If you see a goal, then it is achievable

“When a person devotes himself entirely to something, the entire course of the Universe changes to help him.”

Our standard of living depends on the level of energies with which we come into contact. In turn, the level of these energies depends on the level of our goals. The very type of our thinking largely depends on the presence and height of the goals we set for ourselves: the lowest type of thinking is the mentality of the victim. Such people always look for excuses for all their failures and blame anyone for them.

Another type of existence when a person “frozen” in his development: he doesn’t want to change anything, but this moment he is satisfied with everything, and he wants to remain in this state forever. There are also dreamers who just dream, but do not change anything about themselves and their lives. They do not make the necessary efforts and therefore all their dreams remain empty fantasies. They have a different type of thinking successful people. Their dreams become reality because they turn them into goals.

is a dream united by efforts to achieve it. God helps those who help themselves. Therefore, we must clearly know what we want to achieve and why we need it. website

“You can only hit the target if you can see it”

Rami Blackt

According to statistics, in our society just under 3% of people have clear, specific goals in life, and thanks to this they achieve more than all the others combined. This was clearly demonstrated by a scientific experiment begun in 1953 at Harvard University in the USA. All graduates were asked whether they had a purpose in life and whether they felt a sense of purpose. It turned out that about 80% did not have any specific plans for the future, 17% knew what they wanted to achieve in material terms, and only 3% had very specific goals and objectives in life, written down on paper, which they were ready to achieve were to devote their entire lives.

Over the next 25 years, observing their successes, the researchers found that the 17% who knew what they wanted went on to good leadership positions or started their own businesses and achieved more than the 80% who went with the flow. But the success of those 3% of graduates who had a clear and detailed plan written down on paper to achieve their clearly visible and specific goals exceeded the total success of all the rest combined. One businessman who took many expensive management courses said that the most valuable and important rule Determining how successful a person will be and how ready he is to be a leader is the question of how he sees himself in 5 years, what he wants to achieve, and what exactly he does for this.


Losers usually cannot answer this question, at best - “how the circumstances will turn out.” It is very important for us to decide what we want to achieve in life, write down our mission, your plans, our goal and constantly check with them, periodically return to them and check whether we are following the path we have chosen. Over time, we may revise our plans, we may have new, more promising goals, but if we ourselves do not write the script of our life, others will write it for us. As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you want to go, you will be very surprised if you end up in the wrong place!”

Working with a written mission accelerates the approval of the mission and plans in the subconscious, and it is subconscious programs that determine the course of our lives. We need to draw and clearly visualize a picture of what we want to achieve in life, and it should be a goal that will inspire us day and night, that will get us out of bed and fill us with inexhaustible creative energy. Enthusiasm only arises from having a goal. This very feeling that we are following the Path, that our life is not meaningless, gives us a feeling of happiness and psychological stability. In addition, having a goal can greatly alleviate suffering. An example of this is a woman giving birth, who, thanks to strong desire have a child, can easily endure the pain that accompanies childbirth. The higher the goal, the less attention we pay to the shortcomings of others.

On the other hand, a person engaged in meaningless activities will be irritated by every little thing. The higher the goal, the higher the potential of your life. A high goal is always associated with the death of the false ego:

“If you haven’t found something worth dying for, then you don’t know how to live.”

Martin Luther King

When choosing goals in life, you should not think that you will automatically become happy if all the pleasures of life are available to you. Modern advertising has practically replaced these concepts. But pleasure is an external category, and happiness is an internal category. Pleasures include those things that money can buy, and happiness is the feeling of being fully alive in connection with God.

The feeling of fullness of life consists of 6 components:

  • peace, which is a consequence of spiritual progress;
  • harmonious relationships with others;
  • health;
  • real achievements in life;
  • financial independence;
  • inspiring goals and objectives in life.

Harmonious personality development implies the presence of goals at all these six levels. These could be, for example:

On the physical - achievement physical health, cleansing the body of toxins, developing body flexibility, getting rid of any disease, the desire to look good, slow down the aging process, etc.

On the intellectual level - learning new material, a foreign language, reading certain books, developing willpower, obtaining a scientific degree, etc.

In terms of achievements - the desire to find oneself and creatively realize oneself socially. Happiness in this world is always associated with self-realization in serving people. Therefore, it is very important to engage in activities that correspond to your psychophysical nature and contribute to the development of your talents. It is very important to do what we like and suits our nature, even if only for a few hours a day. By and large, any of your achievements, any, even the smallest victory over yourself, gives you self-confidence and is important for achieving larger goals. For example, my confidence in my abilities increased greatly when, after three unsuccessful attempts, I overcame the most disgusting program in my life, “Solo on the Keyboard,” and still learned to type touch-type.

On a spiritual level, your goal may be to develop pure, unconditional love for God. In modern culture, spiritual goals mean observing the commandments of religion, studying spiritual literature, and even visiting the theater and exhibitions. Although this may help spiritual development, it cannot be a goal, but only a means, and refers to intellectual level. We come into this world only to purify our consciousness and learn to accumulate love. The highest goal of life is found only on the spiritual level.

At the financial level, this may be achieving a certain level of comfort, acquiring certain material benefits, etc. Although different people different ideas about material wealth, each of us needs a certain minimum living wage that brings him a sense of satisfaction, and this aspect is important even for spiritual people: excessive material dependence gives rise to spiritual degradation.

Set high goals

Having a high, inspiring purpose in life is very important for every person. A midlife crisis is a situation when the ultimate goal in a person’s life is low (to earn a million, defend a dissertation, give children a good education, etc.), and, having achieved this, he runs into an energy wall created by his consciousness and loses interest in life . A striking example of this is people for whom career achievements are the main meaning of life: .

It should be well understood that pleasures or material wealth are not the goal, but only the scenery of life, so you should not forget about the action itself - real, spiritual life, in order to earn the applause of the main viewer - God. One does not interfere with the other, but, as they say, fools live to eat, but wise people eat to live. If a person does not have a lofty goal in life, then he will not have the feeling that he is, in fact, truly living, that is, living not in vain. For this goal to inspire us, it must be high, aimed at benefiting the world, and a little unattainable. For example, the best and, in general, the only correct option

  • is to achieve love for God, Divine love. Its derivatives can be the following goals: to achieve unity with God, learn to live in harmony with the universe, get rid of selfishness, spread divine love throughout the world, save humanity, etc. And more specific goals, for example, to find a cure for incurable diseases, to revive the culture of one’s people, etc. If the goal is visible, it means it is achievable.


It is important to know that there is a law of attraction: what we think about, we attract. Desires- the most powerful energy in the Universe. Buddhist masters claim that the main human ability necessary for spiritual and material progress is imagination, skill in detail. One of the laws of the Universe is this: if you have a desire or a dream, then you have the ability to realize it. Another, no less important law: everything is created first in the mind, in consciousness, and only then manifests itself on the physical level. Without passing this level, it is impossible to achieve anything in this world. Therefore, it is very important to give freedom to your imagination.

“Imagination is the upcoming display of life events”

Albert Einstein

All creation, including human thoughts, consists of almighty energy of God manifesting itself in infinitely varied ways. Detailed, well-formed thoughts, directed towards one goal, create a bright, stable in rough reality thanks to the direct close connection between man and the Universe (micro- and macrocosm). Thanks to this connection, a person finds himself in a situation that corresponds to his inner vision and attitude.

There have been cases when having a goal saved people’s lives, when everything seemed to be lost... but not the goal. We have collected and tried to collect examples of goals in a person’s life. Read, bookmark and come back to re-read and comprehend, re-evaluate.

The concept of goal and its significance

There is a law of constant dynamics. It extends to all spheres of human life. And on target. A goal is the result that a person strives to achieve in the end at the end of all his actions. The realization of one goal gives rise to another. And if you have a prestigious job, a huge house in which a loving family is waiting for you, then this is not the limit of your dreams. Do not stop. Continue and achieve them no matter what. And the success that you have already achieved will help you in realizing your next plans.

Purpose and its types

Setting life goals is the most important step towards success. It is not necessary to stop at one task and try to implement it. In theory, there are several types of goals in life. Depending on the sphere of society, there are three categories:

  1. Higher goals. They are focused on the person and his environment. Responsible for personal development and helping society.
  2. Basic goals. Aimed at self-realization of the individual and his relationship with other people.
  3. Supporting goals. These include all material things of a person, be it a car, a house or a vacation trip.

Based on these three categories, a person realizes himself and... If at least one target category is missing, he will no longer be happy and successful. That’s why it’s so important to have several goals at the same time in order to develop in all directions.

Formulate your goals correctly. Clearly formulated goals in a person’s life provide 60% of the success of achieving them. It is better to immediately indicate an approximate time frame. Otherwise, the goal of your whole life may remain an unattainable dream.

How to set a goal correctly

Every person faces difficulties in achieving their goals based on inaccurate formulation. What goals in a person’s life can be cited as an example?

  • Have an apartment, a house, a dacha.
  • Relax by the sea.
  • Start a family.
  • Provide parents with a good old age.

All of the above goals, to a greater extent, one way or another, are a person’s dream. He wants this, perhaps with all his heart. But the question arises: when are his goals realized and what does he do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to set yourself a clear and precise task. It should fit into one phrase. A clear example of the correct setting of goals in a person’s life are the following formulations:

  • Have an apartment (house, dacha) at the age of 30.
  • Lose 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Take your parents into your home and provide them with a good old age.

From the above goals we can conclude that almost all of them have a certain time period. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement his plans; develop a daily action plan. And then he will see the full picture of what needs to be done and undertaken in order for the goal in life to be achieved.

How to achieve your goal faster

The more energy you have, the faster you achieve your goal. But a special kind of energy is required - mental. This is the energy that allows you to think, experience emotions and generally build your reality (you know that thoughts are material, right?). The problem for the average person is that the mental sphere is very polluted. How? Different negative emotions(fears, hatred, resentment, jealousy, anxiety, etc.), psychological complexes, limiting beliefs, emotional trauma and other mental rubbish. And this rubbish gives rise to internal conflicts and contradictions that interfere with achieving the goal.

By getting rid of mental trash, you get rid of subconscious contradictions and increase the power of thought. At the same time, the purity of thinking increases, which definitely accelerates the realization of the goal. Freeing yourself from such a burden makes life happier and easier, which in itself is the main value for any person. The fastest tool for clearing mental space is the Turbo-Suslik system. The advantage of this system is that it uses subconscious resources that are usually idle. Those. Your subconscious mind does most of the work in the background while you go about your business. And you only need to read the ready-made instructions. Simple, fast and, as practice shows (most importantly), effective. .

Top 100 main goals in a person's life

As an example, we can cite the following goals in life, from the list of which every person will find what he wants:

Personal goals

  1. Achieve some success in your activities.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol; smoke cigarettes.
  3. Expand your circle of acquaintances around the world; make friends.
  4. Master several foreign languages in excellence.
  5. Stop eating meat and meat products.
  6. Wake up at 6 am every day.
  7. Read at least one book a month.
  8. Go on a trip around the world.
  9. To write a book.

Family goals

  1. Create a family.
  2. (-Ouch).
  3. Have children and raise them properly.
  4. Provide children with a good education.
  5. Celebrate your copper, silver and gold wedding with your spouse.
  6. See grandchildren.
  7. Organize holidays for the whole family.

Material goals

  1. Do not borrow money; on credit.
  2. Provide passive income.
  3. Open a bank deposit.
  4. Increase your savings annually.
  5. Put your savings into a piggy bank.
  6. Provide children with a substantial inheritance.
  7. Do charity work. Where to begin .
  8. To buy a car.
  9. Build your dream home.

Sports goals

Spiritual Goals

  1. Work on strengthening your will.
  2. Study books on world literature.
  3. Study books on personal development.
  4. Take a psychology course.
  5. Volunteer.
  6. Express sincere gratitude.
  7. Realize all your goals.
  8. Strengthen your faith.
  9. Help others for free.

Creative goals

  1. Learn to play the guitar.
  2. Publish a book.
  3. Draw a picture.
  4. Keep a blog or personal diary.
  5. Create something with your own hands.
  6. Open the site.
  7. Overcome stage and audience fear. How to cry out in public - .
  8. Learn to dance.
  9. Take cooking courses.

Other goals

  1. Organize a trip for parents abroad.
  2. Meet your idol in person.
  3. Seize the day.
  4. Organize a flash mob.
  5. Get additional education.
  6. Forgive everyone for any offense ever caused.
  7. Visit sacred land.
  8. Expand your circle of friends.
  9. Give up the Internet for a month.
  10. See the northern lights.
  11. Conquer your fear.
  12. Instill new healthy habits in yourself.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you choose goals from those already proposed or come up with your own. The main thing is to act and not retreat from anything. As the famous German poet I.V. said. Goethe:

“Give a man a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.”

There is an opinion that every person should have a goal in life. This is the cause for which he wakes up every morning in order to take a few more steps towards its implementation. It is believed that those who do not have a goal live their lives in vain and meaninglessly. After all, the desire for development lies within itself. The goal is just the finish line, and achieving it is the path along which the individual must improve and change.

Unfortunately, many experts note that the aimlessness of people is a scourge modern society. This is especially common among the very young, a paradox, because present life with its achievements and various benefits, it would seem to stimulate a person to receive them. And what should normal goals be? Examples of them may be different, but despite the fact that we are all different from each other, there are common aspirations inherent in every adequate member of society.

What kind of person can there be?

Examples of goals that any sane person wants to achieve:

  1. Have a roof over your head (house, apartment, dacha).
  2. To be provided with financially, and stably, without bankruptcies and other troubles.
  3. Travel, food, technology, cars, clothing follow from the previous point.
  4. Realize yourself creatively.
  5. Create a happy family.
  6. To raise good, smart, healthy, developed and harmonious children.
  7. Live your old age surrounded by loved ones and not need for anything.

Perhaps these are the most important goals c Of course, this list is exaggerated, it may look different, but in the end everyone strives to obtain exactly these things, just in different ways. Although there are exceptions - people who put their lives on, for example, inventing some kind of medicine to save humanity, inventing new technologies, equipment, and flying objects. They believe that the main goal in a person’s life is not small, provincial, selfish aspirations, but global, large-scale achievements that are useful to absolutely everyone.

No purpose in a person's life

Examples of this can be found often. It is not clear why one has desires and aspirations, while the other does not. Psychologists and sociologists believe that it’s all about a person’s motivation: it either exists or it doesn’t. In aimless people it is completely absent, while in their opposites it is too developed. Hence the next question: “Why do some have goals and others do not?” There is no single answer here. Some are inclined to blame genetics, errors of upbringing, while others blame the state of our society, believing that it, with its excessive, sometimes impossible, demands initially suppresses and kills in the bud any ambitious intentions of a person. However, people who are susceptible to such influence are rather weak, weak-willed, fearful and do not like to go out. If you do not pay attention to obstacles, then cherished goals in a person’s life are quite possible and achievable. There are examples of this both among world celebrities and ordinary people.

This article was written as part of an assignment at one of the trainings. If you read smart books on planning, goal setting and personal effectiveness, they always write that when drawing up life goals, it is important to write them down. And I can confirm this on personal experience, you won’t be able to keep goals in your head, since the thoughts in your head are constantly changing, which means you will periodically forget about your goals.

Having written down your goals on paper, it is best to fix them somewhere before your eyes. You can use a regular list. This will help you not to forget about your dreams and constantly think about their implementation. Better yet, make a vision board. I don't just believe that thoughts are material and we can attract to ourselves what we think about. There are quite a few examples in my life when this worked. Below you will find a list of my most cherished desires.

Why did I publish them? Firstly, this is very important for me, since by declaring our own goals, we cut off our path back to our previous existence. Secondly, I think this will be useful for readers of my blog, who, having studied my goals, may think about or reconsider theirs.

So, here are my 10 most cherished goals in life (the list was written on October 14, 2010, under each goal you will find explanations that were left years later):

1) Be a free, independent person. I want to be free from any form of addiction, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, medications, work, complexes and stereotypes, relatives and friends, public opinion, money.

  • I still don’t drink alcohol, I don’t feel like it at all. I tried wine once, but other than drowsiness and headache, I didn’t feel any effect, euphoria or anything else.
  • I smoked from 13 to 19 years old. Now I'm 37, I still don't smoke.
  • I don’t take drugs, I rarely play online shooters.
  • If I have colds, I don’t take any medications (antipyretics, cough, throat, etc.) - I think the body has all the necessary functions for self-healing. At such moments, I drink a lot of water and try to rest more. There were several more serious illnesses, I took pills for some time, but I found alternative methods treatment. At the moment he is healthy, only his eyesight is poor.
  • I’m not employed, I continue to develop various business projects, I haven’t achieved much success yet, but I’m on my way there. Come back in a year, I’ll update the article, I’m sure by then a lot will have changed.
  • Over the past 8 years we have had a fight with many relatives and we communicate little. This is the result of my desire for freedom from other people's opinions and stereotypes. On the one hand, it’s sad, on the other hand, I understand that if I’m like them, I won’t achieve anything in life, I’ll drink and turn into an idiot.

2) Find financial freedom by creating own business. Financial freedom can be achieved in other ways, but for me, creating my own business is most preferable as a way to maximize the development of my potential, my creativity, leadership qualities etc.

I haven’t achieved financial freedom yet, I continue my struggle on the way to this.

3) Move to the South. Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk. I really like these cities, nature, climate, mineral water, treatment, etc.

  • Updated April 3, 2014: moved from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow to develop an online store. .
  • Updated August 3, 2015: .
  • Updated April 5, 2017: moved from Moscow to Gelendzhik. The goal can be considered closed. , but there will be more publications.
  • Updated April 24, 2018: We still live in Gelendzhik, I fell in love with this city and its surroundings. For now we are renting a house, but my next goal will be to build my own house, I will write it down below. I will also soon publish the results of a year’s life here.

Here are some videos from our life at sea:

Video: Wild beach in Gelendzhik

Video: November in beloved Gelendzhik

Video: Biking along the Gelendzhik embankment

4) Be able to travel at least 4 times a year. I want to travel the whole world.

Updated April 24, 2018: this goal has not been realized, since it is largely tied to goal No. 2 - financial independence. Over these 8 years, I developed several business projects, and now I have returned to blogging, as it frees my hands more in this regard. I have a lot of work planned for the next 1-2 years, but I am sure it will allow me to achieve this goal. Stay tuned.

5) I want to earn enough money by the age of 40-50 to be able to make my own feature films. I would like to enter the directing department in the future. My goal is to make films with which to convey life wisdom to people. For example, you have a movie script in your head about drugs and alcohol. It’s like with us, if you don’t drink, don’t do drugs and don’t smoke, then there’s something wrong with you. I would like to change this idea, show reality and ways out. Making films like “Peaceful Warrior”

Updated April 24, 2018: 8 years later, this goal is still on the list of the most desirable ones. But I noticed that signs of pessimism appeared. Age and the wisdom gained over the years takes its toll. I haven’t made much money in 8 years; I definitely won’t have enough for a film yet. But I don’t give up, I may have to expand my time horizons, I don’t give up on the goal, but I push it to the background in the list of priorities.

6) I want to be an example for other people. I want to inspire other people to great achievements with my deeds, actions and life. I want to prove that human capabilities are limitless and how we live is determined only by the boundaries we set for ourselves. I want to achieve success from scratch, without higher education, without connections and cronyism, being a resident of ordinary Tmutarakan.

Updated April 24, 2018: this is my life credo and over the past 8 years this goal, this slogan has only strengthened in me. That’s why I’m updating this post 8 years later, because I know that someone will be inspired by these lines, my example. I myself am inspired by other people. And now I can say with confidence that it is very important who your environment consists of and who you look up to. The more successful people around you, the right people, the more of your most cherished goals you realize. But you need to start with yourself. Set an example for other people. Live right, lead healthy image life, read, develop, reach new heights and other people will follow you. This will be an additional incentive for you.

7) I want to write many books, courses and trainings to leave a legacy. I want what I do to live on after me and that other people will continue this work. By doing this I want to become famous and perpetuate my name. It is important to understand that this is not vanity, but a challenge to yourself. This is a huge challenge. I don't want to be a mediocre person. Many people live boring lives, gray life. Oh, how I don’t want to sit in a rocking chair, wrapped in a warm blanket, and think that I’m a coward and a weakling who could, but didn’t.

Updated April 24, 2018: From 2010 to 2014, significant work was done in this direction. A lot of material was prepared, both books and trainings. Books, however, were only for in electronic format. They did not reach the publisher. And rightly so. Now, in 2018, I understand that this would be complete bullshit. Nevertheless, this goal has not disappeared from my list, from my vision of the future. I will definitely continue working in this direction. It's interesting and exciting to me, just like making films.

8) I want to raise great children. I will not forgive myself if my offspring become ordinary cattle, of which there is plenty in the vastness of our planet. I believe that there are a lot of gaps in our education system. But one of the most important gaps is the absence in schools and universities of a subject that would teach the basic rules of raising children of future and young parents. Bullying is passed on from generation to generation. If children see their parents swearing, drinking beer every evening, watching stupid programs, swearing, beating each other, then why be surprised that they grow up to be drug addicts, prostitutes, thieves and robbers, or simply passive people, dragging out a miserable, meaningless existence, blaming everyone and everything around them?

Updated April 24, 2018: When I wrote this goal, I didn’t have children yet, now I already have 2 daughters. I want another son, I’ll add it to my goals. My vision of this goal has not disappeared; moreover, I am already practicing many things. I want to say that this benefits both the children and myself, because it makes us constantly think about children, about the vector of their development. Someday I’ll write a separate article about this if my readers are interested.

9) I want to create my own school. I still don’t know exactly what kind of school it will be, but I definitely know my mission and calling. I want to teach people kindness, heroism, leadership, success. I want to help people become real, outstanding individuals. I understand that first you need to become like this yourself.

Updated April 24, 2018: You need to work on this goal. It intersects with target No. 7. Now she lacks certainty, they wrote about this to me in the comments and I agree with it.

10) I want to have until the end of my days good health, be of sound mind and strong memory, love and be loved.

Updated April 24, 2018: this goal needs to be adjusted, since health, mind and memory largely depend on how you live, what kind of lifestyle you lead, and I wrote a lot about this in goal No. 1. But loving and being loved is not the first goal, so I’ll write a few words about it. I have been married since 2007. We've been married for 11 years now. I love my wife and really want us to spend the rest of our lives with her. I don't like it when people change partners often. It is doubly unpleasant if they have children who suffer from this. My wife and I sometimes quarrel and this is normal, anything can happen. A couple of times it was so tough that thoughts of breaking up came to mind. But for the sake of children, you need to learn to get rid of your pride, conduct dialogue and find compromises. I don’t want my children to suffer and I won’t allow someone else to raise them. If bad periods arise in your life, then at some moments you need to sacrifice yourself and your desires. If you have taken responsibility for the lives of other people, then you need to be prepared for self-sacrifice. This is a topic for a separate big conversation, so someday I’ll write a separate article.

Well, now you have met my life goals. As you can see, there are no special material goals on my list, such as a cool car or an apartment. I'll just finish finishing the house in the near future. The lack of material goals is not on purpose. I have goal #2 – Find financial freedom. Having realized this goal, all my material desires will be closed.

P.S. Complete this exercise, write down your goals without procrastinating, I will be glad if you share your thoughts in the comments, and finally, I recommend watching a fragment of the film “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door,” where two young guys who, evil fate fate, there are a few days left to live (deadly diagnoses), you need to have time to realize your most desired goals. Look how they set their goals:

Video: Knocking on Heaven - a wish list...

Nothing burdens a person more than the lack of desire for anything in life. Home, work, family, and it would seem there is no end to this daily cycle. But just a few years ago these three points were the goal of someone’s entire life. And now that this milestone has been passed, time seems to have stopped. Goals accomplished. All plans and ideas have been implemented. What's next? Just live and go with the flow?

The concept of goal and its significance

There is a law of constant dynamics. It extends to all spheres of human life. And on target. A goal is the result that a person strives to achieve in the end at the end of all his actions. The realization of one goal gives rise to another. And if you have a prestigious job, a huge house in which a loving family is waiting for you, then this is not the limit of your dreams. Do not stop. Keep setting goals for yourself and achieving them no matter what. And the success that you have already achieved will help you in realizing your next plans.

Purpose and its types

Setting life goals is the most important step towards success. It is not necessary to stop at one task and try to implement it. In theory, there are several types of goals in life. Depending on the sphere of society, there are three categories:

  • Higher goals. They are focused on the person and his environment. Responsible for personal development and helping society.
  • Basic goals. Aimed at self-realization of the individual and his relationship with other people.
  • Supporting goals. These include all the material desires of a person, be it a car, a house or a vacation trip.

Based on these three categories, a person realizes himself and improves himself. If at least one target category is missing, he will no longer be happy and successful. That’s why it’s so important to have several goals at the same time in order to develop in all directions.

Formulate your goals correctly. Clearly formulated goals in a person’s life provide 60% of the success of achieving them. It is better to immediately indicate an approximate time frame. Otherwise, the goal of your whole life may remain an unattainable dream.

How to set a goal correctly

A person faces difficulties in achieving his goals based on inaccurate formulation. What goals in a person’s life can be cited as an example?

  • Have an apartment, a house, a dacha.
  • Lose weight.
  • Relax by the sea.
  • Start a family.
  • Provide parents with a good old age.

All of the above goals, to a greater extent, one way or another, are a person’s dream. He wants this, perhaps with all his heart. But the question arises: when are his goals realized and what does he do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to set yourself a clear and precise task. It should fit into one phrase. A clear example of the correct setting of goals in a person’s life are the following formulations:

  • Have an apartment (house, dacha) at the age of 30.
  • Lose 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Take your parents into your home and provide them with a good old age.

From the above goals we can conclude that almost all of them have a certain time period. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement his plans; develop a daily action plan. And then he will see the full picture of what needs to be done and undertaken in order for the goal in life to be achieved.

Top 100 main goals in a person's life

As an example, we can cite the following goals in life, from the list of which every person will find what he wants:

Personal goals:

  • Find your place and purpose in the world.
  • Achieve some success in your activities.
  • Stop drinking alcohol; smoke cigarettes.
  • Expand your circle of acquaintances around the world; make friends.
  • Master several foreign languages ​​perfectly.
  • Stop eating meat and meat products. Read about the dangers of meat in our article
  • Wake up at 6 am every day.
  • Read at least one book a month.
  • Go on a trip around the world.
  • To write a book.

Family Goals:

  • Create a family.
  • Make your soulmate happy.
  • Have children and raise them properly.
  • Provide children with a good education.
  • Celebrate your copper, silver and gold wedding with your spouse.
  • See grandchildren.
  • Organize holidays for the whole family.

Material goals:

  • Do not borrow money; on credit.
  • Provide passive income.
  • Open a bank deposit.
  • Increase your savings annually.
  • Put your savings into a piggy bank.
  • Provide children with a substantial inheritance.
  • Do charity work. Read where to start here.
  • To buy a car.
  • Build your dream home.

Sports goals:

  • Take up a certain sport. sporting goals in life
  • Visit the gym.
  • Take part in a marathon.
  • Do the splits.
  • Jump with a parachute.
  • Conquer the top of the mountain.
  • Learn to ride a horse.

Spiritual Goals:

  • Work on strengthening your will.
  • Study books on world literature.
  • Study books on personal development.
  • Take a psychology course.
  • Volunteer.
  • Enjoy every day you live.
  • Express sincere gratitude.
  • Realize all your goals.
  • Strengthen your faith.
  • Help others for free.

Creative goals:

  • Learn to play the guitar.
  • Publish a book.
  • Draw a picture.
  • Keep a blog or personal diary.
  • Create something with your own hands.
  • Open the site.
  • Overcome stage and audience fear. How to cry out in public - more details here.
  • Learn to dance.
  • Take cooking courses.

Other goals:

  • Organize a trip for parents abroad.
  • Meet your idol in person.
  • Seize the day.
  • Organize a flash mob.
  • Get additional education.
  • Forgive everyone for any offense ever caused.
  • Visit sacred land.
  • Expand your circle of friends.
  • Give up the Internet for a month.
  • See the northern lights.
  • Conquer your fear.
  • Instill new healthy habits in yourself.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you choose goals from those already proposed or come up with your own. The main thing is to act and not retreat from anything. As the famous German poet I.V. said. Goethe:

“Give a person a purpose for which to live, and he can survive in any situation”.