The Rat is cheerful and absolutely happy man, the people around her respect her and value her friendship, and she gets along with them with amazing ease. Close people feel comfortable and good around this person. She is wise, people often turn to her for advice, because people tend to believe the Rat, telling her about their troubles, revealing their secrets.

This person, with his inexhaustible source of ideas, is ready to work a lot and hard to achieve his goal. It’s a pity that sometimes she doesn’t have enough strength and self-confidence to bring these ideas to life. If in his youth the Rat gained a sense of confidence and self-esteem, then he can live his life easily.

Those born under this sign are very observant and like to remember all the events that happen around her or with her participation. Many people around the world were born this year famous writers and journalists. The Rat likes work that involves communication; it is more of a collective worker than an individual worker. If this person learns to avoid problems unnecessary problems, then in old age the Rat will be able to teach life to the younger generation.

A Rat can also be a narcissistic egoist; such a person loves to be the center of attention, but in the oppressive environment of an office environment he can become an ordinary pedant. For any opportunity to improve your financial situation she grabs quickly and tenaciously. These people have a reasonable attitude towards the money they earn, they love money, and can even resort to meanness for the sake of it. website

She enjoys taking care of her partner and children and is generous with them, just as she is tolerant with her parents. But the Rat is always not averse to taking on himself. Since she cannot be called generous, rather on the contrary, she will never refuse an invitation to a free dinner, nor will she refuse free movie tickets, even if she does not intend to go there.

on her life path she will meet people full of doubts with whom she will create a joint business, but the Rat, on the contrary, should stay away from such people.

Next year of the rat 2020!

Characteristics of the Rat

Chinese character name: Shu

Sign Chinese Zodiac: First

Time of day: 23:00 - 1:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Element: Water

Positive traits of the Rat:

These people are charming and friendly, they are resourceful, flexible in communication and simply intelligent, energetic and observant, they have a vivid imagination, they have a sense of tact.

Negative traits of the Rat:

Overly calculating and greedy people, their egoists and excessive ambitions are combined with impulsiveness and childish naivety, they love to manipulate people.

Find out in which year of the Rat you, your relatives, friends were born, which of this animals ruled that year, and also who will rule in the future...

These are charming and somewhat self-confident people; they are naturally given the quality of quickly noticing new opportunities. Sometimes they change their point of view too hastily, which looks in the eyes of others as the Rat’s inconstancy and its desire to adapt to the situation.

With all the ability of this person to express their thoughts clearly and clearly, they need to remember that sometimes they are rude and tactless towards the interlocutor, as well as unrestrained. Gossip and intrigue are the Rat's faithful companions.

A woman born under this sign is talented and businesslike, with a lively mind. The Rat woman is very sociable, she will invite the man she likes without much “swinging” and quickly put him to bed.

It is important for her to look good, she enjoys shopping, bulk purchases give her special pleasure, because this way she saves, which satisfies her thrifty nature. She will love not only her family and home, but also all close relatives, she will have time for everyone, she will pay attention to everyone.

Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope

Year of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph Rat: Tzu.

Motto of the Rat:“I control.”

Sign location: first.

Triad: the first (Triangle of Creators).

Element (element) of the Rat sign: Water-Yang.

Nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: north.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Sagittarius.

Time of day under the control of the Rat: 23.00-01.00.

Color: black.

Gemstone: pomegranate.

Food traditions: dishes from peas, cabbage, pork.

Years of the Rat

  • January 31, 1900 – February 18, 1901, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 10, 1912 – February 5, 1913, year of the Water Rat;
  • February 5, 1924 – January 23, 1925, Year of the Wood Rat;
  • January 24, 1936 – February 10, 1937, year of the Fire Rat;
  • February 10, 1948 – January 28, 1949, Year of the Earth Rat;
  • January 28, 1960 – February 14, 1961, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 15, 1972 – February 2, 1973, year of the Water Rat;
  • February 2, 1984 – February 19, 1985, Year of the Wood Rat;
  • February 19, 1996 – February 6, 1997, year of the Fire Rat;
  • February 7, 2008 – January 25, 2009, year of the Earth Rat;
  • January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 11, 2032 – January 30, 2033, year of the Water Rat;
  • January 30, 2044 – February 16, 2045, year of the Wood Rat.

Characteristics of the Rat

The Rat is one of the most revered signs of the eastern horoscope. She is very tenacious, easily and quickly adapts to changing circumstances, smart and cunning and, therefore, practical. It is the year of the Rat that opens the 12-year calendar cycle.

The Chinese horoscope takes into account complex and polysemantic connections, and therefore for interpretation it is necessary to know the entire wealth of associations for each sign. The Rat sign has a Yang nature, which is associated with the masculine principle, activity, light, warmth, and creation. At the same time, the natural element (element) of the Rat is Water, in which the Yin nature is clearly expressed. This combination immediately indicates that people born this year have an innate ability for a harmonious balance of two principles.

Domesticated pet rat

The Rat corresponds to the northern direction, which, in turn, is associated with the end of the night and the first hours of the morning. The North is traditionally associated with midwinter, the time when Yin is at its strongest. The month of the Rat is the 11th month of the year (December to Gregorian calendar); The time of day 23.00-00.01 is dedicated to the rat - the so-called “first watch”.

The sign of the Rat in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to the black color (hei), which is associated with the mysterious and intimate, as well as with knowledge and movement. The color black also symbolizes success in risky endeavors. Being familiar main element of which Water, the Rat is strongly influenced by Mercury (Chenxing), which in Chinese astrology is also associated with the color black.

The Rat is included in the first Triangle of Spiritual Relationship - the Triangle of Creators, the vertices of which are the first, fifth and ninth branches, i.e., respectively, the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. In this triad, the Rat acts as the initiator.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Rat develops with the Dragon and the Monkey, as well as with neighboring signs - the Ox and the Pig. The worst partner in any area for the Rat is its antagonist - the Horse.

People born in the year of the Rat are considered to be very smart, cunning, practical and purposeful. They achieve their goals thanks to their love of work. The eastern horoscope gives not only a description of all positive and negative aspects a person born in the year of the Rat, but also calculates the compatibility of this sign with other signs. At the same time, the horoscope makes a gradation in the characteristics of men and women.

general characteristics

People born in the year of the Rat have a characteristically attractive appearance. For the most part, they are talented and organized. Rats are real workaholics. With their hard work, they ultimately achieve their goals. These people are very risky and brave. In a desperate situation, they are capable of taking extreme measures, but in most cases they find a way out of even the most difficult situations. These people have endurance and good health, which only gets stronger over the years.

At first glance, Rats seem open, cheerful and calm, but with longer and closer communication it becomes noticeable that they are nervous and restless. Their internal tension sometimes increases to the point of an open desire for aggressive actions.

In life, Rats are practical and thrifty. They are also very calculating people, so they rarely commit rash acts. Basically, Rats, when performing any actions, are not guided by emotions; they rather think about their own benefit and self-interest. They try to benefit from everything, even from communicating with friends and acquaintances. Because of their prudence, it is very difficult to call them responsive people. Rats themselves are changeable and contradictory, so it is very difficult for others to understand their nature.

In love, Rats are romantics. They are excellent family men and prefer to take care of their other half. They are very generous towards family and friends and will not regret anything if the person is very close to them. But there is also a hint of cruelty in their behavior towards their household members - they can easily offend someone close to them, without subsequently feeling guilt or remorse.

Rats are very sociable, but in conversations they often talk about other people, keeping silent about themselves. They try not to tell anyone about their problems and personal affairs, although in life they are quite open, agile and active, which allows them to achieve heights in their careers.

People born in the year of the Rat have the following positive traits:

  • compassion and empathy;
  • frugality in everything;
  • honesty and prudence;
  • communication skills.

In addition to positive qualities, representatives of this sign also have negative traits:

  • impermanence;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • tendency to disputes and conflicts;
  • excessive arrogance towards others;
  • selfishness.

Rat Man

A man born in the year of the Rat straightforward, hardworking and pragmatic. He lives in the present, but his head is constantly occupied with thoughts of how to ensure a prosperous future for himself and his family. It is for these purposes that he spends almost his entire life accumulating material assets, thereby ensuring a carefree old age. Rats are very thrifty, and sometimes this positive character trait plays a cruel joke on them. They begin to take care of everything - broken things, unnecessary trinkets. A man of this sign shows his generosity only to truly close people.

The Rat man loves comfort and homeliness, but it’s difficult to call him a homebody. He will find a job that involves traveling and communicating with a lot of people. It is thanks to the ability to find a common language with almost all people that these men make excellent politicians, actors, businessmen, TV presenters and journalists.

Rat Woman

Women born under the sign of the Rat are very charming and attractive. Thanks to their ability to evoke sympathy among others, they can easily manipulate people.

The Rat woman, like the man, is very pragmatic. She always remembers everything she did for her friends, and also does not forget what services her friends did for her in their time. By the way, these women have few real friends. In order to become a friend of the Rat, you need to enter its circle of trust, and this is not easy to do. But these women have a lot of friends.

Loneliness is their main enemy. These individuals love places where crowds of people gather. They need communication, and in large quantities. In addition, these women for the most part are lovers of gossip.

Rat women show tenderness, affection and care only to close and dear people. Only for their sake they are capable of much and are ready to sacrifice anything.

Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope provides for the compatibility of signs both in family life and friendship, and in the business sphere.

A table by which you can determine the compatibility of the Rat with signs of other years:

Sign Compatibility
Rat Both of these people will be happy in family life if they do not quarrel and compete with each other. Friendship between two Rats is possible, but on the condition that these people try not to harm each other. They are compatible with each other and in the business sphere. They will be ideal partners and business partners for each other.
Bull An alliance between these people is quite possible. But in order for peace and harmony to reign in the family, the Ox needs to soften his wayward and stubborn character. The Rat needs to become more cheerful and optimistic. They are not very active friends. This is due to the fact that people of these signs have very few common interests and topics of conversation. Partnerships between them are unlikely. The Ox is a real hard worker, and the Rat is a great lover of leadership. However, there are also Bulls who are also not averse to becoming business personalities.
Tiger Family relationships these people will be problematic. The signs are absolutely incompatible in character. The majestic Tiger will demand complete power in the family, but the Rat will not be happy with this turn of events. Constant quarrels, squabbles and claims against each other will not lead this union to anything good. People of these signs are quite rarely friends, since the Tiger does not quite understand the materialistic Rat. In business, both signs are quite compatible. They are honest and know how to make money. Just to avoid misunderstandings, partners need to divide profits in half and preferably immediately
Cat (Rabbit) Marriage between these people is contraindicated. The cat will want to feast on the Rat at all costs. She won't like it because she likes stability and family life with the Cat will seem simply unbearable to her. Friendship and business relations between them will also not work out. The Rat will constantly feel danger from the Cat, this will make him nervous
The Dragon This union will be very successful and happy. Both signs of the eastern horoscope will experience a strong physical attraction to each other. The cunning and intelligent Rat harmonizes perfectly with the brave and strong Dragon. These signs are also highly compatible in a friendly way. It happens that their friendships smoothly turn into love ones. The Rat and the Dragon are excellent business partners. The main thing is that the Dragon plays a leading role in this business couple
Snake This couple will have a rather problematic relationship. The Rat will be disappointed in the Snake's infidelity. Family relationships can be more or less normal only if the Snake refrains from cheating. Friendly relations between them are possible, but they are based only on the fact that both signs love to talk about various topics. They are not very good business partners. Conflicts and misunderstandings between them are inevitable.
Horse From the beginning of their acquaintance, there will be everything between these people - love, passion and emotional attraction. But this union should still be avoided. A marriage between a Rat and a Horse will be filled with scandals and quarrels, and as a result, everything will end in a loud divorce. They will not find mutual understanding in friendly relations. Partnerships with these signs will also not be successful. People of these signs have completely different concepts even in small things, so it’s better not to become companions for them
Goat (Sheep) This marriage is quite controversial. Their union cannot be called ideal, and if there is any misunderstanding, the partners will think about divorce. The Rat often shows dissatisfaction with the behavior of the Goat and considers her to be very withdrawn. These signs may well be friends, although not for long. Due to constant contradictions, disputes and disagreements will arise between them. Misunderstandings will also arise in business relationships. Both signs are quite stubborn by nature, it is because of this that a dispute will arise between them about who will be in charge in their common cause
Monkey A very successful combination of characters eastern horoscope. This couple will be happily married, since the Monkey and Rat understand each other very well. Love and harmony will reign in this family. They simply will not pay attention to minor flaws in each other. Friendship between them is possible, but the Rat needs to be prepared for the fact that it will have to make concessions to the Monkey and its whims. Partnerships in this pair are also possible, but the Rat should not completely trust the Monkey with the matter
Rooster The Rat and the Rooster are very sympathetic to each other. In this marriage, the Rat greatly appreciates the Rooster for all his positive qualities. And the Rooster, in turn, relieves her of excessive nervousness and outbursts of anger. However, sympathy, as well as friendship between them, is rather superficial and passes very quickly. These signs should not become companions. In business they will fail, and only the Rooster will be to blame for all this
Dog The marriage between them will be quite calm, monotonous and boring. The dog loves to be home alone, so that no one can stop him from immersing himself in dreams and fantasies. Therefore, the ideal option would be if the Rat takes on the responsibilities of a leader and goes to earn money for the family, and the Dog takes on household chores. This couple will not have friendly relations, since the Rat is a realist: she does not make impossible plans in advance, does not set exorbitant goals. Business relationship They won't work out in this couple either. According to the Dog, the Rat is too selfish and selfish
Pig (Boar) The Rat and the Pig have a lot in common, so their marriage can be called happy and harmonious. Both are intellectually developed people, but at the same time they are prone to an idle lifestyle. The Rat really appreciates the Pig for her honesty. This couple also has good friendships - they both love to have fun and make noise from the heart. The Good Pig does not seem to notice the aggression in her friend. A business partnership between these signs will work out well if the Rat does not decide to deceive his partner

Those born in the year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) often seem like nice and cheerful people to others, but this is actually not entirely true. These individuals have a striking appearance and a free, restless character. They try to suppress their anxiety and hide their problems from other people.

Year of the Rat: man

In their youth, Rat men dream of finding their ideal woman. They want to feel for their chosen one strong feelings, and therefore they usually marry for love. These men know how to manage their feelings and can step on their own throats if emotions interfere with living comfortably. It is difficult to influence them, since they are guided in life only by their own ideas.

Men born in the year of the Rat are very charming, and try to use this quality for their own purposes. They can hardly trust anyone and do not believe in friendship without any self-interest. They believe that they can make profit from everything. The Rat man loves his friends. He has developed imagination and dreams of a cozy, comfortable home. Luxury, gambling and good food- his constant companions.

Year of the Rat: woman

Women who were born are internally constantly excited, although they seem calm and balanced. They are charming and at the same time aggressive. These women want to succeed by any means possible, while using their innate ability to seduce.

The Rat is the life of the party, it is energetic, friendly and sociable. The Rat woman places her interests above the interests of others. She can benefit from absolutely any situation, even a losing one. The Rat is an excellent analyst and strategist. She is observant and remembers every little thing, so she is known as a gossip.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat may walk on the edge of an abyss, but at such moments they live quite fully. Hating routine, they look for adventures on their own.

Rats are thrifty, but very generous in relationships with loved ones. They are hardworking, active and assertive. They always finish what they start, rely only on themselves, and do not expect help from others. They are ambitious and goal-oriented. They can't take on everything at once. This tactic will not succeed.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat most often choose the path of life in tune with their soul, trying to avoid serious physical and mental stress. They cannot tolerate loneliness, and isolation from society is unbearable for them.

Rat women are caring and treat their family with great tenderness. It is important for them to love themselves and at the same time feel irreplaceable and necessary for someone. They are very devoted to their husband, but want to maintain independence in the marriage. With fans, since she herself is the embodiment of sexuality. Love is her weak point. This is where she is trapped, over which she strong will has no power. Physical intimacy for the Rat comes in second place, because the spiritual world of the chosen one is much more important. In marriage, she wants to live financially secure and without the absence of any strict control.

Rat is an earth sign eastern calendar. People born under this sign can be described as attractive, but at the same time aggressive. From the outside it may seem that the Rat is full of equanimity and self-confidence. In fact, this is not so, because she has a lot of fear and anxiety, and she does not want to show it.

Rats love to adapt in everything, and therefore often seek benefits. They make good businessmen and politicians. It is impossible not to mention the organizational skills of the Rat, which they are endowed with from birth: they are loved at parties, in companies, all the attention certainly goes to them.

Rat Man

He is attractive, erudite, and truly handsome. The rat man will always seem calm and confident, but only until you get in his way. In anger and critical situations, he is scary and unpredictable. But if you don’t piss him off, he will make a good partner.

Men of this sign do not stand out for their generosity, but if there are situations where he needs to prove himself, he will not spare money to show others his confidence and power.

Rat Woman

She is charming, active, inquisitive. The Rat woman is afraid of criticism because it is very important to her what others think of her. In general, representatives of this sign respect laws and rules, so from the outside they may seem meticulous. In the depths of such a woman’s soul, there is excitement and fear, and only a family hearth can give this woman peace. Therefore, rat women try to get married as quickly as possible.


In love, representatives of this sign show great care and do not hide the depth of their emotions. If, however, they do not receive reciprocity from their partner, they may harbor a grudge, or even become cold and withdraw. They need constant replenishment of new strength and emotions in order to be comfortable and self-confident.

Negative qualities: The Rat often likes to be the center of attention, and where there is attention, scandals and gossip occur. Representatives of this sign are characterized by excessive distrust of others. When it comes to money and achievements, Rats get it in a cunning way, even if friendships are jeopardized.