Red clover (woodpecker, redhead, wallflower) is a plant that is found everywhere and blooms all summer until the beginning of autumn. But few people know that this widespread plant has long been used in folk medicine, as it has multiple healing properties.

Botanical description

Red clover is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 30-40 cm in height. One bush can have from three to seven branching stems slightly drooping downwards. The leaves are oval-shaped, trifoliate, with small petioles.

Clover blooms throughout the summer, forming spherical inflorescences of small pink or dark red flowers. In August-September, fruits appear on the plant, which are small egg-shaped beans with one seed inside. That is why, in accordance with the botanical description of meadow clover, it belongs to the legume family.

Most often, this plant is found in wastelands, forest clearings, meadows and fields, along roads and rivers, on ravines and slopes. As a fodder plant and a valuable honey plant, clover is grown in fields.

Flowers and perianth leaves are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves and stem themselves are not used for medicinal purposes. Harvested by young, large and bright flowers, dry them, spreading them out in a thin layer in the shade.

Chemical composition

Clover flowers and leaves contain:

  • Simple and complex carbohydrates;
  • Carotene;
  • Minerals;
  • Vegetable proteins and fats;
  • Vitamins C, E, K and group B;
  • Many microelements: phosphorus, iron, calcium, chromium, magnesium, copper;
  • Tannins;
  • Steroids;
  • Saponins;
  • Glycosides isotrifolin and trifolin;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Wax;
  • Essential oil;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Organic acids (coumaric, succinic and salicylic).

Beneficial features

This rich composition determines the properties of red clover: antimicrobial, antitumor, diaphoretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiallergic, astringent, expectorant, antisclerotic, diuretic, decongestant. In addition, this plant strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability and increases elasticity.

Red clover root is also useful - a substance called trifolyrizin is isolated from it, which is famous for its antifungal effect. Further, it is used in the production of drugs for the treatment of hernia, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Indications for use

Pharmaceutical companies based on clover produce the anti-climacteric drug Feminal and the extract Atheroclefit for atherosclerosis.

Homeopathic remedies from redcap are used for hoarseness of voice, paroxysmal suffocating cough and neurocirculatory dystonia.

An infusion from this plant is drunk for colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cough and whooping cough as an antiseptic, expectorant, and antiallergic agent.

Red clover is effective for colitis, cholecystitis and gastritis. For chronic pyelonephritis and urolithiasis the plant is used as a diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. As a mild choleretic drug, it is prescribed for chronic diseases of the biliary tract.

Valashka flavonoids have a pronounced antioxidant effect, protect the body from aging, stimulate the immune system and regeneration processes, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, improve oxygen saturation of tissues, and normalize fat metabolism.

Phytoestrogens contained in clover support women's health, especially during menopause. It is recommended to drink tea from flowers to enhance lactation, in postpartum period and with painful menstruation.

Due to the high content of succinic acid, the use of meadow clover is indicated for metabolic disorders.

Lotions with redcap decoction help with ulcers, carbuncles, purulent ulcers, burns, boils, frostbite, abscesses, allergic and inflammatory eye diseases.

Fresh juice from the plant is used for scrofula, and baths with a decoction are used for panaritium. A decoction and infusion of the flowers and roots of meadow clover is used for gargling for sore throats, gingivitis and stomatitis, and lotions with infusion are used for eye diseases.

In dermatology, the properties of meadow clover are used to combat baldness, vitiligo, graying of hair, and vasculitis. Powder from the plant helps with long-term non-healing purulent wounds, washing with infusion helps with acne. Clover baths are recommended for allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and pustular diseases.

Tea from valashka heads is indicated for cystitis, diathesis, asthma, gout, thrombophlebitis, bleeding, poisoning and chronic kidney disease.

Red clover is rich in salicylic acid, due to which it has a pronounced diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore is used for sore throats, colds and rheumatic diseases.

Ointment from red cap inflorescences is effective for mastitis and cancerous tumors.

Infusion of meadow clover is used in the fight against anemia, chronic fatigue and overwork, compresses with decoction - for rheumatic and neurological pain, alcohol tincture - in the treatment of headaches, hypertension and impaired cerebral circulation.

In addition to treatment, clover can also be used to prevent all the diseases described above. To do this, it is recommended to regularly drink tea from the flowers of the plant, and add fresh young leaves to salads.


As an antitumor agent, clover should not be used in patients with an estrogen-dependent form of cancer.

Pregnant women should not use meadow clover.

Preparations based on this plant are contraindicated for stomach pain, diarrhea, bleeding disorders, heart disease and stroke.

Quarantine organism


Family: Legumes (Fabaceae)

Genus: Clover (Trifolium)

Biological classification

Clover- a weedy perennial plant. Height up to 0.65 m, less often up to 1 – 2 m. The entire surface is covered with pressed or spaced hairs. The root is taproot, highly branched. Stems ascending. The main stem is shortened, with a bunch of basal leaves on long petioles. The leaves are trifoliate, often with a whitish triangular spot. Leaves are broadly ovate to elliptical. The inflorescences are capitate, oblong, located 1–2 at the ends of the stems. Corollas light pink to purple. The fruit is light yellow or yellowish-brown, one or two seeds, an ovoid bean in a perianth. The seeds are heart-shaped-oval, obovate-triangular, compressed, of various colors. Flowering is observed from May to late autumn. There are two types: late-ripening and early-ripening. Fruiting - from the beginning of June. Distributed throughout Eurasia. (Gubanov I.A., 2003) (Keller B.A., 1934) (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Medvedev P.F., 1981)


Red clover seedlings are distinguished by their thin-cylindrical, low, greenish color, imperceptibly turning into a long, thin root and subcotyledon part of the stem. The epicotyledonous internode is undeveloped. The cotyledons are oval, dark green, slightly fleshy with a rounded apex and a clear demarcation of short petioles, no more than 8 mm in length. The size of the cotyledon is 5x3 mm. The petioles at the junction with the cotyledons have a special articulation in the form of a slight narrowing (interception) with a darkish transverse stripe.

The first leaves are arranged alternately. The first is rounded-heart-shaped with a slightly notched apex, covered with spaced simple hairs. Sheet size: 4 x 5 – 6 mm. Petiole length 30 mm.

The second leaf is trifoliate with oval or obovate leaflets, notched at the apex. The length of the leaflets is 5 – 6 mm. The petiole is long. The third sheet is similar to the second. All leaves and their petioles are covered with dense, erect hairs. (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965)

An adult plant develops a taproot-fibrous root system with highly developed thin lateral roots. The underground parts penetrate the soil to a depth of 2.0 m. The stems are erect, can be creeping and ascending, thick and thin, bare and slightly pubescent. The height is generally 40 – 65 cm, in grass mixtures up to 2.0 m. Depending on the type and conditions of the place of growth, the bush has an average of 5 – 8 stems in dense grass stands and 30 – 70 in sparse ones.

The leaves are trifoliate, often with a pattern in the form of a whitish triangular spot, rarely without it. Leaves are elliptical to broadly ovate, up to 2 cm long.

The inflorescence is a spherical or elongated, almost sessile head, consisting of 44–200 closed flowers, 11–14 mm long. The color of the corollas ranges from light pink to purple. Inflorescences are located 1 - 2 pieces at the ends of the stems. At the base there are two apical leaves.

The species is represented by complex populations. There are two main types - late-ripening and early-ripening. Their main difference is the number of developed and shortened internodes. The late-ripening variety has 7–9 developed internodes and 2–4 shortened at the base of the shoot. The early ripening variety has 4 -7, usually 6 developed internodes and 1 - 2 shortened ones. (Gubanov I.A., 2003) (Medvedev P.F., 1981)

The fruits are beans located in perianths. The latter are longer than the beans and consist of fused leaves with subulate-shaped teeth. The surface of the leaves is ribbed, with dense hairy pubescence. The beans are ovoid, single-seeded, sometimes two-seeded. The surface is slightly shiny, light yellow or yellow-brown in color with a lighter lower part, matte in the upper part, dotted rough, slightly corrugated in the lower part, bean length up to 3 mm.

The seeds are heart-oval or obovate-triangular in shape. Compressed from the sides. The surface is smooth, in freshly ripened ones it is shiny, in stale ones it is matte. The color of the seeds is different. Mostly bicolored, violet or greenish-violet on the top and yellow or greenish-yellow on the bottom. Sometimes the seeds are dark purple or yellowish brown. Fresh ones are brighter. (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961)

Biology and development

Clover late-ripening type - winter plant. By the autumn of the first year, a rosette of leaves and shortened shoots are formed. More winter-hardy and durable than early ripening. In the second year it grows and develops more slowly than the early ripening one, and blooms later.

Early ripening meadow clover is a spring plant. Blooms in the first year of development.

Flowering of various types of the species is observed from May to late autumn, fruiting - from the beginning of July. The head produces 85 or more seeds. The seeds are stored in the soil and do not lose viability for 20 years.

Red clover is a plant have a long day, demanding of light, moisture-loving, prefers fertile soils. Propagated by seeds. (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Medvedev P.F., 1981) (Gubanov I.A., 2003)


Habitat in nature

Clover lives in moderately wet and dry meadows, in light forests and along forest edges, along the edges of fields and field roads. (Komarov V.L., 1945)

Geographical distribution

Clover distributed in many areas of Eurasia. In Russia, the range reaches as far north as Arkhangelsk. In the Caucasus it lives in the Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia, in Siberia - up to the Yenisei. General distribution: Europe, Algeria, Minor and middle Asia, India, Afghanistan, Kashmir, North America. (Keller B.A., 1934)


Clover– found in various crops, especially present in fields after perennial grasses. (Shlyakova E.V., 1982)

In case of moderate to severe weed infestation:

  • successfully competes with cultivated plants in the fight for light, water, and nutrients;
  • lowers soil temperature;
  • activates the development of pathogenic organisms and harmful insects;
  • complicates mechanized and manual agricultural work. (Masterov A.S., 2014)

Control measures


  • sowing with high-quality seed material;
  • use of fallow fields in the crop rotation system;
  • compliance with agrotechnical requirements;
  • mechanical destruction of weeds in uncultivated areas. (Masterov A.S., 2014)


Treatment with herbicides of the group of aryloxyalkanecarboxylic acids, carbamates, sulfonylureas, glyphosates and other substances. (Masterov A.S., 2014)

Chemical pesticides:

Spraying during the growing season:

Spraying the soil before sowing, during sowing, before crop emergence:

Spraying weeds before sowing and crop emergence:

(State catalogue, 2017)

Compiled by: Grigorovskaya P.I., Zharyokhina T.V.

Family: legumes (Fabaceae).


Clover is widespread in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and parts of Africa.

Form: annual and perennial herbaceous plants.


Clover is an annual and perennial herb. The height of the plant depends on the species. The root system is taprooted, highly branched, and in some species becomes woody. Clover is a grass on the roots of which nodules develop with the help of the bacterium Bacillus radicicola. Thanks to them, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. Shoots grow in bunches. Stems are erect, slightly pubescent. The clover leaf grows on a long stalk. Clover leaves are trifoliate, palmate or four-leafed. The clover leaf shape is elliptical. The leaf color is green and white. The inflorescences are the spherical heads of clover. The color of clover flowers depends on the species. The fruits are single-seeded beans. Clover seeds are small and spherical.

More than 250 species of clover are known.

(T. alpestre). Perennial. Height up to 45 cm. Stems are straight, branched, pubescent. The clover leaf is pubescent, with serrated or entire edges. Clover flower is light red. Blooms in June-July.

(T. ochroleucum). Homeland - Mediterranean. Perennial. Height up to 50 cm. Stems are erect, slightly pubescent, unbranched. The leaves are three-leafed, with entire edges, pubescent. The color of the flowers is yellow. Blooms in June and July.

Bolander's Clover (T. bolanderi). Perennial. Stems are bare and short. Leaves grow from roots. The edge of the leaf is serrated. The clover flower is light purple or pink.

Clover Brandega (T. brandegei). Homeland - Central America. Height up to 15 cm. Inflorescences are large. The color of the flower is pale pink.

Hungarian clover (T. pannonicum). Perennial. Height up to 80 cm. Stems are straight. Clover leaf is pubescent. The color of the flowers is pale yellow. Blooms in June-July.

(T. incarnatum). Perennial. Height up to 90 cm. Stem straight, branched. The leaves are three-leafed. The leaf color is bright green. Clover flower is bright crimson.

Mountain Clover (T. montanum). Perennial. Height up to 60 cm. Stems are straight, slightly branched, pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed, with a finely serrated edge. The color of the flowers is yellowish or white. Blooms from May to August.

Clover long-legged, or long stem clover (T. longipes). Perennial. Height up to 30 cm. Stems creeping, pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed. The clover flower is pinkish-yellow.

Stiff-haired clover (T. hirtum). Height up to 30 cm. Stems are straight, densely pubescent. Clover leaf is pubescent. The color of the flowers is purple.

Strawberry clover (T. fragiferum). Perennial. Height up to 20 cm. Stems creeping. The leaves are green, without spots. The color of the flowers is white or white-pink. Blooms from June to October.

Chestnut clover (T. spadiceum). Annual. Height up to 30 cm. Stem branched, bare. The leaves are three-leafed. Clover flower is golden yellow. Blooms from June to August.

Clover brown (T. badium). Perennial. Height up to 20 cm. Stems creeping, pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed, glabrous. The color of the leaves is yellow-green. The color of the flowers is golden yellow. Blooms from July to August.

Clover reddish (T. rubens). Homeland - Southern Europe. Perennial. Height up to 60 cm. Stems form a dense large bush. Each stem is covered with numerous leaves. The inflorescences are very large. The color of the flowers is reddish-crimson. Blooms in late June-early July.

Clover (T. macrocephalum). Homeland - east coast of the USA, mountainous regions. Height up to 25 cm. Stems form a dense carpet. The leaf color is blue-green. The inflorescences are large. The color of the flowers is pink and grayish-white, with purple spots.

Clover, or red clover (T. pratense). Homeland - Europe. Red clover is a perennial. Height up to 60 cm. Stems are erect, slightly pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed. The color of the flowers is lilac-red. Red clover blooms from July to August.

Lupine clover (T. lupinaster). Perennial. Height up to 50 cm. Stems are straight, pubescent at the top. The leaves are palmate, the edge of the leaf is sharply toothed. The inflorescence of this type of clover is umbellate. The color of the flowers is red-violet.

Clover small (T. nanum). Homeland - southern USA, mountainous regions. Dwarf species. The stems form a dense carpet. Flowering is very abundant. Flower color ranges from pale pink to bright red.

Single-flowered clover (T. uniflorum). Perennial. Height up to 10 cm. Stems creeping. The leaves are three-leafed. The color of the flowers is lilac.

Open-nosed clover (T. apertum). Homeland - Caucasus, Asia Minor. Annual. Height up to 60 cm. Stems are branched, pubescent in the upper part. The leaves are three-leafed, pubescent, with a finely toothed edge. The color of the flowers is yellowish-pink.

Clover Parnassus (T. parnassii). Perennial. Height up to 20 cm. Stems are thin, branched. The leaves are three-leafed. Flower color is pink.

Clover Parry (T. parryi). Homeland - southern USA, mountainous regions. Height up to 5 cm. Stems form a dense carpet. The color of the flowers is pink-violet.

Persian clover (T. resupinatum). Annual. Height up to 100 cm. Stems are straight, bare, with few branches. The color of the flowers is pink-violet.

Clover underground (T. subterraneum). Annual. Height up to 50 cm. Stems creeping, branched, pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed, pubescent, the leaf margin is finely toothed. The color of the flowers is white.

Creeping clover, or white clover (T. repens). Homeland - Europe. Perennial clover. Height up to 40 cm. Stems are low, creeping. Creeping clover forms a dense bush. The leaves are three-leafed. The edge of the leaf is serrated. The color of the flowers is white, greenish and pinkish. Creeping white clover blooms from July to September.

(T. arvense). Annual. Height up to 35 cm. Stems are straight, branched, pubescent. Leaves with serrated edges. The color of the flowers is whitish-pink.

(T. campestre). Homeland - Mediterranean. Annual, less often - biennial. Height up to 30 cm. The stem is creeping, branched, often pubescent. The leaves are three-leafed. The color of the flowers is yellow. Blooms from May to September.

Spreading clover (T. diffusum). Annual. Height up to 60 cm. Stems are slightly branched, pubescent. The leaves are pubescent, the edge of the leaf is serrated. The color of the flowers is purple-pink. Blooms from May to June.

Clover pink, or Swedish clover, or hybrid clover (T. hybridum). Perennial. Height up to 40 cm. Stems weakly branched. The leaf color is light green. Flower color ranges from white to pink. Clover pink blooms from May to July.

(T. dasyphyllum). Homeland - southern USA, mountainous regions. Height up to 15 cm. Stems form bunches or a carpet. The color of the leaves is blue-gray. The flowers are pale yellow with purple-red tips. Blooms from July to September.

Clover is dubious (T. dubium). Annual, less often - biennial. Homeland - Mediterranean. Height up to 30 cm. Stems creeping, bare. The leaves are three-leafed, with a serrated edge. The color of the flowers is bright yellow. Blooms from May to September.

Clover medium (T. medium). Perennial. Height up to 40 cm. Stems are mostly unbranched, bare. The edge of the leaf is finely toothed. The color of the flowers is red. Blooms from June to September.

Clover similar (T. ambiguum). Homeland - southern Ukraine and Russia. Perennial. Height up to 50 cm. Stems are straight. The leaves are three-leafed, with a serrated edge. Flower color ranges from white to pinkish-red. Blooms in June-July.

Pacific clover (T. pacificum). Perennial. Height up to 50 cm. Numerous stems form a bush. The color of the flowers is pink-violet.

Clover angular (T. angulatum). Homeland - Caucasus. Annual. Height up to 40 cm. Stems glabrous. The clover leaf is small. The color of the flowers is pale red. Blooms in May.

Clover Khadeni (T. haydenii). Homeland - southeastern USA, mountainous regions. Height up to 5 cm. Stems form a dense carpet. The color of the flowers is reddish-white. Blooms from July to August.

Growing conditions

In general, growing clover is not particularly difficult. Clover is unpretentious. Clover is a plant that requires moist, well-drained soils and prefers slightly acidic soils.

White clover, widely used in ornamental gardening, is very light-loving and does not tolerate shade.


Clover is a lawn grass. Clover seeds are widely used in lawn mixtures to create thriving lawns. Lawn clover tolerates trampling well. clover grows very quickly after mowing.

White clover in a lawn mixture creates a very durable lawn that does not require mineral fertilizing. Creeping white clover does not need to be trimmed often. Numerous varieties of clover of this type have been bred, thanks to which it is possible to create a lawn of optimal color.

Mountain types of clover are good for. Decorative clover of these types is capable of creating a grass carpet among stones.

Clover is a nutrient-rich herb. The use of clover as a forage plant is widespread.

Clover is used in folk medicine as a medicinal plant, especially red clover. Red clover is also a source of aromatic oils. The beneficial properties of clover have been known since ancient times.

Clover is a honey plant.


Clover prefers organic feeding. Some types of clover tend to grow aggressively, so they need to be weeded out periodically.


Clover reproduces by seeds. However, growing clover is more productive if you use purchased clover seeds rather than your own.

Sowing of clover is carried out when cleared of weeds, since in the first year of life perennial clover is very vulnerable. Sowing clover for the lawn is done in a mixture with other grasses; planting annual clover is carried out only in its pure form.

Diseases and pests

Clover most often suffers from slug attacks.

Popular varieties and forms

Varieties and forms of creeping clover

    ‘Atropurpurea’- a variety of clover with purple leaves with a green edge.

    'Dragon's Blood'- clover with leaves of green-brown-cream color.

    'Good Luck'- four-leaf clover, green spotted leaves.

    'Green Ice'- clover with leaves of a combined dark and light green color.

    'Hiccups'— the clover leaf of this variety has a spotted, green-cream color.

    ‘Purpurascens Quadrifolium’- four-leaf clover, the color of the leaves is reddish-brown with a green edge.

    'Wheatfen'- clover with three-leaf leaves of purple color.

    'William Lyall'- a variety with leaves of light green-purple color.

Clover is a plant that is well known throughout the world for its nutritional and medicinal properties. The culture grows widely in natural conditions, it can be grown in a cultivated environment in the garden near your house or cottage. For normal cultivation, you need to know what clover is, how clover is useful for humans, when clover blooms, etc.

Clover: plant description

Clover (Latin name - Trifolium) is a genus of plants belonging to the Moth subfamily. Clover is an annual or perennial plant; its root system is fibrous, becoming woody in some varieties. The foliage is predominantly trifoliate; in some cases there are plants with four leaves or palmate leaves. The stipules are characterized by filminess, most of them grow tightly together.

The flowers are predominantly red or white, in rare cases they are multi-colored. They are small in size, usually spherical heads that make up their main external difference from other crops from the legume family. Flowers in some cases are covered with two or one superficial leaflet. When asked what kind of inflorescence clover has, we can say that the flowers are most often arranged in racemes or umbrella inflorescences, in rare cases they are located singly.

The fruit is a bean, inside of which there are 1-2 seeds, in rare cases more. The bob reveals itself relatively late, and sometimes does not reveal itself at all. The seeds are small, either oblong or spherical.

The most common species of this genus is meadow clover, also known as red clover. The culture is widespread throughout Europe, with the exception of the Arctic regions. Plantings are also located in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and other North African countries, as well as in Central and Western Asia and North America. On the territory of Russia, the culture grows everywhere in the European territory of Russia, as well as in Siberia, Kamchatka and other regions of the Far East. Meadow clover usually grows naturally in open areas, such as moderately moist meadows, roadsides, wastelands, deserts and forest glades, fields as a weed.

Other known types of clover are:

  • purple clover;
  • lupine clover;
  • strawberry clover;
  • field;
  • pink;
  • creeping;
  • mountain;
  • narrow-leaved, etc.

Additional Information : In some regions, clover is called "mush".

What plant family does clover belong to?

When asked which family clover belongs to, we can say that the plant should be classified as a member of the Legume family. Proof of this is the ability of clover to fix nitrogen, typical of legumes.

Types and varieties

Under cultural conditions, two main varieties of meadow clover are widely cultivated: early-ripening double-cut and late-ripening single-cut. The first category includes plants characterized by accelerated development and increased growth of vegetative mass. Such plants branch more strongly and have denser foliage. A special feature of this variety is the ability to form an aftertaste.

Red clover

Late-ripening plants differ from early-ripening ones at the morphological level - they have more elongated stipules and an increased number of stipules, the number of which varies from 7 to 12. Such plants give a higher yield at the first cutting, but subsequently they are practically unable to form regrowth. The variety in question is distinguished by its higher winter hardiness.

The most common varieties of red clover are:

  • Amber. An early ripening variety that is resistant to root rot and cancer. During the growing season it helps to obtain 2-3 cuttings;
  • Stable. A variety of Belarusian selection, ripening in early dates and distinguished by increased winter hardiness. During the growing season it produces 2 cuttings and is resistant to high humidity;
  • Maro. A mid-early ripening variety obtained in Germany. Shows resistance to root system diseases and cancer;
  • Pratsavnik. Belarusian variety, characterized by an increased level of productivity and resistance to drought. It is resistant to lodging and produces an average of two cuttings during the growing season;
  • Long-lasting. The variety was obtained as a result of targeted crossing of the Slutsky early ripening and Predkarpatsky 33 varieties. It has high yield and winter hardiness, ripens early. Gives three cuttings during the entire growing season;
  • Ternopil-2. The variety was bred in Ukraine, is resistant to adverse winter conditions, ripens early and has increased productivity. Gives 2-3 cuttings per season;
  • Renova. A high-yielding variety characterized by drought resistance. It produces 2 cuttings per season.

Other common varieties of red clover in our country are:

  • Jaskrava;
  • Mereya;
  • Slutsky;
  • Demena;
  • Early-2;
  • Veteran;
  • Amos;
  • Knight;
  • Valley;
  • Vitebsk resident;
  • Minsky;
  • Tsudovny;
  • Trio;
  • Altyn;
  • Green;
  • Hephaestus and others

How does clover reproduce?

The crop propagates mainly by seed. On some varieties, vegetative division can be used, but such plants take root less well. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm either before winter or in the spring after winter stratification.

Where does clover grow?

Clover is a plant that grows well in various types of soil, but the most optimal options for it are loam, sandy loam, black soil and gray forest soil. In the presence of irrigation, the crop grows on all soils, and with reclamation - even on peat bogs. Clay soils are least suitable for this. The soil should be sufficiently moistened, but too much liquid is also harmful.

Please note: Oxalis is a flower similar in appearance to clover, but belongs to a different family.

Clover: plant properties

The medicinal properties of clover are well known throughout the world. Its foliage and inflorescences contain a significant content of medicinal and health-promoting substances, which include:

  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • salicylic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • fiber, etc.

Contains fiber

Clover has found application in the preparation of various medicines, mixtures, and syrups. It is a component of many herbal medicinal preparations. On its basis, infusions, decoctions, tinctures are prepared at home, and freshly squeezed juice is also used. These substances are used for lotions, rubbing, rinsing, and medicinal baths. Vegetative parts of clover are added to the following products:

  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • means for treatment skin diseases and washing;
  • powders;
  • shampoos.

The culture in question has the following health benefits:

  • diaphoretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorant;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic.

With the help of infusions and decoctions based on clover plants, it is possible to free organisms from accumulated excess fluid. These drinks are also used for rinsing in the fight against sore throat, gingivitis and stomatitis.

Clover-based ointment

Internal use of porridge decoctions is widely practiced in folk medicine in the fight against diseases and problems with the body such as:

  • diseases of the biliary tract and kidneys;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • asthenia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • poisoning;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the bladder and appendages;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • anemia;
  • rickets;
  • bleeding of various natures.

Due to the anti-sclerotic effect of clover, it can be used in the fight against atherosclerosis and the cardiovascular system. The plant contains flavonoids, which have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • oxygen saturation of tissues;
  • normalization of fat metabolism.

Additional Information! Applying a decoction lotion can stop headaches and migraines. Patients say that the plant can work a miracle in this regard.

Clover-based products have a positive effect on human body, which is as follows:

  • the condition of veins and other vessels improves;
  • intracranial and blood pressure decreases, as well as cholesterol levels;
  • vascular walls are strengthened;
  • hemoglobin content increases.

Red clover is particularly effective in the fight against cancer. The drugs cleanse the blood and mucus, inhibiting the formation of new cancer cells.


Clover and medicinal products based on it are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • estrogen-dependent type of cancer;
  • allergies and individual intolerances;
  • recent heart attack or stroke.

With prolonged use of this drug, men have a risk of decreased potency, and women have a risk of delayed menstrual cycles.

Used for diarrhea

Diseases and pests

The greatest danger to clover are diseases such as:

  • fusarium;
  • rust;
  • anthracnose;
  • ascochyta;
  • clover brown spot;
  • typhullosis;
  • root bacteriosis;
  • flower mold;
  • vein mosaic.

To treat these diseases, they most often resort to the use of appropriate fungicides, applied in accordance with the instructions. As preventive actions, it is recommended to strictly follow the cultivation technology, in particular, take into account the seeding rate, predecessors, irrigation and fertilizing regime, etc. Viral diseases usually cannot be treated with chemicals, therefore, if they are present, it is recommended to remove diseased specimens from the plot and burn them.

Pests on porridge are usually controlled using insecticides. The most dangerous pests on this crop are:

  • meadow moth;
  • phytonomus;
  • yellowlegged and small seedeaters;
  • weevil, etc.

Helpful information

Red clover is a common forage plant around the world, including in Russia. Red clover is usually grown under cultural conditions for this purpose because the bacteria in its root system are symbiotically associated with nitrogen, causing the vegetative mass to become rich in proteins.

Additional information: Red clover is also an important honey producing plant and a food plant for many insects due to the presence of honey in the flowers.

Some parts of the plant can be eaten. Thus, the flowers and leaves are dried to be added to tea. Fresh flowers can be used, for example, in salads. Fresh leaves are also edible, although they have an unpleasant taste.

The positive properties of clover determine its popularity as a cultivated plant. If you have certain knowledge and skills, this process will not be anything complicated and will allow you to obtain high-quality productive plantings.