No matter how professional the head of the company is, he knows that without a reliable rear in the form of a close-knit team of workers, he will not be able to achieve great success. However, in this matter not everything is as simple as it seems. After all, hire good specialists- quite realistic, but to ensure that they find a common language among themselves, and even be happy to help each other, and not putting steps is much more difficult.

Modern team building

Fortunately, today there are many special organizations that deal with such issues. They introduce directors to what team building is and show in practice how this technique can help build relationships in a team and turn it into a real team.

So, if we turn to the origins of its name, then “team building” is nothing more than English word“teambuilding”, which means “team building” or “team building”. In fact, it is carried out through training in a variety of forms.

As a rule, the manager turns to a special instructor for help, who offers him several options to choose from. Team building training can be held right in the office, take just one day, or be presented in a playful way in nature. The last option is the most popular, and therefore we will talk about it in more detail.

Team building outside the city

Self-development and team relationship improvement trainers love to conduct their classes in nature. This could be some kind of rest in the forest with an overnight stay by the fire or a short stay in a sanatorium with daily hikes along pre-planned routes. However, this is not exactly a vacation; as a rule, office employees are asked to divide into teams and choose leaders who will lead them. They are then given various tasks, often including physical activity. For example, this could be running with obstacles, solving difficult problems that require logical thinking, boat competitions (if there is a river nearby), paintball and more. And sometimes training participants are asked to play quite simple, but at the same time effective from a psychological point of view, games. For example, showing words using pantomime or demonstrating various items by depicting them by several team players at once (they must take certain positions, say, depict a letter, a tree, a crane key, etc.).

The Secret of Team Building

On the one hand, all this seems like child’s play, but on the other hand, properly structured training allows people who were previously unfamiliar with each other:

- identify hidden leaders in the team,

- learn to work in a team and listen to everyone’s opinions,

- to trust each other,

- discover in yourself new abilities,

- will be charged with positivity and the spirit of team play,

- believe in yourself,

Increase the level of initiative,

- become more motivated at work and much more.

A special advantage in all this will be if the leader himself agrees to stand on an equal footing with everyone and, trying not to stand out, show himself as an ordinary person equal to them. This will allow him to increase the confidence of the people subordinate to him, strengthen his authority as a person who knows how not only to issue orders, but also to help others achieve their goals. And, in the end, this will help him communicate more easily with the team and get more out of it.

Finally, I would like to say a few more words about why people should not be forced to participate in team building training. After all, having learned such information, many directors suddenly decide that their company urgently needs to go through something similar in order to strengthen corporate spirit. But we can say with confidence that in any team there are always those employees who are called loners or closed personalities. Most likely, they will not want to go into any forest, much less expose themselves to ridicule in the face of all their “enemies.” In such cases, a smart manager will not show strong persistence, because in the end he risks losing a valuable specialist who, most likely, will quit from where he was so openly laughed at.

And one last but important note. Having decided to turn to team building specialists for help, you need to pay attention to those companies that have been doing this for several years and have highly qualified employees who know how to work with people and their psychological problems.

Therefore, when planning to carry out something similar, every boss must take a responsible approach to the selection of professional psychological trainers, as well as to the formation of teams of those people who can really go through all the obstacles prepared for them.

Team building is one of the most important areas of work for a company that wants to achieve success. Staff selection is a very responsible mission. The purpose of forming a team is to minimize the reserve of unrealized opportunities that are caused by discrepancies in the personal qualities or work abilities of company employees. Today we will touch on a similar topic and talk about conflicts in the women's team. Of course, at every enterprise there are misunderstandings between colleagues, but everything possible must be done to reduce them to a minimum.

Myth or reality

Is it possible to be friendly? women's team? No, unfortunately, this is more fiction than reality. No matter how pleasant a girl may be individually, when she joins a team, inexplicable metamorphoses often happen to her. For example, in ordinary life she does not like to gossip and judge other people, but at work she begins to gladly slander her unloved colleagues. This phenomenon is considered to be very common.

As a rule, there are several people in a team who are the instigators of condemnation and gossip. What do they look like? Most often, these are middle-aged women who have worked at this enterprise for quite a long time, and therefore consider themselves knowledgeable in all matters. Outwardly, they are usually strict and self-confident.

If we “dig” deeper, we will see that the life of these women is quite boring, they are tired of work, and, as they say, there are more than enough problems with their husbands or children. It is because of these troubles that they entertain themselves as best they can, creating conflicts in the team. It is very important not to fall under their influence. Once you are in a “friendly” group of women, you will immediately see them. After all, they will actively introduce you to everyone, and without any embarrassment, telling all the ins and outs of the person to whom you have just been introduced. These ladies have probably already told everyone everything about you, so you shouldn’t be frank with them.

Rules of survival for a woman in such a society

You can adopt all the habits of the team (or at least pretend to). But such actions may not be successful. Often, newcomers try to fit into the team, making one of the most common mistakes: they change their beliefs, gain the respect of their colleagues, but stop respecting themselves. It is better, of course, not to do this. Psychologists recommend behaving as follows:

What to do?

Try to find a middle ground. In any team you can find both pros and cons. So pay more attention to the advantages and do not focus on the disadvantages. Then it will be easier for you to be in a team, and your work will begin to bring pleasure. Always respect yourself and others and do not get involved in dirty intrigues.

Female friendly team and man

At first glance, it may seem that one guy who works among girls and women has found himself in a real paradise. But not everything is so simple, because there are a lot of pitfalls. A friendly group of women is not paradise at all, but rather the opposite. Working in such a “flower garden” for a man is sometimes not very easy. But let's talk about everything in order.

Very often, a man in a women’s team feels uncomfortable, since the girls can either simply ignore him or make the guy a common enemy.

How to be? How to change this attitude?

Firstly, you need to treat everyone as correctly and respectfully as possible. Under no circumstances should you become personal in your communication.

Secondly, a little later, when you have become a little more comfortable, you need to choose your own approach to each woman. Resort to the ancient “tool” of compliments or even a little flirting (just don’t overdo it, otherwise it could turn into an even more unpleasant situation).

Negative aspects of working in such a society

A women's team cannot be imagined without intimate conversations. They discuss everything, from what grows in the garden to the husband of a second cousin. Try to avoid such conversations. If you are nevertheless involved in this kind of discussion, then show interest, but do not draw conclusions and do not share information with others.

What else should a man not do in a group of ladies if he wants to stay away from intrigue?

Here are some more tips for representatives of the stronger half of humanity who find themselves in a team entirely consisting of women and girls:

  • Do not take the side of one of the warring parties, adhere to neutrality. This is the only way you can “get away with it.”
  • If old-timers are trying to impose their point of view on you, then listen to it and even agree, but under no circumstances let them, as they say, sit on your neck.
  • Keep personal information to yourself. Answer all questions briefly and concisely. Take the topic of conversation in a different direction. For example, if there is increased interest in your person, seize the initiative and ask your interlocutor about his new car, a child or about your beloved dog.
  • Are they talking about you behind your back? Don't pay attention to what's happening, stay positive.
  • If you don’t like someone on the team, just don’t communicate with them. It will be easier this way.


So, we tried to figure out what a friendly female team is like. As you can see, this is not such a wonderful phenomenon as it might seem at first glance. In our article, we gave a number of tips to both men and women so that they could somehow get along in their new workplace. We hope you manage to get into the women's Friendly team, photos with employees of which will not cause negative feelings in you, but exclusively positive emotions. After all, both a man and a woman can easily work together with representatives of such a team. However, here, as in any society, there are some rules, adhering to which you will feel as comfortable as possible in your workplace.

Working together does not mean being a team. A close-knit team is the key to the development of any enterprise. All employees should have one goal, only then will the business develop and all participants receive decent financial rewards for their efforts. The main task of all managers is to create a spirit of teamwork, but this is not so easy to do. There are even special sciences for this, such as team building and sociometry, but these topics deserve a separate discussion. Today there are professions - HR manager, recruiter, corporate secretary and HR specialists who work in large companies dealing with such issues. After all, making money is simply impossible without a close-knit team. Trainers and HR professionals have developed very simple techniques that allow you to create a successful team. There are extremely many of them, we have chosen the methods most suitable for small businesses.

Each team consists of different personalities in temperament and character, completely different from each other. These discrepancies can create conflicts between people, which is especially pronounced in a team when a deadline approaches. Yes, time is money, but many people are mistaken that spending time on building a team is a pointless waste of money and effort. Each leader must decide for himself which path is best for his team and business. So, let's talk about what can be done?

Most effective method- This joint vacation: picnic or hike. In other words, this is an opportunity for everyone to relax together. It is at such events that employees have opportunities to reveal themselves in a completely different light, not only as a professional. This will help employees get to know each other better.

An alternative could be a simple picnic, a camping trip, a trip to a camp site, a trip to a skating rink, for example, or to another place of entertainment (bowling or billiards). But for the bravest there are different types team games, ranging from rafting to paintball. Such trips allow you to “blow off steam” and relieve stress, which is very fun and impressive.

Planners, five-minute meetings, meetings- another great method of communication between employees. Typically, one such meeting per week is sufficient. As a creative option, you can come up with a topic for discussion, for example: “Come up with a slogan for your company,” and then print it out and stick it on the office wall. It all depends on your imagination. Even if these are work meetings where professional issues or issues of improving the office environment will be discussed, this provides a huge opportunity to build team spirit. It is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to express their opinion, then employees will quickly understand that they are an integral team.

Trainings and seminars are simply necessary if tension arises within the team. They allow you to find common decision set of professional problems, exchange experiences on controversial issues. Experts will help you clear up any ambiguities. If it is difficult for management to unite the team at the initial stage, then trainers recommend inviting a psychologist or conducting a series of team building trainings.

Promotions are also welcome in the team. Every person loves praise, this is how nature created us. When management gives motivation for a completed project, it’s more interesting to work. It’s like “prize games”, when you need to achieve your goal at any cost. It is better to reward the whole team, but never individual employees, since others may feel jealous or unfair. Working together for a shared reward increases the sense of team spirit. It’s good when employees work on the same projects, then there is a common goal and incentive for remuneration. In the course of working together, colleagues will not only learn to communicate regularly with each other, but also work together, achieving a common result.

Problems at home directly affect the employee’s performance. Of course, it is unrealistic to know all the information about every person, but it is still worth asking from time to time. In this way, management grows in the eyes of their subordinates, people develop a sense of support and concern, which is very important. If you demonstrate your respect for your employees, their performance will increase, which means your profits will increase.

Encouragement is good, but we must also not forget about important events . For example, this is the birthday of a company or some project, the same applies to employees and their personal holidays: birthdays, weddings, and so on.

It is recommended that the entire department celebrate both small and significant achievements. You can also come up with your own awards: the most sociable, the life of the party, the most responsive, introduce a system of trivial awards (for example, giving something to your desk or putting stickers on your clothes). Received the most in a month - the bonus grows.

Some little things that also affect the atmosphere in the office are the room itself. Now it's fashionable to start office animals, it all depends on your finances and preferences. These could be hamsters, chinchillas, a parrot or an aquarium.

Capture each event in photographs, but don’t just leave them in megabyte sizes, but print them out and make your own “corner of impressions and emotions.” It's all about creativity here. Coaches also advise marking all victories and completions of projects on special boards on the wall. In addition, with such devices it is easier to conduct a meeting and explain specific tasks.

Lack of proper employee motivation can lead to disastrous results. The ability to competently (and therefore effectively) influence the increase in personnel productivity is one of the primary tasks of any manager. Employees working in a business are the most valuable tools for achieving success and should and should be motivated. As practice shows, not everyone succeeds in this. How many promises are sometimes made, the timing of which is not known to this day. But putting pressure on a person only causes the opposite effect – resistance. By stomping your foot or demoting you, you forever lose the respect of your employee, which is almost impossible to regain. The work will be performed only “from start to finish”, according to the regulations. No initiative, not to mention a creative approach.

It’s a completely different matter when employees feel sympathy for you, enhanced by respect. They are confident that you believe in their abilities and capabilities. This is the first step towards accomplishing great things. It depends on the leader whether his staff will want to help him become successful. And to do this, you just need to take care of those who work for you, understand their desires and needs. And then they will do everything in their power and even more. Otherwise, the result will be zero.

There are several things that can demotivate a person. Take, for example, the feeling an employee feels when, trying to do everything in his power, he realizes that these efforts are not enough. And if someone else fails, then his hands simply give up, he comes to the conclusion that such hard work is not worth the effort. And only understanding and patience on the part of the boss will ultimately help to obtain significant results that were not achieved through exhaustion of emotional and physical strength, rather the opposite. The desire to earn a loyal attitude from management develops in employees diligence and desire to work, achieve high performance and prosperity of the company as a whole. It is this kind of motivation that will avoid staff turnover and bring stability and success.

In any case, in order to achieve understanding and higher productivity from people, you must first take the first step towards them. And, believe me, they will undoubtedly appreciate it.

​Good afternoon! I'm looking for a job. When I read a job description, it is important for me: functionality, salary, company activities, office location. But when Once again I see a “young and friendly team”, I filter out the vacancy for myself. Why are they writing this? Is this really important to someone and does it matter when applying for a job? Or is this a hint at the age of the applicants? It must be assumed that such phrases in the job description indicate that “corporate fun starts", and not a job. But what should applicants do who don’t need it at all?

Marked as solution


Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
[email protected]

    answer hidden


    Ekaterina, good afternoon!

    Good question!) The fact is that HR tasks are very close to sales. Only HR does not sell the company’s product to clients, but to job seekers their company and the idea of ​​working for them. Practice shows that about 90% of people, when looking for a job, put the team in the top 3 important criteria for choosing a job. This is due to the fact that we spend half of our time (not counting sleep), or even more, at work. And this is especially important for those who have encountered unfriendly employees, gossips, intriguers and imitators of vigorous activity who poisoned the work and life of the team. From own experience and the experience of my colleagues, I know that not a single HR, describing a vacancy in this way, in any way intends to offend someone or give the implication that only young people are welcome here. On the contrary, we strive to show that we select people who are not only professionals in their field, but also with whom it is pleasant to work, communicate and be friends. In our company's vacancies there is always an emphasis on this too. The average age of our employees is 25-35 years. And at the same time, we have and have had employees over 40 and 50 years of age who fit perfectly into our company and show themselves wonderfully as specialists, team members and just people. Very often during interviews we hear that older candidates draw attention to this in a positive way, saying: “You have a young team, active, this is great, I like to be among young people to be active, recharge with energy and keep up to date with all the modern features ". I think you are wasting your time refusing such vacancies. So you give up modern companies with progressive methods of work, and which really select good people. Be more positive about things. At least go to the interview to see how things are there with your own eyes, and not based on speculation. This does not oblige you to go work there if you are disappointed))

    Good luck in your job search!

    Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
    Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
    [email protected]

    Thank you (1)
    • Violetta, thanks for the advice, but I don’t want to be around active youth (or rather, for them to be around me) and I don’t need all these modern tricks. I don’t need corporate drinking parties either, even when I was much younger, I worked in a similar team, where at birthday parties they literally forced me to drink or kept asking me why I wasn’t doing it. The only useful thing I took away from working in this company was what my boss taught me and passed on her knowledge. And by the way, she is much older than me.
      From work I expect work and salary, constructive interaction with colleagues, and, of course, communication, but with those with whom I feel comfortable communicating, and vice versa too. There are people who, at 50 and 60, are the life of the party and the ringleader, and there are those who don’t need it even at 25. They are bad, so it turns out from the point of view of HR specialists? And where should they go?

      Thank you (4)
    • answer hidden


      Ekaterina, I agree with you, the whole point is not in age, but in the head) And in fact, not a single manager would want people working for him who crave corporate parties and partying. “Tricks” - I mean subtleties and wisdom, unique useful work experience, new solutions to old problems. That is, the very knowledge that managers usually share. What to do is one of the eternal questions. Don’t judge the company just by the words written in the vacancy, but check it in practice: look for employee reviews about working here, go to an interview and see with your own eyes what kind of office it is, what kind of people are there, what they talk about, what they do, in the end - After all, you can go there as a client. You will immediately see and understand a lot, and you will be able to make the right decision based on what you yourself will see, hear and feel while within the walls of the organization and will be able to make the right decision - whether this company is right for you or not. No one will determine this except you.

      Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
      Union of Developers of Gelendzhik
      [email protected]

      Thank you (1)
      • Violetta, such companies usually conduct interviews in separate rooms, where I don’t see anyone except the HR specialist and, in some cases, the chief accountant. No one will take me on a tour of the office, I'm mine workplace They won't even show it. This is the case if you are called for an interview. Usually they immediately send a refusal, and if you call to find out the reason for the refusal, they answer: “We have average age employees are 32 years old, you won’t fit into our team” or “How old are you? 44? Oh, you’re old!” And this is the answer given to many of my peers who are looking for work. Why, people my age who are a little over 35 are no longer invited. If a company presents its team in the job description, then the phrase “close-knit, friendly team” sounds better to people of all ages. And in a young team, boys and girls 20 years younger will not be addressed by their first name or patronymic, but by Lenka, Masha, Tanka, etc. I’ve heard this too, I was shocked after working in a decent organization

        Thank you (1)
      • answer hidden


        Ekaterina, unfortunately, in all areas, not all are top-class specialists, this applies to salespeople, HRs, accountants, economists, managers and everyone, all, everyone. I regret that you and your friends had to deal with such unprofessionalism. Maybe HR actually correctly determined that you will be uncomfortable in their team, because everyone pokes at you and doesn’t call you by your patronymic. They really don’t do excursions, but that’s not what I’m talking about, having visited a couple of rooms: the reception room, the office, sometimes that’s enough. Every person will always find what is wrong around him. In any case, the purpose of your request is to get advice, not to be outraged. You have a goal - to get a job with decent pay and good attitude. There will be obstacles on the way to it. Focus on the goal, not on complaints, otherwise you will lose your nerve. In addition, there are companies that value people like you - you are unlikely to be on maternity leave, have sick small children, you are unlikely to be late, be distracted at work by some extraneous matters, and approach your work very responsibly. Remember this, continue your search, and you will find exactly the company where you will feel comfortable and where they are waiting for you))

        Violetta Tkacheva, Executive Director
        Union of Developers of Gelendzhik