In our country, much attention is paid to the issues of safe organization of work processes. As a result, the state monitors employers’ compliance with legislative requirements in this area. And the occupational health and safety journal helps with this, a sample of which you can download in the article. You can also find the necessary information on the topic in other special sources, such as “Labor Safety in Industry” - a magazine whose official website helps you navigate the topic.

What kind of magazines are there?

The main document that defines the rules for safe work training is Order No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor. Information about it can be found in various sources, such as, for example, the magazine “Industrial Safety and Labor Protection”.

Current regulations, for example GOST 12.0.004-2015, provide different types safety and labor protection instructions:

  • introductory (during the process of hiring an employee);
  • primary (at the workplace, when it entails an increased health hazard);
  • target (in connection with a specific situation that requires knowledge of a number of rules, for example, when performing the functions of an absent employee);
  • repeated (consolidation, updating of previously acquired knowledge);
  • unscheduled (due to circumstances, for example, emergency, accident);
  • on fire safety;
  • on electrical safety.

Accordingly, there are forms of journals depending on the type of training.

Detailed information about the types of training on occupational safety and health can be found in sources such as the information and analytical magazine “Occupational Safety and Health: Safety Technologies”.

What are they needed for

Health and safety records confirm that the employer complies with current legislation regarding the timeliness and regularity of employee training. Documents prove not only the reality of the training provided, but also its frequency. They allow you to record information about checking the information and practical skills acquired by employees on safe professional activities.

The presence of such a document confirms the responsibility of the employer towards its employees.

It helps in understanding the need and importance of having the document in question, for example, the publication “Industrial and Environmental Safety, Occupational Safety and Health” - a magazine that is an assistant for an occupational safety specialist.

How and who fills them out

To start filling out, you need to conduct a briefing, providing the employee with instructions, explanations, and answering possible questions. This is followed by the filling procedure.

The document is a stationery book in A4 format. The sheets should be numbered, stitched and certified with the signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise (if any).

The title page contains the name of the institution, the start and end dates of maintaining the book.

For optimal systematization of briefings, it is convenient to keep separate logs depending on the type of training. This approach will make the instructors' job easier.

When drawing up the tabular part of the event log for occupational safety and health (for example, on-the-job training), you need to enter information about:

  • date;
  • employee, including full name, date of birth, profession;
  • form of instruction;
  • reasons for unscheduled training;
  • hours of training;
  • training instructor, including full name, position.

Once the entry has been made, it must be certified by the signatures of both the training and trainee employee.

An internship may be provided at the workplace. Information about it is entered into a document indicating the number of shifts, the signature of the employee confirming the fact of the internship, the instructor’s confirmation of admission to labor activity.

The columns must not be empty. If the column is not filled in, a dash is added.

For example, the magazine “Occupational and Industrial Safety” will help a specialist fill it out correctly.

Responsibility for instruction and document maintenance activities rests with the employer or occupational safety specialist. They must be trained and have a special certificate. To do this, once every five years they are trained and, during the training process, undergo, among other things, instructions on keeping records.

How much and where are they stored?

The document is kept by the responsible person in the institution. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 determined the duration of document storage in the organization - 10 years.

Fines for absence

The legislation provides for a number of sanctions for failure to comply with training requirements. Sanctions may be applied to both the official and the organization under Art. 5.27.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The fines are as follows:

  • 15,000-25,000 rubles - per official;
  • 15,000-25,000 rubles - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • 110,000-130,000 rubles - for a legal entity.

Thus, if a force majeure situation occurs in an organization, only the presence of a safety and occupational safety log will prove that the employer has taken measures to prevent it.

Another name for this journal is the journal for recording instructions on labor protection in the workplace. Today we will talk about what it looks like, what types of instructions and how to register in it.

How to prepare a magazine on occupational safety and health

It is issued in the form of a stationery book in A4 format. The cover of the journal contains the name of the organization, the name of the division (if any), as well as the start and end dates of the journal. The journal form itself is contained in GOST 12.0.004-90 and is freely available. For your convenience, we provide the form of this magazine right here, and below is the link so that you can download magazine on occupational safety and health(sample).

Workplace log book
Compiled in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90, Appendix 6.

Types of briefings recorded in the log

Must contain records of the following types workplace briefings: primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

Initial briefing carried out for all newly hired employees immediately before admission to work. The purpose of this instruction is to study safe techniques and methods of work in a specific workplace.

Re-briefing on labor protection in the workplace is carried out at least once every six months (or three, if we're talking about about dangerous working conditions). The purpose of this briefing is to remind workers of the basic safety rules in the workplace, as well as to review those that have occurred in the past (if any have occurred).

Unscheduled briefing carried out in several cases, for example, if:

  • new labor protection rules were introduced;
  • the technological process was changed (new equipment was installed);
  • there was a break in work lasting more than 60 days (and for work with increased danger - 30);
  • instructions have been received from the supervisory authorities.

And finally targeted instruction carried out before one-time work that is not the responsibility of employees. This could be business trips or emergency response work.

How to fill out a health and safety log

The left side of the occupational safety and health log sheet is filled out intuitively: the date of the briefing, the name and initials of the person being instructed, his position. As for the type of instruction, we discussed them a little higher, along with the reasons for their implementation. Don’t forget to sign both parties and check the person instructing for availability.

It also contains columns for registering internships in labor protection. These columns indicate the number of shifts in which the internship was carried out, as well as the signatures of the intern and those responsible for admission to independent work.

In conclusion, let us remind you that some employees of your organization are not necessarily required to sign in this journal. Read more about this in our other article. Good luck!

The safety briefing log is the general name for a whole group of departmental documents. Such a log may be kept, for example, in connection with construction work, activities in dangerous or harmful conditions, when working with children, and so on. A huge number of enterprises keep such logs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and take into account the safety instructions issued.

Form of maintaining and rules for filling out the journal

The general form according to which the journal is kept is approved by the State Standard number 12.0.004-90. Based on a single form, log templates are created that take into account safety instructions for any specific activity.

The rules for filling out the journal are as follows:

  1. For maintenance, a spread of a stationery book and A4 sheets are used.
  2. Entries are entered into a work field consisting of 12 columns per line (for modified templates, the composition of the columns may change).
  3. A long entry can be written on two or more lines. IN free places, which remain in the columns are marked with dashes. This is not mandatory, but if reporting is strictly adhered to, they are necessary.
  4. Entries for one year are preceded by a title entry in which nothing is written except the words “Year XXXX” (the number is indicated) and dashes to the left and right of these words.
  5. The numbering of records in each year begins with one. The link to the record should look like this: “Record No. N XXXX year.”

The columns, in order, must contain the following information:

  • serial number;
  • date DD.MM.YY (written in full);
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the person being instructed;
  • date of birth or year of birth of the person being instructed;
  • his profession and position. If we are talking about an employee of another organization, then it is necessary to fill out the column on the basis of an official identification card or an order according to which the employee is allowed to work;
  • type of training provided. It can be introductory, primary, repeated, targeted, planned or unscheduled. If the instruction is targeted, then the document or article of the document on the basis of which instructions are given is indicated;
  • for repeated or extraordinary briefing - the reason or basis for the conduct (order, instruction);
  • surname with initials and position of the person conducting the instruction. As a rule, the instructing and authorizing person is the same employee. But if this is not the case, you should indicate separately: “Instructed - I. I. Ivanov, allowed - P. P. Petrov,” and then indicate the grounds for admission;
  • signatures of the employee who received the instructions and the employee who conducted the instructions. The signature must be indelible (that is, you must not sign in pencil);
  • number of shifts and dates of internship (filled in if necessary);
  • signature of the employee who completed the internship (also if necessary);
  • signature of the employee who tested the trainee’s knowledge and allowed him to work, as well as the date. Together with the two previous columns, it forms the general supergraph of the internship. It may also include an assessment of the trainee’s knowledge, but this is usually impractical, since clearance is given only in cases where the trainee has confirmed that he has mastered the instructions, and if he has not confirmed this, there will be no clearance.

This is what the magazine looks like general view. Using a sample safety training log, you can maintain this document in most enterprises. However internal rules this or that organization may imply changes in the structure of the journal. For example, we can talk about weather or technical conditions, about the lifting height for construction work, about the degree of danger when eliminating dangerous situations, and so on.

Magazine design

There are only two basic rules:

  1. All pages must be numbered in order.
  2. The cover and paper must be durable to last for decades.

Additional rules may be used when designing journals that have a certain degree of secrecy. For example, stitching the corners of the spine with thread, which is then fastened with a paper wafer.

Rules for maintaining and storing a journal

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is controlled in three stages (variably depending on the complexity of the organization):

  1. The head of the unit in which the training is being conducted must monitor the availability of the journal on a daily basis, regardless of whether new entries are added there or not.
  2. A senior manager should review the logbook once a month or more frequently. A corresponding entry is made about this on the entire line. If any violations are discovered, the manager writes about them and indicates within what period they should be eliminated.
  3. Third stage control is carried out in organizations with a complex structure - general director, chief engineer or HSE specialist - once a quarter or more often.

At small enterprises, control of the second and third stages is carried out by external authorized organizations. In practice, there are also cases when such control is not carried out at all or is carried out selectively.

The completed journal is handed over to the organization’s archives and must be stored until the expiration of the statute of limitations provided for by the organization’s regulations.

The list of local regulations, magazines and instructions on labor protection required for each enterprise depends on the specifics of its activities and on what professional specialties are involved in production processes. List of safety logs that will need to be filed in general case, is given in this article.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • What occupational safety magazines should the enterprise have?
  • Description of occupational safety journals;
  • The procedure for preparing and maintaining labor safety journals.

List of occupational safety magazines that should be in the enterprise

Since labor protection at an enterprise is a system that ensures the safety of the life and health of personnel during work, it is regulated by a number of documents. The list of documentation includes regulations, orders, programs, regulations and journals. Occupational safety journals are designed to record and record work related to compliance with occupational safety and health regulations. They are necessary for operational control in the field of labor protection and for compliance with the established deadlines for conducting training. The forms of occupational safety journals, which are necessary in most cases, are approved by regulations of the Russian Ministry of Labor. All of them must be conducted in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions." Types of occupational safety journals can be either mandatory for use at each enterprise, or special, the maintenance of which is determined by the type of activity of a particular enterprise.

Mandatory occupational safety magazines required at every enterprise:

  1. Logbook for registration of primary (repeated, unscheduled, targeted) briefing at the workplace
  2. Logbook of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise
  3. Logbook for assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel
  4. Occupational Accident Register
  5. Logbook for testing knowledge of rules and regulations in electrical installations
  6. Logbook for introductory fire safety training
  7. Logbook for the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of working conditions
  8. Logbook of inspectors (inspections)

Some necessary occupational safety journals may be determined by the specifics of production:

  1. Journal of work accounting for work permits and orders for work in electrical installations
  2. Logbook for registration of work permits for high-risk work
  3. Journal of accounting, maintenance and issuance of funds personal protection(PPE)
  4. Test log of dielectric rubber protective equipment
  5. Register of occupational diseases
  6. Hot work log
  7. Log book of maintenance and current repairs of buildings and structures

Description of the main occupational safety magazines

Water instruction log book

Contains information about employees who underwent introductory training on labor protection and those who conducted it, indicating the topic, date and position. Each entry in the journal must be certified by the signature of the person being instructed and the person conducting the instruction.

Logbook for registration of primary (repeated, unscheduled, targeted) briefing at the workplace

The Journal contains information about employees who have undergone training, which must be organized by the immediate supervisor of the work. The briefing should be completed with an oral interview to test knowledge and acquired skills of safe work practices. Based on the results, a note about admission to independent work is made in the journal.

Logbook of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise

Maintaining occupational safety journals in which instructions are recorded must be entrusted to the appropriate service or specialist responsible for this issue in the organization. For convenience, it is recommended that each occupational safety instruction be assigned a unique number, and the name indicate for which service this document was developed. A sample journal on occupational safety is offered in Methodical recommendations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of December 17, 2002. On our website, by registering, you can download the occupational safety magazine for free.

Logbook for issuing instructions to employees

A set of labor protection instructions valid for each division of the organization must be kept by the head of this division. This journal records instructions given to employees for study. A sample journal on labor protection is proposed in the Methodological Recommendations approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of December 17, 2002.

Logbook for assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel

This group of personnel includes all workers who are not involved in the maintenance of electrical installations, but who in one way or another use them during work. Those of them who are exposed to the danger of electric shock must be assigned electrical safety group I after appropriate instruction and an oral assessment of the acquired knowledge. The results of the check are recorded in this log. Filling out occupational safety logs with the results of the briefing must be entrusted to a responsible employee who has III group on electrical safety.

Occupational Accident Register

The form of this occupational safety journal was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73 on October 24, 2002. Filling out occupational safety journals recording accidents that occurred in the organization is carried out based on the results of an inspection of the incident and is entrusted to a specialist in the occupational safety service.

Logbook for testing knowledge of rules and regulations in electrical installations

The standard form of this document is established by Appendix 6 to the “Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, approved by Order No. 328n of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on July 24, 2013. The log records the results of checks carried out by employees who are electrical or electrical engineering personnel.

Logbook for introductory training fire safety

Such instruction should mandatory be carried out with all employees hired. Maintaining and filling out labor safety logs related to fire safety is entrusted to the person responsible for the state of fire safety at the enterprise or the specialist assigned this responsibility by order.

Logbook for occupational safety training

In order to prevent occupational injuries, all employees working at the enterprise must periodically undergo occupational safety training. Upon completion, an inspection is carried out. The log keeps track of attendance, records the amount of knowledge acquired and the progress of employees. The form of maintaining this document is arbitrary.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment log book

For the purpose of timely inspection and testing of fire extinguishing equipment, maintaining them in working condition, this occupational safety log is maintained. The log is filled out by an authorized employee of the labor protection service. The form for filling it out is arbitrary.

Logbook for the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of working conditions

Monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety in the organization must be carried out constantly. Based on its results, a three-stage occupational safety journal is filled out or two separate journals are maintained. The first takes into account the results of level 1 and 2 checks, the second – level 3. Level 1 inspections are carried out by the head of the unit together with a public labor safety inspector on a daily basis. At level 2, inspections to eliminate identified deficiencies are carried out weekly. At level 3, a monthly assessment of workplaces is carried out by a specially created labor protection commission headed by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Logbook of inspectors (inspections)

In accordance with current legislation, the Audit Log is required to be kept and legal entities, and private entrepreneurs. Its standard form was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 141. This document contains detailed information about all labor safety inspections carried out, violations identified and orders issued.

Log book of work according to work permits and orders for high-risk work

Only specialists with the appropriate rank and who have undergone special instruction and testing are allowed to carry out such work. The unified form of the log book for such work was approved by order No. 328n of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013. In cases where the basis for carrying out work is a work order, all columns in the journal are filled in. When the basis is an order, column 2 should be left blank.

Logbook for pre-trip medical examinations of drivers

The responsibility of the head of the enterprise is to organize medical examinations of drivers going on trips. The results of these medical examinations are recorded in this journal. Its form is given in the “Instructions on pre-trip medical examinations of drivers” and approved by Order No. 555 of the USSR Ministry of Health dated November 29, 1989.

Logbook for recording, maintenance and issuance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

The form for maintaining this journal is established by the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations”, it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 261 of June 30, 2003. Its title page must indicate the name of the enterprise, the name of the service or the number of the site, the start and end date of filling out the log.

Registration of occupational safety magazines

All occupational safety magazines are legal documents Therefore, special requirements are imposed on their registration and maintenance. Before entries can be made in the journal, it must be laced and numbered. The numbering of the occupational safety journal is continuous, it should begin with title page. The ends of the cord with which all pages are stitched should be brought to the last page, and a strip of paper should be glued on top of them, on which the number of laced and numbered pages should be indicated. The inscription is certified by the signature of the person who laced the magazine, as well as by the seal and signature of the head of the enterprise. The seal must be placed in such a way that part of it is on the pasted strip of paper, and part of it is on the back of the last page of the magazine.