Did you notice in Lately, how much is written and talked about strength and energy, especially Feminine?... Flow of information... A lot of contradictory material and speculation on the quick “pumping up” and easy development of energy! Few people give serious information and offer system for restoration and development of energy and Feminine power! Basically, it all comes down to suggestions for “pumping up” intimate muscles, as well as various visualizations, meditations and exercises, which are called practices.

All this is good, but in my observation this is not enough... and this, most often, gives a short-term result, which is not always harmless for the physiology and energy of the female body! More such “exercises” affect feelings and emotions and give the effect of “emotional upset”!

And the topic of energies is now more relevant than ever, because the Earth is constantly raising its vibrational frequency... and together with it we are rapidly moving in a stream of constant changes! Our physical and subtle bodies must adapt and reach a different level of life and development in order to live long and well on the New Earth!

I have planned a whole series of articles on the topic of feminine energy and today we will talk about the main sources that support our feminine strength and energy. And we, modern women, need to learn not only to maintain, but also to restore, accumulate and, in the future, generate and change our energy... and this requires time and Knowledge!

What is energy? Energy is the basic condition of human life... it is the life force that is released by the Creator through our parents at the time of conception and activated at the moment of our birth with our first breath and cry!

We come into this life choosing the Path of a man or the Path of a woman and differ from each other not only in our Destination, physical body, but also in the structure of energy.

In men and women, energy differs in circulation, rhythm and cycle. Feminine energy is a wave, centripetal... filling... peace. A woman lives rhythmically and cyclically, while a man lives consistently and purposefully!

If we talk about cyclicality, the main thing for a woman is menstrual cycle... it obeys the lunar rhythm. Age and seasonal changes also affect a woman’s energy. In the rhythm of a woman’s life there is a seven-year cycle, and in a man it is an eight-year cycle.

Another feature of female energy is the horizontal orientation of the female structure, which is explained by the predominance of Yin energy. It is restored and strengthened by special practices (Taoist, Latin American practices). The single center of a woman’s entire energy structure is located in the uterus, which is a vessel for energy and has the property of filling and preserving.

Therefore, we, modern women, still need to learn the art of constantly retaining energy in the uterus!

Stay tuned for future posts where we'll talk more about this!

Well, now - I’m giving you information about the main Sources of Maintaining Feminine Strength and Energy - these are:

- conscious breathing

This topic requires serious study. To begin with, I recommend that you periodically spend at least 3-5 minutes throughout the day. breathe consciously while relaxing your stomach!

- water and proper liquids

A woman is water (associatively and in terms of energy fluidity), and we are 70% water! Now more than ever, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the water we drink, its structure and PH. High-quality water nourishes the brain! I recommend drinking little by little throughout the day, and not at the moment when your body asks for water! This is especially true for those who work at the computer all day! Also pay attention to researching quality beverages such as dry red wine, Chinese green tea, quality grown coffee and Latin American yerba mate.

- conscious nutrition!

We are what we eat! And we are in a flow of various information about different products, systems, diets. Now, in these energetically difficult times, it is not the volume of food that is very important, but its quality! Look for information about the energy of foods. Please note that calories are not equivalent to energy. Unfortunately, now 70 percent of food is chemical and instead of giving energy, it takes it away to a greater extent. Learn to “Listen to your body” when choosing products in markets and supermarkets.

- the art of relaxation

This is very important for us women because when we relax, we are open. Energy circulates more harmoniously and intuition and our femininity work well! What relaxes you?

- dream

Despite the fact that time is now becoming even more dynamic and accelerating, sleep is more important for us women than for men. Allow yourself to sleep at least seven hours!

— sex is like energy exchange!

But this topic is worth studying in more detail, because there is a lot of false information and taboos that still apply. Well, during sex, a woman shares and feeds a man’s energy... if this happens in a state... mutual love!

- menstruation

Sacred time for every woman. Time to cleanse and gain energy. If possible, allow yourself to be in a state of silence, peace, and immersion.

- appearance

Appearance for us, for women, is a colossal boost! Have fun creating yourself: your face, figure, pay attention to your hair, clothes, makeup, jewelry - always! This is our Women's Sphere!

various systems and exercises for body development

Please note that when we torture ourselves in fitness centers, we often burn energy. Pay attention to systems such as yoga, qigong, and various dances! It is very important to move with pleasure every day!

- positive emotions, impressions and inspiration...

Speak for themselves! Try to maintain a positive state. Don't let yourself stay in a minor state for long. If you catch yourself judging, envy, criticizing, irritation, fear - make an effort, consciously switch your thoughts and emotional condition on the positive, on your real experience, situation and person!

- creative thoughts

It is very important to learn to be your own mistress mental activity. Thought always generates emotions/feelings/reactions in the body and prompts action! What kind of mental energy have you been feeding yourself lately?

Well, the most important sources that support us women are Creativity, Family, Home, Love!!!

Moreover, these sources are always mutual - when we feed them, they feed us!

I hope that this material will help you in working on yourself and that you have received answers to some questions about where can a woman get energy?

Sincerely, Tatyana Shapovalova

“Truth and fiction around the female cycle and menopause”

After listening to the course, you will learn:

Causes physical pain and psychological discomfort

How not to lose vitality during menstruation?

Our society's stereotypes and myths about menopause... how do they affect our health, mood and self-esteem?

How not to grow old, but to increase your strength over the years

What don't doctors talk about?

How to properly prepare and enter the menopause period? Do I need to extend my monthly cycle?

Just enter your contact details into the form and we'll send you a link to download the video course now, plus a bunch of extras useful tips on this topic in the near future.

As a rule, what prevents people from bringing brilliant ideas to life or achieving their goals is not laziness, but a lack of vitality or energy. Sometimes it happens that even the simplest household tasks are carried out through force, and you constantly want to relax or lie on the sofa. Many people assume that this is related to health, but illnesses are not always the reason that a person loses strength. Energy loss is serious problem, which is not at all far-fetched or fictitious. There are a number of studies that have shown that this phenomenon actually occurs.

Where does the energy go?

There are two most common options where they can go vitality person:

  • IN negative emotions. Thoughts and words are the main source of energy for a person. If a person begins to constantly express dissatisfaction with his life, criticize and condemn others, blaming everyone around for his failures, then sooner or later this leads to the fact that the individual weakens not only morally, but also physically. The same thing happens if a person is constantly worried about his work or constantly scrolls through anxious thoughts in his head. Or when he constantly thinks about failures in his personal life. Because of this, the strength of a person’s energy weakens very quickly.
  • Large overloads. Quite often, people begin to push themselves to the point of exhaustion with intense physical activity or working seven days a week. Refusal to sleep also entails extremely negative consequences. In addition to deterioration in the functioning of the body, a person disrupts his energy balance.

Also, such consequences can be caused by the fact that the individual does not have any favorite activities, a kind of outlet. If a person is constantly engaged only in work or household chores, then he involuntarily begins to experience despondency.

Where to get energy from

There are a huge number of sources for energy force; the main thing is to choose what is most suitable for you. specific person. Moreover, you can get a lack of energy primarily at the physical level. This means that you need to take care of healthy and comfortable sleep, proper nutrition and many other factors. It is important to pay attention to your body. Health energy will help solve most problems.

In addition, it is important to receive the necessary “feeding” on a spiritual and emotional level. To do this you need to leave time for positive thinking and getting pleasant impressions.

Let's look at the basic mechanisms that will help you figure out where to get the strength and energy for life.


In many cultures, it is believed that walking together helps strengthen interpersonal relationships. That is why during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds usually take seven steps, symbolizing the unity of the man and woman entering into marriage.

During such walks, a person’s energy is saturated with the necessary strength. It also helps improve family relationships. Therefore, you need to walk not only together, but also with children. Such family unity will help everyone relax and feel love for each other.

However, sometimes it's good to take a walk alone. Sometimes it is while traveling on foot that solutions to many problems come. In addition, while walking, a person experiences peace when all thoughts turn off.

Physical exercise

Many people mistakenly believe that going to the gym, swimming pool or fitness center is a waste of time and money. However, physical activity is also important for energy. This is especially true for representatives of the fair half of humanity. And here we are not talking about pleasing men. If a person keeps his body in good shape, then he feels proud of himself, which, in turn, causes the emergence of more positive thoughts that have a positive effect on the moral and physical state of the individual.

However, you should not take physical exercise to the point of absurdity. In the fight against excess weight, you can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation and fall into depression, so it is necessary to maintain harmony in everything.

You need to choose the best and most interesting option for yourself. physical activity. Some people enjoy yoga, others love swimming.

Healthy lifestyle

These habits determine a person’s entire life. Health energy is very important. Therefore, those who smoke, overeat at night and drink a lot of alcohol often experience a lack of strength. In addition, from bad habits The mood deteriorates greatly.

You need to try to give up everything negative and include as many healthy and nutritious foods as possible in your diet.


Many people believe that this requires going to an expensive resort. Actually this is not true. If a person is looking for where to get strength and energy for life, then it is not necessary to go into debt and buy expensive trips to achieve this goal. It is enough to go even to the nearest city. The main thing is to change the situation and feel yourself in a different environment. New experiences, places, acquaintances and knowledge of cultural values ​​will help you get the necessary supply of energy for a long time.

In summer you can go to the village, and in winter to any nearby ski resort.


When it seems that a period of stagnation has begun in life, and there is no opportunity to go on a trip, then you can try to change the situation around you. Very often, during periods of despondency and weakness, people rarely clean their apartments, wear dirty clothes and completely stop taking care of everyday life.

To understand where to get strength and energy for life, just look around. It is necessary to sort out the rubble, throw away everything old and unnecessary. Torn clothes, damaged equipment - all these things carry negative energy, which must be gotten rid of periodically.

In addition, when picking up old things, many begin to suffer from negative memories. Not worth it once again mentally immerse yourself in the past, it is better to get rid of such sources of bad thoughts.

You can also start repairs. Transforming an apartment means changing the world around you. Moreover, a person spends most of his life in his “nest”.

Visit to a psychologist

Sometimes there is absolutely no one to tell about your problems. You don’t want to burden your family with negative information, and your friends may simply not understand or share your disturbing thoughts. But where do you get the strength and energy to live? In communication with a psychologist.

Don’t be shy about asking a specialist for help; he will listen carefully to all your problems. Even though his recommendations may seem absurd, this is not the main thing. The most important thing is to speak out to someone who, even because of his specialty, will delve into all aspects of the patient’s life. This is an excellent boost for human energy. It’s not for nothing that everyone feels relieved after a visit to a psychologist. The point is not that he is a professional in his field, but that there was an emotional release of everything that was boiling in the soul.

Gratitude journal

If you don’t want to go to a psychologist, you can use his recommendations remotely. This universal remedy will help to quickly replenish missing energy reserves.

To do this, it is recommended to simply keep a diary in which you need to write down everything that comes to mind. Let it be even minor thoughts that accidentally came to mind. It is also necessary to put on paper everything bad that happened during the day. If you were rude in line or your boss deprived you of a bonus, you should definitely write down your opinion on this matter in your diary.

Besides negative thoughts Something positive should also be recorded. For example, if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, then he must definitely list what is good about him. Also, don’t be embarrassed to attribute to yourself positive traits, which in reality may not exist. This will help significantly increase your self-esteem.

At the same time, you need to write down your thoughts in a diary regularly. For example, at 10 pm every day. It is better to do this at a time when no one can distract or interfere.

It is also recommended to write in a notebook what a person is grateful for. For example, you can list 5 things for which you would like to thank your husband, child or parents. While writing, a person will experience extremely positive thoughts. Thanks to this, the lack of energy will quickly be replenished.

Psychologists say: the use of such practice develops a person’s positive thinking and vision of the world. In this case, it is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to the diary.

Unity with yourself

Sometimes many people ignore this point, but this does not negate its importance. Sometimes a person desperately needs to be alone with himself for some time. In this case, you can stay at home, turn off the lights and just think about the beautiful. Or it is useful to turn on your favorite movie, drink warm milk or wine all alone.

You need to be able to devote time to yourself. Some consider this a sign of weakness or laziness. In fact, unity with yourself is a necessary stage of life. In addition, it is impossible to collect thoughts when your head is full everyday problems or troubles at work. When you are alone, you need to stop thinking about the negative. It’s better to try to imagine your wonderful future or remember the pleasant moments of life.

It is worth mentioning separately about methods that will help a woman gain energy.


For the fair sex, there is nothing better than letting your body replenish its energy reserves through rhythmic tango or rumba. Dancing also helps improve your figure. In the process of training, flexibility, a sense of rhythm, smoothness and grace develop. During dancing, a woman’s energy is literally released, and the body is charged with new strength.

The main thing is to get moral pleasure from classes. By the way, it is worth saying that dancing is useful at any age. Today you can even find dance groups for retirees. In old age, people most often suffer from energy weakness, so they are also recommended to receive as many positive emotions as possible.

By the way, you can dance at home. This is especially fun to do while cleaning.


According to research by psychologists, a woman needs to speak at least 22 thousand words per day in order to receive the necessary energy release. If there is no one to talk to, then information will accumulate in her, which she must get rid of. As a result, problems begin to grow like a snowball.

Therefore, you need to meet with friends as often as possible and share with them latest news. It is not necessary for conversations to be informative. When a person simply says words, he disconnects from negative thinking. Of course, the interlocutor will not be interested in working unilaterally, so do not forget to periodically listen to him.

If you have no one to talk to, and you don’t want to go to a psychologist, then today you can find a huge number of thematic forums and chats on the Internet where you can express your point of view on this or that issue.


This is another way to quickly release negative energy and recharge with positive emotions. Every woman loves to sing. In this case, the repertoire can be absolutely anything. You can sing karaoke, in the shower or during spring cleaning, interspersing this with rhythmic dancing. Thanks to this, a woman gets the opportunity to express herself.

When a mother sings a lullaby to her child, he automatically begins to experience peace. Therefore, voice and melodic singing is a very powerful way to obtain the necessary charge of energy.

Do energy bracelets help?

They are advertised very often on TV and on the Internet. Typically these products are made from tourmaline and volcanic ash. According to advertising slogans, these materials stimulate energy. However, in reality, these accessories do not have any effect on humans. Therefore, energy bracelets have a purely decorative function. Everything that is said in advertising is not true. This is just a smart move by marketers aimed at gullible buyers.

18.03.2015 23

Is it possible to always be happy?

This is the letter I received from a student: “I really want to always be happy. Is it possible? No matter how I tried different diets, I still don’t have enough energy. I started doing yoga. The first two months were up, but then everything came back - a constant loss of strength and no desire to continue training. On the advice of my wife, I visited healers and psychics, but it was either worse or better a short time. How to overcome apathy and where to get energy?”

And this is what I answered: “Thank you for your questions, which are relevant for every person. For lack of energy is the first sign of approaching misfortunes and illnesses. Ayurveda says that if a person is making progress in spiritual life, then this should be visible in two ways:

1. A person becomes happier and happier every day.

2. His relationships with other people improve.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter how good the spiritual or religious practice a person engages in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can only feel love during giving. Selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him or want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love. If the willingness to take, to receive is greater than the willingness to give, then you are dependent.

The receiver is dependent, the giver is not dependent.

One Kabbalah teacher told me that the main objective This teaching is to make a person an altruist and save him from selfishness.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is stated that the root of all diseases and suffering lies in self-interest and envy, since these qualities increase selfishness, concentration on oneself, and greed.

What happens to an organ or cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only receive and consume the body’s resources? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, it dies. Likewise, the Universe as a whole strives to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, first of all, by ceasing to give them energy. The Enlightened Aryans indicated in their canons that civilizations do not perish as a result of wars, natural Disasters etc., but because everyone begins to think only about themselves, only about taking, and not giving.

And the main principle of harmony is the exchange of energies.

Only he opens people's hearts to love and makes the world happy. The ancient hermit healers of Vadya said that man is a cellular Universe, and if he does not live in harmony with it, then he will not be happy. Modern authorities in psychology and medicine confirm this. Professor Stanislav Grof: “The cause of all crises on earth is the insatiable desire to pursue linear (selfish) goals.”

Peter Russell: “To overcome the global crisis of civilization, which is based on a crisis of consciousness, we need to free ourselves from the self-centered, materialistic mode of consciousness that gives rise to all problems.”

Spiritual homeostasis. Selfishness and selfishness are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Paracelsus defined homeostasis as a state of complete harmony between the internal and external worlds.

In order for homeostasis to occur, Living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. Main principle independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being. Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. In order for spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster the changes in this world will destroy me. Primitive could quickly die from drought and temperature changes. It has long been noted that the first to die in critical situations, for example, in concentration camps, left alone with nature, etc., are selfish and aggressive people. For yogis who are not attached to anything in this world, nothing seems to have an effect. They can sleep on nails, and the snow around them melts.

IN Stalin times there was an order to shoot, first of all, believers and clergy, since in some strange way they not only did not die in the hellish conditions of concentration camps, but also took care of other prisoners and last minutes life radiated radiance and bliss. So we have to stop being consumers, we have to give a lot more. But if we give physically, emotionally, etc. levels, we ourselves must take it somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities. This purest Highest spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should control us, that we are secondary, if we can preserve this feeling, even if we lose something human (money, prestige, a loved one, etc.) d.). Through the feeling of unconditional love comes to us main energy, which is spent on everything. Food gives us energy on the External plane, but takes it away from the internal. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we stop eating. This whole world with him constant stress, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, worries - take away energy, and fasting and solitude give energy.

But the greatest receipt of energies comes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all its shortcomings, yourself (no matter what I am), your destiny in all situations, under any life situations. One Kabbalah teacher, commenting on the commandment “Thou shalt not kill,” explained that the commandments are interpreted on seven levels. At the first level, this commandment means do not kill a person, at the highest, seventh, do not kill love in the soul. For this is the main sin - refusal of love and renunciation of unity with God. Therefore, make every effort to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set yourself the goal of life - the acquisition of Divine love, for from the goal we take energy, and only the strong desire for Divine love in itself fills us with higher energy. Please note that our civilization lives by the motto: “Consume, consume, consume!” At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day.

Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medications, nor various methods from the “How to become happy and healthy” series, nor many public organizations. The number of people suffering from “chronic fatigue syndrome” is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists claim: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly it looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and his environment.

Understanding and accepting this, begin to live as if you are the embodiment of unconditional love. Replace reproaches with gratitude. Questions of the mind: “What can I get from this person, society?” replace it with “What can I give to others? How can I bring happiness into their lives? How can I fill them with love? Stop focusing on yourself and your problems. Remember the statement of the Sufi sages: “Hell is a place where there is no one nearby whom we can help.” And then you will feel how enormous energy flows through you, filling you and those around you with Bliss and harmony. You will notice that your visits to doctors, psychologists, psychics and healers are sharply reduced. On the contrary, when they meet you, they themselves heal, discover new abilities and, most importantly, are filled with the energy of Divine love, incomprehensible to many of them. Try it, you won't regret it! When we receive subtle energy.

We receive subtle energy when:

– we are starving;

– perform breathing exercises;

- we retire;

– we take a vow of silence for some time;

– we walk (or just stay) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplate beautiful landscapes nature;

– we engage in selfless creativity;

– we praise a worthy person for his sublime qualities and actions;

– we laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart;

– we help someone unselfishly;

- show modesty;

– we pray before eating;

– we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) – natural grains, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;

– we sleep from 9-10 pm until two o’clock in the morning (At other times nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);

– we get a good massage from a harmonious person, or we do self-massage;

– we douse ourselves with cold water, especially in the morning and the most powerful effect is if we stand barefoot on the ground;

– we sacrifice our time and money;

– we accept injustice. First of all, because we see the Divine will behind everything;

Every person has his own opinion, and most people think they are always right. Energy loss is caused by:

– despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;

Anger and irritation;

– setting and pursuing selfish goals;

– aimless existence;

- binge eating;

– uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;

– when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using microwave oven; products containing preservatives, chemical additives, grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers;

– eating food devoid of prana – coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;

– eating in a hurry and on the go;

– smoking;

empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone;

– incorrect breathing, for example, too fast and deep;

– exposure to direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 days, especially in the desert;

– promiscuity, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;

– excessive sleep, sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep;

– tension of mind and body;

- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to always be filled vitality(Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. Recently I spoke with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine. He argued that if a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities that force him to ride the subway and walk on asphalt, then such a person’s immunity is quickly restored and he begins to live a healthy life.

2. Water element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks.

3. Fire element: exposure to the sun and eating food containing sunlight.

4. air element: this is the most important element receiving Prana through inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, forests and on the seashore. Smoking and staying in places large cluster people, deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks around irritated and angry, then, on the contrary, excess Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to watch his diet and periodically “break out” into nature.

In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, and monasteries.

Black color absorbs light White color reflects it.

It seems like a simple truth that has long been known to everyone, but if you think about it, it has a deep philosophical meaning. Everyone associates light with something pure, giving energy, happiness and health. For example, the Sun - without it, life would either cease on Earth or turn into hell. In many spiritual and religious schools, one of the main attributes of God is light: in Kabbalah, Islam, some Hindu movements and others. People who experienced clinical death said that the highest reality is a light full of love. But even without various philosophical arguments, please think about who we call Sunny? A person from whom comes a lot of light and goodness, who is not selfish by nature. Many saints, even with the naked eye, saw a halo, a radiance above the head of the Greedy, envious, selfish by nature, no one will ever call Light or the Sun. Rather, he is so gloomy, blacker than a cloud. From the point of view of health, when a healer from God sees your subtle body, he says about the affected or diseased organs: you have a black spot here, your liver is black, which already implies that it is sick. Everyone has probably heard about the existence of black holes in the Universe. Much, of course, still needs to be explored, but one of the indicators of a black hole is obvious - it is some kind of energetic substance that only absorbs everything and it is impossible to get out of it. A kind of cancerous organ, a cell on the body of the Universe. What are cancer cells? Medical research shows that cancer cells do not come from the outside - they are the body’s own cells, which for some time served the body’s organs and performed the task of ensuring the body’s vital functions. But at a certain moment they change their worldview and behavior, begin to implement the idea of ​​​​refusing to serve organs, actively multiply, violate morphological boundaries, establish their “strong points” (metastases) everywhere and eat healthy cells. A cancerous tumor grows very quickly and needs oxygen. But breathing is a joint process, and cancer cells function on the principle of gross selfishness, so they lack oxygen. Then the tumor switches to an autonomous, more primitive form of respiration - fermentation. In this case, each cell can “wander” and breathe independently, separately from the body. It all ends with cancer tumor destroys the body and eventually dies along with it. But in the beginning, the cancer cells were very successful - they grew and multiplied much faster and better than healthy cells. Selfishness and independence are, by and large, a road to nowhere. The philosophy “I don’t care about other cells”, “I am who I am”, “the whole world should serve me and give me pleasure” - this is the worldview of a cancer cell. Therefore, every second we have a choice - to shine to the world, to bring benefit and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve unselfishly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower impulses, to see a Teacher in every person, to see in every situation the Divine Providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank us.. Or to make claims, to be offended, to complain, to envy, to walk around with a wedge-shaped expression, to immerse ourselves in one’s problems, to earn money in order to spend it on satisfying feelings, to show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to get it somewhere you will need artificial stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, sorting out relationships with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction. A simple regular question to yourself: am I a candle to the world or am I absorbing light, can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore actions. And quickly turn our lives into a beautiful bright glow full of love. And then questions about where to get energy no longer arise.

When it comes to important tasks, whether it's studying at a university, completing a significant project or just current work, we often talk about knowledge, skills, motivation and productivity, but we underestimate energy reserves. However, even the most educated and motivated people They don't get things done if they don't have enough energy.

Where to get strength if it’s running low, and where to recharge your internal “batteries” - “EasyPole” will tell you.

Secret One: Reduce Stress Levels

The more tasks and areas of responsibility we have, the more anxiety and stress we have. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between stress and fatigue, as stress literally sucks energy out of us.

When you are stressed, breaks, rest and even sleep are unable to restore your strength, and you return to work just as tired. Of course, productivity in such cases decreases. So, since stress cannot be compensated for by rest, then the solution is to minimize the amount of stress in your life. Sources of tension and anxiety can be unfinished projects or “toxic” people in your environment.

Every time you worry about something, think about whether it’s worth spending time on this person or this situation. It may be wiser to walk away from projects, side jobs, or even relationships if they are draining you of the energy you need to do more important things.

Secret two: get enough sleep

If you have had little or poor sleep, you will feel tired all day. Mood swings and inability to concentrate on work or school are just some of the consequences of lack of sleep.

How many hours should you sleep? They say that it is eight, but in fact it is individual for everyone: for some, six is ​​enough, and for others, all nine are needed. Most likely, you yourself know the minimum that you need to get a good night's sleep.

But what if, even after a busy day, you have difficulty falling asleep, and then wake up several times and cannot fall asleep again? To prevent this from happening, try to improve your sleep:

  • go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • do not drink coffee, tea and other tonic drinks in the afternoon, or even better, give them up completely;
  • 2 hours before bedtime, put gadgets aside and turn off the TV;
  • sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room;
  • master meditation techniques and learn to clear your mind of thoughts that keep you awake.

Secret three: do exercises

Regular physical activity, be it exercise, playing volleyball with friends or morning jogging, improves mood, improves health and energizes. People who lead an active lifestyle have better heart and lung function and oxygenated blood more efficiently, which gives the feeling of “wings behind your back.” Conversely, constant oxygen starvation leads to apathy and loss of strength. In addition, charging and other types physical activity help to discipline yourself, which is also one of the components of success.

If you still can’t motivate yourself to exercise or jog, start with walking or cycling. Choose any type of activity, the main thing is to do it regularly, at least half an hour a day. Over time, it will become a habit and you will see positive results.

Secret four: eat right

Food gives us energy, but sweets and fast food cause a jump in blood sugar levels: first you feel a surge of energy, and then apathy and drowsiness. At the same time, a diet consisting of processed foods and other unhealthy foods is poor in vitamins, which sooner or later will lead to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

Pay attention to what you eat and replace harmful products useful. For example, greens contain antioxidants and boost energy, while protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts or mushrooms help stabilize blood sugar levels and give the body fuel for the hours ahead. As a result, you stay full longer, remain productive, and think about the task at hand, and not about the fact that it would be nice to chew something.

Secret five: do what you love

It's hard to stay passionate and energized if you're doing work that you don't like. And vice versa, there will always be strength for what you love. Does it make sense to give up precious years of your life to a job you hate, even if the salary suits you? Nowadays there are many opportunities to try yourself in different areas and with no less salary.

True success lies in doing what you love. Find your life's work and devote yourself to it without reserve. Overcome difficulties while maintaining faith in your strength.

If you have a worthy goal, do everything to ensure that you have enough energy to achieve it. Get rid of stressors, get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy and do what you love. And then your “battery” will always be 100% charged!

Today I want to address a very important topic- topic vital energy. It would seem that this topic is new, everything is already clear. But if from time to time you suddenly have a question: why are some people so lucky, why are they so lucky, healthy, lucky, why do some people burst with healthy, happy, joyful, sexy, generous and attractive energy, and others want to get away as quickly as possible, and their life is filled with gray, incessant everyday life and pains from which they cannot or do not know how to get out - then it is still worth taking a closer look at this topic.

And the first question that needs to be addressed is: What is vital energy and how is it spent?

First of all, it is worth saying that life energy is, in fact, the energy thanks to which we were born and live on this planet. We receive the base of our general energy already at the moment of conception (there is an opinion that even earlier, when parents are just thinking about and planning to conceive a child) and at birth. In the future, our accumulation and consumption of energy depends on many factors, some of which we can influence, some of which we cannot influence.

Life energy is energy that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, uniting them into a single whole, into a single integral organism, causing the smallest particles of this organism to vibrate at their own frequency, ultimately combining into one powerful natural absorber and emitter of the energy of Space. We can say that this is a single Spirit, the particles of which - individual souls - constitute the vital core of any living being, and, of course, a person.

We can add that life energy is the energy that allows us to create our life, change it, create it, revealing our purpose on this Earth. In a general sense, this is the energy of our thoughts, desires, deeds, actions, words in every second of our life. This energy is redistributed between us, the people around us and the environment around us, revealed in our life circumstances and situations and, ultimately, creates our life as it is here and now.

The more vital energy a person has, the greater potential and opportunities he has to create his life the way he wants. Strictly speaking, even in order for a person to be able to clearly and clearly present the desired picture of life or in order to understand his life more deeply, a colossal amount of energy (in this case, mental energy) is already required. And the “higher quality” this energy is, the more people will be able to do for himself, for other people, for the whole world around him.

And today we will just look at those inexhaustible and truly generous sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

So, Life energy is a single substance consisting of physical and spiritual components. Physical is the energy of the body, the higher its potential, the better health. Spiritual is the sphere of our thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, desires, words that lead to certain actions and results.

Let's first consider sources of obtaining the physical component of Life Energy.

AND the first source is the health of our parents at the moment of our conception. I hope there is no need to explain here: what better health our parents, and even better, their ancestors in several generations, the higher quality genes we will get and the stronger our future health will be.

After birth, a person draws his vital physical force from various sources:

  1. Food. The more attention a person pays to the quality of his food, the more grateful his body is to it. The quality of food plus balance and moderation plus the good emotions with which it is consumed equals an excellent component of your longevity.
  2. Physical energy of the surrounding world: the energy of nature - water, air, sun, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. Communication with each of these elements of nature can significantly increase human energy. Therefore, preserving nature and communicating with it is vital for each of us.
  3. We receive a significant part of our physical energy, as well as spiritual energy, from other people. But not in its pure form, but in the form of processed energy of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and communication with other people. That is, a person processes part of the emotional and spiritual component of energy into physical energy. It's no secret that positive emotions help a person do much more things than negative ones.
  4. Sport, physical exercise, massage, breathing practices, etc. - it is also an excellent source of vital recharge. People who regularly exercise even the most simple exercises, have greater vitality, confidence, vigor and good mood compared to those who do not pay attention to body training.

Here we have looked at the basic sources of increasing the physical energy of the body. Nothing complicated, right? Proper use of each source solves half of your problems in life.

Now let's turn to a more subtle sphere - spiritual and emotional component of life energy.

The sources of obtaining this energy are also known to everyone, but it is this component of energy, in my opinion, that is most difficult to use, since it concerns a person’s spirituality, his personal maturity, the process of human self-improvement, and, therefore, the quality of work with these sources depends on the degree of spiritual maturity each person and changes throughout life.

So here you go the main ones:

  1. Thoughts are a colossal source of energy. Positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, have equal strength, but the former contribute to a significant increase in the overall energy of the body, while the latter contribute to a significant outflow of vital energy.
  2. Feelings are similar to thoughts, subject to the same law of polarity.
  3. Emotions are similar to thoughts and feelings and have the same effect.

These sources are involved in such areas as:

  1. Meditations, spiritual, energy practices are designed to help a person in his eternal search for himself and the Truth, and are designed to give a person strength for this search.
  2. Art in every manifestation, be it music, painting, sculpture, dance, architecture, or, for example, manual applied arts, or other forms of art - this is something into which a person invests a piece of his soul, his Love, his talent and creative potential, and, therefore, all forms of art and creativity have a colossal charge of human energy, which increases the potential of Life Energy as the creator of a work of art , and one who knows how to perceive the intention and soul of the creator in his creation.

These three components - thoughts, emotions, feelings - a person can regulate, track, change, influence, manage them and, therefore, can regulate the flow and expenditure of his vital energy. This is precisely what is most difficult for a person. And mental energy, according to the law of the hierarchy of energies, has orders of magnitude higher power than physical energy, therefore, it can increase (or decrease) a person’s vital energy by orders of magnitude. The positive energy of thoughts, emotions and feelings is the energy of creation, creativity, creation. Negative energy is the energy of destruction, including at the level of the individual’s body.

In this topic, I touched only the tip of the iceberg, basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough. You must be able to apply and, in fact, apply - every day, regularly, even if just a little, but do it! Of course, if you want to live a long, happy and successful life. Because I say: "The quality of your life is the quality of your energy!"