Quick lightly salted cucumbers mineral water recipe with photo

And we prepared quick lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water, the recipe, as always, with photos. If anyone doesn’t yet know how to prepare these cucumbers, they can do it without difficulty. Now you will see for yourself how simple it is.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water recipe

  • 1 kg. young cucumbers
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. small heaped tablespoons of salt
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • dill umbrellas or a bunch of green dill

As you can see, the ingredients are very simple. I have a kilogram of small young cucumbers. I washed them under running water.

We also need dill and garlic. I had dill umbrellas, I will put them along with the sprigs; in my opinion, this dill is very aromatic and is perfect for pickling cucumbers.

I took 4 cloves of garlic. I peeled it and cut it into slices.

I will prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a three-liter jar. I have a kilogram and they will fit in this container and marinate quickly. But we tried to cook without utensils. Previously, we prepared lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, aromatic and delicious cucumbers turn out. I also recommend the recipe with step by step photos can be found in the article “ Lightly salted cucumbers«.

To the bottom clean three-liter jar I add garlic and chopped dill. If you don't have umbrellas, you can take a bunch of green dill.

I cut off both ends of all cucumbers on both sides.

There are not many cucumbers; 1 kg takes up a little more than half a three-liter jar. You can optionally add twigs and leaves of currants or cherries, whatever you like. I'm not adding.

Next stage. I poured it from the bottle into liter jar mineral water. We need to dissolve two tablespoons of salt (slightly heaped) in a liter of mineral water.

Mineral water sizzles when salt is added. Everything can be seen in the photo. We added salt and dissolved it in mineral water.

Now fill the cucumbers with mineral water and salt. It is important to dissolve all the salt in the mineral water.

Leave the cucumbers to marinate for a day. I left the cucumbers in the room. Their color has changed, but they turned out so tasty and crispy.

A day has passed and the cucumbers are ready. They turned out lightly salted and crispy. Very tasty with potatoes. After marinating for a day, I put the cucumbers in the refrigerator. The recipe is quick and very successful.

This was my first time cooking cucumbers in mineral water and the recipe did not disappoint me. Everything works out quickly and simply. There is actually some addition, daily cucumbers taste better, but on the second day their taste changes. On the second day you couldn’t call them lightly salted, even though they were stored in the refrigerator.

The daughter gave flowers to her mother, they were also included in the frame, the daughter was pleased that the flowers were included in the photo. True, the children did not like these cucumbers; they prefer fresh cucumbers. And in winter, I prefer pickled cucumbers; you can see how to prepare them in the article “Crispy pickled cucumbers.” The kids really liked this recipe, but grandpa not so much. He says they are sweetish, but he is used to sour ones. But as they say, everyone has their own tastes.

What kind of cucumbers do you like?

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I’ve been working on cucumbers all day today too. I have my own. The harvest is good. I collect several kilograms every day or every other day and process them immediately. I've already salted and marinated it. I also try to cook according to different recipes. There are old, proven ones that the family likes. Today I tried to make pickled cucumbers using your recipe. I signed the jar, we'll try it in winter.

I made lightly salted ones only in a bag. You can try that too. It turns out really tasty with potatoes and dill.

Flowers given by children look great on camera. The children tried. so that the photo is beautiful. they always come out well for you.

Thank you, Lena, a simple recipe. I'll try. My mom cooks often lightly salted cucumbers. I'll tell her how to cook them in mineral water.

Lightly salted cucumbers are the first course to go with new potatoes! Can't do without them! And also sour cream with garlic and dill to pour over the potatoes - yummy!

I agree that new potatoes with lightly salted cucumbers may be tastier (although I have loved them for a long time). But I prefer to add vegetable oil, and dill is a must!

We have our own dill - homemade and fragrant. And sometimes we also add vegetable oil, only the fragrant and fragrant one comes from the seed.

Yes, it’s just time to start conservation. Let's take note of the recipe.

Alexander, these are lightly salted cucumbers. They are not canned, but eaten immediately.

Yes, they are lightly salted, they are without vinegar and with a small amount of salt, so Alexander, these cucumbers are good right now, and not in winter. For the winter we will marinate and salt

Recipes for canned cucumbers for the winter are still to come, because ground cucumbers have just started coming out not so long ago. So first we’ll eat up some lightly salted food, and then we can close it for the winter!

The cucumbers were not lightly salted in mineral water, although I had heard about such a recipe. I’ll have to try cooking it this way and evaluate the taste of the cucumbers.

Alexander, I haven’t tried mineral water either, I’ve heard a lot, but I haven’t had to try it. An interesting fact is that mineral water begins to “boil” when salt is poured into it. But the mineral water is carbonated, yes.

Of course, it’s carbonated, and the water is loud, with added salt, precisely for this reason.

I understood everything, now I’m even more intrigued, I’ll probably try to cook it one of these days

Of course, cook, Slavyana. Anatoly shows us only the best and most proven recipes.

I also like medium-sized cucumbers lightly salted. Others will pick up “boars”, the taste is completely different, to say nothing of their “crunchiness”.

Natalya, we make lightly salted cucumbers, which are also often small, but we have our own cucumbers and very often they outgrow them. Then mom lightly salts them, as you put it, “wild boars”

Of course, they’re not so crunchy anymore, but they’re very tasty in salads or in pickle soup!!

That's right, if you buy at a market or store, you can choose them by size. And in the garden everyone goes to work. And such wild boars are primarily used for lightly salted vegetables.

There was no need to lightly salt the cucumbers in mineral water. Although, in truth, doctors are outraged when they use mineral water indiscriminately. Let’s say “Esentuki” is shown to a person, and he takes (a little salt on “Borjomi”), which will harm him. I’d rather lightly salt it with regular water. GOOD LUCK everyone!

I don't like lightly salted cucumbers. But the recipe is very interesting. This is the first time I have seen mineral water used. I'll show the recipe to mom.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water was told to my sister by a colorful seller of Odessa pickles at the famous Privoz. Apparently she was very good mood at that moment. Thus, the recipe has been living in our house for two years, and every year we make such cucumbers in the summer.

Yes, lightly salted cucumbers should be eaten immediately. I really like it when they turn out crispy.

When they stop, the taste and appearance are completely different. That's why they're lightly salted, apparently.

I used to not like lightly salted cucumbers, but now I learned how to pickle them in a bag in 5 minutes, I really like these! Eaten instantly

This is definitely a great cucumbers in a bag recipe. But when they are lightly salted in brine it has a slightly different taste.

I’ve never tried making lightly salted cucumbers using mineral water. I was very interested in the recipe, and it was just the right time to pickle them. Thank you!

Why not try new recipe during cucumber season? Especially when he deserves it. Happy pickling!

Lightly salted cucumbers are a delight; once they appear in the garden, a week later you want to salt them and eat them with new potatoes. Sometimes I also add a small horseradish root, they become more fragrant and last longer. I will prepare it according to your recipe.

Step-by-step recipes with photos

Anjutka M

Have you tried lightly salting cucumbers in mineral water yet? Be sure to make a kilogram. The cucumbers turn out amazingly tasty and crispy. Thanks to mineral water, the cucumbers will be crispier and the salting time will be reduced. The cucumbers will be ready within a day.

If you want to make lightly salted cucumbers with a unique crunch and a slight kick, then try this recipe. Its trick is that mineral water with gas is used instead of regular water. I've tried a lot different recipes lightly salted cucumbers. This one is the best for my taste. And one of the fastest. It takes no more than half an hour to prepare. Cucumbers have time to salt within a day. Delicious - impossible to put down. I also like the recipe because you don’t have to choose some particularly fresh, selected cucumbers for pickling. Even wilted ones are suitable - to restore their strength, there is a simple way - soak cucumbers for several hours in cold clean water, are thoroughly washed in cold water - and then you can safely lightly salt them and expect an excellent result. Please note that the water for pickling must be highly carbonated. The more bubbles, the crispier the result.


  • Highly carbonated water - 1 l
  • Table salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Large cucumbers - 1 kg
  • Dill greens - a bunch
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pieces
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.


First of all, wash the cucumbers properly. If they are lethargic. Then you need to soak them in water for a couple of hours - than colder water, the stronger the cucumbers will be. And then rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

When the cucumbers are prepared, dissolve the salt in the water for pickling. First add salt.

Then pour in sparkling water.

Mix thoroughly.

At the bottom of the container - I use ordinary glass jars - we place half a bunch of greens, which must be rinsed before pickling. You can choose additional spices to your taste, we only have garlic - I peeled it and cut it into slices - and bay leaf, part of it and send it to the jar.

Place cucumbers in a jar. If you want more to go in, put more down. large specimens, and smaller on top.

This home preparation– one of the simplest to make, delicious, preserving the taste of a fresh product as much as possible. Quick recipe lightly salted cucumbers should be written down in every cookbook: it will help to utilize excess harvest and simply make crispy healthy snack in half an hour.

Mineral brine for lightly salted cucumbers

This method of preservation raises an endless stream of questions for some housewives: why replace plain water mineral, what it should be, will it negatively affect the color and taste of the vegetable. Professionals believe that such a step will only benefit the preparation: the brine will retain its transparency, the cucumbers will crunch fervently, even if the appetizer is made from specimens that are not the youngest and most elastic. Conservation will require less time than always due to the rich mineral composition water.

Please note that:

  • The brine cannot be boiled - it is poured cold so that there is no loss of taste and basic properties.
  • If you take cucumbers with smooth, thin skin, even mineral water will not save them - they will quickly lose their density.
  • The amount of salt should be selected individually: use a little for lightly salted vegetables, and mineral water further reduces its need in terms of taste qualities.
  • You need to cook with carbonated mineral water - otherwise the cucumbers will not crisp, and the brine may become cloudy.

What to cook lightly salted cucumbers with in mineral water

The classic recipe includes only the standard set of dill and horseradish; some housewives additionally use garlic. Salt is present by default. However delicious dish– not always just the traditional: there is a place for experimentation in cooking. Housewives advise trying to cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water with the following additives:

  • Oak or cherry leaves for a brighter aroma.
  • Clove buds and coriander create a spicy, warm flavor.
  • Cumin, mustard seeds, black pepper - for connoisseurs of savory snacks.
  • Branches of red currant, green country apples, plums - for connoisseurs of unusual combinations.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers

Professionals remind that anyone, even the most best recipe, can be ruined if several conditions are not met. Firstly, you need to take care of the freshness of the products - cucumbers for pickling should be ripe and strong, no yellowed fruits. Only then will they crunch fervently. Secondly, it is recommended to take winter garlic - it is more tender, and sea salt - coarse, but without iodine.

For a 2 liter jar take:

  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • mineral water – 1.4 l;
  • salt - a low heaped spoon;
  • garlic - head;
  • a bunch of greenery.

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water can be made as follows:

  1. Wash the vegetable, remove the ends. It is not necessary to cut if the fruits are small. There is no need to soak either.
  2. Cover the bottom of the selected container with sprigs of herbs, distribute the cucumbers, sprinkle with garlic.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix salt (30 grams) with mineral water and wait until dissolved.
  4. Fill the contents of the jar with the resulting liquid, immediately close and refrigerate. A metal lid is not necessary: ​​thanks to mineral water, preservation is possible even with a plastic one.
  5. The snack can be eaten within a day.

And we prepared quick lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water, the recipe, as always, with photos. If anyone doesn’t yet know how to prepare these cucumbers, they can do it without difficulty. Now you will see for yourself how simple it is.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water recipe


  • 1 kg. young cucumbers
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. small heaped tablespoons of salt
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • dill umbrellas or a bunch of green dill

As you can see, the ingredients are very simple. I have a kilogram of small young cucumbers. I washed them under running water.

We also need dill and garlic. I had dill umbrellas, I will put them along with the sprigs; in my opinion, this dill is very aromatic and is perfect for pickling cucumbers.

I took 4 cloves of garlic. I peeled it and cut it into slices.

I will prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a three-liter jar. I have a kilogram and they will fit in this container and marinate quickly. But we tried to cook without utensils. Previously, we prepared lightly salted cucumbers in a bag; the cucumbers were aromatic and tasty. I also recommend it, the recipe with step-by-step photos can be found in the article ““.

I put garlic and chopped dill at the bottom of a clean three-liter jar. If you don't have umbrellas, you can take a bunch of green dill.

I cut off both ends of all cucumbers on both sides.

There are not many cucumbers; 1 kg takes up a little more than half a three-liter jar. You can optionally add twigs and leaves of currants or cherries, whatever you like. I'm not adding.

Next stage. I poured mineral water from a bottle into a liter jar. We need to dissolve two tablespoons of salt (slightly heaped) in a liter of mineral water.

Mineral water sizzles when salt is added. Everything can be seen in the photo. We added salt and dissolved it in mineral water.

Now fill the cucumbers with mineral water and salt. It is important to dissolve all the salt in the mineral water.

Leave the cucumbers to marinate for a day. I left the cucumbers in the room. Their color has changed, but they turned out so tasty and crispy.

A day has passed and the cucumbers are ready. They turned out lightly salted and crispy. Very tasty with potatoes. After marinating for a day, I put the cucumbers in the refrigerator. The recipe is quick and very successful.

This was my first time cooking cucumbers in mineral water and the recipe did not disappoint me. Everything works out quickly and simply. There is actually some addition, daily cucumbers taste better, but on the second day their taste changes. On the second day you couldn’t call them lightly salted, even though they were stored in the refrigerator.

The daughter gave flowers to her mother, they were also included in the frame, the daughter was pleased that the flowers were included in the photo. True, the children did not like these cucumbers; they prefer fresh cucumbers. And in winter, I prefer pickled cucumbers; you can see how to prepare them in the article “.” The kids really liked this recipe, but grandpa not so much. He says they are sweetish, but he is used to sour ones. But as they say, everyone has their own tastes.

What kind of cucumbers do you like?