Next year it is planned to complete the first wave of extensive housing reform, which started in 1999 and was aimed at radically updating the capital's housing stock. But before the first wave had time to come to its logical conclusion, the capital administration activated the second wave at the beginning of 2017, which will last until at least 2025. And residents are interested in the map of Moscow’s imminent renovation, which is on this moment not fully formulated.

Initial formation

The initial renovation zone included twelve districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of which there were more than 4.5 thousand residential buildings included in the list of applicants. But the program for demolishing five-story buildings will not be limited to the indicated number of houses. It is planned to present more than 8,000 dilapidated buildings for demolition.

Thus, the main map of the demolition of five-story buildings, which was compiled to conduct a survey of apartment owners, was formed on the basis of multi-level preparation. In particular:

  • it was established which houses are in poor technical condition and whose service life is coming to an end in the next five years;
  • meeting with the heads of the houses included in the list in order to establish actual problems with housing;
  • studying the appeals of home owners to utility services regarding the identification technical problems with construction;
  • interactive telephone verification of the opinions of residents of applicant houses.

Also, the implementation of the renovation program is based on the demographic capabilities of individual areas. In addition to the fact that a statement is needed technical characteristics houses, as well as the consent of residents, it is necessary to ensure that within the boundaries of the area there is space for the construction of apartments for relocation, as well as the creation of a comfortable region. Based on these indicators, it will be known from which district the renovation of Moscow will begin.

The city administration focuses on the fact that first of all it is necessary to begin dismantling the five-story building from those structures that have the lowest level of reliability. And these are panel buildings. Therefore, in the first points of the schedule, space will be taken by panel houses. In second place are block-type buildings and are characterized by the greatest reliability. And according to the Program, they will be the last to be demolished.


Before the beginning of summer, it was planned that the formation of the final list of applicants for dismantling would take place gradually due to the design of the improvement of the vacated territories, as well as newly created courtyards for displaced people. But the plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow has undergone some changes and now the list will be finalized before any kind of construction work begins. So, at the end of August you can see ready list, which will be formed based on an official vote. You can view the results on the Moscow Internet portal “Active Citizen”. And over the next 90 days after the owners saw the results of the survey, it is possible to make amendments to the finished list. By organizing an extraordinary house meeting, you can vote “for” or “against” the reform, which is recorded in the minutes. This document is the basis for changing the decision to include the building in the list of applicants.

Based on the above, only 90 days after submission official results, the authorities will begin the active stage of implementing the reform. Also, all final data will be graphically plotted on a map of the capital.

The mayor's office announced the housing renovation program in Moscow at the beginning of 2017, but the final list of houses subject to resettlement and demolition and the Moscow renovation map were published only at the end of September. This is the second program to demolish the so-called “Khrushchevka” - five-story panel houses. According to the voting results, 5,144 five-story buildings are subject to demolition, which is more than 350 thousand apartments. Of these, 4,062 dilapidated houses were included in the list as a result of a vote on the official Internet portal of Moscow “Active Citizen”, as well as in the centers for the provision of public services “My Documents”. The remaining 1,082 residential buildings included in the renovation program were included based on the decision of the apartment owners of these five-story buildings.

Housing renovation map

Houses subject to demolition according to the approved program are shown on the map of the renovation of the capital's housing stock presented below. It shows all the houses that were included in the program for dismantling dilapidated residential buildings, as well as all the starting sites.

Administrative District

What will the residents of dilapidated houses get in return?

As part of the renovation program announced in 2017, five-story buildings of the I-510, I-511, I-515 series, that is, panel, block and brick buildings, will be demolished. Residents of houses subject to demolition will receive equivalent housing in new monolithic and panel multi-storey buildings. Moscow authorities assure that more than 90% of resettled citizens will receive new housing within their district (okrug). And on the site of the demolished five-story buildings, new residential buildings will be erected, and the construction of skyscrapers is not included in this project. The height of future residential buildings is planned to range from 6 to 14 floors.

Moreover, renovation participants will have the opportunity to improve their living conditions when moving from demolished houses to new apartment. Each of them will be able to choose housing with a larger area by paying extra for it. For those who do not take advantage of this benefit, the city authorities reserve the right for them to purchase a second apartment at a significant discount within two years from the date of moving.

According to the law “On the status of the capital of the Russian Federation”, the opportunity to purchase a large living space with an additional payment is available not only to owners of apartments in dilapidated five-story buildings, but also to those who live in them on the basis of a social tenancy agreement, provided that they have chosen compensation in the equivalent of a dwelling of equal size . A discount of 10% of the additional payment amount will be available to all project participants if they express a desire to purchase additional square meters.

In 2017, in order to update the capital's housing stock, a renovation program was launched in Moscow. At the same time, a preliminary map of the settlement of Muscovites was drawn up, calculated until 2020. In total, about 8 thousand houses are expected to be demolished under this project.

Renovation map

A proposal to demolish old five-story buildings in Moscow was submitted for consideration to the Moscow City Duma in February 2017, and already in April a list of demolished housing by district was presented. In May of the same year, a vote was held on it, in which residents of houses included in the Program could express their opinion for or against. After processing the votes, we compiled a list of 4,062 houses included in the Program. Another 1,082 houses were additionally included in it at the request of the residents themselves. The final official map of Moscow’s renovation by district was published in October 2017.

In September of the same year, on behalf of the mayor of Moscow, a map of 210 launch sites was drawn up. The main condition for the promotion of the site was its proximity to the old housing, so that people would not have to change not only their area, but even their street of residence. Since the launch of the Program, almost 200 more addresses have been added to this list.

View the Moscow renovation map can be found in the pdf file attached below:

Drawing up the map was fraught with some difficulties. Free land was not found in all districts. Particularly problematic were the Left Bank and Donskoy districts, Lianozovo, Tsaritsino, and Nagatinsky Zaton. The first list also did not include Ostankino, Pechatniki, and the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo district, where problems also arose with the allocation of land for development.

1.5 years have passed since the launch of the Program, and its participants are still not sure that the project will be implemented before the end of 2020. If you look at the map of Moscow renovation, you can see another problematic area - Golyanovo, where only two launch sites have been allocated. Due to this critical situation, the district authorities are considering the possibility of offering housing to Program participants in other areas, which is fundamentally inconsistent with the very idea of ​​the project.

Residents of Izmailovo also express dissatisfaction with the small number of sites. Two sites have also been allocated there, although there is vacant land nearby that could be used for the project.

Timing and procedure for relocation

The first lucky person to receive documents for a new apartment was Yulia Belova. In February 2018, she moved to a house on 5th Parkovaya Street, 62b. Residents of two dilapidated five-story buildings located just 300 meters from the new building were also moved into it. Getting housing so quickly became possible way transfer for renovation of houses built under other programs. In the spring-summer of 2018, residents of ZAO, NEAO and VAO also received apartments. In just six months of the project, 800 families were resettled.

It is noteworthy that all families move voluntarily. Having received a written offer by mail to move out of their old housing, each Program participant can inspect the new apartment and only after that give their consent or refusal.

And yet, the majority of Program participants are concerned about the timing of resettlement. According to the head of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the city of Moscow, Sergei Levkin, the construction of new houses for renovation begins every month, but due to the lack of free space, the final schedule and relocation scheme will be ready only by December 31, 2019. First, it is necessary to approve all urban planning documentation that is required for the construction of new quarters.

It is possible that the resettlement will be delayed, so 1 billion rubles will be allocated from the capital’s budget to maintain old houses. In this regard, renovation participants were exempted from paying for major repairs for the entire period of waiting for new housing.

What apartments will program participants receive?

There are quite strict requirements for new houses:

  • Use of modern, environmentally friendly materials. These will be monolithic houses or buildings made from new generation panels.
  • Houses are built taking into account convenience for people with disabilities.
  • Balconies and loggias are glazed.
  • For air conditioners, baskets are pre-installed.
  • Improved sound insulation is used.
  • The entrance to the residential part is located from the courtyard.

Thanks to the renovation, smart houses will appear in the capital. They will be equipped with improved resource metering devices, and all readings from them will be automatically sent to payment centers. Elevators are equipped with interactive screens. There will also be an unusual intercom in the house, through which you can call the rescue service.

The apartments will be rented fully prepared for habitation. The government of the capital issued a Resolution “On approval of the Requirements for improved finishing of equivalent residential premises provided in replacement of residential premises in apartment buildings included in the housing renovation program in the city of Moscow,” which stipulates all the nuances relating to the repair and decoration of premises. It covers everything from window and door materials to baseboards and ventilation grilles. Since the launch of the program, VDNH opened a showroom where one could get acquainted with options for future housing.

Renovation is proceeding at the planned pace. In 2018, 1 million were handed over. square meters, in 2019 this will already be an area of ​​4 million square meters. m. The main burden on city planners will fall in 2020, when all land resources and the development and resettlement plan was approved.

Implementation of the renovation program in Moscow: video

Approved schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow (renovation), lists of houses for demolition by district, list of houses for renovation. Online legal consultation.

The topic of housing is relevant for many Muscovites. After the decision was made to continue the program of eliminating five-story buildings, interest in this issue increased manifold. The demolition schedule for five-story buildings in Moscow and renovation are the most discussed topics today among those who live in the capital’s housing stock. This program raises many questions among Moscow residents. After its approval on August 1, 2017, the most pressing issue is the plan for the upcoming demolition - last news below.

The demolition of five-story buildings was started back in the 1990s by Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Then this program included 1722 objects of certain, so-called demolished, series K-7, II-32, II-35, 1MG-300 and 1605-AM. These houses were considered obsolete from both technical and moral points of view. Initially, it was planned to complete the liquidation and construction of new housing facilities by 2010. However, the Moscow government faced a number of difficulties, including the lack of funds for the demolition of houses due to the 2008 crisis. By 2017, there were several dozen houses in the “demolition” series in the capital, awaiting their turn to be liquidated.

In February 2017, it was decided to continue the demolition of Moscow five-story buildings. The new renovation program initiated by the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin found the support of the President of Russia. To implement it, amendments were made to certain legislative acts, and the so-called renovation law was adopted.

As of August 2017, the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program implied the liquidation of 5,144 residential properties, that is, more than 350 thousand apartments; later, changes were made to the list of houses included in the renovation program more than once. The renovation program affects all administrative districts of the capital; the liquidation and construction of new housing will take place throughout Moscow.

Active implementation new program demolition began after the completion of the previous one, that is, the liquidation of the remaining several dozen houses. Some of them were demolished at the expense of funds from the city budget, and some at the expense of investments from investors. The renovation schedule for five-story buildings in Moscow implied completion of the liquidation of the “demolished” series by the end of 2018.

The renovation program itself is designed for fifteen years, that is, until 2032 it is planned to demolish the five-story residential building and build new facilities on the vacated territory. According to the head of the Moscow Construction Department, the facilities under construction will be built according to modern projects, which are based on monolithic structures and panels that can last about a hundred years.

The renovation of the five-story housing stock was approved by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin in August 2017. The houses participating in it were determined by the residents themselves by voting, which took place in May-June 2017. The relocation schedule for renovation implies the participation of those objects, the majority of whose residents spoke in favor of this.

The renovation schedule for liquidation of houses involves the demolition of facilities in almost all districts of the capital. When compiling the final list of objects, the Moscow City Hall was guided not only by the opinions of the residents themselves, but also by the conclusions of technical specialists about the condition of the five-story buildings. The list of objects for liquidation included mainly five-story panel houses built in 1957-1968. Largest number houses for demolition are planned in the Eastern Administrative Okrug of Moscow, and the least in the ZelAO and TiNAO.

The renovation will be carried out using the wave method. First, a starting facility will be built where the residents of the first liquidated house will be resettled. In its place, a second building will be erected for residents of the next demolished facility, and so on. According to some experts, the implementation of this program may take 30 years instead of the planned 15.

On September 26, 2017, a map of the first starting sites where houses will be built under the renovation program appeared on the website of the capital's mayor's office, and the occupancy of the first house on 5th Parkovaya Street, 62B in the Eastern Administrative District of the capital under the housing renovation program began already in February 2018.

The legislation provides for the provision of equivalent housing with improved finishing to residents of demolished five-story buildings. The new housing will be suitable for living without any additional repairs or finishing work.

Initially, it was planned to participate in the renovation program of eight thousand houses. However, this list was significantly reduced based on the results of voting by residents. In addition to the Khrushchev buildings of the 1960s. The buildings included some nine-story buildings, as well as “Stalin” buildings.

After the implementation of the program was approved, the most pressing question for Muscovites became when there would be a schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings for renovation. Now this issue worries both those whose houses are participating in the project and the rest of Moscow residents. It is expected that all participants in the capital’s renovation program will learn the exact relocation schedule by June 30, 2020.

Demolition and relocation schedule - latest news

At the end of December 2019, the complex of urban planning policy and construction in Moscow disseminated information that the stages of resettlement as part of the renovation will be planned taking into account the opinions of residents. Required condition To prepare proposals for the stages and timing of the renovation program implementation, it is necessary to have approved block planning projects, which are developed by Moskomarkhitektura specialists.

During the meetings, about 450 thousand comments and proposals were received from participants in public hearings on the territory planning projects under consideration in terms of planned development. In connection with the finalization of projects, taking into account the proposals and comments of residents, clarification of proposals for the priority of resettlement is also required.

The final versions of the projects will make it possible to prepare proposals for the timing of demolition and relocation no later than June 30, 2020 (Moscow Government Decree No. 1855-PP dated December 26, 2019 “On amending the Moscow Government Decree No. 497-PP dated August 1, 2017” ).

The official schedule for the demolition of houses under the renovation program will be published before June 30, 2020, but the starting sites on which they will be designed and built have already been determined apartment buildings in 2020-2021 for the relocation of residents of Khrushchev apartments. Since the resettlement of residents is planned to be carried out in waves, it is logical to assume that the schedule for the demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings will be closely related to the schedule for the construction of houses at the launch sites.

Below is an address list of neighborhoods (territories), within the boundaries of which it is planned to carry out the design and construction of starting apartment buildings to ensure a wave of resettlement of citizens during 2020-2021.

Central Administrative District

Basmanny district, Bakuninskaya st., vl. 60
Basmanny district, st. Baumanskaya, 47/1
Krasnoselsky district, apt. 998, building 2/1, building 1, 2
Krasnoselsky district, apt. 998, Rusakovskaya st., 6
Tagansky district, st. Melnikova, 2


Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, bldg. 1
Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, bldg. 20
Voykovsky district, Narvskaya st., vl. 5
Golovinsky district, Avangardnaya st., vl. 10
Golovinsky district, Flotskaya st., vl. 68, bldg. 1
Western Degunino, Angarskaya st., 33
Koptevo, 3rd Novomikhalkovsky proezd, ow. 8
Timiryazevsky district, Lineiny pr-d, ow. 8A
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Alekseevsky district, st. Staroalekseevskaya, ow. 3
Butyrsky district, microdistrict. 78, bldg. 66
Butyrsky district, st. Rustaveli, vl. 3, bldg. 4
Lianozovo, Ilimskaya st., ow. 1-3
Losinoostrovsky district, st. Izumrudnaya, ow. 26A
Marfino, Gostinichny proezd, vl. 8, bldg. 2
Maryina Roshcha, st. Oktyabrskaya, ow. 105
Rostokino, st. Agricultural, vld. 14 (vld. 14/1, vld. 14/2)
Sviblovo, Nansen passage, vl. 8
Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 4A
Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 8A
Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo, st. Molodtsova, 33, bldg. 1
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Bogorodskoye, Millionnaya st., vl. 3
Bogorodskoye, TPU "Open Highway"
East Izmailovo, 13th Parkovaya St., ow. 16
East Izmailovo, 15th Parkovaya St., ow. 27
Ivanovskoye, microdistrict. 40-52, bldg. 2
Ivanovskoye, microdistrict. 40-52, bldg. 5
Izmailovo, Izmailovsky pr-d, vld. 5, room 1
Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Black Lake, ow. 4
Metrogorodok, Otkrytoe shosse, ow. 30, room 1
Perovo, st. Plekhanov, vl. 18
Perovo, st. Plekhanov, vl. 22
Northern Izmailovo, st. 15th Parkovaya, vld. 46A
Northern Izmailovo, st. 15th Parkovaya, vld. 42A

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Vykhino-Zhulebino, Akademika Skryabina st., vl. 3
Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 17
Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 18
Lefortovo, apt. 3, bldg. 6
Lyublino, microdistrict A, st. Lyublinskaya, vl. 113
Lyublino, microdistrict Zh, st. Krasnodonskaya, vl. 46/1
Nizhny Novgorod district, st. Nizhegorodskaya, vl. 76
Ryazan district, microdistrict. 128A, st. Papernika, 12
Tekstilshchiki, st. Chistova, ow. 3A, page 1
Yuzhnoportovy district, microdistrict. D, st. Petra Romanova, 18

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.

Southern Administrative District

Biryulyovo Vostochnoe, st. Zagoryevskaya, vl. 2/1
Biryulyovo Zapadnoe, Bulatnikovsky proezd, 16a
Biryulyovo Zapadnoe, Kharkovsky proezd, vl. 1/1
Danilovsky district, 5th Roshchinsky proezd, s/u 1
Donskoy district, Sevastopolsky prospect, vl. 7, room 6/1
Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Rechnikov, 18-20
Nagatino-Sadovniki, Varshavskoe highway, vld. 47, building 2
Nagorny district, Simferopolsky proezd, vl. 7, page 1
Tsaritsyno, Yerevan st., vl. 6
Tsaritsyno, Kavkazsky Boulevard, vl. 40
Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, microdistrict. 26, bldg. 81-82

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.

South-Western Administrative District

Academic district, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, vld. 35
Academic district, apt. 18, st. Shvernika, vld. 6
Zyuzino, apt. 35, st. B. Yushunskaya, ow. 7A
Zyuzino, st. Odesskaya, vl. 10
Konkovo ​​microdistrict 6, bldg. 3
Konkovo ​​microdistrict 6, bldg. 2
Lomonosovsky district, st. Architect Vlasov, owner. 2
Obruchevsky district, st. Garibaldi, ow. 18
Northern Butovo, st. Feodosiyskaya, ow. 7, building 1
New Cheryomushki, apt. 20, 21, st. Garibaldi, ow. 17
New Cheryomushki, Sevastopolsky pr-kt, ow. 28, room 9
Yuzhnoye Butovo, st. Krasnolimanskaya, ow. 29

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Kuntsevo, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 44
Kuntsevo, st. Bobruiskaya, ow. 15
Mozhaisky district, apt. 71, 72, st. Kubinka, ow. 18, bldg. 2
Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, st. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya, ow. 35A
Solntsevo, st. Shchorsa, ow. 15
Filevsky Park, Beregovoy Proezd, ow. 2, ow. 2, p. 18, ow. 2, p.19
Fili-Davydkovo, st. Kastanaevskaya, vl. 44-48
Novo-Peredelkino, st. Sculptor Mukhina, owner. 11/1

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Mitino, st. Parkovaya, vl. 31
Northern Tushino, microdistrict. 5, st. Turistskaya, vl. 14, bldg. 12
Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, apt. 83, st. General Glagolev, ow. 5, bldg. 1
Shchukino, microdistrict 12, st. Novoshukinskaya, vl. 8/1
Yuzhnoye Tushino, apt. 11, bldg. 1
Yuzhnoye Tushino, st. Boat, ow. eleven

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky Prospekt, bldg. 1934
Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky Prospekt, bldg. 1935
Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky Prospekt, bldg. 1936
Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, Solnechnaya Alley, bldg. 934
Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, Solnechnaya Alley, Vlad. 935
Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, Solnechnaya Alley, Vlad. 936

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye settlement, Shishkin forest village, ow. 9, building 1
Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye settlement, Shishkin forest village, ow. 21, building 1
Mosrentgen, block No. 24, vld. 1
Ryazanovskoye, village Banner of October, Vlad. 3
Troitsk, microdistrict. Solnechny, Fizicheskaya st., ow. 22
Shchapovskoye, village Shchapovo, near houses 8 and 9
Shcherbinka, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, near 37

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.

The official schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program will be published before June 30, 2020, while the starting sites have already been identified on which apartment buildings will be designed and built for the relocation of residents of Khrushchev-era buildings after January 1, 2022. Since the resettlement of residents of five-story buildings is planned to be carried out in a wave method , then we can assume that the schedule for the demolition of houses will be closely related to the schedule for the construction of new residential complexes at the launch sites.

Below is an address list of neighborhoods (territories), within the boundaries of which it is planned to carry out the design and construction of starting apartment buildings to ensure a wave of resettlement of citizens from 2022.

Central Administrative District

Basmanny district, Bolshaya Pochtovaya st., vl. 61-67
Krasnoselsky district, Gavrikova st., ow. 3
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Beskudnikovsky district, Beskudnikovsky blvd., vl. 52
Beskudnikovsky district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 89
Golovinsky district, st. Lavochkina, s/u 4
Dmitrovsky district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 127
Koptevo, Cherepanov Ave., vld. 56A
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Babushkinsky district, Ostashkovskaya street, vl. 9/2
Bibirevo, st. Belozerskaya, ow. 3-5
Butyrsky district, st. Milashenkova, ow. 7/3
Losinoostrovsky district, Taininskaya st., vld. 9/5
Maryina Roshcha, st. Annenskaya, vl. 6
Otradnoe, st. Olonetskaya, ow. 21
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Novogireevo, st. Morning, ow. 3
Perovo, 1st Vladimirskaya st., ow. 47
Perovo, st. Metallurgov, 56
Preobrazhenskoye, st. Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, ow. 22-24
Northern Izmailovo, st. Konstantina Fedina, owner 3
Sokolinaya Gora, st. Volnaya, ow. 28/5
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Kapotnya, 1st quarter, vl. 8
Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, vl. 21
Kuzminki, Yeseninsky Boulevard, s/u 1
Lyublino, st. Krasnodarskaya, ow. 6
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.

Southern Administrative District

Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, Kasimovskaya st., ow. 39, bldg. 2
Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Kashirskoye highway, ow. 76A
Nagatinsky Zaton, Sudostroitelnaya st., ow. 15
Nagorny district, Electrolitny pr-d, vl. 7A

South-Western Administrative District

Academic district, st. Kedrova, ow. 16
Zyuzino, st. Odesskaya, vl. 4, page 1
Konkovo, st. Vvedensky, vl.5
Yuzhnoye Butovo, st. Krasnolimanskaya, ow. 21
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Mozhaisky district, st. Grodnenskaya, vl. 7-9
Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, vld. 75/3
Solntsevo, st. Rodnikovaya, vld. 4/1
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.


Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, emb. Novikov-Priboya, ow. 6/3/1
Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Demyan Bednogo st., ow. 17, bldg. 2
South Tushino, Svetlogorsky pr-d, vld. 7/1/1
and others


Voronovskoye, village LMS, microdistrict Central, near 36
Moskovsky, near the site with cad. No. 50:21:0110205:597 (study 1)
and others

The current list of launch sites is available at. The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than June 30, 2020.

The list of capital neighborhoods where starter homes will be built was approved on September 26, 2017. The list of launch sites initially included 210 territories. At the same time, the list of launch sites is periodically updated and at the beginning of 2020 there were 431 launch sites. These sites contained both finished and under construction houses, as well as areas occupied by parking lots and dilapidated buildings.

The official map of the starting sites for the renovation program is posted on the website of the Moscow Construction Complex. The schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses under the housing renovation program will be published before June 30, 2020.