Seeing the sea in a dream is a double sign. Miller's dream book interprets the dream of an endless sea as dissatisfaction in real life and dissatisfaction with your relationships. The Small Velesov Dream Book considers the blue clear sea to be a favorable symbol: the dreamer will have a happy family life, success and prosperity. Black water portends problems in business, troubles at work. A dream about the sea symbolizes change or, conversely, stagnation, depending on the details: the dreamer’s gender, a calm or raging sea, dirty or pure water, the actions of the dreamer and who is present in the dream. Sea creatures and ships at sea seen in a dream also influence the correct interpretation.

General value

A calm sea in a dream is a symbol of sadness. Sailing on the sea - good changes in life await you in the future: receiving an inheritance, a promotion at work, a trusting relationship with a loved one. A raging element dreams of anxiety and problematic situations. Dirty sea water symbolizes intrigue and gossip around the dreamer. Swim in muddy water- For women, the dream promises an early pregnancy. According to Freud's dream book, looking at the waves from afar means thinking about sexual pleasures. Swimming in clear water means being happy and successful in all areas of life. Swimming underwater is a sign of unhealthy curiosity, which will bring serious problems.

According to Miller’s dream book, ships seen in a dream symbolize the honor and respectful attitude of colleagues, career and general recognition. Watching dolphins playing in the sea means finding a strong friendship with a stranger, and swimming on a dolphin means being healthy and happy.

For women, the sea is a symbol of family and love relationships, and for men, it is a symbol of positive changes in their career.

The large and endless depths of the sea are a sign of the enormous possibilities that are open to the dreamer. Beautiful blue surface and White sand symbolize a happy life. Observing a clean, calm sea for a woman means satisfaction with relationships and peace, a sea with big waves dreams of trouble. For a man, swimming in dirty water means he will soon get sick; for a woman, it means an early pregnancy.

Muddy water symbolizes gossip and conspiracies, clean water symbolizes sincerity and friendship. Blue sea - carefree life. Raging waves foreshadow alarming events and unpleasant news. A stormy and dirty sea for women means betrayal and slander, for men it means a rich sex life. Seeing a storm - coming soon serious problems. If a pregnant woman dreams of the sea, this is a harbinger of changes. Clear water symbolizes positive events, muddy and dirty - negative events. Covered with a thin crust of ice - a symbol of coldness in a relationship, parting; with a thick layer of ice - misunderstanding, alienation.

Seeing rocks in a dream means being unhappy in real life. A rocky seashore symbolizes difficulties and unpleasant situations. Mountains dream of sad incidents and rash actions. Cold water foreshadows the fading of love, a break in relationships, and a warm one - rapprochement, mutual understanding with loved ones.

Beautiful sunset on the sea coast promises pleasant moments and joyful surprises for a lonely girl, and parting for lovers. The night sea symbolizes desires, and its bottom is a sign that a person wants to achieve his goals.

The dreamer's actions

Table of meanings for sea-related activities for men and women:

Action Meaning for women Meaning for men
Bathe Towards positive changes at work and at home Expected promotion, respect from colleagues, satisfaction with intimate life
Swim underwater Find out other people's secrets Be aware of unpleasant events, dishonest acts
Dive Achieving your goal Successful outcome of an important matter
Watch the swimmers Good news from distant relatives Expect good news
Sunbathe Enjoyment and complete relaxation Rest and inner peace
Play in the water Playing in the water symbolizes fun and carefreeness Having fun
Drink sea water Expecting a baby Minor troubles, deterioration of health
Smoking by the sea Get complete rest Relaxation, tranquility
Splash Have a nice time Positive emotions, happy moments
Jump off a cliff Expected stressful situations, shock Make a rash decision
Drown yourself Sink into a depressed state Crash
Cry by the sea To joyful events, pleasant surprises Receiving good news
Run along the sea coast A harbinger of the road ahead Long trip expected
Wander along the beach A deserted beach symbolizes loneliness, a crowded beach symbolizes noisy and fun company Be in thought
Lying on the shore Join love affair with a stranger Fleeting romance, intimate relationships
Going to the sea A pleasant trip to the resort is expected An unexpected journey
Ride Water skiing or scootering symbolizes the rapid development of events Changes are expected in the family and at work
Drown Warning: Be careful and do not take risky actions Symbol for losing a large amount or loved one
Take pictures Pleasant memories, upcoming significant event Wish come true
See the storm Major troubles expected Quarrels and disagreements with a loved one
Accidentally fall into the water Suffer from failure or financial loss Lose your source of income
Hear the sound of the surf Lonely and dreary existence, melancholy Loneliness, lack of support
Eat seafood Eating seafood delicacies on the coast symbolizes interesting and fun events Unforeseen positive events
Wash off dirt in sea water A symbol of cleansing from unseemly deeds, spiritual growth Correct mistakes made
To fish Look for a way out difficult situation for a married woman, also a dream about pregnancy Find yourself in a difficult situation

Sea creatures in a dream

Sea inhabitants and their interaction with the dreamer:

  • Dolphins in the blue sea - good sign, symbolizes reliable and devoted friend, his support and assistance in difficult situations. If you dreamed of swimming in the sea with dolphins, the dream means finding happiness and harmony. Riding a dolphin means experiencing true happiness.
  • Whales dream of fun events if the dreamer is in a good mood. Negative emotions at the sight of these marine inhabitants they indicate restlessness and an anxious state. Swimming on a whale means being successful in business. Seeing an animal while sailing on a boat is a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life, from which strangers will help find a way out.
  • A sea with sharks is a warning about possible betrayal from a loved one or colleagues. You need to pay close attention to the sharks you see in your dreams; fate gives a clear sign about unpleasant events.
  • Sea fish symbolizes wealth and prosperity. How more fish is present in the dream, the larger the expected profit.
  • You dream about jellyfish to the surprise and misjudgment of people around you. Getting burned by a jellyfish means underestimating the strength of your competitor.

It is human nature to see various dreams, the origin of which has not yet been precisely established. Perhaps this is just a trick of the imagination, or perhaps something more. Each dream can be interpreted differently. Why do you dream about the sea? Does such a dream really reflect only a person’s desire to have a good rest and nothing more? The sea is a changeable element that amazes people with its beauty and power. It is not surprising that the sea in a dream evokes such vivid emotions in a person.

Why do you dream about the sea according to Miller? The sea symbolizes unfulfilled hopes, as well as unmet spiritual or material needs. If a person hears the surf in a dream, it means that he has a painful, lonely life ahead, in which there will be a lack of love and friendship.

The clear sea often dreams of carnal pleasures, but Miller says that you should not place great hopes on them. It is better to think about spiritual things. Gliding over the surface of the sea means the successful implementation of your plans. A dirty sea means squabbles and troubles.

If a girl in a dream swims with her loved one in the sea, which is calm, this means that her wishes will soon come true, and a couple awaits happy life. Watching the calm sea from the outside means a monotonous life with meaningless things to do. Finding yourself on the beach in a storm means suffering losses, experiencing disappointment and difficulties, and bad luck in your endeavors. The tide dreams of a successful completion of affairs.

Seeing a ship at sea with a person on it means that the dreamer’s relatives should expect misfortune. In addition, this dream can portend illness and various complications. If the person on the ship smiles and waves at you, then the problems will be insignificant and will be easily resolved.

If a person does not see the sea in a dream, but is only going on a trip to a resort, in reality he needs emotional rest. You need to rest and recuperate in order to be ready for new achievements and the decisive breakthrough.

If a person dreams that he is relaxing on the beach and watching the waves, that the sun is shining on which golden sand shimmers, this means complete harmony with outside world. Swimming in the sea - to the road or the next stage on life path. New horizons may open up that promise good profits. A dream in which a person dives into the sea can mean happiness and prosperity in business for him. Don't be afraid to take responsibility in solving business-related issues.

Why do we dream about the sea in which the dreamer is drowning? Such a dream means that in real life you will have to face circumstances that are not very pleasant for the dreamer. He may even panic while looking for a way out of a deadlock situation.

Swimming with dolphins in the sea means getting help from loved ones or from outside. Moreover, assistance will be provided immediately, exactly at the moment when it is needed. As for others sea ​​fish, dreams with them can be interpreted in different ways. For example, whales dream not only of fun, but also of anxiety. It all depends on what mood the dreamer is in. If a whale was encountered during boat trip on a boat, this means that some kind of insoluble situation will soon appear, which will not be so easy to cope with and will require the help of strangers. You dream about sharks before making a secret related to your personal life public. For a person who is busy moving up the career ladder, such a dream may mean that it is worth taking a closer look at your colleagues. Perhaps there are envious people among them who can prevent you from getting what you want.

Seeing the sea in a dream: Vanga’s dream book

Vanga represents dreams as an important part of every person’s life. According to her, dreams that come from the subconscious have a close connection with real events. Why do you dream about the sea, according to Vanga? The fortuneteller does not characterize the sea in a dream as some kind of separate substance. It unites everything under the general word “water”, which is the focus of life. Therefore, all dreams associated with the sea have a largely decisive meaning.

If you dream of dirty water, you should expect misfortune and even disaster. It can happen in the life of both the seer himself and his relatives or friends. The worst thing is to drown in dirty water. This predicts serious illness and even death.

Movement along the seashore or any other body of water means life's difficulties, obstacles that a person will face in the near future. If you step from land into water in a dream, these troubles will be successfully overcome. The fortune teller connects clean water with good things: recovery from illness, success, happiness and well-being. And, conversely, dirty reservoirs dream of troubles and failures, health problems. This applies not only to the sea, but also to lakes, ponds, rivers and other bodies of water.

I dreamed of a clean transparent sea: a dream book according to Freud

Freud has his own answer to the question of why the sea is dreamed of. Freud divides all dreams into understandable, slightly confusing (which contain a portion of the fantastic) and completely incomprehensible (associated with impossible events).

According to Freud, seeing the sea in a dream means that the dreamer is currently thinking about carnal pleasures as something unreal and unattainable.

In a dream, a calm sea that is observed from the shore or a ship means restlessness. Perhaps the grueling work is so tiring that it’s time to relax and find time for yourself.

If the dreamer notices that someone is swimming in the sea, this is an omen that this person will soon need help and need to support him in a difficult situation. Seeing yourself swimming in the sea means problems with mental and physical health.

Why do you dream about the sea, raging and restless? An attempt to cross a raging and choppy sea in a dream indicates one’s own forgetfulness regarding one’s personal life.

If the transparent sea is covered with ice, then there will soon be a pause in the relationship. This is due to moral and mental fatigue. After rest, important changes and a vibrant sex life are expected. Also, the frozen sea can be a symbol of the fading of feelings and the breakdown of relationships. Married women And married men sometimes after such a dream a divorce awaits due to loss of spiritual intimacy.

For unmarried girl a clear, boundless sea is a sign of an imminent wedding. Perhaps the young man will propose marriage in the near future. Such a dream may also indicate that the young lady is beginning to feel feminine and desirable.

Students dream of a clean and calm sea to successfully pass exams. For careerists, a clean, calm sea with clear water may mean success in business. Useful acquaintances are possible that will lead to replenishment of capital.

A clean and calm sea is a good sign. If the surface of the sea shimmers in the sun, which the dreamer watches from the shore, in reality we should expect a restoration of affairs related to all spheres of life.

Seeing a sea with waves in a dream according to Loff’s dream book

Why do you dream about the sea, according to Loff? David Loff divided dreams into two main subject groups: characteristics of events that surround a person, and the state of mind of the dreamer.

The sea in a dream symbolizes the unity of surrounding objects. This means that all objects that appear in a dream have a calming effect in real life. But this only applies to calm seas. If it is with waves, you need to perceive such a dream with caution.

Also, the sea in a dream symbolizes a large reservoir of energy necessary to recuperate. Sometimes it means the birth of a new life, especially if in dreams you catch fish with your hands in splashing waves.

If the dreamer feels the ability to control the waves, this means that there is hope that the right decision will be made and a way out of the current situation will be found. The tide symbolizes loss of control. You may feel like you need to give up everything and start over. Don't be led by emotions. It is important to complete what you have planned and then strive for new achievements.

Swimming in the sea in a dream with waves means finally getting a long-awaited vacation. Swimming with other people means joining a new society. If hostility is felt in a dream, it is advisable to refuse communication. When you feel relaxed and pleasantly languid, new acquaintances will be beneficial. Swimming in the sea with a child in a dream is a fulfillment cherished desire. For the dreamer, swimming in the sea with a man or boyfriend means strong friendship; the man had a dream. If a woman saw in a dream how she was swimming with a guy or a man, then she will soon start a passionate affair in real life.

Why do you dream of a sea with blue water? Blue water with waves means trouble in family life. If there is silence after the storm, then the disputes will end in favor of the dreamer, and after that an idyll will come in family relationships. If the storm at sea does not stop and the waves become stronger, then dissatisfaction with your significant other will increase every day. For young people, not burdened by family ties, a stormy sea means a life devoid of love and friendly participation.

For businessmen, a raging sea with big waves is not a good sign: hard times will come, perhaps even bankruptcy. But if a person swims in the sea dressed, then troubles will pass by.

Thus, you can see the sea in a dream in different ways. Depending on this, dreams with the sea are not always interpreted in the same way. Most dream books give similar interpretations, but some details may vary.

In general, water occupies an important place both in a person’s real life and in his subconscious. It can act not only as a source of energy, but also worst enemy. This happens in real life, and it is transferred at the subconscious level. Sometimes, along with the sea, you dream of some important symbol that should be recognized - a dolphin, a ship or a person. Some symbols create anxiety and fear, others mean pleasant events in life. One way or another, the secret to solving a dream lies in the internal state of the person himself.

According to Miller, the sea is dreamed of as a symbol of unfulfilled hopes, unmet material or spiritual needs. Hearing the measured sound of the surf in a dream means a meaningless and painful life, devoid of friendship and love. If a young woman dreams of sailing with her loved one on a calm sea, it means that her wishes will come true, and a long and happy life awaits her.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Vanga’s dream book

A calm sea in a dream foretells success at work, respect from the people around you and a quiet life. A storm symbolizes the loss of position or reputation. If in a dream you swim in sea water, it means that you expect pleasures from life. However, ask yourself: do you deserve them?

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Freud’s dream book

If you see the sea in the distance in a dream, it means you are not considering this moment sex as a means of obtaining pleasure. The reason for this may be your insecurity about your appearance, which prevents you from relaxing during sex.

If you admire the calm sea from the shore or ship, it means you lack stability. The dream suggests that you will receive it very soon.

Seeing a person bathing in a dream means in reality helping him cope with some problem that was insoluble for him. Seeing yourself swimming is a sign that your life is now successful in all areas, thanks to a full sex life, the importance of which you previously underestimated.

The dream that you are entering a stormy sea foreshadows a night of passionate love that will happen unexpectedly, without any preparation or prerequisites.

If in a dream you are swimming in the depths of the sea, it means that you want to find out something. Be prepared for the fact that your curiosity may cause great distress.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Medea’s dream book

According to Medea’s dream book, the sea in a dream is the personification of emotional and creative uplift. Seeing the sea clear means joy and prosperity; stormy, stormy - to problems that will be the result of your incontinence, or to unhappy love.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book the sea represents your life. Whatever the sea is like in your dream, that’s how you live; where you are is your place in this life (meaning shore, bottom, surface, etc.)

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

See yourself walking along seashore- to the road; looking at the sea - to news from a distant side; to see sea water blue or light blue - to meet someone; sailing on a ship means serious changes in life.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Hasse’s dream book

Seeing the sea calm means a calm life; stormy - to a life full of events and adventures; swimming in the sea - to risky plans; fall into the sea - suffer losses in reality. If in a dream you drown in the sea, it means that all the troubles that happen to you are your own fault.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the dream book Frost

A dream about the sea usually promises troubles. If the sea is calm, it means your life will be calm. A stormy sea portends family troubles. Falling into the sea in a dream means participating in a dangerous event; drowning means getting into trouble through your own fault.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the French dream book

According to the French dream book, seeing the sea in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing health and well-being. Seeing the sea agitated means victory over circumstances, or putting things in order that you have not been able to figure out for a long time. A too calm or rough sea means a test that will require a lot of strength and courage from you. Falling into the sea in a dream - for a long time have good health. If a sick person dreams of such a dream, it means that he will recover.

The clear blue sea reflects the favor of fate and creative enthusiasm. If in a dream you happened to bathe in it, then in your night dreams you received a charge of positive energy. Why else do you dream about this object? The dream book will tell you about the most current interpretations.

Miller predicts

Miller's dream book predicts a happy fulfillment of hopes for great love for a young girl who happened to see a blue sea in her dream.

Symbol of positivity

If in a dream there was a beautiful and almost transparent sea, then this means that you are destined for a successful trip. A transparent and absolutely calm sea symbolizes a trusting relationship with your chosen one.

This image signifies well-being and success in business, serenity and spiritual growth. If you dreamed of a sea that was transparent almost until the day, then you will gain new and extremely valuable knowledge.

Don't give in!

The element itself is a reflection of emotions and feelings. It’s not difficult to guess why you dream of a clear blue sea. However, the dream book recommends taking into account your own experiences in a dream.

If the sight of the sea surface evoked pleasant emotions, then your dreams will come true, and your endeavors will bring the expected success.

If in a dream you experienced uncertainty, anxiety, and even worse, fear, then in reality you need to control your instincts and not succumb to overly strong passions.


Why dream that the sea was so quiet that it seemed lifeless? The dream book thinks that this is a reflection of general mental and physical fatigue.

To come to your senses, temporarily let your life go with the flow and do not try to change anything in it. This conscious refusal will only be beneficial.

Additional transcripts

To understand why a clear blue sea is dreamed of, the dream book advises taking into account minor details. If you dreamed about it in gloomy weather, then your concerns about relationships with loved ones are not justified.

  • An island in the distance - friends will support you.
  • Falling into the water means happiness will come suddenly.
  • Swim for a long time completely alone - enjoy life to the fullest.
  • Sailing a ship literally means overcoming uncertainty and doubt.

Where do you get strength and luck?

If you decide to swim in such a sea, you will get a tide vitality already in the morning. The dream book is sure that if you happen to see an exceptionally quiet and beautiful sea surface, then you are destined for a carefree existence in the near future.

Why else do you dream about this image? The dream book considers the clear blue sea to be the embodiment good wishes and intentions. But if the surface remains motionless throughout the entire execution, then you should not hope for their speedy execution. If you dreamed of a light breeze, then the circumstances themselves are conducive to unconditional success.

Seeing the open sea is a good sign, which is a harbinger of health and well-being. The sea also symbolizes some kind of relationship and predicts the fulfillment of desires. Dream books offer more accurate interpretations.

Why do you dream about the sea according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller interpreted the dream of the sea as an image of unfulfilled hopes or desires. If the dreamer’s financial wealth suits him, then his spirit remains unsatisfied.

Hearing the sound of the sea surf, causing spleen, warns of a meaningless and depressing life in which there will be no friendly relations and love moments, if you do nothing.

If a young lady dreams that she, in the company of a loved one, is sailing on the surface of the sea without wind, then this foreshadows the fulfillment of the innermost dreams of youth and a long, fun-filled life.

Sea in a dream - Freud's dream book

In the dream, I saw a seascape in the distance - the dreamer does not receive satisfaction from sexual contacts at this stage. The reason for this is complexes about your own attractiveness, which does not allow you to relax in a sexual relationship, even with the partner you love.

If you are enjoying the landscape of a calm sea surface from a ship or shore, the dream hints to you that you do not have enough confidence in the future. And the dream foretells to you that soon this confidence will be granted to you.

Seeing a friend swimming in sea water symbolizes that you will actually help him overcome some problem that this person could not solve himself. Seeing yourself bathing means that for you life is successful in all aspects, due to a full-fledged intimate sphere, the role of which you previously underestimated.

To enter a raging sea, this predicts for the sleeper an ardent and passionate night, which will happen unexpectedly, without any planned plan or prerequisites.

Swimming in a dream among the sea - this means that you are striving to learn something interesting. Be prepared for the fact that your curiosity can bring a lot of grief.

What does it mean to dream about the sea - Vanga’s dream book

A calm sea without wind for a sleeper predicts good luck in professional field, respect among colleagues and a peaceful, quiet life.

If a storm was foreseen, this is a harbinger of a lost reputation in the eyes of others. Swimming in the sea means you dream of considerable bliss in life. But then think: do you already deserve them?

Why do you dream about the sea according to Medea’s dream book?

Seeing the expanses of the sea in a dream means the presence of an expansive and creative upsurge in the real world. In a dream, a seascape with a clear horizon means fun and prosperity.

The sea in a dream is seething, stormy - to unhappy love or to worries that will be a consequence of inappropriate ardor.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the esoteric dream book

In a dream, the seascape as you observe it symbolically reflects the course of your destiny. How you see it is how you live your life: in front of you the sea is calm - and life is filled with prosperity and peaceful joys; in the image of a raging sea there is hidden information that there is no stability in life.

From the location where the person sleeping in the dream ended up - on the shore or at the bottom or on the surface of the sea and so on - you take a similar place in the real world and will continue to occupy it for some time.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Seeing yourself walking along the seashore means you are on your way. Looking at the expanses of the sea means receiving important news from distant lands.

To see cornflower blue sea water - to meet important person. In a dream, sailing on a steamboat means radical turns in fate.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Hasse’s dream book

Watching a quiet sea in a dream means a serene flow of life’s journey.

The image of a stormy sea - fate will be overflowing interesting days, a number of adventures.

Swim in sea ​​waters- towards bold goals.

Falling into the sea means suffering damage soon.

To see in a dream a scene of one’s own drowning in the sea - the dream hints to the dreamer that he creates all the problems for himself.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the dream book Frost

The image of a seascape in a dream means worries. When the sea is calm, it means that the course of your destiny is quiet and soothing. A stormy sea in a dream predicts close family squabbles.

Falling into the depths of the sea means participating in an unsafe event. Seeing your own person drowning means there will be problems due to personal fault.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the French dream book

When there is a small wave in the sea, it is a victory over obstacles, or a symbol that you will be able to put things in order that you could not find a solution to.

When the sea in a dream is suspiciously quiet or, on the contrary, very choppy, it means trials that will require a lot of strength and courage.

fall in depths of the sea- enjoy excellent health for a long period. In the case when a sick person has a dream, he will definitely recover.

Why do you dream of a clean, transparent, beautiful sea? Blue, blue water in the sea - dream book.

Seeing a serene, calm seascape in your dreams is a dream that is a harbinger of a carefree life.

When in a dream, while swimming on the sea, you observe clean, transparent water, then in reality there will be no obstacles or obstacles to achieving your most secret goals.

In a dream, you enter a quiet, calm sea - it means that you will have to start life from scratch.

Looking at turquoise mother-of-pearl clear water - determine the final priorities in your life.

Why do you dream of a dirty, muddy sea?

This dream does not predict anything good. It means that a dark streak in life has begun for you. Drinking dirty water in a dream means illness. Falling into dirty water in a dream means taking an ill-considered step.

In a dream, to see a flood and water entering your house - this portends danger, but if the water recedes quickly, it means that problems will pass you by without major losses for you. If you dream that clear water becomes cloudy and dirty before your eyes, then you will soon have troubles. And if muddy water turns into clean water, it means that life will soon get better.

When a woman dreams that she is surrounded by muddy and raging water, she will be surrounded by gossip. Men have such a dream to symbolize the intrigues of colleagues or competitors. Having read the dream book about why you dream of muddy and dirty water, you can correct the situation or prepare for trouble.

Why do you dream of a raging sea? Dream Interpretation - storm at sea.

Watching a stormy sea in a dream means finding yourself in an annoying cycle of events. If you or your loved ones are caught in a powerful storm, this means failure and loss. To see in a dream how waves roll onto the shore, sweeping away everything in their path, means a quarrel in the family.

Seeing a restless sea in a dream in the morning means a long journey; if at sunset, it means unexpected guests. Seeing how the waters drag stones and sand with them is a sign of embarrassment and frivolous gossip. To see in a dream how the sea turns from calm to a bubbling abyss before your eyes - in fact, events in your destiny will also change quickly.

If a storm at sea is accompanied by a thunderstorm, then in reality the dreamer’s financial affairs will suffer greatly. Seeing ripples with foam in a dream means a difficult showdown. In a dream, accepting a storm warning means receiving annoying news. A mild storm means that you will have to go through a short black streak of worries and fuss in your personal life.

Why dream of swimming, swimming in the sea?

When you see yourself floating in the sea, know that you will help a friend overcome difficulties that he alone could not cope with. Swimming in sea waters - in general, symbolically indicates that everything is fine in life.

To see in a dream how you are swimming in the sea under a layer of water - in reality, you want to learn some knowledge that is inaccessible to you, which you would not need to know at all for your own well-being.

Why else do you dream about the sea?

  • Sea sand in a dream warns of a date with someone who has undertaken to provide you with some service. Sea sand - good dream, predicts positive change in life, promises happiness with the person you adore.
  • White sand - portends trouble.
  • You see sand on the beach - you are upset about a significant matter.
  • Sand on the shore means that life will change for the worse.
  • If you dream of sand - remember that life is short, it predicts illnesses you have, do not delay visiting the doctor.
  • Mountains of sand - recognize the annoying feelings of bitter disappointment, resentment and indignation.
  • Seeing large accumulations of sand means security in life, welcome meetings.
  • In a dream, see the beach, sand, sea - a great time awaits you, it will restore inner harmony and health.
  • Seeing wet sand in a dream means your financial situation will improve.
  • Yellow sand - a sudden improvement in financial situation.
  • Walking on the sand means romantic dates in reality, mutual relationships, passionate sex.
  • Covered with sand - means illness, malaise.
  • Sweeping sand means an increase in financial situation.
  • A cold sea in a dream portends a cooling in your relationship with your partner due to the fact that the spiritual connection between you no longer exists, or it is beginning to disappear. This is a bad dream for married ladies. You should spend more time working on your relationship with your spouse.
  • The bottom of the sea - seeing this image means that favorable events await you in reality, but only if the bottom is clearly visible through clean, transparent water.
  • In general, the image of the bottom of any body of water foretells that an influential person will provide you with protection. This is also a signal that a solution to a problem that is important to you will soon be revealed to you.
  • If you can see at the bottom Marine life in all their diversity, then this is a sign that your life will be full of adventures and interesting changes.
  • If you see a waterless bottom of the sea, then the sleeper will face losses, troubles, and illnesses. A similar symbol may tell you that your body is lacking some microelements. Watch your diet, add more to it healthy products, take a vitamin complex.
  • If you see yourself sinking to the bottom, then you will soon experience a series of failures, and you may be overcome by prolonged depression. Sinking to the bottom in dreams means that you have touched the depths of your own “I”.
  • The Black Sea is a harbinger of severe changes, especially in business sphere. And, if the sea is also turbulent, then it will not be possible to get out of the problems very soon. Take courage - there is a long struggle ahead for the desired peace and well-being.
  • Dried sea - like the previous one, the symbol does not promise anything good to the dreamer. The financial security of the whole family may deteriorate or your reputation at work may be shaken; someone may surpass you on the career ladder. However, if you succumb to pessimistic sentiments, the period of problems may drag on. Do not give up.
  • Drowning in the sea is an ambiguous image, but it always foreshadows some kind of loss. In material terms, times of restrictions will come: you will have to postpone the purchase of what you want, limit investments in various projects. However, the purity of water also means a lot in such dreams. If it is clean, then there will be few problems, and you will quickly deal with them. Drowning in the muddy water of the sea - worries will completely absorb you for a long time. In some dream books, this vision suggests that you will have to leave your native land for a very long time.
  • Jump into the sea - new achievements and events await you that will swirl you in a whirlwind of rapidly passing days.
  • Jumping into expanses of water from a height - a dream warns that you often act carelessly when making important decisions.
  • For girls, a rough sea in a dream is a harbinger of an unkind relationship with a lover, uncertainty about his love. This condition can push her to break up. Be patient! Perhaps yours young man troubles, and this explains his temporary coldness towards you.
  • For a guy to see the sea in excitement in a dream - a hint from fate that a period of unbridled sexual “marathon” with his beloved is approaching, or an established intimate life will become more diverse and vibrant. Expect a surprise from your other half!
  • Watching a storm means difficulties in life and business await you, which will come completely unexpectedly.
  • The boundless blue of the sea means victory awaits you. For business people, this dream predicts that they will make a profitable deal or move to a higher level in their career.
  • A beautiful sea on a sunny day promises girls a long-awaited proposal from a loved one; students do not have to be afraid of “failures” during the session.
  • A sea covered with ice is not the best dream for lovers. It means that fatigue has matured in the relationship, both moral and spiritual, but you should not be afraid of this, sometimes it is useful.
  • The sea at high tide is evidence that unexpected enrichment awaits you, but the low tide indicates that you will soon have to spend the money saved for a rainy day.