Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary classes MBOU School No. 47 Samara city district
Description The proposed competition program is intended for holding festive events of a patriotic nature. The material may be useful class teachers, educators in preparation for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The material can be used when carrying out cool hours, and extracurricular activities for elementary school students.
Target: Instilling in students love for the Motherland and respect for its defenders.
- develop skills of cognitive activity, ingenuity, resourcefulness;
- cultivate will, a sense of collectivism;
- create a positive emotional background and festive mood.

Progress of the event

Tatyana Bokova
February 23 is Russian Army Day!
The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
My grandfather served in the army. My father has awards.
So I decided a long time ago that I would become a soldier!
I know, I need to grow up... I need to become more mature...
But I know how to behave like a man!
I protect the small and weak in the yard
And I celebrate Army Glory Day in February.
I would be able to carry out tasks like a soldier.
I will ask you to accept me into the army in advance!


Today we have gathered to celebrate the wonderful holiday of February 23rd. What holiday is it?
(Children's answers)
Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. Serving the Fatherland means protecting the peaceful life of our people, preserving the honor and dignity of our Motherland.
I present to your attention competitive program dedicated to this holiday.
Two teams will take part. Each team will perform its own task. For each task that is completed correctly you receive 2 points. I wish everyone good luck!
1. Solve the fillword
Each team receives its own task.
Assignment for each team: name 5 names of military branches

Correct answer

(Pilot, border guard, sailor, tanker, signalman)
2. Solve the puzzles
You will have to name words related to the army, military affairs. For each correct answer - 1 point

Correct answers: overcoat, pilot, sailor, cartridge, rocket, grenade, jacket, flask.
3.Rank military ranks in ascending order

If the order is correct, the team receives 5 points.
4."Find superfluous word"
You need to find an extra word and explain why it is extra.

Correct answer

5. "Explain the saying"
It is necessary to explain the saying: “The soldier sleeps, but the service goes on.” The team that explains it correctly receives 5 points.
Correct answer
From the time of Peter the Great, the custom began to register the sons of nobles as military service With early age. A boy is born and he is enlisted in the regiment. The future soldier is still sleeping in the cradle, and as his term of service goes on, his rank increases. By the age of 10, he was promoted to officer, and then became a general. That’s how they began to say: “The soldier sleeps, but his service goes on.”

6. "Say more"
You need to name as many proverbs and sayings about military service as possible. The team that names it last gets 1 point.
Summarizing. Team awards

Happy February 23rd!
Our whole family is proud of you.
You are the best defender of the Fatherland,
The hope of all humanity!
Please accept congratulations on the holiday
Because you keep the world and


There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men.
There is no day for a man on Earth,
But we are correcting the mistake.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
All our beauty is for you,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you,
We are ruining our hair by curling it.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love!

O dear valiant man!
Your holiday is knocking on the door,
And we want to congratulate you -
Hurry up and open all the doors!
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For our women: you are the King,
Irresistible, strong, brave
And even, in some ways, unearthly.
All praise to you today,
And to your valor and courage,
But don't forget about this, man:
Without a woman you would hardly be like this!

Army themed puzzles for February 23rd.
















If it weren’t for me, not me, not me, There wouldn’t be you, you, you, There wouldn’t be you as you are now, THIS IS LOVE So happy.

Have a blast.

We can't live without men
There are many reasons for this -
Well, who will give us a coat,
Helps you get out of the car
He will present a bouquet of flowers,
Will she call you beautiful?
We want to congratulate you all
Happy holiday



Every year in the last month of winter
There is a special reason for the holiday,
And we are happy to congratulate you on February’s day
All of you, our real men!
Let poems and songs sound in your honor,
Glorifying valor, courage and strength,
How great it is that you men exist!
Congratulations on February 23!

The magazine "Murzilka" began publishing on May 16, 1924. It was an extremely popular Soviet, and subsequently Russian, monthly children's literary and artistic magazine, addressed to children 6-12 years old. “Murzilka” often published various problems and puzzles for the ingenuity and development of children's intelligence. Surprisingly, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the magazine did not stop publishing; it continued to delight and support children with games and fun even in such difficult times. The tasks here acquired a military theme, but this did not make them loved any less, because almost every Soviet boy or girl dreamed of becoming partisans and repulsing the enemy. Children of those times solved puzzles without much difficulty, but will he be able to cope with them? modern generation? Perhaps even many adults will find it difficult to give the correct answer. As an example, here are several problems published in the magazine “Murzilka” in 1944.

Determine from the picture how the partisans discovered the spy?

Answer: It turned out that the spy did not know how to use a Russian samovar. He tried to pour water from a bucket into the chimney.

What trick did the scout come up with to get close to the German soldiers unnoticed?

Answer: The partisan reconnaissance covered himself with a trough covered with snow and quietly crawled up to the Germans.

Think of a way to get the ball out of the vase?

Answer: Using a watering hose lying nearby, you need to fill the vase with water, and when it starts to flow over the edge, the ball will fall out on its own.

Find all objects starting with the letter "H".


Determine which of the triangles on the right is the sniper hidden in?


Observation test. Answer a few questions regarding what is happening in the picture?


How to turn a ship stern towards the shore if the water is frozen?

Answer: You need to sprinkle the ice around the steamer with coal chips. Since autumn ice is not thick, it can quickly melt in the sun.

Draw the area using a topographic map.


1. Large connection of aircraft.
3. A soldier who fights on a tank.
5. This announcer was honored to announce the beginning and end of the Great
7. A warship that destroys transport and merchant ships.
9. Outdated name of the projectile.
11. The cry of soldiers running to attack.
13. A widely used structure in the forest or on the front line, usually where the command was located during the Great Patriotic War.
15. Brand of pistol.
17. Brand of a popular Soviet car in the post-war years
19. Type of troops landed on enemy territory.
21. Tracked armored vehicle.
23. From military equipment: walking platform, loader.
25. Flying machine with propellers.
26. Nickname for combatants jet cars during the Great Patriotic War.
27. Military training using this method.
29. Cossack rank.
31. Firing point.
33. In the old days, a person who was hired or recruited into service.
35. Type of submarine.
37. A paratrooper jumps out of a plane with him.
39. Explosive ammunition needed to destroy enemy people and equipment using manual throwing.
41. What do people call soldiers' boots?
42. Unexpected attack for the enemy.
43. Group figure aerobatics.
45. In what month do the Russian people celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany?


2. The most popular machine invented Soviet designer in 1947?
3. Heavy fighting machine with a tower and a gun on it.
4. Self-propelled underwater mine.
6. Part firearms, which rests on the shoulder when shooting.
8. Military rank V Russian army.
10. In what month did Germany attack the USSR?
12. Simultaneous firing from several guns.
14. The blockade of this city lasted 900 days.
16. The name of the military system.
18. One of the younger ones naval ranks.
20. An aerobatics maneuver, when the wings of an airplane sway during flight.
22. Type of troops.
24. Type of aircraft during the Great Patriotic War.
25. Military unit.
26. A soldier who studies at a military school.
28. Soldier's rank in our army.
30. Who provides communication with headquarters?
32. Military rank.
34. The soldier guards the object entrusted to him, being where?
36. Piercing weapon at the end of a rifle or machine gun.
37. What does a soldier learn to do in the first years of service?
38. Disarms a mine or bomb.
40. Warship: destroyer.
42. Diameter of a firearm barrel.
44. Officer rank on the ship with the ship's commander.



1st squadron; 3-tanker; 5-levitan; 7-raider; 9-core; 11-hurray; 13-dugout; 15-makarov; 17-victory; 19-landing; 21 wedges; 23-odex; 25-helicopter; 26.-Katyusha; 27-drill; 29-esaul; 31-dot; 33-recruit; 35-atomic; 37-parachute; 39-grenade; 41-kerzachi; 42-counteroffensive; 43-diamond; 45th May.


2-Kalashnikov; 3-tank; 4-torpedo; 6-butt; 8-sergeant; June 10; 12-volley; 14-Leningrad; 16-rank; 18-sailor; 20-bell; 22-artillery; 24-bomber; 25-platoon; 26-cadet; 28-ranked; 30-signalman; 32-officer; 34-guard; 36-bayonet; 37 foot wraps; 38-sapper; 40 destroyer; 42-caliber; 44-capt.

Material for 4th grade students. In a quiz dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the answers to the questions were “hidden” in the form of puzzles. This is educational didactic manual can be used in extracurricular activities to prepare and conduct events dedicated to the 71st anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is recommended to divide the class into at least 2 teams for the quiz game. For each correctly solved puzzle, the team receives a star point. The winner is the one who scored greatest number points-stars.


  • intensifying interest in the history of one’s homeland;
  • consolidation of knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War in a playful form.


  • to form patriotic feelings through a sense of pride in the great feat of one’s country;
  • develop the intellectual abilities of children through didactic means - puzzles about the Second World War.

Tasks for puzzles.

The unofficial name of the Soviet Great Patriotic War combat vehicle with a rocket launcher.

Name of the territory of the country in which they are conducted fighting warring states on both sides of the front line.

The name of the birds used to convey messages by many of the world's armies?

The name of the animals that were used to blow up tanks during the Great Patriotic War.

This dog distinguished itself in many military operations in the Great Patriotic War and was supposed to participate in the parade on the occasion of the Victory. What was this dog's name?

Who notified Soviet people on the radio about the German offensive at the beginning of the Second World War?

A fortress in Belarus that heroically took the first blow of the fascist army.

The surname of the marshal - the leader during the defense of Moscow from the German invaders.

The battle, which is considered a turning point in the events of the Second World War.

The name of the model of a German heavy tank that was used in World War II.

The city that the Nazis attacked for 250 days, and Soviet troops recaptured in 5 days.

What was the name of the Russian soldier whose monument was erected in Bulgaria?

In which city was the first Victory Parade held?

Which city withstood an almost three-year blockade during the Second World War?

The name of the lake along which the “road of life” to the heroic city passed.