Dreams related to the church are always sacred and sometimes alarming. One can’t help but think: isn’t this a sign from above, a warning about some kind of trouble or, conversely, a symbol of happiness? Why see in a dream church candles? Dream books will give a comprehensive answer to this question.

If in a dream the candle is lonely

A lonely candle in a dream is interpreted in different ways, depending on many factors and phenomena occurring in it. So, a burning candle is a sign of rebirth and awakening; if it is in a candlestick, then your home will be visited by guests whom you have not seen for a long time. If she is standing on the floor or a chair, then expect trouble and be especially careful for a while after sleep: watch your words, do not drink a lot of alcohol, pay attention to your actions.

Seeing a lonely candle in a dream that dimly illuminates a dark room promises a failed meeting. It will leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste and can even cause mental suffering. For a woman, a dream about one candle predicts good news, perhaps you will soon meet the love of your life or be proposed to. If you are already married, then a happy trip, a romantic or a successful business trip awaits you.

If a man dreams of holding a candle in his hand, then he will soon meet with an old friend, and the meeting will be pleasant.

Many candles in a dream

Seeing candles scattered around the house in a dream is a warning dream. Check the electrical wiring and household appliances, carefully monitor whether you turned off the equipment when leaving home. Seeing a lot of burning candles or lighting them yourself is a sign of indescribable joy, a happy event.

If in a dream you are having dinner by candlelight, then expect a pleasant romantic meeting, trip or marriage proposal soon. For a lonely person, such a dream predicts an affair or a fateful meeting. Walking down a street full of burning candles is a sign of great love.

Candles dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday are a very favorable dream, which means that peace and tranquility will soon come to the family, conflicts will be settled.

Why do you dream of church candles: other interpretations of dreams

The flame of a candle is also of great importance: calm and even means a long-awaited meeting, joy, success, peace and, in general, a favorable dream. A dim or dying flame means disappointment and missed opportunities. Carrying a church candle in your hand means the loss of a loved one or financial loss.

If in a dream the candles go out due to a draft, then in reality you will face troubles and disappointments. Seeing how a master makes a candle suggests that you will soon realize yourself in some business and find your calling.

Buying candles is joy and fun; any grand event can await you, be it a wedding, anniversary, or a noisy party. New candles always mean changes in life, prosperity and profit. Selling candles is not very good good dream, it symbolizes losses and missed chances that were given by fate.

Lighting a candle for repose in a dream is a sign that you are afraid for loved one, you are trying to ward off trouble from him, to help. A candle for health means that you have faithful friends, they will always come to your aid and will not leave you in difficult times.

To see a church procession and people carrying many candles in a dream is a bad symbol. Old problems that you had already forgotten about, and that seemed to have been resolved long ago, will make themselves felt again. They will need to be solved quickly and without anyone's help.

If you approach the altar and candles are burning on it, then you are not paying enough time and attention to faith. Light candles - good sign in any situation, symbolizes a favorable and kind relationship with your other half.

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Elderly and spiritual people often wonder why candles are dreamed of, because they attach a special mystical meaning to this image, coming from God. For many, this is like a sign from above for further actions and thoughts; some do not attach importance to dreams at all. But for people who are not constrained by religion and strict rules, would it be interesting to know what candles mean in dreams? What does this dream mean and what to expect in the near future?

Candle according to the dream book: symbolism

Romance and tender feelings, comfort and faith, mystery and higher powers - all this is symbolized by a candle. But at the same time, it is also a symbol of asceticism and self-denial from something important in life. The exact meaning of the interpretation often depends on the details of the dream: what the situation and atmosphere were, who manipulated the candle, and what was said. What emotions did you experience while looking at the candle? Perhaps there was some specific ritual or rite that would make the deep implications of the dream clear. All these small details play a significant role, so the meaning that the image of the candle carries will depend on them.

No less important played by people who dreamed of candles: they lit them or extinguished them, gave them as gifts or simply held them in their hands. These people are of particular importance to you and it is worth paying attention to your relationships, and the image of the candle will suggest which area to focus on more.

Why do you dream about candles in church?

Most often, candles, one way or another associated with the church, priests, churches and monasteries, foreshadow little good because the candle is one of the attributes of the transition to another world, wandering in the darkness of ignorance and the search for the spiritual path. Spark off church candle- a dream about the illness of relatives or friends, but if it goes out at the same time, it is a very bad sign, it can be a misfortune. If in a dream you dared to blow out a candle in a temple, especially near the images, be prepared: all your worst fears and fears will come out and cause you harm.

A temple full of burning candles with an even and beautiful light, which you admired in a dream, portends recovery after a long period of failures, illnesses or troubles. Your inner mental balance will be harmonized, which will make you even stronger in spirit and stronger in life’s ups and downs.

If you dream that the candles in the church are very melted and burnt, this symbolizes a strong life shock, during which there will be a feeling of complete helplessness and vulnerability in front of everyone. After this incident, life will no longer be the same, and your worldview will change once and for all.

According to the interpretation of dreams, a candle burning and floating on water foreshadows the death of a relative or a tragic incident, tears and sadness. If you dreamed that a lit candle in a church smoked a lot of black smoke, crackled and tried to go out, this is a sign of an evil eye or damage, thus your guardian angel is trying to warn you.

If you dream about wax church candles

The details of such a dream are important, which will indicate the correct interpretation:

If in a dream you carry a thin wax candle that has never been lit, this is a harbinger of unplanned waste, purchases or financial investments;

Church candles dreamed of by young parents indicate that in real life there will come a moment of pride for your child who will do something significant for you or the world;

If you dream that someone brought a wax candle into your house and lit it, expect betrayal or a base act;

A dream in which you keep a lot of new church candles portends an improvement in relationships - family or with people who were dear to you, but at some point these relationships were damaged; such a dream indicates the possibility of returning to former warm relationships; you just need to take a step forward.

If in a dream new wax candles were simply in sight, then this promises a sticky situation from which it will be difficult to get out. You need to use all your skill and prudence to remain unsullied.

A dream with burning candles the day before important event, portends positive changes in life, success in the upcoming business. If no important event is planned, a dream with candles predicts it - the main thing is not to miss it and not consider it something unimportant. Be more attentive to what is happening around you - this is sleep advice.

If the candle goes out

A dream in which all the candles went out in one fell swoop: a gust of wind, a draft, someone’s actions or inexplicable factors speaks of insidious attempts by the forces of evil to hinder your spiritual ascent and growth. They are looking for a weak point in your environment in order to stealthily harm and turn you away from integrity. Unjustified rumors and intrigues behind one's back also apply to these intrigues.

Unproductive attempts to light a candle in a dream indicate an impending danger that may unexpectedly and at the wrong time arise on your way. You need to be prepared for all sorts of inconsistencies and inconsistencies in the near future, everything will collapse. There is also an opinion what is a dream predicts the death of a person, for which you will be guilty, and the feeling of guilt will haunt you for a long time - this may be the result of an accident or conscious inaction: you could have saved the person, but chose to remain indifferent. Reconsider your attitude towards people and moral principles, until it's not too late!

Blowing out the candle yourself: the dream foreshadows the news of the death of a close friend with whom you spent many pleasant minutes. There will be a feeling of pity that you couldn’t say goodbye to him, but you need to understand that this is how the world works.

If you dreamed that a brightly burning candle suddenly went out before your eyes, this is a harbinger of an approaching serious illness, which could end very badly if no serious measures are taken.

Candle in a dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud considered the candle frankly phallic symbol: if in a dream a candle burns with an even and bright flame, everything is in order with libido and intimate health. If you saw candles of an unconventional shape in a dream, it means that you have a seething thirst for experiments and new sensations. Be careful with innovations!

If, in addition, there are a lot of candles in a dream, and they are different in color, shape and size, then you are too loving. Most likely, you have had too many partners, and you do not intend to stop.

If the candle goes out or, even worse, breaks, this is a warning about deteriorating health and future problems with potency. A candle that smokes dreams of something conflicting in a relationship: a quarrel or a breakup, this also foreshadows a flickering and trembling light.

If you dreamed that you were lighting a candle in a dream, it means that you are finally ready to enjoy intimate relationships, you just need to make some effort to agree with your partner.

If there are a lot of candles in a dream

Seeing a street illuminated by candlelight in a dream is a symbol that the love of your life is still ahead, and there is no need to be upset if the desired relationship does not yet exist. Be patient - and you will be rewarded!

Many candles burn with a bright flame - such a dream foreshadows success in business and prosperity in any endeavor, happiness and understanding in relationships. A dream in which you throw away a candle (or several) gives a warning: be careful in your actions, think about every step and word, otherwise fortune will turn away from you for a long time.

But in a dream, buying candles means misfortune and tears, especially if you were paying with small coins, change, and not paper bills. If the purchase of candles was accompanied by paper money, especially a large denomination, such a dream foreshadows important news, long-awaited information or an answer to a request.

Nostradamus's opinion

If you believe the dream book of Michel de Nostredame (the real name of this famous astrologer), then a dream in which a crowd of people with lit candles was encountered on the way indicates a misfortune that will most likely happen next spring and will take many lives. If you dreamed of candlelight in a dark window, this is a symbol of the upcoming cloudless old age: you will be revered and loved for the rest of your life.

The healer Vanga had a different opinion on this matter: the light of a candle in the window indicated the protection of higher powers and invisible care for the person who dreamed about it. In life, this can manifest itself as a magical deliverance from dangerous situation or appearance in close surroundings a person who will play an important role in your life: it could be a patron or a loved one.

Nostradamus also considered a bad harbinger to have a dream in which wax candles were scattered along the road and a person collected them - this promised persecution and deprivation, often for one’s life position, religion or moral values. Be careful and do not open your heart to everyone you meet, trust only time-tested people.

Candle in hand

A dream in which you made or were present during the process of making candles indicates that your hard work and zeal in your work will be rewarded. According to the dream book, a candle of an unusual, strange shape, no matter whether it is burning or not, indicates a person’s ability for mystical sciences and a subconscious craving for esoteric knowledge, which is constrained by the framework of society and its opinion.

Walking with a candle in your hands in a dream means failures of various kinds: theft or loss of money, the departure of a loved one, or major problems at work. If in a dream you met people walking towards you with candles, expect the return of old problems of an extremely unpleasant nature that you put on the back burner without solving them.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle in a beautiful candlestick, this is a symbol of a wonderful future that is already close. It also promises good friends, a successful job or an improvement in your financial situation. If the candlestick is empty, it means that fortune will turn its back on you for an unknown period of time.

Why do you dream of candles in the hands of a dead person? This may foreshadow emotional experiences that will calm down, and if a candle was placed on the grave, some kind of cordial and tolerant act will do you honor.

The flickering and weak light of a candle symbolizes spiritual quests that have not yet found their core and stable position in life: the soul rushes from one refuge to another, not finding its corner. You need to understand yourself: read spiritual or psychological literature, seek advice from a specialist, or try to meditate, because, as they say, in meditation a person comes into contact with God and learns his true essence.

Why does a woman dream of candles?

If a young girl dreamed that she was lighting a candle, this prophesies a secret relationship with a man whom her parents did not approve of, and if in the dream the candle was already lit in her hand, there would be an official engagement. A candle flame that burns you in a dream hints that you are too frivolous and do not see the essence of things.

A dream in which you dreamed of a small candle faintly illuminating a large darkened room means that the planned meeting will not take place: no one will come, and if in a dream you were fortune-telling by candlelight, this indicates that in the real world you will not be able to predict the course developments, you don’t even have to try.

If you dreamed of a romantic dinner by candlelight, this is a hint from the subconscious that you are too constrained in relationships and intimate life: It’s worth trying to become more relaxed and natural in your desires. Also, one must not forget that guesses and doubts are not The best way To build strong, trusting relationships, you need to openly express your desires to your partner.

A dream in which a woman removes carbon deposits from candles foreshadows tears and disappointments, but if a small extinguished stub remains from the candle, this is a sign that you can’t count on the generosity of loved ones, and you will have to solve your financial problems yourself.

If you dream that a candle flutters in the wind but does not go out, such a dream suggests that the events that bother you or troubles in life have no basis, you should not pay attention to them and continue to enjoy life.

Why do you dream about candles according to the days of the week?

  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday: Church candles in such a dream foreshadow the help of higher powers in the upcoming vicissitudes of life.
  • If in sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday there were vain attempts to light candles - be careful: danger is on your heels and will lie in wait in the most unexpected corners and turns. You must be extremely careful, otherwise she will take you by surprise.
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered empty, you should not pay attention to them. The only exception: recurring dreams, which are considered prophetic.
  • Friday dream, in which the candles have gone out, promises great troubles and unfulfilled desires.
  • If in a dream from Saturday to Sunday If you dreamed of a brightly burning candle in your hands or in a window - there is no need to worry about the future: a cloudless old age awaits you in the company of your loved one and loved ones.

It is also believed that dreams during the Christmas holidays, as well as on the eve of major Christian holidays (Easter, Annunciation, Trinity, Protection of the Holy Virgin) are prophetic: you need to listen to them and draw the accompanying conclusions, without ignoring the clues of fate and the subconscious.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book:

Candle – A candle means the way to church.

Burnt out candle - To see a candle burn out and go out in a dream means death.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book:

Candle - To self-immolation in work and worries, poor attitude towards one’s health, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Burnt out candle - Seeing a burnt out candle in a dream means the collapse of a long-cherished dream.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book:

Candle – A burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream means that chance will bring you together with once-lost friends. It may also portend new opportunities and meetings that will be very useful for your business. Seeing several candles burning with a bright, clean flame in a dream portends happiness and mutual understanding. Seeing a candle going out in the wind, blowing out a candle in a dream - means bitter disappointment. If the candle goes out before your eyes, a rather serious illness awaits you, which you can still prevent. If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, you will soon be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream indicates that the work started must always be completed. The light of a candle in a night window is a sign that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage will be expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about a Candle:

Candle - Good to find, love, recovery, success, marriage // danger, deceased; burns brightly - success; lighting a candle - happiness, birth of children // illness; making candles is a joy; extinguish - misfortune, illness, grief, death of children; extinguished - success // sadness.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Candle:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Candle - It is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol; people use a candle to tell fortunes, pray, and light their way with a candle. The appearance of this magical symbol in a dream may mean some kind of surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality. If in a dream you saw a burning candle, it means that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better. If you see a candle stub in the near future, you should not count on the generosity of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a candle mean?

Candle - If you saw a burning candle in a dream, this is a sign that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better. To see in a dream how you put out candles means that in reality you are so carried away by self-deception that you will try to pass off wishful thinking. A dream in which you saw a candle stub indicates that in the near future you should not count on the generosity of your loved ones and expect expensive gifts. Most likely, you will receive a “Gift - a cinder from a candle.” If in a dream a fire breaks out from a lit candle, in real life you should not start a quarrel over trifles. Otherwise, the conflict may develop into a serious scandal. Don’t forget the saying: “A penny candle set Moscow on fire.” A dream in which you light a candle in a temple and it goes out all the time symbolizes your lack of a certain position in life and desire for spiritual perfection. People say: “No candle for God, no fire for the devil.” Three lit candles mean fulfillment of desires and good luck. To see in a dream how you are telling fortunes with candles is a sign that in reality you will not be able to predict the course of events. If in a dream you were burned by a candle flame, this means that in reality you are too careless.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about a Candle:

According to the dream book, why do you dream about a Candle? - An image that is often found and has many different interpretations. Therefore, the actions that are performed in relation to the candle are of greatest importance. Most often the meaning of this image is associated with phallic symbolism. In addition, this image may indicate fear of the process of aging, dying, becoming nothing, as well as fear of losing male power, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why do you dream about a Candle?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Candle in a dream - to see a candle in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, the light of a candle in a dark window - to a happy old age. If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Sunday to Monday you received a candlestick with lit candles as a gift, this means that on the day of upcoming trials you will receive help from above. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you cannot light a candle, speaks of a danger that will haunt you and take you by surprise at the wrong moment. If from Friday to Saturday you dreamed that a gust of wind blew out all the previously burning candles, this portends great difficulties in carrying out your plans.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Candle what does it mean

Candle - Lit - good luck in a hopeless case; not lit - sadness; to light is a disease; burning brightly - success.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream about a Candle:

Candle - Lighting a candle in a dream means you will finally get the pleasure from sex that you have dreamed of for so long. In order for this to actually happen, you need to make some effort, and not just rely on the skill of your partner. If you dreamed that you had dinner by candlelight, it means that you just need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's great if you're lucky with a partner and he turns out to be very attentive and understanding. But such luck is not at all guaranteed, which means you need to rely first of all on your own strengths, and then expect that your desires will be correctly understood. To see in a dream how a candle flame trembles - your love is hanging, one might say, by a thread, and the reason for this is excessive irritability and reluctance to tolerate what seems strange to you. If you dreamed that you were lighting a candle for someone’s health in church, it means that you are in vain counting on the support of your friends in the situation in which you find yourself. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish; it’s just that each of them has their own concerns, as the dream book - the fortuneteller reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Candle?

See in a dream

Candle - A candle burning with a bright flame seen in a dream means all good things; carrying a burning candle means danger; if the candle sparks or smokes, it means danger to life. Sewing a candle means great risk, danger to life, lighting it means happy changes, love. Seeing a candlestick with a whole candle in a dream means for you a brilliant future, excellent health, happiness and loving life partners; If

Spring dream book Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book:

Candle - You will have an advantageous position in society; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Burnt out candle - Holding a burnt out candle means burying a step-native person. Attend someone's funeral.

French dream book Seeing a Candle in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Candle - Extinguished candles are a bad sign. Your dream predicts great troubles. A lit candle, on the contrary, foreshadows the birth of a child.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about a Candle?

As the dream book interprets: Candle - Love; burning dimly - danger.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Candle according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Candle in a dream – A burning candle symbolizes the power of success and hope for the future. An extinguished, dim candle is a sign of disappointment and missed opportunities. Lighting a candle yourself means marriage, unexpected service, profit. Carrying a candle means failure, loss of money, departure of a loved one.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a Candle in a dream:

Candle - Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that a pleasant occasion will bring you together with long-absent friends. This dream may foretell new opportunities and new meetings that will benefit your business. Seeing several candles burning with a bright, clean flame in a dream portends happiness and mutual understanding. Seeing a candle blown out by a draft foretells the revival of ridiculous rumors around your name. In a dream, blowing out a candle means sad events.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about a Candle?

Seeing a Candle in a Dream – Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence. Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him. Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

Dream Book of Nostradamus Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book:

Candle - A symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, asceticism. Seeing the light of a candle in a window at night - this symbol means that in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth. Picking up wax candles scattered along the road is a sign of trouble, which is associated with the persecution of religious supporters and their exile to places with a difficult climate. To see a glow in the sky that resembles candlelight - be prepared to take any surprise for granted. Seeing a procession walking with candles is a harbinger that a misfortune will happen in the spring that will claim many lives, and mourning will be declared. Walking down a street lit by candles is a symbol that your love is yet to come. Receiving as a gift a candlestick on which countless candles are burning is a symbol that at a difficult moment your spiritual teacher will not leave you and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven. To see a wolf with burning candles reflected in its eyes - beware of a person who, hiding behind religion and the fight for morality, decided to enrich himself and break through to power under the guise of virtue at any cost. Seeing how a gust of wind blows out all the candles is a symbol of evil, which will interfere with the implementation of intentions related to spiritual rebirth and renewal. Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Candle:

Candle - Burning, you hope for help and will receive it, but not from the one from whom you expect. Floating on the water, standing in the church to tears, death of loved ones. Not burning to sadness, melancholy. An unusual shape (burning and not burning) speaks of your unrealized abilities in magic and other occult sciences.

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about a Candle according to the dream book?

Why see the Candle extinguished - Accusation; light up - an unexpected service; to see an extinct one is a memory of the past.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Candle (burning) – Spiritual aspiration, progress in development, success, luck.

What does it mean when you dream of a household candle - Burning - to good luck; peace and harmony in the family; spiritual aspirations, symbol of the soul. Extinguished - loss of strength, sadness. Lighting up means the birth of a child.


Candle, candle

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a burning candle in a dream- means that a pleasant occasion will bring you together with long-absent friends. This dream may foretell new opportunities and new meetings that will benefit your business.

Seeing a candle blown out by a draft- to revive ridiculous rumors around your name.

Blow out a candle in a dream- to sad events.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

burning candle- symbolizes the power of success and hope for the future.

Extinguished, dim candle- a sign of disappointment and missed opportunities.

Light the candle yourself- marriage, unexpected service, profit.

Carry a candle- failure, loss of money, departure of a loved one.

Freud's Dream Book

Light a candle in a dream- you will finally get the pleasure from sex that you have dreamed of for so long. In order for this to actually happen, you need to make some effort, and not just rely on the skill of your partner.

If you dreamed that you had dinner by candlelight- it means you just need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's great if you're lucky with a partner and he turns out to be very attentive and understanding. But such luck is not at all guaranteed, which means you need to rely first of all on your own strengths, and then expect that your desires will be correctly understood.

Seeing in a dream how a candle flame trembles- your love hangs, one might say, by a thread, and the reason for this is excessive irritability and reluctance to tolerate what seems strange to you.

If you dreamed that you lit a candle for someone's health in church- this means that you are in vain counting on the support of your friends in the situation in which you find yourself. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish; they just each have their own concerns.

Candle- is a phallic symbol.

Candles unusual shape - they talk about your desire to experiment in the sexual sphere.

Many burning candles- they talk about your loving character and many partners.

burning candle- symbolizes health and good sexual shape.

Smoking candle- indicates availability conflict situation in a relationship with a partner.

Swells on the candle- talk about an even relationship with a sexual partner.

Extinguished or broken candle- symbolizes health problems or impotence.

Many extinguished candles- symbolize impotence.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing a burning candle in a dream- good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, neither poor nor rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream- evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle- unfortunately, in real life you are destined to become the cause of a person’s death. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream- a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes- an imminent illness awaits you. Perhaps it will be serious illness, which you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream- a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

Soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream book of lovers

Lovers have a dream in which they see several burning candles- promises happiness and mutual understanding.

Aesop's Dream Book

Candle- is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol. They tell fortunes by candlelight, pray, and use candles to light their way. The appearance of this mysterious and magical symbol in a dream can mean a pleasant surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality.

This is a sign that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better.

To see in a dream how you put out candles- means that in reality you are so passionate about self-deception that you will try to pass off wishful thinking as reality.

A dream in which you saw a candle stub- indicates that in the near future you should not count on the generosity of your loved ones and expect expensive gifts. Most likely, you will receive a “Gift - a cinder from a candle.”

If a fire breaks out in a dream from a lit candle- in real life you shouldn’t start a quarrel over trifles. Otherwise, the conflict may develop into a serious scandal. Don’t forget the saying: “A penny candle set Moscow on fire.”

A dream in which you light a candle in a temple and it keeps going out- symbolizes your lack of a certain position in life and desire for spiritual perfection. People say: “No candle for God, no fire for the devil.” Three lit candles mean fulfillment of desires and good luck.

Seeing in a dream how you tell fortunes using candles- a sign that in reality you will not be able to predict the course of events.

If you were burned by a candle flame in a dream- this means that in reality you are too careless.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Candle in a dream- symbolizes hope for the best.

See her burning- a good sign suggesting that some of your hopes are not in vain.

Several candles burning nearby- promise you the support of friends and like-minded people.

Candle in the wind- a sign of excitement and emotional distress. Most likely, some events are greatly disturbing you, although if the candle in the wind does not go out, then such a dream suggests that you do not have much cause for concern.

Extinguished candle- portends sadness and disappointment.

At the same time, seeing unlit candles in your dream- this is a favorable sign.

If in reality some matter seems almost hopeless to you- this dream suggests that it is too early for you to give up.

Jewish dream book

Candles burning- revealing a secret; extinct- illness and even death; light candles- fall in love; flaming candles- you will be invited to a party; extinguished candles- your hopes will not come true.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you are holding a candle in your hands- predicts a proposal of marriage that is completely unexpected for you. Be prepared for a long trip, which will leave pleasant memories, and such a dream also foreshadows the renewal of old acquaintances.

If you are trying to light a candle- this means that, contrary to the persuasion and admonitions of your parents, you will secretly meet with your chosen one.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Candles- carry a connotation of mystery, romanticism or the supernatural, depending on the setting in which they appear.

A candle can also be a symbol- providence or security, since it is capable of shedding light on what is happening.

If the candle flame is unnaturally large- the central image of sleep is fire.

Do candles have any ritual significance in your dream? If yes- attention should be paid to other aspects of your dream.

Is someone else holding a candle or candles?- the appearance of people with candles in their hands is symbolic and means that they are ready to guide you.

Dream book for the whole family

To dream of seeing candlelight in a dark window from Saturday to Sunday- to a happy old age.

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Sunday to Monday you received a candlestick with lit candles as a gift, this means that on the day of upcoming trials you will receive help from above.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in which you cannot light a candle- speaks of danger that will haunt you and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

If from Friday to Saturday you dreamed that a gust of wind blew out all the previously burning candles- this portends great difficulties in implementing the plan.

New family dream book

Seeing a burning candle in a dream- you will soon meet old friends. This dream can also foreshadow new opportunities and new meetings.

Several candles burning with a bright clean flame- portend happiness and mutual understanding.

Candle blown out by a gust of wind- dreams of the appearance of ridiculous rumors around your name.

If in a dream you blew out a candle- get ready for unpleasant events.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a clear and steady candle flame in a dream- a sign of natural luck and constancy of your environment.

If a girl dreams that she is holding a candle in her hand- in reality, an unexpected marriage proposal and a pleasant trip to distant relatives await her.

If she lights a candle- she will secretly meet with her lover because of her parents’ ban.

Seeing in a dream how a draft blew out a candle- a harbinger that enemies will spread evil rumors about you.

Remove carbon deposits from a candle- predicts sad news.

Eastern women's dream book

A girl has a dream in which she holds a candle in her hand- promises an unexpected marriage proposal and a pleasant trip to distant relatives.

If she lights a candle- this means she will secretly meet with her lover against the will of her parents.

I dreamed that a draft blew out a candle- Beware of unjustified rumors.

Remove carbon deposits from a candle- to sad news.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Candle- a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, asceticism.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window- this symbol means that in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

Pick up wax candles scattered along the road- a sign of trouble, which is associated with the persecution of religious supporters, their exile to places with a difficult climate.

Seeing a glow in the sky that resembles candlelight- be prepared to take any surprise for granted. Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

See a procession walking with candles- a harbinger that a misfortune will happen in the spring that will claim many lives, mourning will be declared.

Walk down a street lit by candles- a symbol that your love is yet to come.

Receive as a gift a candlestick with countless candles burning on it- a symbol that at a difficult moment your spiritual teacher will not leave you and will help you concentrate not only your own, but also heavenly energy.

Seeing a wolf with burning candles reflected in its eyes- beware of a person who, hiding behind religion and the fight for morality, decided to get rich and break through to power at any cost under the guise of virtue.

See how a gust of wind blows out all the candles- a symbol of evil that will interfere with the implementation of intentions related to spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Failed attempts to light a candle- a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and at the wrong moment will take you by surprise.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

burning candle- you should engage in healing, you have a corresponding gift.

In all other cases- a promising meeting with distant friends, distant relatives. Get a great deal.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Candle, candle- reflection of the guiding Force of the dream being.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To death; if you put out the candles yourself- to your illness.

Candle- to self-immolation in work and worries, poor attitude towards one’s health.

Seeing a burnt out candle in a dream- to the collapse of a long-cherished dream.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream- to hope for the future.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Candle- you will have a favorable position in society.

Putting out the candles- to the news of the deceased.

Hold a burnt out candle- bury a step-native person. Attend someone's funeral.

Candle stump- towards the end of life, the onset of old age.

Put out the candle- you will try to hide something.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Burning candles- they will invite you to a party.

Flashing- sadness; spark off- meet true friends; extinguish- your hopes will not come true; wear burning- successful plans; see production- your hard work will bring benefits; many burning candles- happy times.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Lighting a candelabra with many candles in a dream- means that in the upcoming business you should rely only on own strength. One candle dimly illuminating the room- foreshadows a failed meeting, because no one will come to it except you.

A candle in the hands of a dead man- a sign of peace of mind, church candles- indulge in sad thoughts. Light a candle in front of the images- make an important confession, put on the grave- show kindness from the heart.

Wax candles burning without residue- mean getting rid of debts; floating paraffin- creditors will torture you.

Hemorrhoid suppositories- to health problems.

Buying candles in a dream- you will incur losses.

Women's dream book

Burning candle in a dream- good sign. Such a dream means that chance will bring you together with once-lost friends. It may also portend new opportunities and meetings that will be very useful for your business.

Seeing in a dream several candles burning with a bright, clean flame- portends happiness and mutual understanding.

See a candle going out in the wind- to revive ridiculous rumors around your name.

Blowing out a candle in a dream- to bitter disappointment.

If the candle goes out before your eyes- a rather serious illness awaits you, which you can still prevent.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles- soon you will be overcome by old problems that you have put aside, thinking that they will never remind you of themselves. Such a dream indicates that the work started must always be completed.

Candle light in the night window- a sign that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage will be expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

General dream book

Light a candle- to well-being.

Extinguished wax candles- dream of an expensive gift.

If you dreamed of burning wax candles- you have to spend fun evening in warm company.

Stearic suppositories- a warning that you will be robbed, but the thieves will be caught and all the good will return to you.

If you dreamed that you were buying candles- you yourself are the architect of your own happiness,

You threw away the candle- Be careful, you can commit a rash act, and luck will turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Candle is a universal symbol of light and reunion with the Great Spirit.

You touch the Great Light, diffused in all things - spiritual life beats in you, your true inner light.

Dream book of the 21st century

A candle seen in a dream, burning with a bright flame- to everything good, carry a burning candle- to danger, if the candle sparks, it smokes- to danger to life.

Put out the candle- to great risk, danger to life, spark off- to happy changes, love.

Seeing a candlestick with a whole candle in a dream- means for you a brilliant future, excellent health, happiness and loving life partners; if the candlestick is empty- this means that fate will turn away from you for some time, certain secrets will be revealed.

English dream book

If you suddenly happen to make wax candles in a dream- this means that soon you will have to bring great benefit people, and your participation in someone’s fate will be simply irreplaceable.

If in a dream you buy candles- it means there will soon be a big and cheerful holiday.

A candle burning brightly in a dream- promises to receive a letter with very pleasant content for you.

Large- sadness will bring a dream in which you will see a candle stub or a suddenly extinguished candle. This dream foreshadows the death or illness of one of your friends or loved ones.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See or have wax or wax candles- to joy.

Ascend into the sky- to an honorary position.

Light candles- to joy.

See burning candles- to the funeral.

Making candles from wax- to joy.

Light candles- to the loss of parents.

Italian dream book

Candle- an image that is often encountered and has many different interpretations. Therefore, the actions that are performed in relation to the candle are of greatest importance. Most often the meaning of this image is associated with phallic symbolism. Moreover, this image- may indicate fear of the process of aging, dying, becoming nothing, as well as fear of loss of male power.

Dream book of lovers

If you light a candle in a dream- this portends pleasure from sex, which you had not even expected before. However, it all depends on whether you make the necessary efforts, because it is not only about your partner, but also about you.

Romantic dinner- dreams of people who are very constrained in sex. Try to be more natural, relax. Your partner may not always be able to guess your desires, so you should tell him about them.

Trembling candle flame- indicates that your relationship is under threat - you are too irritable and impatient. Try to understand your loved one.

A dream in which you light a candle for health in church- means that you trust your friends and at the same time count on their help in difficult situation. However, you do not allow the thought that they, too, may have their own worries and problems.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

A candle is considered a mysterious and at the same time a saving symbol; people use a candle to tell fortunes, pray, and light their way with a candle.

The appearance of this magical symbol in a dream- can mean some kind of surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle- this means that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better.

See the stub of a candle- in the near future, you should not count on the generosity of loved ones.

Lunar dream book

Candle- Love; burning dimly- danger.

Wax candles- sadness; light them up- disease.

Chinese dream book

Do you see the candle?- portends great wealth.

Light, glow from a lamp or candle- portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Candle burning- marriage; extinct- loss, misery.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See the tallow candle if it is burning- portends success in business, promises the patient health, and single- quick marriage; if it's extinguished- means illness, grief and despondency; make your own tallow candles- is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Light the wax candle yourself- means the birth of children; extinguishing such candles marks the death of children.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Candle burning- spiritual aspiration, progress in development, success, luck.

Household candle burning- to luck; peace and harmony in the family; spiritual aspirations, symbol of the soul.

Extinct- loss of strength, sadness.

Spark off- birth of a child.

Modern universal dream book

It's amazing how much light can come from a candle in a movie! Someone lights a candle and we can see, for example, all the corners of the castle! - what do you want to highlight in your dream?

What other person is in it?- Do you think that you are superior to this person? Or does this person believe that he is superior to you?

It is important to note who lights the candle, who holds it and for what purpose. Is a candle lit to celebrate something, to perform a ritual, or to light the way? - how can this relate to your real life?

Do you feel that the ground beneath you is unsteady and you are wavering like a candle flame in the wind? Is the candlelight blessing you? - perhaps by blowing out the candle, you can make your wish come true.

Dream book of a gypsy

Unlit candle- a symbol of a favorable combination of circumstances.

Lit candle- symbolizes the revelation of a secret: what was hidden will be revealed.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Candle, type of its combustion, etc.- the highest passions of the soul, its aspirations for a bright, spiritual life.

Thin wax- your state of health.

Colored, various types of candles- they talk about the work of the imagination and completely earthly passions.

Burning bright- everything is good.

Carry the burning one- some danger.

The candle flame fluctuates strongly, it sparks, smokes- illnesses, dangers, obstacles.

She goes out on her own- danger to life / danger to the soul / danger to the life of a loved one.

Stew- unusual risk / danger to life / accusation against you.

Light a candle- unexpected service / benefit to receive / happy changes.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Candle- find good, love, recovery, success, marriage / danger, dead; burns brightly- success; light a candle- happiness, birth of children / illness; make candles- joy; stew- misfortune, illness, grief, death of children; extinct- success/sadness.

Put out the candle- accusation; spark off- unexpected service; see the extinct one- memories of the past; wax candles- trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Candle burning- you hope for help and will receive it, but not from the one you expect.

Floating on the water, standing in the church- to tears, death of loved ones.

Not burning- to sadness, longing.

Unusual shape (burning and not burning)- speaks of your unrealized abilities in magic and other occult sciences.

Ukrainian dream book

Candles- witness.

I dream of candles that are burning- there will be a dead man.

If you dream of a wax candle- this is death; white candle- This is a witness in court.

The candle is burning- happy day.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The candle is lit- luck in a hopeless case; not lit- sadness; spark off- disease; burning brightly- success.

Collection of dream books

Candle- spiritual life beats in you; your true inner light.

Candles burning- anxiety and worries.

See candles burning brightly- to the need to cleanse the soul and search for the path of spiritual renewal; smoking and flickering candles- to the evil eye and damage.

Seeing someone extinguishing candles in a dream- you will be discredited in the eyes of others.

Candle- means the way to the church.

Seeing in a dream how a candle burns out and goes out- to death.

Seeing a candle stub in a dream- to the collapse of your dreams.

If you dream that you put out a candle after praying- this is for the mercy of God.

Put out the candle- means finishing the job.

Black candles- death.

Extinguished candles- a bad sign. Your dream predicts great troubles.

Lit candle- on the contrary, foreshadows the birth of a child.


Dreaming with a candle has different interpretations. This can portend both sad events in a person’s life and happy moments. An interpretation of the actions performed in relation to this symbol will help to decipher the dream more accurately.

Did you dream of a burning candle? Did you dream of a burning candle? Have you lit candles in a dream? What color candles did you dream about? How many candles did you dream about? Where did you get the candles in your dream?

What type of candles did you see in your dream?

Church candles

Dreamed of decorative candles

If in your vision you saw decorative candles of an unusual and strange shape, then you have great potential for developing innate abilities in the occult, secret knowledge and magic. At the same time, the dream book warns of the need to be extremely careful with this kind of gift.

Did you dream of a burning candle?

burning candle

Why do you dream that a candle has gone out?

A candle that goes out before the dreamer’s eyes for no reason is interpreted as an unfavorable sign. This is a harbinger of disappointment, missed opportunities and regrets about this. This dream may also be a sign of health problems due to excessive dedication at work.

Have you lit candles in a dream?

What does it mean to dream in which you light it yourself?

The dream book interprets lighting candles as the possibility that a long-awaited date will take place and bring pleasure. However, for this dream to come true in reality, you will need to act independently, and not expect active actions from your partner.

If you dreamed that you were blowing out a flame

Blowing out a candle in a dream has a double interpretation. This can mean either an omen of unfavorable events standing in the way of the dreamer, or his victory over these events and a favorable outcome of the situation. For example, if you blow out the flame of a candle that has almost completely burned out, this promises unexpected wealth.

What color candles did you dream about?

A dream in which you see the color black

The black color of a candle is interpreted by the dream book as presence evil forces in the dreamer's life. You may have to deal with injustice and deceit from others. In some cases, the presence of a mourning color in a dream means the death of someone you know.

If in a dream the candle is red

A red candle that appears during night dreams prophesies love and its inherent romance. For married man such a dream means flirting on the side, which, however, will not remain a secret. It is better to avoid obscene thoughts and actions, as they will not bring satisfaction, and an unpleasant aftertaste will remain.

How many candles did you dream about?

What do two candles seen in a dream mean?

A dream in which a young girl sees a pair of brightly burning candles brings the joyful news that very soon she will experience the intimate feeling of falling in love. A close meeting with a young man will have a great impact on the consciousness of the young lady, perhaps even making her think about starting a family.

Where did you get the candles in your dream?

If you had to buy candles in a dream

Buying candles in a dream can mean both possible losses, damages, and the approach of a big and fun celebration of some event. This dream can also be a harbinger of profit, a salary increase, or promotion up the career ladder.


Buy church candles

Dream Interpretation Buy church candles dreamed of why you dream about buying church candles? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buying church candles in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

The candle is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol. They tell fortunes by candlelight, pray, and use candles to light their way. The appearance of this mysterious and magical symbol in a dream can mean a pleasant surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality.

Dream Interpretation - Candle (candles)

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Dream Interpretation - Candle, candles

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Dream Interpretation - Candles

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Carry a burning candle

Putting out a candle means great risk, danger to life.

An empty candlestick means that fate will turn away from you for some time, and certain secrets will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle


Church candles

Dream Interpretation Church Candles dreamed of why you dream about Church candles? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Church candles in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candle

If you see a burning candle in a dream, you will soon meet old friends. This dream can also foreshadow new opportunities and new meetings.

Several candles burning with a bright, clean flame portend happiness and mutual understanding.

A candle blown out by a gust of wind symbolizes the appearance of ridiculous rumors around your name.

If you blow out a candle in a dream, get ready for unpleasant events.

Light a candle in a dream - you will get the pleasure you have dreamed of for so long. True, for this you will have to make some effort.

A candlelit dinner is a hint that you need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's good if your partner is attentive enough and understands you.

A flickering candle flame means that excessive irritability and intolerance can ruin your relationship.

If in a dream you lit a candle in church for someone’s health, then you are in vain counting on the support of your friends. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish: it’s just that each of them has their own concerns.

According to Nostradamus, a candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, and asceticism. He interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

The light of a candle in a night window - in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

They picked up wax candles scattered along the road - disaster might happen.

If you see a glow reminiscent of candlelight, be prepared to take any surprise for granted.

Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

A procession walking with candles is a harbinger that misfortune will happen in the spring.

We walked along the street illuminated by candles - your love is yet to come.

If you received as a gift a candlestick with countless candles burning on it, your spiritual teacher will not leave you at a difficult moment and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

If you dreamed of a gust of wind blowing out all the candles, some evil will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the long-awaited peace and quiet in the family.

If you saw the light of a candle in a night window in a dream, you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of someone close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

The candle is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol. They tell fortunes by candlelight, pray, and use candles to light their way. The appearance of this mysterious and magical symbol in a dream can mean a pleasant surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle, this is a sign that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better.

To see in a dream how you put out candles means that in reality you are so carried away by self-deception that you will try to pass off wishful thinking.

A dream in which you saw a candle stub indicates that in the near future you should not count on the generosity of loved ones and expect expensive gifts. Most likely, you will receive a “Gift - a cinder from a candle.”

If in a dream a fire breaks out from a lit candle, in real life you should not start a quarrel over trifles. Otherwise, the conflict may develop into a serious scandal. Don’t forget the saying: “A penny candle set Moscow on fire.”

A dream in which you light a candle in a temple and it goes out all the time symbolizes your lack of a certain position in life and desire for spiritual perfection. People say: “No candle for God, no fire for the devil.”

Three lit candles mean fulfillment of desires and good luck.

To see in a dream how you are telling fortunes using candles is a sign that in reality you will not be able to predict the course of events.

If in a dream you were burned by a candle flame, this means that in reality you are too careless.

Dream Interpretation - Candle (candles)

A candle is a symbol of life. If you dreamed of one candle, the dream relates to you personally. If there are several, the symbolism indicates your entire family.

Seeing yourself lighting a new candle in a dream means the birth of a child. If you dreamed of a burning candle, you need to pay attention to its length and brightness of the flame. A brightly burning, long candle means long life and excellent health. If the candle is long, but the flame flutters as if in the wind, the dream means health problems. If the candle was very short and the flame was barely warm, the dream is very bad and foretells death.

A smoldering flame indicates that you have severe stress, the result of which may be breakdown. You need to calm down and rest. Seeing a candlestick with burning candles, the light from which illuminates everything around, is a good sign; the dream promises the well-being and health of all your loved ones. If some candles do not burn or are already burning out, one of your relatives may have health problems. A dying candle means the death of one of the relatives.

If you dreamed of unlit candles, imagine that you are lighting them. If the candles burn out, imagine that you are lighting a new candle from their flame; it burns brightly and evenly.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, asceticism.

Seeing the light of a candle in a window at night - this symbol means that in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

Picking up wax candles scattered along the road is a sign of trouble, which is associated with the persecution of religious supporters and their exile to places with a difficult climate.

To see a glow in the sky that resembles candlelight - be prepared to take any surprise for granted. Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

Seeing a procession walking with candles is a harbinger that a misfortune will happen in the spring that will claim many lives, and mourning will be declared.

Walking down a street lit by candles is a symbol that your love is yet to come.

Receiving as a gift a candlestick on which countless candles are burning is a symbol that at a difficult moment your spiritual teacher will not leave you and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

To see a wolf with burning candles reflected in its eyes - beware of a person who, hiding behind religion and the fight for morality, decided to enrich himself and break through to power under the guise of virtue at any cost.

Seeing how a gust of wind blows out all the candles is a symbol of evil, which will interfere with the implementation of intentions related to spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, love.

Lighting candles in a dream is a sign of good luck. A lit candle in a dream means that success awaits you in a matter that you considered hopeless. Seeing a lot of lit candles in a dream foretells big and good changes in life. The brighter the candle burns, the happier and more prosperous your life will be. A dim candle burns means a meager existence, dissatisfaction with oneself and the way things are going. A dying candle symbolizes the end of some relationship, which will greatly sadden you.

Often such a dream predicts complications for sick people. A candle going out in a dream is a sign of great failures, failure of plans. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream is associated with your past, which still haunts you. Blowing out a candle yourself in a dream means that great trials or misfortunes await you. For lovers, such a dream predicts the end of a relationship or separation. Blocking a candle flame with your hands in a dream and protecting it means that you will be able to achieve your intended goal, while overcoming all the obstacles on the path to success. If in a dream you do not protect the flame, then troubles and worries await you. Unlit candles in a dream are harbingers of sadness.

If you dream that a draft extinguished a candle, then you should be wary evil tongues. See interpretation: flame, candlestick, candelabra, fire.

Dream Interpretation - Candle, candles

A new unlit candle means long-awaited income.

Lighting a candle means receiving an unexpected favor or good luck in a hopeless case.

A candle burning with even light is a sign of success and wealth or love pleasures, sometimes - a passion for religion.

Several burning candles - to happiness and mutual understanding.

Blowing out a candle or seeing extinguished candles means experiencing sad events or remembering the past.

Sometimes: lighting a wax candle means the misfortune or illness of someone close.

If the candle flame is blown out by a draft, you will find out that unpleasant rumors for you have resumed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candles

Candles carry a connotation of mystery, romanticism or the SUPERNATURAL, depending on the setting in which they appear. A candle can also be a symbol of Providence or security, as it can shed light on what is happening. If the candle flame is unnaturally large, then the central image of the dream is FIRE.

Do candles have any ritual significance in your dream? If so, then attention should be paid to other aspects of your dream.

Is someone else holding a candle or candles? The appearance of people with candles in their hands is symbolic and means that they are ready to guide you.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle burning with a bright flame is a symbol of all good things.

A candle sparks and smokes - a danger to life.

Putting out a candle means great risk, danger to life.

Lighting a candle means happy changes and love.

Seeing a candlestick in a dream with a whole candle means for you a brilliant future, excellent health, happiness and loving life partners.

An empty candlestick means that fate will turn away from you for some time, and certain secrets will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Candle, type of its combustion, etc. - the highest passions of the soul, its aspirations for a bright, spiritual life.

A thin wax candle is the state of your health.

Colored candles of various types tell about the work of the imagination and completely earthly passions.

A brightly burning candle means everything is good.

Carrying something burning is a certain danger.

The candle flame fluctuates greatly, it sparks, smokes - illness, danger, interference.

It goes out on its own - danger to life / danger to the soul / danger to the life of a loved one.

Putting out a candle is an extraordinary risk / danger to life / an accusation against you.

Lighting a candle is an unexpected favor / benefit to receive / happy changes.


Church candles in a dream

Church candles

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Church candles mean, or what it means to see Church candles in a dream.

Bed candles in a dream

The bed was on the sandbox in kindergarten. We were sitting with a young man on the bed, and there were a lot of candles around with beautiful glass candlesticks. Unexpectedly, our mutual friends appeared and the young man moved the bed to a more secluded place, where I liked it even more. Friends tripped over the candles, they fell but did not go out because they were protected by glass candlesticks (the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday, 18.01 to 19.01, with a young man in litter)

Fortune telling mirror image of a candle in a dream

In front of me is a huge rectangular mirror. I put a glass of water and a candle in front of him. I tried to see something in him, sat for a long time, I was tired of waiting and was about to leave (someone called me from another room). Then I notice how something white first appears in the mirror, round shape, I became interested and I came closer. A black man suddenly appears in front of me in the mirror, I understand that I need to lower the mirror or throw a cloth over it, but I take a moment to look and think to myself that there must be another man here. I was scared, I was in shock, thoughts were in my head - this man cannot be my betrothed, what nonsense! I started screaming - too much for me, I suddenly grabbed the mirror (it was very heavy) and lowered it to the floor with the reflective side. I remember it was summer outside, it was morning in the house.

Candle for death in a dream

I dreamed that someone was lighting a church candle for me to die, but I don’t know who. In a dream, I physically felt that I was dying. I also tried to light a candle in a dream so that my death would not happen, but in the end I didn’t light it. Something got in the way

Icon in a dream

It was like a waking dream. Small house with steep stairs. I climb these stairs with great difficulty. My mother and my son are waiting for me upstairs. It seems he was younger than he is. We enter some room.

Candles are burning. I approach them and some of them go out. To my right is an icon, I understand that it is the Mother of God. My son is standing slightly ahead of me, and I turn to the Mother of God with a request to return my beloved to my life. And at the same time I think, why, in fact, to her, since I always turned to another saint with requests?..

It's easy to swim in your sleep

There is a fire burning around a forest clearing in the center, around people I don’t see faces, but I know that among them is my father (he died 5 years ago), I’m standing by the fire in a white knee-length shirt, standing next to me, it seemed to me, are 2 guys also in shirts, around an old man walks around us and says something, and the moonlit night is beautiful, you can see everything all around and there is a row and a descent into the river, the old man gives me and these two guys a candle each, we light them from the fire and go down to the river, the people standing around follow us, the old man said you we must swim across the river and back without extinguishing the candles - swim, entering the water it seemed so gentle and warm on the surface of the rowan tree, the three of us began to swim, but the river is very deep (in life I am a very bad swimmer, but here I swam and enjoyed it). Suddenly, somehow I see myself from the side, it turns out through the eyes of a guy, we swam side by side holding candles over the water and the other guy swam away, and it turns out I see through the eyes of the guy that I’m tired and he’s lagging behind him (I see everything through his eyes and feel him as myself himself) extends his hand to me and pulls me up, we float, it has become even easier for us to float. We swam to the shore, there was a guy waiting for us who swam away from us, his candle wasn’t burning, he tried to burn from our candles but it didn’t work, the three of us walked through a clearing full of flowers so beautiful, but this guy was angry that his candle wasn’t burning and he Something offended me, I said, I swam back, I went down to the water and the guy who helped me swim caught up with me, we swam back with him. The river in front turned out to be dry, although we had just swam and the water was full to the brim and on the shore there was a fisherman with a torn large net. Rybk muttered something that the water wouldn’t come if the network wasn’t repaired. Porn and I began to repair the net; the faster we repaired it, the faster the water rose. And then my dream ended, they woke me up, I’m walking around and thinking what it all means, I have dreams that talk about something, but I understand it later when it’s already happening.

Church in a dream

I dreamed that my friend and I were going to church. I’m wearing a green knee-length dress, and, as I usually do in life, I buy three candles. I go to the icons and see - and not a single familiar saint on them. I was confused, and immediately decided to light all three candles for the repose of my loved ones. I was able to install two candles, but with difficulty, and the employee persuaded me to place the third one next to the icon - she placed it next to the one where there were already candles, and we left.

And this is where the fun begins! We come out onto a large round square, and along the edge there are a whole lot of churches! Dozens! I can't choose which one to go to...

I feel that the dream is not simple, help me understand what it means =)

Church in a dream

I dreamed that I was in church with a friend. I want to light candles for the health of my grandparents (in reality they are alive). A elderly woman, from whom I asked for help, led me to the place where they place the grave for repose. I didn't put it there. I went and bought candles, but I knew I didn’t have any money with me. I wanted to borrow from a friend, but I remembered that she didn’t have it either. At that time she was lighting candles for health where they light candles for repose. I open my wallet, there is a thousand and some other bills in it. I paid. Then again the elderly woman advised me to stand in the middle of the church and ask for some kind of icon, whatever I wanted and think about it. I got up. I saw a carved wooden cross and an icon. I thought about my ex. Next I am with two unlit candles in right hand I began to head towards the exit, and the church behind me was collapsing, stones were falling, there was a lot of dust, and the people who were there did not notice it

Dream interpretation in a dream

Please write why you see candles in a dream. I hold in my hands many many thin wax candles. Some candles with burnt wicks. But they don't burn. Just stewed.

I carry a broken chair in my sleep

I go into the house of my deceased grandmother. (the house was also demolished long ago). In it I see my mother, who is sitting on a half-broken, uncomfortable chair. As if she was forced to be on him in an uncomfortable position. Then I take this chair and take it out of the house to throw it away, while taking it out the gate. Deceased grandmother I was also in the house, but I don’t remember what she said.

Then I see myself leaving this house again, only now in my hands is a lit church candle at least 1-1.5 meters long. And it’s as if this is no longer a house, but a church, although I haven’t seen the church itself. Just like a feeling. As I pass through the doorway, I touch a woman walking towards me with a burning candle. Traces of wax remain on her face, I am afraid that I have hurt her. I look at the top, and there is not just one candle, but 5, all burning brightly.

Buried ring in a dream

I dreamed that I threw a white stone into the river, picked up the second one, and my father and brother shouted that there was a ring under the stone. And indeed, I look: in the river lies a thick gold ring, with incomprehensible inscriptions. I want to take him with my hands, but deeply. I hook it with my foot, hold it with the other - and they suddenly straighten up so that I can’t bend them. So she swam feet first to the shore. There the father took the ring and buried it in the sand. He placed five candles on top and lit them. We were about to sail to the other side, and the candles went out. Then there was a pain inside. I was more likely to save them: I pulled out a candle, set it on fire, it turned into a match, and so did the others. In the end, the first one burned down, I managed to set fire to three and one did not set fire. When I swam back across the river (I swam in a jacket, and a heavy sheepskin coat on top) - the sheepskin coat pulled me to the bottom, but I survived. And on the other side, my brother and father rejoiced, they say, she saved the ring.

Funeral in a dream

We go to our relatives (I don’t remember why) Valentina (the wife of her husband’s brother) says “he died” (someone close).

It seems like I’m starting to cook in the kitchen (which I don’t remember), someone says that there is no money for the funeral, I understand that we don’t have enough of it either. I decide to bury it at least somehow with what I have.

The people among them (I see them all in passing, I feel their presence more) are my mother, my husband’s mother, my husband’s niece and nephew, my husband’s daughter, my brother, my brother’s wife, my father (who died) but in the dream he is alive, in general, my husband’s relatives. I can’t figure out who they’re burying, but his body must be brought. They ordered a simple coffin with black ribbons and fringe. I don’t remember where the coffin is, Valentina and I decide to transfer the body to a coffin in a corpse wagon, people in the house approach the coffin, there is someone there...

Valentina takes out some rags

Me: -What is this? - she looks at me

What’s left after the mother, I need to iron it, I grab the iron and start ironing, some kind of triangle, I understand that it is placed on the deceased’s forehead, then it dawns on me that there are no candles, besides the triangle there is a blanket in the coffin and the towels on which the coffin is lowered, I ask: “Where are you from?” I took it - the answer kills and shocks me: - from my mother’s coffin, well, I washed it, - I throw everything away:

I urgently need to go to the store to buy everything new, and most importantly candles, and you go to the kitchen, you also need to cook. - What’s holding me back is I see a woman and I understand that I know her well, in her hands she has about 5-6 candles, but I note for myself that the plump ones will burn for a long time. We set one on fire and place it near the coffin.

After the coffin is taken out, the gas is on board, which goes to the cemetery. I keep trying to find and buy something that ropes or towels are used to lower the coffin.

Glade of forests of old graves. Someone close to me is buried here somewhere, I find I’m not walking alone, I’m communicating, (I’ve been to this cemetery many times in my dreams) you pass old graves, a path, a forest, a clearing, workers meet me, an old on-board gas drives up, they lower the coffin from it It’s closed, someone asks me, “We’ll open it goodbye,” Valentina replies: “Yes, probably not.”

Me: - there people came to say goodbye to let them in - she: - I think not - and the people remained on the road about a block away from us and behind the people there was a forest, and I woke up with the feeling that I didn’t buy those same ropes.

Door hinges in a dream

Please interpret the dream Door hinges!

At the market, among a crowd of people, I was buying greens, the seller weighed something incorrectly, I started cursing, I demanded a book of complaints, they looked for it for a long time, they gave me some, I leafed through it, but I still didn’t understand what I did with it. Then I found door hinges from someone, again at the market, and realized that for some reason I needed them, but no two were alike.

They were all old and different, but finally I found two almost identical, they were semicircular and with small rectangular holes on the side (not for nails), separately, the hinges turned out to be old and very similar to each other, only these holes were a little larger on one hinge than the other and the seller said that let one loop be the top one and the other the bottom one and everything will fit.

And I bought them, looked at them for a long time, twisted them to open and close, I liked everything.

Then I dreamed about my mother and our house was a church, I saw small church candles in my hands, either I was selling them or giving them away..

I dreamed of a cellar in a dream

I dreamed of a cellar, but I didn’t go down into it. I saw that the light was on in the cellar and was angry that my husband forgot to turn it off, I looked into it, there were jars of fruit (compotes), a box of carrots and a ladder, but for some reason it seemed to me that it would not be possible to go down it, I needed to go out to the street and down from the yard.

Then my husband appeared, for some reason unshaven and smiling, answered my dissatisfaction: Well, it happens, I forgot to turn it off, so now... (and my husband died 3 months ago). What does it mean I dreamed of a cellar in a dream? Today is a great church holiday...

Rest in your sleep with the saints

Today I dreamed that I and two of my male relatives were going up the spiral staircase of some dilapidated or unfinished building and on one of the floors we heard the church singing “Rest with the Saints,” but we went higher and stopped on the top floor without windows, but I don’t remember what we were doing there, it seemed like we were pouring vodka and drinking.

Black basement covered in ash in a dream

I dreamed that I was in some dark basement, there big spiders and cobwebs. I begin to sweep away the cobwebs and ashes with a broom and go down, the lower I go, the louder I hear the church singing of a man, a beautiful voice, very pleasant to listen to, but he sings without words. Suddenly someone grabs me by the shoulder and I wake up. I didn’t see who grabbed it.


Buy church candles in

Dream Interpretation Church candles buy in dreamed of why in a dream you dream about buying church candles from? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see buying church candles in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candle

If you see a burning candle in a dream, you will soon meet old friends. This dream can also foreshadow new opportunities and new meetings.

Several candles burning with a bright, clean flame portend happiness and mutual understanding.

A candle blown out by a gust of wind symbolizes the appearance of ridiculous rumors around your name.

If you blow out a candle in a dream, get ready for unpleasant events.

Light a candle in a dream - you will get the pleasure you have dreamed of for so long. True, for this you will have to make some effort.

A candlelit dinner is a hint that you need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's good if your partner is attentive enough and understands you.

A flickering candle flame means that excessive irritability and intolerance can ruin your relationship.

If in a dream you lit a candle in church for someone’s health, then you are in vain counting on the support of your friends. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish: it’s just that each of them has their own concerns.

According to Nostradamus, a candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, and asceticism. He interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

The light of a candle in a night window - in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

They picked up wax candles scattered along the road - disaster might happen.

If you see a glow reminiscent of candlelight, be prepared to take any surprise for granted.

Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

A procession walking with candles is a harbinger that misfortune will happen in the spring.

We walked along the street illuminated by candles - your love is yet to come.

If you received as a gift a candlestick with countless candles burning on it, your spiritual teacher will not leave you at a difficult moment and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

If you dreamed of a gust of wind blowing out all the candles, some evil will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the long-awaited peace and quiet in the family.

If you saw the light of a candle in a night window in a dream, you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of someone close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

The candle is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol. They tell fortunes by candlelight, pray, and use candles to light their way. The appearance of this mysterious and magical symbol in a dream can mean a pleasant surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle, this is a sign that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better.

To see in a dream how you put out candles means that in reality you are so carried away by self-deception that you will try to pass off wishful thinking.

A dream in which you saw a candle stub indicates that in the near future you should not count on the generosity of loved ones and expect expensive gifts. Most likely, you will receive a “Gift - a cinder from a candle.”

If in a dream a fire breaks out from a lit candle, in real life you should not start a quarrel over trifles. Otherwise, the conflict may develop into a serious scandal. Don’t forget the saying: “A penny candle set Moscow on fire.”

A dream in which you light a candle in a temple and it goes out all the time symbolizes your lack of a certain position in life and desire for spiritual perfection. People say: “No candle for God, no fire for the devil.”

Three lit candles mean fulfillment of desires and good luck.

To see in a dream how you are telling fortunes using candles is a sign that in reality you will not be able to predict the course of events.

If in a dream you were burned by a candle flame, this means that in reality you are too careless.

Dream Interpretation - Candle (candles)

A candle is a symbol of life. If you dreamed of one candle, the dream relates to you personally. If there are several, the symbolism indicates your entire family.

Seeing yourself lighting a new candle in a dream means the birth of a child. If you dreamed of a burning candle, you need to pay attention to its length and brightness of the flame. A brightly burning, long candle means long life and excellent health. If the candle is long, but the flame flutters as if in the wind, the dream means health problems. If the candle was very short and the flame was barely warm, the dream is very bad and foretells death.

A smoldering flame indicates that you are under severe stress, which may result in a nervous breakdown. You need to calm down and rest. Seeing a candlestick with burning candles, the light from which illuminates everything around, is a good sign; the dream promises the well-being and health of all your loved ones. If some candles do not burn or are already burning out, one of your relatives may have health problems. A dying candle means the death of one of the relatives.

If you dreamed of unlit candles, imagine that you are lighting them. If the candles burn out, imagine that you are lighting a new candle from their flame; it burns brightly and evenly.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, asceticism.

Seeing the light of a candle in a window at night - this symbol means that in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

Picking up wax candles scattered along the road is a sign of trouble, which is associated with the persecution of religious supporters and their exile to places with a difficult climate.

To see a glow in the sky that resembles candlelight - be prepared to take any surprise for granted. Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

Seeing a procession walking with candles is a harbinger that a misfortune will happen in the spring that will claim many lives, and mourning will be declared.

Walking down a street lit by candles is a symbol that your love is yet to come.

Receiving as a gift a candlestick on which countless candles are burning is a symbol that at a difficult moment your spiritual teacher will not leave you and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

To see a wolf with burning candles reflected in its eyes - beware of a person who, hiding behind religion and the fight for morality, decided to enrich himself and break through to power under the guise of virtue at any cost.

Seeing how a gust of wind blows out all the candles is a symbol of evil, which will interfere with the implementation of intentions related to spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, love.

Lighting candles in a dream is a sign of good luck. A lit candle in a dream means that success awaits you in a matter that you considered hopeless. Seeing a lot of lit candles in a dream foretells big and good changes in life. The brighter the candle burns, the happier and more prosperous your life will be. A dim candle burns means a meager existence, dissatisfaction with oneself and the way things are going. A dying candle symbolizes the end of some relationship, which will greatly sadden you.

Often such a dream predicts complications for sick people. A candle going out in a dream is a sign of great failures, failure of plans. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream is associated with your past, which still haunts you. Blowing out a candle yourself in a dream means that great trials or misfortunes await you. For lovers, such a dream predicts the end of a relationship or separation. Blocking a candle flame with your hands in a dream and protecting it means that you will be able to achieve your intended goal, while overcoming all the obstacles on the path to success. If in a dream you do not protect the flame, then troubles and worries await you. Unlit candles in a dream are harbingers of sadness.

If you dream that a draft extinguished a candle, then you should be wary of evil tongues. See interpretation: flame, candlestick, candelabra, fire.

Dream Interpretation - Candle, candles

A new unlit candle means long-awaited income.

Lighting a candle means receiving an unexpected favor or good luck in a hopeless case.

A candle burning with even light is a sign of success and wealth or love pleasures, sometimes - a passion for religion.

Several burning candles - to happiness and mutual understanding.

Blowing out a candle or seeing extinguished candles means experiencing sad events or remembering the past.

Sometimes: lighting a wax candle means the misfortune or illness of someone close.

If the candle flame is blown out by a draft, you will find out that unpleasant rumors for you have resumed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candles

Candles carry a connotation of mystery, romanticism or the SUPERNATURAL, depending on the setting in which they appear. A candle can also be a symbol of Providence or security, as it can shed light on what is happening. If the candle flame is unnaturally large, then the central image of the dream is FIRE.

Do candles have any ritual significance in your dream? If so, then attention should be paid to other aspects of your dream.

Is someone else holding a candle or candles? The appearance of people with candles in their hands is symbolic and means that they are ready to guide you.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle burning with a bright flame is a symbol of all good things.

Carrying a burning candle and extinguishing a candle means great risk, danger to life.

A candle sparks and smokes - a danger to life.

Putting out a candle means great risk, danger to life.

Lighting a candle means happy changes and love.

Seeing a candlestick in a dream with a whole candle means for you a brilliant future, excellent health, happiness and loving life partners.

An empty candlestick means that fate will turn away from you for some time, and certain secrets will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Candle, type of its combustion, etc. - the highest passions of the soul, its aspirations for a bright, spiritual life.

A thin wax candle is the state of your health.

Colored candles of various types tell about the work of the imagination and completely earthly passions.

A brightly burning candle means everything is good.

Carrying something burning is a certain danger.

The candle flame fluctuates greatly, it sparks, smokes - illness, danger, interference.

It goes out on its own - danger to life / danger to the soul / danger to the life of a loved one.

Putting out a candle is an extraordinary risk / danger to life / an accusation against you.

Lighting a candle is an unexpected favor / benefit to receive / happy changes.


Church candle in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Church candle. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations, written free of charge by the dream interpreters of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Church candle mean, or what it means to see a Church candle in a dream.

Broken ring in a dream

I examined my hand and noticed that the church ring was broken in half, i.e., on the finger there was only half of it, on which were written the words, Lord, save and preserve me. (In a dream, I had it on my left ring finger. In life, I wear it on my right ring finger.) I took half of this ring and clutched it in my hand.. And that’s it, I don’t remember anything else..

What is this for? Please help me figure it out. Thank you in advance!

Guests from the past in a dream

My common-law husband came to me, brought as a gift a black candlestick with 2 black candles, when he took it out of his bag, one candle crumbled, I was surprised, they say, why?, and he said put it on for some dinner.

Everything would be fine, but he has been dead for 3 years, my mother was nearby, also deceased, she didn’t say anything, during his life he didn’t spoil me with gifts, sleep haunts me

Teeth of the grave in a dream

1) dream about teeth: I’m in some kind of waiting room, it looks like it’s in front of a dentist’s office. And then I realize that my mouth is full of fallen teeth, I am spitting them out, there is a small admixture of blood in them, but I am clearly spitting them out more teeth than there is in my mouth, then I begin to spit out my teeth without blood, they are beautiful, white as pearls, so I spat them out three times and all the time I asked to be let into the doctor’s office without waiting in line, but no one let me through. Then I understand that all my teeth are in place, with the exception of one, but even there it is not an empty space, but as if a new tooth is creeping in. I’m not sure, but in my opinion, by the end of the dream, all the teeth were in place.

2) a dream about graves: I am in a parking lot in my own parking space, and in the distance, in other people’s parking spaces, instead of cars, there are three fresh graves, with photographs of people I don’t know. I see people bringing flowers to them in crowds, then I took a candle from somewhere, it was already burning and I put it on one of the graves, and it was the outermost one, and closest to me, the candle seemed to be burning on both sides, from above and from below, from below I extinguished it. Are these dreams prophetic if I had them at 19? lunar day. I told my mother about the dream (they say it removes their effect) How can you avoid their manifestation in life? Thank you in advance for your answer

Prince of Condé in a dream

She saw me sitting at a table in the castle. The table is large and long, beautifully set, with candles in candelabra and napkins. The servants lit the candles and left. A young man in a white, thin, beautiful blouse with an aquiline nose and a wig walked around me and smiled with a very charming smile - he would either give me a napkin, or a fork, or a knife. There was fried meat on a plate in front of me. I tried to cut it, but I couldn't. Then he smiled and leaned over me, took my hands in his with a knife and fork and cut the meat with my hands. He seemed cute to me, as if he were alive. We laughed. Laughter echoed within the castle walls. The castle also looked like a real one and the light from the candelabra was natural. In a dream, I saw him only once and when I woke up I was surprised that he was wearing a wig and that in the castle I didn’t understand who it was. When I found out that it was Conde, I was shocked. I had no words.

Girl in the window in a dream

I don’t remember the whole dream, only fragments, I remember that the sensations in the dream were very strange.

I’m standing on the balcony (the neighboring house is very close, so you can see what’s going on in the apartment opposite), it’s evening, I’m smoking, three young men come out onto the neighboring balcony and look into the room. I look after them and see that they still have young people in their apartment, but one stands out, he is about two heads taller than the others and he beats everyone, I suggest that the guys standing on the balcony call the police until someone injured, they refuse, but at that moment we all notice that the big one almost kills one of the guys, they run into the apartment, and I call the police and run out of the house in their direction. I reach their house, the police stop me and ask me to tell me about what I saw. But for some reason I remember everything except their faces, I tell the police everything and then, in an instant, they become that trio from the balcony, they look at me unkindly and say that I shouldn’t have called the police. I say that it’s strange that I didn’t remember you, such beautiful faces on the contrary, they catch your eye, they smile (not kindly) and leave (I remember the color of the eyes more clearly than anything else - gray). I'm going home, but entrance doors blocked, I can go in, but then I’ll wake everyone up, I notice a window next to the doors, round with a wooden frame, and I decide to crawl through it (usually such windows are in attics), I climb up the stepladder and try to climb in, but I notice that a girl is walking towards me ( inside you can see that there is all sorts of rubbish in the house, unnecessary things are piled up, but neatly, in a heap towards the window), she comes up to me, she has a sad face and a lit candle in one hand, and an extinguished one in the other. I ask why she is sad, she says that there is not enough light for her, but she cannot light the extinguished candle from the burning one because both will go out. I light her cut, she smiles. I am getting up.

Grandmother and dead people in a dream

I dreamed that I was an old woman))

And, as it were, I live in some old house with a small number of relatives and, it seems, my two grandchildren...

Nobody sees my grandchildren (a boy and a girl) except me. However, throughout the entire dream I firmly understand that they exist and they are real. The boy is about seven years old, the girl is about twelve. The boy is dark-haired, I don’t remember the girl’s hair color.

They live upstairs (the house has two floors) in two small rooms that belong to me.

The dream seemed very long to me - I lived in it for several days, and the company of my apparently dead grandchildren was pleasant to me.

At the end of the dream, some people seem to come to me, who were called by my living relatives. I claim that my grandchildren are not with me, that they died long ago, but I understand that they are looking for them.

Having gone upstairs, I light a candle and put it on the bed, at the feet of the girl lying there and, in my opinion, quite alive and real, whom no one except me (I know this) will see. The boy is playing on the floor, and I tell him to quickly crawl under the bed so that no one notices him - because, unlike his sister, he is visible to living people... He quickly crawls under the bed, dragging with him the blanket he was playing with . I manage to push the protruding edge of the bedspread there as those who were looking for the children enter.

Their words - “Well, there’s no one here except the old woman,”

And I wake up.

Graves of famous people excursion in a dream

I dreamed that I went on an excursion to the graves of famous musicians (from the group Queen, Doors, in my opinion Bowie also appeared there). On the excursion there are many people I know with me, they appear and disappear - friends, girlfriends, my boyfriend, former classmates, former classmates. We stop in different places, sit in cafes.

The crypts themselves do not resemble real graves or gloomy indoor spaces. These are rather historical monuments - architectural structures made of white marble, low (like a platform with a back wall), there are a lot of candles and flowers from fans. In general, very beautiful.

There is another theme in the dream: I dream as if my former classmate(childhood friend from the age of 3-4, after graduating from school we didn’t see each other or communicate anymore, I was never in love with him, I perceived him just as a person) - my boyfriend, we quarreled and broke up for about 2 months, and now we’re back together again everything is fine and we tell everyone about it. He is also on the excursion with me.

Although the dream was very beautiful and did not look like a nightmare, I was left with some unpleasant impression and the feeling that I had simply forgotten some vile detail from this dream.

Exam in a dream

I’m going to drive my car, but I remember that I don’t have a driver’s license, and in the city center someone will probably check me for documents. I decided to go by bus. I looked, and he was already at the stop. Then I accelerated so much so as not to be late that I braked all the way to the driver’s door, fortunately he had been waiting for me all this time.

Arriving in the city, they showed me where I should enter: it was a closed and completely dark courtyard. I had to take it there language exam. I responded into the darkness and heard the voice of my school friend: “I’m also waiting for the exam, and I even fell asleep.”

Well, why can't you sleep?

We are waiting for the exam and the professor is still not here.

Those good-for-nothing professors of yours are always late.

And then the door opens, as if into some kind of bedroom, and I see my French professor. She pretended that she had not heard everything that had been said before. Although it’s more likely that she simply didn’t take into account someone else’s absolutely worthless fragment of bad energy.

My professor in this bedroom, in her usual manner, without noticing anything, is preparing something, teaching something, talking to herself. I leave the room to call someone away and see a bed with my brother (with whom I have a very bad relationship), I take a mug from him to pour water for him and I see that in this mug there was a candle for a conspiracy (that’s how I saw it). So I say several times: “conspiracies, conspiracies.”

Once again, closing the door, I am in the room with the professor. She is constantly talking and cooking. "I have Berlits' book on Spanish. Need not? "(I'm going to leave for Spain very soon and have already started learning a little Spanish).

I wake up.

Fire in a dream

The fire in the attic above the room was caused by candles burning in the room, very bright, and associated with some kind of holiday (there were guests in the house). When I saw him, I put the ladder up to the attic and splashed a ladle of water. Some of the fire went out. I extinguished the remaining part with water from a bucket that my ex-brother-in-law brought me. Ex-husband was also in this room, but did not take any part in this. I know that there were other people in the house. But no one saw this.

Dark room in a dream

I'm sitting at a wooden table in a very dark room, a candle is burning on the table

I feed cats meat church in a dream

I dreamed of cats on the side of the road, melted snow, I feed the cats meat, which I chop finely.

Another story. Morning, around 8-9, still dark, it doesn’t seem like winter, but it’s close... I’m standing at the store, waiting for it to open. I decided not to wait any longer, I open the door, quietly enter, it’s dark, candles are burning, and this is a church, a monastery. The nuns and ministers sing a quiet, sad song in chorus. I listened for a bit, standing at the door, and quietly left so as not to disturb.

Church in a dream

I open the door to the church, candles burn brightly in the twilight, and suddenly a handsome priest in a cassock with a mustache appears next to me. We look into each other's eyes. He smiles and is silent.

Dreams about paranormal abilities in sleep

Periodically, I began to have dreams that I was moving objects, small and medium-sized - books, spoons, opening doors, leafing through books, and let’s say I was trying to move a table - it was hard. In my dreams I light and extinguish candles with my eyes. A feeling of complete reality.

Tragedy destruction blood death in a dream

I had a dream from which I even woke up. At first we had a lot of fun and my colleagues and I got into a large car with a sunroof, drove and had fun. Then suddenly they saw that something was happening behind the houses, they stopped and went to look. There a house was destroyed, an excavator was sorting out the rubble, and people were sitting around, candles and basins of blood near them. It was as if everyone inside had died.

A dream on the 28th lunar day, somewhere they write that these are prophetic dreams.

Damage in a dream

Hello. I dreamed that the hand of a girl I knew was handing me a needle with a large eye, like a gypsy needle, smeared with something blue. Mom is standing nearby.

I pick up a needle, a hot wind begins, and this blue wax begins to melt from the needle. I lower my eyes and see autumn grass, on the grass there are six candles, different and twisted and just like church candles, some are burning.

I throw the needle and turn to leave, but then I remember, pick it up and break it in half. This is where I wake up.


Church candles in the temple

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, love.

Lighting candles in a dream is a sign of good luck. A lit candle in a dream means that success awaits you in a matter that you considered hopeless. Seeing a lot of lit candles in a dream foretells big and good changes in life. The brighter the candle burns, the happier and more prosperous your life will be. A dim candle burns means a meager existence, dissatisfaction with oneself and the way things are going. A dying candle symbolizes the end of some relationship, which will greatly sadden you.

Often such a dream predicts complications for sick people. A candle going out in a dream is a sign of great failures, failure of plans. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream is associated with your past, which still haunts you. Blowing out a candle yourself in a dream means that great trials or misfortunes await you. For lovers, such a dream predicts the end of a relationship or separation. Blocking a candle flame with your hands in a dream and protecting it means that you will be able to achieve your intended goal, while overcoming all the obstacles on the path to success. If in a dream you do not protect the flame, then troubles and worries await you. Unlit candles in a dream are harbingers of sadness.

If you dream that a draft extinguished a candle, then you should be wary of evil tongues. See interpretation: flame, candlestick, candelabra, fire.

Dream Interpretation - Candle, candles

A new unlit candle means long-awaited income.

Lighting a candle means receiving an unexpected favor or good luck in a hopeless case.

A candle burning with even light is a sign of success and wealth or love pleasures, sometimes - a passion for religion.

Several burning candles - to happiness and mutual understanding.

Blowing out a candle or seeing extinguished candles means experiencing sad events or remembering the past.

Sometimes: lighting a wax candle means the misfortune or illness of someone close.

If the candle flame is blown out by a draft, you will find out that unpleasant rumors for you have resumed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Dream Interpretation - Candles

Candles carry a connotation of mystery, romanticism or the SUPERNATURAL, depending on the setting in which they appear. A candle can also be a symbol of Providence or security, as it can shed light on what is happening. If the candle flame is unnaturally large, then the central image of the dream is FIRE.

Do candles have any ritual significance in your dream? If so, then attention should be paid to other aspects of your dream.

Is someone else holding a candle or candles? The appearance of people with candles in their hands is symbolic and means that they are ready to guide you.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Temple - Spirit. The state of the temple speaks about the state of your spirit if you treat X with reverence in a dream. If you don’t feel emotional trepidation, then see “The Cathedral.” If X. a sacred ceremony of any kind occurs, you grow spiritually. If you take any oath, in reality you reach the level of Serving the Law of Existence. To build X. - to work for the benefit of building a spiritual society. Decorating X. - behind tinsel you are hiding the poverty of your spirit. Ruins of X. - you do not fulfill your karmic tasks, life is wasted. People in X. - look for like-minded people. Abbot X. - look for the spiritual Teacher, perhaps he has already come, but you did not see him.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

Entering a high temple - a dream means that thanks to wise teachers You will reach great heights in life.

Imagine that you are entering a temple you dreamed of. Imagine its high dome, wall paintings, rays of light shining through the window openings.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle burning with a bright flame is a symbol of all good things.

Carrying a burning candle and extinguishing a candle means great risk, danger to life.

A candle sparks and smokes - a danger to life.

Putting out a candle means great risk, danger to life.

Lighting a candle means happy changes and love.

Seeing a candlestick in a dream with a whole candle means for you a brilliant future, excellent health, happiness and loving life partners.

An empty candlestick means that fate will turn away from you for some time, and certain secrets will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

Candle, type of its combustion, etc. - the highest passions of the soul, its aspirations for a bright, spiritual life.

A thin wax candle is the state of your health.

Colored candles of various types tell about the work of the imagination and completely earthly passions.

A brightly burning candle means everything is good.

Carrying something burning is a certain danger.

The candle flame fluctuates greatly, it sparks, smokes - illness, danger, interference.

It goes out on its own - danger to life / danger to the soul / danger to the life of a loved one.

Putting out a candle is an extraordinary risk / danger to life / an accusation against you.

Lighting a candle is an unexpected favor / benefit to receive / happy changes.

Dream Interpretation - Temple

If you dreamed that you came to a temple, you will soon find peace and harmony in your soul. Do a few good deeds every day and very soon you will find harmony in your soul.

If you dreamed that you left the temple, you have lost support from above. To return this support, bring different gifts to the gods every night - place a glass of water in one corner, a burning candle in another, pour a little earth in the third, and place an empty bowl in the fourth;

Every evening leave some gifts in the corners, and eat them in the morning.

Dream Interpretation - Candle

A candle is considered a mysterious and at the same time saving symbol. By candlelight they tell fortunes, pray, and light their way with a candle. The appearance of this magical symbol in a dream may mean some kind of surprise, mystery, carelessness, spirituality. If in a dream you saw a burning candle, it means that you are full of hope and expectation of change for the better. If you see a candle stub in the near future, you should not count on the generosity of loved ones.


Lighting church candles

Dream Interpretation - Candle, swastikas and five-pointed stars

Good evening! Seeing an image of a swastika in a dream means going through a difficult test. Bed – “Soft to lay, hard to sleep” (catch), “bed (intimate) scene.” “Peeping through the door lock” - intrusion into someone else’s life, indecent curiosity. “close the door in front of your nose” - sudden rejection; miss an opportunity, a chance. Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that a pleasant occasion will bring you together with long-absent friends. This dream may foretell new opportunities and new meetings that will benefit your business. Seeing several candles burning with a bright, clean flame in a dream portends happiness and mutual understanding. Seeing a candle blown out by a draft foretells the revival of ridiculous rumors around your name. Blowing out a candle in a dream means sad events. Stars are a symbol of higher will, higher knowledge.

1. The first thing, it seems to me, is your soul searching. When there is so much that is incomprehensible around (dark, night), an active, fiery intention (candle) to make life more conscious (light) will lead to big, significant changes (many candles). 2. What you put in your heart and head (ointment) gives positive results (the sores have healed). Now your progress through life will change qualitatively (legs). /hips more often relate to personal life, feet - to beliefs, even women have hair growing on their calves, legs - active, open to the world part of the legs/. You have gotten rid of previous misconceptions that brought you an uncomfortable life (sores). You are quite pleased with the results (I like it). 3. You have found a source of true knowledge (pure, underground) and are filling yourself with it (a reservoir). Response in the soul (circles).

Dream Interpretation - Candles, leg sores healed, water from a source

Such a dream could mean the following: 1 episode with candles is a sign that you are in a difficult situation, but... A candle in a dream symbolizes hope for the best. Seeing it burning is a good sign, suggesting that some of your hopes are not in vain. Several candles burning nearby promise you the support of friends and like-minded people. Dream 2 suggests that your opportunities, which seemed hopeless to you, are not so hopeless - you may have new chances... 3. A dream is a sign that your thoughts are pure, only sometimes there are some doubts (circles).

No, this dream is absolutely unrelated to the disease. A dream about an icon means gratitude. Usually I say this, after completing some long-term business (problem, event), you need to go and thank the icon you dreamed of, in your case the Mother of God. Because she is the one who helps you solve your case (problem, event). I did this myself several times. But your case is special. Someone is greatly bothering you (perhaps even jealous), (blowing out a candle involuntarily in a dream) this means killing hope (or rather, someone is making every effort to kill hope in you) and your business (problems, events). It's being resolved very slowly. Therefore, go light a candle to the Mother of God in gratitude in the near future, because she is the one who helps you, and go again when there is a problem (or problem, events). It will be decided. God bless you!

Dream Interpretation - Blowing out a candle, an invisible evil force

The dream is really not a pleasant one, this is a warning dream. You will be involved in some activity. (women praying) Receive good help and protection (icon), luck will accompany you (candle). But, events will come that will force you to change your decision (the woman forces you to blow out the candle) and all the well-being of your initial endeavors will come to naught. The echoes of the failed case will still last, a scandal is possible (there was a lot of smoke) and such a failure will haunt and weigh on me for some time.

You are the architect of your own happiness. The completion of something. A new beginning. You may be inspired by a new goal.

Dream Interpretation - 9 black candles and 1 red

A dream of a psychological nature. You are a strong-willed person, you believe in your work and there is no place for hesitation in your soul, and nothing will make you doubt your own correctness and appropriateness of decisions; you often make them intuitively, and you yourself cannot logically justify why you are doing exactly that. You are guided by emotions when building relationships with people who are divided into friends and enemies; there is no middle ground. You are not a diplomat, there are no compromises.

Dream Interpretation - 9 black candles and 1 red

In fact, the Dreamer in reality simply cannot find for herself one single lover (or chosen one) for her 100% female HAPPINESS (one Red Candle and a Saucer of Happiness)! Well, she hasn’t met such a guy yet! (the dreamer looked at all the options and moved on in the dream). This is what the DREAM is about. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - 9 black candles and 1 red

9 black candles are 9 problems with which Everyday life you need to cope. After solving these problems, you see two joyful moments in life, but you were offered one joyful moment, and permanent happiness. (the candle will burn out on the saucer, but the saucer itself will remain, and you can put another candle on it) You must take it. Search and buy in real life 9 black candles, one red, and a saucer. This is not done on purpose, like you went and bought it, but it is acquired, so to speak, completely by accident... When you collect all this, burn one candle at a time, with the intention of getting rid of one problem, when Reality reveals the problem and you deal with it, proceed to the second... Etc. Burn the red candle with the intention of being happy... Good luck :-)

Dream Interpretation - Church hymn. Balcony

The basis of dreams with a fall from a Height is always the Disharmony of life spheres, oppressed by the power of Consciousness (a teenage girl who has fallen from a height, over whom her Parents and Friends cry - in reality, family and friendly relationships suffer). And the Church is nearby - in reality this is peace of mind, smoothing karmic debts- omissions of Human character. Best regards, Livia.

If you see a burning candle in a dream, you will soon meet old friends. This dream can also foreshadow new opportunities and new meetings.

Several candles burning with a bright, clean flame portend happiness and mutual understanding.

A candle blown out by a gust of wind symbolizes the appearance of ridiculous rumors around your name.

If you blow out a candle in a dream, get ready for unpleasant events.

Light a candle in a dream - you will get the pleasure you have dreamed of for so long. True, for this you will have to make some effort.

A candlelit dinner is a hint that you need to be a little more liberated sexually. It's good if your partner is attentive enough and understands you.

A flickering candle flame means that excessive irritability and intolerance can ruin your relationship.

If in a dream you lit a candle in church for someone’s health, then you are in vain counting on the support of your friends. And the point here is not at all that all your loved ones are traitors and selfish: it’s just that each of them has their own concerns.

According to Nostradamus, a candle is a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, feelings, and asceticism. He interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

The light of a candle in a night window - in your declining years you will be no less loved and long-awaited than in your youth.

They picked up wax candles scattered along the road - disaster might happen.

If you see a glow reminiscent of candlelight, be prepared to take any surprise for granted.

Having acquired new knowledge, use it to help those who need it.

A procession walking with candles is a harbinger that misfortune will happen in the spring.

We walked along the street illuminated by candles - your love is yet to come.

If you received as a gift a candlestick with countless candles burning on it, your spiritual teacher will not leave you at a difficult moment and will help you concentrate not only your own energy, but also that of heaven.

If you dreamed of a gust of wind blowing out all the candles, some evil will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle are a sign of danger that will haunt you at every step and take you by surprise at the wrong moment.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a candle as follows.

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the long-awaited peace and quiet in the family.

If you saw the light of a candle in a night window in a dream, you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, even the most difficult, tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of someone close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Candle

Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.

Interpretation of dreams from