One of the most global problems, we can safely say - on a global scale, for the fair sex is excess weight. An almost manic desire to “lose weight” haunts every second woman on earth, regardless of whether she is an appetizing plump woman or can already hide behind a mop.

Methods for losing weight in our time are probably already in the tens of thousands, but all of them are nothing if there is no motivation.

What kind of animal is this - motivation, and where to look for it?

Motivation for losing weight - where to start, and how to find your true goal for losing weight?

The term “motivation” is usually used to describe a complex of individual motives that together spur a person to take specific actions.

Success without motivation is impossible, because without it, any attempts to achieve success are just self-torture. It is motivation that gives a charge of vivacity and an impetus to achieve the next step with joy and ease, with the inevitable pleasure from the very methods of achieving the goal.

But the desire to lose weight is not motivation. This is just a desire from the series “I want to go to Bali” and “I want rabbit fricassee for dinner.” And it will remain like this (“I’ll definitely start on Monday!”) until you find your motives for returning your body to a beautiful and healthy state.

How to look for them, and where to start?

  • Identify key tasks . What exactly do you want - to become more beautiful, tighten your contours, achieve powerful relief, simply “lose fat”, etc. Find your incentive to lose weight.
  • Having defined the task, we divide it into stages . Why is it important? Because it is impossible to achieve an unattainable goal, much less simply and quickly. You need to move towards your goal gradually, solving one small problem after another. If you decide to become a champion athletics after 25 years of sedentary office work, you will not become one either tomorrow or in a month. But this desire is quite realistic if you approach its implementation wisely.
  • When dividing a task into stages, you need to focus on enjoying the process. Hard labor will not bear fruit; only work on oneself, which brings joy, truly brings desired result. For example, it is very difficult to force yourself to run in the morning, but if at the end of the route there is a cafe with beautiful views and a cup of... aromatic tea, it will be much more pleasant to run to it.
  • If you have motivation, a decision has been made and goals have been set, start right away. Don't wait for Mondays, New Year's, 8 am, etc. Only now - or never.

Main conclusion: Ten small goals are easier to achieve than one unattainable one.

Video: How to find your motivation for losing weight?

7 pushes that will make you lose weight - starting points in the psychology of losing weight

As we have found out, the road to success always begins with motivation. If you haven’t yet found your “why” and “why” to start taking action, then it’s time to reflect on them.

But first of all, make sure that you really need to lose weight so that you don’t have to fight being thin later.

Finding your motivation isn't that hard. The cornerstone of all topics about weight loss is excess weight.

And it is around him that all our motivators revolve:

  1. You can't fit into your favorite dresses and jeans. A very strong motivator, which often spurs girls to begin the process of losing weight. Many people even specifically buy something a size or two smaller, and work hard to fit into it and buy a new one, another size smaller.
  2. A gift to yourself, your beloved, for your efforts. Just a beautiful body is not enough (as some people think), and besides it, there must be some kind of reward for yourself for all the work and torment, which will loom ahead, like a piece of ham that a dog runs after. For example, “I’ll lose weight to 55 kg and give myself a trip to the islands.”
  3. Love. This motivator is one of the most powerful. It is love that makes us make unimaginable efforts on ourselves and reach heights that we would never have achieved on our own. The desire to conquer a person or keep his love can work wonders.
  4. A good example to follow. It’s good if you have such an example before your eyes - some kind of authority that you want to emulate. For example, a friend or mother who, even at 50 years old, remains slim and beautiful because she works on herself every day.
  5. Losing weight for company. Oddly enough, and no matter what they say about this method (there are many opinions), it works. True, everything depends on the group – the team you work with. It’s great when this group of good friends who go in for sports, devote a lot of time to working on themselves, choose leisure. As a rule, group weight loss “for company” helps to achieve good results. But only in those groups where everyone supports each other.
  6. Health recovery. The problems and consequences of excess weight are familiar to everyone who is looking for ways to lose weight: shortness of breath and arrhythmia, heart problems, intimate problems, cellulite, gastrointestinal diseases and much more. What can we say about cases where life can directly depend on losing weight. In this case, working on yourself becomes simply necessary: ​​sports should become your second self.
  7. Criticism of one's own and ridicule of others. At best, we hear - “Oh, who has become such a chubby little thing among us” and “Wow, how crazy you are, mother”, at worst - “Move over, cow, you can’t get through,” etc. Such “amenities” are no longer a signal that it’s time to lose weight, but a real alarm bell. Let's run to the scales!
  8. “No, I don’t like swimming, I’ll just sit in the shade and look, and at the same time I’ll guard your things.” Often, losing weight begins with the desire to walk beautifully along the beach so that everyone will gasp at your swimsuit and its strong, elastic contents. But, as life shows, losing weight “by summer” is a meaningless process with temporary results if a sports lifestyle does not then become a habit.
  9. Set a personal example for your child. If your child constantly sits at the computer and is already beginning to spread out his body in a comfortable chair, then you will not change his lifestyle except by your own example. U sports parents in most cases, they are athletic children who always follow the example of their mothers and fathers.

Of course, there are many more motivators for losing weight. But it is important to find your own, individual, which will motivate you to great deeds and allow you to “stay in the saddle”, despite possible obstacles.

Video: Super motivation for losing weight!

How to maintain your motivation to lose weight even at well-laid tables and delicious family dinners, and not fall off your diet?

Anyone who has had to lose weight knows how difficult the process can be, and how easy it is to break down midway through the start - or even at the very beginning.

Therefore, it is important not only to find motivation, but also to maintain it without turning off the chosen path to the nearest fast food.

  • We are happy with any result! Even if you lost 200 g, that’s already good. And even if you lost 0 kg, that’s also good, because you gained 0.
  • Let's not forget about reasonable goals. We set only small tasks in which it is realistic to achieve results.
  • We use only those methods that bring joy. For example, you don't need to eat carrots and spinach if you hate them. You can replace them with boiled beef with a vegetable side dish. Moderation and the golden mean are important in everything. Look for a compromise with yourself. If you hate running, then there is no need to exhaust yourself with jogging - find another way of physical activity. For example, dancing at home to music, yoga, dumbbells. In the end, you can rent a couple of exercise machines at home, and then nothing will bother you at all - neither prying eyes, nor the need to drag yourself to the gym after work.
  • Don't expect quick results. And don't think about it at all. Just follow your goal - slowly, with pleasure.
  • Be sure to celebrate your victories. Of course, we are not talking about feasts with a lot of dishes, but about a reward for oneself for one’s efforts. Determine these rewards in advance. For example, a trip somewhere, a visit to a salon, etc.
  • Remove all large plates. Cook in minimal portions and get used to eating from small plates.
  • Use the benefits of civilization to your advantage . For example, applications that will help you in your work on yourself - calorie counters, counters of kilometers traveled per day, etc.
  • Keep a diary about your successes - and the methods of struggle themselves. It is advisable to keep it on an appropriate website, where your work will be of interest to people who are fighting excess weight at the same time as you.
  • Don't be too hard and demanding on yourself - this is fraught with breakdown and depression, and then a rapid gain of even more significant weight. But at the same time, don’t let yourself fall short of your diet, workouts, etc. It is better to exercise for 10 minutes a day, but without exceptions and weekends, than for 1-2 hours, and periodically lazily “forgetting” about training. It is better to eat boiled chicken/beef than to suffer from the lack of meat in your diet at all.
  • Don't get hysterical if you find that you've gained weight again. Analyze why you gained weight, draw conclusions and act according to them.
  • Remember that only a few will sincerely believe in you. Or maybe no one will believe in you at all. But this is not your problem. Because you have your own tasks and your own life path. And you must prove that you have willpower not to them, but exclusively to yourself.
  • Don't weigh yourself every day. It's just no use. It is enough to climb on the scale once a week or two. Then the result will be really noticeable.
  • Don’t think that a buckwheat diet alone will give you back the firm butt you had in your youth. Whatever business you take on, it will require integrated approach. In this case, the diet should always be combined with physical activity and activity and lifestyle changes in general.

The main mistakes that in the fight against excess weight lead... to excess weight

Goal and motivation are important for success. And it seems that everything is clear and laid out on the shelves, but for some reason, as a result of this “cruel struggle” with extra centimeters, these extra centimeters are becoming more and more numerous.

Where is the mistake?

  • Fighting extra pounds. Yes, yes, it is this struggle that prevents you from losing those extra centimeters. Stop fighting excess weight - start enjoying the process of losing weight. Look for those methods, methods and diets that will bring you joy. Any “hard labor” in this matter is an obstacle to beautiful body contours. Remember, fighting weight and striving for lightness are two different motivations and, accordingly, tasks, both in goals and in the means of achieving them.
  • Motivation. Losing weight “for the summer” or for a specific number on the scale is the wrong motivator. Your purpose should be clearer, deeper, and truly powerful.
  • Negative attitude. If you are pre-prepared for a war with excess weight, and are even sure of your defeat (“I can’t”, “I can’t handle it”, etc.), then you will never achieve your goal. Look around. Many people who have successfully lost weight have regained not only ease of movement, but also the elasticity of new contours, because they didn’t just want it, but were clearly moving towards the goal. If it worked for them, then why can’t it work for you? Whatever excuses you come up with now in response to this question, remember: if you are not confident, then you have chosen the wrong motivation.
  • No need to give up food and then get depressed , greedily look into the plates of cafe visitors and make brutal raids on the refrigerator at night according to the principle “not a single cutlet will survive.” Why work yourself into hysteria? First, give up mayonnaise, bread, fast food and fatty foods. When you get used to replacing mayonnaise with olive oil, and rolls with biscuits, you can move to the second level - replacing the usual desserts (buns, cakes, candies and chocolates) with healthy ones. When you have an unbearable craving for sweets, you don’t need to rush to the store for a cake - bake yourself some apples with nuts and honey in the oven. Do your teeth constantly itch and want to chew on something? Make crackers from black bread with garlic in a frying pan and nibble to your health. The next level is replacing dinner with a milk-curd delicacy with minimal fat content, and so on. Remember that everything takes a habit. You won’t be able to just give up everything at once - your body will require an alternative. Therefore, first look for an alternative, and only then begin to prohibit yourself from everything - slowly, step by step.
  • High bar. It is important to know that the norm for weight loss, reasonable and healthy, with a long-term effect, is a maximum of 1.5 kg per week. Don't try to lose more! This will only harm the body (such extreme weight loss is especially dangerous for heart patients, as well as for kidney disease, etc.), in addition, the weight will quickly return back according to the “yo-yo” principle.

And, of course, remember that you need a complete and proper sleep schedule. After all, lack of sleep only provokes stress and the production of ghrelin (almost a “gremlin”) - hunger hormone.

Keep calm - and lose weight with pleasure!

If you're serious about losing a few extra pounds (two, five, or more), we know how to do it effortlessly. We offer several weight loss programs that are easy to follow. So, the article is about how to psychologically set yourself up for weight loss.

To change your eating habits you need three things: a psychological attitude, healthy and tasty food, a favorable environment at home and at work. Based on years of experience, experts have identified the key secrets to effective weight loss diets that don't require you to meticulously count calories. Follow these tips and you'll soon be slimmer and more confident.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for the process of losing weight

After the May holidays, millions of women Once again They vowed to get rid of extra pounds and change their eating style. However, a quarter of them returned to their previous diet within a few days. Why? Simply because they were not yet ready to take on such serious obligations. The warm days that everyone missed so much, the long-awaited nature and barbecue left no time at all to think thoroughly about how exactly to make your desires come true. But you need to realize that getting rid of every kilogram will turn into serious efforts for you. Here's expert advice on how to keep your thoughts on track.

Ask yourself why you want to lose weight

By realizing the reasons behind your desire, you can increase your own motivation. Many people simply don’t want to change their wardrobe and buy things a size larger, and they don’t even think about changes in life. The desire to wear things a size smaller or fit into your favorite jeans can be a good incentive to watch your figure. Hang your favorite outfit or a photo of you wearing it in a prominent place. If the reason for your diet was concern for own health, hang a photo of your family, child or close friends on the refrigerator. This will help you stay motivated.

Enjoy your food

You will never be able to stay faithful to your diet if every time your mother-in-law calls, when you are alone on a Saturday night, or when you successfully complete an important project at work, you reach for the bowl of cookies. If you tend to eat under the influence of positive or negative emotions, make a list of things that will distract you from eating: calling a friend, knitting, flipping through a magazine, polishing your nails. As soon as you have the urge to visit the refrigerator, immediately switch to one of these tasks. You can also develop a reward system that doesn't involve food. This could be buying a new pair of shoes, taking a hot bubble bath, or getting a facial at a salon. And then, when you want to treat yourself, your first thought will not be about a piece of cake with tea.

Be prepared for failure

At a certain stage of your diet, the scale needle may freeze in one place or even move to the right. It won't be so bad if you have a backup plan. After all, in business planning, for example, they try to take into account everything possible options developments of events. Apply the same approach to your diet! What can help if there are no results? Detailed food diary. You may have heard of it before, even tried it. But did you write down anything other than the amount of food you ate? This time, make sure that the diary records your degree of hunger before eating, how you feel after eating, and your emotions while eating (stress or high spirits). After some time, you will be able to determine whether you are eating enough healthy products, too many harmful ones, or your appetite is influenced by emotions.

Slowly but surely

Try to eat slowly - this will allow you to fully appreciate the taste of the dishes... and understand in time that you are full. Don't eat in a hurry, in front of the TV, reading a magazine or talking on the phone.

Focus on food. Eat small bites (put your fork down while you chew) and enjoy the flavors of your food.

Select time "H"

Now that you have set your mind to losing weight, you need to choose the day from which your plan will take effect. Make sure everything necessary products purchased and all other measures described above have been taken. And be realistic! If you want to start losing weight on January 1, it is better to postpone the start of active actions to the 15th: you will need time for the holiday passions to subside. But you also don’t need to postpone the diet for too long, so as not to lose motivation.

Stay a foodie without gaining weight


You know how difficult it is to create a romantic mood. What can we say about an atmosphere that would help you lose weight! Save the candles for the bedroom and use our tips.

  • Turn on the light! Latest research they say that the brighter the lighting in the room, the less you will eat,
  • Eat from beautiful plates. There is no guarantee that you will eat less if the dish is served on fine china, but you will certainly enjoy it.
  • Remove background music. Research from the University of Georgia found that listening to pleasant music while eating actually makes you eat more.

Whenever you try to lose weight, you clear the kitchen of foods that are incompatible with your diet and go to the supermarket in search of healthy food (low-carb bread, low-fat sauces, low-fat ice cream). "Not best idea" - this is what experts say about this. Many foods that you consider dangerous for your figure - dark chocolate, nuts and even pizza and chips - are not so harmful if you do not abuse them. Filling your refrigerator with only diet foods can make you feel deprived and unhappy. Plus, the diet food may not be to your taste. And if you can’t eat normally, then after some time you will still reach for chocolate bar or a bag of chips. In fact, a study by British scientists showed that women who enjoyed breakfast ate less throughout the day than those who were not delighted with it. morning appointment food.

Follow our grocery shopping tips and you'll be able to enjoy your meals without worrying about gaining weight. overweight.

Align your shopping list with your diet

Golden Rule: Half of the food in your cart should consist of vegetables, fruits and whole grains (in a 50:50 ratio), the other half should be lean protein (chicken, fish), healthy fats(olive oil, nuts) and dairy products (low-fat or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese) in equal proportions - 1/3 each. What to choose for snacks? Popcorn, sweet potatoes and even dark chocolate.

Make a rough shopping list

Most diets advise you to create a list of specific foods and strictly adhere to it. This can make you feel boxed in. Over time, when you can no longer eat the same thing, you can take liberties in the form of pizza or ice cream. Nutrition experts suggest making a general list of foods, adding categories like “vegetables” and “whole grains,” and then choosing from what’s available in the market or on supermarket shelves. If your list includes oranges, bananas and apples, you will buy them. If you simply have “fruit” written down, you can buy what you like: pomegranates, tangerines, etc.

Stay away from assorted packaging

By buying a set of products in one package, you expose yourself to the temptation to eat more, even if the products in the package differ only in color. During the experiment, women ate 43 more Sea Pebbles pellets when they were offered them in 10 colors instead of 6. By taking this information to heart, you can turn it to your advantage - for example, by buying a package of different varieties of grapes instead of just one.

Spend your money on quality products

Since you now buy less processed food, ham and sweets, you will have more money left over. They can be used to purchase high-quality ingredients that will add sophistication to the dishes you prepare. Products you shouldn't skimp on include extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, expensive cheeses, fresh herbs, roasted nuts and preservative-free salad dressings.

Make the environment conducive to your weight loss process

Even if you eat only healthy foods, overeating can ruin even the most effective diet for weight loss. Many women buy only healthy food, but do not lose weight, experts say. Failure to comply with portion sizes is your enemy. Often the cause of overeating is what surrounds us. Everything from the diameter of your plate to the size of your ice cream cup affects how much food you eat in a day. Small changes can help you avoid overeating.

No big spoons!

The size of the dishes also determines how much we eat. You tend to eat most of the food on your plate, if not the entire dish. If you only fit a small amount of food on your plate, you won't eat too much.

Avoid too small portions

Small chocolate bars or small glasses of soda may seem like a great solution if you are on a diet. But it turns out that when portion sizes are too small, people tend to eat several small portions that add up to more than one standard portion.

Do not exceed serving size

Regularly eating large portions can cause you to lose track of what is normal. In a recent study, scientists asked fast food diners to estimate the number of calories they consumed. People who ate large portions reduced their caloric intake by almost half, compared to those who ate small portions (they deviated from real figure by about 20%). How to start looking at things realistically? Try to eat at home where you can control portion sizes. Serve all dishes in a deep dish with a capacity of about 300 ml and a shallow dish with a diameter of about 20 cm. Weigh or measure once again that portion, the volume of which you are not sure. At a restaurant, order a half portion, eat an appetizer before your main course, or go to restaurants that do not offer “extra-large” portions. Avoid large volumes of drinks, even if it's just water, otherwise you risk drinking the same amount of high-calorie drinks later by inertia.

Don't eat in front of the TV

In another experiment, the researchers divided the participants into three groups and sat them in front of the TV, handing each a large box of chips. In the two groups, every 7th and 13th chip was marked red.

In the group where the chips were not marked with color, women ate an average of 23 chips. Participants in the other two groups ate only 10. “When they got to the red chips, it made them wonder how many they had already eaten,” the scientists commented. So you shouldn't eat from a pack, especially while watching TV, because the only thing that can stop you is an empty pack. It’s better to put the allowable amount of food on a plate in advance and hide the pack away.

Keep nothing on the kitchen or dining table

If, say, a bag of chips catches your eye, then the temptation to eat it will be greater than if you need to open the cabinet to do so. Simply take as many chips as you need and put the bag away. The same goes for dinner. If you put all your prepared food on the table, you won't have to get up for more and you'll be more likely to eat more than you should. And if you put a lot of food on the table, then let it be salads or vegetables that do not contain many calories, are filling and healthy. After finishing your meal, immediately clear the table. As you know, what you don’t see, you don’t think about.

How to get ready to lose weight - video

The number of competent nutritionists and fitness instructors in modern society is growing every day. Paradoxically, this has no effect on the percentage of the population that is overweight. The reason for this discrepancy is the inability to tune in to losing weight correctly psychologically. A prescribed diet and training program is not enough; it is important to decide how and with what to motivate yourself, how to overcome food addiction, considering it as a mental disorder, and also to competently approach the organization of the process.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Most often, it is not possible to lose weight due to the fact that a person does not psychologically adjust himself correctly to a new lifestyle. The most common errors and recommendations for eliminating them:

Error How to set yourself up for weight loss: advice from psychologists
Wrong motivationPeople go on a diet for a specific season, holiday or event. all year round and everything is unsuccessful, because the calendar date cannot be a significant reason to improve. Before you start this path, you need to delve into yourself and understand why you need slender body and what benefits can be obtained from it. You need to get used to such thoughts, it takes time. To motivate yourself “not to eat” you need to justify and explain to yourself each restriction or additional action: “I will not eat bread and sweets, because it is harmful to my body and because of such food I have big belly, an ugly look in a dress and complexes", "I will do exercises in the morning, because it will help my body look fitter, and I will feel cheerful every day." It is advisable to write these statements somewhere and supplement them with illustrations (your own drawings, clippings useful articles, beautiful clothes and slender girls). Small victories in the form of a completed workout and a day without sweets should be a reason to be proud of yourself and move on. The ideal of a fashion model or fitness athlete is too high and a vague goal; many women with an exemplary figure are given by nature to be slim, and they maintain such a gift with lifelong efforts. Any girl who wants to become like them in a month will be disappointed - it is physically impossible, and the lack of results gives rise to new complexes. The end result itself, drawn in the imagination, cannot be the only motivation - in addition to this, additional short-term goals and sources of inspiration are needed
Unwillingness to waitWays to lose 20 kg in a week and get the body of your dreams in various sources There are many offered, but they all don’t work. The lack of immediate results leads to failures in 80% of those who want to lose weight. Losing weight by 1 kg per week is considered normal and comfortable, subject to proper nutrition and regular training. It is necessary to independently or with the help of specialists collect information about human physiology in order to understand the reality of what is desired and set adequate temporary goals. If, as an objection, you would like to give an example of a person who nevertheless lost weight in short time, then it is necessary to take into account 2 important points, before focusing on him: how he lost weight and what happened to him next. Surely he undermined his health, and the weight returned in the same short time in which he parted with it
Incorrect organization of the processAny victory requires careful preparation, weight loss is no exception. For it to be successful, you need to think through the strategy of your relationships with others, who are unlikely to like the new, unusual lifestyle of losing weight, plan your daily routine, including 5 meals a day with the right food, physical activity and self-care, study recipes and create a menu for the near future, purchase the necessary products for it, select sources of motivation and come up with rewards for each victory
Self-dislikeWhen going on a diet, many people assume that they look disgusting and can’t live like this any longer. They feel, at a minimum, dislike for their reflection and scold themselves for every wrinkle. But for the result to be successful, you need to note your advantages: beautiful facial features, hair, height, leg length and others. Next, all goals should be set to improve your appearance and highlight your advantages. The mindset should be “I’m doing this because I love myself and want the best for myself.” And it is very important to believe in own strength and success
CategoricalSharp restrictions and strict boundaries come into conflict with psychology: the subconscious mind protests against the infringement and begins to defend itself. Instead of prohibitions, it is better to think about how to replace your favorite products. In exceptional cases, you can break the regime and not scold yourself for it. If restrictions are too strict and cause discomfort and suffering, they need to be relaxed
UnpreparednessOften, losing weight begins without moral preparation of yourself and those around you, as well as without a clear plan of action and setting goals. If during the current period drinking beer and eating pizza with loved ones is more important, then the breakdown is obvious, as is the case if there is sausage and cake in the refrigerator instead of healthy foods. There will also be no success if a person is satisfied with his form and lifestyle and the desire to change is not great enough
Food addictionOne of the main problems, because in the era of delicious food, people tend to use it as a source of pleasure and pleasant emotions. To overcome food addiction, you often have to seek the help of psychologists and psychotherapists. You can cope with it at home if you make your life brighter, more interesting, richer and expand your range of interests

How to tune in: examples

You should start losing weight with a sincere conversation with yourself. If a slim, healthy body is necessary for anyone, it is only for its owner. At best, others are indifferent to the shape of their neighbor, and at worst, it becomes an object of ridicule and a reason to gloat, to assert themselves at the expense of a fat person. Therefore, in the process of improving your figure, you need to remember that:

  • only someone who is losing weight can praise, criticize and evaluate himself, because only he knows the price of his victories;
  • people’s visible concern is not always it - a pie or chocolate offered under the pretext of “don’t torture yourself, you’re already beautiful” carries with it more harm, than the benefits;
  • the new rules of life for a person on a diet will not be like this for long - after a month, information about changes in diet and ways of spending time will become familiar, so the main thing is to persevere for the first time and not allow anyone to influence the firmness of your decisions.

To set yourself up for weight loss, you need to sincerely want it and be ready for a new lifestyle. Only desire and faith in success can help you achieve what you want.


Correct motivation consists of desire, a reasonable explanation to oneself of its expediency, goals, fuel emotional state and rewards for efforts.

An example of correct motivation: “I want to change my life and become slim, because this will: solve a number of my health problems, improve my appearance with or without clothes, it will rid me of my complexes":

  1. 1. “To do this, I am ready to perform certain actions every day, even if they go against the habits and pastime of the society around me.
  2. 2. I am not a victim who denies myself the most pleasant things and forces myself to do something, but a person who has decided to try to live better. It may be difficult for me, but this will only spur me on - I already tried it easily and the result was an extra 20 kg.
  3. 3. I want to experience that feeling of victory when a burger or a piece of cake has no power over me, and the reflection in the mirror gets prettier every week.
  4. 4. I'm committed to the long haul, even if it takes up the rest of my life."

"My goals:

  1. 1. Global goals: in the first month I want to get used to the new rules and lose 5 kg for the benefit of my health, then I want to consolidate new habits and set the following goals, conditionally - 3-4 kilograms lost every month. The end result is that I want to lose 20 kg and learn to live so that it doesn’t come back to me.
  2. 2. Goals for the day: I start by waking up an hour earlier and jogging/exercising, I think through meals in the evening for each next day and make preparations for myself. When my colleagues drink tea with sweets, I will be happy to join them because I will have a healthy snack with me. When my spouse is watching a movie and eats something unhealthy, I will join in watching, but at this time I will do simple exercises and this will not affect our communication in any way - everyone is free to choose their own path, it will become mine dietary food and improvement of forms. During family holidays“I will eat meat, vegetables, fruits, of which there is always enough on the table, and not feel discriminated against, because I am on my way to the figure of my dreams.”

Carefully considering options for replacing habitual junk food in Everyday life It will help you not to break down during the feast.

When losing weight, a person needs to draw inspiration from somewhere, its sources can be:

  • stories of people who have achieved success;
  • new environment and their successes: if you decided to go to the gym to lose weight, then there will probably be like-minded people there, at least in the person of a trainer;
  • own victories - you can drink unsweetened tea with pleasure, pizza at night is not so necessary, and morning jogging help you feel your own uniqueness;
  • new hobbies - studying anatomy, the effect of food on the body, recipes for proper nutrition, mastering a new profession.

You can reward yourself with both material and non-costly things. Examples:

  • going to a beauty salon;
  • buying a new set of underwear or clothes;
  • attending developmental courses or trainings;
  • meeting with old friends;
  • rest - do nothing all day, browse if desired diet recipes and home workout options, read books.

Organization of the process

Psychologists say that the success of any business is determined by the efforts that a person makes to implement it. It's hard to write bad scientific work, if you do it regularly, spend time and personal resources studying the issue. It is impossible to have a bad day with your child if you plan it in advance, prepare clothes, buy tickets to the circus, book a table at children's cafe and sign up for a master class. The same thing happens with losing weight: thinking through it from all sides, studying the features of the process and ways to achieve short-term goals, a person begins to “simmer” in it and root for the result. Material and intellectual contributions are closely related to psychological motivation.

Tips for organizing:

  1. 1. Clearly decide on the nutrition system: correct or separate meals, Dukan, Atkins or any other diet.
  2. 2. Keep a diary where you can write down goals, menus, grocery lists, recipes, results.
  3. 3. Buy everything you need: kitchen and regular scales, a centimeter, necessary products, sports equipment.
  4. 4. Make a plan for tomorrow in the evening.
  5. 5. Think about ways to spend your leisure time so as not to disrupt your daily routine and not worsen your relationships with others. Let them accept the new position of losing weight just as he accepts their desire to remain the same.
  6. 6. Find like-minded people - members of communities dedicated to weight loss or marathons, athletes training in gyms, figure-watching friends from old social circles.

Ways to overcome food addiction

Food addiction is the most common mental disorder modern society and one of the main causes of excess weight. The food is simple and in a fast way have fun, and people don’t want to complicate their lives by looking for an alternative. But if the result of addiction to chocolate and fast food is the hated excess weight, then you will have to overcome food addiction. Ways to do this without the help of specialists:

  1. 1. Develop professionally. Often people “seize” their professional failures. Instead, psychologists recommend choosing an area of ​​activity that interests you and improving in it every day. This does not have to be what a person is doing now; it is quite likely that he will find himself in something untried until now. Satisfying intellectual hunger and receiving positive emotions from new information, a person is distracted from food and does not feel such a strong need for it.
  2. 2. Develop creatively. Art therapy is recognized as a universal treatment method for most mental disorders. Spilling out your negative emotions and complexes with paper, sand, clay, and singing can distract someone losing weight and discourage them from wanting to eat. If art therapy sessions are of interest, then a logical continuation would be to visit creative sections to realize your talents.
  3. 3. Communicate. Those who don’t have a good personal life also eat a lot. But if you lie on the couch and eat pizza, then it won’t work out. Meetings with friends, acquaintances, like-minded people, active social activities allow you to forget about food and draw positive emotions from communication. Meeting and having positive experiences with new people increases self-esteem.
  4. 4. It’s interesting to relax and spend leisure time. Stress, disruption of healthy sleep patterns, tension and monotony lead to overeating. Arrange relaxation procedures, restore nervous system healthy sleep, traveling and practicing active recreation are the measures that help avoid it.
  5. 5. Learn to substitute junk food useful. Sweets - fruits and dried fruits, baked goods - healthy baked goods, fast food - deliciously cooked meat.

When setting yourself up to lose weight, it is important to consider individual characteristics and past negative experiences. If strict boundaries and overly ambitious goals do not produce results, it is better to listen to your feelings and act gradually but persistently.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Finally, you have decided to lose some extra pounds, or, more simply, to lose weight. Don’t overeat before bed, don’t eat while sitting in front of the TV, in general, lead healthy image life. But, often, in order to start fulfilling everything planned, there is not enough willpower, and everything is postponed until tomorrow, Monday, next month. As a result, many days pass, but things are still there.

In fact, losing weight is not that difficult, you just need motivation. It seems like you need to lose those extra pounds, but it’s as if it’s not bad anyway. A person understands with his mind, but he always puts off the decision until later. The right psychological attitude is important here, thanks to it you can lose weight while on a diet in in a great mood and feeling great. So this is how to properly mentally prepare yourself for losing weight?

The most important thing is to know why you are doing this, what you want to get as a result, where will it all lead? A person always easily does what he likes, and what turns out easier and better, there is no need to force him, everything goes by itself.

Think for a moment, you put off following a diet because at a certain moment the desire to eat an extra cutlet is much more important than the desire to lose weight, but the pleasure from food lasts a moment, and the pleasure from a slim and beautiful figure will be longer. The weaker the motive, the less effort a person puts in.

What to do, how to get ready to lose weight?

First of all, you need to stop focusing on your excess weight, because dissatisfaction leads to even more kilograms, and a person begins to eat his problems. You need to love yourself for who you are.

Take a look in the mirror and evaluate your appearance, and don’t forget to also note the positive aspects. Yes, there is excess weight, but besides this, for example, a person has beautiful breasts, expressive eyes or something else. Find maximum amount positive points, and love yourself, believe me, your body will quickly respond to your love.

If any weight loss technique is already in use, continue to do it, but only with joy and without unnecessary stress. Don't focus on the result, and it will definitely come.

Find old photograph, where you really liked yourself and attach it in a prominent place. Admire her more often, again imagining yourself as slim and beautiful.

You can make a wish card according to Feng Shui. On a large sheet of paper, paste images of slender models and the outfits you dream of. And place your photo in the center. Bright felt-tip pen write down the weight you dream about. Attach such a simple collage to a prominent place, and look at it more often, imagining everything that you see has already happened.

Can you put down on paper the various motivations, why you need to diet, what you want to achieve?

Each person should have their own motivation for losing weight, for example, doctors recommend losing extra pounds in order to improve their health or the need to find a “soul mate” or get a good job.

I will consider psychological motivations for losing weight

- Health motivation

So that shortness of breath disappears;
The load on the legs has decreased;
Has returned to normal arterial pressure;
To eliminate diseases caused by excess weight...

- Motivation to increase self-esteem

To buy fashionable and beautiful clothes;
Buy elegant shoes;
To keep your legs slim and sexy;
For men to turn around and admire;
For life to be fulfilling;
Enjoy your reflection in the mirror;
Don't be ashamed of your figure...

- Motivation for improving your personal life

Find new job;
Find a loved one;
To make new acquaintances;
Be the center of attention at work and in the company;
So that the husband admires, is proud and carries in his arms;
Seeing envy in the eyes of rivals;
To be successful everywhere...

You can also choose other options for psychological motivation aimed at the process of losing weight.

Then determine what it will ultimately give you and what you will gain in return. For example, by limiting yourself in food, you will gain a slim figure, this will give you popularity in the eyes of other people, bring success at work, higher salaries, and career growth.

Think about it for a minute, it’s not always the worthy person who gets an increase in salary, probably because the principle – we meet you by your clothes, does it still work? For example, you work twenty-four hours a day, take part of the work home, but everything is in vain, the bosses don’t see it, and someone else gets the bonus.

Here it’s worth thinking about, how do others and your superiors perceive you? Maybe by changing your image and increasing your self-esteem, they will begin to see you as much higher?

Maybe, a slim body will open up the opportunity to make new acquaintances, give you the opportunity to be more self-confident, and you will be chosen, not you. You will finally be able to put on fashionable outfits and beautiful sexy lingerie.


In general, take charge of yourself with all your might and don’t hesitate at all. Being interested in the eyes of the opposite sex will help increase your self-esteem many times over.

The motivation has been chosen, all that remains is to choose the most suitable diet, and get down to business with all your might. It is best to consult a nutritionist, and he will choose the right weight loss method for you. Are you already committed to losing weight? Then boldly set out on the path to a slim and beautiful body! Try and you will achieve everything!