As they said on the screen of one of the country’s leading channels: “Sausage is a strategically important product!” It seems to me that in our country everyone loves sausage. Me and my family are no exception.

My grandmother taught me how to cook sausage. I can cook it from different minced meat, from pieces of meat, with the addition of various ingredients. I present a classic way of making homemade sausage from minced meat.

If you are planning to cook sausage, you need to understand that almost everything depends on the quality of the meat. Please note that you can combine any meat at your discretion. I like beef and chicken sausage the most, but my family refuses to eat sausage without pork. Therefore, I will talk about making sausage from beef and pork.

To cook sausage, you need a casing. I know that many people fill artificial casings. I did not try. To be honest, I don’t quite understand why cook sausage in “plastic” intestines if you can bake sausage bread?!

I buy intestines (aka guts) at the Metro Hypermarket or in the city of Armavir. If you live in Armavir, I recommend buying them in the meat pavilion, which is opposite the entrance from Lenin Square. If you don’t have a Metro Hypermarket in your city and you don’t live in the city of Armavir)), then you’ll have to search on the Internet; sometimes people unite and order casings in the Rostov region on a specialized website.

So, let's begin...
Before starting work, rinse the intestines thoroughly, just do not tear them; after rinsing, generously grease the sausage attachment with vegetable oil and put about five to seven meters of casing on the attachment.

It is advisable that these intestines be one “string”, otherwise during filling you will be tortured to tie them at the very beginning and end of the sausage, and when your hands are in the minced meat, doing this is extremely inconvenient. It’s generally better to cook sausage together. Put the threads under your hand, in case the shell breaks, you will have the opportunity to tie the shell and not allow it to break through further.

Cooking minced meat.

and lard

with streaks of meat we pass through a meat grinder.

Add onion.

Do not spare the onion and be sure to pass it through a meat grinder. You can add garlic, but remember that you won’t be able to take such sausage to work, otherwise it will completely betray your gastronomic preferences with its aroma))).

Add starch.

Ground coriander.

Ground black pepper.


As for salt, the minced meat should taste a little too salty. Otherwise, the sausage will turn out bland.
Beat in two eggs.

Pour in three tablespoons of vodka and mix thoroughly. You can replace vodka with cognac.

Place the minced meat in small portions into a meat grinder and slowly fill the casings.

When filling, do not try to fill a “sausage” that is too long; often “cut off” by twisting the intestines.

This will allow you to bandage the resulting circle as comfortably as possible.
Do not try to fill the shell too much, it may burst. I am an experienced sausage maker))) and sometimes “punctures” happen. If the casing suddenly breaks, immediately stop the meat grinder and grab the sausage in a place that is one to two centimeters above the break and squeeze it, removing all the minced meat. Bandage it immediately, you will avoid further rupture of the membrane.

After all the intestines are filled, it usually takes me about five to seven meters for the specified portion of minced meat, it all depends on the diameter of the resulting sausage, you need to lay it in the form of a circle on a plate.

The most difficult thing in making sausage, in my opinion, is fixing the circle. It is necessary to fix the sausage so that it takes the shape of a circle. This is necessary for cooking and further frying in a pan. If you fix it poorly, it will be difficult to remove it from the water and turn it over during frying.

I fix the sausage, as a rule, with ordinary threads. If you have cotton or linen ones, that's even better!

Fixation of the sausage “snail” begins from the outermost tail of the sausage. I tie a thread on the tail and, moving towards the center, I fix all the sausages, tying them into a single circle. I move like a spider, as if creating “rays” from the constrictions, so that when I lift it, it would look like a sausage cake.

Please note that the diameter of the sausage must be equal to the diameter of the pan in which the sausage will be cooked and the diameter of the frying pan in which you will fry it.

When the sausage circles are all tied up, we begin to PICKLE the sausage. Any needle will do if you don’t have a new one. sewing needle, take disposable syringe. You need to pierce with sharp movements so as not to tear the shell, but rather pierce. Approximately twenty to thirty punctures per lap. If you do not pierce the shell, it may burst during the cooking process, and all your work will be wasted...

After all the circles are tied, lower the sausage into the water. If you get several circles, it’s okay, lower them one by one into the water, one on top of the other in turn.

Add Bay leaf and salt.

The water should be salty, slightly oversalted, otherwise the broth will begin to take salt from the sausage itself, which is not acceptable: the sausage will be fresh on the outside, but normally salty on the inside.

After boiling (this is very important, do not skip the boiling process!!!) reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook over low heat with barely noticeable boiling for about thirty to forty minutes.

After this, take all the sausage circles out of the pan, place them on plates and cool. It is very important!!! It is not permissible to fry hot sausage, this can lead to the juice from the sausage leaking out and during frying it will turn into minced crackers.

After the sausage has cooled completely (it will take several hours... or take it out into the cold, but it is better not to rush the process, so as not to break the rules, this affects the taste of the sausage, it must “ripen”), I fry it over medium heat for in a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable (odorless) oil. While frying, I add a few sprigs of rosemary to the pan. You can bake it on a baking sheet in the oven.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve the sausage hot. Can be refrigerated.

It tastes very meaty, if you are not very happy with this, you can add a larger amount of starch or cereal of your choice: ground buckwheat in a coffee grinder or ground oatmeal in a coffee grinder. I like it better with oatmeal, but the kids like it better with buckwheat.

Bon appetit!
Later I will tell you how to cook chicken sausages.

Cooking time: PT02H30M 2 hours 30 minutes

Approximate cost per serving: 50 rub.


  • pork pulp (necks) - 1 kilogram;
  • garlic -100 grams;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • pork fat - 3-4 tablespoons.

Homemade pork sausage. Step by step recipe

  1. To make homemade sausage, I use pork neck. Because this part of the pork carcass contains enough fatty meat and pulp. The fat will allow the sausage to become juicy and soft.
  2. So, we cut the neck into medium pieces measuring 2 by 2 centimeters.
  3. Advice. For homemade sausage, it is better to cut the meat rather than grind it, as this will make the structure of the sausage more interesting.
  4. Add a lot of very finely chopped garlic. The garlic can also be squeezed through a press.
  5. Salt and pepper the meat and add bay leaf.
  6. Advice. The bay leaf must first be dried and ground into powder. Black pepper also needs to be fried a little in a hot frying pan before grinding. Then seasoned dishes will simply smell fragrant with this irreplaceable spice.
  7. Grated nutmeg and allspice also go well with homemade sausage.
  8. Cover the meat filling for homemade sausage and put it in the refrigerator for a day so that the meat is well saturated with all the spices and seasonings.
  9. When the meat is infused, add half a glass of water to it, stirring well.
  10. Advice. You can add broth instead of water. And some gourmets add a few spoons of alcohol: for example, cognac.
  11. We stuff homemade sausage into the small intestines of pork. To do this, you can buy ready-made salted intestines. Before filling them meat filling, the intestines need to be soaked well: change the water 3-4 times. And peel with a knife: this must be done carefully so as not to tear the sausage intestines.
  12. Using a special attachment for a meat grinder, fill the intestines with meat. Don't forget to remove the knife from the meat grinder.
  13. If you don't have a meat grinder with an attachment, fill the intestines by hand using a wire ring. Of course, this process will be long, but you will be pleased with the result.
  14. Don't forget to tie the ends of our homemade sausage.
  15. When filling the intestines with meat filling, the sausage must be kneaded from time to time so that there is no air in the intestines.
  16. You can make one long sausage ring or small sausages.
  17. The finished sausages need to be boiled a little in salted water for 5-7 minutes. Before cooking, the sausage can be pierced with a needle. Boiled sausage can be prepared for future use by putting it in the freezer, or you can immediately fry or bake it.
  18. Heat the pork lard in a frying pan and fry the sausage until golden brown. It is important when frying that the sausage does not crack - otherwise the meat juice will leak out. Fry homemade sausage you need 35-40 minutes: first open, and then close the lid and steam from the inside.
  19. You can serve it with any side dish: potatoes, buckwheat porridge, stewed cabbage. And can be used as cold snack: Only the fat in which it was fried will need to be removed.
  20. Like any other meat dish, homemade sausage goes well with sauces. For Easter, homemade sausage is served with horseradish sauce. It goes perfectly with homemade pork sausage.
  21. To do this, several horseradish roots need to be washed, peeled and grated on a fine grater. I prefer to grind horseradish with a grater, without using a blender.
  22. Separately, grate the red beets and strain the juice from them.
  23. Mix grated horseradish with beet juice, add salt and a little vinegar to taste.
  24. Mix everything thoroughly and the sauce is ready.

Advice. If this sauce is very spicy for you, then add a couple of spoons of sour cream to the sauce when serving. The horseradish sauce will become a little softer - and then even children can eat it.

This process seems complicated and lengthy only at first glance, but in fact the technology is simple: a shell of carefully cleaned intestines, finely chopped minced meat with spices and heat treatment. I wrote down the recipe for homemade pork sausage in the intestines for you in as much detail as possible and provided each step with photographs so that the cooking process was easily reproducible. Please follow the recommendations, then the meat snack will certainly turn out tasty and aromatic.

  1. Natural gut. For sausages you will need a casing - thin pork intestines. You can arrange at the local bazaar for traders to bring them to you to order. Or buy them in a large supermarket, where they are sold already peeled, salted or frozen. In any case, the intestines will need to be examined - to check whether the integrity is broken, then rinsed and properly prepared.
  2. Pork pulp. Meat from any part of the carcass is suitable: neck, shoulder, back. Fat content can be ignored special attention. The main thing is that the pork is fresh and not frozen.
  3. Salo. It does not matter which part of the carcass the lard is used from. Backbone, thin trimmings, and so on will do. It is desirable that it be raw and not frozen, always fresh, not yellow or old, without a specific smell. If there is no raw lard, you can use salted lard, but in this case you need to carefully regulate the amount of salt added to the minced meat.

— Total cooking time: 2 hours + 3 hours for marinating
— Cooking time: 2 hours / Yield: 1.5 kg


  • pork pulp - 2.5 kg
  • lard - 0.5 kg
  • pork small intestines - 5 m
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 large head
  • basil, thyme, oregano, coriander - 0.5 tsp each.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide or to taste
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp. or to taste

Cooking homemade pork sausage

Pork small intestines, regardless of where they are purchased, must first be processed. If frozen, defrost at room temperature. Then rinse thoroughly, turn inside out, scrape out with the back of a knife, remove the mucus and rinse again. To make cleaning easier, you can immediately divide the intestines into sections of about 1 meter. I clean it as follows: I make a 2-3 centimeter turn from the edge and place the resulting pocket under a stream of water; under the pressure of the stream, the intestine very easily turns inside out. I clean off the mucus on a wooden board, again placed under a stream of water. I soak the cleaned and prepared intestines for at least 1 hour in salt water to disinfect (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt).

I remove the skin from the lard. I cut it into small cubes, the size of an Olivier salad. The smaller the pieces, the more fat will be rendered. The ratio of meat and lard for homemade sausages can be defined as 1:5 (notional ratio, can be changed at the discretion of the cook). If you use pork with a lot of fat, then add a little less lard, and vice versa, if the meat is lean, then the percentage of lard should be increased.

I carefully clean the pork from bones and cartilage; under no circumstances should they get into the sausages. If there is fat or fatty films, there is no need to remove them. I cut the pulp into pieces - about 2-3 times larger in size than lard. There is no need to grind it, as the meat must be clearly present in the sausage. But cutting too large will not work, otherwise it will be difficult to stuff the small intestines, and the sausages will turn out less juicy. So look for a middle ground.

In a large bowl, combine the chopped meat and lard. I add pepper, salt and dry aromatic herbs: basil, oregano, coriander and thyme. If desired, you can add a little ground bay leaf (I don't add it). And be sure to add garlic, peeled and put through a press, into the filling. Use the amount of garlic at your discretion; the sausage should smell delicious, but not too much. If you use salted rather than raw lard, then carefully adjust the amount of salt in the recipe. To taste, the minced meat should be spicy, with a pronounced aroma of pepper, quite salty - on the verge, even a little more than it costs, since the salt will partially boil off during cooking.

I pour a couple of spoons of good cognac into the filling for a special aroma and juiciness. Mix thoroughly with your hands so that all the spices are evenly distributed. Use only high-quality alcohol. If you are not sure, it is better to skip this step, otherwise you risk ruining the product.

Now comes the most crucial moment - you need to stuff the sausage. For this purpose, it is most convenient to use a meat grinder with an attachment in the form of an oblong tube. If special device no, you will have to make do with improvised means, for example, a spoon. I pull the prepared intestines one by one onto a tube fixed to the meat grinder. I tie the end and fill it with minced meat not very tightly, otherwise there is a risk that the intestine will rupture during cooking. I tie the pork sausages stuffed into the intestines and put them in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that they marinate and the minced meat matures.

Then I roll them up and connect them together into rings (not necessary, but it’s easier to boil and bake this way). I prick the entire surface with a needle, every 1-2 centimeters, to release all the air. If this procedure is not followed, the hot air will expand during cooking and the sausages may burst, so do not ignore the needle pricks!

At the same time, I bring water to a boil in a large saucepan (volume 5 liters or more). As soon as it boils, add a little salt and bay leaf. Carefully lower the semi-finished product into boiling water and immediately reduce the heat to minimum. During cooking, you can play it safe and additionally prick the sausages with a needle. I boil it in portions for 40 minutes in low boiling water (if you are cooking all the sausage at the same time, many portions at once, then increase the cooking time to 1 hour). I take it out and dry it.

I grease the baking sheet with lard (or vegetable oil), lay out the pieces and send them to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes, turning several times so that the products are browned on all sides. When baking, a lot of fat will be rendered - it can be used as regular lard, for example, fry potatoes on it or pour the same sausages for longer storage.

From the specified amount of ingredients I got 4 medium rings. Total weight amounted to slightly less than 1.5 kg, since the meat had significant layers of fat and almost all the fat was rendered, the homemade sausages turned out dense and dry. You can take a sample immediately after cooking or wait until it cools down - it is equally tasty both hot and cold.

Homemade pork sausage keeps well in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. If you want to stock up for future use, you can fill the sausages with lard (rendered fat from lard). In this case, you need to free them from the threads, place them in hot ceramic pots or glass jars, and then carefully pour boiling lard over them. This preparation can be stored for more than a month in the refrigerator, and can be reheated as needed. Bon appetit!

Whatever you say, sausage is a very convenient invention of mankind. Have breakfast, have a quick snack, “kill a worm” in the evening - what other product will cope with these tasks just as effectively. For those who don’t want to buy it in the store, we’ll tell you how to cook homemade sausage in the guts in your own kitchen.


  • Pork meat with fat layer - 1 kg;
  • sausage intestines;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • salt, garlic and spices - to taste.

If the pork meat does not have a fat layer, then add about 200 grams to the ingredients. lard, otherwise the sausage will turn out dry.

Cooking steps:

  1. Finely chop the pork and lard (about 1 cm pieces), add spices and garlic, pour in cognac. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
  2. The intestine must be tightly tied at one end with a harsh thread and stuffed with infused minced meat. It’s more convenient to do this using a special attachment for a meat grinder, but if you don’t have one, you can use a regular spoon. The main thing is not to stuff the intestine too tightly, otherwise it may burst during cooking. If you want to get several small sausages, then tie the intestine with a strong thread at equal intervals as it fills.
  3. Tie the open edge tightly, then use a toothpick to make several punctures in the sausage. This is necessary so that the intestine does not burst during heat treatment.
  4. Roll the sausage into a ring, place it in a pan of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes from the moment it boils.
  5. Pour into a baking dish vegetable oil, place the sausage there and bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes at 220 degrees until golden brown.

Pork sausages can be prepared different ways- in addition to the oven, they can be fried on the grill, in a frying pan, on skewers - in any case, they will sell out with a bang, and guests will be trying to find out the recipe for this dish for a long time.

Liver homemade sausage in the gut


  • any liver - 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • pork lard - 200 gr.
  • onions - 1-2 heads;
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves;
  • semolina - 6 tbsp;
  • intestines - as needed;
  • salt, spices, pepper - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry.
  2. Grind the liver, garlic, lard, and fried onions in a meat grinder.
  3. Add spices, salt, eggs and semolina to the minced meat, mix thoroughly. Leave the minced meat for half an hour for the semolina to swell.
  4. We tie one end of the intestine with a harsh thread and stuff it with minced meat. Every 15-20 cm you need to bandage the intestine, forming future liver sausages. Don't forget to poke holes in each sausage with a toothpick or needle.
  5. The prepared sausage can be boiled in a pan or baked in the oven for 40 minutes at 220 degrees.

Homemade chicken sausage in the gut


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • greens, salt - to taste;
  • intestines - as needed.


  1. Washed and dried chicken fillet grind in a meat grinder, add herbs and salt.
  2. We stuff the intestine with minced meat, tie it on both sides with a strong thread, and make several punctures.
  3. Cook for 40-50 minutes in boiling water.
  4. After cooking, you need to remove the sausage, cool and let it lie in a cold place for about 2 hours. The dish is ready.

If you are preparing chicken sausage not for children, then you can add lard (200 gr.), as well as garlic and your favorite spices, to the recipe. If desired, chicken can be replaced with turkey.

Dry-cured beef sausage in intestines


  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • well-salted lard - 200 gr.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 2 tsp;
  • ground red pepper - a small pinch;
  • baking soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp;
  • Apple vinegar.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat and cut into strips.
  2. Fry the coriander in a dry frying pan, then grind it in a coffee grinder.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: coriander, salt, soda, red and black pepper, sugar.
  4. Rub strips of beef with vinegar, roll in a mixture of seasonings, place in layers in an enamel bowl, cover with a lid, press down with pressure, put in the cold for 12 hours (after 6 hours you need to turn the pieces over and press down on the lid again with pressure).
  5. Dip the marinated meat into a vinegar solution at the rate of 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar per liter of water. After 10 minutes, remove the pieces, squeeze out excess moisture and grind in a meat grinder.
  6. Cut the salted lard into thin cubes and add to the meat.
  7. Stuff the intestines with the minced meat and tie each piece on both sides.
  8. Place the prepared sausages on a wire rack and put them in a place with good ventilation. After 5-6 days, the dry-cured sausage is ready.

How to choose meat for sausage

In addition to the undisputed taste qualities homemade sausage has an undeniable advantage over its store-bought counterpart - the housewife knows for certain exactly what ingredients she used to prepare the delicacy and under what conditions she cooked it.

In fact, making sausage in intestines at home is not that difficult, just follow the recipe and use some tips and tricks.

For cooking, pork, veal, chicken, duck or turkey are usually used, but several types of meat can be combined. It must be remembered that poultry meat is usually a bit dry, so it is mixed with lard or bacon for juiciness.

When choosing pork meat, inspect the lard; if it is soft, tender and has a thin skin, then homemade pork sausage in the intestines will also be tender and soft. If you prefer lamb, then you need to look at the veins - if they are soft, then this is a guarantee that the sausage will be aromatic, tasty and tender.

How to select and prepare intestines for homemade sausage

Buying already prepared intestines for making sausage in a store or market today is not difficult. They can be beef, pork or lamb, and vary in length and diameter.

Beef intestine is preferable for homemade sausage, as it is more durable.

What to look for when choosing guts:

  • color - light, without gray shades;
  • odor—slight or absent at all;
  • density - no large peripheral holes or nodules.

How to prepare intestines for homemade sausage:

  • rinse them and then soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar for 2 hours;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • Pass water through each section, so you will find holes in the walls of the intestines; in these places they can be cut into separate pieces.

If you find it difficult to find a suitable product, then there is something to replace the intestines for homemade sausage. Collagen film is perfect for an artificial casing - after heat treatment it is edible.

Before use, it must be soaked in saline solution(1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) for 2-3 minutes, then rinse under running water.

There are a lot of types and recipes for homemade sausage. It can be fried in a frying pan or grill, smoked, boiled, cooked in the oven - in any case, home-cooked sausage in the intestines will not leave anyone indifferent.

  1. Cut the frozen meat and bacon into pieces, mix with rice boiled until half cooked.
  2. Add salt, chopped garlic, pepper, spices to the minced meat and rice, mix.
  3. Stuff the intestines (natural casing) not too tightly, pierce the sausages with a thick needle and boil in low boiling water for 20 minutes.
  4. Then fry the kupaty in a frying pan until nicely crusted.

Homemade liver sausage

This recipe produces the most tender sausage prepared at home. You can eat liverwurst this way or prepare several dishes from it: pancakes with liverwurst, pie or pies with liverwurst

What is homemade liver sausage made from? Of course from

  • Liver
  • Lung
  • Hearts
  • Large handful of boiled rice
  • Spika
  • Garlic
  • Spice

The recipe for making homemade liverwurst is simple.

  1. Liver: liver, heart and lungs can be used any kind (beef, pork, lamb). The lung will need to be lightly boiled, as it will take longer to cook than the liver.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked.
  3. Finely chop the liver with a knife so that it is easy to cut; it is better to freeze it. Do the same with part of the lard. Pass the raw heart, remaining lard and boiled lung through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix minced liver for homemade sausage with rice, salt, chopped garlic and spices, knead well.
  5. Fill the sausage casing with minced liver, pierce the sausages with a needle and boil in salted water for 15 minutes. Then fry the liverwurst in a frying pan. Or simply bake homemade liverwurst in the oven or slow cooker, as we did with frying sausages (recipe).

Video recipe on how to prepare homemade sausage from natural raw materials and stuff it into the intestine (belly) using a meat grinder attachment

I’m sharing secrets on how to prepare and stuff delicious beef sausages at home without using special sausage attachments and devices, using a regular pastry syringe:

homemade liver sausage with garlic flavor was a great success!

We plan to update this post with new recipes for delicious homemade sausage!

And I look forward to comments and recipes from my beloved readers!

Where can I get or buy casings or natural casings from the intestines for homemade sausages?

Just like me, you can order natural casings for sausages, casings, cash on delivery by mail. Such intestines arrive cleaned, salted and dried, the delivery time is not long, so they are sent first class. They do not disappear on the road and travel even to Yakutia in unchanged quality. Purified natural intestines are stored for a very long time.

I have been looking for a shell like this for a long time, and I came across options for ordering in large quantities. For industrial production this is normal, but for a small family - oh, so much, almost 1000 meters of womb! Why do I need so much :-)!

Fortunately, you can now order quite a bit natural shell for testing. The first time I ordered a minimum quantity, only 10 meters.

I put the womb into a plastic container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your creativity and delicious homemade sausage!

Best regards, Anyuta.