420 244 292 151 38
Kerala weather by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 26 29 34 35 35 34 32 32 32 32 30 27
Average minimum, °C 14 17 22 25 26 27 26 26 26 24 20 15
Rains, mm 11 30 35 60 142 288 411 349 288 143 26 17
Calcutta weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 31 31 33 33 33 32 30 30 30 33 34 32
Average minimum, °C 17 18 21 24 26 26 25 25 24 23 21 19
Rains, mm 1 1 0 1 13 523 800 530 312 56 17 5
Weather in Mumbai by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 32 32 32 33 33 30 29 29 30 32 33 33
Average minimum, °C 20 21 23 26 27 25 24 24 24 24 22 21

The tropical climate of India is a real gift for those who like to bask in the sun in winter. When the cold weather hits the northern hemisphere, it is peak season in India.

The hottest months are from October to April, followed by the rainy season.

Most tourists vacation in India in late autumn and winter. Christmas and New Year tours are in great demand.


Winter in India is the best time for a beach holiday and a great tan. In December-January, the air temperature does not drop below +31°C, the ocean is fresh milk (about +26°C). In winter, Goa hotels are never empty, so we recommend booking your tour in advance, especially if you are planning a trip during the New Year holidays.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +31 +20 +27 Beach
February +31 +20 +27 Beach
March +31 +23 +28 Beach
April +32 +25 +29 Beach
May +33 +26 +29 Beach
June +30 +25 +28
July +29 +24 +27
August +28 +24 +26
September +29 +24 +27
October +31 +23 +28 Beach
November +32 +22 +28 Beach
December +31 +20 +28 Beach

Snow falls only in the mountainous regions of northern India, but even there there are tourists in winter. The demand for ski holidays in the Himalayas is growing every year.


Spring in India is perhaps the most controversial time of the year. Usually in March and April there is abnormal heat on the coast of +35°C, and in May the rainy season begins. The rain can pour down like a wall for several hours. The most optimal region for traveling at this time is the Himalayas and the northern regions of India.


During the summer, the monsoon season in India reaches its peak. Despite the heat (up to +32°C), it is uncomfortable to be outside due to high humidity and winds. Maximum rainfall occurs in July-August, but bad weather persists until October.


In autumn, the rainy season ends and the swimming season begins in India. The air temperature remains at approximately +31°C, but the lack of precipitation has a beneficial effect on tourism business. Cafes that were closed for the summer are opening, there are fewer and fewer places left in hotels in Goa, and tourists are flocking here from all over the world.

Interestingly, tours at the beginning of the beach season are usually cheaper than in winter.

India, located north of the equator, looks like a large triangle on the world map, the apex of which faces the Indian Ocean. At its base there are mountain ranges - the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Karakoram. The Himalayas, stretching in an arc in a northeast direction, have a great influence on the climate of India. They serve as a natural barrier, protecting the territory from the cold winds blowing from Central Asia.

Thanks to this, India is warmer than other countries at the same latitude. The Thar Desert has a significant influence on the weather. The country has a predominantly tropical monsoon climate. There are four main varieties: wet tropical, dry tropical, subtropical monsoon and alpine.


India has a huge territory, so in each individual region the climate may differ depending on the altitude above sea level, terrain, distance from rivers and the ocean, as well as other factors. And yet, there are four main seasons observed in the vast majority of the territory: winter (December - early April), summer (April - June), rainy season (from June to September) and post-monsoon (October - December).

If you look by month, these indicators are very conditional, since in each region the length of the seasons varies from year to year. The traditional Hindu calendar contains six seasons. The change of seasons is influenced not only by temperature indicators, but also by changes in wind direction and total precipitation.

December and January are the coolest months. During this period, in the northwest the temperature ranges from 10 to 15 °C, gradually increasing as it approaches the equator, and in the southeast it is 20–25 °C. In the north it is hottest in May, in the west and south – in April. Summer temperatures in inland regions range from 32 to 40 °C.


The high season lasts from December to February, best time for tourists. The weather is sunny and dry, cooler than in summer. Beach season in full swing on the coasts of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The air warms up to 25–26 °C during the day, but the nights are cool. In Kerala and Goa, winters are even warmer compared to summers, with temperatures reaching 32°C.

While some tourists relax on stunning beaches, others prefer ski resorts in the Himalayas. The ski season almost coincides with the beach season. There is snow in the mountains and temperatures range from -10 to -8 °C. In the ski resort of Gulmarg, the peak season falls in December and lasts until March-April. Heavy snowfall occurs in three Indian states - Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarkhand. In the northern lowlands, the temperature may drop to 0 °C for a short time, just one or two days.

In the Delhi region in winter, the thermometer during the day can show 16–21 °C, and at night it drops to 2–8 °C. This weather is especially favorable for visiting the sights of the capital and other interesting places. Tourists who prefer colorful festivals and various entertainment events try to visit India on New Year holidays and Christmas. A distinctive feature of the winter period is dense fogs.


The hottest period lasts from March to June. There is little rainfall during this time, with only 2–5 rainy days per month, and temperatures can approach 40°C. Strong dry winds, which are called “Lu” here, blow in the northern and northwestern regions, warming the air to 45 °C. In Delhi, the climate is more temperate, but even here the air can heat up to 38 °C, and in southern regions and even hotter. At this time of year, cool mountainous areas are comfortable for travel.

Rain season

The southwest monsoon brings heavy rainfall, most regions receive 80% of annual rate precipitation. The monsoon gradually covers Indian territories, affecting the islands of the Bay of Bengal at the end of May, reaching the Malabar coast by early June, Mumbai by June 9-10, and hitting Delhi by June 29.

In early July, all Indian states are already under the influence of the monsoon. Gradually, the rain clouds retreat and weaken, leaving Northern India at the end of August, and Mumbai at the beginning of September. At the end of November, the monsoon completely leaves India.


As the monsoon retreats, it reverses direction, moving from the northeast. Temperatures are dropping and fresh air flows are coming to most regions of the country. Sunny, clear days are setting in. However, October and December cannot be called comfortable months, because they are often accompanied by torrential downpours, winds and storms.

Natural disasters

The country may experience various natural disasters directly related to climate: droughts, floods, snowstorms, dust storms, landslides, avalanches, hail. For coastal regions, tropical cyclones, which bring destructive winds and heavy rains, pose a problem. The strongest cyclone 05B hit the coastal areas of Orissa in 1999. As a result, the death toll was 10 thousand people and another 2 million people were left homeless.

The most common phenomenon in India is flooding, which can be classified as serious natural disaster. Under the influence of the southwestern monsoons, rivers often overflow their banks, flooding coastal areas. The fields are irrigated and fertilized, but at the same time, floods bring destruction and lead to casualties.

Many rivers of India, such as the Indus, Ganges, Mahananda, Brahmaputra, originate in the mountains, fed by glaciers, snow and rain. At the same time, there are rivers that are fed only by rain. They dry out during the winter monsoon, when there is no precipitation, and can overflow in June-October. For the country's agriculture, droughts are a real disaster - yields decrease, a surge in infectious diseases is caused, and in the recent past such phenomena led to mass famine.