Any mushroom picker is pleased to admire a basket of mushrooms filled with important boletuses, sunny mushrooms, scarlet boletuses, and other tasty gifts of nature. But when strange “eggs” that resemble raincoats lie among them, they say that the person is lucky today.

Luck is called ordinary luck. Folk names Phallus impudicus sound like “damn egg”, “shamer”, “upstart”, “devil’s eye”. “Smelly morel”, “flower mushroom”, “witches egg”. Numerous legends are associated with this strange “work of art.” Its unusual medicinal properties have been known since the period of the ancient Romans.

Detailed information about the healing capabilities of Veselka is known from manuscripts of the 17th century. The Dutch botanist Andrian Junius was the first to describe the mushroom in the 16th century. Thanks to new diagnostic capabilities and the level of research technology, it was only in the 20th century that it was possible to determine chemical composition, understand and confirm the unusual healing abilities of the fruit.

What kind of mushroom is this that allows a person to cope with the most difficult diseases that befall him?

Find a mushroom by unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the smell of rotting radishes, carrion. They don’t run away from an unpleasant place, but look around carefully. Usually, magical white eggs are hidden next to the adult mushroom. Their size is comparable to a quail or goose egg. With the remains of mycelium in the form of a thin root, they firmly hold onto the soil.

Mycologists confirm that the fungal egg develops in the thick forest floor for almost three weeks. Its dimensions can reach 150, 200 g. As if a chick is emerging from a shell, a leg and a mushroom cap begins to appear from the white mass. The growth rate of the veselka is up to 5 mm per minute, which made it possible to include it on the page of the Guinness Book. When mature, the cap of the Veselka looks like a bell. Its color can be dark olive, green, brown, white with different shades. A dense spot with a hole forms in the center.

The cap, the stem of the mushroom, is covered with an unpleasant mucus called earth oil. Veselka spores float freely in it. The spore-bearing layer is quickly eaten by numerous insects.

In this case, the color of the cap becomes yellowish, and the structure resembles clearly defined cells. For medicinal applications The mushroom eggs are collected, filled with a gelatinous jelly of earthen oil under a shell called a peridium.

After a week of egg formation, the peridium ruptures and a fungal stalk emerges from it. Its height can be 30 cm, its diameter reaches 4 cm. The height of the cap reaches 5 cm. The spores have a size of about 3 microns. Duration life cycle there is no fast-growing mushroom for more than 3 days. Mushroom pickers often compare the desired fruits to an overripe plum.

Where does it grow in Russia

Veselka is found in mixed, coniferous, deciduous, and forest areas. The mushroom grows solitarily, in groups next to dying trees, near stumps. Most often, up to 20 pieces of fungus in one mycelium are found under hazel, oak, and among spruce thickets. In the southern regions of Russia, the mushroom is almost never found. The growing season depends on weather conditions. Usually it starts in June and continues until October.

The peak of fruiting was registered by specialists in August. Veselka does not tolerate drought in summer or autumn frosts. The development of the mycelium quickly stops. It never forms again over several years in one place. It’s as if it’s specially hiding from human eyes, changing places of growth.

Now there are technologies for growing veselka in home garden beds. A patent for the original technology was received at the beginning of this century by breeder Alexander Kuznetsov.


Several types of veselka are found in nature. A person who knows how to look for mushrooms needs to know that mushrooms have different healing properties. For example, Hadrian's merry, which differs in skin color (it has a lilac tint), is even less common. Most often it grows among sand dunes. There is no confirmation of the healing properties of Hadrian's merry. The mushroom mutinus canis and mutinus rhubarb are also found here. They also develop a leg and a pink and red cap from the egg.

Mushrooms connect to the ground through numerous small roots. A real veselka always has one thin root. The healing properties of these mushrooms have not yet been studied. You will be even less lucky to meet a relative of the merry dictyophora (lady with a veil, net-carrier). The exotic mushroom has the same healing qualities as the common mushroom.

Mushroom preparation

The formation and growth of the fungus takes place in top layer fertile soil, rich in leaves, needles, rotted moss. From a small embryo in the form of a round grain, the famous mushroom grows.

There are certain requirements for preparing a funnel. The most valuable part is the egg. But the young leg, having cut off the cap (which has not changed color or structure), must be carefully trimmed and placed in a basket. A tincture is prepared at home and dried. Mushrooms cannot be washed. They are simply wiped with a wet cloth. Before drying, eggs and legs are cut and hung on threads in ventilated rooms without light.

The shelf life of dried mushrooms stored in glass containers is tightly covered with a lid, lasts 2 years. Young fruiting bodies after peeling of the ovoid shell are suitable for use in recipes for preparing salads from fresh veselka.

An unusually healing mushroom

Now scientific medicine has reasoned evidence of the healing properties of the famous folk healer. Modern instruments have helped determine the chemical composition, isolate compounds and effects that are already known on the body. The future will open up many new secret fun opportunities for us.

The mushroom contains:

  1. Phytoncides. A high concentration of compounds can resist all known viruses and pathogenic bacteria. For example, hepatitis viruses, influenza, herpes.
  2. Polysaccharides. The compounds are among the main elements of the human immune system that help prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. The healing capabilities of the mushroom help to develop protective forces in the body in the war against AIDS.
  3. Antihistamine compounds. They stop processes caused by allergies, relieve irritation and swelling of organs.
  4. Antioxidants. Natural elements inhibit the appearance of free radicals, which cause destructive destruction of the human body.
  5. Phytosteroids. Complex compounds normalize the process of synthesis of male hormones.
  6. Vitamins, rare minerals, complex amino acids. Their positive effect affects the improvement of skin condition and cell regeneration, which is confirmed by the rejuvenation effect.

Carbohydrates, fats, biologically active, not yet fully studied compounds necessary to maintain human health fill the mushroom.

Medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom

The chemical composition of veselka provides the enormous healing potential of the fruit, proven over centuries. The properties of veselka, recognized by official medicine, traditional methods treatments, have found application in the prevention and control of diseases:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Diseases of blood vessels, heart. Reducing blood pressure, helping with recovery after severe heart attacks and complex strokes.
  3. Skin diseases. , bedsores, psoriasis.
  4. AIDS. Thanks to the restoration of the immune system.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach.
  6. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  7. Nervous, mental disorders.
  8. Allergy.
  9. Restoration of male potency and hormonal levels.
  10. Treatment of viral infections.

How to take Veselka

Depending on the type and complexity of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to the standards and form of the drug prepared from the mushroom.

The preparation of the funnel is carried out in the form:

  1. Tinctures.
  2. Powder.
  3. Oils. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of mushroom powder, pour in 500 ml of olive or linseed oil. Infusion takes place within two weeks. The solution is not filtered; it is used together with the useful sediment. For internal use, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of oil before each meal. The course is carried out over four months. External use of the oil is effective for ulcers, skin cancer, burns.
  4. Juice. The production technology is unexpected and simple. It is necessary to clean the mushroom from dirt and shells. Cut into pieces, pour into a glass jar, place in the cellar, bottom of the refrigerator. After some time, the mushroom itself will release healthy juice. It is not taken orally, but is used to treat wounds on the skin.

Examples of the use of Veselka vulgare in the treatment of certain diseases:

1. Prostatitis, diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, growth of cystic formations, polyps. Infertility of men, women, sexually transmitted infections. In this case, drink a tablespoon of tincture daily before meals. Together with the tincture, in the case of the prostate, microenemas are made with a solution of three tablespoons of the tincture in 100 ml of water or a decoction of Yakut grass. It is recommended to make candles using Veselka oil.

2. Cardiovascular diseases. Take a teaspoon of tincture twice a day half an hour before meals. At the same time, the level of lymphocytes increases and the composition of the blood improves. A good effect appears when using infusions of medicinal herbs, such as lungwort, together. For thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, lotions soaked in tincture, juice, or Veselka oil are applied to problem areas. Massage until the product dries. There is no need to apply warm compresses.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system. Thyroid diseases can be treated if you drink a tablespoon of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals. It is useful to take white cinquefoil preparations at the same time. The dose is recommended for the treatment of diabetes in conjunction with Jerusalem artichoke preparations.

4. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Sore joints, lameness, severe pain, the inability to move is now becoming more and more common. A dessert spoon of tincture, juice, or oil, used three times a day as an external remedy, will provide invaluable help. A concentrated tincture is made from finely chopped mushrooms, filled with a 35-degree alcohol solution. After three weeks of infusion, the drug is ready for lubricating sore spots before bedtime, well wrapped in a woolen cloth.

Application in oncology

Veselka vulgaris has reliably proven itself to be an effective weapon in the war against cancer. This is cancer of the mammary glands, skin, lungs, uterus, throat, etc. The action is based on the activation of perforins in the body, which counteract the growth of malignant cells.

Even during chemotherapy, the tincture helps reduce nausea and allows the patient to feel better. The recommended dosage option is to consume a tablespoon of tincture three times a day. You should drink it 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink the tincture with a raw egg.

The course lasts more than a month. A break is taken for 10 days. You need to drink three liters of tincture. This use of the drug is effective for the prevention of cancer. For benign tumors, the dose of regular tincture intake is reduced to two tablespoons.

How to prepare the tincture

Of the proposed forms of preparations from Veselka, tincture is most often used. They sell it in pharmacies and make it yourself.

To do this, take 5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh mushrooms. Pour in 200 ml of vodka. The solution is infused for at least two weeks in the refrigerator.

For large volumes, this ratio of ingredients should be maintained. The longer the tincture matures, the higher its healing properties.

For external use, 100 g of Veselka pieces are poured into a glass of vodka. Leave for a week in a cool place. The solution concentrate is used to make lotions.

Folk recipes

Many recipes for veselka preparations and methods of their use have been tested for centuries. Some of them:

  1. Recipe 1. To treat various stomach diseases, take a teaspoon of dried mushrooms, pour boiling milk over it, and wait for the mixture to cool completely. Stir, drink in one gulp, eat pieces. The product is taken twice a day for a week. Instead of powder, you can use finely chopped fresh mushroom. Recipe 2. Pour a teaspoon of powder into a glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 10 hours. Strain. Drink a third of a glass after meals three times a day. The course of treatment lasts 30 days.
  2. Treatment of trophic ulcers, skin cancer. An effective composition is obtained by combining dry, fresh mushrooms. 100 g of ripened mushrooms are crushed before they begin to rot and mixed with 10 g of powder. The mixture is poured with 200 ml of medical alcohol. They insist for 14 days. The infusion is used for external 29-minute lotions on sore spots. They are done in the morning and evening. The treatment period can be chosen at any time.
  3. To solve cosmetic problems, you need to cut a fresh mushroom and carefully remove the jelly-like pulp. Apply to inflamed areas and cover with a bandage. Keep it there all night. The procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a week for 30 days.
  4. For respiratory diseases and tuberculosis, a good effect is observed when mixing Veselka powder with honey in the same ratio. A tablespoon of paste is not swallowed, but dissolved like candy.
  5. It is convenient to carry out cancer prevention during the harvest season. To do this, three young mushroom eggs are washed, cut into four parts, added to a green salad, seasoned olive oil. It is beneficial to consume it daily for 30 days. At this time, the body is cleansed of harmful substances. After a 20-day break, you can continue preparing this salad until the end of the season.


Individual intolerance to veselka is the main contraindication for its use. The drugs are combined with other drugs used in traditional medicine recipes.

Restrictions related to the nutrition of pregnant women and children remain the same as for ordinary mushrooms.

We bring to your attention a video that describes medicinal properties Veselka mushroom and the process of preparing the tincture:

This is a gasteromycete mushroom belonging to the Veselkov family. Its other names are devil's egg, upstart, shamer, witch's egg, stinking morel, immodest phallus, etc. beneficial properties and the medicinal capabilities of the mushroom have been known since Ancient times, there are many legends about it, it is considered a product of longevity and youth. The Veselka mushroom is a miracle of nature; it has been fully examined by doctors and has found scientific confirmation of its ability to heal the body and fight malignant processes.

Veselka vulgaris. Kinds

There are several types of fungus in nature:

Veselka Hadriana - is extremely rare, prefers sand dunes, has a purple tint.

Rhubarb mutinus and canine mutinus - is a very rare specimen, has a red-pink color, and does not have medicinal properties.

Veselka Adriana - has a purple-pink color and a yeasty pleasant smell, is edible, has no medicinal value.

For medical purposes, only Veselka vulgare is used.

Veselka vulgare – photo of the mushroom

What does the Veselka mushroom look like and where does it grow?

The growing season of Veselka is June-September, it depends on natural and weather conditions. The fungus does not tolerate drought and frost; in such conditions, the mycelium stops developing. Veselka constantly changes its place of growth, as if hiding from people. It reproduces by spores carried by flies and insects. The mushroom grows in European countries, Ukraine, Belarus, less often in Russian territories- Caucasus, Urals, Siberia, Far East. It is listed in the Red Book as a rare and endangered species. Currently, Veselka is grown at home using special technology.

mushroom egg is a valuable product for both medicinal and culinary purposes

Mushroom egg

Next to the adult mushroom there are white eggs, reminiscent of chicken or goose eggs. The egg reaches up to 7 cm in diameter, has a smooth, leathery shell of a white-cream color. It firmly holds onto the ground with its thin root. Inside the egg there is gelatinous pulp with the smell of radish. The egg develops in the soil for about three weeks, then a leg and a fungal cap emerge from the shell, like a chick, growing at an astronomical speed (up to 5 mm per minute).

Adult mushroom

An adult Veselka resembles a bell and has a dark olive color with various shades. A hole in the form of a spot forms in the center of the cap, through which the fungus releases spores. The surface of the funnel is covered with earthen oil - an unpleasant mucus in which these spores float. The mucus is quickly eaten by insects and the color of the cap becomes yellowish. An adult mushroom exists for no more than three days, then it quickly decomposes and rots, leaving only a wet mark.

Warning: twins

Veselka has similar twin brothers - Mutinus canine and Veselka Hadrian.

However, Mutinus smaller in size, has more dark color shells with a yellow tint, attached to the mycelium by several roots (the Veselka has one).

Veselka Hadriana has eggs with purple streaks, and an adult mushroom has a mesh veil.

Rules for procurement of raw materials

mushroom eggs should be collected very carefully, trying not to damage the mycelium

Subtleties of collection. Habitat

The most valuable part of a mushroom is the egg and the stem of the young mushroom. You can find veselka in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests. The mushroom makes bad smell carrion and rotting radishes. Mushroom pickers use this aroma to determine the location of the mushroom; white eggs are always found next to it. They are carefully removed from the soil, trying not to damage the mycelium. Mushrooms cannot be washed; they are only cleaned of soil and debris. Dry the eggs and the stems cut lengthwise, hanging them on threads in a well-ventilated and protected place. sun rays place.

Where can I buy

You can buy mushrooms in pharmacies and online stores. The range of medicines is varied - dried mushroom, extract, powder, capsules, suppositories, creams, etc.

How to store Veselka mushroom

Medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom

the mushroom contains a lot of substances beneficial to humans and has a wide range of medicinal effects

Chemical composition

Nature has endowed Veselka with a unique healing composition:

  • Polysaccharides;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Phytosteroids;
  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Peptides, melanins;
  • Fats and carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties

Veselka mushroom has the following therapeutic effects on the body:

  • Antitumor;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Wound healing;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-aging.

Egg mushroom - beneficial properties

properly prepared raw materials retain all the beneficial properties of fresh mushrooms

Veselka vulgaris has a lot of beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Fights cancer cells and AIDS;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • Relieves allergy symptoms;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Improves condition after strokes and heart attacks;
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • Has a detrimental effect on free radicals, destroying the human body;
  • Normalizes the synthesis of male hormones;
  • Activates the skin regeneration process;
  • Improves skin condition and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • Restores hormonal levels;
  • Improves the quality of blood;
  • Normalizes the function of the endocrine and reproductive systems, the thyroid gland;
  • Activates electrolyte metabolism;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes body and metabolism;
  • It is a powerful aphrodisiac.

When it can cause harm. Contraindications

Contraindications to taking the product are individual intolerance to the components of the fungus, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age. In rare cases, it may occur side effects in the form of allergic rashes and dyspeptic disorders. Taking the drug should start with minimal doses; if the body tolerates the product well, the dose can be increased.

How to take Veselka

Veselka mushroom eggs are used in the preparation of medicines for the treatment and prevention of many diseases

Application in folk medicine provides for the use of veselka in its raw form, after heat treatment, in the form of infusion, decoction, alcohol tinctures, powder, ointments, etc. Cooking recipes medicinal drugs They are varied both in the method of preparation and in the area of ​​application.

Veselka tincture

The product is used according to Art. l. before meals for the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system, kidneys, prostatitis, sexually transmitted infections, infertility.

The tincture can be prepared either with alcohol or with regular vodka.

How to cook:

To prepare the product, take the mushroom fresh (50 g) or powder (5 g), pour a glass of medical alcohol and put it in the refrigerator to infuse for two weeks. For external use, the amount of funnel is doubled.


The product is used externally to treat joint and skin diseases.

  • St. the mushrooms are chopped, placed in a container to the top and filled with vodka, put in a dark place to infuse. After three weeks, filter and use as intended.

Water infusion

The product cures stomach ulcers and goiter, normalizes blood pressure, liver function, kidneys and digestive system, regulates cholesterol levels.

  • Veselka powder (a teaspoon) is placed in a container with a glass of boiling water and left for at least 7 hours. The strained product is taken on an empty stomach, 1/3 cup three times a day.

Honey mixture

Veselka with honey is a powerful immunostimulating and prophylactic agent

Used for hypertension, weakened immunity and as a prophylactic.

  • St. mushrooms are crushed and poured with natural honey. Take 1/2 tsp. for a month up to 3 times a day.


Salad with mushrooms is a dietary food and prevents intestinal diseases, gastritis, tumors of the rectum and colon.

  • St. cut the mushrooms into small pieces, add sour cream and salt to taste, and eat them with the main dish up to 2 times a week.


Jelly or earthen oil is found in the middle of the mushroom, this miraculous mucus has a wound healing effect. It is treated for cervical erosion by soaking it with a tampon and inserting it into the vagina. The remedy is used for sore joints, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, boils, and allergic rashes. Mucus is used in cosmetology - applied to the skin of the face, it has a tonic effect and smoothes out wrinkles. If the skin is dry, add a small amount of almond or peach oil.

Veselka mucus helps in cases of poisoning, cleansing the body of toxic substances and toxins. For these purposes, eat a piece of stale black bread with mucus.

Fresh mushroom in egg stage

Mushroom eggs are prepared for medicinal purposes - this is the most valuable product, it contains peridium, a gelatinous jelly of earthen oil.

mushroom eggs are eaten to replenish the body with useful substances and vitamins

At the egg stage, the mushroom is used as food - fresh, fried, stewed with vegetables, prepared as first courses, cutlets, caviar. For medicinal purposes, take half an egg in the morning on an empty stomach, and also dry it, prepare water and alcohol tinctures, and other medicines.

Veselka powder

The product is prepared from dried mushrooms, by grinding in a mortar to a powdery state. The finished drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Used as a therapeutic agent for malignant tumors (leukemia, melanoma, sarcoma, etc.). Use the powder to treat hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, post-stroke conditions, hepatitis, tuberculosis, herpes and other viral infections, joint diseases and skin diseases.


I use it in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories for diseases of the male and female genital area.

  • take cocoa butter (25 g) and melt it in a water bath.
  • melted beeswax and Veselka tincture (5 mg each) are placed in the slightly cooled product.
  • the mixed mass is poured into molds made of foil.
  • put in a cool place.
  • Use for vaginal use up to 2 times a day.

Candles can be purchased ready-made at any pharmacy.

For women, suppositories help cope with infertility, colpitis, inflammation of the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, and cervical erosion. Suppositories can slow down the growth of cancer cells of the reproductive system.

Men are helped to cope with inflammation of the prostate gland and erectile dysfunction; the course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Cream Veselka

This wonderful drug can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy, its cost is per tube of 50 grams. is from 450 rubles. Contains veselka extract, salaker 91, triglycerides, grape seed oil. The product is used for benign formations on the skin, joint diseases and varicose veins. Use externally to rub into the skin up to twice a day.

What and how to treat with fun

What cures

Treatment with Veselka mushroom helps with diseases:

  • Oncology, cystic neoplasms, polyps;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Flu, ARVI and colds;
  • Allergies;
  • Problems of the genitourinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, prostatitis, prostate adenoma);
  • Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • Herpes;
  • Gynecological diseases (endometriosis, fibroids);
  • Skin ailments (eczema, psoriasis);
  • Mental and nervous disorders;
  • Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system and joints (rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, gout, rheumatism);
  • Infertility.

the mushroom is infused with alcohol in large quantities so that it can be treated all year round

Traditional medicine recipes

For pneumonia and bronchitis – 5 g. Veselka powder and a glass of boiling water are infused for a couple of hours. Take up to 3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

For prostatitis, take the mushroom tincture orally and make microenemas with it, diluting the tincture with water (3 tablespoons per 100 ml of water). It is good to light candles with Veselka oil.

For trophic ulcers, St. is taken to prepare a remedy. mushrooms (100 gr.), Veselka powder (10 gr.) and a glass of medical alcohol. Insist for two weeks. The filtered product is used for lotions and compresses on the affected areas of the body 2 times a day.

For tuberculosis and respiratory diseases, mix Veselka powder and natural honey in equal quantities. The resulting product dissolves in the mouth like a candy.

For liver problems, take a mushroom tincture according to Art. l. Helps restore liver cells, relieve inflammation and pain, cure hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty hypotheses.

  • take aloe juice and natural honey, add alcohol and leave for 24 hours.
  • then add crushed veselka and leave it for a couple of days.
  • accepted one-time according to Art. l. per day for 14 days. Take a 2-week break and repeat the treatment.

Veselka mushrooms against cancer are effective only in the early stages of the disease and for prevention. This tincture supports the immune system well after chemotherapy procedures.

For the stomach

  • Take dried mushrooms in the amount of a teaspoon, pour hot milk, when the mixture separates, stir and drink in one go. The course of treatment is a week, two doses per day.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of mushroom powder and leave in a thermos for at least 10 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup after meals up to three times a day for a month.

How to take the fun? – medicinal mushroom is valued and used in the treatment of severe and dangerous diseases, but it should be used with the permission of the attending physician and in combination with drug therapy.

How to drink the extract for prevention

Veselka mushroom is an effective preventive measure for the occurrence of cancer in people with an increased risk factor, these include smokers, people suffering from lung diseases, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, prostate adenoma, and precancerous skin diseases. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take Veselka extract 2 teaspoons per day in courses with short breaks.

Have you ever heard of a mushroom called Veselka? No? This is not at all surprising, since this mushroom is not as widespread as the same fly agaric, but real legends are made about the beneficial properties of the fly agaric. It is this fungus that we will talk about today; we will tell you about its beneficial properties, tell you how it should be taken for medicinal purposes, and tell you where and when to look for it. And now about everything in order...

Despite the fact that the fungus has, to put it mildly, a somewhat frivolous name, it is distinguished by quite serious characteristics. Finding fun is not so easy. This fungus is common in forests and bushes on fertile soil. It is an ovoid, white body (for such appearance The fungus is popularly called the witch's egg). Veselka does not reach large sizes, it is extremely rare that it grows to the size of a goose egg. Anyone who has never seen a young mushroom may mistake it for an ordinary raincoat, but the structure of the mushrooms is still different. But the most amazing thing about this mushroom is that a week after it is pulled out of the ground, a small bud hatches from the fungus, which as soon as possible transforms into a fruit stalk. The leg grows rapidly (speed up to 5 mm per minute) and reaches up to 25 cm in length. It is this leg that is the source of the most valuable substances.


Veselka is unique in its composition. This fungus contains polysaccharides that influence the formation of antitumor immunity. Polysaccharides provoke the production of perforin, which kills cancer cells.

Veselka also contains another unique series of compounds - phytosteroids, which, when they enter the body, are modified and begin to function like male sex hormones.

This fungus is also rich in phytoncides, which effectively destroy the flu virus, herpes, hepatitis and even AIDS.

Veselka mushroom: beneficial properties

Speaking about the substances that make up the veselka, we briefly mentioned unique properties mushroom, but the list is not limited to the above.

Veselka mushroom in addition to what is also mentioned:
Dissolves all kinds of oncological formations;
Removes “bad” cholesterol from the body;
Lowers blood pressure;
Prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
Heals ulcerative formations of the digestive tract;
Increases potency;
Cures infertility;
Destroys hidden infections;
Relieves various inflammatory processes - in the kidneys, liver, digestive tract, joints;
Heals trophic ulcers, skin tumors, bedsores, various bites and wounds;
Eliminates joint pain;
Helps with fatigue and overload of the body.
Veselka is often used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac.

Veselka mushroom: contraindications

Veselka pleases with her healing properties, however, before starting treatment, you need to become familiar with the contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to use ordinary Veselka tincture for children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

Remember: the mushroom contains strong active substances, therefore, consult your doctor before use, and strictly follow the recommendations and dosages.

Veselka mushroom: use in folk medicine

Festive video recipe:

Will relieve the above ailments tincture of Veselka vulgare. To prepare it you will need:
Veselka – 5 grams (powder) or 50 grams (fresh),
Vodka – 200 ml.

Cooking method
1. Fill the powder or crushed veselka with vodka.
2. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks.

There is no need to strain the tincture. The more healing the tincture will be, the longer it infuses. It must be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a dark glass bottle.

Well, now we should talk about when the tincture is effective.

Veselka in the treatment of external diseases such as skin cancer, psoriasis, burns, frostbite, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, radiculitis, rheumatism, gout

For the indicated diseases, you should take one teaspoon of Veselka tincture prepared according to the recipe suggested above in the morning and evening, and also make lotions, compresses, and rubbing.

Veselka for bronchitis, fever, otitis media, sore throat, cough, runny nose

The tincture should be taken 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is from one to two weeks.

According to the proposed scheme and observing the same dosages, you should take the tincture also for cystitis and conjunctivitis.

Veselka for the treatment of flu, runny nose

The tincture prepared according to the specified recipe is used to lubricate the nostrils and peri-nostril area, frontal and maxillary sinuses above the eyebrows.

Veselka for dysentery, diarrhea, food poisoning

If you have these problems, you should eat a piece of bread soaked in Veselka tincture.

Veselka for gastritis of various forms, stomach ulcers

For a month, you should take 1 teaspoon of Veselka tincture 2 times a day.

The same use of tincture is effective for pain in the kidneys, abdomen, gout and polyarthritis.

Veselka for cervical erosion

For erosion, cotton swabs soaked in Veselka tincture diluted in a 1:2 ratio with chamomile infusion are effective.

Veselka for mastopathy

Veselka tincture is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water. Clay is added. Make a cake, which is applied to the problem area overnight. For the best effect, you should combine such compresses with the use of tincture orally, one teaspoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

This is what fun looks like. As you can see, dear visitors of our portal, the mushroom is truly wonderful. It will help get rid of many ailments. Perhaps you know other properties of the funnel that we have not mentioned. We would be grateful if you share your knowledge in the comments to this article.


The cap mushroom Veselka or Panna, due to its unique medicinal properties, has found wide use in modern medicine. The polysaccharides included in the product influence the formation of antitumor immunity, and phytosteroids, when entering the body, begin to function as male sex hormones. Due to the presence of active phytoncides, Veselka vulgare is effective in the fight against herpes, influenza viruses, and hepatitis. In folk medicine, tincture and pieces of mushroom are used.

What is a Veselka mushroom?

Stinky morel, sramnik, witch's egg, panna or veselka mushroom grow in mixed and deciduous forests of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Latin name- Phallus impudicus. This unusual capped gasteromycete mushroom belongs to the order Phallusaceae and the class Basidiomycetes. Veselushka appears first in the form of an egg, from which a stalk then quickly grows, and then a cap. The mushroom is edible, but treatment with its use should be treated with caution.

Fungal phytoncides have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes. Veselka earthen oil is used for stomach diseases, in the treatment of arthritis and gout. Preparations from panna can cure stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. The mushroom is also taken for external diseases: varicose veins, psoriasis, skin cancer, burns, frostbite. In addition, you can cure hypertension with tincture of Veselka. Infusions from panna are also used for cancerous tumors. Vessels also remove free radicals and toxins and rejuvenate the body.

Morphological description

The unusual Veselka mushroom looks like a chicken egg, and when you cut it you can find a gelatinous, healthy mass with a pungent odor. The young fruiting body reaches a diameter of 6 cm; there is a light mycelial cord at the base. Externally, the panna looks like a raincoat, but at the same time it has a soft texture. The smooth shell of the fungus, the peridium, is cream-colored. During ripening, it breaks into several parts, and a cylindrical fruiting body begins to sprout from the egg. The stem with the cap grows very quickly, sometimes in 10 minutes.

Size fruiting body the sramnik is 2 - 4 cm wide and 12 - 20 cm high. At the top there is a bell-shaped hat that is covered in dark green mucus. On top there is a dense disk with several holes. The spores, as a rule, have a yellowish color, a smooth surface, a size of 5x1.5 microns, and an ellipsoidal-cylindrical shape. Distinctive feature the mature form has an unpleasant putrid smell of carrion.

Where does it grow

The amazing Veselka mushroom is found everywhere, but it is difficult to find. Grows in Siberia, Europe, the Far East, and the Caucasus. Prefers deciduous forests rich in humus. Panna can be a saprophyte or form mycorrhiza with hazel, oak, beech, and shrubs. Spores are well spread by insects. It grows singly or in groups from May to October. The likelihood of finding it increases at the end of June.

Medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom

Traditional healers note that panna has an antitumor effect and heals ulcers well. Often treatment with Veselka mushroom occurs for varicose veins and cardiovascular diseases. The shamnik is also used for various female ailments - mastopathy, fibroids, erosions. Naturopaths claim that the product has a strong healing effect in the treatment of potency and helps fight infertility in women. In addition, Veselka is a powerful aphrodisiac. There are other healing properties of the mushroom:

  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • suppresses cancer cells;
  • treats joints;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • cleanses blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol;
  • strengthens memory.

Veselka mushroom for oncology

Cancer remains a major problem worldwide, but many experienced herbalists claim that the disease can be cured with the help of a mushroom. Treatment with Vesel helps suppress cancer cells and stops their further spread. With the help of a tincture made from panna, cancer prevention is also carried out. Before you start using infusions to treat cancer, you should consult your doctor about the possible harmful effects.

The use of a mushroom preparation made from aloe juice, honey, and crushed mushrooms is considered effective. All ingredients, except panna, must be thoroughly mixed, pour in 1 glass of vodka and let it brew for a while. Next, the scramnik should be placed in a jar, filled with the prepared solution and left for 2 weeks. You should take one tablespoon of Veselka mushrooms for cancer for two weeks. The course of treatment is a month. Then you need to take a break, and then undergo repeated therapy.

Using the Veselka mushroom for cancer is good only for preventive purposes in the initial stages of cancer. In addition, tincture of samnik improves the tolerability of radiation and chemotherapy during the treatment of tumors. It is necessary to understand that Veselka cannot completely cure cancer, but at the same time the mushroom significantly improves the patient’s well-being and increases the effectiveness of medicines and traditional methods of treating the disease.

Veselka tincture

Veselka vulgare has long been used to prepare masks, decoctions, tinctures, and ointments. The main treatment for panna, as a rule, occurs with the help of vodka infusion. To prepare the tincture, you will need dried mushrooms or freshly cut ones that are in the egg stage. When buying a product on the market, you should press the cap with your finger. If a dent remains, then the veselka was torn off a long time ago, so it has already lost its healing qualities. You can prepare the tincture at home, but you don’t need to strain it, because... the therapeutic effect is preserved in the precipitate.


Vodka tincture from Veselka is considered a universal remedy that can be used for any disease; it is often taken for ailments internal organs, vessels. To prepare you will need: a glass of vodka or alcohol, dried or mature mushrooms. All ingredients should be placed in a jar, mixed well and left for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. You need to take a tablespoon of the infusion every day (you can use mushroom powder).

Mode of application

Many people are often interested in the question of how to take Veselka mushroom tincture in order to achieve recovery faster. As a rule, you should drink the medicine before meals, one teaspoon 2 times a day. The course of therapy is a month. Next, you need to take a two-week break and then repeat the treatment again. In addition, the instructions for using Veselka extract will depend on what disease the person is treating:

  • for diabetes and thyroid disease, take a teaspoon of tincture once a day for three months;
  • to increase immunity, you need to drink one dessert spoon 3 times a day;
  • lotions with Veselka effectively help against allergies, prickly heat, ulcers;
  • If you have heart disease, you should drink the tincture twice a day before meals for a month.


Panna-based preparations can be combined with various medications and herbs. It is necessary to take into account that fresh Veselka mushrooms are strong aphrodisiacs, so it is necessary to observe moderation in their use. In case of an overdose, men may experience death of hair follicles and baldness, so it is important to follow all recommendations for use. Veselka preparations have unique healing properties, but you should also be aware of the contraindications they have. Among them:

The mushroom itself, collected in the forest, is harmless. Panna is recommended for use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Only in rare cases can a scammer cause the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • with long-term use, indigestion;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bloating.

(morel smelly)

or gouty morel, immodest phallus

- conditionally edible mushroom

✎ Affiliation and generic characteristics

Common Veselka(lat. Phallus impudicus), scientifically, - immodest phallus, stinking morel, gouty, popularly - scoundrel, upstart, devil's egg, witches' egg, despite the “bizarre” forms, is considered a cap mushroom and belongs to the genus Phallus of the family Phallaceae and the order Phallales, which is part of the group gasteromycete fungi.
The common fungus mushroom is unique in its own way and is perhaps the only mushroom that can simultaneously be an edible, conditionally edible, inedible, and poisonous mushroom!
At its young age, when the mushroom is still in the peridium (shell or “egg”), it is certainly edible. And at the moment when its fruiting body comes out of the shell (egg) and begins its rapid growth, it is conditionally edible. When it has grown and its flesh begins to emit a foul odor (stink), then it is no longer edible. And when it is even slightly overripe, it is poisonous and can cause quite serious gastrointestinal poisoning.
And the common veselka is considered conditionally edible only because in its mature state it emits a very sharp, unpleasant odor (hence the second name - stinking morel).
Many sources contain information that the growth rate of the common fungus is one of the fastest in nature and can reach 5 millimeters per minute, and this figure exceeds the growth rate of bamboo, which is cited everywhere as a textbook example of absolute achievement of growth rate in the plant world.
The name Phallus, in relation to a specific mushroom, was first used by Adrian Junius (or Adrian de Jonge), a Dutch physician and scientist, in 1562.
But in 1729, Pier Antonio Micheli, an Italian botanist and mycologist, “the father of cryptogamy,” published a work in which he noted independent genus Phallus, with two species included in it.
And in 1753, Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist (botanist, zoologist, mineralogist) and physician, gave these two species binomial (consisting of two words) names:

  • Phallus impudicus (common beetle).

Nowadays, these two species are classified as different sections of mushrooms.

Already in 1801, Christian Hendrik Person, a Dutch botanist and mycologist, who significantly supplemented the Linnaean taxonomy of fungi with his work, introduced the following species into the genus Phallus:

  • Phallus esculentus (edible, tasty);
  • Phallus impudicus (common beetle);
  • Phallus cancellatus;
  • Phallus indusiatus;
  • Phallus caninus;
  • Phallus mokusin;
  • Phallus hadriani.
  • Phallus hadriani (Adrian's or Hadrian's merry);
  • Phallus ndusiatus (bamboo fungus, bamboo mushroom),

even later, in 1811, another species was added to the genus Phallus:

  • Phallus duplicatus (double networt).

And today the genus of phalluses (phalluses) has about 40 species, the vast majority of which live outside of Russia, are not suitable for consumption and are interesting only from a medical point of view.

✎ Similar species, medicinal and nutritional value

Fun mushroom bears little resemblance to other mushrooms, and perhaps to their fellows from the same family and, in particular, to:
- Hadrian's merry (lat. Phallus hadriani),
which in the “egg” stage with a more elongated shape is completely inedible, and is almost never found in Russia.
Since ancient times it has been known that the fungus mushroom is a strong aphrodisiac (or male potency enhancer). And as medical research has shown, this mushroom contains a unique series of compounds called phytosteroids, which in their effect on the body are similar to male sex hormones - androgens and have a beneficial effect on the immune system.
In folk medicine, water and alcohol tinctures from fresh and dried fruiting bodies of the fungus were previously used. Vodka tinctures were used for abdominal pain, they washed wounds with them, and also, with their help, treated gout and kidney diseases. That is why the fungus mushroom is directly related to the so-called mushroom medicine and has been recognized as medicinal in almost all countries, including Russia.
Veselka is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Malignant tumors: breast cancer, also prostate cancer, cancer gastrointestinal tract or lung cancer and brain cancer;
- benign tumors: breast cysts and uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma and pituitary adenoma, mastopathy or polyps;
- various diseases of the uterus in women, sarcoma and melanoma, leukemia and other similar diseases;
- cardiovascular diseases: heart failure or hypertension;
- joint and skin diseases, treatment of hard-to-heal wounds and skin ulcers (for external use);
- rehabilitation in post-infarction and post-stroke conditions.

Our ancestors have known about the super-healing properties of the fungus for a long time. And the conducted Scientific research showed that the common fungus mushroom contains quite a few beneficial substances that have a pronounced medicinal effect, such as, for example:

Polysaccharides that have antitumor effects (neutralize various cancer cells by making holes in their membranes with their substance);
- alkaloids, which are natural or natural analgesics (or pain relievers);
- antihistamines, which eliminate various allergic and edematous reactions;
- substances that suppress dermatomycosis and fungal skin infections.

According to consumer and food parameters, the common mushroom is considered a mushroom of low quality and is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom of the fourth category, due to the presence of a strong specific odor.

✎ Distribution in nature and seasonality

Veselka vulgaris is a common saprophytic mushroom and feeds on the remains of organic matter, but it can also act as a symbiont, forming mycorrhiza with broad-leaved trees: oak, beech, even with some shrubs.
The common moth is found everywhere, singly or in families, especially often in deciduous forests, preferring soils rich in humus and is distributed throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.
Its ripening season is quite long, lasting from May to October.
Veselka is a mushroom that is unique in its own way, and very rare, it is almost impossible to find it in our area, it grows in the soil, in the form of an egg, which is somewhat similar to a puffball mushroom, for which people call it “damn egg" and "witches egg".
When the mushroom is completely ripe (after about a week), a small bud grows from it, which quickly turns into a fruit stalk, rapidly (literally “before our eyes”) growing upward. This happens in just 10 - 15 minutes, sometimes in full view of some astonished observer, bringing him into furious delight or instilling quiet horror from this spectacle!

✎ Brief description and application

Veselka vulgaris belongs to the section of unspecified mushrooms and reproduces, like other mushrooms, by spores, which are usually spread by flies or other insects attracted by its smell.
The young fruiting body of the common veselka is ovoid and the size of a chicken egg. The egg shell (peridium) is leathery, smooth, white or cream. When ripe, it breaks into two or three lobes, having the appearance of a volva (like many fly agarics), and the fruiting body sprouted from the egg consists of a leg-like receptacle (container, storage) of a cylindrical shape, hollow, with spongy walls, white or yellow, very big size. At the top of the receptacle (leg) there is a non-complex bell-shaped cap with a cellular surface, covered with a mucous dark olive glebe (the inner part of the fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes, as a receptacle for their spores). At the top of the cap there is a dense disk with a passage. The unripe pulp of the fruiting body is gelatinous, with the smell of radish, and the mature or overripe mushroom has a very strong and unpleasant stench of rotting remains or carrion.

Veselka vulgaris is absolutely suitable for consumption, even in its “raw” form, if, of course, the outer shell is first removed from it. At a young age, when the mushroom is still in the soil, in the form of an egg, it is considered tasty or even delicacy.
For example, in our time (in France) it is consumed directly in its “raw” form, like radishes. And in ancient times, “raw” young fruits of the Veselka common spruce with sour cream and salt even in Rus'. And the main thing here was not to forget to remove the outer shell from the mushroom before eating it.