Sooner or later, every enterprise manager has to make a decision - whether it is necessary to modernize production, or whether it will be a waste of money, because the old equipment is still working. Therefore, you need to weigh the pros and cons of modernizing production:

Lack of upgrades saves money (but only at first glance)

When the manager of an enterprise is faced with the question of what to invest the income from production in, he believes that “if I invest in welding machines, I will have to spend money, and if I don’t buy anything, the money will remain in reserve.” But this is a fundamentally incorrect assumption. Outdated equipment will still take away this money. How will it do this? Very simple:

Old equipment needs constant repairs

The older the equipment, the more maintenance and repairs it requires. Even though the old Soviet, GDR, Czechoslovak installations are made to last, they will have more and more breakdowns, since they have worked out their service life 1.5, 2 or even 5 times. Naturally, here and there something will break. As a result, production downtime, additional costs for repairs and spare parts.

Old installations consume a lot of resources

Welding science does not stand still. More and more new methods are being developed that help protect the manufacturer from excessive consumption of energy and consumables. Modern equipment has significantly more efficiency than outdated installations. At the same operating speed, old equipment can consume up to 2 times more electricity and materials.

As we see, old equipment gradually loses its profitability, which leads to losses. But even if you do not take these facts into account, the new equipment has a number of advantages:

New technologies help solve production problems

Over the years, even in the simplest welding machines, more and more technologies appear that simplify the life of the welder, improve productivity and save money, to say nothing of the good professional equipment. Let's look at the benefits using technologies from EWM as an example:

ForceArc, for example, allows you to significantly speed up and reduce the cost of applying seams with large thicknesses. Due to greater depth penetration (thanks to forced current modes) it is possible to increase the extension of the electrode wire without loss in the quality of protection. It is because of this that it is possible to reduce (and at times even eliminate) the cutting angles of the edges. A practical example can be seen here:

For both processes the thickness is (100mm)

On the first section there is a standard seam, with a basic cutting value. The seam was completely welded in 11 passes.

The second section shows a seam that was made using ForceArc technology. The permissible edge cutting angle is smaller, which simplifies the preparation process for welding and allows you to make a seam in just 5 passes. Savings both on preparation for welding and on lead time and materials.

Savings on employee salaries

Old devices require skillful hand experienced welder. Naturally, he needs to be paid well for this, because he is irreplaceable. New devices are not so demanding on the welder and help to produce high-quality welds almost regardless of the welder’s skills. If you invest significantly in modernization and fully automate production, then even such a welder is not needed. All that will be needed is an operator who can operate several machines at the same time. The result is increased productivity and quality while reducing wage costs.

To sum it up, we can say:
New devices are able to earn (after all, money saved is money earned) with exceptional reliability, saving on welding materials, simplifying many preparatory processes, improving the quality of the seam (which will lead to increased competitiveness of products), and reducing the cost of employee salaries.

As a result, we get high productivity with excellent quality for little money. What else is needed for successful production?


Dzenik Alexander Dmitrievich
Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A.N. Tupolev-KAI

This article is devoted to an overview of the problem of technically outdated equipment. The conducted research allows us to assert that the problem under consideration is a serious one in production, and that the optimal way to solve it is to modernize existing equipment.


Dzenik Alexander Dmitrievich
Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Kazan National Research Technical University them. AN Tupolev-KAI

This article provides an overview of the problem of technically obsolete equipment. The study suggests that this problem is serious in the workplace, as well as being the optimal way to solve it is to upgrade existing equipment.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the department. natural science disciplines (UND) Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (Naberezhnye Chelny) Balabanov I.P.

Machine tools in production in the past and present are the main means for producing parts of various shapes, sizes and complexity. Over time, various improvements in the field of automation of control and production systems have led to the expansion of the functionality of machines, significantly facilitating the work of workers, increasing productivity and, accordingly, the volume of output. Enterprises are interested in their equipment generating maximum income and, at the same time, taking up as few different resources as possible : human, energy, temporary and so on.

Large enterprises, if they have technically outdated equipment, suffer insignificant losses. Companies that use technically outdated equipment are significantly inferior in terms of quality to those who use new equipment. At the same time, the most significant indicators include such indicators as accuracy, energy consumption, speed of final product output, change cycle or expansion of the range of manufactured products.

It may seem that the problem of outdated equipment is not so noticeable, because it still generates income. But eliminating this problem in the case of large enterprises, with competent management, will bring a significant return in profit, in production volumes and in the quality of the final product, while most likely reducing the machine fleet and the number of service personnel.

Thus, the issue of searching and finding a solution to the problem in production - with outdated equipment - is acute. The pitfall that lies in the way of solving this problem is the significant high cost of new equipment and the lack of relevance of existing equipment for sale.

Replacing obsolete equipment by eliminating old equipment and purchasing new equipment is expensive. It is expensive not only due to its high cost, but also due to how quickly technology develops. Not only is the price of new machines high, but the relevance of new equipment itself is very fleeting, due to the constant increase in various indicators, both production and consumer. Thus in this moment Complete replacement of working but outdated equipment is not rational, since the invested funds do not justify the fleeting relevance of the new equipment. At the same time, it is worth recalling intermediate costs, both long-term and one-time. For example: installation of new equipment, the need to attract new personnel; more qualified and, accordingly, more demanding in terms of remuneration; the time in which old equipment is removed and new equipment is purchased

The difficulty of replacing equipment with more modern ones lies not only in the high cost of the purchased equipment, but also in the difficulty of selling the old one. Buyers are better off buying new equipment; they know that it is more difficult to find components for old devices, they are more difficult to operate, consume more energy resources, and also have low returns.

But the problem of outdated equipment can be solved. The solution lies not in completely replacing equipment, but in upgrading machines that are already in production.

The costs of upgrading existing machines are much less than what could be spent on replacement, and we also have equipment that is close to modern levels. Yes, perhaps not achieving it, but according to the “Price Quality” policy, this method is the most effective in any type of production.

In conclusion, effective and rational decision The problem of equipment obsolescence is the modernization of existing machines, increasing their accuracy, productivity, reliability and reducing their downtime, maintenance and reducing their energy consumption.

  1. Andreev G.N. Design of technological equipment for machine-building production. M. “ graduate School”, 1999.
  2. Balabanov I.P., Kasyanov S.V., Safarov D.T. Patterns of formation of deviations in quality indicators in technological operations of processing parts of stamping equipment // Forging and stamping production. Pressure processing of materials, No. 8, 2009.
  3. Balabanov I.P., Simonova L.A., Ziyatdinov R.R., Romanovsky E.A., Brown V.S., Zamorsky V.V. Current issues in mathematical modeling: Ideas. Methods. Solutions, 2016.
  4. Chermyanin A.A., Balabanov I.P. Analysis of machine tool systems modeling systems, 2015.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Faculty of Humanities

Direction Economics

Department of Economics and Finance


Economic justification for replacing old equipment in workshop No. 53 at the Perm Motor Plant OJSC

Student Kashapova Tatyana

Head M.V. Shchukina

Perm 2016

The object of the study is OJSC "Perm Motor Plant", operating in the mechanical engineering market to provide services for enterprises in the oil and gas industry.

The purpose of the work is to substantiate the project to replace old balancing machines with a new HL 6UB machine.

In the process of work, an analysis was carried out of the financial activities of the enterprise and fixed assets in workshop No. 53 of the Perm Motor Plant OJSC.

As a result of the study, schemes for implementing a project to replace old balancing machines were proposed.

Degree of implementation - the project is being considered for implementation as part of the enterprise’s strategic plan

The result of the implementation is a profitable project, confirmed by calculations, which resulted in cost savings for the implementation of new equipment.

The developed project is applicable to the mechanical engineering industry, in particular engine building, represented by Perm Motor Plant OJSC.

The significance of the work lies in the fact that the company bears a huge responsibility for the lives of people using aircraft. The quality of assembly of finished products, namely aircraft engines, depends on the condition of the equipment. The effectiveness of the investment project is calculated using economic indicators and reflected in graphs and diagrams. In conclusion, the main conclusions on this project are written.


OJSC - Open Joint Stock Company

PMZ - Perm Motor Plant

GTU - Gas turbine unit

NPO - Research and Production Association

CJSC - Closed Joint Stock Company

thousand rubles - thousand rubles

VNA - fixed assets

BOTH - current assets

i.e. - that is

r/r - ruble/ruble

because - because

OS - working capital

rub. - rubles

S k.g - availability of fixed assets at the end of the year

S n.g. - availability of fixed assets at the beginning of the year

S post - received fixed assets

S vyb - retired fixed assets

m 2 - square meters

kg - kilogram

mm - millimeter

rpm - revolutions per minute

kW - kilowatt

LLC - limited liability company

PC. - pieces

ARZ - aircraft repair plant

To total liquidity - total liquidity ratio

Kpr liquidity - intermediate liquidity ratio

K abs liquid - absolute liquidity ratio

To ob. ok - fixed capital turnover ratio

To about zap - inventory turnover ratio

K about deb - accounts receivable turnover ratio

K about credit - accounts receivable turnover ratio

ave - avenue

CTK - center of technological competence

UEC - United Engine Corporation


CHAPTER 1. Analysis of the financial activities of the enterprise OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"

1.2 Analysis of the financial condition of OJSC "PMZ"

1.2.2 Analysis of the composition and structure of sources of formation of property of OJSC "PMZ"

1.2.3 Liquidity analysis

1.3 Business activity analysis

1.5 Analysis of fixed assets for workshop No. 53 of the enterprise OJSC "PMZ"

CHAPTER 2. Economic justification for replacing old equipment in workshop No. 53 at the Perm Motor Plant OJSC enterprise

2.1 Project for the implementation of a new balancing machine HL 6UB in workshop No. 53

2.3 Assessing the effectiveness of replacing old machines with a new one





For many years main goal of any enterprise, in our case an industrial one, has always been to increase labor productivity and improve the financial performance of the enterprise. There are many reasons for low labor productivity, but one of the main ones is the physical and moral wear and tear of machinery and equipment.

IN market conditions it is necessary to correctly solve the problems of replacing old and choosing new equipment, since all the main indicators of the enterprise’s activity depend on this.

At JSC "Perm Motor Plant" there are many workshops, including mechanical, mechanical assembly, assembly, thermal and others, in which old equipment is located. All machines whose production dates range from the 1980s have long expired and, consequently, labor productivity has decreased. It should also be noted that every year at the enterprise production volumes are growing, and the need for parts and components is growing.

When deciding whether to replace old equipment, first of all, it is necessary to select indicators, the analysis of which allows you to make the right decision. In mechanical engineering, these include investment costs, costs of operating equipment in the current period (including costs of repairs and maintenance).

In industry, more than a third of enterprises have the bulk of machinery and equipment that is 25 years old. About 60% of industrial enterprises operate on equipment older than 15 years. Only a fifth of enterprises in this main sector of the economy have equipment under 7 years old. The statistics are not reassuring.

At JSC Perm Motor Plant, more than half of the equipment is in “deplorable” condition, and the enterprise is one of the main ones in the industrial sector of Russia. It produces engines for both ground and aircraft.

The problem of radically updating equipment parks in order to change the technological structure to a more progressive one for the Russian economy has long been known. It already existed in the early 80s. XX century, when the technological lag of the country's economy was estimated at 10-15 years. Currently, this gap after the crisis of the 1990s. increased, according to various estimates, from 30 to 50 years.

In many developed and developing countries, this problem has been elevated to the rank of technology policy; the state actively promotes the acceleration of the processes of replacement and modernization of equipment, especially if this is associated with the transition to a more progressive technological structure. Various are used tax benefits, additional incentive investments, customs policy levers and others.

Accelerating the processes of modernization and replacement of equipment in most sectors of the Russian economy depends on many factors. The main ones include the availability of investment opportunities for the owner of outdated equipment to purchase new equipment, both in domestic and foreign markets; the presence of technical and technological potential of the domestic mechanical engineering industry, thanks to which it can produce competitive products; governmental support innovation processes in the field, etc.

The most important problem hampering the development of mechanical engineering remains the catastrophically slow process of improving the technological structure of production based on the replacement of outdated technologies and fixed assets with modern, more productive and efficient ones.

The relevance of this topic is that replacing old equipment with new equipment at an enterprise is necessary, since mechanical engineering in Russia is the most important industry in the Russian economy.

Replacement of equipment at machine-building enterprises is primarily carried out with the aim of reducing the production time of parts, saving costs on raw materials and electricity, freeing up personnel and production space.

The company faces the task of increasing competitiveness through the quality of manufactured engines. First of all, the quality of the products of the main workshops of the enterprise depends on the quality of the technological equipment. The company's customers must have a guarantee that the products they purchase are manufactured on equipment that meets all the requirements of world standards.

Improving technological equipment is one of the main tasks of the enterprise, through which it is possible not only to increase competitiveness, but also production volumes.

Speaking about the Perm Motor Plant OJSC enterprise, it can be noted that in the case of poor-quality assembly of products, there is a high probability of a disaster. Let us compare, for example, the production of engines for aircraft with the production of engines for cars. With poor quality engine assembly, the number of victims in the event of an accident increases several times than in a car accident. Consequently, higher requirements arise for engine assembly, as well as for testing and assembly equipment.

It should also be noted that the Perm Motor Plant OJSC produces engines for the defense industry. This is key point for the enterprise, because there is support from the state and the security of the Russian Federation is ensured. Consequently, the state does not need to purchase engines for the defense industry from abroad, but only needs to invest in the development of engine manufacturing. It should not be noted that engines are produced for the aircraft on which the President of the Russian Federation flies. These engines require more attention and responsibility.

The object of research for the diploma project is the enterprise OJSC Perm Motor Plant.

The subject of the study is an investment project to replace old equipment with new one.

The goal of the diploma project:

To develop and economically justify the replacement of old equipment in workshop No. 53 at the enterprises and OJSC Perm Motor Plant.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Describe the enterprise OJSC "PMZ";

Conduct an analysis of the financial activities of the enterprise;

Make an analysis of fixed assets for the workshop;

Develop a project for introducing a new machine;

Evaluate the effectiveness of this project.

The diploma project consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

Chapter 1 of the diploma project analyzes the financial activities of the enterprise as a whole, analyzes the structure of the enterprise’s property, and analyzes the sources of formation of the enterprise’s property.

In Chapter 2, a project for introducing new equipment is developed, the costs of replacing equipment are estimated, and the effectiveness of this project is assessed.

The result of the implementation of the investment project should be the profitability of the project, a short payback period, an increase in engine assembly volumes, a reduction in costs and an increase in the competitiveness of the Perm Motor Plant OJSC enterprise.

All the advantages of the investment project are confirmed by calculations of performance indicators, such as net present value, profitability index and internal rate of return, and the payback period of the investment project is also calculated.


1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

The company was registered on November 27, 1997 by the registrar Inspectorate of the Ministry Russian Federation on taxes and fees in the Sverdlovsk region of Perm. The managing director of the organization is Sergey Vladimirovich Popov.

The company OJSC "Perm Motor Plant" is located at 614990, Perm, Komsomolsky Ave., 93, the main activity is "Production of turbojet and turboprop engines and their parts." The main industry of the company is turbine construction.

OJSC "Perm Motor Plant" (hereinafter referred to as PMZ) is a serial manufacturer of gas turbine engines for aviation, industrial gas turbine units for the electric power industry and gas transportation. Part of OJSC " Management Company"United Engine Corporation". Size authorized capital is 750,000 thousand rubles and consists of 7,500,000 ordinary registered shares with a par value of 100 rubles. The supreme management body of OJSC "PMZ" is general meeting shareholders, which is held once a year. The management strategy is implemented by the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Council consists of 7 members.

Today, PMZ produces more than 10 types of gas turbine units with a capacity of 2.5 to 25 MW to drive compressors of gas pumping units and generators of gas turbine power plants.

Perm Motor Plant is an enterprise with a full technological cycle, including foundry, mechanical, welding, assembly and testing production, performing repairs, warranty and post-warranty service of products, and training of personnel of operating organizations. PMZ is one of the largest enterprises Perm region and one of the leading aviation and industrial engine manufacturing enterprises in Russia.

The Perm Motor Plant is undoubtedly a well-deserved leader in the aviation and industrial engine industry in Russia and the CIS. This is the only enterprise in Russia that mass-produces aircraft engines that successfully compete with foreign analogues. The demand for the products of JSC PMZ is growing every year. Today, both the PS-90A family of engines and the family of gas turbine units for industrial use are in demand on the market. Sales of the fifth generation PD-14 engine have already begun. In a word, volumes will grow, but at the same time, customer requirements for product quality will become more stringent. A fifth-generation engine requires a fifth-generation plant, so the development strategy involves a significant modernization of the plant. Simply replacing equipment is not enough. It is necessary to change production principles, train existing personnel, and introduce new technologies.

In the market of industrial gas turbine units, JSC PMZ is one of the leading players. The reliability of Perm gas turbines and the accumulated experience in servicing them allowed JSC PMZ to become the main supplier of gas turbine units that will operate at compressor stations providing gas transportation on the promising gas pipelines Nord Stream, Bovanenkovo-Ukhta, Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok "

The main consumers of PMZ OJSC products are: Gazprom OJSC, Russian oil and gas companies and regional energy and electrification enterprises.

OJSC "PMZ" produces and supplies gas turbine units:

1) for OJSC NPO Iskra (manufacturer of gas pumping units for compressor stations main gas pipelines and centrifugal blowers for underground natural gas storage facilities);

2) for ZAO Iskra-Avigaz (conducting reconstruction of gas pumping units of compressor stations of OAO Gazprom);

3) for ZAO Iskra-Energetika (manufacturer of gas turbine power plants and power units).

Perm Motor Plant offers the following services:

1) after-sales warranty service;

2) technical support for the operation of PS-90A aircraft engines and its modifications under serviceability agreements;

3) service support under contracts with airlines, Gazprom organizations, oil producing and energy companies;

4) introduction of technical measures and improvements, new control methods;

5) training and certification of technical personnel of operating organizations on the design of engines and gas turbine units, methods of non-destructive condition monitoring, replacement of modules, components and assemblies.

The main goals of OJSC "PMZ" are:

1) making a profit on the basis of financial, technological, scientific, technical and production integration of the Joint Stock Company;

2) concentration of capital and increase in investment resources for the creation of new high-tech industries, implementation of investment and other projects;

3) increasing the competitiveness of own goods (works, services) and expanding sales markets, coordinating the activities of Shareholders in order to implement joint programs.

The modernization of PMZ OJSC will take place in three directions: the development of Technological Competence Centers (TCCs) working for the entire structure of the United Engine Corporation (UEC), the improvement of existing production facilities and technologies, and the creation of a technology park.

1.2 Analysis of the financial condition of OJSC “Perm Motor Plant”

replacement machine liquidity cost

1.2.1 Analysis of the composition and structure of the enterprise’s property

Analysis of the financial activities of an enterprise is necessary not only to find out what position the enterprise is in at a particular period of time, but also for effective management in order to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.

To analyze the financial activity of an enterprise, a system of interrelated indicators based on data is used financial statements enterprises.

Table 1 - Analysis of the dynamics of property of OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"

Indicator name

As of December 31, 2012, thousand rubles.

As of December 31, 2013, thousand rubles.

As of December 31, 2014, thousand rubles.

Growth rate (2013 to 2012), %

Fixed assets:

Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets

Current assets:

Accounts receivable

Financial investments

Other current assets

Total property of the enterprise

Table 1 shows that the growth rate of fixed assets in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 1.23%, and in 2014 compared to 2013 - by 156.66%. In general, we can say about the positive dynamics of changes in the value of fixed assets over three years.

Figure 1.1 clearly shows the dynamics of changes in the value of non-current and current assets. In 2013, the value of non-current assets increased by 39.65%, and in 2014 the growth was already 71.28%. Regarding current assets, it can be noted that in 2013 their value decreased by 68.91%, but in 2014 it increased by 350.42%.

It is also clear from Table 1 that there are more reserves. Consequently, the amount of materials lying idle at the enterprise is growing. It can also be noted that the cost of inventories in 2013 decreased compared to 2012 by 9.07%. However, in 2014, the value of inventories increased by 6.88%, due to which inventories remained at the same level.

VNA - non-current assets

BOTH - current assets

Figure 1.1 Dynamics of changes in property of OJSC "PMZ"

It should be noted that the amount of cash in 2014 at the enterprise compared to 2013 decreased by 97.21%.

In general, regarding the property of the enterprise, we can say that the dynamics of changes in their value is positive. The growth in property value in 2013 was 23.28%, and in 2014 - 29.95%.

Table 2 - Analysis of the property structure of the enterprise OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"


Change in structure 2012-2013 (%)

Change in structure 2013-2014 (%)

1.Non-current assets

Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Income from investments in material assets

Research and development results

Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets

2. Current assets

Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable

Financial investments

Cash and cash equivalents

Other current assets

Total property

Table 2 clearly shows that the share of fixed assets is growing every year. In 2012 it was 15.95%, in 2013 - 16.31%, and in 2014 the share increased to 31.28%. This is primarily due to the replacement of old equipment, tools, repairs of equipment and buildings, and the acquisition of production and household equipment.

Figure 1.2 shows the structure of the property of OJSC "PMZ" for 2012, 2013 and 2014 by non-current and current assets. It shows that, in general, the proportion of sections is at the same level.

From the data in Table 2 it can be seen that, basically, for all indicators, the change in the structure has negative values.

In general, we can say that the share of non-current assets in 2013 increased by 3.33%, in 2014 - by 7.96%. Specific gravity reduction working capital in 2013 it was 3.33%, in 2014 - 7.96%. It is obvious that changes in the structures of non-current and current assets have changed in direct proportion and by the same values.

It can also be noted that the share of inventories in 2013 decreased by 13.42%, and in 2014 by -7.58%.

Due to the fact that the company is mastering a new generation engine, the amount of investment in research and development is increasing every year. A new product that is assembled at a factory is a promising investment because... due to it, the production output of the enterprise will increase.

Figure 1.2 Structure of the property of OJSC "PMZ" as of 12/31/2012, 12/31/2013 and 12/31/2014.

Their share is growing, albeit slightly. So in 2012, the share of investments in research and development was 0.05%, and in 2014 it was already 1.43%.

1.2.2 Analysis of the composition and structure of sources of formation of property of OJSC “Perm Motor Plant”

Table 3 - Analysis of the dynamics of sources of formation of property of OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"

Indicator name

As of December 31, 2012, thousand rubles.

As of December 31, 2013, thousand rubles.

As of December 31, 2014, thousand rubles.

Growth rate (2013 to 2012), %

Growth rate (2014 to 2013), %


Authorized capital

Reserve capital

Uncovered loss

Long term duties:

Borrowed funds

Deferred tax liability

Estimated liabilities

Short-term liabilities:

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

revenue of the future periods

Estimated liabilities

Other obligations

Based on Table 3, the following conclusions can be drawn: despite the fact that the uncovered loss is decreasing every year, borrowed funds in long-term liabilities are growing, especially in 2014. It turns out that the company is operating at a loss. The growth rate of uncovered losses in 2013 decreased by 6.24%, and in 2014 - by 22.56%.

It is also important to note that the size of long-term liabilities is growing every year. So in 2012 it amounted to 2,197,235 thousand rubles, and already in 2014 it became 12,149,475 thousand rubles. , i.e. in 2012 the growth rate was 27.36%, and in 2014 - +334.15. In long-term liabilities, the growth was mainly due to borrowed funds, the amount of which is equal to 11,353,009 thousand rubles, which is 451.79% compared to 2013.

It should also be noted about the growth of accounts payable, which increased in 2013 by 4.84%, and in 2014 by 31.26%. This is mainly due to obtaining loans from banks, which are used primarily to repay wages workers.

In general, in 2013, equity decreased by 7.58%, and in 2014 it increased by 128.81%. Long-term commitments are growing every year. So in 2013 the growth was 27.36%, and in 2014 it was already 334.15%. The same can be said about short-term liabilities. Their growth in 2013 was 16.03%, in 2014 - 29.71%.

Table 4 - Analysis of the structure of sources of formation of property of the enterprise OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"


Share as of December 31, 2012, (%)

Share as of December 31, 2013, (%)

Share as of December 31, 2014, (%)

Change in structure 2012-2013

Change in structure 2013-2014


Authorized capital

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (loss)

Retained earnings (Uncovered loss)

Revaluation of non-current assets

2.Long-term liabilities:

Borrowed funds

Deferred tax liabilities

Estimated liabilities

Short-term liabilities:

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

revenue of the future periods

Estimated liabilities

Other obligations

Total sources of property formation

From the data in Table 4 it is clear that the share of authorized capital is becoming smaller every year. So in 2013 it decreased by 0.92%, and in 2014 by 0.99%.

It can also be noted that the share of uncovered loss in 2013 increased by 6.93% and amounted to -22.03%, and in 2014 it increased by another 9.28% and amounted to -12.75%.

In general, we can say that the share of equity capital is growing every year. So in 2012 the share was -23.82%, in 2013 - (-17.87), and in 2014 it was already equal to 3.85%.

One can also say about long-term liabilities that their share is growing, but it is not a positive trend. So in 2013, long-term liabilities increased by 0.03%, and in 2014 by 33.58%. The share of short-term liabilities, on the contrary, is decreasing from year to year. In 2012, their share was 109.54%, in 2013 - 103.11% and in 2014 - 48.26%.

From the analysis of the structure of the sources of formation of the enterprise's property, it is clear that the share of equity capital has increased, the share of long-term liabilities has increased, and the share of short-term liabilities has decreased.

1.2.3 Liquidity analysis

Table 5 - Dynamics of changes in liquidity indicators of Perm Motor Plant OJSC

In general, we can say that all coefficients do not correspond to standard values. This indicates that the company is not able to repay short-term obligations on time. It should be noted that all three indicators are growing every year, which is good indicator for the activities of the enterprise. This is clearly visible in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 Dynamics of changes in liquidity of OJSC "PMZ"

From the calculations it is clear that the absolute liquidity ratio is below the standard value, i.e. cash and short-term financial investments do not cover short-term obligations, which means there is a risk of loss of solvency, which is a negative signal for investors.

From the data in Table 5 it is clear that the enterprise does not have enough current assets to cover short-term liabilities. But meanwhile, it can be noted that the coefficient current liquidity is growing every year. This suggests that the enterprise will reach a level at which short-term debt will be covered by current assets.

Thus, in 2013, compared to 2012, the absolute liquidity ratio increased by 0.004, and in 2014, compared to 2013, by 0.097. The current liquidity ratio increased in 2013 by 0.117%, and already in 2014 - 0.326%. The total liquidity ratio also increased in 2013 by 0.011%, and already in 2014 - by 0.624%.

1.2.4 Financial stability analysis

To analyze financial stability, it is necessary to calculate a number of indicators that will reflect all changes. We record the results of the analysis in Table 6.

Table 6 - Analysis absolute indicators financial stability of OJSC "Perm Motor Plant"

Indicator name

As of 12/31. 2012

As of 12/31. 2013

As of 12/31. 2014

Absolute deviation, thousand rubles.

(December 31, 2013 compared to December 31, 2012)

(December 31, 2014 compared to December 31, 2013)

Sources of formation of own working capital (result of section 3 of the balance sheet), thousand rubles.

Non-current assets (result of section 1 of the balance sheet), thousand rubles.

Availability of own working capital (line 1-line 2), thousand rubles.

Long-term liabilities (result of section 4 of the balance sheet), thousand rubles.

Availability of own working capital and long-term borrowed sources (line 3 + line 4), thousand rubles.

Short-term borrowed funds (result of section 5 of the balance sheet), thousand rubles.

Total value of main sources (line 5+line 6), thousand rubles.

Total amount of reserves, thousand rubles.

Surplus (+), deficiency (-) of own working capital (page 3-page 8), thousand rubles.

Excess (+), deficiency (-) of own and long-term borrowed sources of reserve formation (page 5-page 8), thousand rubles.

Surplus (+), deficiency (-) of the total value of the main sources of reserve formation (page 7-page 8), thousand rubles.

According to the results of Table 6, it can be noted that the volume of own funds is growing every year. Their significant growth occurred in 2014, which amounted to 4,364,006 thousand rubles. Non-current assets also increased noticeably. It should also be noted that long-term liabilities have increased, and very significantly. This once again emphasizes that the company is not in a very good financial position. It is also clear from Table 6 that own and long-term borrowed sources of reserve formation, as well as the total value of the main sources of reserve formation are surplus.

According to Table 6, we can say that the enterprise OJSC "PMZ" has an unstable financial condition. This is due to the fact that in addition to own working capital, there are both long-term and short-term liabilities. Consequently, the enterprise has a violation of normal solvency, and there is also a need to attract additional sources of financing.

Let's calculate relative indicators of financial stability.

Table 7 Analysis of relative indicators of financial stability

Indicator name

As of December 31, 2013

Autonomy coefficient

Debt to equity ratio

Own funds ratio

Ratio of mobile and immobilized assets

Maneuverability coefficient

The autonomy coefficient determines the share of the organization's assets that are covered by its own capital (provided by its own sources of formation). The remaining share of assets is covered by borrowed funds. Table 7 shows that the autonomy coefficient has a negative value. Consequently, the enterprise is dependent on creditors and is not independent and solvent. All funds of the enterprise are borrowed. In 2014 alone, it can be seen that 3.9% of assets are covered by equity.

The debt-to-equity ratio is below zero in 2012 and 2013. In 2014 it is 24,997. It shows how many borrowed funds account for 1 ruble of equity capital. The more the ratio exceeds one, the greater the enterprise's dependence on borrowed funds.

1.3 Business activity analysis

The business activity of an enterprise is characterized by the degree of intensity of use of its financial resources.

Turnover indicators reflect the amount of revenue that each ruble invested in assets brings, and the duration of one turnover is also calculated.

Let us determine the turnover ratios and the duration of one turnover of working capital, inventories, receivables and payables.

Table 8 - Analysis of business activity indicators


The value of the indicator

Absolute deviation

Working capital turnover ratio, turnover/year

Duration of one turnover of working capital, days

Inventory turnover ratio, turnover/year

Duration of one inventory turnover, days

Accounts receivable turnover ratio, turnover/year

Duration of one receivables turnover, days

Turnover ratio

accounts payable turnover/year

Duration of one turnover of accounts payable, days

The dynamics of the working capital turnover ratio over three years increased by 0.285 turnover, the duration of one turnover decreased every year. Figure 1.5 shows how the turnover ratios of working capital, inventories, receivables and payables change every year.

Figure 1.5 Dynamics of changes in the turnover ratio

The inventory turnover ratio characterizes the amount of turnover of funds invested in inventories. The higher the inventory turnover, the more efficient its activities are, the less the need for working capital and the more stable the financial position of the enterprise, other than that. equal conditions. Low inventory turnover is a poor indicator of the company's financial and economic performance, indicating excess inventory and (or) bad sales. In 2014, as can be seen from the calculations, the number of cash turnovers decreased, and the duration of one turnover, on the contrary, increased.

The higher the accounts receivable turnover ratio, the faster the company pays its customers. During the analyzed period, it decreased, and the duration of turnover increased accordingly, this indicates negative dynamics. After analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise, we can conclude that the enterprise is experiencing financial difficulties, is not able to pay short-term obligations at the expense of its own working capital, and the share of its own funds is significantly less than borrowed funds.

1.4 Analysis of financial results

To analyze the financial results of Perm Motor Plant OJSC, we will compile Table 9 based on the financial results report.

Table 9 Analysis of financial results

Name of indicator, thousand rubles.

Absolute deviation, thousand rubles.

Relative deviation, %

Cost price

Gross profit

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Revenue from sales

Interest receivable

Revenue from sales

Income from participation in other organizations

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Other income

other expenses

Profit before tax

Current income tax

Change in deferred tax liabilities

Change in deferred tax assets

Net profit

From the data in Table 9 it can be seen that revenue is growing every year. In 2012 it amounted to 13,470,284 thousand rubles, in 2013 - 16,822,148 thousand rubles, and in 2014 - 20,032,578 thousand rubles. In 2013, revenue increased by 3,351,864 thousand rubles, which is 24.88%, in 2014 by 3,210,430 thousand rubles, which is 19.08%.

In addition, cost and gross profit also increased. So in 2013, the cost increased by 2,110,707 thousand rubles, and in 2014 - by 2,375,797 thousand rubles. The growth of gross profit in 2013 amounted to 1,241,157 thousand rubles, and in 2014 - 1,014,633 thousand rubles. The entire increase in profit is clearly visible in Figure 1.6.

Sales profit in 2013 compared to 2012 increased by 1,402,521 thousand rubles, which is 225.95%. In 2014, the growth of profit from sales also increased, but the growth was 2 times lower, and it amounted to 796,631 thousand rubles, which is 39.37%.

Selling expenses in 2013 increased by 82,455 thousand rubles, which is 102.42%, and in 2014 the increase was 26,180 thousand rubles, or 16.07%.

Figure 1.6 Dynamics of changes in gross profit, sales profit and net profit.

It should also be noted that net profit in 2014 increased by 239.13%, which is 664,615 thousand rubles. Income from participation in other organizations has noticeably decreased.

Table 10 Analysis of profitability indicators

From Table 10 we can say the following:

Sales profitability is growing every year. In 2014 it is 14.08 r/r, i.e. 14.08 kopecks of profit from sales is contained in one ruble of revenue. The profitability of costs is 17.87 r/r, i.e. 17.87 kopecks of profit from sales is contained in one ruble of costs.

Return on assets increases every year. In 2014 it is 12.72 r/r, i.e. Each ruble invested in the assets of the enterprise brings 12.72 kopecks of profit before tax. Figure 1.7 shows changes in return on assets, costs and sales. The figure clearly shows that all indicators are growing every year.

Figure 1.7 Dynamics of changes in profitability

The enterprise needs to increase the profitability of sales and assets, as these are very important indicators that affect the successful operation of the enterprise.

As an example, we will develop a project for the implementation of a new horizontal rigid-stop balancing machine HL 6 UB to replace three old ones.

First, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of fixed assets in assembly shop No. 53, because the replacement will be in it.

1.5 Analysis of fixed assets for workshop No. 53 of the Perm Motor Plant OJSC

To make an economic justification for replacing old equipment in workshop No. 53, we will analyze the structure of fixed assets in the workshop and determine the indicators of their movement and use by the workshop.

For a more visual representation of the change in the structure of fixed assets in workshop No. 53, we will draw up table 11, which will reflect all groups of fixed assets.

Table 11 Dynamics of the composition and structure of fixed assets in workshop No. 53.

Groups of fixed assets

Amount, thousand rubles

Specific gravity, %

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year

Buildings and constructions

Transfer devices

cars and equipment


Prod. and household equipment


Other fixed assets


Active part of fixed assets

From the data in Table 11 it can be seen that the bulk of the cost of fixed assets at the end of 2014 is occupied by machinery and equipment and amounts to 69.69%. This is followed by instruments, the share of which is 16.71%. Let us depict in 1.8 the share of groups of fixed assets at the end of 2013, and in Figure 1.9 the share at the end of 2014 to clearly see the change in the structure of fixed assets. The figures show that the structure of fixed assets as a whole has not changed. They show that the main part is occupied by machinery and equipment and tools.

It should be noted that in 2013, the share of machinery and equipment in the structure of fixed assets was 69.60%. The increase in the share of fixed assets, namely equipment, is primarily associated with the replacement of old machines with new ones, which the workshop has at each site.

Figure 1.8 Structure of fixed assets as of December 31, 2013.

Figure 1.9 Structure of fixed assets as of December 31, 2014.

Due to the fact that at the end of 2014 the share of fixed assets (machinery and equipment) increased by 0.11%, the share of the active part of fixed assets also increased and the growth was 9.04%.

In Table 12 we present the indicators of the movement of fixed assets for 2013-2014.

Table 12 - Dynamics of indicators of the technical condition and movement of fixed assets of workshop No. 53, rub.


Absolute deviation

Availability at the beginning of the year


Availability at the end of the year

Growth rate, S kg / S ng

Annual growth, S kg -S ng

Renewal coefficient, K rev =S post /S ng *100%

Retirement rate, K select =S select /S ng *100%

Novelty coefficient at the end of the year, Кн=Sвв/ Sкг*100%

Update rate, Kob = Sin/ S select* 100%

Update intensity coefficient, Kio = S select / S in* 100%

From the data in Table 12 it follows that the cost of fixed assets of the enterprise at the end of 2014 increased significantly (by 2,478,551 rubles) and amounted to 25,107,507 rubles. These changes also involve replacement of equipment.

It can be noted that fixed assets at the enterprise in 2013 and 2014 increased to a greater extent due to acquisitions; they are updated more than they are retired. In 2014, the rate of renewal is 2 times greater than the rate of disposal. This suggests that the company is trying to update fixed assets, and therefore strive for dynamic development.

The enterprise has equipment, some of which is not suitable for work, and some of which is not used in production.

Due to severe wear of equipment and tools, machine productivity decreases and assembly quality is compromised.

The company also has equipment (machines) that are not currently used for production. These machines can be rented out, for example, to the enterprise OJSC "Reductor".

Workshop No. 53 of the Perm Motor Plant OJSC is an assembly shop. It is this that is the last link in the production cycle of the finished product, with the exception of the testing station. This workshop determines how many engines the plant will produce overall and sell them to the customer.

Due to the poor condition of the equipment at the enterprise, the quality of assembly and processing of DSE is reduced. Consequently, assembly and manufacturing costs increase and the competitiveness of the enterprise decreases. In order for the enterprise to continue to be in demand, it is necessary to take specific measures to improve the activities of the enterprise.

OJSC "Perm Motor Plant" is one of the leading enterprises in the Perm region. He bears a high responsibility for the lives of people who fly on airplanes.

To reduce the cost of assembling engines and improve the technical quality of the equipment, I propose to replace three old balancing machines with a modern horizontal rigid-support balancing machine. It is necessary to calculate the effectiveness of this project, whether it is profitable or not to carry out a replacement. We will calculate all the necessary indicators to assess the effectiveness of the project.


2.1 Project for the implementation of a new balancing machine HL 6 UB in workshop No. 53

At the enterprise, in assembly shop No. 53, there are three old balancing machines.

The balancing machine DB-303, cut in 1985, is designed for balancing small-sized rotors.

The balancing machine DB-1001, cut in 1984, is designed for dynamic balancing of medium-sized rotors.

The SCHENCK 5 UB balancing machine, produced in 1988, is designed for more accurate balancing of assembled units (rotors in the stator) for assembling the finished product.

All three balancing machines have exhausted their service life. Over the years of their operation, they have lost their ability to more accurately balance units. Consequently, additional costs arise for the assembly and testing of products and the delivery of finished products to the customer is delayed. It is also impossible to balance new products on them, because... they require more precise balancing. It should be noted that the height of the supports of old machines does not allow fixing new products on the machine.

Over the years of maintenance, the foundation of the machines has become worn out and cracked due to the vibration of the supporting parts of the machines and requires replacement with a new one. Every year the costs of maintenance and repair of balancing machines increase. All three balancing machines occupy a large production area, about 100 m2. They also all have manual control, which requires constant reconfiguration of the machine for each unit, which affects the quality and time of balancing.

All three machines consume a lot of electricity at low speeds.

To replace the old balancing machines, we will introduce a horizontal rigid-support balancing machine HL 6UB. It will perform all the functions of these machines.

This machine has the following advantages:

Has a control panel with software;

Secured high level protection against accidental launch of the product;

Equipped with a protective guard that prevents accidental flying out of rotating parts and the inability to approach the rotating unit, and also reduces the risk of injury when balancing units;

Performs the functions of all three old balancing machines;

Due to the height of the supports, it allows you to balance larger units;

Equipped with modern electronics;

Excludes random error operator when setting up the program;

Provides more accurate balancing of nodes due to more sensitive sensors;

It has shock-absorbing support struts with vibration sensors, which prevents the foundation from breaking;

It occupies a production area of ​​30 m2.

Brief specifications HL 6UB:

· Weight 50 - 3,600 kg

· Maximum node diameter 2,500 mm

Range of rotation speeds when balancing

120 - 520 rpm

120 - 1210 rpm

345 - 3450 rpm

· Safety guard, protection class “B” in accordance with ISO 7475

· Measuring module SAV 925 N

· 90 kW cardan drive

Belt drive BU6/7 37 kW

High operational reliability of the machine

We will purchase the HL 6UB balancing machine from SCHENCK RoTec GmbH (Schenck ZAO Rotec GmbH), representatives of Germany in Moscow.

SCHENK RoTek GmbH has been manufacturing and selling balancing and diagnostic equipment for over 100 years. Offices, service centers and SCHENK RoTech factories are located all over the world: Europe, America and Asia.

In April 2006, SCHENK RoTek GmbH opened its official representative office in Moscow, which is currently responsible for sales and service of SCHENK RoTek GmbH equipment in Russia and the CIS countries.

Currently, the Moscow representative office of SCHENK RoTek operates within the framework of the company Dürr Systems RUS LLC.

The cost of this machine is 2,300,000 rubles. In total, it turns out that the amount of investment will be 2,300,000 rubles.

2.2 Estimating the cost of replacing old machines with a new one

Let's calculate the cost indicators for old balancing machines.

Current repairs include calling a repair engineer, the cost of which is 10,000 rubles. Once a quarter he is called to either repair the machine or check for serviceability. Since we have 3 old machines, let’s calculate the costs for all three machines.

10,000 rub. Ch 4 times Ch 3 pcs. = 120,000 rub.

Spare parts are purchased from third parties, such as ARZ OJSC, TekhMashservice LLC.

On average, the cost of spare parts is 100,000 rubles for each machine.

100,000 rub. H 3 pcs. = 300,000 rub.

Electricity costs include machine setup and balancing itself. The setup time on old machines is 20 minutes, the balancing itself takes on average 60 minutes. Balancing of units is done on average 3 times a week on all three machines, in general. In 2015, the annual hourly fund at 40 hours working week is 1971 hours, the number of weeks is 52. The average power consumption of the machines is 60 kWh. The electricity tariff is 3.37 rubles per 1 kW.

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The effectiveness of replacing obsolete equipment with new ones. The economic efficiency of replacing obsolete equipment with new ones can be determined by the following formula

Replacing obsolete equipment with new equipment will be effective (in accordance with the above calculation) if additional capital investments for the introduction of a more advanced type of equipment pay off during the overhaul cycle of operation of the worn-out machine, but provided that the duration of this cycle does not exceed the standard payback period, i.e. .at T3 TG T. At T3 = TS = T the options (replacement or repair) are equivalent.

The degree of use of the average annual production capacity is determined by a coefficient, which is expressed as the ratio of annual production output to the average annual capacity in a given year. Improving the use of fixed assets and household goods is an important reserve for overfulfilling the national economy. plans. The main conditions for growth and improvement in the use of fixed assets are technical. progress, reconstruction, expansion and technical. re-equipment of existing enterprises through intensive replacement of obsolete equipment with new, more efficient ones, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production, further development of specialization and cooperation, application of advanced labor methods and operating modes of machines, reduction of their downtime, comprehensive rationalization of repair business, etc. Great importance has accelerated commissioning of fixed assets and P. m.

Such replacement of obsolete equipment with new equipment, and new equipment with the latest, is carried out systematically and, although it requires additional capital costs, generally leads to an increase in production efficiency, since an increase in product output and a reduction in production costs due to the introduction of more progressive, high-performance processes occurs faster than the growth of fixed assets. The enterprise must update equipment before its physical wear and tear, if the losses from the early replacement of old equipment with new ones are less than from continuing to use the old equipment.

In the book Special attention paid to the development of proposals to improve production efficiency, including plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, mechanization and automation of production, improvement of management, planning and organization of production, scientific organization of labor (NOT), measures to save materials, fuel and energy, modernization and replacement of outdated equipment, and also taking into account, when drawing up the technical industrial and financial plan, the features of the new system of planning and economic incentives and the modern organizational structure of drilling organizations.

In terms of its economic results, modernization of existing equipment is in some cases less effective than replacing it with new one, however, the advantage of modernization lies in the speed of implementation and relatively low cost. Therefore, when developing a plan for modernization or replacement of obsolete equipment, the question must be resolved whether modernization or replacement of obsolete equipment is more profitable.

As calculations have shown, for the manufacture of the same products they can be used different types semi-automatic and automatic equipment, which are characterized by various technical and economic indicators, in particular specific capital and operating costs (Table 67). Therefore, the choice of equipment for plastics processing in the conditions of reconstruction of existing facilities (replacement of outdated equipment with more advanced ones) and construction of new plants (formation of an equipment fleet) will significantly affect the size and efficiency of capital investments.

Thus, losses from complete obsolescence can only be eliminated by replacing obsolete machinery and equipment with new, more advanced and cost-effective ones. However, in short term It is not possible to completely replace all obsolete equipment. In some cases, improving existing equipment and machinery is more effective than replacing it. Therefore, one of the important directions for increasing the technical level of labor tools and reducing losses from obsolescence is the modernization of machinery and equipment.

At the enterprise, the renewal rates of all fixed assets and their individual groups are ahead of the retirement rates. This indicates that the renewal of fixed assets is carried out mainly through new construction, and not through the replacement of old, worn-out assets, which leads to the accumulation of obsolete equipment and hinders the growth of the economic efficiency of fixed assets.

Planning for the development of the technological base of production includes the development of a complex aimed at using progressive methods of manufacturing products and ensuring a reduction in its labor intensity and cost. The technology development plan is included in the plan for the development of new technology and production organization. The main organizational and technical measures of the plan under consideration include options for new technology, borrowed from similar enterprises in this industry, other industries or from enterprises in foreign countries, options for the rational placement and effective use of available technological equipment, as well as the replacement of outdated or technologically incomplete machines with new ones or those corresponding to the design to the requirements of the manufactured product, options for using progressive equipment, fixtures and tools. The initial data for developing the plan are the tasks of the ministry for the introduction of advanced technologies, mechanization and automation of production, data from the analysis of the current technological situation of the product production program, indicators of the technical and economic level of production in the industry, available resources.

Infrastructure facilities, including energy facilities, are continuously developing systems. The creation and operation of elements of these systems requires a continuous flow of capital investments (investments). Currently, there has been a decline in the investment potential of industries in the Russian fuel and energy complex. During the period from 1990 to 1994, the volume of capital investments in the Russian energy sector decreased almost threefold, which led to a reduction in work in the field of exploration of new deposits of fuel and energy resources, a sharp reduction in the volume and quality of incremental oil reserves, a transition to a late stage of development of the largest gas fields, low efficiency of the main technological processes of production and use of energy resources, which is why it is necessary to replace morally and physically obsolete equipment at all stages of the production cycle of the fuel and energy sector.

To ensure the rhythm of production, as one of the factors for increasing its efficiency, improving the quality of products and the entire operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to very carefully distribute the annual volume of production across quarters, taking into account the established deadlines and volumes of product delivery, increasing production output due to the increase and improvement of capacity utilization and fixed assets, as well as through the activities discussed in Chapter. XII deadlines for the commissioning of new capacities and equipment ensuring uniform loading and rhythmic operation of all production divisions of the association (enterprise) number of working days per year, quarter, seasonality and work shifts requirements of sales organizations and seasonality of sales of certain types of products possible

The main reasons for a decrease in profits may be: actions of competitors; outdated assortment; assortment that does not meet customer demand; narrow assortment (articles do not differ from each other); poor service; ineffective operation of commercial services, poor quality and incomplete performance of commercial functions; goods arrive late and not in such volumes as is necessary for the development of trade turnover.

When developing and improving economic methods to improve the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account that the greatest effectiveness of the impact of economic methods is achieved when they are combined with production analysis.

The main direction of increasing the efficiency of any enterprise is to increase production and reduce costs, which inevitably leads to increased profits. The reserves for increasing production output and reducing the level of costs lie in the modernization of production, leading to an increase in labor productivity, capital productivity and, consequently, an increase in the profitability of production.

This is extremely relevant for the analyzed enterprise, because the main equipment currently produces products that do not meet the requirements of the main supplier. There is an urgent need to replace some equipment.

Producing products of uncompetitive quality can lead to the loss of customers for the enterprise.

Table 3.1 shows the dynamics of the causes of product defects from the 1st presentation.

Table 3.1 – Dynamics of the causes of defects from the 1st presentation of products

Type of marriage 2014 2015
% to total production volume, %
Processing defect 8,99 9,59
Low quality raw materials 1,42 1,64
Other reasons 0,55 0,63
Total (item 1 + item 2 + item 3) 10,96 11,86
marriage structure, %
Processing defect 82,03 80,88
Low quality raw materials 12,96 13,83
Other reasons 5,02 5,29
Total (item 5 + item 6 + item 7) 100,00 100,00

Let's graphically display the data in Table 3.2 (Figure 3.1):

Figure 3.1 – Dynamics of the reasons for the percentage of defects from the 1st presentation of products, %

So, the first reason for marriage finished products from the 1st presentation is associated with problems in the production workshop. The percentage of marriages for this reason increased from 8.99% to 9.59%, and its share in total marriages from 82.03% to 80.88%.

The second reason for the low percentage of finished products suitable from the first presentation is related to problems with raw materials, i.e. with supplier problems. The percentage of defects for this reason increased from 0.55% to 0.63%, i.e. insignificant, and its share in total marriage from 12.96% to 13.83%, which is also insignificant

The low competitive quality of the enterprise's products is associated with outdated technologies in the production workshop, as a result of which the enterprise has a high percentage of defects, which is expressed in an increase in the percentage of products that are suitable from the first presentation.

A production workshop is a complex of machines and equipment. The assessment of the place where the defect occurred is given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 – Place of occurrence of defects

Detail % of initial defects
Screw-cutting lathes Lapping machines Machining centers Drilling and screw cutting Total % defective
Nuts MSh series 7,30 1,87 1,14 2,16 12,47
MT series nuts 6,26 2,26 0,94 0,86 10,32
ShSh series washers 4,22 1,80 0,76 0,45 7,23
Sht series washers 5,07 1,91 0,74 0,33 8,05
BT series bolts 5,98 1,81 0,71 0,29 8,79
BL series bolts 7,54 1,67 0,66 0,26 10,13
Hairpins (all series) 7,22 1,93 0,72 0,27 10,15
TOTAL FOR EACH GROUP OF MACHINES 6,23 1,89 0,81 0,66 9,59

Thus, screw-cutting lathes produce 6.23% of product defects, lapping machines - 1.89%, machining centers - 0.81%, Drilling-screw-cutting machines - 0.66%.

Screw-cutting lathes produce the highest percentage of product defects. The reason is that these machines are morally and physically outdated, which is clearly seen from the data on the average service life of working machines. Average service life:

Screw-cutting lathes – 15 years,

Lapping machines – 5.5 years,

Machining centers – 4 years,

Drilling and screw cutting machines – 4 years.

This negatively affects the financial results of the enterprise, which is clearly seen from the data in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 – Calculation financial losses from marriage

According to Table 3.3, the enterprise’s losses from this problem are constantly growing: if in 2014 their volume was 6,004 thousand rubles. or 12.65% of the total sales volume, then in 2015 their volume increased to 6950 thousand rubles. or 13.78% of total sales.

So, the problem of the enterprise is that the percentage of suitable products from the first presentation is low, which increases defects and increases costs.

In this work, in order to solve processing problems in the production workshop, it is proposed to replace screw-cutting lathes, which give the highest percentage of defective products and which are morally and physically outdated (the average life of screw-cutting lathes is 15 years).

Modern equipment has higher productivity and higher precision of part processing.

Table 3.4 provides a visual comparison of existing and proposed equipment for installation.

Table 3.4 - Comparison of screw-cutting lathe

The implemented equipment is significantly more productive. High torque and a significant number of operations allow you to have a higher accuracy class (III accuracy class - 5-10% defects, I accuracy class - less than 1.5% defects), and therefore a lower level of defects (defects will decrease from 6. 6% to 1.1%).