Love. Illustrative photo.

Different zodiac signs love differently. How can you tell if a man has serious intentions or sees your relationship as a light erotic adventure?

Aries. Motto: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles”

He will speak about his passion right away without hesitation. And he will persistently achieve what he wants.

However, this does not mean love at all: this is what men of this sign do when communicating with all the representatives of the fair sex they more or less like. Aries will not suffer for long from unrequited love, but will quickly find new consolation.

If an Aries man is seriously interested in you, he will not rush things, he will try to create an oasis of comfort and tranquility for the two of you.

The Aries man will conquer you with stories about how cool he is - strong, smart, rich. In a word, grab it - he best option among all other men.

Calf. Motto: “Let everyone see my feelings!”

If a Taurus man likes you, he will let you know on the first day! You don't have to wait long for a call or worry about why he doesn't answer your SMS.

Taurus are energetic, spontaneous in expressing emotions and are not shy about showing their feelings. Seeing you on the street, a Taurus man will joyfully call out to you or embrace you in his arms.

He is always happy to surprise his beloved! A sensible Taurus man knows how to care for a woman in the best classical traditions. He will seek your recognition by inviting you to exhibitions, movies and other social events.

If a Taurus man is seriously interested in you, he will court you in the classical tradition. Expensive flowers and sweets are a must. And what more representative sign spends money on you, the more significant you are in his eyes. But due to Taurus’s indecisiveness, the candy-bouquet period may drag on. If this man is dear to you, take the initiative into your own hands.

Twins. Motto: “There is no limit to perfection”

Gemini men are humorous and unpredictable, they love flirting and are very creative in courtship.

You definitely won’t be bored with a representative of this sign, but... you may also be offended. Geminis often express their feelings by making fun of their chosen one or playing pranks.

But changeable Geminis tend to idealize women: upon closer acquaintance, your man may become disappointed in you and... go in search of a more perfect partner.

If a Gemini man is seriously interested in you, he will not make fun of your shortcomings and will treat your weaknesses with affection. He will be generous and caring.

Cancer. Motto: “The main thing is home”

Cancers are practical homebodies. They are caring and flexible, you will never be sad or cry from resentment next to a Cancer man.

For a Cancer man, family comes first and family values, so he will try to find out your attitude towards the family hearth and housekeeping.

Your desire to fulfill all his demands is the main quality by which he will evaluate you.

If a Cancer man is seriously interested in you, he, on the contrary, will happily rush to fulfill your requests and even your whims. And he will hasten to demonstrate his positive traits– loyalty and reliability.

A lion. Motto: “I am the king of the castle!”

Leo men are confident and ambitious, so they prefer direct speech to hints.

“I like you,” he will tell you, and he won’t lie. Gallant representatives of the sign immediately let their chosen one know about their feelings. Courtship like in the movies with trips to expensive restaurants and noble deeds is quite real with a Leo man.

But this says nothing about the authenticity of his feelings...

If a Leo man is seriously interested in you, he will interrupt his monologue about how great he is and try to listen to you more. A keen interest in the chosen one - best characteristic the true feelings of a rather selfish Leo man.

Virgo. Motto: “Analyze it”

Men of this sign love to analyze everything, come to the rescue, and you can rely on them in literally everything. They show their sympathy with hints; it is difficult to provoke them into a frank conversation.

Representatives of this sign will take a long time to decide whether the girl they like is suitable as their chosen one: collect information about you, ask mutual friends, study your pages on social networks.

If a Virgo man is seriously interested in you, expect an immediate marriage proposal. Even if you refuse, he will continue the siege for a long time, hoping that you will change your mind after getting to know him better.

Scales. Motto: “Let everything take its course”

Libra men are leisurely, changeable in mood, and hate quarrels and conflicts. Their optimistic outlook on life helps not only them - they try in every possible way to raise the self-esteem of the girl they love. The Libra man loves the process of courtship and is never in a hurry to move to the next step in the relationship.

They are also known to be wary of commitment and responsibility.

If a Libra man is seriously interested in you, he will begin to take decisive actions: he will want to meet your parents, introduce you to his friends, begin to hint that it is time to move on to a closer relationship, etc.

Against the backdrop of his usual relaxation and head in the clouds, such actions are very indicative.

Scorpion. Motto: “Delay is like death!”

Well, maybe not death, but the Scorpio man definitely doesn’t intend to delay sex for long.

If a representative of this sign has feelings for you, you will immediately know about it. Moreover, flight is useless. No woman can resist his pressure and natural magnetism!

How good psychologist, he will tell you words that hit the target and give you non-trivial compliments. But this says absolutely nothing about the depth of his feelings...

If a Scorpio man is seriously interested in you, he will try to inform everyone as widely as possible that you are a couple. As an ardent owner, a representative of this sign will behave as if you completely belong to him. If you don’t want scandals, don’t give the slightest reason for jealousy.

Sagittarius. Motto: “Cats (and Sagittarius) walk on their own”

Sagittarius men are independent and love adventure. They demonstrate their affection through material things, be it buying a luxurious bouquet or going to the most expensive restaurant.

In addition, when you decide to have a relationship with a Sagittarius, you become his partner in all sorts of adventures, including sex experiments...

If a Sagittarius man is seriously interested in you, he will moderate his tendency to adventure and will strive to be close to his chosen one all the time.

He will endlessly tell you interesting things, impressing you with his intelligence, erudition and erudition. During a break between conversations, he may suddenly say, as if by chance, about his feelings and inquisitively wait for an answer.

Horoscope from the site

In the spring, having barely gotten out of their fur coats and scarves, lonely zodiac signs tune in to a romantic mood and begin to look around in search of a suitable companion or companion. But everyone does it differently.


Aries doesn't make acquaintances - he makes others run to get acquainted with him. To do this, Aries climbs to where he can be best seen, and from the most favorable side. Since Aries is constantly itching to butt heads with someone, he does not wait for a successful combination of circumstances, but arranges everything himself so that those around him clap and throw roses. This is Aries who stands out in the very center of the dance floor, throws a strike and is the first to grab the microphone at karaoke. To meet people, Aries go to noisy and crowded places - what's the point of speaking if the audience is only a dozen people? Stadium for me! Wembley!


Taurus meet only in specially designated places. So that the objects of acquaintance do not have any doubts - they are getting to know them or just coming up for a social chat, out of sheer politeness. In the pre-digital era, when the trees were big and the Internet was only at the Pentagon, they made full use of the services of matchmakers and marriage agencies. Now they are methodically rummaging through Tinder and Mamba, selecting applicants based on so many parameters that a rare bird will fly to Taurus. But it will be a bird that meets all the requirements.


For Geminis, the “flirting” mode is turned off only in their sleep. Therefore, they get to know each other easily, often and regardless of the circumstances. They will start making eyes at the doctor who puts a cast on their leg and the traffic police officer who issues a fine for turning around on a double solid line. As a rule, they don’t have anything serious in mind, and they don’t specifically target anyone - they just spread their nets wide, at least someone will get caught, and then we’ll figure it out.


If someone has been staring at you from the corner for a couple of years, then don’t be scared and don’t fall into paranoia. This is some Cancer getting to know you. Do not rush things. In another year he will decide to say “Hello.” Just a couple of years - and he will even pluck up the courage to find out what the object of his acquaintance is doing in the evening. Yes, dating for Cancers is not a quick matter, but it is serious. They will not give up theirs. And if they have already decided to meet Tom Hiddleston or Jennifer Lawrence, then rest assured that in 10 years they will appear with them on some red carpet.

a lion

If Leo is in an urge to meet someone, he will simply sit in beautiful pose in a visible place with favorable lighting and will wait. Leos only show initiative if they get drunk until they completely lose their inhibitions. But no. Because the lion’s thin self-esteem won’t stand it if he rolls up so handsomely and gets rejected. The more Leo likes someone, the less attention he pays to him. If Leo looks through you at all, have no doubt, he is head over heels in love.


Virgo outside world generally feared. I remember their mother told them that they shouldn’t talk to strangers - so they don’t talk. When Virgo is itching to meet someone, they will find mutual friends and make them introduce Virgo to the object in full form. The object must also be in shape - a stale shirt or a hole in a sock can knock all the romantic spirit out of a Virgo and drive them into long-term disappointment in humanity in general. Virgos only get to know each other if they have solid recommendations, so they spend their entire lives meeting people from the same


At first glance, Libras are such lightweight dandies who don’t take anything seriously. You shouldn’t perceive it that way, very much. They don’t have enough external gloss, shine, strong quadriceps or size four. No, Libra is getting to know long-range sighting. Take away their common interests. So, in search of new acquaintances, Libra goes to where their potential ones are. soul mates– for master classes on growing dahlias, for example, or for courses extreme driving. On any thematic event, from the Romanian art house festival to the rural “Catch a Pig” competition, is full of Libra, carefully scanning the audience for acquaintance.


Scorpios go to meet people where there are people who can appreciate their class and fatal outfit from the latest collection of someone famous. For example, to a restaurant – it would be nice if it was approved by the Michelin guide. Or to a club, but one where Miroslava Duma is a regular. Scorpios like to provoke, make double-bottom jokes, and generally play with fire - not everyone can withstand such fire without cowering.


Social networks were invented for people like Sagittarius. Online, this sign shines like a spotlight on a construction site - witty tweets, selfies of unearthly beauty on Instagram, the number of friends is comparable to the population of Brazil. Having identified an object of interest, Sagittarius combs his account, showers him with playful comments and, taking him by the button, resolutely takes him into a private message.


Capricorns meet at work or somewhere near it. Because this is how you meet someone in the theater, and then it turns out that he is a beggar and came on the counter from a friend, a stagehand. And what do you want to do with this? No, Capricorn, just in case, thinks strategically and makes acquaintances where there is a chance to find serious employed people with a decent salary and with a sober look to the world. Here's some professional exhibition or a conference – that’s it. Capricorn listens attentively to the tricks of polymer production and with his whole appearance makes it clear that together we will conquer this business, stick with me.


Aquarians were born to care, patronize and look after. They get to know each other the same way. And then, sitting in a blanket by the fireplace, they tell their grandchildren: “But I met your grandmother when she had a flat tire on the Moscow-Bryansk highway, and I helped her change it.” Any help is the ideal start to a wonderful friendship for Aquarius, or even something hotter. No reason to help? Aquarius organizes. He will knock over a glass of red wine on white shirt object and call him home to wash off the results of his terrible, terrible awkwardness.


Pisces can stare with a hungry gaze at the object of their interest for years, but they won’t even move a fin to somehow demonstrate their feelings. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the aquarium of fish’s patience is full - and then they immediately go to great lengths, slap their stunned counterpart on the ass and say, “Come to me.” From such a sudden pressure from the cold and distant Pisces, the object is lost and obediently goes wherever they say.

How men of different zodiac signs change after marriage.
Astrologers long time observed the stars and planets that influence every person. Character and behavior largely depend on the sign under which they were born.

You can find out how men of a certain zodiac sign will behave after marriage using astrology. The knowledge of astrologers will help you understand whether it is worth connecting your life with a person who may not suit you in terms of temperament and life views. Before you take an important step and say your cherished words, find out what awaits you in your family life after a magnificent wedding.


Aries men rarely change their behavior after marriage. They remain true to their freedom, so they can leave when they see fit. Life with a representative of this zodiac sign will never be boring, as he does not accept monotony.
Aries can easily shirk their responsibilities, so ladies will have to instill family traditions in their husbands. This way they can create a strong family.

In order to keep Aries, you will have to try hard, because quarrels and conflicts will be part of your family relationships.


Life with a Taurus may seem boring and monotonous. Men of this sign are accustomed to peace; their actions can be easily foreseen, because they do not like innovations and sudden changes.

Taurus's punctuality can be annoying, but if a woman is looking for family peace and comfort, then life after marriage will be ideal for her.

Certain rules and laws according to which this will proceed family life, will become immutable. If you are ready to spend your whole life in a sleepy kingdom, then a man of this zodiac sign will be your ideal.


After marriage Gemini men will not lose his spirit of adventure. Life with him will be filled with surprises and surprises, so it is important for women to remember that life with their chosen one will definitely not be quiet.

Entertainment, meetings, travel, spontaneous decisions - that's what awaits you. In order to cope with the temperament of this sign, it is important for a woman to be “on the same wavelength” with him.

If you don't support him, you won't be able to enjoy your marriage.


Cancers, after concluding a marriage contract, are still far from reality. They are rarely able to solve pressing problems that will fall on the shoulders of their spouse. Men of this sign are not adapted to independent life, are accustomed to being in their own world, protected by illusions and parental care.

In most cases, the spouse will need to take care of her chosen one like a child, teach him independence and provide home comfort.

Capricious and sensitive, Cancers are often lazy, so they will simply ignore most household chores.

a lion

Representatives of the fire sign after marriage do not stop protecting their chosen one, but often demand complete submission.

The future wife should remember that she is unlikely to be able to express herself with such a royal husband, because Leo’s “I” will always come first.

To prevent married life from becoming a series of disappointments and conflicts, be prepared to reconcile with your leading spouse and leave yourself the position of a weak woman. You must meet the requirements of the chosen one and refuse to argue.


Virgos demand from their wives a calm and measured life, the absence of conflicts, the ability to save money and not demand entertainment.

Men of this zodiac sign are scrupulous, demand order and refuse to acknowledge any changes. There is no room for active life and adventures in their family life,

Virgos do not like to go on spontaneous trips, and any trips will be for them severe stress. Before committing your life to a Virgo man, think about whether you can repeat monotonous movements day after day and put things in their places.


After marriage, you can still rely on a man born under this constellation. Life with him will be full of harmony and comfort, but not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance.

Representatives of this sign tend to shy away from making responsible decisions, so the boat of love can crash on the rocks of everyday difficulties.

Unforeseen circumstances frighten Libra men, especially if the conversation concerns the appearance of offspring. The marriage will be saved if the young people are supported by their parents. Under a different set of circumstances, the burden of responsibility may force a man of this zodiac sign to leave the family.


Life with a Scorpio man is like living with a zebra. His experiences and frequent changes of opinion can become painful in the first stage of married life.

Black stripes can cause negativity, which will become so unbearable for a woman that any sound or action will be annoying.

In addition, Scorpios are not considered devoted spouses, so infidelity can become part of a couple's life. The only exception can be young men, who are less susceptible to temptation and more cheerful.


Adventurers Sagittarius may decide to get married very early. For them, this is not a responsible step, but another challenge to fate and a quiet life. It is quite difficult to keep up with a man of this sign, because he will not be near his wife for a long time.

These “little souls” prefer to plunge headlong into the next adventure, strive for newly invented goals, just so as not to stop and think “like adults.”

In a marriage with a Sagittarius, this happens often: the spouses a short time They quickly move away from each other, each pursuing their own goals.


After the wedding, Capricorns may experience frightening indifference. They seem to be hiding somewhere in the corner, lonely and thoughtful, creating an impenetrable aura of inaccessibility around themselves, often staying in bad mood. In fact, a man of this zodiac sign has a natural need to isolate himself from time to time.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and those born under this zodiac sign have a very powerful will and are self-confident. Dating an Aries means you're getting to know someone who is amorous, intense, and a little self-centered. These personality traits make Aries a very exciting and passionate partner, but he is someone who can also break hearts and demand a lot in return. Aries people want to be in charge and their needs always come first, which can make them very selfish and difficult to live with at times. They can be incredibly self-absorbed and inattentive to the people around them.

Still, with all their negative qualities, Aries is rightfully considered a very passionate and faithful partner. They may be selfish at times, but they are fiercely loyal. If Aries is in a relationship, then he trusts his partner 110%. Due to their passionate nature, living with them is not easy. There are often big conflicts that Aries accepts as just fun. Aries' passionate nature tends to make them fantastic lovers in bed. Sex with an Aries will never be calm, so you won't be bored.

Best Love Compatibility for Aries

Aries love compatibility is best with those who can match their passionate nature, which is why Aries does well with other Fire signs. Leo and Sagittarius are a good match for Aries as they share the same mutable nature and natural intensity.

Aries sometimes likes heated arguments and debates, and this need can be satisfied by the signs of Fire. Another sign that makes a good love match for Aries is Libra. The air sign balances the passionate intensity of the Fire element, and Libra, the symbol of balance, can help bring stability to Aries' life.

Bad love compatibility for Aries

While Aries does well with Fire and Air signs, they tend to be at odds with Water signs who may need help too often, and Earth signs who are too practical. Aries tends to have serious conflicts with sentimental Pisces. Aries and Pisces are not a good match because their way of looking at the world is too different.

The union of Aries and Virgo can also be tough since Virgos tend to be perfectionists and look at life completely differently than Aries. Another weak compatibility is Taurus-Aries, as both zodiac signs are incredibly stubborn, but also look at the world absolutely different ways.

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Useful tips


Who is he? A hunter and adult child, he is an impatient and self-confident type who loves to command. He knows how to make decisions and is always sure that he is right. It is difficult for him to admit his mistakes. Stubbornness is one of his main traits, which can overshadow all his advantages. At the same time, he has a unique ability to ignite others with his enthusiasm and lead.

Who are you to him? For an Aries man, women are an object of conquest, a trophy, a goal to which he is ready to go as long as he has the opportunity to achieve and conquer. He doesn't like rejection, but he will also ignore easy prey. Sometimes it happens that he is not particularly interested in what you think about him. It’s much more interesting while the fire is burning, excitement. After all, Aries are very gambling.

Read also:The Most Unique Traits of Zodiac Signs

What are its disadvantages? He is impatient and often insensitive. For many Aries, the process of conquest is much more important than getting the goal. He knows how to make decisions and take responsibility, but the problem is that he quickly loses interest in everything he starts. If he has enough will and good motivation, he is ready to move mountains, but representatives of this sign lose motivation very quickly. If some light breeze that interests him blows in the other direction, he can, without hesitation, set his sails in the opposite direction.

What does he really want? Care and attention. You will say that everyone wants this, but this is far from the case. Aries only seem strong and decisive, and often they want to be weak with their loved ones. Despite the fact that Aries are very independent, determined and proud, they need a partner and family. After hunting and hard work, you want to relax in a calm home environment.

How to keep him? Keep him motivated and interested in you. This can be a variety of things: your interests, hobbies, the ability to find common ground, the ability to support his efforts, and much more. He should be given freedom to realize his leadership qualities. If you are a strong person, do everything to appear weak and driven to him. Even if you make decisions yourself, do everything so that he considers them his own. Men of fire signs, in particular Aries, definitely need to be praised and admired. This fuels them with energy, gives them strength, and they will move forward with even greater zeal.


Who is he? Reliability itself. You can safely rely on him. He is reliable, sincere, caring, but he can also turn out to be quite lazy and greedy. The material side of life for any Taurus has great importance. He is not one of those people who is ready to be content with little and always has a “stash” for a rainy day, however, he is not too whimsical in everyday life, the main thing is that it is satisfying and cozy.

Who are you to him? An equal partner who is willing to contribute to financial side life together. Even if he is ready to give you part of his savings, he will not take off his last shirt, financial stability gives him confidence and makes him calmer.

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What are its disadvantages? He is very predictable and does not like change. If you're bright and active person who loves a change of scenery and surprises, it is quite possible that you will irritate him greatly. He may also be prone to excesses, which is why he is often overweight. It is difficult for him to take into account the opinions of others, he is quite stubborn and can sometimes seem like a real bore.

What does he really want? Beauty and harmony. Although many Taurus may look quite courageous and even brutal, at heart they are true romantics. Taurus loves to see beauty around him, knows a lot about art, and strives for harmony.

How to keep him? You should not play with him; he will often prefer a calm, faithful woman next to him than a lady who is looking for adventure. He values ​​loyalty and reliability more than unpredictability and originality. He does not tolerate lies, so it is better to be honest with him from the very beginning, and also always keep your promises. He is easily frightened by his assertiveness and initiative, so you should not show your interest too actively. He really doesn't like being criticized or contradicted. Among other signs, the expression “the way to his heart is through his stomach” is especially applicable to Taurus.


Who is he? A sociable and friendly funny guy who doesn’t particularly like to bother with anything. He is very sociable and prefers to be always among people to exchange ideas, news, plans or opinions. Without communication or information, which any Gemini receives constantly, he will simply wither away. He is a multitasker, able to think about several things at the same time and also solve several problems at the same time. Often seen leading double life, especially if in the family he does not receive due attention and support for his interests. Likes to flirt without any obligations, even when he is in a stable relationship.

Who are you to him? Interlocutor and friend. If there is nothing to talk about with a woman, this is not his woman.

What are its disadvantages? He is often fickle and inattentive. Although he can pay attention to small things, important things can easily pass him by. He is often frivolous and does not think about tomorrow. At worst, all his promises are empty.

What does he really want? To be understood and accepted for who he is.

How to keep him? Satisfy his need for communication, be a friend and companion for him, talk with him on any topic. He cannot be limited in his communication with other people, no matter if they are men or women, old people, young people or children. Freedom of speech and free communication are very important things for any representative of the Gemini sign, and restrictions on this freedom can lead to a break. To keep him, you need to learn to listen to him and listen to what he says. He is fickle in his hobbies, he likes variety and change, so you should make sure that he doesn’t get bored with you.


Who is he? Caring family man. Cancer is more family-oriented than any other zodiac sign. The meaning of life for him is to have someone nearby to take care of, whom to protect and protect. It is very traditional in a way that is predictable and unoriginal. He may even invent a tradition that he will adhere to for the rest of his life. He loves comfort and warmth hearth and home, care. For him, his own corner is important, a quiet haven or a warm shell in which he can hide from any troubles.

Who are you to him? Caring hostess. He highly appreciates a woman’s ability to take care of the house, keep the hearth warm, and satisfy his culinary cravings.

What are its disadvantages? Obsessiveness and desire to manipulate others. Cancer men can be creepy at times. boring when it comes to caring. They may feel like they are not loved enough if you spend a little less time with them.

What does he really want? Independence in decision making. Although Cancers are generally ready to consult with family members, if any negative situations arise, they dream of solving all problems themselves. They strive to be the head of the family. Although in many ways they choose the submissive side.

How to keep him? You should learn not only to accept his eternal presence nearby, but also to be caring and attentive towards him, forgetting even about yourself. If you're not ready sympathize and sympathize, accepting his weaknesses and having children is not your man. He should always feel cared for and respected, then he will gratefully repay you in kind. Independent and cold women are generally not his type.

LEO man

Who is he? Proud and brave leader of the pack. Leo usually has a strong and charismatic personality and deserves the love and respect of everyone who knows him. He is a born leader, but unlike Aries, who are ready to run ahead, without understanding the road, just to be first, Leo approaches the choice of path more consciously and wisely. He loves to be the center of attention, is a little lazy, will not overwork and waste energy if, in his opinion, no one needs it. Usually very ambitious and strives to become the best in his field. Quite popular in his circle, even if he does not strive to be famous throughout the world.

Who are you to him? A star next to which he can shine even more than before. He loves beautiful and bright women, but those who will not overshadow him. For him, you are a partner who can decorate his person.

What are its disadvantages? Egocentrism and pride. Almost all Leos are terrible egoists, because they are so confident in their uniqueness! You should not be offended if he puts his interests above yours, because he cannot do otherwise.

What does he really want? He wants to be the only one and highly valued by his beloved. It is important for him to feel his importance in everything, to be needed like air and to feel that the world will stop without him.

How to keep him? Let him feel his greatness and uniqueness. Leos are big egoists and do not particularly like to take care of others. That is why they like independent and independent women more than caring and devoted gray mice, ready to come running at the first call. Leo will respect his peers and will appreciate it if you are inspired by his achievements, but do not try to compete and surpass him in anything. He loves praise and encouragement, but quickly recognizes lies and hypocrisy.


Who is he? Critical pedant. He is quite fastidious and picky in his connections, he will pay attention to any little thing, but at the same time he will faithful and reliable partner. He knows how to care and show attention, but this does not exclude the fact that he can be very modest and restrained in expressing feelings, and also very thrifty in terms of gifts. Like other earth signs, you can always rely on a Virgo man. He usually works hard and sets high standards. He is punctual, loyal and sometimes calculating.

Who are you to him? A devoted and faithful partner who will not demand excessive emotionality, passion and all-consuming love. He is calm and reasonable and will not exalt his chosen one to heaven. But he will love her calmly, evenly and, most likely, for the rest of his life.

What are its disadvantages? The fact is that he sees flaws in everything. However, his criticism should be treated with respect and never make out, because he so wants to have an ideal partner next to him! It is not typical for him to be an adventurer in life, and any unexpected surprises can turn out to be a very painful adventure. For some, perhaps this may not be a disadvantage at all.

What does he really want? Affection, attention and care. Although Virgo men are usually not very emotional and will not show their feelings towards a woman, they do not mind their other half showing them more forcefully.

How to keep him? First of all, you should be neat and look perfect, because, in his opinion, everything should be like that. You must accept his criticism with gratitude and respect, because he will criticize everything. Every little thing matters to him, so you must pay as much attention to detail as he does. You cannot shock him, otherwise he will simply doubt the correctness of his choice. He knows how to care, but he does it carefully; you should not demand sentimental confessions and romantic gestures from him. Even if he is capable of romance, everything will be more than modest.


Who is he? An elegant diplomat. The advantages of Libra men are difficult to underestimate - they are usually quite sociable men, attentive to their appearance, who know how to find an approach to almost any person. For a Libra man, the opinions of others are important. While doing something, he will always think about how he looks from the outside. He is a great romantic and knows how to make pleasant surprises. Like anyone air sign, he loves communication and seeks in partnership an opportunity to reveal his intellectual abilities. He is kind and welcoming and often hides his true feelings by trying to be polite.

Who are you to him? Reliable partner. It is in partnership that all its most best qualities. He will never be a loner and will strive to build strong relationships.

What are its disadvantages? The problems begin when he needs to make a decision. He will hesitate for a long time and weigh the pros and cons until he finally “gives birth” to a brilliant solution.

What does he really want? So that others can make decisions for him. The Libra man often hides his indecisiveness, but upon closer acquaintance it will be noticeable how he tries to shift the responsibility for making decisions onto his partner. This can be a problem if the partner is very indecisive and hesitant himself.

How to keep him? In order to keep a man of this sign, you should always be the same faithful and devoted partner for him, with whom he can always consult and whom he will trust infinitely. You should always be there and always express your love. He should not have the slightest doubt that you can let him down in some way or leave him alone in difficult times to deal with problems. You should also look good next to him, be tactful and modest, and be able to carry on a conversation.


Who is he? Intuitive owner. Scorpio will never let go and will keep a stranglehold on everything that you consider to be yours. He is a rather strong personality, with strong intuition and insight, he knows how to see right through you, and he can smell any lie instantly. In order not to be wounded, he is ready to strike first. Best protection is an attack, which is why Scorpios are often characterized by a rather aggressive and intolerant character. At best, this is a very vulnerable and receptive person who can support you.

Who are you to him? An object of passion that can turn his life around and keep the fire going for a long time. Scorpio is a lover of extremes, dangers and extreme sports.

What are its disadvantages? He is distrustful and very secretive. Sometimes, in order to understand what is inside him, you will have to spend years, or even decades, but in the end you will never find out what he hides inside himself. This is a typical Scorpio tactic - to find out everything about you and not show you anything of their own! He is a great owner and jealous, and he will remember any insults for a very long time, hurting you every time the opportunity presents itself.

What does he really want? Gain power over you. Any Scorpio is a great owner, loves to use power and knows how to skillfully manipulate. This allows him to hide his actually vulnerable and subtle nature.

How to keep him? Crises and intense passions are the favorite components of any Scorpio’s relationship. If your family life is quiet, calm and predictable, he will quickly get bored and look for passion on the side. At the same time, you should be quite submissive, because he does not particularly tolerate powerful women who want to take over. Intimate relationships for such a man, this is one of the most important components of their life, therefore, providing him with due attention is the main task of any woman who will be next to him. He doesn’t like it when people pry into his soul too persistently and prefers to have a quiet, secluded place where he can be left alone at times.


Who is he? Incorrigible adventurer. An inquisitive and adventurous representative of the Sagittarius sign will never sit quietly in place waiting for events, but will strive to bring them closer. He loves change, travel, and a change of scenery. He will be quite generous for loved ones; money and valuables mean little to him if they cannot be exchanged for knowledge and broadening his horizons. In most cases, Sagittarius are very kind and peace-loving people, they prefer not to hide their intentions and desires, they are honest and fair.

Who are you to him? A bright intellectual. He is unlikely to look for boring and simple women. It is important for him that a woman matches him intellectual level and shared his hobbies.

What are its disadvantages? He is unpunctual and often unreliable due to the huge number of tasks that he is ready to take on and not always complete. If he tearfully promises you something, you should not believe it unconditionally, since he simply may not have time to fulfill the promise. This is not even a deception, but simply a coincidence, he will say.

What does he really want? Enjoy new experiences. He strives to make life revolve around him and he is in constant motion.

How to keep him? Sharing his hobbies, passions and aspirations with him is very important to staying with him. If you are a homebody, don't particularly like changing places and don't read a lot of books, most likely he will get bored with you quickly. Sagittarius always has a lot of goals, in addition to one main one, and he often tries to achieve them all at the same time. That's why he often not enough time for some things, like family and partner. This is worth understanding and not making a tragedy out of it. Sagittarius cannot be kept at home: if you want to be close to him, pack your bags and follow him, otherwise they will quickly find a replacement for you.


Who is he? Reliable and diligent organizer. Any Capricorn is a workaholic, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but work is what he is used to and what constitutes an important side of his life. This is the most serious and reliable type of the entire Zodiac, he is ambitious, diligent and knows perfectly well what he needs from life. He is used to keeping promises, does not particularly like romance and knows how to create it.

Who are you to him? A friend who respects and values ​​him highly. Usually he takes relationships seriously and does not particularly strive for variety.

What are its disadvantages? He can be too demanding, calculating and strict. He knows the price of everything, does not like to change, and often adheres so much to traditions and things familiar to him that he may seem boring and old-fashioned. He does not like to show feelings, he can find fault with little things and will firmly stand his ground. Stubbornness is another quality that helps him not only achieve what he wants, but also piss off his loved ones.

What does he really want? A quiet and cozy environment, where everything is familiar and understandable. Since work is of paramount importance in his life, it is worth creating a corner for him that would distract him and give him a good rest before new achievements.

How to keep him? He sets his own rules, which he follows, this is worth taking into account and not trying to change something contrary, simply out of whims. To keep him, you should not create for him stressful situations , constantly change and change something around you. Remember that Capricorn loves consistency and predictability, otherwise his psyche simply cannot stand it. He highly appreciates it if his partner is interested in his affairs, but does not meddle in them too persistently. You cannot demand from him that he be gentle and romantic; this is very difficult for him due to his character. Adaptation in men of this sign is quite painful, so most likely you will have to adapt, not him. He sets the rules, you adapt.


Who is he? Innovator and eccentric. The most independent, passionate lover of freedom, a brilliant inventor - this is all about Aquarius. If you would like to keep a man to yourself and decide everything for him, Aquarius is not for you. He is so attached to his freedom that he becomes dependent on it. He will always be different from others, and he does not care what others think about it. There is always something to chat with him about, he will give friendly advice and provide moral support in difficult times. He - best friend, but the worst lover, and if he feels pressure, he will disappear as quickly as he appears. He rarely loses his head, and when making important decisions he is guided by common sense, not feelings.

Who are you to him? Like-minded person and friend. Be his friend, and then your relationship will be close and trusting.

What are its disadvantages? In relationships, he is cold and inconsiderate, he can seem insensitive and distant, and when you need him, he is never there.

What does he really want? To be believed in and accepted for who he is. You cannot limit Aquarius and try to change him. This can make him furious.

How to keep him? He loves freedom very much and will highly appreciate it if he is given it in full. The more freedom a woman gives him, the more attached he becomes to her and the faster he loses this freedom. It's a paradox, but it works! Like any airy type, Aquarius is an intellectual and prefers to have a woman nearby with whom he could communicate and discuss interesting things. Be interested in his affairs and his opinion, respect his personal space and do not hang around his neck. Let him be the way he wants.


Who is he? Sensitive dreamer. Emotionally open, caring and deeply empathetic, the Pisces man can often act like gentle young lady. He knows how to love, please his loved ones and will always be there when you need support. He is not indifferent to your mental anguish and tossing.

Who are you to him? Tender beloved. He is ready to accept you as you are, the main thing is to be caring and gentle towards him.