If you decide to open your own business, then you cannot do without a cash register. In trade, a cash register is considered an essential item, because an established cash accounting system today is impossible without this device. This article will tell you in detail how to use a cash register.

What criteria should you use to choose a cash register?

To answer this question It is important to consider certain factors:

  • The scale of your business activity.
  • The nature of the company itself.
  • Pace and dynamics of development.
  • Planned turnover (this may also include the sale of services).
  • Intensity of cash flow.
  • Preferences in the functionality of cash register equipment.
  • Price range of this device.

Now you need to figure out how to use the cash register.

Using a cash register

After purchase, cash register equipment must undergo mandatory sealing at the central service station and registration with the tax service. After this, it is possible to legally use cash register equipment.

So, let's tell you how to use a cash register. The instructions look like this:

  1. When starting your working day, you need to connect your cash register to the network.
  2. Check the date and, if necessary, correct it.
  3. The current date must be greater than the previous Z-report. This is necessary to activate the current mode.
  4. Take X-report. For different models of cash registers, the key combination when taking reports may differ, but in any case, the manufacturer must indicate in the instructions how to use the cash register.
  5. After this, zeros will appear on the machine’s screen, and this is where the cashier’s main work begins: amounts are entered, totals are summed up, and receipts are printed.
  6. During a shift change, the amount accumulated in the cash register register is reconciled with the cash in the cash register (an X-report is taken).
  7. At the end of the shift, you also need to take out the X-report, check the amount with the cash in the cash register and take out the final Z-report. In this case, the information is copied into the fiscal memory and the daily revenue counter is reset to zero.

Additional cash register functions

We have covered the main points of how to use it, now let’s move on to additional functions.

Today you can pay in every store using a plastic card. Here you will need a cashless payment option or a separate section on the cash register (this depends on the model of the equipment itself). To do this, you need to read the instructions or consult with another employee.

You also need to find out in advance how discounts work on a particular cash register (this could be simply a reduction in the amount or a specially built-in function).

To cancel an erroneous transaction or to issue a refund, there is a special button on the cash register. But here important point It is also true that different organizations approach such issues differently.

We must not forget about the receipt tape in cash register equipment, because it tends to end at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, when colored stripes appear on a check, you urgently need to replace the receipt paper with a new roll:

  1. To do this, you need to remove the plastic cover that covers the tape.
  2. Remove the old roll from the rod and place the new one on it.
  3. Now you need to slip the end of the paper tape under the shaft and press the corresponding button on the cash register.
  4. Next, close the lid and tear off the blank receipt.

The receipt tape must be updated in a timely manner so that it does not end at the control receipt, otherwise a failure may occur on the cash register equipment.

So, we looked at how to use a cash register correctly. At the same time, you need to work carefully and concentratedly, since they are the ones that are checked first. Improper operation may result in penalties.

The most common cash registers

The simplest and most common cash register is commercial equipment of the Mercury brand. It appeared on the market in the 90s of the last century and since then has firmly occupied its niche. Over the years, many models of this brand have been released.

How to use the Mercury cash register

It was already mentioned above that these devices are quite easy to use. Their main work is described in four steps:

  1. Turning on the device and checking correct date and time.
  2. Setting up the cash register mode (press the "IT" button three times).
  3. Punching the receipt (purchase amount, pressing the "PI" and "Total" buttons, respectively).
  4. Removing a shift report (press the "RE" button twice and the "IT" button twice).

Other functions are described in detail in the manufacturer's instruction book for each specific model.

Cash register equipment for pharmacies

When answering the question about what kind of cash registers pharmacies use, you need to imagine the equipment of a completely new named healthcare institution or its re-equipment. In principle, any cash register is suitable for a pharmacy, but installed modern computer equipment is much more convenient to use and looks more aesthetically pleasing.

This will increase its competitiveness and attract additional customers. Such equipment is, of course, not cheap, but it pays for itself quite quickly, especially since you can get by with simpler and cheaper options to begin with. When installing such equipment, we must not forget about the reader for plastic cards, because this type of payment has already become a part of our lives today.

Any work at the cashier's place begins with refueling the cash register. To do this, a tape is inserted into it, onto which a special marking is applied containing the device number and its type. The tape also contains the date of operation and the exact time of switching on. First, the meter readings at the time the cashier arrived are recorded. Before the first operation, all statistical data is certified by the operator or shift manager.

Next stage consists of checking the CCP date. Most electronic cash registers perform automatic installation and date verification. But some mechanical models require manual checking. On average, the date should be no earlier than the last Z report. Otherwise, it will be impossible to start the current work.

All standards and requirements for setting and monitoring time and date are contained in the Resolution Russian Federation, which came out in January 1992. If a time deviation of 5 minutes or more is noted on the cash register, then during a tax audit, employees are subject to a fine for not using cash registers.

Opening a shift at the cash register

When opening a shift, the cash register is checked for functionality. For this purpose, a test receipt is printed. If necessary, several checks can be printed with a zero amount on them. The main task of a zero check is to check the clarity of the print, the quality of the designation of details, dates, and check digits. Before punching starts real numbers adjustments can be made to the operation of the cash register, date and time. Trial checks are stored until the end of the operator's shift or the completion of the department's work. They are attached to the report from the cash register.

After this, the X-report is printed. It is of an intermediate nature. When it is printed, the current amount is not reset. The current meter readings are printed on the X-report. They are divided into sections and general indicators. The main task of the first report is to reconcile the indicators in column 9 of the Journal for the previous day with current data. They are also recorded in the Operator’s Journal for the current day in column 6. During the operator's work, several X reports are taken. They are designed to control the incoming funds into the cash register. They are also printed when part of the proceeds is deposited. The number of X-reports punched per day is not limited. It does not affect work statistics, but helps the cashier track the correctness of settlement transactions.

X reports vary in type. They can be removed in sections, based on the results of the shift or the final result. They monitor the presence of shortfalls or excess funds at the checkout. When printing the report, the value is compared with the current cash in the cash register box.

The simplest models print a receipt only after the cost of the product has been entered and the enter key has been pressed. Most cash registers have cost entry via barcode. It is also possible to carry out intermediate operations, calculate change from the amount received, and apply discounts on special cards.

A receipt confirming the purchase is given to the buyer at the time the cash is collected. It is considered incorrect to issue a receipt at the time of delivery of goods. The operation of punching a check is significantly different when the payment is made by non-cash method (bank cards, checks, coupons).

Advance system

When working as entrepreneurs, an advance system is allowed. In her case, payment for goods and services is received at the checkout in advance in part. This phenomenon is called advance. IN tax system They insist that a check from the cash register be issued for the advance payment. If part of the amount has been received, and the remaining cost is paid upon receipt of the goods, then a separate check must be issued for this amount. Thus, the entire cost of goods and services must go through the cash register.

Some entrepreneurs do not agree with this arrangement. They note that the sale occurs only when the goods are transferred, therefore, the advance payment does not go through the cash register. But in this case the situation is disputed in court.

Power outage (light) when working at the cash register

Situations often arise when electricity is cut off in premises. If the machine does not work, then entrepreneurs or cashiers must stop working until the light turns on. Reporting in OKUD form No. 0700003 is not allowed, since it is not specified in the law. According to the letter dated April 19, 2005 “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash settlements with the population” and other legal documents, the court makes a condemnation decision if a check was not punched during a power outage. There are known cases where an entrepreneur was fined up to 30 thousand rubles for the absence of a receipt, especially if there are cash registers that operate without a direct connection to the power supply.

The wrong amount appears on the check

When working under load, situations arise when the wrong amount is printed on the check. In this case, you should re-issue the check for the correct value. The erroneous check is retained until the end of the work in a canceled form. When closing a shift and submitting a daily report, they are attached and drawn up in one document. It is called the Act on the return of funds to customers for unused cash receipts. The act indicates the model, type, class, number of its manufacturer, registration number of the cash register. Count Application program contains information about the program that is used to record goods and maintain accounting for an entrepreneur. If the program is not installed, then a dash is indicated in the column. The cashier line must contain information about the personnel number of the operator who submits the reports and entered the cash receipt incorrectly. The act also contains information about the check number and the amount that was entered on it. The check itself is pasted onto the sheet and attached to the act.

The act itself is certified by the cashier and the entrepreneur. If the head of the enterprise himself is at the cash register, then he signs and approves the act independently.

Returning goods through the checkout

Documents are drawn up in the same way in case of returning goods if defects are discovered. The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” of February 7, 1992 states that the buyer has the right to refuse the goods and demand a refund for the purchased goods if significant shortcomings and defects are detected. Returns are made within the warranty period, which is no more than 2 years. Returns of goods can be made without a sales receipt or other documents confirming the purchase. According to paragraph 5, paragraph 18 of the article, the store does not have the right to refuse the buyer, but may require writing a personal statement indicating passport details and reasons for the return. In addition, the buyer will have to prove the fact of purchase in this particular branch of the store.

Products that are not suitable for the buyer for a number of reasons are also subject to return: style, color, size or other reasons. In this case, the buyer can issue a refund if the product has not been used, has no defects and the documents for it have been preserved. When contacting the store, you must provide tags and the receipt used to make the purchase. The reason why the failure occurred is also indicated. The documents can be: warranty card, cash or sales receipt, control tape, which can be requested from the entrepreneur. On average, it should last for five years.

When returning a purchase on the day of purchase, you can present a cash receipt. In this case, the cashier or operator who issues the return puts a signature on it. After this, a document on the return of the goods is drawn up. He wears a casual uniform. After the documents are completed and signed by the entrepreneur or manager, the cashier can give the buyer cash. Next, you need to draw up an act that is responsible for returning the amount of money to the buyer. The procedure for registering the act was described above. The act is drawn up in accordance with all the requirements corresponding to form No. KM-3. The refund amount is recorded in column 15 of the operator's journal. Daily revenue is reduced by the amount of funds issued. Accordingly, if a check is brought on a day other than when the return is issued, then it does not go through the documents.

Ending the working day at the cash register

In conclusion work shift The X report is printed. It serves for preliminary verification of the status of the cash register and cash. After this, the cashier punches the Z-report. It serves to reset the daily information in the cash register. All data is transferred from random access memory cash desks to the fiscal office. As a result, the daily revenue is reset to zero and the fiscal shift is closed.

The Z-report serves not only to display the current amounts that passed through the cash register during the working day, but also to show the number of returns. It displays applied discounts, canceled purchases and other information. As a result, the daily revenue in the cash register must correspond to the information that is shown in the control figure of the report and the amount that was handed over to the entrepreneur. Revenue can be delivered several times during a work shift. The frequency of collecting money depends on the volume of purchases made. When collecting funds, registration is made cash order. It has the form No. KO-1. In this case, the cashier keeps a receipt indicating how much was deposited. If the manager performs the functions of a cashier, he can do without depositing funds and filling out an order.

All reports taken from the cash register have a serial number. As Z-reports are taken, the number increases by 1. All reports, regardless of their type, are saved throughout the day and stored in separate documentation. They are attached to the cashier's daily report at the end of the shift.

At the end of the shift, the cashier issues a certificate. It has form No. KM-6 and wears a reporting form. Data for reference is taken from the final Z-report. The main task is to indicate in it the value of the cash register counters, daily revenue, and returns made. The dates and number of receipt orders in the case of the work of the entrepreneur himself are not issued. If the proceeds are handed over to the bank to the collector, the fields “Delivered to the Bank” and the receipt number are filled in.

If there are several machines operating at a point of sale, a summary report is created at the end of the working day. It has the form No. KM-7. It contains data received from the Certificate reports of all cashiers. More details about it can be found in Resolution No. 132.

After the cashier has completed the shift and taken the Z-report, he is obliged to make entries in the journal about the value of the cash counters at the beginning and end of the shift. They are noted in columns 6 and 9. Also in column 10 he enters the daily revenue. At the end he leaves personal signature under the data. His information is certified by the signature of the entrepreneur or general manager.

All journal entries are made using Z-reports. If there is no revenue for the day, a zero report is issued. All fields are filled in accordingly. The first column always indicates the date when the Z-report was taken. After this, the serial number of the report is entered. Columns 4 and 5 are intended for them. Point 11 of the journal contains information about cash handed over to the entrepreneur or general manager. This column contains data on the amounts that the manager withdraws from the cash register for various reasons.

To enter information about purchases that were made by bank transfer (credit and bank cards), there are columns 12 and 13. The total cost of all such purchases is entered in them. Section 15 of the journal is intended for recording funds that were returned for goods or entered incorrectly.

All data that was entered into the journal must be certified by the signature of the cashier-operator who hands over the shift and the entrepreneur or general manager. Columns 8, 17 and 7, 16 are intended for this, respectively. If the company does not have a separate cashier, the manager can leave a signature only in columns 7 and 16.

All information that confirms the transfer and receipt of funds, such as the cashier’s journal, z-reports for all working days, control tapes and other papers, are stored for the period established for storage primary documents. It is at least 5 years. All responsibility for storing information falls on the entrepreneur.

If the cash register is deregistered, the tax office has the right to request for inspection all documents confirming the passage of funds through the cash register.

If you're just about to start a career in sales, you probably don't yet know what working with cash registers is. However, there should be no reason to panic. It’s not difficult to understand this task, but the most important thing in the work itself is to be careful and not rush unless absolutely necessary, and then you will be able to cope with all the tasks perfectly.

What is it about?

To understand what working with KKM is, you first need to understand what the device is, hidden under the terrible abbreviation KKM. So what is it?

Cash register - this is how you can decipher the abbreviation KKM. In everyday life, it is usually called a cash register, or less commonly, a cash register or a cash register. But if you look at the official documentation, you usually won’t see the words KKM there, since it is customary to use the name KKT. It can be deciphered as follows: cash register equipment.

So, we managed to figure out the name. But what is it essentially? A cash register is a machine that is designed specifically to record the exchange of a service or product for money accepted in the country. The machine is not only indispensable in work point of sale, but is also used by inspection authorities to control entrepreneurs. For this purpose, special reports are generated and analyzed by the relevant authorities.

Subtypes of cars

There are different models of cash registers that are more suitable for certain operating conditions.

It is customary to distinguish the following categories:

  • autonomous;
  • fiscal (computer dependent).

It is very easy to distinguish them from each other even by appearance. If the first ones are located a large number of buttons that allow you to control the device, then on the second - no more than five. The first machine can work on its own, but the second type will only function in conjunction with a computer.

Machine design

In the classic version, the device contains the following elements:

  • nutrition;
  • control;
  • memory;
  • printing device;
  • ECLZ block;
  • keyboard.

It is impossible to correctly service the cash register if you do not understand how each of the described systems works. However, practice shows that in case of problems with the device, it is better to immediately call specialists from the company that sold you the unit. Study the papers: perhaps the equipment is still under warranty.

How to start working

Before the shift begins, the cash register must be properly prepared for work. This process is prescribed in official documents and instructions both at the enterprise and in those supplied with the machines. Attention has been paid to him in regulatory documents operating on the territory of the country and introduced at the state level.

So, before you can work, you first need to sign in a special journal, which is kept by the administrator of the outlet. In this case, the cashier receives the keys to the machine, the cash register mode and the box in which the money is stored. Also, at the beginning of the shift, you can receive a certain amount, which you can then use for change, and a number of other supplies necessary for work. Their list is determined by the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Next, the cover is removed from the printing unit of the machine (in some cases it is necessary to lift the casing to provide access to the inside of the machine), after which the cashier inspects the device and removes dust and foreign objects. Next, the device is connected to the electrical network and a switch responsible for selecting the operating mode is installed. Then you need to check whether all the tapes are in place, and if they are missing, install them.

Specifics of specific devices

New generation cash registers manufactured abroad do not have this feature, but some machines manufactured in Russia are distinguished by the presence of a special mode designated as “Start of shift”. In this case, the employee selects the date and sets the time. If the values ​​already exist, but are inaccurate, then you need to correct them.

Please note: when preparing the device for operation, there is no need to reset the numbering of printed receipts. As soon as the machine generates a report with suppression, it automatically carries out this operation; no additional manipulations are required if the unit is normal.

Attentiveness and accuracy

Next stage preparatory work requires attentiveness from the cashier, since he needs to check whether everything in the equipment is working correctly. First of all, pay attention to the blocking device. To do this, print a test receipt. This helps to draw conclusions about image quality. Working with cash register machines according to the new rules requires that all checks printed by the machine be readable, clear, bright, and contain the correct details of the organization. Do not throw away a zero receipt: at the end of the day it must be submitted to the administrator along with the report. It is mandatory to record zero checks in the fourth column of KM-4, KM-5.

Next, the cashier and administrator together request a shift report from the machine and check whether the information in the cash registers is correct. At the beginning of the working day, all indicators should be zero. Readings of cash counters are taken and entered into a special journal in a column reflecting the status at the end of the shift. It is mandatory to verify all entered data with the signatures of the participating workers.

Everything must be certified!

The instructions for the cashier-operator when working with a cash register recommend inserting a control tape into the machine, departing from the edge of about 15 cm. Please note: there must be information about the machine number, the current date and what time the work began, as well as information taken from all registers Once all the data on the control tape has been recorded, it is certified by the signatures of the participants in the process.

Next, the cashier places into the machine the currency that is supposed to be used for exchange when making transactions. You can read about how to correctly put money into the cash register and how to then set the correct operating mode in the instructions for a specific device.

Let's start the shift

When working, the cash register operator must clearly monitor how the unit operates, clean it and put it in order as necessary. You must enter money into the machine strictly as written in the instructions for the specific machine. Regular maintenance of the cash register is the key to its correct and long-term operation.

When all the goods purchased by the client have been processed by the cash register, it shows the total cost of the purchase. The rules for operating cash registers oblige the client to clearly state this figure, and only after that take money from the person. They are placed in the car so that the buyer can see how this happens. He must also see where the cashier puts the check in order to pick it up and not confuse it with other people’s documents. If the cash register is located where the seller works, he must hand over the goods to the client at the time of purchase, giving a receipt. But in the case when we're talking about about the waiter or any other employee who takes orders, he must hand over the check to the client only when the service has been completed.

Pay attention to the nuances

You need to know that marking a check as canceled is an extreme important feature, which characterizes work with cash registers. What it is? The check is either torn or a special stamp is placed on it, which symbolizes cancellation.

Remember that a purchase receipt is valid only on the day it was issued to the customer. But in some cases, when returning a check, the cashier may give the client the money back. But this only happens when the document has a signature authorizing this from the head of the retail outlet or his deputy. Please note: a refund is possible at the cash desk where the check was punched, but not at any other.

If the cashier made a mistake when entering the purchase amount into the machine, and the check cannot be redeemed, then the rules for working with the cash register oblige you to draw up a report at the end of the shift. It is drawn up in accordance with the KM-3 form. If the cashier and the buyer are in conflict situation, you can withdraw the cash register by sending a request to the administrator. If the store manager does not allow this, it is not possible to remove the cash register.

Avoiding problems

As you know, the price of a cash register is quite high (from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles), so you need to work with it carefully to avoid breakdowns. This means that you can only do what is permitted by the instructions and rules, and strictly avoid everything that is prohibited. In particular, the instructions say that you can change the code directly during the work shift, but this happens only when there is a corresponding instruction from the administrator of the outlet. Also, if necessary, you can request one or another printout from the machine.

If it turns out that the POS system is not functioning correctly or there are any other malfunctions, the cashier must:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Call the administrator.
  3. Understand what is causing the problem.
  4. If the information on the receipt is displayed incorrectly, check the imprints and sign everything manually.
  5. If the check is not issued, request a null one, issuing it in the same way as a check on which the details were unclearly printed.

Could it turn out that it is impossible to work with cash register machines? What kind of situation is this, what should I do? Yes, this can happen if the car is seriously damaged. For example, if it produces unclear prints or prints incorrect information about the time of the transaction. In such a situation, the administrator and cashier draw up a special report, similar to the one drawn up at the end of the shift. Then the log records what kind of person worked on the machine, what time he finished the work, and for what reason this happened.

When else is it not possible?

It is unacceptable for a POS system to be in operation if the seal on the device is broken. Also, you cannot use a unit that does not have the manufacturer’s mark or does not have the required holograms. Representatives of the tax service may impose a ban on working with the unit.

If it turns out that the cash register installed in your store has any of these shortcomings, you should urgently contact the central service center and provide them with full information about what happened. In such a situation, the cashier and even the administrator cannot repair the unit on the spot, so you will have to wait for a service center specialist to arrive. You need to notify the tax authorities responsible for your outlet about this. They keep logs where they record the visits of all technical workers, and they should include your case there too. In general, it must be said that cash register accounting in our country is quite strict, so negligence can turn out to be expensive. Try to be attentive.

Rules and laws

A letter from the Ministry of Finance, written in 1993 and explaining how a cash register is used in everyday life, tells how to work correctly. The price of mistakes is high: you may be held administratively liable.

According to the standard rules, only then can a person afford to work at a cash register when he has mastered the rules of its operation. There is a certain minimum of technical knowledge that is included in basic rules. If potential candidate coped with this, then the company can enter into an agreement with him regulating the financial responsibility of this person. Before directly starting work in a new place, a person must become familiar with the operating rules. If these rules are neglected, the employer may face administrative liability, to which he will be held subject to the results of the next inspection.

Laws also regulate how the cashier's book is maintained. According to legal regulations, each individual car must have its own journal, which is stitched, all sheets in it are numbered, and their number must be confirmed by the signature of the company director and chief accountant. In addition, such a book must be signed by a representative of the tax authority. Then all this is sealed with the seal of the enterprise. Such a log is usually certified by the tax office when they go there to register the cash register.

No liberties!

It is allowed to make entries in the cashier's journal only strictly chronologically, without any erasures. Ink is used for this. If the situation is such that something needs to be corrected, the director of the organization and the chief accountant are involved, who control the changes, and then confirm with their signatures that the updated data is correct.

Also, the administrator of a retail outlet must remember that his area of ​​responsibility is to warn the cashier that money can be counterfeit, and also teach methods for checking the reliability of banknotes accepted from customers. In addition, the issue of counterfeit checks must also be raised. The cashier should be aware that there are a number of measures to prevent counterfeiting:

  • ribbon color;
  • encryption of each check;
  • purchase limit.

Is it possible without KKM?

In accordance with the legal regulations in force in our country, some organizations can afford to work without the use of cash register equipment. This is due to the specific nature of the work of such enterprises. A special list was adopted, which included all organizations that do not need cash registers. The date of adoption was July 1993, but later changes were made to it by government regulations.

In the list you can find not only organizations, but also branches, as well as other types of separate divisions. This also applies to some individuals who work in the field of entrepreneurship without having the appropriate education.

This list may be limited by a resolution of the executive power of a particular subject on its territory. However, working from an open counter still does not require such equipment. This is most relevant during the period when the harvest is agriculture, because it is sold directly from cars, from trays. So, in such a situation, registration of a cash register is not required.

Beware of violations

Numerous regular inspections organized tax authorities in different regions of the country, show that to this day many entrepreneurs work in violation of the rules for using cash registers, but still hope that this will go unnoticed. It should be remembered that the laws on the introduction of cash registers were adopted for a reason; thanks to them, the legal purity of the transaction is ensured. In addition, strict adherence to the rules in the event of a conflict situation will allow you to “pull the blanket over yourself,” since there will be no complaints about your activities.

To avoid violations during the work process, carefully read the rules for operating cash register equipment, because there are answers to almost all questions. Take into account the latest legal acts in force in your region. This will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of events. Finally, remember that you should only use machines that have been included in the state register. Take into account the classifier, which regulates which units are suitable for which area. This will allow you to avoid problems with the law and conduct business for a long time and with benefit for yourself.

A cash register, according to Federal Law No. 54, must be present for every entrepreneur conducting cash transactions. Some businessmen believe that using the device is very difficult and they will not be able to master it on their own. But this is not so - once you figure it out, you will be able to work on almost any CCP model. We will tell you about how to use a cash register : There is nothing complicated about it.

General rules

Before using the cash register, be sure to read the instructions. It contains all the keyboard shortcuts and rules for punching checks. Remember that at the end of the day you need to “reset” the cash register, withdrawing from it all the cash earned during the day and filing a report in cash book.

The rules for using a cash register are quite simple.

Who can work with CCP?

Only those people who have entered into an agreement with the business owner on full financial responsibility (or the entrepreneur himself) can operate a cash register. They must also learn how to properly operate a cash register at least at a minimum level (knock out receipts, reset the machine). You can undergo training at the KKT technical service center.

Note:Before the cash register starts operating, the individual entrepreneur or the store director, together with the cashier, must open the drive and the cash register counter, knock out the reporting receipt and check the coincidence of the amounts for the last day with the operator’s audit trail.

The director's responsibilities also include:

  • entering accurate readings from the machine into the cash book, certifying the results with your signature;
  • registration of the beginning of a new control tape (it indicates the number of the cash register, the start date of its use and the readings of the control register);
  • issuing keys to the drive and the device itself to the responsible person;
  • issuing small bills and coins to the cashier for change;
  • providing employees working with the machine with cash register and ink ribbons.

Cashier responsibilities

Before starting work, a cashier must:

  • check the functionality and integrity of the cash register units;
  • adjust the date and time, check if the cash register is reset to zero;
  • before starting work, you need to knock out a couple of zero checks, checking the functionality of the printing mechanism;
  • at the end of the working day, reset the cash register and hand over the cash to the director.

Rules for working with cash registers may differ - read the instructions

How to work with CCP

Let's figure out how work with a cash register: step by step actions. First of all, turn on the device. Some devices are turned on by a button on the rear panel, some by turning the key to the REG position. The display should show zeros: this means that everything is working normally. The further algorithm of work looks like this:

  1. Authorization. Some cash register systems begin to work only after the employee is authorized. To do this, you will need to enter your service number and password or use a special card.
  2. The sale is carried out by entering the required amount. Enter the correct price for the item using the number keys. Then click the product classification button (usually they are divided into groups, for example: clothing, shoes, food). Some cash registers can read product barcodes, automatically punching out the required amount. Then click the “Payment” or “Cash” button and the purchase will be completed.
  3. If you have any discounts on the full price, you can get them directly on the device. Enter its full price, then select the product category, enter the discount amount and click the “%” button (for example, 15%).
  4. If you need to enter several different items into one receipt, then enter their price and press the category key. Repeat this process until you have entered all the items, then click “Payment”.
  5. A zero check is issued simply by clicking on the “Payment” or “Cash” button.

These are the simplest rules for using a cash register. You can learn more about complex operations from the instructions for your device.

Replacing the ribbon

let's consider how to insert a tape into a cash register - this has to be done quite often, so it is necessary to bring this process to automation.

Inserting the tape is not difficult: practice a couple of times and you will learn how to


Carefully read the instructions - it shows such points as the purpose of the keys and the principles of operation of the device. However, if you plan to use the machine in your company and will work independently as a cashier for some time, then it is important to know how to handle it. Small companies most often buy an EKR cash register - it is certified for trade and service enterprises. In addition, the car can be re-registered up to 5 times.

Connect the device to the power source, the time should appear on the screen. If it does not coincide with the real one, correct it using the “PI” key - press it and enter the hours and minutes - only 4 digits. To view the time value during operation, use the button with an asterisk (*).

Pay attention to the date - it must be correct. If the number does not match, then you cannot use such a machine. Notify service center about the malfunction and try to eliminate it as soon as possible as soon as possible.

Thread the cash register tape into the machine. To do this, remove the cover on the front panel with the hole for the check output and insert the reel. Thread the end of the tape outward and then close the inner cavity.

Click "IT" twice. The first time the cashier mode (“?”) appears on the screen, the second time “P?”. Then dial six zeros, after which you will see the inscription “0.00”.

Press “IT” - a zero check will be printed. If you need to cancel a purchase, then dial:

- section;
- the amount of money received from the buyer (optional);
- "IT".

Wait for the check to come out, tear it off and give it to the client along with the change.

Please note that a modern vehicle relies on multiple electrical systems to operate. All of them are powered by a battery, which, in turn, is powered by a direct or alternating current generator. The generator, like the generator, rotates using a belt drive. The generator powers the starter, lights, signal, furnace, radio and windshield wipers.

Please note that almost all modern ones have drums on the front wheels. All four brakes can be controlled using the brake pedal via a hydraulic transmission. In this case, the parking, or hand, brake is connected only to the rear wheels.


  • how a car works in 2019

Usually, after breaking up, former lovers or spouses practically stop communicating: they begin to spend time in various companies, visit other bars and try not to randomly cross paths on the street. However, it's not so easy to avoid your ex's company if you work for the same company.


No matter how your relationship ends, try to remain, if not friends, then at least friends. Both you and your ex-young man must understand that without this, working together will be extremely difficult. For the first time, you can limit your communication exclusively to work issues. Everyone can spend lunches, tea parties and smoking breaks in their own company.

Do not discuss the fact of your separation with your colleagues or its reasons. All your words can reach ex-lover, and he is unlikely to be happy that he has become the main character of the gossip going around the office. This will not help you maintain a comfortable work environment, and revenge can be terrible.

After a breakup, people often experience far from positive emotions towards each other. If your ex wants to take revenge on you by framing you in front of your superiors, you must be fully prepared. Just do your job perfectly, and you are unlikely to be in any danger. If you have the opportunity to point out to your boss your ex-boyfriend’s faults, try to restrain your impulse. Such hostile sentiments will have a very detrimental effect on your work together.

Try not to react to gossip, questions and jokes, which will probably happen if at least a few colleagues at work knew about your relationship. If you have a new partner, do not rush to tell everyone present in the office about it - this may provoke a negative reaction from your ex.

Don't start new romances at work in order to annoy your ex. And in general, try to refrain from dating another colleague in the future. Firstly, it will negatively affect your reputation. And secondly, sometimes it can be difficult to work with just one ex, but what will you do if there are several of them?

Thousands of owners of summer cottages in the spring and after harvesting in the fall are forced to bear the heavy burden of digging up the soil. Then - cutting ridges, sowing seeds or planting potato tubers.

Many people don’t even realize that they can avoid routine work every year. To do this, you need to decide and build several stationary organic beds that will never be dug up.

You will need

  • Old boards or beams. Length - no restrictions, width - at least 25 cm.
  • Cardboard and newspapers (old boxes, any waste paper, newspapers, magazines).
  • Organic waste: branches of trees and shrubs, sunflower and corn, dry and fresh weeds (without seed pods), mowed lawn grass, kitchen organic waste (tea brewing, vegetable peelings, etc.)
  • Manure (preferably, but not required).
  • Garden soil.
  • Metal or plastic mesh against moles (if there are moles at the dacha).
  • Biofertilizer "Baikal EM" (optional, but recommended).


If you have a lot of organic waste on your site, then you can make several beds; if you don’t have enough, start with one organic bed and make sure of its effectiveness.

So let's get started.

We put together a structure from the boards in the form of a rectangle with the following parameters: width - no less than 80 cm, no more than 1 meter, height - no less than 20 cm, length arbitrary.

We secure the ridge with metal corners or dowels in the ground.
We position the box from north to south for uniform lighting throughout the day.

If there are moles, place a net on the bottom of the box and attach it to the sides.

We put cardboard, multi-layer newspapers and magazines on the bottom. The goal is to prevent weed rhizomes from germinating. Over time, the paper will rot, having fulfilled its function.

We fill the cardboard with a thin layer of sand on top to ensure drainage and breathing of the roots.

We lay a layer of coarse organic drainage on top of the sand: branches, corn and sunflower stalks, reeds, large stem weeds without seeds. The goal is to provide air access to rotting organic matter and roots.

On top we lay a layer of small organic matter: straw, mowed lawn grass, chopped weeds (can be mowed outside the site), kitchen waste (except for meat and fish - they attract rats and mice).

Add manure (if any) to the box mixed with plant organic matter.
Pour a layer of garden soil from the site, 10 cm high.
We pour out the resulting organic " layered cake"with a solution of the drug "Baikal EM". The goal is to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and the planting of seeds or plant seedlings in the garden bed.
If there is no Baikal, use an infusion of weeds. How to do it: chop nettles, dandelions and horsetail, fill half a barrel, fill with water to the top, wait a week for it to ferment.
Use for filling organic beds and subsequently for watering plants as a valuable fertilizer (be sure to dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5, 1:10)

We cover the box with polyethylene for a couple of weeks to rot and warm the soil. Keep the soil moist.

When the ground has settled a little, we add new soil and sow the seeds and plant the seedlings.

During the season, the soil under the crops should be mulched, i.e. covered with organic matter or newspapers, cardboard, or both at once. Goal: prevent weeds from sprouting and the soil from drying out.

Over the summer you will have to add layers many times, since they quickly “go away”, they are eaten by microorganisms, insects, and worms, enriching the soil with organic matter.

The amount of watering is halved by using a layer of mulch.

In the fall, the beds are not dug up. In September, they sow green manure before winter or fill the boxes with organic matter so that the soil does not compact under the snow.

In spring, the beds are not dug, but shallow loosening is done with a hoe (no deeper than 3-5 cm). After this, the seeds are sown.

Potatoes are planted in shallow (5 cm) holes and covered with a 20 cm layer of organic matter (straw, weeds, kitchen waste).


If you do not lay organic mulch on the beds all summer, the soil in the boxes will quickly dry out. Follow the technology of “smart” beds completely.

Helpful advice

Arranging boxes is important on clay soils with high level groundwater, with spring flooding, frequent precipitation. To the south, it would be optimal to arrange such a “layer cake” not in a box, but in the ground, digging a hole the size of the bed. You can line the walls with boards to prevent weeds from growing.


If you want to create video games, smartphone apps, or websites, you need to learn how to code. There are countless various languages programming, but they all usually have general principles work.

Define your goal

Learning a programming language is quite easy interesting activity, however, before starting the learning process, it is necessary to clearly formulate the goal. For what purposes do you need knowledge of a programming language? Perhaps you want to become a web programmer, flash game developer, or write iPhone applications.

Select a programming language

It is recommended to start learning programming with C# languages. These are basic languages, they represent a kind of industry programming standard, their knowledge is considered mandatory for any professional programmer. Don't start your training with programming languages ​​like Java. You may find their syntax too confusing. The C# languages ​​may be too complex for some programmers, in which case you can start your training with the Python language, which is also a good foundation.

It may take you about a year to learn the basics of programming. You will learn the features of procedural and object-oriented programming, principles of working with binary trees, arrays, lists, etc. Only after learning the basics move on to more complex tasks.

Visit websites of programming language developers and study documentation. Be sure to communicate on programmer forums; they usually answer most questions from beginners.


If you want to learn to program, you just need to know math. In the process of work, you will encounter a large number of problems that cannot be solved without knowledge of the basics of this science. There are a large number of mathematical systems and theories (Fourier series, Fibonacci numbers, etc.) that greatly simplify the programming process.

The learning never ends

The evolution of programming languages ​​does not stand still; their development is ongoing. Try to read as much literature as possible related to the area of ​​programming in which you plan to work. Always looking alternative paths solving problems as they arise will help you continually improve the efficiency of the code you create. Talk to professional programmers; they will always be able to advise how to deal with a particular problem. Reading their codes will also benefit you greatly.
It is impossible to keep everything in your mind all the time. Feel free to use programming language reference books.

Programming problems, no matter how simple they may be, are never solved at once. They always require the development of the correct algorithm of actions that is effective in a given specific situation. Finding optimal algorithms requires constant practice and training. Try to solve small programming problems more often (you can find them on specialized sites), this will help you gradually hone your skills in this area.

Companies that provide intermediary services in the labor market and help employers select personnel, and job seekers find a vacant position, are called “labor exchanges” in the old fashioned way. There are many such “exchanges” now: these are recruiting agencies, employment agencies, territorial employment funds, and Internet portals that provide similar services. They use different approaches in their activities.

How do recruiting agencies work?

Recruiting agencies work directly with companies, concluding agreements with them, according to which they undertake to find candidates for the vacancies that the company has. These agencies have their own base of qualified professionals with specific experience. If this recruiting agency cooperates with large companies on an ongoing basis, it specializes in finding candidates in certain professional fields. Therefore, if you are going to submit your resume to be included in the candidate database, you should take this specialization into account to reduce your search for a job. As a job seeker, this service will be provided to you free of charge, but you will not receive any guarantees here: whether to hire you or not is decided by the employer, who pays the agency.

How do employment agencies work?

In such an agency, a database is maintained of companies that are looking for employees who meet certain criteria and professional requirements. In this case, a contract for the provision of services is concluded with the applicant, to whom, for a certain fee, within a specified period, the agency undertakes to provide information about vacancies that meet his needs. The payment option may be different: you can pay the agreed amount immediately upon drawing up and signing the contract, or the agency will deduct a set percentage from your first salary.

How do online labor exchanges work?

There are many Internet portals with which both job seekers and employers cooperate. Accordingly, such sites contain both resumes of job seekers and vacancies available from companies. Here you can find any job - on a permanent, temporary and even remote basis. By registering and posting your resume, you get full access to the vacancy database and can also count on employment advice. On some of these information exchanges, for a fee, you can use additional information about the most attractive vacancies.

How employment funds work

This government bodies who register citizens in need of employment and keep records free seats, information about which is provided by employers. Their main task is to assist employers in selecting the necessary personnel, and citizens in choosing suitable job. Using budget funds, employment funds organize vocational training and retraining for unemployed citizens, provide them with advice and help in finding a suitable job.

The vestibular apparatus is necessary for a person to hold the body in an upright position, perform coordinated movements, fixate the gaze and position of the head, as well as for orientation in space. If the vestibular apparatus is not functioning well, you should find the cause of the “problem,” which may be hidden in the most unexpected places.

Pathological processes that cause such symptoms can be inflammatory, tumor or vascular in nature.


The most common causes of disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus are traumatic brain injury, otitis media, vestibular neuritis, ischemia of the vertebrobasilar region, as well as vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by vascular problems. Also, these disorders can be caused by atherosclerosis of the basilar, vertebral or subclavian arteries, increased blood viscosity, orthostatic hypotension, cervical osteochondrosis or blockage of the internal auditory artery.

In almost half of the cases, doctors are unable to find out the exact cause of the poorly functioning vestibular apparatus.

Also, symptoms of vestibular disorders often occur in the presence of swelling in the area inner ear, injury to the vestibulocochlear nerve, intracranial hypertension, chronic bilateral vestibulopathy, intoxication or aminoglycosides. Problems with the vestibular system are also caused by: taking certain chemical drugs, Meniere's disease, concussion of the labyrinth, temporal bone fracture, perilymphatic fistula, cerumen plug, eustachian tube dysfunction, otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma, basilar migraine, epilepsy, craniovertebral anomaly and gradually developing.