Why do you dream about feces?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Feces - you will find yourself in an extremely unsightly story that will change your fate for the worse.

Why do you dream about feces?

Modern dream book

Dreams in which you see feces promise profit. If you dreamed of bowel movements, then such a dream promises large incomes that even obviously losing operations will bring you. In addition, it is possible to receive a substantial inheritance. If you see manure in a dream, then after such a dream expect pleasant surprises. Such a dream is especially favorable for farmers; it predicts a bountiful harvest for them.

Why do you dream about feces?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Feces are a symbol of reductionism in relationships, that is, the devaluation of relationships that, on a conscious level, can still be considered valuable. Eating or manipulating feces is programming or nurturing negativity or death instincts.

Why do you dream about feces?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Feces are a symbol of reductionism in relationships, that is, the devaluation of relationships that, on a conscious level, may still be considered valuable.

Eating or manipulating feces is programming or nurturing negativity or death instincts.

Why do you dream about feces?

Online dream book

Feces - symbolizes that your current relationship has completely outlived its usefulness. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Why do you dream about feces?

Loff's Dream Book

Feces - as noted in one of the chats, it doesn't matter how bad fate treats your children; There will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing. In principle, this approach to psychotherapy is one of Freud’s perpetuated achievements (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experiences, which is mentioned in his biography. Many people believe that feces predict prosperity and wealth. But it should be noted that this can mean both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something he himself produced, and therefore as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up because he dreamed of feces and felt light and free from it. To interpret a dream, it is important to know the source of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if in a dream feces appear in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces it is and what you do with it (you just saw it, cleaned it up, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the characters in the dream.

If you detect feces or do not see them, but are aware of their presence, then you are concerned about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. The issue of money may also be involved here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream about feces:

Interpretation of the dream book: Feces - Seeing human foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise; being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person; to get dirty with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness; Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Feces - Most often, money (enrichment); negative ideas, emotions. Liquid - you will be defamed, deceived, betrayed.

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Kal?

As the dream book interprets: Feces - Receiving money.

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Kal according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see feces in a dream - bowel irregularities reflect your problems. Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits. Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism. To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected. Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Egyptian dream book If you dream about feces:

Feces, shit - If a person sees himself filling pots in a dream, it is bad, it means that he will be in pain.

Seeing Poop in a dream - Dreaming of human feces means money.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about feces?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Feces

Feces (poop) in a dream is a symbol of enrichment. If you dreamed human feces, then this dream predicts that you will receive money. If you dream of liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits, they will tarnish your name, they will deceive you, they will commit treason. Getting dirty with feces in a dream promises big money.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about feces mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see feces in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dream interpretation of getting dirty in feces

Why dream of getting dirty in feces in a dream according to the dream book?

Did you happen to get dirty with someone else's feces in a dream? It promises receiving money from this person. Was the stool yours? Rash actions will lead to failure. You only have yourself to blame for the troubles. Animal excrement foretells financial success.

Trying to dry your hands? In reality, there is a high probability of getting into an awkward situation, which can have a negative impact on your reputation. This will happen by chance and unexpectedly. The reason will be information that is unknown to most people around you.

If you dream about feces, what is it for?



Why do you dream about feces? Here's what it means:
· Many people believe that feces predict prosperity and wealth. But it should be noted that this can mean both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something he himself produced, and therefore as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up because he dreamed of feces and felt light and free from it.
· If you detect feces or do not see them, but are aware of their presence, then you are concerned about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. The issue of money may also be involved here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.
· To interpret a dream, it is important to know the source of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if in a dream feces appear in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces it is and what you do with it (you just saw it, cleaned it up, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the characters in the dream.
· In principle, this approach to psychotherapy is one of Freud’s perpetuated developments (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experiences, which is mentioned in his biography.
· As noted in one of the chats, it doesn’t matter how bad fate treats your children; There will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing.

Natalia Boo

to the money!

Zhenya Saenko

It's too late to run to the toilet.


There's nothing to worry about - it's about money.

Igor Ushakov

For Money, of course!

Unset man

Or you’ll get fucked or, much worse, you’ll poop in the bed.

Alexander Nikiforov

you -------by lunchtime


to money, wealth...

Mikhail Tubli

Definitely - to default!! !
As a last resort - to a meeting with Medvedev!


that means in the morning, when you wake up, you need to urgently inspect your shoes, otherwise you dream about something that stinks strongly... well, you understand in short


you'll get rich


If you haven't eaten it, then you won't have any luck...

Galina Efimova

This is money. I have a toast: May MONEY attack you and you will not be able to fight them off!


Are you sure you're sleeping?


To the money.

Sasha Novikov

At night you need to eat less fatty foods


to big profits!!

Ekaterina Timoshenko

Danger of becoming a poop.


I think the above answers have already said it all...

Homemade truth Homeless

Someone above turned on the program for money for you.

Feces with worms

Dream interpretation of feces with worms dreamed of why you dream about feces with worms? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see feces with worms in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Worms

If you dreamed of worms, then in reality dishonest people will weave intrigues around you.

Earthworms dream of changes in your relationship with someone dear and close to you.

The aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms were crawling on her will always be connected with something material.

If she managed to kill or throw them off, then in reality she will strive for spiritual and moral values.

A dream in which you used worms as bait for fish foretells that your ingenuity will help you outwit your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms should be taken as a call: take care of your health.

If in a dream you put a worm on a hook, planning to catch fish, it means that you urgently need to change your style of clothing. Those around you have long been accustomed to you, and you don’t surprise them with anything. And the person you like won't pay attention to you either if you don't change.

If a woman dreamed that she crushed a worm, then some very persistent suitor would lay claim to her. You will need to behave very harshly with him - then he will understand that he has no chance.

If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not arrange endless scenes of jealousy for her.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms means profit.

Rain - sadness.

Eating worms is a nuisance.

To kill a worm is to free yourself from some evil.

Seeing them on yourself means secret sorrows, unpleasant company.

Seeing a lot of worms around you means laziness/longing for the past, approaching old age.

Worms devouring everything around are a symbol of time.

Taking them out of your pocket makes you feel like a “living corpse.”

Among giant worms to be - to contemplate one’s voluptuous aspirations.

Worms are crawling out of the ground around you - fatty waste from your body

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing earthworms in a dream foretells disappointment in love and marriage. A worm in an apple or other fruit is a sign of annoying misunderstandings and mutual reproaches between spouses.

If you dreamed of white worms swarming in sewage, this predicts that in the near future you will have an unpleasant conversation and be convicted of treason. Catching fish with worms in a dream is a sign good health and prosperity in the house.

Worms like card suit- you will have to give up your principles, because only in this way will you be able to achieve what you want. If worms in your dream are the trump suit, it means that you are guaranteed lasting success in the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Worm

Worm - Seeing earthworms in a dream means changes in your relationship with someone dear and close to you.

If in your dream you put a worm on a hook, planning to catch fish, it means that you urgently need to change your style of clothing, to which everyone around you has long been accustomed, and you do not surprise them with anything. If you continue to dress like this, the object of your affection will not soon turn his attention to you.

Crushing a worm in a dream - for women, this dream means the claims of some very persistent suitor, with whom you will need to behave very harshly - only then will he understand that you are not interested in him. If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not suspect her of cheating at every turn.

Dream Interpretation - Earthworms

Despite the fact that seeing worms in a dream is not very pleasant, the symbolism of the dream means success and prosperity. If you have seen worms crawling to the surface of the earth after rain, do not be afraid of a rainy day: friends will provide you with the necessary assistance. financial assistance when required. If in a dream you were digging worms for fishing, your work will bring you super profits.

Imagine that you collect worms and go fishing. The fish are biting great! You return home with a wonderful catch.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Diarrhea - losses.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing worms in a dream means that you will be depressed by the base intrigues of dishonest people.

If a young woman sees in a dream that they are crawling all over her, the dream suggests that her aspirations and hopes will always be connected with something material. If she kills or throws them away, then in reality she will be able to get rid of her lethargic immersion in the world of material and property interests and will strive to live in a world of spiritual and moral values.

Using worms in a dream as bait for fishing foretells that, thanks to your ingenuity, you will be able to benefit from the mistakes of your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms encourages you to take care of your health.

Feces defecation

Dream Interpretation Feces defecation dreamed of why you dream about feces in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see feces in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Repressed emotions, feelings, sexuality; tension, delays in business, difficulties, failures; unfulfilled need for recognition or self-expression; desire for spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Refusal or aggressive discharge, autistic withdrawal.

A situation of disgust or helplessness.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

This may indicate that it is time to get rid of unnecessary ballast in your life, such as shame, guilt and resentment.

Is something poisoning you from within?

Are they treating you badly?

It can also be a symbol of what you despise or judge in yourself or others.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Get a medical examination.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Abnormal bowel movements reflect your problems.

Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits.

Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism.

To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected.

Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you dreamed that you had a bowel movement, then very soon you will receive a lot of money. To make this happen, do not eat salt for a week.

If you dreamed that you stepped on feces or smeared yourself in someone else's feces, you risk losing all your investments. To keep them safe, place them in salt water for 3 days, 3 coins of different denominations and a lock of your hair.

Smeared in human feces

Dream Interpretation Smeared in a person's feces dreamed of why you dream about being smeared in a person’s feces? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of being smeared in a person’s feces by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Go into a mulberry tree and find yourself standing among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Urinary and fecal incontinence, involuntary defecation - portends losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human vision foretells misfortune and insanity in an enterprise.

Being soiled with feces from another person in a dream foretells the acquisition of great profits from that person.

To soil yourself with your own feces means to be the cause of your own misfortune, to fall into a serious illness.

Getting dirty with animal feces generally means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Seeing feces in a dream means reproaches and condemnation to which others will subject you.

To someone's bad influence on you.

Eating feces means gaining wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stinginess, greed, acquisitiveness.

Seeing feces means money, wealth, success in all matters.

To lie in it is to experience a joyful hour.

Holding it in your hand is a pleasure.

To recover is to spend significant sums.

Diarrhea - losses.

They give you an enema - you will have to experience a constant need for money. To give it to someone else is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Abnormal bowel movements reflect your problems.

Liquid feces - non-recognition of your merits.

Constipation is a manifestation of conservatism.

To defecate in the wrong place - your experience and help may be rejected.

Seeing a “decorated” pile produced by you is a sign that you will be able to use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you dreamed that you had a bowel movement, then very soon you will receive a lot of money. To make this happen, do not eat salt for a week.

If you dreamed that you stepped on feces or smeared yourself in someone else's feces, you risk losing all your investments. To protect them, place 3 coins of different denominations and a lock of your hair in salt water for 3 days.

Dream Interpretation - Kal

If you fill pots with feces, it’s bad, it means pain.

Dream Interpretation - Smear your hands in shit

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Kal

receiving the money

Dream Interpretation - Kal

Most often, money (enrichment); negative ideas, emotions. Liquid will defame you, deceive you, betray you.

Feces appearing in dreams are not harbingers of difficulties in life. More often, excrement is a sign of success and financial well-being. But in different dream books dreams in which images of feces appear are interpreted differently. Why a person dreams of poop will be suggested by some details of the dream.

Common features of dreams with feces

When such a dream appears, a person needs to remember in what situation the images of excrement appeared to him. He should pay attention to certain points:

  • whose feces were in the dream (a child’s, one’s own, animal feces);
  • what he did in the dream with excrement (getting dirty, just seeing, looking);
  • type of feces (fresh, dried);
  • the place where the excrement was located.

The interpretation of the dream depends on these details.

Basic meanings of dreams with excrement

Feces that appear in a dream can be interpreted differently depending on the specific details and the behavior of the person himself when he sees them:

  1. Admiring children's excrement in a dream means a person's self-satisfaction. Baby feces in a dream is a good sign for a person. This means he is happy this moment, and this state will continue long time. Touching children's excrement in a dream is a sign of complete happiness and success.
  2. Observing children's excrement in a potty or toilet is a sign that it is worth paying attention to possible cash flows.
  3. Seeing feces in your own bed does not mean anything bad. This good sign, since a person is expected to experience a significant increase in finances.
  4. Seeing dried human feces in a dream is a sign of internal dissatisfaction with oneself.

Specific interpretations of dreams with poop

The interpretation of such dreams is directly related to whose feces the person dreamed about and in what place they were located.

Interpreted the following types dreams with excrement as follows:

  • human feces in a dream;
  • feces in the bed;
  • feces in the toilet;
  • own excrement;
  • baby poop;
  • feces in all places;
  • other people's excrement;
  • animal feces.

Human feces in a dream

Seeing poop in a dream, even while feeling disgusted, is often a positive sign. But the interpretation of such a dream depends on the type of bowel movement. Dreaming of fresh feces means a person is satisfied own life. The dream can be interpreted as happy life a person in which he does not want to change anything at the moment.

Dreaming of dried human feces means lack of inner harmony In human life. A similar image in dreams indicates the need for changes in life.

Feces in the bed

Dreaming of feces on the bed can foreshadow two possible outcomes in real life:

  1. A person will have a generous sponsor who will significantly improve his financial situation.
  2. A person is in for a whirlwind romance that will not last long.

Poop in the toilet

Human feces observed in a toilet in a dream promises a person good profit. But he won't get the money. the easy way. Such a dream foreshadows possible financial success, but indicates the need for hard work for this. Most often, employees dream of feces in the toilet before paying them a bonus at work.

A dream in which a person saw excrement on the floor in front of a potty or toilet is interpreted somewhat differently. The dream foreshadows a person's easy money, which he will win in the lottery. Excrement near the toilet in a dream often foreshadows an unexpected financial find for a person.

Own excrement in a dream

One's own excrement in dreams is the embodiment internal fears of people. In real life, a person may experience some kind of discomfort and be afraid of something or someone. Such a dream indicates the need to overcome fear.

You often dream about your own feces before important event or an event that a person is afraid of.

Baby poop in dreams

Baby feces most often serve as a harbinger of good things to come. For different people a similar image in dreams is deciphered in its own way:

  • in women - early pregnancy or an internal desire to become pregnant;
  • in men - an internal desire to take care of someone.

For women with children, such a dream emphasizes their satisfaction with life and the happiness of motherhood.

Feces everywhere

Observation of excrement in a dream is interpreted in two ways:

  • unexpected wealth awaits a person without special expenses for this;
  • a person in real life thinks too conservatively, which somewhat hinders him.

Excrement in dreams located in all places indicates that a person is fixated on something. He needs to be more relaxed.

Other people's excrement in dreams

If the dreamer sees other people's feces in a dream, then in reality he risks becoming an eyewitness to some criminal event. Someone else's feces are also a harbinger of possible imminent punishment for the dreamer for his bad deed.

Animal poop

Dreams in which the dreamer sees animal feces are often interpreted from the perspective of possible monetary success for him. Seeing bird droppings in a dream is considered a positive symbol. It promises good profits.

Manure appearing in dreams is a good sign for farmers and all those involved in land development. This is a sign of a good harvest and favorable weather.

Animal feces are not always a harbinger of good things to come. Sometimes such dreams are a reflection of a person’s real shortcomings. A dream in which the dreamer saw manure reminds him of a previously committed unpleasant act.

The interpretation of dreams in which animal feces appear depends on the type of their source:

  • cat feces - a quick betrayal from close friends or an unexpected gift;
  • dog feces - an important confidential conversation with a friend;
  • goat feces - prosperity;
  • cow dung - a bonus at work, luck in financial matters.

Interpretation of dreams with poop depending on a person’s actions with it

The dreamer can not only see poop in a dream, but also spend time with it various actions. Its interpretation depends on their character.

In dreams a person can:

  • wash off feces;
  • hold it in your hands;
  • to dirty their clothes and themselves;
  • step into it;
  • there is excrement;
  • smell feces.

Washing away feces in dreams

This positive sign. In real life, the dreamer will receive a monetary replenishment. Its size directly depends on the amount of feces washed away.

Hold feces in your hands

Dreamers holding excrement in their hands in a dream can count on successful cooperation with an influential person in reality. It will help improve financial situation dreamer

Staining yourself and clothes with feces in dreams

A person who gets dirty with feces in a dream should be on his guard in reality. This is a sign that intrigues are being woven against him or that he has already become an object of gossip.

If the dreamer simply holds excrement in his hands, then in real life he will find great wealth and success. Wiping off feces from another person's clothes in a dream indicates the person's desire to provide support and help.

Stepping in feces

This action in dreams is an unkind sign. This means that all the person’s secret affairs will become public knowledge, and he will lose the support of influential people. Stepping in feces in dreams is a sign of imminent exposure and punishment for bad deeds and fraud.

Eating excrement in a dream

This dream is the most unpleasant and bad. Often such dreams serve as a harbinger of financial failures and loss of reputation. Dreams are often experienced by those who have taken on a difficult and obviously unpromising business. Such a vision foreshadows imminent failure and loss of trust from colleagues.

Smell of feces

The smell of feces can be interpreted differently in people's dreams:

  • not strong and at the same time pleasant - a profitable offer;
  • the smell of excrement in its absence is a dubious monetary offer that is better to refuse;
  • Fetid fecal odor - a person has problems communicating with friends and partners.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

In different famous dream books dreams in which excrement is present are interpreted in their own way. Miller interprets excrement seen in a dream as follows:

  • just observing feces means a quick move to a new place;
  • step in feces - receiving money;
  • see feces in public place- Problems.

The modern dream book emphasizes the positive sign of such dreams in the form of pleasant surprises. Such dreams are most favorable for farmers, as they promise them an excellent harvest.

The women's dream book emphasizes the positive message from such dreams. The dream book considers poop a sign of large income, wealth and profit.

Fedorovskaya’s Dream Book also considers poop to be a favorable sign of the appearance of poop in a person’s dreams. According to it, any feces that appear in a dream promise a person monetary rewards.

The Freudian interpretation interprets dreams with feces as follows:

  • a person has a personal problem that haunts him;
  • wiping feces from clothes portends the dreamer getting into an awkward position;
  • getting dirty with someone else's feces portends a person receiving information about another person's personal secret.

Dreams with excrement, for all their unpleasantness, are most often inverted dreams and are interpreted as harbingers of positive events in real life. Most dream books interpret dreams with excrement as signals for future cash receipts.

Very often, dreams that carry unpleasant and negative information mean and portend something good. Dreams about feces fall into this category. To receive advanced and more accurate interpretation, try to remember the features of the plot you saw, that is, under what circumstances everything happened, so that you felt it, etc.

Why do you dream about feces?

Most often, such a dream is a harbinger of receiving a large sum of money. For people involved in business, such a plot means the successful completion of all projects that are currently considered failures. Night vision in which you not only see feces, but also feel them bad smell, indicates rather complex relationships with other people. Accidentally seeing feces in a dream is an indication that the dreamer often shows his weak character and relies on the opinions of other people in solving important issues. It's time to believe in yourself and push away obsessive people. If the dreamer tries to find a reason unpleasant odor, it means that someone from your environment wants to interfere in your personal life.

The interpretation of dreams about feces depends on the nature of the feces. If this was done by an animal, it means that soon you can count on starting a money business, or the dreamer will be able to successfully invest his capital. Human feces in a dream means that the people around him have a negative attitude towards the dreamer and different things await him ahead. Such a dream also has positive side, if you calculate your moves correctly, you can use your enemies for your own purposes. Seeing feces in a dream and getting dirty in it is a good sign that promises getting a raise wages or you can count on a good bonus.

Night vision, where you had to take feces for analysis in a sick state, is an unfavorable symbol that promises problems in the material sphere. I dreamed of feces that had to be removed, which means that in reality the dreamer is highly dependent on another person. A dream in which you had to fall in feces indicates that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation and disgrace yourself in front of a large crowd of people. If you had to eat feces in a dream, it means that you will soon have to reconsider your habits. For a woman, a dream in which she had to look at feces means that she will soon receive something important for herself.

Oddly enough, one of the most common and quite favorable night visions is feces. The dream book will help you decipher its meaning.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of feces, Miller's dream book will help you interpret such a vision. So, according to this source, the values ​​can be as follows:

  • If in a dream you not only saw an object, but also smelled its unpleasant odor, the plot indicates tense relations with others. There are people who constantly interfere in your affairs.
  • If the person who dreamed of feces is engaged in business or has recently made some serious financial investments, the vision promises him profit.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Loff’s dream book explains why feces are seen in dreams in its own way. This is how you can interpret this ambiguous vision:

  • Usually this dream foreshadows the acquisition of wealth.
  • If a person does not have any prerequisites for making a profit, perhaps the dream conveys his desire to become more wealthy. It's probably time for some more active action in this direction.
  • You may also dream of this object if at the moment you are in dire need of money. Try to remember the plot of the dream in more detail. Perhaps it contains some hint for your enrichment.
  • If in a dream you had to get dirty in feces, this means that you should expect significant profits from the most unexpected sources.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

Modern people Special attention pay attention to their night visions, and especially those in which feces are present. The dream book explains this as follows:

  • If there was a lot of feces, this means that there is a risk of quarreling with friends, family or colleagues.
  • To smell a smell in a dream means that you are not very a good relationship with others. For some reason you are not liked.
  • If you did any manipulations with feces (for example, removed it or tried to make something out of it), this symbolizes your dependence on someone. If in a dream there was a person who controlled your actions, it means that he is your oppressor.

Interpretation according to the Mayan dream book

The ancient Mayans had their own fairly accurate dream book. Why do you dream about feces? In this interpreter you will find the following answers:

  • If you dreamed of waste from your own life, this symbolizes quick and sudden profit. The Mayans believed that one should not eat salt for a week in order for this auspicious dream to come true.
  • A vision in which you stepped into someone else’s feces or got dirty in them has a completely different meaning. You risk losing your money and also ruining your reputation. To prevent this, the sages advised putting three coins and a lock of hair in a glass of salt water. All this needs to be placed under the bed for three days.

Interpretation according to the noble dream book

A unique answer to the question can be given by noble dream book. Seeing feces, according to his interpretation, means the following:

  • Seeing human feces means that you are quite a rich person. At the same time, there is inappropriate stinginess in you.
  • If you dreamed about yourself happily bathing in a cesspool, this promises you a fun, carefree pastime. However, there will be some excesses.
  • If you dream about defecating, it means losses. Moreover, they will be as significant as how much waste you see from your life.
  • A dream in which you hold feces in your hand means that in the near future life will bring you only pleasure.
  • If you dreamed that you were being given an enema, it means that you are in constant need of money. To change the situation, you need to take action.

Interpretation according to the Chinese dream book

  • If you are covered in them from head to toe, it means that you will soon become a very rich person. Moreover, your income will not be related in any way to your main job.
  • If you walk on the ground covered with excrement, it shows that you are respected in society.
  • If you are in the restroom, this means that a serious promotion awaits you soon.
  • When a person dreams that he is falling into a cesspool, the meaning can be twofold. If he was able to get out of it, it means that in real life he will cope with all the problems and benefit from it. If you fail to get out, this means serious trouble.

Interpretation from a psychological dream book

Considering that a dream is a reflection of thoughts, it is worth turning to a psychological interpreter. Regarding feces, it states the following:

  • If you get dirty in excrement, unexpected profits await you. Perhaps it will be some kind of expensive and valuable gift.
  • Holding feces in your hands means getting some kind of pleasure in real life. Perhaps you will have a pleasant time with loved ones.
  • If you see excrement but have no contact with it, this means you are in dire need of money.