The other day, Maxim Fadeev went live on Instagram to answer questions from fans. The producer spoke about working with the artists of the MALFA label, sources of inspiration and attitude towards colleagues in show business - Timati, Olga Buzova and Russian rappers. According to Fadeev, his work is influenced by everything - from sunny weather to the smiles of loved ones.

Users social networks noticed that the producer had lost weight and asked how he achieved such impressive results. Fadeev replied that he had not yet achieved his intended goal, but would definitely share the secret of the diet in the more distant future.

“I lost 42 kg, I still have 30 to lose. I had a very heavy weight, it became impossible to live with it. I came up with my own weight loss system, and now I’m doing it all on myself. As you can see, the results are clear. When I finish everything, I will naturally share it,” said the show business figure.

When will Fadeev get rid of extra pounds ov, he plans to radically change his image. The producer intends to say goodbye to facial hair. “A few years ago I said that I would definitely shave my beard as soon as I lost weight,” he explained to subscribers.

We also talked about the artist Linda, with whom Maxim Fadeev once worked. The producer announced that he does not plan to record a song with her. "I don't want. At first I followed her work, then it became uninteresting. In a human sense, I love her, but in a creative sense, it seems to me that she chose the wrong path,” the man concluded.

Users of social networks also asked Fadeev whether his ward Olga Seryabkina had a conflict with Yegor Creed. In a recent interview, the performer stated that he had quarreled with the lead singer of SEREBRO, and then made peace. However, Olga could not remember disagreements with Yegor. Fadeev was also very surprised by Creed’s words. He laughed when he heard the details of the story.

“Well, he’s a little boy, let him tell fairy tales to everyone. We did not quarrel with Yegor Creed. I saw him several times in my life, I could not quarrel with him,” the producer said.

Many fans of Fadeev were interested in how he felt about TV presenter and aspiring singer Olga Buzova. As it turned out, the producer pays tribute to her vigorous activity.

“I think her success is obvious. It seems to me that she is doing everything right - exactly as required by today’s atmosphere. If we talk professional language, then it’s not close to me, but from the point of view of the event, I respect those people who can create it. That’s why I have respect for her, that’s all,” the show business figure shared.

When asked whether he respects Timati, Fadeev said: “Very much.” The producer admitted that he considered the performer superficial. “But when we started working together, I was shocked. I speak absolutely sincerely. He's an absolutely scrappy guy. I think he is a very talented businessman and person. And most importantly, his heart is fine. I didn't expect it. He’s deep and smart,” the man said.

The one person nature has gifted is the singer Maxim. And her voice is gentle and pleasant, and she knows how to achieve success. It’s not for nothing that she entered the top hundred influential women Russia and became the only singer whose songs, one after another, topped the charts of the CIS countries nine times. Among other things, Maxim has a sweet face and just a perfect figure. This is despite the fact that the artist has already become a mother twice. How does the titled singer achieve such physical shape?

Drives away seven sweats - boxing

Since childhood, Marina Maksimova, in addition to music, also practiced karate. She constantly walked in the company of her older brother, who not only gave her the nickname Maxim, but also instilled a love for sports that were not at all feminine. Six months ago, the singer gave birth to her second daughter. And a month later, fans saw in the pictures posted online what their favorite was doing in free time- she's boxing! Marina captioned her extravagant photos with humor: “Don’t interfere, he’ll kill you!”

For some, the singer’s gentle image did not fit in with such a rough sport. Others supported her in this endeavor. Here's how they commented on Maxim's pictures:

“You are always attracted to something outrageous. We are pleasantly surprised by this choice.”

And only those who are well acquainted with the singer’s biography are not surprised. After all, she had a passion for martial arts since childhood. Well, it’s no secret that high-quality boxing takes the sweat out of an athlete and contributes to excellent physical fitness in the best possible way.

Doesn't go on diets

In addition, Marina says that she has made it a rule to exercise race walking. She shares the details:

“Even before pregnancy, I developed the habit of walking around the park for a couple of hours, enjoying nature. And then I decided to combine business with pleasure, and began to walk along the shady alleys not just, but as a sport. Now I'm quite happy with the result. The figure suits me."

The singer is silent about the use of any diets. She probably needs enough physical activity to stay in shape.

The mother’s two children also keep her in good shape. After all, there is a lot of trouble with them, even though you are a star. The eldest Sasha, whom Marina gave birth to from her first husband Alexei Lugovtsov (sound engineer), was looking forward to the appearance of a brother or sister. And when Mashenka was born, her joy knew no bounds.

The eldest daughter helps a lot

The older sister, according to Marina, behaves very docilely, helps take care of the youngest, and does not show any jealousy towards her.

Maria's dad was Maxim, the same age - thirty-two-year-old businessman Anton Petrov. The couple met at a corporate party, where Marina performed her program. The relationship quickly grew into something more, and a daughter, Masha, was born.

Maxim herself also soon got into good shape after giving birth. She even boasted to her followers by posting online a photo of the scales, which indicated her miniature weight - only forty-five kilograms. Some fans admired this figure, others were indignant, saying it was too little. But, be that as it may, the star herself is satisfied with her results, and this is the most important thing.

What also helps Maxim keep himself in shape is work. The singer told Ivan Urgant about her:

32-year-old singer MakSim (aka Marina Maksimova) is a real phenomenon of the domestic pop scene. And not only because at the beginning of the 2000s she was recognized as the most commercially successful singer in Russia! This lady with fiery hair always takes everything into her own hands - she is an author, a performer, a producer, a loving mother, and just a real beauty.

The mother of two charming daughters told Lady Mail.Ru about why female independence is bad, which men should be cherished like the apple of your eye, and what will always help you stay slim.

Singer MakSim

How to combine work with motherhood

“Of course, with two children the workload is greater, but this allows you to organize yourself better (MakSim has two daughters: 6-year-old Alexandra and baby Maria, who is not yet a year old. – Ed.).

Sashka, my eldest daughter, helps a lot, so it’s easier for me. She understands what responsibility is and tries to participate in her sister’s upbringing and be an example for her. I am guided by the principle “Eyes fear, hands do”!

Sashka loves Marusya madly, kisses her constantly and is not offended when she pulls her hair. Everything endures.

I am guided by the principle “Eyes fear, hands do”!

As for help in everyday matters, Sasha is a very responsible daughter. She has an adult outlook on things. She watches how I take care of her little sister and learns to do the same herself: she rocks her, she can prepare a special porridge, she can feed her.

Of course, I can’t leave my children alone in the house when I go on tour. Or leave the youngest Masha to my 6-year-old daughter. That's why the nanny helps us. But still, I strive to be an adequate mother: I spend a lot of time with my children, and sometimes I even take Sasha with me on tour, to the studio.”

The singer with her eldest daughter Sasha

About our native Kazan and love for St. Petersburg

“Do I ever visit Kazan? (The singer was born in this city. – Ed.). Sometimes I come to see my parents and my close friends, of whom, unfortunately, there are not many left - despite the fact that in adolescence we constantly spent time in large companies.

As for your favorite cities... There are many of them in Russia. I especially love cities with which I have something connected - for example, those in which I spent time with my loved one.

A woman needs to be able to be weak, and I’m just learning this.

I love St. Petersburg very much. I love its atmosphere. I'm planning to go there soon!

Would I like to move there? To be honest, I never thought about it. Of course, the capital has a special rhythm - and I really am a very calm person, and perhaps the atmosphere of St. Petersburg suits me better. But my whole life, work, family are already closely connected with Moscow.”

The singer says that she really loves St. Petersburg and its atmosphere

About male attention

“My friends, if they walk with me somewhere on the street, they always see that someone is paying attention to me, looking at me. And I, as a rule, am very passionate or busy at this time. And I don’t notice.

The fact is that I very often start to think and reflect on something. If an idea comes to me, I go through all the nuances in my head and think about how it can be brought to life. That’s why sometimes I don’t notice anything around me.”

MakSim has two daughters, and the youngest is not even a year old yet! However, the 32-year-old singer looks great

About independence

“I am very independent, which sometimes bothers me. After all, I am a woman! Still, a woman should be able to be weak, and I’m just learning this.

But I'm used to the fact that I am who I am. I can also take responsibility for other people... This is probably my main feature.

I don’t get tired of taking responsibility for others, I really like it. And, unlike independence, this does not hinder me, but only helps.

It’s very nice when, after many years of working with people, you at some point realize that in some matters they are responsible for you.”

MakSim claims that excessive independence sometimes interferes with her life

About progress

“They say that the singer MakSim at one time very quickly climbed to the musical Olympus. But in fact, about eight years have passed since the writing of the album and other songs (which were not included in it).

I had time to choose the best ones from a variety of compositions.

How am I different now from the girl who sang “Do you know”, “My paradise”, “Become the wind”? Yes, I wasn’t a girl at all, but some kind of boy! (Smiles.)»

The singer believes that she used to be a real tomboy

About men and the secret of harmonious relationships

“In my opinion, the most important qualities of a man are honesty and responsibility. And, you know, it’s very important for me to be behind a man like behind a stone wall. When a real man is next to you, it’s worth a lot. And this, among other things, is very rare.

It’s difficult to say whether there are many such people around or not. I can only judge by own experience: And there really aren’t very many people like that in my life.

It is very important for me to be behind a man like behind a stone wall.

Therefore, when I meet a real person (in all understandings of the word “real”), one who has the upbringing given to him by his parents as a child, I am very impressed.

Many modern girls are interested in how movie and show business stars lose weight. It is known that diets for them are developed by highly qualified specialists.

Knowing the secrets of celebrities, you can choose the most suitable method for yourself, which will allow you to get your body in order. Let's look at the most striking examples of stellar transformations.

Olga Kartunkova

Many public people have changed in appearance thanks to painstaking work on themselves. So, the whole country witnessed how Olga Kartunkova lost weight. Until recently, she weighed more than 130 kg and could not give up her favorite buns and meat.

One day Olga fell and injured her leg. Doctors said she would need to lose weight to fully recover. overweight. The actress began to lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, and in the end she lost more than 60 kg.

Olga Kartunkova lost weight beyond recognition, and after a radical change she was increasingly invited to various shows. She did not reveal all the secrets, however, she shared with her fans important recommendations that played a big role in her transformation.

The principles of Olga’s diet are quite simple:

1. You need to eat small portions every 3 hours at the same time;
2. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
3. The refrigerator should contain only healthy foods: cottage cheese, milk and low-fat kefir, vegetables, herbs, fruits, lean meat and fish, chicken breast, oat and buckwheat porridge, berries;
4. You must completely give up sweets and starchy foods;
5. If the diet fails, the next day should be a fasting day. 2 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits and half a kilo of dried apricots are suitable for it.

According to the star, it is very important not to miss breakfast. Granulated bran, which is sold in pharmacies, and pine nuts are best suited for morning meals. It is necessary to mix a handful of one and the other product, and then pour them with 0.5 liters of kefir with 1% fat content. This breakfast will keep you full until lunchtime.

Below is a list of sample products for daily consumption :

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet without salt;
  • Second afternoon snack: low-fat kefir or fruits;
  • Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

This menu is suitable for those who are contraindicated physical activity. Kartunkova could not play sports due to a leg injury, so the emphasis was placed specifically on diet.

Yulia Kuvarzina

After giving birth, Yulia Kuvarzina weighed 90 kg with a height of 165 cm.

At 37, she made a firm decision to change her appearance and lost weight. The actress began visiting a fitness club and following a diet that was developed for her professional specialist. After just 3 months, she lost 22 kg.

Yulia Kuvarzina has lost a lot of weight, and photos on the Internet confirm her dramatic changes.

The actress shared the main secrets of her transformation:

1. You need to eat 6 times a day and every 3 hours.
2. Portions should be small, no more than 250 g.
3. You should drink plenty of water between meals. You need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day.
4. You can't eat after 7 pm.
5. You should exercise three times a week.
6. The daily menu should contain a lot of protein products.

It is prohibited to eat:

alcoholic drinks;

These harmful products It is better to replace it with fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes, and nuts. These simple rules for losing weight will allow any girl to look slimmer and younger.

Anfisa Chekhova

Many people remember when Anfisa Chekhova was a beauty with curvaceous. She clearly had extra pounds, which she successfully got rid of.

Health problems prompted her to lose 25 kg. The TV presenter adjusted her daily menu and changed her lifestyle.

Yoga has become one of the main weapons in the fight against excess weight. Anfisa has her own personal trainer for this practice, who regularly comes to her home.

The TV presenter does not follow any strict diet, she just follows the well-known rules:

1. You need to exclude fast food and other unhealthy foods from your diet.
2. Once a week you can allow yourself some dark chocolate.
3. Necessary, that is, often and in small portions.
4. To cleanse the body, you need to have a fasting day once a week.

And, of course, the most main secret Chekhova’s weight loss – love for yourself and your loved ones.

Maxim Matveev

Actor Maxim Matveev lost 20 kg for new role in the play.

To achieve this, he adjusted his diet. His menu was dominated by fruits and dried fruits, salads and nuts. He gave up meat and began to eat only fish.

Lisa Boyarskaya’s husband also does various exercises, runs and started doing yoga. Many fans suspect that the actor has some health problems and consider his thinness to be unnatural. However, Maxim himself likes it appearance and lifestyle, and he ignores such conversations about a painful condition.

Polina Gagarina

After pregnancy, Gagarina did not deny herself anything and gained excess weight.

The audience and Polina herself were already accustomed to the singer’s plumpness, but one day the fans simply did not recognize their idol. The star lost as much as 40 kg! All the girls in the country wanted to know how Polina Gagarina lost weight. The celebrity shared her secrets.

It turns out that the singer followed an alternating diet and played sports. For example, on Monday you can eat rice, on Tuesday - fruit, and on Wednesday - only fish, etc. This way fat is burned without damaging muscle tissue.

The following rules helped Polina get her figure in order:

1. No food after 18:00.
2. Food should not be salted.
3. You need to drink a lot of water.
4. It is necessary to completely exclude flour and sweets from the diet. It's better to give up potatoes.

Gagarina advises not to starve yourself, the main thing is to know moderation in everything. To prevent your skin from sagging, you need to exercise.


Singer Pelageya is prone to being overweight, so it’s easy for her to gain extra pounds. She solved this problem with the help of .

The star advises cooking food not in a frying pan, but using a double boiler. She also adheres healthy image life and consumes foods that are grown without any chemical fertilizers. The celebrity focuses on kefir and buckwheat.

Sample menu Pelagia looks like this:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit or vegetable juice;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, chicken or fish dish;
  • Dinner: vegetable or seafood salad.

If you eat this way for 3 weeks, you can lose more than 15 kg.
The singer regularly trains in the gym and goes to the bathhouse, sometimes spending time. She considers the main secret to losing weight the right attitude and inner harmony.

Mariam Merabova

The star of season 3 of the show “The Voice” stood out among other participants with her curvaceous figure.

But not a trace remains of that delicious woman, because the singer has already lost 56 kg and is not going to stop there. Mariam admitted that she lost excess weight due to health problems. She is rapidly losing weight thanks to a diet that she tries not to talk about.

One thing is certain - the support of her family and friends helped her cope with the problem of extra pounds.

Ekaterina Skulkina

One of the brightest actresses of the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina Skulkina, lost almost 20 kg.

Sports played an important role in her transformation. She goes to gym, rides a bike and swims a lot.

Skulkina limited her fat intake and eliminated carbohydrates from her diet. She boils, stews or steams food. The actress eats at least 5 times a day, the last meal occurs 3-4 hours before bedtime. This diet allows you to put your body in order without unnecessary stress.

Elena Stepanenko

Elena Stepanenko was always slightly behind her illustrious husband. And then it happened meteoric rise on the stage.

Many remember her famous monologue “Letter to Bill Clinton”, her beautiful and sonorous voice, and a considerably thinner and younger woman. What is the secret of such amazing changes in appearance?

According to Yevgeny Petrosyan, it became known that his wife had gained a lot of weight in Bavaria. She specially took a course in a Bavarian sanatorium . This type of weight loss system is very ancient, its origins go back about one hundred and fifty years.

Of course, it is impossible to know exactly what this system consists of, since many of its details are classified and not known to the general public. On at the moment Only a few procedures that are carried out using this system are open to the world.

The sanatorium observes very strict diet , and the patient is given IVs , with the help of which special drugs are introduced into the body that the body lacks.

The most important thing is that doctors were able to change the approach to food intake itself, learn how to properly combine foods with each other, that is, they completely changed the nutritional psychology of patients. For example, do not eat potatoes with bread, meat with potatoes, and the like.

Most of the stars of Russian show business and cinema have achieved amazing results thanks to proper nutrition.


The most wonderful composer, singer, producer of our time, Maxim Fadeev, set out to lose weight. He stated this publicly on the “Tonight” program, hosted by Andrei Malakhov. Fadeev promised the public to reach 90 kilograms and until this happens, no one will touch a hair from his face.

With a height of 180 cm, Fadeev weighed 152 kg. Such a large difference between the actual mass and the desired one did not inspire confidence that the goal would be achieved. But Max persistently pursues his dream and the results are already visible.

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: victories and defeats

Max has always been overweight. The desire to lose weight and be slim has always haunted Fadeev. But a weakness for high-calorie and fatty foods did not allow me to turn my dream into reality. The health problems associated with obesity served as a starting point in the star’s decision to lose weight. Constant shortness of breath high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems significantly spoiled the producer’s quality of life.

It is worth noting that the rapid weight gain was caused by a terrible tragedy in the composer’s family. Years earlier, Maxim and Natalya’s barely born baby died due to doctors’ negligence. In addition, Fadeev’s wife herself almost died from the sudden bleeding. For the couple, this was a huge psychological blow. Natalya went into a long depression, and her husband tirelessly consumed his mental pain.

Over time, the problem with weight became very noticeable. The first attempts to “throw off the ballast” were unsuccessful. Max decided to take the path of least resistance and resorted to Thai pills. The result was not long in coming - the weight went off, and with it the singer’s health. Natalya was the first to sound the alarm; it was decided to stop taking the pills. And again those annoying kilograms arrived.

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: a healthy mind in a healthy body

This time Maxim more consciously approached the problem of extra pounds. First he changed his place of residence to a paradise near the coast Indian Ocean, Bali island. There, the composer actively resorted to Tai Chi classes, water procedures and harmonization of the internal state.

The pillar on which the Fadeevsky weight loss method rests is water balance in the human body. Maxim follows simple rules water diet and feels wonderful. The singer drinks a glass of filtered water before his first meal. It should be noted that 30 minutes must pass after waking up and there is no need to boil the ox. The water should not be cold, it will cause maximum benefit. After a meal, liquid should not be consumed, as it is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to drink a glass of water before going to bed at night, 3 hours before. And, of course, don’t forget about the volume - drink at least two liters clean water per day.

Also important point is food, mostly light food. Fadeev gives preference to vegetables with high moisture content, low-fat fish, lean porridges, fruits with a high fiber content, dietary

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: culinary secrets

An example of the composer's daily diet is that you need to start with oatmeal with water and unsweetened tea, you can eat some fruit. Second breakfast – grapefruit. For lunch you can eat low-fat soup and baked vegetables. Nuts are perfect for an afternoon snack. For dinner we take steamed cutlets and a salad with fresh herbs.

The star prepares steamed cutlets from a mix of vegetables and semolina. The potatoes are baked and chopped with onions, then mixed with grated and well-squeezed beets and carrots. Season everything to taste with salt and pepper and place in a double boiler. The results are tasty and healthy cutlets.

An essential part of Max Fadeev’s diet is lean soups. He cooks them in meat broth with carrots, celery, onions and potatoes. Maxim also likes to taste vegetable salad, filled olive oil or low-fat sour cream.
The producer himself is pleased with the visible changes and plans to improve the achieved result.