A love amulet will help make you not only more attractive to the opposite sex, but it will also help you recognize a person future love. How to make a love amulet with your own hands at home? All magic is the focused energy of your desire, expressed in verbal or material form.

Anyone can make an effective amulet for lovers if they have the desire and step-by-step instructions.

The amulet will attract the energy of love into your life and drive away negative energies that prevent dreams from becoming reality.

The amulet of love is made during the waxing phase of the moon, taking into account all the features specified in the ritual.

Many readers are now captivated by the amazing book authored by Marilyn Kerro.

Faith in love works wonders. These are the conclusions you can draw after reading Marilyn's novels.

If you are single and suffer from lack of attention from men, a homemade amulet to attract love will change the situation.

To do this you need to buy a small round mirror. You should buy in the first half of the day without taking change.

On Friday at dawn, go to a place where the rising disk of the sun is clearly visible. Point the mirror at the disk so that the mirror surface can absorb the rays.

And as soon as the sun comes out from behind the horizon, say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

"As the sun rises above the earth,
So I will be superior to others
By beauty and attractiveness
Night and day
In light and in darkness."

Repeat these words while looking at the mirror in which the ascending disk is reflected. And as soon as the sun fully rises above the earth, chant the following witchcraft words:

"Harp helius lata
Astra moronius fat.”

Then wrap the mirror in red material and carry it with you. The energy of the astral light will make you irresistible in the eyes of people, attracting the attention and admiration of the opposite sex.

Faith and hope for success, together with a clear intention, will release the spell. This amulet can be made for men too!

The solar disk fills the human aura with bright brilliance and dazzling grandeur.

This energy is so strong that it will attract the views of people around you to the bearer of this energy.

Lunar energy has a different connotation: a tone of soft charm and magic.

To make a lunar amulet that attracts love one night full moon catch the reflection of the night light in a round mirror, look at it and say:

“Ibuya salenite kasel vahlak,
Naita asfedas raul,
Ite naita nait pharma septadak!

Repeat the spell 3 times. After this, wrap the mirror in fabric of blue color and always keep it with you. The energy of moonlight will envelop your aura with vibes of charm, mystery and magic. These vibes will attract male attention to you.

To make this love amulet and perform the ritual, we will need the following components:

  • new needle;
  • new spool of white thread;
  • red matter.

With your own hands you can make a powerful amulet against all adversities that can befall lovers, and protect your love from troubles.

You need to cut out a 29 x 29 square from red material and fold it in four. Measure a thread half a meter long and thread it through a needle.

Tie the ends of the thread in a knot and say:

“In a thread there is a needle, and in a needle there is a thread.
No one can separate them."

Take a needle right hand, and hold the thread with your left hand. Say the following words:

“I (name) am the needle, beloved (name) is the thread.
Where the needle goes, so does the thread.
We cannot be apart."

Sew the fabric folded in four with this needle and leave the needle in it. Keep your amulet carefully, and it will keep the lovers faithful.

This love amulet can also be made with your own hands. It is used to strengthen relationships and reconcile lovers.

To make this amulet of love, we will need the following components:

  • juniper branches;
  • Dill seeds;
  • pink petals;
  • mortar and pestle;
  • a piece of red wax;
  • Lubenets;
  • tablespoon;
  • small red bag;
  • saucer.

Place the herbs in a mortar and crush them into powder with a pestle. When you do this, you can say out loud what you should achieve from the amulet. For example:

“I want to be with him, our love grows stronger day by day.”

If you don't find the Lubenets, you can do without it.

When the herbs are ready, melt a piece of wax in a tablespoon over the fire. Place three pinches of magical herbs into the wax, then pour it into a saucer. After cooling the wax a little, form a heart out of it with your hands.

When you make a heart, imagine your loved one, fill the heart with your feelings. All love amulets should be filled with bright emotions and love. You can put pictures of your future together in wax. The clearer and brighter these pictures are, the better.

Then place the heart containing your love, faith and hope for the future in a red bag and hang it by your bed. And when your loved one returns, hide the amulet from him. This must be done so as not to give away your secret.

Attracting New Love

If your loved one has left you or your love for him has faded, then you can make an amulet that will attract new feelings into your life and save them from any negativity (envy, anger and destruction).

To make this amulet and perform the ritual, we will need the following:

  • porcelain bowl;
  • large mirror;
  • pink candle;
  • dry strawberry leaves;
  • red rose petals;
  • Lubenets;
  • Melissa;
  • lavender oil;
  • amethyst;
  • white dove feather;
  • pink bag.

Place the bowl, mirror and candle on the table. Light a candle and sit opposite. Place herbs in a bowl and add 3 drops of lavender oil. Start mixing the herbs with your hands while looking closely at yourself in the mirror.

At the same time, repeat the words:

“I (name) mix magical herbs that will help me find my love, harmony and happiness.
These are the herbs of lovers who have found their soul mates.
I will also find my soul mate with their help.”

Place the herbs and other ingredients in a pink bag and don’t part with it until you meet your soul mate. This amulet will attract many men in love with you, and you can make your choice. Good luck to you!

The Parable of the Lost Love Amulet

How to do talisman for love with your own hands? This is what we are talking about today.

Once King Solomon was asked the question: “Is it true that magic helps in love?” To which Solomon replied: “No - only love helps in love.”

These words of the great sage contain the greatest of truths!

It is quite simple, because it is based on the most important of spiritual sources - Truth. You should remember them throughout your life, and understand for yourself that love will not yield to any tricks, and even the most insidious tricks will not stand in its way.

After all, if a person is destined to love, this cannot be changed. But if the heart is silent, feelings are cold as stone, then neither magic, nor magic - nothing will make a person fall in love.

In addition, not everyone understands what “love” means; not everyone is given the opportunity to experience this greatest of feelings. But, if this happened, and Love settled in your heart, then this unearthly feeling cannot be compared with anything and cannot be confused with anything.

“Only love helps in love” - in this biggest secret all love talismans and amulets.

In order for a love talisman to become your magical assistant, you need to saturate it and charge it with your love, and also fill your soul with this divine feeling.

You will also need some extra time. After all, talismans and amulets cannot act quickly, just like real feelings, which also have their expiration date. But the wait is worth it - it will certainly bring happiness to those who dutifully waited, without leaving the path destined by Fate.

How to make a talisman for love with your own hands

Today we will learn how to make a love talisman with our own hands at home.

A good choice would be a mirror talisman. After all, the ancient magic of mirrors says that this object is quite complex and has its own individual power - it unites worlds and transforms reality.

In order to make a mirror talisman for love, you will need to buy a small mirror in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Important! The purchase should not be made on any day, but on a special one - when the mirror itself becomes a talisman when used. This is the first day.

So on the first day of the new moon you need to activate the mirror - to do this, dip it in a water source, which must be natural - a river, lake, stream, waterfall.

The future talisman for love should be dipped into water, while holding it on the surface of the left palm. After which, on the water, right under the mirror, you need to write 3 times in a row given name and the name of your significant other.

If a “bright feeling” is not yet present in your life and you are just in search, then you need to write only your name on the water, and instead of the name of your chosen one - the word “Love”.

During the love ceremony, you must have a white cloth with you, so that after the mirror is removed from the water and dried, you can wrap it in this cloth and bring it home.

Then arrange it with three small saucers, turned upside down, on which place 4 lit candles. Access on your part must be open.

After everything is ready, you can begin the ceremony itself.

Concentrate well and think about what you want - to strengthen existing relationships, to meet new love or evoke a reciprocal feeling in your chosen one.

If you want to attract someone specific, then you should direct all your thoughts to this person, remember all your sincere feelings towards him. At the same time, it is imperative that this person was free!

To enhance the impact, sincerely read a prayer to God.

Now you need to choose the one that is suitable for your situation. I recommend choosing one of the three suggested below. These are Ansuz, Berkana and Dagaz.


Ansuz– literally means “divine power” – helps in gaining life wisdom.

Berkana– translated as “birch” (symbol of female magic, beauty and femininity) – gives strength, protects and protects.

Dagaz sounds like “day” (a symbol of success in new undertakings and the completion of everything old, outdated) - in a magical sense it gives good luck and attracts prosperity.

There is another option– instead of runic signs, you can use your initials and those of your significant other. Just “mix” them together to get something beautiful and harmonious.

After the love symbol is chosen, write it with paint on the surface of the mirror and whisper the following spell over it three times:

“If he takes the glass away, he won’t give it back.

Shadow, go away - don't come again!

I create destiny - I call for self-love!”

That's all. The ritual is complete and yours talisman for love ready for use.

Let the paint dry and the candles burn out. After this, hang a talisman mirror above the head of your bed.

From now on you can sleep peacefully - now in your life in terms of love everything will be very, very good!

Love and be loved!

Alena Golovina


The talisman of love is a great helper for those who want to find their soulmate or maintain a relationship. You can make a project that will protect and protect family well-being yourself.

In the article:


The image of birds in the art of Feng Shui is used to activate love, romance, and attraction. Only it should not be one bird, but a pair. And it is desirable that it be a multi-colored ceramic or porcelain figurine. Let there be more red and yellow flowers. They will attract good luck in love affairs. The best birds to choose are:

  • swans;
  • cranes;
  • pigeons;
  • ducks.

They symbolize devoted, eternal love and happiness in a couple.

Moon fairy

The Moon Fairy in the art of Feng Shui symbolizes fertility, offspring and love. If you are still single and dream of finding your soulmate, then do not miss the chance and be sure to buy yourself such a talisman. As soon as you place the Moon Fairy in your home, she will begin to attract positive energy to it, which will spread to everyone who lives in the house.


Oddly enough, yellow and red vases not only symbolize love and long-term relationships, but are also one of the most powerful love talismans. They are filled with love and happiness and do not allow positive energy to leave the room.

If you decide to purchase this particular talisman, pay attention to vases made of crystal and ceramics, which have a wide base and a narrow neck. They are the ones who most favorably influence the preservation and attraction of love in the home.


For the Japanese, this is a magical flower that can bring love and return passion, even if the fire has gone out in a relationship. But such a talisman is only suitable for those who do not have children.

Otherwise, the peony can symbolize betrayal and attract negative currents. If there are no offspring, place peonies near the bed, and love will flare up again like a flame.

Magic stones

In order to attract love into your home, you need to use talismans in the form of various pebbles. It's best to take:

  • nephritis;
  • crystal;
  • hematite;
  • rose quartz;
  • red jasper.

These talismans need to be placed in the southwestern part of the house. It is this zone that is responsible for love and understanding. It is important that the stone is only round or oval in shape. Remember, it is not so important which stone you choose, it is important that there is a pair of them.

If you are in a relationship, then such a talisman will strengthen it. When you are just looking, the talisman will speed up your search for a partner, and soon you will meet the one with whom you are ready to spend your whole life.

DIY love amulet - brooch to attract your loved one

Experts are sure that a person’s happiness is in his hands; if you want to enter your life, you need to do everything to ensure that it comes to you with joy. If you are still single and dream of meeting your soulmate, then a brooch that you should make yourself will help with this. To prepare you will need:

  • red fabric;
  • white and pink beads;
  • multi-colored threads and ribbons.

multi-colored threads and ribbons, red fabric white and pink beads

First of all, cut a small piece of fabric round shape. This will be the base. Then take 7 ribbons and, starting from the center, lay them out one after another in a circle, gathering them into folds. You should get a voluminous flower.

Sew the prepared beads into the middle. The finished flower brooch needs to be attached to a clip (hairpin). It can be purchased at any store specializing in the sale of sewing and handicraft items.

When the brooch is ready, it needs to be spoken. Take it in both hands and imagine that you are walking down the street with your loved one. Everything is fine, you are joyful and happy. On this joyful and pleasant note, say:

So that love comes, so that it lives in the heart. So that happiness comes and never goes away.

Now you can pin a talisman for love to any clothing and wait for your betrothed to appear.

Love talisman with orange

Unlike and prisushek, Such witchcraft will help not to take over a person’s consciousness, but will attract exactly the one who can sincerely love. To create an amulet that will accompany you in love affairs and will definitely help you become happy, you will need:

  • large fresh orange;
  • 20 g crushed cinnamon;
  • 20 g crushed coriander;
  • 20 g crushed ginger;
  • 10 g crushed violet root;
  • sprigs of cloves (spice).

Sprigs of cloves (spice) big fresh orange 20 g crushed cinnamon
20 g crushed coriander 20 g crushed ginger 10 g crushed orris root

Take the fruit with both hands and imagine that it contains all the love you want to receive. Continuing to imagine yourself happy and loved, use cloves to form a heart on the surface of the fruit.

Continuing to tune yourself to the desired wave and charging it with your energy, completely cover the entire ball with cinnamon. After this, take all the prepared spices and mix them in a small container.

Put the orange there and roll it well. It should be completely covered with spices. Once this is done, light 7 pink candles and place them in a circle. Place the container with the amulet in the center. Tell:

As these candles burn, so let love kindle. Fill my amulet with strength, energy and love. Amen.

After the candles burn out, take seven pink ribbons and tie them around the fruit. You need to hang it near your bed, and from that moment it will begin to attract the desired male persons.

Magic bag

So that love is not afraid to come into the house, it needs to be “invited” well and correctly. To do this, prepare according to the old recipe. To prepare it you will need:

  • a small pink or red bag;
  • various incense (choose the ones you like best);
  • precious and semi-precious stones;
  • herbs.

You can even make a bag yourself. While you are sewing it, think about how happy you will be to find the love of your life. Thus, the little thing will receive a sufficient amount of not only your energy, but will also be programmed to attract love.

It is very important to write a wish and put it in a bag. But each phrase needs to be charged with the right message. This means that it is not so simple:

I want to be loved.

I love and I am loved.

Such a message should be written on a small piece of paper with a red pen and placed in a bag. Next, send one or more red stones. Cover it all with herbs and incense. It's best to choose:

  • rose petals;
  • strawberries;
  • cloves;
  • jasmine, etc.

After the bag is filled to the top, you can take it in your hands and sit with it for a while, closing your eyes, thinking about how happy, loved and desired you are.

Amulet to attract love

Stone is a magical attribute that is used not only in the art of Feng Shui. In addition to the already described method of attracting love with the help of a stone, there are two more.

  1. You need to use your stone to attract love. Each zodiac sign can boast that it has an amulet and, and sometimes more than one.

In general, you can use any of those . The power of the stone will be aimed at establishing harmony in all areas of life. And, of course, it will affect the sphere of relationships with the opposite sex.

If among those stones that turn out to be talismans of the sign, there are those that are specifically responsible for love relationship, it’s better to choose him as a talisman.

You need to wear the stone as long as possible. Try to take it with you everywhere at all times. This way the stone will be charged with energy and will “understand” (so to speak) what is needed, as a result the amulet will attract the right person.

2. If you can’t find your amulet, or you don’t like it, you should use any stone you find. Most often, pebbles are suitable for creating such love talismans: flat gray oval-shaped pebbles. They often become talismans no worse than expensive jewelry.

Creation of a talisman

A stone found or purchased simply will not become a reliable talisman. To do this, he needs to be properly prepared and spoken. You can prepare the stone for the ritual by cleaning it well and smoking it with incense.

In order to cleanse the future amulet, put it in a very warm place for several hours. salt water. It will easily wash away all the negativity that has accumulated on this item.

After the cleansing is completed successfully, you need to charge the stone. There is no special conspiracy for this ritual. The task is to completely fill the stone with your own love and ask for it to return.

Wish you pure love, bright and joyful relationships, family happiness and grace. If you already have a loved one, then tell the talisman about him, describe this person.

After the attribute has been enchanted, it should be placed in a “house” - a specially sewn bag, and hidden as far as possible, so that no one can find it.

The power of the talisman is short-lived. Therefore, it is advisable to repeat the ritual at least once every 3 months. Before you begin the ritual again, cleanse yourself of negative energy and tune in to positive thoughts.

An amulet of love will be able to find your true happiness and strengthen your marriage. Such magic is absolutely safe, since it interacts exclusively with flows of positive energy. Therefore, tune in to the best and start making talismans to attract love.

If you want to find your soulmate and are thinking about marriage, but have not yet met a prince on a white horse, we suggest trying to attract love with the help of talismans. If they tell you that you won’t get your prince and it’s better to “take what you have,” don’t believe them! Talismans for attracting love will prove the opposite and help you find true love!

Talismans for love and marriage

  1. Plant a violet in your room. This talisman flower will help you become more feminine and open. If you take good care of your flower, your personal life will instantly change. Talk to the violet more often and tell her about the kind of man you want to meet.
  2. Talisman "yin-yang". Buy a “yin-yang” talisman at any Feng Shui store and always carry it with you. This love amulet will not only help you attract love, but will also harmonize your inner state.
  3. Take any item from the happy couple. If you know a woman who is happily married, then ask her for any item from her home. It could be a decoration or even a souvenir. The energy of love of a married couple will be transferred to you, and this will attract a worthy and loving man to you.
  4. Wear talisman stones. The stones cope well with the crown of celibacy and quickly find their owner good husband. Aventurine is considered a good talisman of love. It helps those who are already in love with a specific person). Aquamarine helps you get married. Turquoise will make you desirable and the only one for a man. Pomegranate will help you find your soulmate. Rock crystal bestows happiness in relationships and marriage.
  5. Scroll of wishes. The most effective talisman to help attract love is a scroll of your desires. Take a piece of paper and a pen and describe in detail the person you want to be with. Take everything into account: appearance, type of activity, character and even habits. Keep this note under your bed. This method works flawlessly and very quickly!

But the most important talisman of love is hidden within you. Direct your love to yourself, your loved ones, friends, animals, the business you are doing. Give love to the world, and then it will reciprocate and give you a person worthy of your love. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.06.2014 09:15

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Every person wants to experience a feeling in their life mutual love. Even those who don’t admit it, deep down want it. If you have not yet experienced the happiness of loving and being loved, then you can attract love into your life by making a love amulet.

What is a love amulet?

An amulet of love, as a rule, is an object on which is placed magic spell. Such an object for good luck in love can be almost any material object.

An amulet for attracting love works as follows. After an object has undergone a magical ritual, it becomes a concentrate of a certain energy that brings love into a person’s life. Such a love talisman should be carried with you or kept in a secret place that only its owner will know about.

Such a charmed object changes the information field around the person. It increases the energy of love for him. And to the man from outside world he can only attract what is already inside him, what is in his feelings. Thanks to the amulet, a person meets people along the way who could potentially make a good match for him. But this does not mean at all that courage is not required from a person to build a relationship in love. The talisman will only attract the desired meeting, but a person still needs to be mentally prepared for this meeting.

If a meeting that promises love has already taken place, then you don’t have to carry the amulet with you, but you can’t just get rid of it. You need to thank him and keep him carefully. In this case, you can cast another spell on the talisman, which will now keep your true love.

How to make an amulet to attract love?

  • Talismans to attract love must be done while in good mood, on a wave of positivity. Because by performing this ritual at home, you imbue it with the feelings that are in you. If you are offended by men, then it is better to first work through this offense, and then begin the ritual.
  • Talismans for love must be made during the waxing moon. The moon is the patroness of love energies and sex; she will definitely strengthen the power of your amulet if you take into account her cycles.
  • Making amulets and talismans for Great love it matters who you think about when you do such a ritual. It is advisable not to think about specific person the one you're in love with. It’s better to imagine a collective psychological portrait of the man you would like to be with. This way you expand your opportunities to be loved.
  • Your faith and hope are crucial in this magical ritual. There is no point in making this amulet if you do not believe that it will help you find happiness in your relationship. Such a talisman brings rays of love only to those who believe in it.

Clay heart amulet

An amulet that you made with your own hands and spoke will work much better than if you buy a ready-made amulet from some magician. You can make your own small heart out of clay. It must be done during the waxing moon. In some ways this amulet will be Slavic, because our ancestors also made amulets from clay. Make such a heart in a good mood, when your faith in love is strong. When the heart itself is ready, then cast the following spell on it:

“Needed by the necessary, loving heart loving heart. I made a heart of happiness, a heart of love for myself, I’m trying to attract you. With your heart, hear my efforts, with my own hands I created for you, I attracted you. Just as clay melted from my hands, so let the heart of the glorious young man melt from me. Let the feeling of love flare up between us, let us create immeasurable happiness with our own hands. I attract the young man and talk him into himself. Forward. Find. Amen".

To protect the clay heart, you can make a beautiful bag for it. Make a bag with a string so you can tighten it. Wear this amulet around your neck or keep it in a place where no one can see it. Every evening it is advisable to communicate with your heart, thank it in advance for good luck in love, this way you will cheer yourself up and fill your heart with gratitude.

Amulet made of natural stones

Amulets from natural stones. It is advisable to choose a talisman from stones according to your horoscope. Such talismans attract not only love feelings, but also money, for example. But for personal happiness, you need to cast the following spell on such a talisman:

“I attract magical love energy from stones. My stone, the stone sparkles with me. Let my personal happiness go to that sparkle. I will create it with my own hands. A man sees my radiance and goes to my stone. Together we will shine like two pebbles, together we will meet happiness like no one has ever seen before. Whoever attracts receives a pebble to help. Forward. Find."

After this, such a pebble, of course, needs to be worn around the neck. If you find yourself in a company where you don’t want to attract anyone to you, then such a charmed decoration is simply hidden under clothes. And as soon as you feel that there is a potential next to you interesting person, then immediately remove the pebble from under your clothes so that it works for its purpose.

Amulet made of wood

To attract love feelings into life, make a talisman out of wood. You just need to choose a specific tree for this. Choose it according to your horoscope. Or, as a last resort, just take a masculine tree if you are a man, or a feminine tree if you are a woman. Even an ordinary tree branch can become a talisman in a love affair if you put the right spell on it.

On the evening of the waxing moon, take your wooden amulet and say the following words to it:

“Tree of life, tree of love, you are the personification of the race. Help me make sure that I can continue my family line. Help me find a person with whom I would like to put down roots, with whom I would like to be together. Plant strength, power, give me the power of life, the energy of love. Your moment of happiness, my moment of love. With you I will find it, with you nothing is scary. Forward. Find."

Let this branch dry in a secluded place at home. They say that enchanted branches are good to sew into pillows. By the way, a similar spell can be cast on a living tree. To do this, you need to hug the tree and say all of the above. The tree responds very quickly to sincere requests. You will notice that your state, thoughts, feelings regarding relationships with the opposite sex have changed, now there will be more hope and faith in them. This means that you will broadcast other feelings into the world.

Amulet from tattoo

But the amulet does not necessarily have to be material. Some people choose a tattoo as an amulet. By the way, if you are afraid to get a tattoo for life, then you can get a temporary tattoo, for example, with henna. In summer it will also be a decoration for your body. You can choose any sign, the main thing is to encrypt it in a certain way. Here are examples of what you can stamp on yourself as a sign of love:

  • An amulet to attract great love in the form of a tattoo, you can knock out a beautiful heart, of course, this will mean love. Moreover, the variation of hearts can be very different.
  • It could be a flower, peony or rose. This means that you would like a sensual and romantic relationship. Select a specific photo and go to the salon with it.
  • The infinity sign can also mean your faith and desire eternal love, devotion between partners reigns here.
  • It could be something pair sign. Two wings, two birds, two beasts. This is also about happy relationships. But choose pictures where the animals really treat each other well.
  • It could also be the inscription “love” on different languages peace. Or a quote that embodies your attitude towards this feeling.
  • The intertwining of hands also symbolizes relationships.
  • It could be something you came up with yourself, the main thing is to put your own meaning into the tattoo.