Incredible facts

Each of us was born on a strictly predetermined day, hour, minute and even second. Our fate is already predetermined by someone above for certain events. Each person comes into the world with his own destiny and karma.

Karma is a basic concept in philosophical teachings and in Indian religion; it is the law about the interconnectedness of events in human life. According to this teaching, a person will have to answer sooner or later for any of his actions or deeds. The action in this case is the cause, and the payment received is the consequence.

People often call this situation the boomerang law, which will return in any case. If you did something good, then goodness will definitely return to you, but if you sinned, then you will have to answer for that too.

Karmic number

That is, karma is the fate of a person, which he shapes daily through his actions; it is a system of bad and good deeds. When a person lives his life according to his conscience, then, as a rule, his life is joyful and easy. At the same time, a life full of sins is filled with losses, despondency and grief.

However, it also happens that a person lives according to all moral laws and the highest canons, but his life at the same time is sheer misfortune and negativity. In this case, experts say that he is working off the karma of his past lives.

When a person did not have time to real life to atone for all his sins and, in addition to everything, made new ones, then they go with him to the next life. This is how the formation occurs karmic debts. To prevent them from going to yours new life, they need to be accepted and worked out in this life.

In esotericism, it is customary to calculate the number of karmic debt based on your date of birth. This helps you understand exactly how your debt formed, what to do about it, and how to get rid of it. This number will tell you what obstacles and difficulties you will encounter on your path, and how to find a solution.

Karmic debt

What kind of karmic debts?

Earned in past life duty

Debt earned in real life

Debt passed down from ancestors (sometimes the debts of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents are passed on to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; these debts are often worked off over several generations; this means that one of your ancestors did something incredibly bad, and cannot wash off on their own , that’s why his descendants pay).

Karmic debt is formed when the borrowed energy is not returned, and also when obligations to higher powers are not fulfilled. This makes a person a sinner-debtor, and this is fraught with serious tests of karma.

For example, here are some sins that lead to the formation of karmic debt:

1. Appropriation of what does not belong to you.

2. Irresponsibility.

3. Refusal of self-development, debt to oneself.

4. Taking on and not keeping promises made to other people and higher powers. Remember that every promise matters, because the person who does not keep his word is the most serious debtor.

5. Unwillingness to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives, failure to realize one’s own destiny.

Karmic debts by date

All of the above examples are specific life situations, which can be grouped into common main causes of karmic debt:

Violation of the rules of life;

Failure to keep God's commandments;

Destruction of shrines;

Neglecting the power of prayer;

Disrespect for parents and dislike for their own children.

Karmic debt by date of birth

So, how can you find out your karmic number by date of birth? To calculate it, you need to add up all the numbers of your birth. For example, you were born on October 5, 1986. 5+1+0+1+9+8+6=30. The number 30 is your karmic number.

Each karmic number has its own meaning and interpretation. With its help, you will learn what in your destiny you need to pay more attention to, what situations it is better to hide from, and what to take a closer look at. You will also learn about your hidden talents, opportunities and available resources.

Do you have karmic debt?

If, as a result of adding your birth numbers, you get 13, 14, 16 or 19, then this means that there is a debt hanging in your karma. Each number has its own meaning. Read about the meaning of other resulting karmic numbers at the end of the article.

Karmic number 13

It indicates that your previous life was zero, that is, you did not use your past incarnation at all, you were an irresponsible and lazy person, you shifted your worries and difficulties onto the shoulders of other people. You lived your past life uselessly, without taking any experience from it at all.

In this life you are faced with a huge number of difficulties that you must solve on your own. To work off karmic debt, it is vital for you to acquire the ability to complete the things you start without being afraid of obstacles and obstacles.

Karmic number 14

It says that in a past life you did not use your talent, buried it in the ground, you idle a lot, devoting yourself to taking care of your physical needs.

Most likely, in this life you have many different dependencies; you do not know how to finish the things you start, giving up at the first obstacles. To correct your karma, you need to get rid of bad habits and impulsive decisions, you need to cultivate wisdom in yourself.

Karmic number 16

This number is obtained from a person who in a past life was careless about the love side of life and engaged in adultery. A person with this karmic number in a previous incarnation completely devoted himself to feelings and passions, and also painfully wounded and betrayed other people.

In real life, such a person often suffers from loneliness due to the fact that either the relationship itself does not work out, or his pride interferes. To pay off a karmic debt, you need to cultivate modesty and engage in self-education.

Karmic number 19

This karmic number belongs to a person who, in a previous incarnation, abused his powers, suppressed other people, using his power.

In today’s life, such a person has no one to count on in a difficult situation; no one comes to meet him halfway or come to his rescue. Most likely, such a person is lonely. To pay this debt, a person must help people free of charge and selflessly, serve them.

Let's single out the number 10 as a separate part. If you got this number after calculations, then you are a very unusual person who did not have karmic debts in any of your past lives. You lived all your lives quite with dignity, you had a good relationship with those around you, you worked in moderation and lived according to your conscience.

Karmic debt number

Now let's talk about what needs to be done to work off your karmic debt.

1. Understand the root causes of debt.

2. Understand what needs to be done by asking the forces of karma.

3. Work on yourself, try to correct the current situation, ask for forgiveness, etc.

4. Find your spiritual healer who will help you free yourself from karmic debt using an esoteric ritual.

The very first and most important step is to understand the essence of karmic debt. To do this, you don’t need to immerse yourself in your previous incarnations at all, because all a person’s sins, in the overwhelming majority of cases, lie in plain sight in real life.

Karmic debt is usually repaid either through repentance or through suffering. A person can choose his own payment method. He can realize everything and change the situation, or he compensates with suffering and torment.

Therefore, if someone has offended you, then you should not rush to offend the person in return. Stop and think, it's quite possible that similar situation has already been in your life, only you were in the role of the offender. Understanding and repenting is the way out. This will mean that you have learned this lesson of karma and have purified it.

In Christianity, all believers are given the chance to repent by confessing and absolving their sins, however, this does not mean that a person is freed from karmic debt. It happens that a person purposefully shares his sins with the priest, he absolves them, but after going outside the person again thinks about doing what he repented of for a few minutes. When a person has actually realized, he will not do it again and will not want to do it.

The meaning of karmic numbers

Now let’s look at the specific actions necessary to get rid of karmic debt.

Karmic debt of the number 13

In this case, you need to work tirelessly. The more active and hard you work, the faster you can pay off your debt. You need to learn to enjoy what you do. Almost any problem you have can be solved simply by increasing the amount of effort you put into it. Throw laziness aside so that you can succeed. However, remember that the training will be long and thorny, do not count on quick results.

It is very important for you to learn to focus on the most important thing, throwing all your strength there. Keep your life in order. Chaos and disorder will throw you off, thereby significantly increasing the distance between you and your goal.

Karmic debt of the number 14

This karmic debt can be worked off only when you can learn to control yourself in any situation and not give in to any of your physical weaknesses.

Set yourself a serious goal and do your best to achieve it. Only in this case will you be able to achieve your integrity and come to inner harmony.

Karmic debt of the number 16

To repay this debt, a person must completely eradicate selfishness in himself. You must be modest and humble, think about the experiences and feelings of the people around you.

However, such a person faces one big obstacle: he has an analytical mind, thanks to which he incredibly quickly finds flaws in the people around him, which is why they automatically fall much lower in his eyes. That is, such a person, one might say, is doomed to eternal loneliness.

Karmic debt of the number 19

This debt can be fulfilled with the help of favor towards people. It’s corny, but it works: treat people the way you want to be treated, that is, with understanding and respect. You should learn to share the opportunities you have.

You will feel a lot better if you put aside your pride and begin to openly show friendship, love and affection. Only in this case will you be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

It is important to emphasize that absolutely any karmic debt can be worked off; a person can correct his mistakes and stop the emergence of new ones. Behave as required, live according to human laws. Fill your life with compassion, positivity and kindness, which will definitely reflect well on your karma.

Karmic numbers in numerology

Now let's talk about decoding the remaining karmic numbers. All of them are grouped into 4 groups, each with a corresponding level. The higher the level, the person has lived more lives, which means he has more opportunities, experience and resources.

First level – from 10 to 19

11 – a very trusting person who idealizes relationships. He has a hidden danger of betrayal and betrayal, because in his previous incarnation he himself was a traitor.

12 is a symbol of constant suffering. A person with such a karmic number often becomes a victim of bad conspiracies, because in a previous incarnation he himself was a participant in terror, weaved intrigues, or committed deception in love.

Numerology makes it possible to determine karma by date of birth. With the help of simple calculations, you can more accurately find out what karmic debts a person needs to work off, become familiar with the reasons for their occurrence and ways to get rid of them. It is the presence of karmic debts that can be committed both in this and previous life, is the cause of most troubles and failures. Every person has the opportunity to work them out throughout life and make their existence happier.

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    The meaning of karmic influence

    By karma we mean philosophical doctrine, according to which a person himself creates his own destiny through righteous and sinful actions. According to its laws, people can live several times, developing their spirituality and correcting vices until they reach the ideal.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was sure that a person returns to Earth 15 times. All the actions that he performed in past lives will certainly return to him in a subsequent incarnation. In order to avoid punishment, you need to recognize your dark sides and correct them. Otherwise, the next life will be even more difficult.

    Depending on one’s actions, karma can be light and dark, light and heavy. Everyone chooses their own path in life, doing good and bad deeds. Karma helps a person to realize and understand his life path. With its help, you can determine what influence the past incarnation has on your present life. Karma is not a punishment, but only reflects what a person deserves through his actions.

    Types of debts and sources of their occurrence

    Karmic debt is unfulfilled promises to Higher powers, God, and other people. To restore justice, a person receives punishment and only by changing and correcting his mistakes will he be able to “clear” karma. The most important karmic debts are:

    • Promises made and broken. Even minor promises must be fulfilled, otherwise an energy debt will form.
    • Failure to fulfill earthly Destination. Everyone has a different Higher Duty and you can determine it by listening to your heart.
    • Reluctance to listen to the Soul. A person ignores the needs of the heart, which leads to a lack of spiritual growth. To draw the individual’s attention, unpleasant people and negative situations appear in life, which only bring discomfort and suffering.
    • Theft. When appropriating what belongs to another, karmic knots. You can appropriate not only material wealth, but also time, health, energy and life. The retribution for such thefts is similar - a person will lose what he took, but in a larger volume.
    • Irresponsible attitude towards family, work and people. A person refuses to provide for his family and bear responsibility for it, does not fulfill his obligations at work and does not participate in raising children.

    There are several types of karmic debts. These include:

    • Own ones that a person managed to receive in this life.
    • Ours, earned in past lives.
    • Inherited through clan.

    Numerology allows you to determine karmic debt, but before starting calculations, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their main features:

    • With one of the people without visible reasons persistent misunderstanding, aggression and conflict arise.
    • Failures follow. At such intervals of time, it is time for a person to repay debts and pay them off according to the laws of the Universe.
    • When doing something, there is a loss of energy and strength, even though everything was fine before. This may indicate that the Higher Powers thus provide an opportunity to work out karma.
    • Having made great efforts and spent a lot of time, a person does not get a positive result, and his work turns out to be useless.

    All karmic debts must be worked off within a certain period of time. They are given not to cause pain and suffering, but to enable the individual to embark on the path of self-development. They indicate that a person makes many mistakes and it is necessary to change his life. Pain and suffering are a signal to action that needs to be responded to in time.

    Calculations by date of birth

    To check the absence or presence of karmic debt, it is necessary to calculate the number of Soul, Destiny and Name. According to Western Pythagorean numerology, debt numbers include:

    People who were born on these days probably have debts from a past life. If a person was born on other days, the date of birth must be checked in full. So, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019 indicate bad karma, which is a consequence of mistakes made in past lives. To determine karma by year, it is important to pay attention not only to “bad” numbers, but also to the total sum of numbers, which may be unfavorable. To do this, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations:

    • Take the date of birth, for example, November 22, 1991.
    • Add up the numbers of the day of birth: 2+2=4.
    • Sum up the digits of the month: 1+1=2.
    • Add the numbers of the year: 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2.
    • Sum all received data: 4+2+2 = 8.

    If the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 appear in the results, life priorities need to be reconsidered. To determine the number of the first name, last name and patronymic, you need to know the numerical designation of the letters. You can get acquainted with it using the table:

    When calculating, it is necessary to take full name. For example, the number of the Name Catherine is 6+1+1+9+6+7+9+4+1=44=4+4=8. The calculation of the number of the Patronymic and Surname is carried out in a similar way.


    Karmic number 13 means that a person was lazy, did not work enough, manipulated other people. He lived a selfish life and only did what made him happy. In this incarnation, hard work and overcoming obstacles await him. It will be difficult for him to achieve success, and he will have few opportunities to enjoy life.

    The main task of people with the number 13 is the development of discipline and spirituality. You need to learn to do your work responsibly, take on many responsibilities and assignments. A person will encounter a large number of obstacles that other people in similar situations do not encounter.

    In order to achieve success and avoid problems, you need to learn to concentrate, not to scatter all your strength and devote yourself to one thing. It is necessary to maintain order in the family, since confusion will reduce the effectiveness of any efforts. Working off such a debt is difficult, but you should not choose the easy path, as it will only lead to a dead end.


    Karmic number 14 indicates abuse of pleasure. Man did not use his freedom correctly and preferred to indulge in physical pleasures. The life of people with the number 14 is chaotic - unexpected events arise, changing circumstances and sudden changes in living conditions. They are susceptible to alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony and other physical pleasures.

    People with the number 14 often have a beautiful and bright appearance and are the life of the party. They have sweet energy, and a trail of pleasure follows them even in this incarnation. Communicating with them, people are inspired by new ideas and come closer to their dreams. Karmic debt 14 is often observed in show business among singers and actors.

    In order to achieve success, you will need to get rid of bad habits and find higher meaning in life. It is necessary to choose activities related to and dedicated to the energy of inspiration. You need to control yourself and achieve emotional stability. When problems arise, you need to give up impulsive actions and continue on your path.


    People with the karmic number 16 were careless about the love side of life, engaged in adultery, betraying their partners. Such a person carries the burden of other people’s grievances and often suffers from loneliness. In order to get rid of debt, a person must overcome the following negative traits:

    • Inaccessibility.
    • Alienation.
    • Irresponsibility.
    • Indifference.
    • Disregard for the feelings of others.

    You need to engage in spiritual development and abandon love vices. Starting and maintaining a relationship will be difficult and you will constantly have to struggle with difficulties. Friends and connections will be lost due to strange and sudden circumstances. The person will often be completely alienated and alone. The key to success is complete humility and building a life according to the laws of a higher nature.


    Karmic debt 19 indicates abuse of authority. Man was turned away from all that was holy and spiritually right. He was endowed with enormous power, but used it solely for selfish purposes. He was not interested in anything except own desires. In real life, you have to face situations where no one will help such people.

    If a person copes alone, that’s good, but usually he simply reproaches others and waits for selfless help. He is characterized by some aggressiveness, unfriendliness and irritability, which makes him unpleasant for others. In order to find happiness and work off karmic debt, you need to learn how to interact with people, not only take, but also give. You need to share your capabilities and help others. It is important to avoid such negative qualities character like:

    • Selfishness.
    • Laziness.
    • Aggression.
    • Addiction.
    • Narcissism.

    "Difficult" numbers

    Karmic numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8 deserve special attention, as they do not always bring happiness and prosperity into people’s lives. The number 4 in Vedic numerology indicates a large karmic debt. It may consist of a huge number of unfulfilled obligations. In this life, owners of this number also often lead an incorrect lifestyle, which only aggravates their karma.

    Karmic number 6 indicates the presence of problems, the root of which is an incorrect attitude towards the world around us. Unforeseen difficulties and circumstances may arise in a person’s life that help him “work off” karma. It is important not to make rash actions and give up such negative qualities as selfishness, anger and irresponsibility, and regularly engage in self-development.

    With a karmic number of 7, a person can live a happy life and achieve their goals. He does not have karmic debts, but he has every chance of acquiring them, since he is subject to various temptations. It is important to choose the right path, devote yourself to work and family, and refuse the forbidden fruit, which can change your life overnight.

    Karmic number 8 portends hard life. In past lives, a person did something bad and now he needs to pay for it. He will be able to achieve happiness only by completely paying off his debts, and when this will happen is unknown. You need to accept yourself and your problems as they are, and continue to live, observing the laws of the Universe. If a person chooses a sinful path, troubles cannot be avoided.

    Additional characters

    In order to better understand fate, you need to familiarize yourself with other numbers, which are divided into 4 groups corresponding to levels. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived. The first group includes numbers from 10 to 19 and their characteristics, not including the numbers of karmic debts described above:

    The second group includes numbers from 20 to 29. People with a total date of birth in this range are usually happy and lucky, although there are some exceptions. More detailed characteristics of numbers:



    Constantly solves unexpected difficulties, which allows him to develop spirituality

    Can succeed in anything

    Too kind and trusting person

    Has every chance to succeed in building a career

    Lucky throughout life

    There are a lot of tests to go through

    Excellent intuition that allows you to avoid many problems

    Differs in developed intellectual abilities

    Abandoned his talents and abandoned his morals

    Faces deception, lies and betrayal

    The third level includes numbers from 30 to 39. Their description is shown in the table:



    The karmic number 30 has endowed people with excellent intelligence, which they use to earn money, which plays a decisive role in their lives.

    Has a tendency to be lonely and usually does not have a permanent significant other

    Have a great family and a successful career

    Luck accompanies a person in everything and he can teach others

    Rarely does a happy life develop before the age of 35, but then a successful marriage and increased material wealth await them

    Dependencies are clearly expressed; there may be problems communicating with children and the opposite sex

    Karmic number 36 indicates unhappiness in love, but in their career everything is going well

    Luck accompanies in all endeavors

    Have deceitful friends, experience failure in business and have failures in love relationships

    Karmic number 39 indicates developed intelligence, health problems and a large number of addictions

    The quadruple group includes numbers from 40 to 49:



    Karmic number 40 indicates loneliness and financial problems

    The person is prone to deception and has weak energy

    Success in everything except love relationships

    Problems with building relationships and in the professional sphere

    Life is filled with deception, troubles and difficulties

    In order to achieve success, it is necessary to develop mental abilities

    Have true friends and a loving soul mate

    Will have to face betrayal, insincerity

    Can easily build a career thanks to developed leadership qualities And high level intelligence

    A lonely person who is not interested in his personal life or finances

    Numerology by Julia Poe

    Find out the presence of karmic debts and identify possible ways their returns can be achieved with the help of Julia Poe’s numerology, which examines in more detail the connection between the numbers of days, months and years. Thus, the day of birth carries information about the past life and the percentage of debt fulfillment:

    • From 1 to 9 - the karmic task is completely completed.
    • From 10 to 19 – the mission is 80% completed.
    • From 20 to 29 – the percentage of debt fulfilled is 60.
    • 30 and 31 – the task is 40% completed.

    Each birthday number in the Julia Poe Numerology Tarot has magical meaning and endows a person with special qualities:

    Number Designation Quality
    1, 23 I MageBorn leaders
    2, 24 II High PriestessVirtue
    3, 25 III EmpressTalented personality
    4, 26 VI EmperorProfessionalism
    5, 27 V High PriestEnlighteners
    6, 28 VI LoversKnow how to build love relationships
    7, 29 VII ChariotDedicate yourself to science
    8, 30 VIII JusticeSpiritual practice
    9, 31 IX HermitDefender
    10 X Wheel of FortuneThe man was mercantile in finance, therefore real life he is entrusted with the financial mission of providing for the family
    11 XI StrengthThe individual exceeded his psychophysical strength and was aggressive
    12 XII Hanged ManThe man was rude and trusted only himself
    13 XIII DeathThe individual tried to be the first in everything and achieve his goals in any way

    Karmic numbers in the Tarot, indicating the presence of debt, are - 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Their decoding can be seen in the table:

    Number Meaning
    14 He was greedy, so in real life he is limited in many ways
    15 Indicates the practice of occultism and black magic. Most often, cancer diseases are hidden behind this number
    16 Man destroyed people's destinies. Now he must learn to build harmonious relationships
    17 The man loved fame and honor, and achieved this through dishonest means. You will have to make great efforts to become a famous person.
    18 A deceiver who has a keen sense of others. He loves to embellish and gossip. He has developed Creative skills and to achieve success, he must channel his energy in the right direction
    19 Abuse of power. We should not put pressure on people, but help them
    20 A traitor to traditions of sorts. He could have had a relationship outside of marriage, gone into a foreign culture
    21 Sold his talent, did not want to have descendants and take care of them
    22 Poor and rude attitude towards children. Perhaps abortions were performed, or the person simply abandoned the children and refused to raise them

    By the month of birth in the Tarot you can find out why a person came to his family and what tasks are assigned to him in the future:



    The need to work off the karma of a brother or sister by helping them

    It is necessary to develop such qualities as kindness and mercy

    Those born in March were not very independent and they need to learn responsibility

    April people have a strong connection with their father. They came to this world to help their ancestors clear karma and avoid negative actions.

    A person carries his mother’s karma, which most often has an unfavorable character. It is important for them to forgive their mother and improve their relationship with her.

    The main task is to create a strong and friendly family

    The human race has stagnated in one place and needs changes. It’s good if he can move to another city or choose a job that requires frequent business trips

    The task is to hold the family together and reconcile parents


    Talented people with strong astral body. Their task is to glorify the family

    The duty is to increase the capital of the family. How more money they take from others, the less they earn

    The main task is to improve the status of the family

    Young souls who need to learn to understand at least themselves

    Card merging technology

    In Julia Poe's numerology, the technique of drawing cards is actively used. The most important of them is the person’s birth chart. It shows his character, positive and weak sides. The cells of the map carry information about the state of the energy channels, and the absence of numbers in them indicates problem areas. Numerological tarot square cards look like this:

    In the above example, cells 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are empty, and the energy channels for which they are responsible need to be cleaned. The more numbers are indicated, the more developed certain qualities are in a person.

    Karmic encounters

    In life there are karmic encounters that can be constructive or destructive. In a creative connection, partners are connected through positive karma. Previously, they were a happy couple, led a calm happy life no change Each of them was a good person, and their love helped others and was a wonderful example for them. They deserved another life together, and their meeting was destined to happen.

    With a destructive karmic connection, partners quickly “recognize” each other and feel an irresistible pull, as if they had known each other all their lives, but family life brings only disappointment. In such relationships there is constant misunderstanding, quarrels, deception, and one of the partners may have bad habits, problems with childbirth are often observed.

    With a negative karmic attachment, partners both love and hate. It’s hard for them together, and when they separate, they are pulled back. In a previous life, these people were unable to fulfill their obligations, and life gave them the opportunity to meet again and go through a series of obstacles, paying off karmic debts.

    Partners will not be able to separate or start a happy life until they complete the karmic task. At the same time, they do not necessarily have to understand each other and achieve complete harmony - a complete severance of relations can also be an option for solving the problem. If partners who are not suitable and only have a destructive effect on their other halves continue the relationship, then next life they will meet again and will not be able to create a successful marriage, since they will not let each other go.

    You can determine the presence of love karma by date of birth. Have to take full dates birth of a man and a woman and carry out a simple calculation, for example:

    • 22. 11. 1991 = 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=26
    • 28. 03. 1989= 2+8+3+1+9+8+9=40
    • Total amount: 26+40=66

    It is necessary to subtract 22 from the resulting amount. If the difference is less than 22, then the subtraction is repeated until the total is equal to or less than 22. In the example given, the calculations look like: 66 – 22 = 44, 44 – 22 = 22. After this, the resulting number must be compared with the decoding of the results:

    • 1. Difficult karmic relationships, where partners will fight for the right to occupy a leadership position.
    • 3. Creative karmic relationships built on harmony, trust and love.
    • 4. In such relationships, the man takes the dominant position, which leads to a large number scandals.
    • 11. Negative karmic relationships where one of the partners suffers.
    • 12. A man will cheat on his wife, since in a previous incarnation she betrayed him.
    • 13. Destructive karmic union, which long time will not be able to break off the relationship.
    • 14. love affair will not last long, but the partners will remain friends.
    • 15. A negative union with a strong karmic connection, where both partners will cheat and lie.
    • 17. The union has a destructive effect on two partners who cannot separate.
    • 20. Creative karmic relationships filled with love.
    • 22. Karmic union, where partners live in a constant change of relationships, constantly quarrel and make peace.

    If the result is the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, then the partners are not bonded by karma, but have every chance of a favorable development of the relationship.

    How to work off duties

    Every person has the opportunity to work off karmic debts and improve their lives. The first step is repentance and service to God, the second is suffering. It is important to follow simple tips:

    • Don't take revenge.
    • Don't cause suffering to others.
    • Don't offend loved ones.
    • Help those in need.
    • Be responsible for your actions.
    • Analyze behavior.
    • Don't wish harm on anyone.
    • Do good for free.
    • To be fair.

    Each person chooses independently how to repay his karmic debt - through repentance or suffering. You can realize your sins and change the situation, or face suffering and torment that are sent from above.

According to numerologists, it is possible to determine a person’s purpose and destiny based on an individual number. It is not difficult to calculate karma by date of birth - just add up all the digits of the date in sequence.

Special karmic numbers - how to determine?

For example, you were born on 04/03/1985. This means that you need to add 0+3+0+4+1+8+9+5=30. Thus, your individual number and karmic period are 30. Every three decades, unique and decisive changes will begin to occur in your life.

Each person has his own karma. However, in the general series there are several numbers that stand apart - these are, first of all, 10, and then 14, 13, 19 and 16. A person with such numbers is given a second chance in order to correct the situation, to repay the karmic debt - since in his previous incarnation, he was an extremely selfish person who did not lead the most worthy lifestyle - here we can talk about greed, and cruelty, and laziness, and irresponsibility, and so on.

The first stage of development - what do karmic numbers 10-19 tell us?

People whose karmic number ranges from 10 to 19 are at the first stage of development.

If you were able to correctly determine karma by date of birth and received a number that is in this range, then do not try to change the whole world. Your own personality deserves much more attention from you.

Holders of the karmic number 10- lucky ones. They have self-confidence and their future is bright. Special problems they will not be affected, and career they are guaranteed. Everything will make you happy - family, health, and work. Your karma is excellent; you did not commit any sins in your past life. In the present, take care of worldly affairs and continue to do good. Don't try to do magic - it's not your thing.

The number 11 is quite difficult. Trials and hidden dangers may await you. Do not give in to all persuasion, do not be gullible. Rich offspring and no fewer marriages await you; you will not stop looking for the ideal in your personal life. But you are unlikely to find it. Occult sciences are most likely not for you. If you decide to do them, be careful. you are a traitor or a criminal - but only in a past life.

Karmic number 12 is a symbol of worries and suffering. Its owners are naive and need protection. They are often deceived a lot, and sometimes they get nervous for no reason. In your previous incarnation, you were a revolutionary, a terrorist,... Magic is also not for you, the exception is under the wise guidance of an experienced mentor.

For those with 13th karma you will never be bored. Throughout your life you will enjoy change. And sometimes you feel sad because of them - they are your eternal companions. Your past life was not cloudless - you are either a slave or a prisoner in your departed incarnation.

Number 14 says that extreme sports are not for you. You should generally be careful, especially in air travel and on water. Forget about holidays on the islands or in the mountains. But in a past life, the sea was familiar to you - you were a sailor. Well, or military personnel. Do not try to guess and go into the magical “wilds”.

Holders of the number 15 very charming. They have a natural temperament and magnetism. They use them to achieve goals, but such people do not shun betrayal or deception. They can find themselves in art, music, acting. You can only become a black magician. And in a past life, your talent and your body were sold by you for money.

16 is a karmic number which promises the collapse of plans and many disasters. Evil Rock will haunt you all your life. Every decision you make must be thoughtful. Otherwise, sad consequences will not keep you waiting. But in your last incarnation you were a very rich and brave person, most likely of royal blood or a person close to the king. You didn't have much intelligence, but you lived in luxury. Do not risk dealing with magic, otherwise health problems will overtake you.

Number 23- higher powers favor people with this karmic number. Your personal life, career and other affairs will be successful - you just need to want it. Do magic with confidence, you need it. In your previous incarnation you were engaged in sewing.

Digit 24 is also lucky number. Success in love and other matters is guaranteed to you by fate. You may not expect any unpleasant gifts from the future. However, do not anger the higher powers; renounce evil deeds that could ruin your karma. In the past you painted icons. Nowadays, try yourself as a predictor, magic is yours.

Number 25- representatives of this karmic number are not very successful in the first half of life. And all because they have quite complex nature. If you understand this in a timely manner, you will be able to find harmony with the world around you. In your last incarnation, you traveled around the East and were a royal person. IN magical matters Brilliant success awaits you.

Number 26- a number that indicates the approach of misfortunes. Don't even trust your own intuition, and beware of deception. Created for you love magic. In the past you were a doctor.

Number 27- a number that promises its owner a lot of good. Even if everything didn’t work out in the first half of your life, the second half will be much happier. Higher powers will repay you kind heart and selflessness. You can safely get carried away by money magic. In the past, you were a good family man as well as a scientist.

Number 28— number of contradictions. You don't pay attention to laws and morals, but at the same time you have enormous talent and potential. It is unlikely that a prosperous and bright future awaits you. You can only become a black magician. You committed suicide in your past life.

Number 29- a sign that will deceive. Throughout your life you will be lied to and deceived. Difficult trials and betrayals will overtake you constantly. In order not to become a hermit, you need soul mate. There is no hope for success in magic. In the past, you were a rich merchant and a deceiver.

Third level - numbers from 30 to 39

Holders of numbers from 30 to 39 are able to influence the people around them. You are able to teach many people how to live intelligently.

Number 30 speaks of superiority. You are both smart and intellectual. But all your attention is occupied only by fame and money. Don't chase them, otherwise you will never see happiness. Try your hand at magic. In the past you are a poet or writer.

Sign 31
talks about loneliness. Its representatives are always lonely and do not themselves strive to communicate with other people. The most important thing in your life is not financial well-being or an organized personal life. Successful practice of magic requires a strong push. Without it, you won't get the job done. In the past, you played for an audience - you were an actor or a musician. You had children out of wedlock, and in large numbers.

Digit 32- harmonious number. Its representatives are active and optimistic. They have many friends and acquaintances. However, they should talk less about themselves. Otherwise, success in business will not be achieved. In the past, you are a lonely traveler, without a single soulmate. You will be able to predict the future, just be persistent in learning.

Number 33- promises good luck in love and in other endeavors. Your future is bright and cloudless. Develop as a teacher, educator and mentor. It is possible that you can create your own magical technique, which will become a real revolution. After all, in the past you were a great magician.

Number 34
- the number that will reward you. There have been many difficulties along your path. But the second half of life will bring good luck. Your personal life will improve after 35 years, you will be successful in terms of finances. But until these years, expect difficulties and hardships. In the past, you are a knight who was killed. Start magic only after 35 years.

Number 35- in life, betrayal, betrayal, and all other troubles await you. You will not achieve financial success, and your descendants will become addicted to alcohol or drugs. In the past, your life was also unhappy - you were a failed singer. You only need magic to protect yourself.

Representatives of karmic number 36 in life you should rely only on yourself. No one will bring you anything on a silver platter. There will be disappointments in your personal life. You will be rejected by your loved one. And your soulmate, according to the law, will be with you only because of finances. You were sent to hard labor for crimes - but this is in a past life. In the current one, you should try business magic.

Number 37
- a number that brings happiness in your personal life and success in all endeavors. You were a hermit in a past life. In this one you will easily master Slavic magic.

Number 38 deceives. It promises betrayal, infidelity, and everything connected with it. You should not trust anyone, especially business partners. You were a prostitute in the past. In this one, magic is not for you.

Representatives of the number 39
differ in intelligence. They have only one drawback - constant envy of the successes of others. You are prone to bad addictions, and you should give up what spoils your karma - do not envy anyone! You burned through your past life playing the game. You should pay attention to.

Fourth stage - from 40 to 49

Introduced the fourth stage should think about high things. They are both teachers and philosophers.

40 - number of singles. You are not very lucky in financial matters, your family does not like you very much. People around you often don't understand you. But you have your own purpose. In that life you wrote either books or poems. You will pay attention to the magic, but do not expect success.

Number 41- this number speaks about your emotionality and attractiveness. And this despite the lack of special beauty. You have numerous fans. But you are selfish and can do anything for your own benefit. In your last incarnation, all the men in the world were crazy about you, and you were a poetess. Try telling fortunes for yourself or studying the stars and their predictions.

Number 42- happiness will not bypass the representatives of this karmic number. Do not be afraid for your future - it is arranged in the best way. You are German and brewed beer - but that is in another life. In today's world, you don't need magic - and you simply don't have the ability for it.

Owners of the sign 43 Life has already prepared a lot of challenges. Family life and career will not be successful. You were executed in a past life for treason, and you were royalty. If you do not want to harm yourself, give up magic forever.

Number 44 - representatives of this karmic number always seem to argue with fate itself. They should be afraid of everything. Because there are constant disasters and dangers on their way. In order to preserve your psyche, you should not practice magic. In your last incarnation you were a murderer and a tyrant.

Holders of the number 45 higher powers will reward. At the beginning of life's journey, both losses and disappointments are possible. But after 40 years, all this will pay off with interest. You will not need money or love - you will have it all. You have saved lives in the past. In your current incarnation, magic is not for you.

Number 46- both love and friendship will always be with those who were able to calculate karma by date of birth and received this number. Just don’t enter into a legal relationship for money or convenience - otherwise you will be unhappy. Get married to someone you respect and love. Numerology will bring you success. In your last incarnation you fought and died fighting.

Number 47- owners of this karmic sign are always close to insincere people. Although they themselves love gatherings with friends. You must be prepared for the fact that others will deceive you and even betray you. In your past life you led a solitary existence, being either a chemist or a sectarian. In order to save own health, put practicing magic under an eternal ban. They are not for you.

Number 48
- number of warriors. You are a born leader. A glorious career awaits you. Try yourself in the role of a military man, athlete or political leader, and you will not regret it. You worked with weapons in the past and loved your craft. Magic doesn't interest you.

Number 49- you are alone and are unlikely to become successful in financial matters. However, in order to come to terms with this, you do not have to spend much effort. You have committed many sins in the past, for which you are now paying for them. Magic was not made for you.

Now you know how you can easily determine karma by date of birth. You can believe or not believe in what fate itself predicts for you. However, we would recommend that you do not refuse her signs. Perhaps, having familiarized yourself with the information that knowledge of your karmic number gives you, you will try to change your life for the better and achieve success in this? In any case, you can rest assured that the truth in numerology exists. It is not for nothing that this great science has been around for many millennia. Don't be lazy, it will help you solve many problems and improve your well-being.

"Karma" translated from Sanskrit means "action". It is the basis of the law, according to which everything a person does necessarily returns to him, determining his fate in subsequent births. But karma is not a punishment or a reward. This is the energy of actions performed in each life. If errors are not corrected, negative energy accumulates, difficulties and failures are repeated in each new incarnation. There are four main karmic numbers - 13, 14,16 and 19. They indicate the presence of this person karmic debt and explain its meaning.

Calculation of karmic number by date of birth.

To find out if you have a karmic debt, you need to add all the numbers of your date of birth to a two-digit number. For example, January 2, 1960. 2+0+1+1+9+6+0=19. There is no need to perform further addition (1+9). 19 – one of the main

Karmic number may be contained in the date of birth itself. All people born on the 13th, 14th, 16th and 19th have karmic debts that have Negative influence on their lives.

The meaning of basic karmic numbers.

Karmic number 13.

In the past, man was concerned only with his own well-being, took life lightly, put his own pleasures above all else, and tried in every possible way to shift his work to other people. In the present, karmic debt must be worked off with hard work. Numerous obstacles can be overcome if you concentrate on one thing, don’t rush from side to side, and most importantly, work and work.

Karmic number 14.

Karmic debt arose due to the fact that a person preferred to indulge in physical pleasures and did not engage in his spiritual and moral development at all. He not only limited his own freedom, but also deliberately oppressed people close to him. Currently, life circumstances are constantly changing, and a whole “collection” of bad habits is possible. A high goal and inner growth are required.

Karmic number 16.

In the past, a person caused irreparable mental or physical trauma to someone who was devoted to him and loved him. Now selfishness and narcissism make it difficult to establish warm relationships even with close people. This can lead to complete loneliness. Humility and meekness are necessary.

Karmic number 19.

In a past life, a person had absolutely no regard for those around him and demanded unconditional submission from everyone. He was guided solely by his own ambitions and desires. Now difficult situations arise due to the fact that he has no one to rely on, no one to expect support from. It is important to learn how to interact with people, not only to “take”, but also to be able to “give”.

The concept of “karma” was given to the world by ancient Indian philosophy. The exact translation of this word is “action, duty.” Karma does not necessarily mean something bad. This is the law according to which a person's fate is determined by righteous or sinful actions.

The basis of the law is the ability to identify oneself with one's actions. Everything depends on the actions we take. A certain step in life retains its imprint, and every action has consequences. Both good and bad. If a person gets into trouble or commits unseemly acts, they say about him with a sigh: “Such karma!” But by the word “karma” we mean “fate”.

Misdeeds are committed due to weakness of character and hopelessness. And if your life is like a horror movie, then fate is challenging you. Accept it, clear your karma until your drama life becomes like a romantic comedy. Open the doors to happiness. And if you haven’t done anything wrong in this life, whose sins do you have to pay for? The concept of “karma” is closely related to “reincarnation” - rebirth, transmigration of souls, when a person lives not one, but many lives.

Therefore, in this life he is responsible not only for his own offenses, but also pays off the debts of previous incarnations. The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras claimed that man appears on Earth fifteen times. Using its magic square, you can calculate the number of times you come into this world. Your life is twelfth, there are three more left. You are obliged to fulfill your Karmic Debt.

Numerology karmic

The number of karmic debt can be found out thanks to the esoteric science - Numerology. Numerology does not refer to the magic of numbers. It is close to astrology. Numerology and numerological fortune telling were popular among mathematicians in ancient times. Karmic numerology deals with the study of the relationship of numbers with surrounding objects. If you correctly interpret your date of birth, you can achieve success by learning to make the right decisions.

Numerology shows the course you need to follow. In an individual chart, numbers move. This helps to change a person’s karma, his destiny. Karmic numbers are the basis for calculating karma. You can even predict your fate by making a numerical table.

Karmic debt is an obstacle that prevents you from realizing your dreams and choosing a profession. By giving it away, you will be able to correct not physical defects, but moral ones, which carry important problems. The number of Karmic Debt is easy to calculate by date of birth - this means determining the type, understanding where and when it arose and how to get rid of it, how to behave in Everyday life, treat close people.

Types of Karmic Debts

  • Earned by a person in this life.
  • Received in a past life.
  • Coming as an inheritance, i.e. a hereditary “gift”.

Karmic Debts by date of birth

Numbers of Karmic Debt by date of birth - 13, 14, 16, 19.

  • One of these numbers may be the Birthday number. The number of Karmic Debt by date of birth is easy to figure out.
  • As an example, let’s take the child’s date of birth: 09.13.2015 The date contains the number 13. There is already a Karmic Debt.
  • Let's calculate the number Life Path and determine the preliminary result, which corresponds to the number of Karmic Debt: 1+3=4; 0+9=9; 2+0+1+5=8; 4+9+8=21 In this number there is no Karmic Debt by date of birth. Incarnation in a previous life has no effect on this person.

Now let's calculate the Soul Number

This is the second number of five individual numbers of a person, indicating the spiritual world, attitude towards oneself, towards people, towards marriage, desires and aspirations. To calculate the soul number, you need to add the numbers that indicate the vowels in the full name, patronymic and surname given at birth.

Table numerical value letters in the Soul Number

9 5
6 1 5 9

6+1+5+9=2; 2+1=3; Let's sum it up: 6+5+3=14

The transitional result of calculating the Soul Number is 14. This is the same Number of Karmic Debt. A person born on September 13, 2015 has two such numbers of Karmic debt: 13 and 14. 13 is the Birthday Number; 14 – Number of the Soul.

Karmic numbers

Number 13

The number 13 has always had a negative meaning. A person in a previous incarnation lived his life in vain and was a superficial person. He was lazy or did not do certain work, worked little, wasted his time. He took on a lot, but never completed a single task. He could lose heart and did not want to take responsibility. Worried about personal wealth, desires and hobbies.

In today's incarnation, debt needs to be paid off only through work. Learn to overcome obstacles and not waste energy on several activities. Don't search roundabout way, but press a little, and the obstacle will move away. Choose one goal and achieve it. Be purposeful when starting any business. Do not shy away from work, enjoy any fruit of your labor, be spiritual developed person. Fuss less and be confident. Good luck will certainly come if you focus on one thing.

Number 14

In a previous life, a person with such a number did not know proportions. He set himself an impossible goal and strove for it, denying everything to himself and his loved ones, thereby suppressing the freedom of others and abusing his own. He lived without being useful.

And in real life he wants everything at once. Makes grandiose plans. He turns into a workaholic, ready to work for days. When he encounters obstacles, he loses interest and finds other desires. Stubborn, unrestrained, brawler. Envious, loves money. This behavior will lead to increased Karmic Debt.

To work off a debt, you need to restrain yourself. Set realistic, achievable goals. Do not force people to listen to your opinion, do not humiliate, do not make demands. Learn to adapt to different situations. Learn goodness and justice, find friends.

Number 16

The meaning of this number is that in the past a person was selfish and did not pay attention to people’s feelings. He went ahead to satisfy his own interests.

In real life, such a person is withdrawn, selective, avoids communication, has few or no friends. Independent, learned to live by his own mind. Tends to think alone, to go into his own thoughts, not seeing anyone around. Outwardly restrained and detached, but internally they are vulnerable and can accumulate negativity and resentment. Without working off your Karmic debt, you can withdraw into yourself and move away from people. The task of such a person is to learn to find contact with people, find true friends, and stop looking down on them. Engage in spiritual development.

Number 19

Karmic debt is given for abuse of one’s power and authority in a past life. He demanded unconditional submission from people. He offended those around him with his ingratitude and did not repay debts. An unattractive image of a tyrant, a tyrant.

People with the number 19 love to teach and instruct. They do not take into account the opinions of others, they impose their own. Caring for others hides the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, to keep everything under control. They often give advice on what to do and what to wear. It is quite difficult to communicate with such a person. People stay away from such a person. In the future, he will have no one to rely on, nowhere to look for help.

To get around debt, you need to learn to cooperate with people and strive to communicate. Help your neighbors, don’t expect gratitude. Develop the ability to hear not only yourself, but also others. Listen to the advice. Cultivate such qualities as sensitivity, nobility, generosity, and the ability to share success.

How to correct karma?

Do you feel the corruption of your karma? A decision must be made immediately. If you count according to the Pythagorean table, this life is not the last for your soul. Advice will help you make corrections to the mistakes of the past, earn a satisfactory reward in your present life, and arrive at the future with bright karma.

  • Never take revenge short people. Try to be happy and know that life itself knows who to punish.
  • Don't hurt someone who believes in you.
  • Think about the consequences of your actions. Don't do them if it will cause suffering to another person.
  • Give a helping hand to someone who doesn't ask. Don't do good just to prove to yourself how noble you are. Your karma is negatively affected.
  • For the troubles that happen to you and for the unfavorable actions you commit, no one but you is responsible.
  • Draw conclusions. Analyze your actions so that negative karma does not form.
  • Let's good advice, restrain those around you from unseemly actions. Worry about their karma.
  • Don't forget about past karmic debts. Eliminate them.
  • Self-punishment can be used to improve karma. But you should not be subjected to physical punishment. Hindus adopted difficult poses for self-punishment. You don't do yoga, then do the deed. Do something good to man who suffered from your words and actions.
  • Do not wish harm to anyone, do not send curses. All thoughts are material, they can boomerang back.
  • Be fair. Love not only yourself, but also those around you. There is no such thing as someone else's grief. All this will help get rid of unnecessary, burdensome burden.
  • Are you ready for one act of kindness a day? It is not hard. Start and you won’t notice how it becomes a habit. This does not mean being Don Quixote, performing a feat while fighting the mill. Look around, smile at people. Be benevolent and courteous, sympathetic. And they will respond in kind.

All your actions performed in this life should not be from a calculating mind, but from a pure heart. And then the person next to you will have no karmic debt numbers, and no one will pay for your sins.

The number 10 is responsible for good karma and is called the Wheel of Fortune

Lucky number. Wheel of Fortune

Such a lucky person should be born on the 10th, or the number 10 should be present in the date of birth. The number is responsible for good karma, and is called the Wheel of Fortune. It consists of two numbers 1 and 0. The meaning of the number 1 is everything new, and zero in numerology is the number of activity, energy, speaks of prospects, and gives great hope. The person who was born with it has already paid off his debts and can start life with clean slate. Karmic debt is not a punishment for him. Such a person needs to do everything to prevent karmic debts from arising in the future.

And if in your numeric code there are no cherished ones and zeros, but there are numbers responsible for debt obligations, try to recover from the karmic disease given from above. The treatment is simple: recognize, accept and understand everything that the numbers tell you.