Need fresh ideas for Teacher's Day? It is not at all surprising, because the holiday is about to knock not only on schools and lyceums, but also on the doors of houses where teachers live, working in school classrooms and retired, where graduates live who love and remember their teachers, and schoolchildren, walking up the school steps every day. It’s impossible not to love this holiday, which is why the portal has collected so much material that will help organize any special event at school: from an ordinary concert to a fun KVN.

Need a special theme for Teacher's Day? Some will say no, because on this day one sounds common topic: school, teacher, teaching. But you can beat her in a very unusual way. If you want to get an A for a concert, consider 5 ideas that will be useful for organizing a holiday.

Idea No. 1 for Teacher's Day: a concert with Brazilian touches

Ask what Brazil has to do with professional holiday teachers? The most direct, because all the concert numbers are dedicated to the teacher, but they are performed by children in costumes that you will only see in Brazil, and also at a school festival. If you don’t want to go to Brazil, organize a trip for your teachers to Venice or Mars, but connect it with the theme of the school

Idea No. 2 for Teacher's Day: bouquet in the same style

How often have you noticed at holidays, when, after presenting flowers, classroom teacher cannot hold all the bouquets in his hands, and other teachers stand with their heads modestly bowed, because they teach life safety, music, works. Even the director at such events is sometimes left without a bouquet. We offer to arrange bouquets for Teacher's Day in the same style, on the same theme. How great it will be for everyone to feel the holiday spirit.

Idea No. 3 for Teacher's Day: give different events

Stop holding a school concert every year according to the same scenario! If the teacher-organizer has run out of ideas, then on our portal they never end. Last year you held a concert, download the script for Teacher's Day 2014 for the upcoming holiday. If your school is already tired of concerts, hold a KVN or skit party and fill them with beautiful numbers for Teacher’s Day.

Idea No. 4 for Teacher's Day: surprise everyone

It can be difficult to surprise, but it is possible. We are sure that a flash mob has not yet taken place at your school. What it is? Read with us, watch the video and surprise your teachers. By the way, the event participants themselves also really like this action.

Idea No. 5: numbers for Teacher's Day from teachers

Don't believe that a teacher doesn't want to get up on stage to congratulate his colleagues. Find those who will do it happily, but not in beautiful words, but something more original. The teacher is a great artist at heart. At the school holiday, let your colleagues see the fiery dance of a young teacher, hear a beautiful song accompanied by a guitar, or enjoy a little pantomime performed by the school principal.

According to tradition, on Teacher's Day, October 5, 2019, primary school Concerts are held at which children perform poems and songs in honor of teachers, dance numbers, fragments of performances and small skits for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4.

Comic skits for Teacher's Day from primary school students

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for primary classes will not require students to memorize large texts, and their performance does not require special costumes or props.

We offer you examples of mini-skits for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 that will appeal to young viewers.

Teacher: “Ivanov, how much will it be if six is ​​divided by two?”
Student: “What are we going to share, Sergei Petrovich?”
Teacher: “Well, let’s say six oranges.”
Student: “And between whom?”
Teacher: “Between you and Sidorov.”
Student: “Then five oranges for me and one for Sidorov. Now, if the tomatoes were divided, then it would be a different matter.”
Teacher: “Okay, how much will it be if six tomatoes are divided by two?”
Student: “It will be six.”
Teacher: “Why?”
Student: “But I don’t like tomatoes, Sidorov will get them all.”

In the next scene for junior classes On Teacher's Day, the teacher and student also take part. The teacher invites the children to solve the problem and calls Vovochka to the board.

Teacher: “The condition of the problem is as follows: dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many …"
(Vovochka jumps up and runs to the door.)
Teacher: “Vovochka, where are you going?!”
Student: “I ran home, I have candy!”

And here is another sketch for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 with the participation of a careless student.

teacher: “Petya, bring your diary here. I’ll put another two on it.”
Peter: “But I don’t have it.”
teacher: “And where is he?”
Peter: “And I gave it to Fedka. Let him scare his parents!”

Another funny scene for Teacher's Day for primary school is a miniature in which two boys are kicking a soccer ball in the yard.

“Who is that making so much noise in your apartment?” - asks one.
“This is my grandfather explaining to my dad how to solve my math problem,” his friend replies.

And this mini-scene for Teacher's Day takes place at the beginning of the lesson.

teacher: “Vovochka, why are you late?”
Vovochka: “You said it yourself, Marya Ivanovna, that it’s never too late to learn!”

And one more sketch for primary school for Teacher's Day.

Pupil says to the teacher: “Anna Petrovna, I can’t make out what you wrote in my notebook.”
For what teacher replies: “I wrote: write legibly!”

Teacher's Day is a holiday of teachers and mentors, which is celebrated in more than 100 countries. For about half a century, Russian teachers have been receiving congratulations on October 5th. On this day, everyone expresses their gratitude to teachers: from students and their parents to local officials.

Often in schools, Teacher's Day is declared a self-government day. High school students give teachers the opportunity to relax and take on their worries: they teach lessons and even run the school.

To make Teacher's Day at your school extra fun this year, use our tips!

Teacher's Day is an excellent occasion to make relationships in a large school family even warmer. Here are a few ideas that will unite the teaching staff and help teachers achieve student recognition.

Idea 1. Morning greetings

Arrive early as a class and gather in the hall to meet your favorite teachers. Prepare your wishes in advance. Show your imagination: prepare poems, songs, whatever. Your goal is to amuse teachers and give them a morning smile.

Tip: Use small thank you cards. We have prepared cards that you can print and give to your teachers.

Idea 2: Hold elections

This great way show the best teachers that they are loved and respected. Prepare “Ballot Papers” with a list of teachers and distribute them to school students. Each student must place a cross next to the name of their favorite teacher and throw the ballot into the ballot box (it can be replaced by a regular cardboard box).

Advice: You can hold elections for several “positions” by inviting the children to vote separately for their favorite, most fun, most principled teacher, etc.

Idea 3. Gift for your favorite teacher

If you decide to give your teacher a gift, be responsible for his choice. Vases, plush toys and other cute trinkets are, of course, great, but most likely your teacher already has enough of this stuff.

Be practical. Buy some office supplies or computer accessories. And if you want to be original, prepare an unusual and individual gift.

For example, a chemistry teacher can buy a poster with the periodic table chemical elements, but instead of the stern face of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, paste a smiling chemistry teacher. He will definitely like it.

For a literature teacher - a set of cards with portraits and sayings of great writers. Have you already guessed that one of the cards will have a portrait and a quote from the teacher?

And most importantly, be smart throughout the day! We believe in you.

Topic to talk: How do you usually spend Teacher's Day at your home school? Share with us?

The holiday called Teacher's Day is approaching. In the meantime, he is gradually approaching, all the students are “running” in search of what they will surprise their beloved teachers with. And you run too? Or maybe you can show funny scenes about teachers on teacher's day?

Thumbnail of passing the exam.

Dear students, hello. Today we have an exam, and today in our school, in our class, an experiment is being conducted. They connected cameras to us, and now they can see us all right in Moscow! So we behave well, don’t cheat, and pass the exam.
Here one student raises his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

It’s as if I already want to leave.

What does it mean to leave?! We have an exam!

So I want to “give it up” and leave.

Oh, give it up! This is another matter! But remember Stepanov, there are cameras everywhere, so don’t let your class or the whole school down!
Stepanov comes out and immediately goes to the teacher and gives him a heavy bag.

The teacher takes the bag and says in surprise:
What is this, Stepanov?

Like what? This is my exam!

The teacher looks into the bag, then wipes the sweat from his face and says:
Why small change?

It’s just that my dad works in a minibus, we always have this little thing!

The teacher gives the bag to the student:
Take it quickly, Stepanov. Cameras are everywhere, and you're poking me!

Stepanov takes the bag:
How then can I pass the exam?

Do you see my table is free? Sit behind him and leave the bag there.

The student sits down at the teacher’s table and says:
All is ready. I passed?

Which one passed, Stepanov?! See, cameras are everywhere! Come on, I'll help you now. Let me know what your question is.

How to hint?

Raise your hand, ask to leave and drop hints in between.

Stepanov holds out his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

Arthur Nikolaevich, before I answer the question “basic properties of the atom,” can I go to the toilet?

You can, Stepanov, go.

Stepanov comes out. And the teacher says:
Do you see how Stepanov easily passed the exam?! And all because Stepanov’s dad works in a minibus, and Stepanov is preparing to continue his father’s work and therefore is in a hurry to pass everything quickly and go study with his father!

Sketch - Modern teachers.

Teachers can be played by students.

The teacher's room, there are two teachers in it. Another teacher walks into the teachers' room with quick steps, throws a magazine on the table and speaks.

Teacher 1:
No, I can't do this anymore! I have no more strength!
One of the teachers in the room asks.

Teacher 2:
What's happened? Did you reach 8th grade again?
The third teacher, who was also already in the staff room, echoes.

Teacher 3:
Yes, 8"a" is just hell!

Teacher 1:
My mother told me: put on tights, a shorter skirt, and go to the city council building, maybe someone will fall for you! No, I put on a formal suit, and went to become a teacher, I went to make a career!

Teacher 2:
Well, you can’t do that because of one class! After all, these are children, we need to be gentle with them somehow.

Teacher 3:
It needs to be softer. But if it were up to me, I would “tighten the screws” for them!

Teacher 1:
How much more strict? I call Petrov to the board and ask – show Mallorca on the map. And he says, I won’t show you, but tell you how cool it is, my dad and I vacationed there in the summer!

Teacher 2:
Yes, really, Petrov is the son of a deputy, he can tell a lot! And in my lesson Ivanov holds out his hand and says - you can go out! I ask - where are you going? And he answers - feed the cat! I say - what cat? Did your cat stay at home or did you bring it to school? And he answers me - he downloaded the game, it’s called a talking cat, now it’s time for him to eat. And shows me the tablet. I just don’t know what to do, I say, go feed the cat, I don’t need hunger victims in my class.

Teacher 3:
But my students flatly refused to teach Dostoevsky. They say that Rospotrebnadzor added their favorite site with games to the list of prohibited ones, and they responded by adding all the writers and poets that we study in school to their list of authors prohibited from studying!

Teacher 1:
Yes, these are not children, then... I don’t even know how to say it without swearing!

Teacher 2:
Well, no problem, there will be a holiday on our street, the time for tests and exams will come!

The door to the teachers' room opens, another teacher comes in and says:
Happy holiday, teachers!

At the beginning of October, our entire country celebrates Teacher's Day. What's a holiday without performances? That's why we came up with interesting and a little, just a little, fantastic scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students. Check them out and maybe you'll put them on in your school for this wonderful holiday.

A student comes on stage and says:
Do you know that students have a completely different idea of ​​school and school life? Do you want to know how they imagine it? Look!

Classroom. Students sit at their desks, on their desks they have toys: boys have cars and robots, girls have dolls and coloring books.
The teacher sits in his place.

The teacher dials the phone number and student Ivanov’s phone rings.

Yes, Marya Ivanovna!

Ivanov, tell Petrov to get in touch ( social network). I sent him the solution to his homework in a private message.

Okay, I'll pass it on.

The teacher dials the phone number again. Ira Kuznetsova’s phone is already ringing.

Yes, Marya Ivanovna!

Irochka, be so kind as to tell the whole class what level you have reached in the Sims game.

Irochka stands up and says loudly:
Today I set a new record! I reached level 68 in the Sims game. Now new opportunities are open to me, new clothes and much more!

Well done, Ira! Have five ice creams! And the rest of you will definitely learn from Ira, and then you can also earn the highest score of five ice creams!

Sidorov shouts:
Marya Ivanovna! Yes, The Sims is a game for girls! When we are already new game Let's move on, something about shooting games and spells? Then I will show exactly what I am capable of, earn five ice creams, and my parents will buy me a new gaming joystick so that I can learn to play even better.

Take your time Sidorov! In a week we will move on to a new game. In the meantime, better remind the class how to behave at school.

Rules of behavior at school:
- don’t be late for recess!
- do not watch cartoons via the Internet, so as not to occupy the network and not interfere with playing in class.
- eat all the ice cream received in class.
- don’t forget your phone and tablet charger at home!

Well done! Do you remember everything? Here comes the bell, you can go!

The student comes onto the stage again and says:
- this is how we imagine an ideal school: instead of playing lessons on a tablet and on a computer, instead of grades, ice cream.
But tell me, will we gain knowledge with such a school? Of course not! That's why we like our school better with our favorite teachers! Although...if you think about it...well, no, it’s much better this way!
Happy holiday to you. Our beloved and respected teachers!