Fortune telling has accompanied man since ancient times. Looking into the future, predicting events and “spreading straws” are some of the most common reasons for turning to magicians and fortune-tellers. Fortune telling for love relationships occupies a special place. ? When thinking about learning to predict the future of at least one person, yourself, you need to remember that it is, to put it modern language, programmed future.

Fortune telling by cards programs a person for certain events due to the random coincidence of cards. A person is designed in such a way that it is easier for him to shift responsibility for his own future to a fortune teller than to think and influence the course of his life; in this case, he is deprived of independent choice in his future. This is partly why fortune telling in Orthodoxy is considered a sin. Higher powers leave the right of choice and the possibility of self-improvement, but fortune telling makes a person dependent, weanes off finding a way out. difficult situation. Sometimes playing complex solitaire games helps to concentrate attention, engage the subconscious and get an answer to a difficult question.

Special literature and periodic training will help you master the complex science of card layout. To guess or not to guess – choose for yourself, and the article will help you make the right decision. The layout of cards, like any fortune telling, is a kind of dialogue with otherworldly forces. For example, a person asks a question and receives an answer from other worlds.

Is it easy or difficult to learn to tell fortunes on cards?

At first glance, everything is very simple, but only at first glance. In fact, fortune telling is a language that needs to be studied long and patiently. Signs, the relative position of the cards, the atmosphere during fortune telling - everything has a special meaning. So, where to start learning to tell fortunes with cards? First you need to buy a deck of new cards. Knowledgeable people talk about the fact that fortune telling cards are an individual tool and even a partner, so they are not given to anyone. It’s better if you “inherit” the cards from another fortune teller or just buy the deck that you liked in the store.

Beginners can easily get by with a new deck of 36 cards. In fact, the choice of cards is of no small importance for establishing connections with subtle matters. Experienced fortune tellers keep the deck under their pillow so as not to lose touch with it even during sleep. To understand the language of the cards, you will have to study their language, meanings and combinations of cards. Formulate the question correctly and precisely.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards? Most often, cards are laid out when they want to get an answer to a question. Or hear... To do this it needs to be correct

formulate. This could be a regular “yes-no” fortune telling or a more extensive option about the fortuneteller’s position.

Tarot cards have a special philosophical meaning, which requires not only mastery of the special terminology of cards, great concentration and developed intuition. Values regular cards are traditional: the ace of hearts is love, passion, the ace of clubs is the state house, and the ace of diamonds is native. The Queen or King of Clubs denotes dark-haired people.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards - card layouts

The traditional layout goes like this:

First, they make a wish or mentally formulate a question. A card is placed in the center of the table, which represents the person being told fortunes. An unmarried young girl in fortune telling is designated by the queen of diamonds, and a lover by the king of hearts. ? Another card from the deck is placed under the card; it will indicate secret thoughts. On top of the card are two more, which symbolize what is on the heart and mind. Then the cards are laid out one at a time up, down, right, left and one more in between each direction.

Cards that form a cross are especially important, so not every card from the deck is taken, but only the seventh card. The dropped cards represent a person or a signal of danger, it is important to be able to recognize this correctly, so focus on the layout and try to understand the meaning of the cards laid out. The cards on top indicate desires, dreams, on the bottom – what is currently happening. On the right is the past, and on the left is the future that awaits in the next two to three weeks. Whether the wish will come true will be determined by the cards that fell on the main (central) figure, and the cards on the left, which are used to judge the future.

If you know a fortune teller, watch how she tells fortunes, just watch and remember. The process of laying out cards is reminiscent of establishing contact with the world of the unknown, so special care should be taken

for example, you cannot tell fortunes for one person twice a day. Often laying out cards means “guessing” fate. Girls and unmarried women love fortune telling for relationships. The deck is laid out three cards at a time until cards appear that indicate those for whom the layout is being made. The result is three vertical rows that symbolize the past, present and future. The closer the cards representing people are to each other, the greater the chances of a good relationship. The schedule is made for one to two weeks. During this period, try not to repeat fortune telling and not ask the same question. During fortune telling, try to trust your intuition and inner voice.

How to learn to tell fortunes on cards - what is important to remember

Fortune tellers observe certain rules, it will be useful for beginners to know them:

  1. Fortune telling is incompatible with alcohol and drugs.
  2. People who do not believe cards should not tell fortunes; close people and those on whom the fortuneteller depends should also refrain from telling fortunes.
  3. You cannot invent or falsely interpret the position of the cards. You can't understand the meaning of a card combination? Just list everything it could mean.
  4. Remember, whatever the fortune telling, it does not suggest the only correct way out or solution; the choice remains with the person. The layout is only a hint or a warning about how events may turn out, but only a person determines which path to choose.
  5. Fortune telling on cards should not be considered as entertainment; during the reading it is necessary to maintain silence, and turn to fortune tellers and fortune telling only when absolutely necessary.

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How to learn to tell fortunes with cards in 7 days?

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From this article you will learn:

  • Absolutely ANY person can master fortune telling with cards.
  • How to choose the right fortune telling cards
  • How to prepare cards
  • How to clear cards of negative energy

Many people think that in order to learn fortune telling, you must be some special person, have a talent from God, or have a familiar witch who, before death, must pass on her “gift” to you. Partly, much of this is true. Just don’t think that this world will never be accessible to a “mere mortal.” In fact, learning to guess is not easy, but very simple! These abilities are given to us all by nature, but not everyone knows how to use them.

All we need is a deck of cards, this book and a little imagination. To do this, you need to understand a few simple principles, and, of course, spend a little of your work and personal time. Just read the book and follow the simple instructions and exercises, you will succeed!

The technique is not aimed at memorizing things alien to yours. inner world interpretations and layouts, and for the development creativity and intuition, which, ultimately, will automatically develop your clairvoyance. Fortune telling, first of all, is a journey through your world of associations. I just look at the layout, observe my associations, and as a result I get an answer to any question that interests me.

Fortune telling with cards, I realized that “cramming” is not at all necessary here, and is even extremely harmful. And that’s why he abandoned the replicated methods a long time ago. The whole secret of successful fortune telling is the ability to think in images and associations.

To begin with, oddly enough, you will need cards. Any deck will do. For a beginner, a regular deck of 36 playing cards will do, however, this is not essential. You can buy tarot cards from a specialty occult supply store. You can buy a beautiful souvenir deck for 30 rubles at the nearest newsstand; they can also be used for fortune telling. You can even cut out beautiful pictures on any topic from newspapers or magazines, and then stick them on a cardboard base, or simply draw them with your own hands. The main thing is that these pictures reflect symbols that are meaningful to you. (But I still recommend choosing a deck of cards good quality, because you will like to guess, you will do this often, accordingly, a deck made poorly will quickly become unusable).

There are only 3 restrictions that I categorically do not recommend that you deviate from under any circumstances:

Rule #1. The deck must be completely new, purchased in a store, or made with your own hands.

A sealed deck of cards, or cards made yourself, gives you a relative guarantee of their “virginity”, and, therefore, the reliability of fortune telling. That is, there will be no “adherent” extraneous energy on the purchased cards, and if there is, it will be in a fairly neutral form. Unless they were accidentally affected evil person, this also happens, in printing houses and stores they work very different people. The cards you made with your own hands will contain only your energy. Just in case, I advise you to hold the new deck for a few seconds over the candles, and then sprinkle it with salt and sprinkle it with plain water. As a rule, this simple ritual is enough to clear the cards of energy debris and make them suitable for fortune telling.

Rule #2. No one other than you should, under any circumstances, touch this deck. This rule follows from the first one - only your energy should be on the cards! And in general, hold them in your hands more often and try to “nourish” the cards with your positive emotions, they love it.

Rule #3. Don't use any cards to play the game. You wouldn't crack nuts with a violin if you were a professional musician, would you? Forget that in this world there are card games. If you have taken the path of a fortuneteller, respect your working tool, and it will thank you. And so, let's start practical exercises.

Exercise No. 1. We saturate the deck with our energy

This exercise should be done exactly on the first day only. Take the cards and just hold them in your hands for 5 minutes. Mentally ask them to become your friends and help in predicting the future, promise love and care in return, be sincere.

Then shuffle the deck thoroughly. You need to shuffle for quite a long time, at least 15 minutes. However, this should be done not roughly, without rushing, without making sudden movements. Imagine that you are rocking a cradle with a baby or stroking a cat, remember what emotions and sensations this evoked in you? Try to convey these feelings to the cards.

Now take a break for 15 minutes. A break does not just mean rest, it should be active and something useful. For example, put the kettle on and make coffee, check email, or re-read this book again.

As soon as you feel that enough time has passed and you are mentally ready to work, start “flipping through”: Take the deck in your hands and carefully, as carefully as possible, examine each card for at least a minute, i.e. If you have a deck of 36 sheets, this exercise should take you about 30-40 minutes to complete.

Finally, carefully place the cards and put them in your pocket. The first few days you will have to carry them with you, and at night, it is better to put them under your pillow (By the way, I recommend using a piece of fabric, preferably silk or linen, as a “house” for cards, not the original packaging). Finally, go to the bath and rinse your hands thoroughly in cold running water. I recommend doing this always after you have told your fortune on the cards.

Exercise No. 2. Forming a deck dictionary

This exercise should usually be repeated for 2-3 days, possibly more, you yourself will feel when you are ready to move on to the next stage, everything is extremely individual. It is advisable to do this more than once a day.

We do the first part of exercise No. 1 (until the moment of flipping), only this time we will not just look at each of the cards, but play with visual images, associations, and sensations.

Take a card and mentally ask yourself (or a card, it doesn't matter of great importance) about its properties. You need to ask any questions that come to mind. At first, you need to formulate questions so that they can be answered: “yes” or “no”. Subsequently, you can ask questions in any form, and you yourself will be surprised at the accuracy of the answers. Feel free to talk to yourself and get answers from yourself. Everyone is capable of internal dialogue, without this there is no intuition, let the cards themselves tell you how to interpret them. To make it easier for you, I suggest sample list questions you have to mentally ask.

  • - Is this map big or small?
  • - Is she beautiful or scary?
  • - Is she gentle or rough?
  • - Is it soft or hard?
  • - Is it hot or cold?
  • - Is she truthful or cunning?
  • - Does it promote love or hinder it?
  • - Is it somehow related to the topic of finance?
  • - Does she have anything to do with my husband?

Etc. and so on.

Try not only to feel the answer, but to hear and see it at the same time!

Gradually, your personal dictionary of associations associated with this or that card will begin to form in your consciousness (at a subconscious level, it is formed already when you first become acquainted with the deck). Typically, 3 days of practice is enough for these associations to be strengthened to such an extent that you can freely interpret any card randomly drawn from the deck, and, after a week, most can freely work with complex combinations of cards.

By the way, I almost forgot to mention one thing important point: You might be surprised, but the same cards from different decks will very often mean completely different things, and even the same card from the same deck can have different properties at different times. Don't be surprised by this!!! Each card has its own character, and even the mood during the day can change greatly, and, consequently, its interpretation. Over time, you will be able to simply take any deck you are unfamiliar with and almost immediately start guessing on it, without lengthy familiarization procedures, just gain experience.

Exercise No. 3. First practice.

I hope at least 3 days have passed since you started doing the exercises? If so, you probably already feel the cards quite well and are ready to begin your first fortune telling. In fact, you already know how to read cards pretty well, you just don’t know it yet.

First, let's repeat exercise No. 2. Now let's take a little rest. For example, let's drink a little tea, listen to our favorite music, or just gossip a little on the phone, in general, get distracted and create for ourselves good mood as best we can.

Now we take the cards and carefully shuffle them. I'm sure by this time you have already formed a bunch of questions that you can't wait to ask the cards. However, to begin with it is better to prepare monosyllabic questions, i.e. those that could be answered “yes” or “no.”

You need to start with the simplest “1 card” layout. We simply mentally ask a question and draw a card, and then we listen to our feelings and get an answer to the question.

Let's say you asked: “Will Vasya give me a phone on March 8?” and the card “9 of Hearts” came out. because the card is light, then the answer to your question is definitely YES. At least for me, the suit of hearts is associated with a positive answer.

However, that's not all. You have no idea what kind of phone it will be, and yet this map, in my opinion, is quite enough to describe 70% of its properties. Personally, I associate “9 of hearts” with something expensive, quite heavy, solid, and red. In addition, the nine of hearts is always something fast, active, energetic, and for me it is also a road, everything that is not related to home. Therefore, if I were you, I would assume that this phone will be quite expensive and most likely red, in addition, you will receive this gift not at home, perhaps it will be a cafe or a car. However, these are just my associations; you probably associate something of your own with this card.

With a little practice, you will be able to read not only each card individually, but also quite complex layouts, like an open book. By the way, you can come up with layouts yourself or, it doesn’t really matter, but I still recommend coming up with your own layouts, they are much more effective.

The article will describe methods of fortune telling using Tarot cards, ways of interpreting fortune telling.

Perhaps all people are concerned about the future. And even those who do not want to look into it, sometimes would like to know how to act correctly in a given situation. Fortune telling is a way to open up the space of options and see what our intuition tells us.

  • The secret of fortune telling is not that some mysterious entity helps us lay out a deck of cards. Maps are just a tool to help you look into yourself
  • Psychologists, starting with Sigmund Freud, have established that a person is not only his conscious part, but also his unconscious
  • Maps help you establish a connection with the unconscious and extract information from your subconscious
  • Each person has his own way of telling fortunes. Some people like regular cards, others like runes or specific decks
  • Adherents of Tarot cards claim that fortune telling with them is simple and most effective.
  • Anyone can try fortune telling with Tarot cards. Over time, you will learn to master them and understand what each of them means.

How to learn to tell fortunes with Tarot cards for beginners on their own, where to start?

  • The first thing you need is desire. You must get rid of prejudices and the opinion that cards are a 100% answer to any question you are interested in
  • Fortune telling with cards as interpretation of dreams. It's all about sensations and images. The cards only present the desired option. But the interpretation is up to you
  • Many professionals argue that interpretations from books or the Internet are too general. Therefore, take notes to adjust the meaning of the cards to suit you
  • Buy a deck of cards. Don't accept it as a gift. It must be completely new
  • Fortune telling regularly. Even if some of the cards' answers seem strange or blurry to you, record the results in a notepad. With practice, you will be able to understand their meaning more.
  • Don't expect quick results. Tarot reading is hard work that can be compared to spiritual development. Gradually, a connection and understanding is established between you and the images of the cards
  • Study as much literature as possible and practice new divination techniques. This will expand your receptivity in the spiritual realm
Fortune telling with Tarot cards

History of Tarot Cards

  • Cards have always been banned in the Christian world. In the beginning they were used only for games. And later, for fortune telling
  • Any methods of predicting the future were considered by the church to be “displeasing to God,” so those who told fortunes with cards were severely punished
  • It was only in the 14th century that Tarot cards were mentioned in sources. Then it was already a full-fledged deck of 78 cards
  • Back then, Tarot cards were used to play tarok. It was distributed in Germany and France
  • Tarot cards gained their popularity due to the fact that the deck was divided into major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are symbolic images that even illiterate people could perceive
  • Since the 16th century, fortune telling began using Tarot cards. According to experts, this method of using the deck was invented by the gypsies. They spread this teaching throughout Europe.

History of Tarot

Opinions of scientists and psychologists about Tarot cards

  • The opinion that cards are only an area of ​​esotericism is extremely wrong. Many psychologists see cards as a tool for communicating with their subconscious.
  • Sigmund Freud believed that in conscious life a person practically does not feel his unconscious (or subconscious). It manifests itself in hidden desires, complexes and dreams. The subconscious has a huge influence on decision making and character in general.
  • There are many practices to “hear” your subconscious. Meditation, fortune telling, prayer - all these are sides of the same coin
  • Another famous psychologist, Carl Jung, noted that cards are symbols that correspond to a person’s mental state. When guessing, a person synchronizes these symbols and his psyche, thus extracting answers outward
  • This is why science does not deny that cards can be used for self-knowledge

How to start telling fortunes with Tarot cards?

  • If you are convinced of your desire to begin the practice of fortune telling, then buy a new deck of cards
  • You need to choose cards personally. Don’t be lazy, but look at all the images and try to feel the energy
  • Decks of cards are drawn by various artists. And images can be perceived differently by each person.
  • Choose the images that please you. Which you will want to look at for a long time
  • When you bring a deck of cards home, don’t rush to start reading straight away
  • IN free time sit quietly and meditate on the cards. Look at each card, feel what emotions each of them brings to you
  • Only after you become familiar with the deck, proceed to simple layouts
  • Make notes noting which card corresponds to which situation. Over time, you will be able to move away from standard interpretations and use personal

Introducing the Tarot Card Deck

  • A deck of Tarot cards consists of 78 cards, the major and minor arcana.
  • The major arcana are cards with a picture and a symbolic name (for example, "Sun", "Tower" or "Moon"). There are 22 of them. The calculation starts from 0 - this is the “Fool” card. Last card - 21, "World"
  • Minor Arcana - 56 cards, divided into 4 suits - wands, swords, cups and pentacles
  • Tarot cards in some methods of fortune telling have upright and inverted meanings. This must be taken into account when laying out cards

How to properly store a deck of cards?

  • Taking care of your deck has two purposes. The first is keeping the deck in proper shape. The second is the energy perception of the cards
  • A deck of cards is usually bought one for life. A special connection is established with her. And it will be a shame if the drawings are erased and the corners are wrinkled
  • In terms of energy, by carefully storing cards you give them significance as something valuable.
  • Experts advise storing cards by wrapping them in fabric (silk) and placing them in a special wooden box
  • The more carefully you store the deck, the more importance you will attach to fortune telling and the deck of cards.

Tarot card storage box

The connection between astrology and Tarot cards

  • Although there is a connection between Tarot cards and astrology, they cannot be perceived identically. Astrology and Tarot are two different directions
  • Astrology helps to gain deeper insight into the essence of the cards. Especially for those who were already familiar with astrology before
  • Everyone knows that the zodiac signs are divided into 4 elements: fire, air, water and earth. Tarot cards (minor arcana) are also divided into 4 types: wands, swords, cups and pentacles
  • They have a correspondence: wands - fire (West), swords - air (East), cups - water (North), pentacles - earth (South).
  • Zodiac signs have the following relationships with cards: cups - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; pentacles - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; swords - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; wands - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Astrology and Tarot cards

How to choose “your card” in a deck?

  • “Your card” is the one that will symbolize you in some layouts
  • A personal card is selected from the minor arcana. It will be a page, knight, king or queen. For young girls and boys - page and knight, respectively. For mature women and men - queen or king
  • Next, select a card by suit, focusing on your zodiac sign
  • For example, a girl under the zodiac sign Cancer should choose the Page of Cups card

“Own card” in the Tarot deck
  • Read the literature before drawing conclusions about the process of fortune telling with Tarot cards
  • There are two sides of the coin - skepticism and blind trust. Both of these approaches are wrong and will not bring self-knowledge
  • Always approach fortune telling with optimism. Cards do not predict the future, but speak about your subconscious attitude to the situation. Analyze this to do the right thing.
  • There is no need to guess for everyone. Maps are a tool for self-discovery. It is difficult to analyze someone else’s subconscious with the help of cards if you still have little connection with the images
  • Fortune telling by cards goes well with other spiritual practices. Remember that a person is beautiful when he develops all areas of his life

Video: What is Tarot? How to choose a deck of cards

The future is mysterious and foggy. Sometimes, in moments of weakness and self-doubt, there is a desire to find out what lies ahead. It’s not without reason that the famous song says: “...people are designed this way: they want to know, they want to know, they want to know what will happen.” The information received helps you boldly enter tomorrow and make decisions on which your future life depends.

IN modern society Many types of fortune telling are in demand. One of the most popular and ancient is predictions for playing cards, but not on those that have already been used before. A new deck will be required.

Fortune telling was an integral part of the life of our ancestors. They decided to find out their fate back in the fourteenth century, when playing cards had just begun to take hold of people’s minds. There are several layout options, choose the one that suits you. The skill will teach you to recognize the future of any person.

Preparing for fortune telling

Learning layouts is not difficult, it is more difficult to feel a mental connection with the attribute. Buy a new deck. For thirty-six cards there are special spells that will strengthen contact with the owner.

Choose a suitable day for fortune telling. Special, personal, meaningful dates or holidays are suitable: birthdays, Christmas, Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc. There are “most favorable” days - the thirteenth of any month and Christmastide.

After printing the deck, briefly squeeze it in your hands. Stay alone so that other sounds don't interfere with your focus and connection. Close your eyes, relax. If you decide to use a spell, whisper the words.

Before fortune telling, shuffle the deck properly with your left hand, towards the heart, remove some of the cards from the top and move them to the bottom. Everything is ready for the session.

☞ Video story

How to start fortune telling on ordinary cards for a beginner

People have come up with many card layouts that answer any question. Among the well-known ones, there are three simplest ones suitable for beginners:

  • Troika;
  • Fan;
  • Fifteen.

Having chosen a suitable layout and learned in advance, formulate the question of interest. Do not disturb the cards over trifles, ask questions whose answers are important. If it concerns another person, keep his image in your thoughts or put a photo next to him and look at it.


This arrangement is suitable for everyday issues. If you are interested in how today will go or where a person is, the method has been chosen correctly. Shuffle the deck with your left hand and remove any three cards from it. Compare the value with the result obtained. If the answer is unclear, draw three more cards. Fortune telling continues until you find out the answer.


Ask about love, work, future fate.

  1. Choose a card that you associate with yourself, for example, the Queen of Hearts.
  2. If fortune telling involves the participation of another person, take a separate card for him.
  3. After shuffling the deck, arrange the cards in rows of three, one below the other.
  4. Find in the laid out cards the one you wished for in advance - that’s you.
  5. The future is at the top, the past is at the bottom, and the adjacent cards represent the present.


Shuffle the deck and select any fifteen cards from it. Place them in five piles, three in each:

  1. The first one represents the present of a person;
  2. The second relates to his personal life;
  3. The third is for friendship;
  4. The fourth one will tell you about your goals and dreams;
  5. Fifth - will indicate warnings or advice about the future.

The meaning of the cards

Each card and suit has its own meaning: “hearts” are identified with love, “crosses” with business and career. At first you will have to check with each fortune-telling, but soon you will learn to understand intuitively and you won’t need any hints.

☞ Video story

Fortune telling with cards - is it a sin or not?

From time immemorial, the attitude of religion towards fortune telling has been negative. Orthodoxy believed that only the Devil indicates a person’s future and directs them along the wrong, destructive path. However, over time, stereotypes have changed.

Orthodoxy still does not approve of the use of cards, but after a couple of fortune-telling people do not end up in Hell. In addition, it is possible to atone for some sins. As for other religions, the attitude towards fortune telling is more loyal.

If you decide to check your fate using ordinary cards, there are several recommendations that will make your fortune telling correct.

  1. Buy several decks of cards for different types fortune telling. Let each have its own purpose in order to increase the percentage of prediction accuracy. Choose decks with different backs to always differentiate them.
  2. Try not to resort to fortune telling more than once a week and do not ask questions whose answers are unimportant. The higher the value of fortune telling, the more accurate the result.
  3. Use special spells for a deck of thirty-six cards, this will help strengthen the spiritual connection with the owner.

Why a prediction may not come true

  • Don't guess on Sundays and Mondays.
  • Do not cast spells when you are feeling unwell, in a bad mood, or while intoxicated. The result will be inaccurate.
  • Do not pass the deck into the wrong hands, so as not to weaken the connection with the owner.
  • Store cards separately from other things. They need rest and replenishment of energy.

Having remembered these rules, start studying the meaning of each card, choose the next suitable day and start guessing. At first, the predictions will seem unclear and blurry. By enriching your experience with cards, it will be easier to see your destiny. Once you learn to completely trust your cards, they will reveal the whole truth.

Very ancient custom- this is fortune telling, the great-grandmothers of our great-grandmothers did it, and they did it with fear and excitement, and with great pleasure. How to be able to correctly interpret what has been predicted and how to correctly predict it? What is fortune telling? This is information received from subtle plans, received from above from information fields, from your subconscious. You can call it whatever you want, a hint, a warning, a sign, good news. Analysis of possibilities created on existing data: our mood, thoughts, external influences and actions. In fact, this is just one of the options for shaping your future.

You need to be able to guess correctly in order to find out your destiny.

The prediction comes true if all circumstances remain unchanged. Therefore, it’s worth making a choice; if you don’t like the prediction, try to change it radically. Everything is always in your hands, and you should not believe those who say otherwise. Almost any prediction can be changed. Don't give up, you should at least try. Most often, disappointed people come to fortune tellers who dream of getting everything on a plate without doing anything.

Fortune telling is advice you receive to further think about or take certain actions or further inactions. It is fortune telling that gives you a chance to see different possibilities for the development of situations. People very often cannot resolve the difficulties and problems that have arisen, and think only about them all the time. The opportunity to look at what is happening from the outside, to abstract ourselves, to see what you sometimes don’t notice - fortune telling gives us this opportunity. The most important thing is to learn how to guess correctly, and then it will be easier for you to get the right answers to all questions.

Basic rules for correct fortune telling.

There are very important rules, which will help to achieve optimal results in fortune-telling, and which must be followed.

1. Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible matter, even if you decide to do fortune telling as a joke. There is a huge variety various fortune telling, and each of them requires certain conditions and compliance, basic rules. This matter should not be treated with disdain. Fortune telling requires calm and concentration from the one who decided to do it. Not when you can’t guess in a hurry, or on the run. Before fortune-telling, it is recommended to rest for at least some time before, relax, just sit, try not to think about anything.

2. Your divination attributes are, for example: coins, dice, runes, paper, and much more. This is your working tool. It only belongs to you. It cannot be used by other people. You can’t even let me see it, only from your hands. You can only allow runes or cards to be removed during fortune telling. It is strictly forbidden to play with or indulge in fortune telling cards. Your fortune-telling tools should have their own separate place, for example: a piece of fabric, a box or a casket.

4. There should be perfect silence during fortune telling. Turn off the music, TV (or at least turn down the volume).

5. In the process of interpretation, be guided only by the meaning of one or another attribute of fortune telling. Be sure to listen to your feelings and sensations, to the thoughts that unexpectedly come to mind. But you shouldn’t weave into the resulting layout own experience. This is not conscious vanity, but a hindrance, and the most important thing in such a matter is the subconscious. It is because of the vanity that people turn to fortune telling. And you are just a mirror that reflects the information received, and nothing more. Don't forget this.

6. If you refuse to guess on your own and decide to seek the help of a professional fortune teller, do not rush to believe diplomas, titles and beautiful words. This does not always correspond to reality and reality. There are many charlatans who make money from other people’s problems, and therefore there is no need to completely trust the first person you meet. If you want to choose correctly a real fortune teller, it is recommended to ask about her capabilities to those people whom she helped and who contacted her. Reputation must be earned; it is not created just like that and not in one day. It must be earned by people's trust.

And you also need to be able to believe in yourself and in yourself, and then the basic rules of fortune telling will only help you. If you want to learn how to guess for real, the road forward is always open. Fortune telling is not only knowledge for especially dedicated people.

With concentration, perseverance, good intuition and intelligence, you will definitely learn to guess. Good luck in your endeavors!