If the face is the mirror of the soul, then the logo is a reflection of the entire essence of your company. You may not even realize it, but sometimes logos say much more about a company than its description.
Any company, any business or startup faces a moment when it needs to clearly decide on a logo. This is a very important, difficult and time-consuming task that can take more than one month. Logical questions arise: how to create a logo, what the logo should be, what color it is and what it is responsible for in various logos. Believe me, many questions will arise, and each of them needs a detailed and reasonable answer.

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Almost every detail of the logo - its color, shape, font, small details - carries hidden information for the client, and in the subconscious can influence certain desires, decisions and preferences. For the development of your company, it is very important that all the details of the future logo are meaningful, have a certain meaning, and meet all specified criteria and topics.
Therefore, if you are wondering how to create a logo, or have been looking for a long time useful information regarding the color of the logo and its influence on the subconscious of buyers, then in this article you will find answers to all your questions.
I would like to answer that the article was written not just based on theoretical facts, but is based on own experience creating logos for several large companies, as well as based on the experience of good friends who have a PR and design studio.

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1. Consider the scope of the business

The shape and details of the logo largely depend on the scope of your company. Not even from the field of activity itself, but from clients, their preferences and vision of this field. If you are engaged in a serious business, for example the supply of industrial equipment, then the logo should be made in strict colors, with clear shapes. Looking at such a logo, the client should immediately understand three factors: seriousness, responsibility, solidity. There should not be anything superfluous on such logos.
Conversely, if you sell clothes for young people, then the logo should be bright, with rounded shapes, various curls and fancy images. Focus on what is interesting to your target audience.
Of course, there are also “anti-logos” that work successfully although they do not meet any standard. I don’t deny that you can follow this path and create something unusual, creative, shocking. But, as a rule, choosing such a logo is a risk. Perhaps clients will understand and appreciate your idea, then there will be a super effect, but, most likely, such a logo will not be successful.

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2. Be clear about what you want

When the question of creating a logo comes up, as a rule, the customer does not know what he wants. The dialogue between the customer and the designers is usually like this: “We don’t know what the logo should be, but we should like it and surprise everyone.” Unfortunately, 99.99% of designers do not have foresight abilities and do not use the services of psychics in their work. Therefore, if you want to get a good logo, then you need to clearly understand what you want and convey your idea to the designer as accurately as possible.
How to do it? Before ordering a logo design, you should search the Internet for images from other companies. Collect 10-20 of the ones you like the most. Find particularly successful details in each and tell the designer about it. The logos you choose do not necessarily have to be from the same field in which your company operates. The main thing is to decide what you liked most.
Also, along with “I like”, select the logos of companies that you think are terrible. Point out what you definitely shouldn’t have. If this is done, the designer will have an initial idea of ​​what the logo should look like, which elements to include, and which ones to avoid. However, it is important here not to fall into outright plagiarism. Especially if you are going to register the resulting masterpiece as a trademark. If it is too reminiscent of the logo of famous brands, you may be denied registration.

3. Use no more than 2 colors

Eat certain companies and business areas where God himself ordered the use of many colors in the logo. For example, innovative companies that bring something new to the world and want to emphasize this with their logo. As a rule, these are large companies with huge investments and prospects. Among the most famous are Google, Microsoft, Apple. Also, multi-colored logos are used by entertainment companies (just remember the logo of the NBC television channel). Well, don’t forget about printing companies, on whose logos it would be a shame not to include the entire palette of colors, thereby emphasizing their field of activity.
But there are not so many companies that can afford to use all the colors of the rainbow in one logo. As a rule, there are no more than 5% of them, and the remaining 95 should adhere to a strict rule - no more than two colors. This will give the logo rigor and allow you to focus on those shades that you consider the most successful in your field.
Using two colors is the best choice not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for practical ones. It often happens that a logo needs to be printed on a black and white printer, and any color logo will look ugly and sloppy. We must not forget that multi-color logos have a number of problems when used in various printing products. They look optimal only on a white background, and if there is any other background, the effect is instantly lost.

The color of the logo plays a very important role

4. Remember that colors have semantics

The top three colors used in company logos are blue (33%), red (29%) and black or gray (28%). Another 13% of companies use yellow. The remaining colors are in demand by an insignificant share of firms - green, purple, pink account for no more than 5%. The explanation here is quite simple: the leading colors are the most noticeable and striking. Moreover, each of them carries its own hidden message to the consumer. Red is energetic and aggressive: it is a common color for the logos of automobile brands (Toyota, Jaguar, Audi). He is loved by brands that emphasize modernity and promote an energetic lifestyle (Canon, Coca Cola, MTV, Red Bull, from Russia - MTS). At the same time, red is often perceived as a youthful color (the combination of red and yellow is even more youthful): it is not suitable for companies whose business wants to emphasize “moderation and accuracy.” Blue is better suited here - it calms and puts you in a pleasant mood. This is the best color for technology companies (Intel, IBM, Samsung, Siemens): it casts metal and glass. Among automobile companies, it is loved by those who emphasize simplicity and reliability rather than energy (Ford, BMW, Volvo). For the same qualities, banks (Deutsche Bank, VTB), payment systems (Visa, PayPal, Webmoney) and postal services(remember the blue eagle on the Russian Post logo). Blue encourages positive communication; it is not without reason that it is the leader among the logos of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, VKontakte). Black is a minimalist and precise color: it must be used with great care, as it can easily add a hint of gloom. It emphasizes quality and representativeness (Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nike). However, in most cases, black is not used as the main color - it serves mainly to highlight the inscriptions (Renault, Lego). Yellow is the ideal color for companies in the food industry (McDonalds, Burger King, Subway) and the entertainment industry.

5. Picture or text – what is more important?

41% of companies use only text in their logo. You also need to decide what is more important to you – a beautiful graphic picture or a well-written text. On the one hand, the text increases brand awareness, the name will always be heard and will be easy to read. But on the other hand, the absence of a picture minimizes the hidden message to potential clients.
Small companies, in our opinion, should choose the text version of the logo also because they very rarely have a good designer who can successfully draw a picture and correctly position the text. Professional designers who specialize in creating logos charge thousands of dollars for their work. Sometimes these costs are not necessary for small companies.

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The vast majority of small companies choose text. Although if you look at world-famous companies, you can find similar logos here too. For example, YouTube, Skype, Yandex, Yahoo!, Google - they all followed this path.
“For small companies the situation is not so dire. You can act like one of my friends, who drew an incomprehensible “doodle” in Photoshop and wrote the name of the company underneath in a beautiful font,” says the head of the design company. An example is the Nike logo, which was designed by an amateur designer, but became famous throughout the world. And few people know that the Disney logo is just beautiful painting Walt Disney, which was taken as a basis.

6. Using the company name is highly desirable, but not required.

About 10% of companies do not use their name when developing a logo. This is very strange, because recognition is deteriorating significantly, but the fact remains. The most famous brand, which only use a picture, is an apple from Apple. Back in 1978, a rainbow logo appeared, which seemed to shout to the whole world: “We are a new, but rather unusual company. You can expect a lot from us, and you will see it.”
The image of only a picture on the logo dates back to the Middle Ages, when in front of the craft workshops there was a tin sign with the selected goods produced in this workshop. But then there was a monopoly on manufacturing, and if a buyer saw a shoe in front of a store, he knew that this was where he would buy the shoe, and nowhere else. Nowadays the competition is huge, and the image of a shoe is unlikely to help you tell about yourself fully.
If you still decide to limit yourself to a picture, then follow the path of Apple and take a bright, memorable image. Although our advice will be rational: do not take risks, because Apple is a unique company, and it will be very difficult to repeat their success. Choose a logo option that combines a picture and an image.

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7. Correct font

If you choose a text version of the logo, then the font is an important component. Of course, it is much easier to choose than a color or the right picture, but it also has its own characteristics. The font is also easy to match to the direction of your business, just like the rectangular shapes and curlicues we talked about above.
Try not to use standard fonts that everyone already knows. If you write the name in ordinary Times New Roman or Arial, then many will consider you a lazy person who did not particularly care about the appearance of the logo.
Although there are exceptions. Just look at the logo social network"In contact with". And when Pavel Durov was asked how long it took them to create the logo, the answer came immediately: “30 seconds. I just typed the name in a standard font and I liked it.”
But again, VKontakte is the exception rather than the rule, and you shouldn’t look up to them in the area of ​​logo creation. Choose unusual fonts that are little known. Yes, you can do something interesting yourself if you slightly modify little recognizable types of writing.

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8. You need to choose the original picture

Choosing the right and successful image for your logo is a whole task. Let’s say right away that the task will be extremely difficult, and don’t despair if you don’t find anything useful the first time. How many of you know what the Apple logo looks like? I am sure that everyone now imagined a bitten apple. Now remember what the very first logo of this company looked like? Do you know? It was a jumble of all sorts of elements: the canvas depicted a landscape, a tree, and Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree, biting an apple. To be honest, the logo was very lousy. As a result, it was simplified to a minimum and only the apple was left.
Believe me, in the process of work, your company’s logo will also change and evolve, acquiring new features and characteristics. This is a normal and integral process of development of any company.

Speaking about a logo for a company, it is difficult to overestimate its merits. After all, the functionality of this graphic sign is quite wide: firstly, it is responsible for increasing recognition and attracting the target audience, which has a positive effect on demand, and secondly, by creating a logo, you form the image of the company - an original element of corporate style that is distinctive from competitors indicates the level of professionalism and increases customer confidence. A logo is able to establish an emotional connection with a company and acts as its first visual association, so it is usually used on all kinds of media: business cards, letterheads, envelopes, banners, signs, additional branded products, product packaging, as favicons, etc. .d.

Aspiring startupers are often faced with the problem of a limited budget, but at the same time they have a great desire to run their business competently. In this case, you need to look for inexpensive solutions to create a corporate identity. There are usually two budget options that help you get a logo:

1. Use Photoshop;
2. Take advantage online editor(eg Logaster).

Benefits of Using Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the leaders among programs for creating graphic images. And this is not strange, because the functionality of this editor allows you to turn even the most daring artistic ideas into reality. The level of quality and creativity of the results of work in the program depends on the user’s skills and the version of the program itself. Thus, Photoshop (cs 5, cs 6, etc.) is considered a rather complex editor and is used in various areas of graphic design from cinematography to the creation of corporate style elements, in particular a logo.

If working in Photoshop is as easy as breathing air for you, then the benefits of using this graphic editor are countless. Let's focus on the main two: firstly, using your imagination and the great functionality of the editor, you can create a unique logo or icon, secondly, you control the process yourself, that is, the result will be exactly the way you want it. And most importantly, the logo is absolutely free.

But there are also several disadvantages of using this graphic editor. This is a long process, and, moreover, you have to constantly work, because no one will make a logo for you or offer you any ready-made options. In addition, if you have absolutely no experience working with graphic editors, you may be intimidated by the program’s complicated interface.

Precisely in order to simplify the task of creating a logo with using Photoshop, we have selected more than 20 for you useful videos lessons that will explain how to use the program and create professional logos
with interesting icons, backgrounds and fonts. You can find a selection of beautiful fonts for Photoshop.

A selection of video tutorials on creating logos in Photoshop

Many people refuse to work with Photoshop, because there is an opinion that it is not an easy editor to use and you cannot do it without special artistic and programming skills. And in order to refute this statement and convince you otherwise, we suggest watching several interesting and simple video tutorials on using Photoshop.

1. How to make a logo in Photoshop

The author of the video claims that you can create a logo even without artistic skills, using only a typeface and simple geometric objects. To prove this, he designs some great text compositions using basic logo design techniques. And additionally provides some practical design tips. In short, with this lesson, everyone can get a logo!

2. How to make a simple logo in Photoshop

The video tutorial will flawlessly inspire you to create an interesting logo with a background, contrasting fonts, an icon and simple geometric designs. Each action of the author appears in the form of text instructions, so the information is easily perceived - all that remains is to reproduce it in practice.

3. Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Your Own Fantasy-Action, Video Game Logo.
(Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Your Own Video Game Logo)

This English-language video tutorial on creating logos for video games can easily become your first guide to working with Photoshop. The author of the video gives clear instructions on using the boldest fonts and color solutions, filters and effects.

4. Photoshop | Logo Design Tutorial | Galaxy Logo

Another video tutorial on how to create an incredible logo in an easy way. By changing the colors and sizes of ordinary geometric shapes, the author of the video creates an excellent brand logo. And also from the video tutorial you will learn how to decorate a font with decorative curls to give the logo an unusual color. Everything ingenious is simple!

5. How to create a metal logo in Photoshop

Logos in a metallic style look very interesting, and creating them using only Photoshop is, oddly enough, quite simple. A selection of three video tutorials will give you an idea of ​​how to properly use metallic textures and what fonts, colors and effects they are best combined with.

6. How to create a logo for a construction company in Photoshop

Video tutorial on how to create vector logos based on ready-made sketches. The author of the video uses his own drawings from graph paper, which he generously shares in the description under the video. He also gives practical advice regarding fonts for logos. construction companies and various geometric solutions.

7. Vector Skull Logo Design in Photoshop
(How to Make a Vector Skull Logo in Photoshop)

8. Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial
(Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial)

Hipster logos are trending right now. This is not surprising, because they look really cool. Watching this tutorial will not only inspire you to create a stylish logo, but also show you how to get the most out of the editor and deal with various challenges in the process.

9. How To Design An Authentic Hipster Logo In Photoshop
(How to Make a Hipster Logo in Photoshop)

Another video tutorial on creating a hipster logo to definitely reinforce the information and decide to create your own stylish hipster logo.

10. How to create a minimalistic and professional logo

Simple and without words! You don't need a lot of explanation or vague directions to learn how to create beautiful, minimalistic text logos with geometric shapes. For this, pleasant music, a clear example from the author of the video and your creativity are enough. Everything is more than simple!

11. How to make a logo in Photoshop. Logo from photo

This video tutorial will not leave anyone without a smile, but its main advantage is a quick and clear demonstration of how to create a great logo from any photo. The simplest option for developing a logo that does not require absolutely any design skills.

12. Video tutorial: How to make a 3D logo

Logos in 3D look realistic, but it is believed that creating them without any professional skills, on the contrary, is unrealistic. This video tutorial will convince you otherwise. After all, the author of this video only needed 5 minutes to create a great 3D logo using Photoshop. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

13. Leafy Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial
(How to make an eco-themed logo)

This video tutorial will not leave anyone who likes the “green” theme indifferent. The author tells and shows how to create an incredible text effect with leaves and trees. You will learn not only how to create a logo in the Jungle style, but also learn a lot practical advice to create a logo in Photoshop.

14. How to create a logo in Photoshop in 5 minutes.

15. How to apply effects to text

Text logos are very popular, especially since the design world is bursting with different fonts and effects. Such a logo is self-sufficient and can easily do without additional elements of the brand name. Text with effect is all you need for a logo. And to learn how to easily and quickly create it in Photoshop, watch these three video tutorials.

16. How to create a retro logo

Retro logos have a certain charm and a special emotional message. Use them if the specific style suits your business - it will only work to your advantage. These are sure to inspire and teach you everything you need to know to create a great retro logo.

17. Secrets to creating a first-class logo. Beginner's Guide
(How to Make Logo in Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners - Basic Idea)

Text logos look interesting, especially if they are done in creative fonts. The author of this video tutorial shares design tips (and a link to download great fonts) and offers a great option for using capital letters from your company name or your name as a text logo. It's simple and beautiful!

But if Photoshop is not exactly the tool you were looking for to create a brand name, then try working in an online logo generator. This is the fastest and most convenient option for creating a logo. In addition, you can combine these two methods of creating a logo and modify the logo created in the online editor using Photoshop.

Advantages of an online generator (eg Logaster)

The site does not require an abundance of actions. You only need to enter the name of your company and select your type of activity from the drop-down list. The generator itself will select many relevant icons for you to choose from.

Of course, there are other ways to create a logo. But if you are limited by a small budget and a small amount of time, then many of them are immediately eliminated. For example, working with a designer itself requires a lot of money, but you will also have to wait a relatively long time for a logo. And as a result of telephone conversations and email dialogues, you run the risk of not getting exactly the result you expected.

Well, it is important to note that when using the Logaster online service, you do not need to have absolutely any design or Photoshop skills, because the editor on the site is very convenient and understandable.

Another big advantage is that the small logo can be downloaded absolutely free.

Bottom line

Each video lesson in this collection invites you to learn and study various functions Photoshop editor. Combine tips from several videos to create a completely new logo or, as a last resort, copy the idea of ​​one of the authors of the video. Also try searching the Internet for video tutorials on using Photoshop, if in this collection you still found what you were looking for, because the network is full of content on this topic.

If you still need an even simpler solution, use online generators. Get inspired, get creative and create incredible logos.

Since ancient times, people have endowed images and objects with internal content that conveys the essence of various phenomena. This is how symbols were born as designations of the content and quality of objects related to them. IN modern world One example of symbolism as a phenomenon is a logo - a trademark associated with a brand or organization. A high-quality logo performs several important functions at once - it gives an idea of ​​the services and products offered by the company, distinguishes the company and makes it recognizable among competitors, inspires customer trust, and helps promote products on the market.

The use of logos is not the prerogative of exclusively large companies; it is desirable for all organizations and enterprises that count on loyal customer relations to have them. This is also relevant because the task of creating a brand name is not technically difficult - thanks to computer technology, today you can make a logo yourself without much difficulty. Special design programs will help you realize your plans, the most famous of which we will now get acquainted with.

Desktop programs for creating logos

A professional program that allows you to create a logo yourself without specific knowledge and skills. The application library has many ready-made templates of different themes that can be modified at your discretion. The principle of working with the program is very simple, and it consists in assembling a logo from available elements. AAA Logo can work with raster and partially vector graphics, colors and styles, allows you to add arbitrary text, shapes and pictures to templates, and flexibly configure parameters individual elements and layers.

Supports the use of gradients and color transitions different types, resizing the logo. The finished image can be saved in popular raster and vector formats, in the internal project format, and also printed in high resolution. Unfortunately, AAA Logo does not work correctly with Cyrillic fonts, which limits its use, and it is also paid.

You can also create a logo yourself using another similar program, Sothink Logo Maker. She also suggests using ready-made templates as the basis for a future logo, but it has several advantages. Firstly, Sothink Logo Maker has a wider range of tools, secondly, the application works great with Cyrillic fonts, and thirdly, you can use it for free for 30 days without any special restrictions.

The editor's functionality includes free-form drawing, the use of tools such as pen, scalpel, polygon and pencil, adding and editing shapes, of which there are simply a huge number in the program library, applying shadow, reflection, volume and transparency effects, adding raster and vector images to the project, and also dynamic SWF objects. The finished logo is saved as a project, JPEG, PNG or SVG file, optimized for the web or printing on paper.

Another specialized program that allows you to quickly create a logo based on ready-made elements. It features a more than impressive set of templates (there are about 1,500 of them in Logo Design Studio), but they are not supplied with the program itself, but are downloaded from the developer’s website automatically immediately after launching and activating the application.

The program has a bunch of different settings that allow you to change the parameters of objects, supports adding and editing shapes, applying visual effects, inserting images, Latin and Cyrillic text, symbols, alignment, color manipulation, etc. are available. The logo can be saved as an editable project, as well as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, EMF, WMF and PDF files. In addition, printing is available.

A duplicate program of AAA Logo, which has a similar set of functions and a similar interface. If so, then what is the point of it? It's very simple, Jeta Logo Designer is free and ready to use. On the other hand, the Free version of the application has an order of magnitude fewer templates and primitives; it also does not have the ability to add images with hard drive and downloading additional objects from the developer’s website.

Unlike the four previous programs, Adobe Illustrator cannot be called a logo maker in in the narrow sense this word, since this editor is suitable for creating a wide variety of graphics. We decided to include it in the list for the following reasons: firstly, it works with vector images that are better optimized for printing, and secondly, it has almost unlimited tools for realizing any designer’s fantasies.

The lack of ready-made templates in Adobe Illustrator means that you will have to draw logos from scratch or by composing graphics found on the Internet. Yes, to work with the program you need to have some experience, but this is the only way you will be able to create a distinctive sign that is unique in all aspects.

Online services and logo generators

In addition to desktop programs, there are also special web applications that allow you to create logos online. Many of them are not inferior in functionality to desktop software, and also provide their services free of charge.

A popular online designer that allows you to create logos using a convenient step-by-step wizard, equipped with hints. The creation procedure includes selecting a template, editing text and adding a background, everything else is optional. The service supports working with layers, adding simple visual effects, rotating and scaling, adding primitives from the online library and arbitrary images from the hard drive.

The finished logo is uploaded in JPEG, PNG and SVG formats with preliminary selection of the appropriate size and background color. Logotype Maker provides services on a paid or free basis, depending on which template was chosen.


Another well-known service on the RuNet, Logaster, will help you draw a logo yourself online. Simple, convenient, organized in the form of a step-by-step wizard, has many templates of different directions, and fully supports Cyrillic fonts. The process of creating a logo online consists of three steps: choosing an activity, choosing a logo, editing the logo and saving it.

The set of editing tools is standard - scaling, working with color, and adding primitives to the project are supported. The finished image is saved in SVG, PDF, PNG and JPEG formats. Logaster allows you to make a logo online for free, but there is also a premium version of the web application with advanced functionality.


A good English-language service that allows you to make logos online at a professional level. The operating principle of this service is not much different from other constructors, except that the sequence of actions in it is somewhat different. First, the user is asked to give the logo a name, then select a type, font, and only then a primitive.

At the last stage, the service offers to edit the image, although this step can be skipped if everything is drawn online logo arranges. Editing options in LogoMaker include changing the color and position of the primitive, replacing text, and adjusting font settings. The downside of the resource is that the services are paid.

We think that's enough for now. There are also many other designers that allow you to create a logo online for free and on a commercial basis. If you choose, we advise you to pay attention to services such as Genlogo, Canva and TurboLogo, but it is best, of course, if the logo is created by a professional designer, whose skills and experience cannot be replaced by any generator program.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a good logo. This is the foundation of the brand, which reflects the essence of the business, evokes certain emotions and remains in the memory. When you work on a design, the logo becomes one of the most important elements registration Fortunately, now you don't need to spend a lot of money and hire professional artist for its development - today there are many sites on the Internet where you can make a logo yourself.

DIY logo in the Wix editor

If you've worked in the Wix editor, you probably know that it can do a lot. Like any graphic editor, it can also be used for logo design. This is done simply. Log in under your login, click “Add” and select “Shapes and Lines”. In the "Form" tab you will find all kinds of images, including banners, arrows and more. In the “Clip Art” section, by the way, there are also a lot of pictures, and they are drawn more carefully. To view them, click Add > Photo > Clip Art.

Now choose a picture that is suitable as a symbol of your business. This will be the basis of the logo. Experiment with its color, size and effects, and after that write the name of your company, select beautiful font and position the text so that it looks good next to the picture. That's it, the logo is ready!

Free online logo creation services

There are many other free services on the Internet, designed specifically so that anyone can make a logo for themselves. They usually look like a simple editor where you can change the color and size of the logo, fonts and some other parameters. As a result, you get a finished image in several formats. We recommend these sites:

Size. The logo should look equally good on both a regular computer and a smartphone. Test your image thoroughly and make sure it is optimized for different screen resolutions.

Sources of inspiration. See more good examples and be sure to analyze what you see. To begin with, a selection.

Relevance. Yes, a logo can be changed from time to time, but not every two weeks, so come up with one that will last a long time and will not be outdated a year later.

Definition. People should immediately understand what your business is, so try to keep your logo simple and clear.

Number of options. Make 3-4 logo options. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each and consult with knowledgeable people before you decide.

Simplicity. Don't use too many fonts and colors - overly colorful logos look tacky and confuse users.

Background. Make a variant of the logo on transparent background to apply it to a colored backing. For the web, use PNG or GIF format.

Format. Save the finished image in several formats: JPEG, GIF and PNG for the web, PDF and EPS for printing.

Meaning. Don't get hung up on design. Think about the meaning of the logo and draw not just a beautiful picture, but one that will become a symbol of your brand.

Hi all. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today I will tell you how to create a logo online using special services.

When you create your company, blog, website, VK group or YouTube channel, you begin to understand that one of the main and most important stages is the creation of a corporate identity, and its main component - a logo.

It makes the first impression of your business, helps you understand what you do, what area you work in, and what the character and attitude of your company is. It is also designed to differentiate you from your competitors and make your brand recognizable.

Depending on your abilities and capabilities, creating a logo may seem easy and relaxed, or, on the contrary, a difficult and almost impossible task. Therefore, I have prepared an article, after reading which you can understand what kind of logo you need and how to create it yourself.

Basic principles of a proper logo

Before you start creating a logo, you need to understand the main points. The truly effective one will be the one that adheres to the basic principles. It should be:

  1. Simple. A simple design allows the logo to become recognizable. There is no need to oversaturate it with many elements and details. A good logo should be clear without unnecessary words.
  2. Memorable. A simple and concise logo is the most effective and memorable.
  3. Out of time. Think about whether the logo you came up with will be relevant and as effective as it is now in a few years? You don’t create it for one day. Right?
  4. Universal. It should look good in any size, be it a billboard or a business card. Make sure the quality doesn't change when its size changes, doesn't lose recognition, and remains attractive and effective, as in small size, and in the big one.
  5. Relevant to your business. The logo must correspond to your type of activity, because you must admit that a logo that was designed for a children's clothing store using certain colors and fonts will be completely inappropriate for a travel website.

Types of logos

The next step is to choose a type. It can be text, character or a combination.

  • Text consists only of text written in a specific font. It involves many possible variations, styles, shapes, sizes. First of all, it is important that the sign is legible and readable at any size. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention when choosing a font for a text logo.
  • Symbolic literally or abstractly, using images, pictures or icons, convey an idea of ​​​​you. They should not be complex, incomprehensible, difficult to understand, or unclear in a small size. A good symbolic logo is simple and easy to remember.
  • Combined is a combination of an icon and an inscription, by the way, a fairly common type. Most companies choose the latter option to create.

Color spectrum

The color palette should be harmonious, thoughtful and reflect the mood of your website and business. Colors evoke certain emotions, so it is important to understand the meanings of each color and choose one that fully reflects your ideas. A few points to pay attention to:

  1. Loud, bold colors like red, for example, are meant to attract attention.
  2. More muted tones, such as green, blue, brown, evoke a feeling of stability, reliability, and trust.
  3. Black color is associated with seriousness and luxury.
  4. Pink - with femininity and tenderness.
  5. Yellow and orange evoke feelings of joy, energy, and happiness.

Once you have decided which color suits your type of activity most and also reflects your personality, you should follow some rules, namely:

  1. It is recommended to combine a maximum of two or three colors, since such a logo is easier to remember.
  2. The color scheme should symbolize the area in which you work and create the mood that you want to convey to your clients or readers, express the essence and values ​​of your business.
  3. Don't forget to check how it looks on a white and black background, as well as in black and white. Who knows, maybe such a logo will be useful to you in the future.


Don't forget the importance of choosing a font for your brand. It often reflects the nature of your project and business. The main things to consider when choosing a font:

  1. Choose the simplest fonts possible. A person must understand and be able to read your title, even if it is in a very small size.
  2. Don't forget what industry you work in. The font should embody your corporate style and fit the type of work you do. For example, a bank logo needs a font that will emphasize qualities such as reliability and stability.
  3. Combine no more than two fonts. They should be harmonious and look good together.
  4. Choose one that will live outside of time and does not depend on today's trends.

How to make a logo online

There are many ways to make a logo. You can use Photoshop or another program, you can order it from a designer if you can’t do it yourself, and you can make it in a special service.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to create a logo using online services. The main advantage of this method is that the creation process is easy, fast and does not require special skills.

Let's look at the creation process step by step using an example Logaster— a logo generator and service for creating corporate identity elements online. It is in Russian, so the whole process is very simple and does not cause any difficulties.

Step 1. First, let's go to the website www.logaster.ru and click “Create a logo for free”.

Step 3. The next step is to directly select the logo that you like and is most suitable from the several options generated for you. I like the green round one better.

Step 4. It can be edited: change the arrangement of elements, icon, font, colors, and also add a slogan.

Step 5. Next, you can see how your logo will look in different color variations, and how it will look on corporate identity elements - letterheads, business cards, envelopes, etc. After that, click the “Save” button.

Step 6. To receive the finished image, you need to register. In a small size, which is quite suitable for a website or blog, you can download it for free.

And in high definition – from $9.99. In addition, you can always go back and edit, even after payment.


Creating a logo online is a very simple process. If you want it quickly and easily and are on a budget, then online programs are what you are looking for. Even if you don’t find what you need, you will most likely be inspired by new ideas and opportunities, because using the online service is absolutely free.

A logo is a visual and emotional connection between your business and your audience. How it looks and what it intends to convey is very important, because it also shows your professionalism and how you will work for your client or reader.

That's all I have. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

I wish you all good luck and see you in the next articles.