Everyone knows what it is logical thinking, but articulating this concept is not always easy. Mental activity is an exciting and multifaceted movement forward. Logic is necessary for a person; it is a kind of mechanism for studying, first of all, oneself and the world around us. Helpers in this difficult work are the senses, as well as the work of thought.

Without logical thinking, it is impossible to form a mental process in such a way as to obtain true conclusions based on the real perception of reality. Logic essentially studies laws mental development and reasoning, and also shapes them.

Types of logical thinking


The verbal-logical type of thinking makes it possible to think correctly, be able to speak competently, and masterfully control one’s language and speech. It helps in conducting discussions and even arguments.

Perhaps every person at least once in his life found himself in a situation where he could not express those feelings and thoughts that were beautifully lined up in his head. It turns out that the development of the work of thought and speech is not a luxury, but a means of communication in the information age.


Abstract logical thinking is higher than sensory experience. It, relying only on reason, tries to determine the essence of objective reality. The level of impressions, views and assessments is not seriously considered. In other words, this is the culminating form of knowledge of the surrounding world.


Figurative-logical thinking is determined by imagination, which helps to most clearly and intelligently restore the parameters of an object or action. It is formed in childhood, starting from one and a half years.

Important! Techniques for logical knowledge of the world develop logic, ingenuity, and so on. Exercises that help develop verbal and logical thinking make it possible to maintain a connection between speech and thinking.

There are a great many such master classes, especially on the Internet.

To train your memory you need:

  • generality;
  • mediation.

It turns out that the development of logical thinking depends on the process of summarized and indirect (through inferences) reflection of the essence. The essence of thinking lies in the interaction of thought processes with ideas in the internal picture of the world. Such exercises allow you to construct a changing image of the world.

The uniqueness of knowledge is as follows:

  • it allows you to deeply understand the laws of the existing world;
  • delves into a changing, dynamic world;
  • guesses the future, makes plans;
  • relies on knowledge accumulated throughout life;
  • flows out of living observation, but does not merge with it.

There are three types of logical thinking:

  • concept;
  • judgment;
  • inference.

A concept is nothing more than a special mechanism of the mind, thought. Judgment is the basis on which the work of thought is based, in turn, either uniting or not objects and phenomena. Judgments can be:

  • correct;
  • erroneous;
  • total;
  • individual;
  • uncharacteristic.

Important! Inference is a conclusion, a generalization that a person draws from previous reasoning.

Developing logic and thinking

It is also suggested to classify methods of cognition according to their characteristic features:

  • degree of formation;
  • directions of tasks;
  • in detail;
  • by non-triviality;
  • in the image and;

Important! The degree of development depends on image, action, logic and abstract logic. The mental process clearly manifests itself both in theory and in practice. A thorough (expanded) process of thought depends on the degree of discursiveness (analyticity) and intuitiveness.

Analyticity is, first of all, reasoning that has a clear sequence in time. Intuition is based on emotional perceptions, has no clear periods, passes quickly, and so on.

Based on the degree of unusualness and exoticism, two types of thought development are distinguished:

  • reproductive:
  • creative or productive.

A reproductive or self-reproducing way of thinking cannot be imagined without images and ideas that are taken from real sources. Creative work thoughts are based on inventive imagination.

According to the degree of achievement, thinking is:

  • visual;
  • verbal.

Visual relies on appearance and its own ideas, and the verbal acts with abstract schemes and constructions.

According to its actions, the mental process is divided into:

  • critical;
  • creative.

Remember! Critical is aimed at identifying flaws in other people's views. Creative work of thought reveals unknown knowledge. This is the formation of your own ideas, and not condemnation of other people's assessments and considerations.

Development of logical thinking (training exercises)

Each member of society thinks in his own way, individually, this is where his peculiarity is manifested, and it also depends on:

  • fruitfulness of the mind;
  • independence;
  • scope;
  • scale;
  • accommodating;
  • swiftness;
  • creation;
  • criticality;
  • savvy.

And these are not all the criteria. Many people ask questions about how to develop logical thinking. This is the best time to start thinking for yourself. In essence, the improvement of logic is subject to the ability to notice, distinguish, set a problem for oneself and solve it on one’s own.

The flexibility of mental cognition lies in the ability to make a new decision, to change a pre-planned path, if necessary. Inertia thought process manifests itself in a tendency to use cliches, habitual courses of action. With inert development of the mind, it can be difficult to switch from one system of action to another.

The speed with which logic improves depends on the exercises that are necessary for its training. The scope of the mind covers a huge range of problems. But the depth of mental knowledge depends on the ability to look at the root of objects, phenomena, actions, and so on.

In order to maintain order in thoughts, it is necessary to develop consistency of thinking. Criticality is a special type of thinking that makes it possible to really and even more than evaluate the result of mental activity. Criticality finds the weak and strengths mental activity, can justify the truth of one’s own judgments, and so on.

Stability of thinking is based on already known laws and regularity. All these qualities are formed and change over the course of life. Knowing your individual abilities, you can correct and develop them.

Important! Anyone who masterfully uses special techniques to develop logic becomes more attentive, thinks clearly and clearly.

For such people it is not difficult to concentrate their attention and grasp the essence of the material. They devote a lot of time to memory training; it is easier for them to achieve their own goals and work. The conclusion is the following: if we develop logic, we will live fully and creatively.

In the IT field it is especially important to have developed abilities to analysis, be able to formalize any process and build complex logical structures. Let's talk about how to wake up left hemisphere brain and improve analytical thinking.

Train with logic games

Go, chess, Rubik's cube, crosswords, Sudoku and other puzzles - interesting and effective way improve strategic thinking and the ability to concentrate for long periods of time.

Draw diagrams

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic, striving to understand causal relationships. The right is for intuition, perception of the whole picture, creative thinking. If the logical “muscle” has atrophied, then at first it may be necessary to connect the left hemisphere to work through the right. Here, a figurative representation of the logic of things with the help of diagrams, diagrams, and mental maps will serve as a lifeline. In the future, when the necessary skills are developed, you will be able to perform all operations directly in your head.

Ask questions

Start being interested in the things around you and don’t avoid asking questions. Try to objectively understand how, why and why it works the world. But you shouldn’t use this technique on yourself if you don’t want to get bogged down in soul-searching.

Be specific

Often problems seem impossible not because you are unable to think logically, but because you are choosing the wrong approach. A simple algorithm can be used to solve many “super complex” problems. For example, your goal is to stop global warming. Difficult. But what if we reframed the goal as reducing global carbon dioxide emissions by 5% every year? It’s already much simpler; all that remains is to identify the main culprits of its high entry into the atmosphere and begin to act. This works in all areas. That is, instead of struggling to solve an abstract large-scale problem, determine what small problems form it and deal with them.

Read detective stories

Once immersed in a detective story, it’s hard not to start analyzing the situation and try to find a solution. Of course, the only benefit will be from reading quality literature, for example, the novels of Georges Simenon or Agatha Christie.

Practice on special sites

Learn math

Choose any section that suits you and understand the concepts and definitions used in it. Familiarize yourself with the axioms and the proofs of theorems that follow from them. Re-read them until you achieve complete understanding. Even if in school years If you are not good at mathematics, then it is never too late to pick up old textbooks, with a different motivation and passion.

Disengage from emotions

Separate rational and emotional decisions. Can you always explain why you act in one way or another? If you have difficulty answering, then this is an emotional decision.

Find your inner balance

When the brain is susceptible severe stress, then the ability to think clearly and consistently is lost. Before you begin mental work, you need to calm down and create a comfortable atmosphere around you.

What ways do you know to develop logical thinking?

P.S. What develops logical thinking better than development? The profession will allow you to develop and earn money.

It is absolutely impossible to live without logic in our world, because thanks to logical thinking a person can find a way out difficult situation, calculate and plan your actions several steps ahead, quickly and without much difficulty achieve success in any area.

People who were born with the ability to think logically can be called truly lucky. But not everyone is so lucky. Still, you shouldn’t despair, because logic can be developed. How to do this? Let's figure it out now.

Why does an adult need to develop logic?

A person who knows how to think logically will be able to get to the bottom of the truth, because even if he has inaccurate and incomplete information, he will be able to draw the right conclusions. Thanks to logic, you will not only gain general knowledge, but also become familiar with all the nuances of the subject being studied.

Rational knowledge of the world and cause-and-effect analysis are the basis of logical thinking. Logical or analytical thinking, unlike emotional thinking, is always based on arguments and reasons. Therefore, conclusions made using logic are valued much more than conclusions made using emotions and feelings. Emotions and feelings can change, but arguments and arguments are a constant.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic, and the right hemisphere is responsible for emotions and creativity. If you want to develop logic, you need to develop the left hemisphere of your brain. Although it is much easier and easier to do this in the first years of life, it is also possible to change the way you think as an adult. You just need to show self-control and be patient.

A person who can think logically can:

  • reduce the number of life and professional mistakes to a minimum;
  • it is easy to find a safe and simple way out of a difficult and unfavorable situation for him;
  • be several steps ahead of all competitors, enemies and ill-wishers who have certain problems with logic;
  • express your thoughts competently, extremely clearly and precisely;
  • easily find the necessary arguments that will convince people around him that he is right;
  • avoid self-deception and not become a victim of deception from strangers;
  • clearly, constructively and quickly find the correct answers to your opponents’ questions;
  • see and eliminate the mistakes that people around you make.

Logic will be useful to you in any type of activity. It doesn't matter if you are a leader big company or you are cleaning, it is very difficult to live without logic.

What games will help develop logic?

There are several types of games that will help you develop your logic and have fun!


Chess is a game that is based on logical thinking. The player must think through his actions several steps ahead, otherwise he will never be able to win the game.

Have you ever tried to play chess, but never managed to become a winner? It's time to resume classes! Thanks to playing chess, you can not only develop or improve your analytical thinking, but also make new friends. Try to play with more advanced players, because this is the only way you can improve your level and learn something new.


Many people believe that checkers is a simplified version of chess. If you can’t win a chess game yet, then you can start with checkers! The rules of this game are extremely simple, but you still have to think carefully to become a winner.

Some world-famous chess players admit that they started with checkers because at first they could not comprehend the basics of chess art and confused the rook with the queen. So buy this board game, which is interesting not only for adults, but also for children, and start playing! Or play online with different people! This way you can not only develop logic, but also find like-minded people all over the world.


If it’s still difficult for you to play chess, and checkers doesn’t appeal to you, then best option for you – a relatively young game called reversi (another name is otello), which is becoming more and more popular among young people every day. Buy the board version of the game or play online!


Another great game that has a positive effect on the development of analytical thinking and allows you to relax after a hard day at work. To win, you need to roll the dice and move the checkers so that you can go a full circle around the board faster than your opponent and be the first to get the checkers into the “house”.

Backgammon is very interesting game with no less interesting story. There are two types of games: short and backgammon. Choose the one you like best and start the game! It should be noted that backgammon develops not only logic, but also helps improve mental counting skills.

Many people think that crosswords, Sudoku, scanwords, puzzles, and puzzles are children's entertainment, which is completely undignified for an adult to pay attention to. But this statement not true! They are great for developing logic and intelligence.


Take the first word that comes to your mind and try to find as many associations to it as possible. You can play either alone or with a group of friends.


The goal of the game is to form words from the available letters. The game is somewhat reminiscent of our “Erudite”, but with more loyal rules. Scrabble develops memory, logic, and broadens one's horizons.

Interesting exercises for developing logic


Solving anagrams is a fun and rewarding pastime. An anagram is a word in which the letters are rearranged in random order. To solve an anagram, you need to know the original word. For example, YATSKFTEIDNIIAI (identification), OYaTRKS (brightness), ESCONL (sun).

Special problems

Logic puzzles will lift your spirits and help develop analytical thinking. Look for them on the Internet, buy collections (they are sold in bookstores). Start with easy puzzles and gradually increase the level.

Here is an example of an easy-level problem: “Petya shaves his beard every day, but the beard does not disappear from his face. Why?". Answer: “Petya’s profession is a barber, he shaves other people’s beards.”

Making puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

Tired of solving crosswords, puzzles, puzzles that other people came up with? It's time to do it yourself!

Search for alternatives

Finding alternative options helps develop logical thinking. Come up with 5-8 ways to use an object in an unusual way, 5-8 ways to get out of an abstract critical situation, 5-8 ways to ask to leave work early or ask for a pay increase.

Developing logic in an adult: some useful tips

It is necessary to develop logical thinking every day, and not two or three times a year, when there is absolutely nothing to do. If you don't always have enough time to play games or do exercises, then you should:

· read thrillers and detective stories. High-quality detective works are written by people who have very developed analytical thinking. The more such quality books you read, the easier it will be for you to think logically.

If you have never read detective stories, then it’s time to get acquainted with the cult novels of Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Rex Stout, Georges Simenon, Edgar Allan Poe, Patricia Moyes, Dick Francis, Christian Charrier, John Creasy. If you want to not only enjoy an unpredictable investigation, but also tickle your nerves, then Stephen King's books are exactly what you need!

· watch detective films and TV series. If you don’t have any time to read books, then you can watch a full-length or serial detective story. This really helps develop logic. Many people who previously could never guess who the killer would be, after watching the tenth, fifteenth or twentieth film, accurately identified the character who committed the crime.

Start with films like “Seven” (1995), “Shutter Island” (2010), “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991), “Ten Little Indians” (1988), “The Hateful Eight” (2015), “ Bunker" (2011);

· come up with an explanation for your actions. When performing an action that is familiar to you, think about why you are doing it, how exactly you are doing it, what will happen if you stop performing this action, what the consequences will be if you make a mistake, etc.;

· get out of your comfort zone. Development is almost always a challenge to yourself. Until you leave your comfort zone, you will not be able to develop harmoniously. If you want to develop both hemispheres of your brain, then you should constantly try something new. For example, if you are right-handed, then try to learn to write with your left hand. If you are left-handed, then try to write at least one sentence right hand;

· take daily walks. The more time you spend in the fresh air, the more actively not only logical, but also other types of your thinking will develop;

· constantly change the type of activity. It has been scientifically proven that continuously performing one activity for more than an hour has a negative effect on the brain. To enhance the development of logical thinking, alternate mental and physical activities.

Logic plays a very important role in human life. It helps build a successful career, helps normalize communication with different people, defend and argue your point of view, and realize the objectivity and truth of events happening around you. Therefore, do not be lazy to develop logical thinking!

“It’s banal, but the point is this: then you will feel good when you yourself are good. Good? Or rather, honest. Not according to the criminal code, honest - I can rob a grave, take coppers from the eyes of a dead person, if money is needed, To brighten up your life, you need to be honest with yourself."

Logic translated from classical Greek is reasoning. It would seem that we all reason, therefore, inseparably from our mind. However, reasoning operations are only one type of process of understanding and cognition. When thinking about a task or solving a problem, we can use one or another type of thinking or several at once.

Young children have not yet developed the ability to think logically and abstractly. Remember how kids are taught to count: in order to give the child an idea of ​​the non-existent number “3” in nature, he is given to touch three objects of the same type. The child will need effort to distract himself from insignificant differences between these objects (for example, from the fact that one of the three apples is green and the other is red) and combine the objects into one group.

Consequently, logical thinking, unlike figurative thinking, operates with abstract concepts. This is a special type of comprehension process, where ready-made logical structures, concepts, judgments are used, and in the end a conclusion or conclusion is developed. It cannot be said that the use of such a design will necessarily lead to correct conclusion. It is also not true that if a person uses imagination, thinks emotionally, figuratively, or listens to intuition, this will lead him to erroneous conclusions. It is good to use all types of thinking in the process of thinking about a problem, without forgetting the critical approach.

Our understanding, starting from a specific case, moves on to abstract logical constructions and inferences in order to, having created a solution, transfer it again to this specific, isolated case. Thus, logical thinking goes through the following stages. Analysis, when we dissect a certain difficult situation into constituent characteristics or parts. At this stage we use the methods of induction, deduction and analogy. allows us to conclude that if something is applicable to a group of objects, then it is applicable to one object of this group. Inductive, on the contrary, allows us to assume that some basic qualities of one object apply to all objects in the group. Analogy connects specific objects of two different groups, similar in some properties.

But logical thinking is not limited to simple thinking. In its process it goes through certain stages. The first of them is the search and determination of cause-and-effect relationships. What gave rise to this phenomenon? Why did this problem occur? The correct establishment of such connections is already the key to the success of the correct conclusion. The second stage is the separation of the main from the secondary. “After” does not mean “as a result.” If we accept the secondary, the particular as essential, we will build an incorrect conclusion. Next comes operating with concepts and judgments - in fact, the search for a solution.

Judgments can be erroneous and stereotypical. If we accept them without a critical approach, we risk ending up in a dead end. At this stage, we abstract from our specific case and think globally, using verbal terms. There is no longer a specific image of an object in our mind, but there are linguistic constructions. Verbal and logical thinking is very important at all stages of problem solving: with the correct formulation of the question; when identifying what caused it; when identifying what exactly needs to be created (or eliminated) to solve the problem. And, of course, in order to understand how to apply your abstract conclusion to this specific situation.

It would be wrong to assume that it can completely replace or displace the figurative, sensory, intuitive and associative. Therefore, a person is stronger than a robot because he is able to simultaneously apply all types of understanding, in addition to solving standard problems using stereotypical methods. Our emotional attitudes (likes or dislikes), our fantasy and imagination, associations that allow us to mentally compare things and concepts that are completely different from each other, sometimes lead us to completely non-trivial, illogical, but surprisingly ingenious conclusions.

When it comes to developing logic, I immediately start giving advice on working with children. But what about adults, many of us would also benefit from developing logic. And what should we do, solve children’s problems to develop logic or are there other ways?

Development of logic in adults - why is it needed?

It may seem that no one needs the development of logic in adults; what is needed has already been taught at school and university, so why waste time on additional classes? This opinion will be erroneous, because at school we were taught not to develop the logic of thinking, but to solve stereotyped problems. And at home, parents did not pay enough attention to the development of logic in the child. That is why in adult life Many people think about how to develop logic. Without the habit of logical thinking, it is impossible to creatively approach solving a problem. And without a creative approach, many problems seem insoluble. Therefore, the development of creative thinking is extremely necessary for both children and adults.

How to develop logic in an adult?

Regular exercise is beneficial not only for our body, making it beautiful and fit. Our mind can also be trained; with due diligence, we can develop missing abilities. To effectively develop logic, you need to regularly perform exercises, solve logic problems, learn to look at life situations from a logical point of view. Over time, you will develop the habit of thinking logically, and many previously insoluble problems will seem trivial to you.

Logic development tasks

There are various exercises designed to develop logic. A large number of them can be found in collections of problems for children. Don’t think that these puzzles are not suitable for adults; many of them will be interesting to you too. The following exercises can be given as an example.

  1. Solving anagrams. These are words in which the letters are rearranged in different order. To solve an anagram, you need to identify the original word. For example, T E N C H I E (reading), KFATSIAYALKVI (qualification).
  2. Solving tasks in which you need to insert a missing word connecting both expressions. For example, dog breed, (dachshund), price list.
  3. Arrange the concepts in order - from particular to general. Example: liquid oxygen-oxygen-gas-state of matter.
  4. Solving logic problems. For example, try solving this one: “They paid 100 rubles for the book. and another half the cost of the book. How much did you pay for the book in total? The correct answer is 200 rubles.

Logic games

In the difficult task of developing logic in adults, people can also help logic games. Their selection is now very extensive, you can play the classic version of these board games or compete with players via the Internet.