Try to eat 5-6 times a day with an interval of 2-3 hours between meals. This way you won't have time to get hungry. Your body will always have fuel. And by applying this principle of nutrition, you will be able to improve your metabolism, which is also good for debugging your work. digestive system, and for weight loss.

Fractional nutrition means reducing portions. First try reducing the portion by 1/3. Then listen to your feelings, experiment, perhaps half of the original portion sizes will be the most optimal for you.
Some adherents of proper nutrition take 200 grams of food as the optimal serving unit. But still, this is not an ideal solution: 200 g of nuts is too much and filling, but 200 g of tomatoes is small and low in calories. The quality of food (in terms of calories, nutrition and digestibility) is more important than just its weight. You can only determine the best portion size for yourself through experience, but the good old advice that you should leave the table slightly (!) hungry makes sense. It is better if the last meal is the lightest in all respects (calorie content, digestibility, portion). Sometimes it’s better to just drink kefir 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.

Metabolism is faster in the morning than during the day and even more so in the evening, so at this time of day you can afford to eat more heavily. Cook porridge, such as oatmeal, make an omelette or just boil eggs, eat light salad from tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh herbs. You can diversify your morning diet with durum wheat pasta, wild rice or rice noodles. By the way, if you like to eat sweets, then it is better to do it in the morning, while your metabolism is fast (“evening” sweets are stored in the form of extra pounds).

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, they protect against heart and vascular diseases, are essential components of an anti-cancer diet, and also have antioxidant properties and participate in detoxification of the body.
Vegetables are also good because a significant part of the energy obtained from them is spent on their digestion, that is, the likelihood of gaining weight when eating them is minimal. Vegetables are best eaten raw or steamed. They should be consumed at lunch or afternoon snack.
For dinner, you can also prepare a light vegetable salad, but it’s better not to eat fruit at night. Many of them contain a large amount of acids that irritate the stomach; in addition, sour and sweet and sour fruits whet the appetite, while starchy ones, such as bananas, are very high in calories. Ideally, fruits should be consumed at 11-12 noon, the recommended later acceptable time is 17.00.

If you are not a vegetarian, then the “meat” issue is undoubtedly important to you. With proper nutrition, you can and should eat meat, but try to replace fatty meat with lean veal or poultry fillet. Limit your consumption of smoked meats, sausages, fried meat. Try steaming, baking or boiling meat. And remember the portions. It is best to eat meat at lunchtime, ideally with meat or vegetable broth. Choose vegetables for a side dish!

Dairy products contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary for our body. Drink milk, kefir and fermented baked milk, eat natural cottage cheese.
Choose foods with medium to low calorie content. Be sure to enrich your diet with hard cheese with a low fat content. But it is better to keep the consumption of sour cream and cream under strict control, especially if you want to watch your figure.
It is better to eat dairy products during the second breakfast and before bed (let you always have a glass of kefir as your last meal).

Maintaining normal water balance in the body it is important task, requiring self-control. There is a simple formula for determining your personal water norm. Just divide your current weight by 20. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you need to drink about 3 liters of water per day, but again! Everything is individual and requires consultation with a doctor.
Break the volume down into the number of glasses of water you need to drink per day. Try to drink most of your water in the first half of the day. Please note: you need to drink slowly, in small sips, the water should be room temperature. The first glass of water should be 15 minutes before breakfast. This way you awaken the body and prepare it for the work ahead - digesting the first meal.

By the way, you can add a little lemon juice to the water: it contains substances that break down fat, it helps speed up metabolism and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Some people add a spoonful of honey in the morning, claiming that it best drink to start the day. If you love and eat honey, why not try it?!

There are foods that you can eat as much as you like, even if you are seriously concerned about a slim figure - they are rich in fiber and low in calories. This means they saturate and improve digestion without the risk of growing sides.

We have compiled a list of such products. Please note that we are not saying that you should only eat these foods. Naturally, our diet should be balanced and include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. But these products can fill you up and keep you slim without much effort.


If you cook popcorn without butter and sugar (add, for example, a little salt), then you can eat it without any damage to your figure. The calorie content of popcorn in this case will be only 31 kcal per serving. (A serving in dietetics is approximately as much as fits in a handful or cup, that is, approximately 200 ml.)


Celery stalks are 95% water. It helps to reset excess weight and detoxify the body due to its diuretic effect.


You can enjoy baked eggplant with its incomparable taste as much as you like without a twinge of conscience. After all, a serving of eggplant baked on the grill without oil contains only 24 kcal.

Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines

In order not to gain excess weight, it is often not recommended to eat a lot of fruit, but this does not apply to citrus fruits. They are rich in fiber, which regulates digestion and promotes natural weight loss. In addition, fiber helps maintain a feeling of fullness and suppresses hunger, which is also facilitated by drinking plenty of water. The flavonoid naringenin prevents weight gain and helps the liver process excess fat. Vitamin C promotes the formation of natural collagen in the skin, has a positive effect on its elasticity and makes the appearance of cellulite less noticeable.

Watermelon and melon

Only 60–70 kcal per slice (melon has a little more) - you can eat them all day long. Watermelons and melons help remove excess liquid from the body and saturate well.


Seaweed (kelp and others) is the richest source of iodine, which helps improve correct work thyroid gland, which means that the hormonal levels will be in order and the weight will remain normal.


A serving of zucchini squash contains only 42 kcal. They normalize the water-salt balance in the body, and this is the most important factor for those who want to lose weight. Zucchini improves intestinal motility, as it contains a lot of fiber and liquid. In addition, with the help of zucchini you can reduce the calorie content of main courses.


An indispensable vegetable for those who are planning to lose weight - it helps fight swelling and lose weight with health benefits.


Beets are an excellent source of microelements, in particular manganese, which promotes fat burning, helps muscles work, and regulates blood sugar levels. You can simply bake it, put it in salads raw and boiled, and in juices. An average serving contains only 40 kcal.


You can eat them at any time of the day, even at night, if you’re hungry, and you won’t gain an ounce. Of course, boiled is better than fried.

A pineapple

The most delicious fruit - a true friend those who dream of losing weight. The bromelain it contains actively breaks down fats and helps digest proteins.

Apples and plums

One apple contains only 50 kcal, it gives a feeling of fullness and regulates intestinal function. And plums are rich in vitamin C, as well as potassium, which supports the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Arugula and salad

Lettuce and arugula are excellent sources folic acid, which can be eaten in kilograms. One lettuce leaf contains only 3 kcal.

Berries: currants, cranberries, strawberries

The large amount of vitamin C in currants and cranberries helps the body burn fat. Currants also have a diuretic property, which means they help get rid of excess water in the body, which allows you to forget about swelling and extra centimeters at the waist. Strawberries have excellent nutritional properties, improve digestion and keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

Cabbage of all varieties and types is an ally of slim women. A serving of chopped cabbage contains only 7 kcal, and at the same time you can prepare many dishes from it: soups, salads, main courses, add to juice mixtures and smoothies. Of course, you shouldn’t, for example, rely only on cabbage and eat it 3 times a day, because the substances it contains compete with iodine for absorption. And we need it for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. But you can include it in the menu several times a week.

And finally, some more good news

If you want to lose weight (or just stay in shape), it's important to eat dinner 3-4 hours before bed. Thus, if you always go to bed at 23:00, then without damaging your figure you can have dinner at 19:00, and if at midnight, then the last meal is acceptable at 20:00.

Today, the average person's grocery basket is replete with a variety of types of food. To modern man Any products are available. But the one who monitors his health and chooses for himself healthy diet, must clearly understand that not all food should be included in the list of healthy diet products. So what can and cannot be eaten by a person who wants to support his body, maintain youth and health? Let's answer these questions in detail.

Do's and don'ts of a healthy diet

Of course, the main principle of a healthy diet is the balance of nutrients consumed. And it's not just protein. The human body requires amino acids, vitamins (E, A, B, PP, D), folic and other acids, magnesium, calcium, etc. To ensure that your body has reserves of nutrients, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible. The table should have vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, natural vegetable oils. Organizing your diet correctly is not difficult. We need to build on the principle of inclusion maximum quantity healthy products and complete exclusion of junk food.

What can you eat instead of meat on a healthy diet?

Protein performs the main building function in the body. This means that this element is responsible for the processes of regeneration, the formation of enzymatic elements, connective tissue, etc. In addition to the construction function, proteins play a protective role, producing special protective bodies in the blood. Proteins actively participate in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, minerals and other bioactive substances. That is, taking this into account, it is easy to conclude that the human body cannot cope without protein. But what if you decide to give up meat and fish? You can easily replace these products with other food elements.

Dairy and fermented milk products

If you choose non-strict vegetarianism, then you can leave dairy and fermented milk products in your diet. They are excellent sources of protein. Also in milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir there are many other useful substances that are needed to maintain vitality and health.


Beans, lentils, peas, soybeans are food elements that do an excellent job of saturating the body with protein. In addition, legumes are very tasty and nutritious.


There are a huge number of types edible mushrooms. They taste excellent, and mushrooms are excellent meat substitutes.


There are more than a dozen types of nuts in nature. They are all buttery, delicious and very filling. By consuming cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, you can replenish some supply of protein elements in the body.


When creating a healthy diet, we must not forget about cereals. They perfectly saturate and enrich the body with healthy fibers and fiber. And, of course, many cereals contain protein. For example, buckwheat contains a large amount of protein.


Sunflower seeds are rich in protein and vitamins needed to maintain health. You can eat sunflower seeds, popularly called sunflower seeds, or you can easily get some protein by eating directly pressed sunflower oil.

Plant food

Some protein is also found in plant foods. However, it is fair to assume that vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs contain less protein than, for example, legumes and mushrooms.

Healthy eating: do's and don'ts

Yoga involves switching to vegetarian food. This means that products obtained by taking the lives of animals should not be on the table. A healthy diet involves avoiding meat, fish, and eggs. This is explained by the fact that, living according to the principles of yoga, we refuse to harm not only our own physical body, but we also care about the purity of the soul. Meat carries negative energy. And even if the animal was not killed by you personally, by eating such food, you may have to bear a karmic response. At least that's what true vegetarians think.

Also, modern meat and fish products are often of poor quality. Animals are fed food with additives to increase growth, weight, antibiotics, etc. When consuming such a product, you cannot be sure that this will not affect the health of the body. Meat, fish, and eggs of questionable production are potential sources of zoonotic infections. For example, low-quality eggs often cause salmonellosis in humans. The meat of artiodactyl animals can be a source of E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria.

What not to eat when eating healthy

We found out, considering healthy eating, what you can and should eat. But now I want to focus on those products that have no place on the table of a person choosing a path for himself healthy image life.

So what you can't do:

  1. Fatty food. You should not allow fatty foods in your menu. This is harmful not only from the point of view of vegetarianism and yoga. Any gastroenterologist will tell you that a passion for fatty foods will sooner or later lead to problems with the digestive tract. In addition, lovers of fatty foods often face vascular and heart diseases. Is it worth talking about excess weight here? After all, it is already clear that by consuming excess fat, you will have to say goodbye to a slim figure.
  2. Convenience foods and fast food. This category of food should generally be labeled with a danger sign. After all, what is fast food? A source of extra calories, carcinogens, preservatives, flavoring additives, dyes, flavor enhancers. Somewhere among this incredibly harmful “cocktail” there was a small percentage of something acceptable. But this is not a fact either. It is not without reason that people who are addicted to fast food and eat processed foods in excess suffer from stomach and intestinal diseases. Well, the excess weight gained from such food is on such a scale that you cannot then cope with it even with the help of diets and exercise.
  3. Confectionery. Sugar itself is not good for you. human body. However, modern sweets contain components that, in their own way, negative impact even sugar overshadows the body. The same dyes, thickeners, preservatives and flavor enhancers can easily be found in chocolates and candies today. Modern sweets are far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to refuse them if you want to maintain a healthy and beautiful body.
  4. Sauces. Many people cannot imagine their lunch without any additives that enhance the taste of the food. Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces are extremely harmful to human health. They contain so much fat, salts, aromatic additives and artificial colors that it is simply impossible to call such food acceptable.
  5. Canned foods. From childhood we remember numerous jars of tomatoes, cucumbers for the winter, as well as all sorts of preserves and jams that were stored in the basement for years. You should not saturate your diet with such products. At a minimum, they do not give anything to our body. Useful fibers are changed and their structure becomes different from that in fresh vegetables and fruits. When preserving, a lot of sugar, salt, vinegar and other additives are often used. The human body does not need all this, and especially in such quantities.

What to eat when eating right

Speaking about proper nutrition, I would like to note a category of products that the human body really needs. We are talking about natural plant foods. Eat apples, apricots, cherries and tomatoes. Any fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs grown in an ecologically clean area without the use of chemical fertilizers are very beneficial for the body. You can eat honey natural production, nuts, dried fruits and cereals. The diet should consist as much as possible of those foods that can saturate it with useful substances. Of course, when creating a menu you need to take into account individual characteristics of your body. It is important to pay attention to the presence of allergies to some food components, as well as to existing chronic diseases, the compensation of which may be impaired due to the inclusion of certain types of foods in the diet.

In addition to the fact that the diet should consist only of healthy foods, it is worth studying the principles of proper nutrition. After all, you also need to eat correctly. Do not overeat, do not starve yourself, distribute meals evenly throughout the day. It is important to maintain a balance between saturating the body with food and energy expenditure. So, we can say that the alignment proper diet- this is only one step towards healthy eating. To get the maximum benefit, it is important to take into account other aspects on which the saturation of the body with useful substances, energy and strength depends.

Voluntary refusal of food and abstinence from any entertainment is called fasting. True Christians who want to reunite with, decide to fast. But what can you eat while fasting to maintain strength for everyday life?

The essence of fasting

Many Orthodox Christians who are just beginning their path to God believe that fasting means giving up eating altogether. But this is not entirely correct. First of all, you need to limit yourself from activities that bring idleness and pleasure:

  • do not participate in pleasure festivities;
  • stop watching entertainment programs;
  • do not do bad things;
  • not fulfill marital duties;
  • do not use foul language or gossip.

Secondly, you need to stop eating fast food. Only lean foods are allowed.

There is a basic list of lean foods that can be eaten:

  1. Various types of cereals: semolina, barley, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley.
  2. Any vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions, beets, carrots.
  3. Fruits and berries.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine.
  6. Bee products.
  7. Canned vegetables, fruits and berries (compotes, jam, vegetable salads).
  8. Seasonings, spices and herbs (dill, parsley, Bay leaf, black and red pepper, cardamom, etc.)

You can eat during fasting, because this is a test, not a test of survival. In order for the body to function fully, it requires a sufficient amount of protein. Where can I get it if the meat is in fast days under strict ban? The answer is simple, you should replace meat products with those that contain vegetable protein. Legumes (beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas) are especially enriched with such protein.

Try making lean soup using any type of legumes, vegetables and grains. Season with spices to taste, and you will understand that fasting can be delicious. But don't overeat. After all, excess food is a violation of fasting. You should eat everything in moderation, trying only to satisfy your hunger, and not to eat to satiety.

When can you eat fish during fasting?

Fish is a unique product that is prohibited on strict days. To answer the question “When can you eat fish during fasting?”, you should study the basic rules for its consumption.

Most often, fish can be included in your diet when fasting days coincide with big days. church holidays. For example, April 7 (Annunciation), the last Sunday before Easter (The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem), the Saturday of Lazarus.

During the Dormition Fast, fish is allowed on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Peter's Fast allows you to eat fish on the following days: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday.

During the Nativity fast, fish can be included in the menu on weekends: Saturday and Sunday.

Special rules apply to people with poor health. When talking with the priest, you can ask for relief, then you will be allowed to eat fish products at any time.

Meals on different days

During the week, you need to know on which days you should relax, and on which days, on the contrary, you should completely abstain from food.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of the strictest fasting. At this time, if possible, you should completely refuse food or you can allow yourself to eat very little raw, uncooked foods. In addition, during these 3 days you cannot add vegetable oils to your dishes. The main food is Rye bread, vegetables, fruits and unsweetened jelly or compote.

Tuesday and Thursday. These days you are allowed to eat food that can be pre-cooked or fried. But again, adding sunflower oil is prohibited.

Saturday and Sunday. Days of relaxation. You can make your own soup or cook vegetable stew with the addition of fish and vegetable oil.

This fast is the strictest and longest. Therefore, before you start committing it, you need to think about whether it will harm your health. Sick people and nursing mothers are allowed to eat even a little meat on fasting days.

You should refuse:

  • from any type of meat, fish and even seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, eggs and even egg powder;
  • baking, since prohibited products are added to the dough during cooking;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces if they contain milk or eggs;
  • alcoholic drinks, as they have cheerful properties.

It must be remembered that fasting people do not eat at all on the first day of Lent and every Friday.

In the first and last 7 days, you can only eat vegetables and fruits and drink only fresh water.

On other days, you are allowed to consume honey, sunflower oil, and sometimes fish.

Are sweets allowed?

Some sweet tooth lovers are interested in whether it is sometimes possible to drink tea with sugar or eat a bar of chocolate during Lent? The Church gives a positive answer.

During fasting, it is allowed to add sugar to food; in addition, you can eat dark chocolate in small quantities without adding dairy ingredients, dried berries, kozinaki, marmalade candies and honey.

Some Orthodox Christians believe that eating honey is undesirable. Old Believers and monks especially adhere to this opinion. But church officials are not against honey being present on the table of Orthodox Christians during Lent. They advise choosing buckwheat or linden varieties, as they contain many trace elements and vitamins.

Menu for one day of Lent

For people who have decided to start fasting for the first time, we can recommend the following approximate meal plan:

  • Breakfast: a piece of black bread, 250 g of any porridge cooked in water.
  • Lunch: lettuce salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice and salt.
  • Afternoon snack: one apple or pear. A glass of berry compote.
  • Dinner: stew of stewed vegetables: potatoes, cabbage and carrots.

According to the clergy, the most important thing is the purification of the soul. But the question “What can you eat during fasting” has no such of great importance. The main thing is to sincerely believe that through spiritual and physical abstinence we...

Adequate and proper nutrition is considered the key to preventing health problems. Therefore, it is important to know what is and is not recommended to include in your diet. In addition, in order to avoid various diseases, it is necessary to follow the basic rules.

Healthy eating consists of observing the following principles:

The optimal portion for a person is considered to be the size of a fist. This principle helps stabilize the balance of hormones and regulates appetite.

  • Inclusion of a variety of foods in your diet, which also includes useful microelements And .
  • Food hygiene (chewing thoroughly, slowly).
  • Avoiding overeating.

For proper nutrition, it is important to adhere to drinking the required amount of water. This is an important factor in the normal functioning of the human body. The daily dose of water should be at least two liters. It is recommended to start the morning with a glass of water. This promotes normal operation gastrointestinal tract. To prepare for digestion, it is recommended to also drink a cup clean water before eating. However, food should not be washed down, as this provokes a decrease in the production of gastric juice, and therefore slows down digestion.

When a child begins to say the word mom: recommendations for parents

Limiting harmful foods in the diet will help avoid many problems in the functioning of organs and their systems. It is advisable that there are no such ingredients in the daily menu at all. Especially junk food fast foods are considered bad for the body. Therefore, snacks should consist of healthy ingredients.

Eating should be done several hours before going to bed. The optimal time is two hours before bedtime. Eating food later interferes with the body’s proper rest. It is not recommended to talk, watch TV or read at this time. Despite this, dinner should be light.

A healthy diet also includes eating plant products. The most useful are fruits, vegetables, and herbs that grow in the area where a person lives. This principle is the basis of a proper diet.

A healthy diet includes eating useful to the body products. These include:

It is important to remember that for healthy eating These foods must be cooked properly. And do not forget that greens, berries, vegetables, fruits should be eaten fresh as often as possible.

What not to eat when eating properly

Harmful foods are unacceptable in a healthy diet, because they increase the risk of various diseases, since they contain many substances that negatively affect the body. Such foods include:

  • Sparkling water
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Confectionery
  • Bakery

Laws of conduction of excitation along the nerve - transmission mechanisms

It is unacceptable to use ingredients that contain various additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors). They are a factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases, weaken the immune system, and contribute to disruption of the endocrine system and the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, they have a carcinogenic effect, that is, they stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

Cannot be used in large quantities sugar and salt. When taking them, the principle of moderation must be observed. Another unhealthy food is fast foods and processed foods.

Proper nutrition, first of all, must be balanced. If it is varied and useful, it will help prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases, tumor processes, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, endocrine system disorders.

Jul 25, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Attention, burning OFFER!

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