The head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) Yuri Gertsiy spoke out against the abolition of work books in Russia, which is proposed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The head of Rostrud believes that a work book is needed because “it disciplines both the employee and the employer,” and that “it is too early to abolish work books, especially from the point of view of small enterprises that are not yet ready for this.”

Alexey Zakharov, president of the recruiting portal

— Work books could have been canceled a long time ago. In the West there have never been work books. This is a purely Russian, or rather, Soviet invention. The existence of such a document was justified in the conditions of the command economy of the USSR, when workers were assigned to the plant, and collective farmers were assigned to the collective farm. In our electronic age and in a market economy, a work book is not needed. Instead, there is a system of personalized pension accounting. The pension fund stores all information about a person’s career: where and when he worked, what salary he received. Applicants do not need a work record to prove their work experience when applying for a pension. In general, the life of HR specialists will become much easier without these books. For employers, a work book allows them to verify the authenticity of the information specified in a resume, but there are many other ways to verify: studying employment contracts or calling previous employers. The functions of the work book can be taken over by employment contract. All that remains is to instill in people the appropriate attitude towards this document, which not everyone has yet learned to take seriously.

Vadim Dymov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dymov company:

“They need to be abolished as an anachronism.” There is no need for work records, because applicants always have a resume. Moreover, you can always call the employee’s previous place of work and find out everything there. Finally, after three months probationary period It will become clear what the new employee is like. But it is wrong to evaluate an employee based on a work book; it can say little about his real skills: there are only dry lines there, and nothing more. In addition, such a procedure also humiliates the dignity of a person, because he is not a dog or a cat, so that all his information is recorded there.

Alexander Pochinok, member of the Federation Council, in 2000-2004 - Minister of Labor and Social Development:

— Work books need to be abolished, but this should be done not in the Russian way, but in a human way. That is, it is not the work books themselves that need to be abolished, but their mandatory nature. Anyone who has worked for many years and for whom a work book is the only document confirming their qualifications, let him own it. The new generation does not need work books at all, because now there are different principles for assessing people: the employer checks the person’s skills and abilities, looks at recommendations from other places of work. As a document for receiving a pension and for benefits, the work book has also ceased to be significant. You need to enter a universal electronic card, and you can safely cancel not only work books, but also passports, which have become a terrible anachronism. A passport, like a work book, is a document with little information, relatively easy to falsify, and performs very few functions. This means it needs to be cancelled.

Why is it needed and by whom is it filled out?

Every working citizen must confirm his work experience.

All necessary entries are made in work book and an agreement in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 ( Further- Resolution). Despite numerous disputes about the outdated format and uselessness of books, in 2017-2018 this document remains necessary attribute when applying for a job, regardless of the form legal entity.

An employee’s work book is the main document about his work experience and activities. The legislation establishes the procedure for maintaining this document, options and possibilities for corrections, an approved sample insert, as well as instructions for filling it out.

Its absence can lead to a number of problems:

  • unconfirmed experience and work experience can become an obstacle to employment;
  • serious problems when applying for a pension, which directly depends on the number of years worked and points scored;
  • lack of benefits and privileges from the state;
  • illegal activity that violates tax law etc.
If an employee cannot provide a book due to loss or non-issue upon dismissal, he will have to obtain a duplicate from his previous place of employment

If the organization has collapsed, the new employer must issue a document indicating the reason for the absence of the old one.

Entries in the work book

The maintenance and storage of these documents for the period of the employee’s work is the responsibility of the employer, including the individual entrepreneur. Without documentary evidence, the company's activities border on criminal liability for violation of tax laws.

The obligation to maintain them is established by law and begins to take effect 5-7 days after the citizen is hired for his main job.

If the position held is additional (part-time), then the responsibilities for maintaining entries in the work book are assigned to the second employer on the basis of supporting documents, both at the main and additional place of employment

In addition to the work performed, entries are made about awards, transfers to new position, information about the reasons for termination labor activity and dismissal.

Working moments are confirmed by the order number, which is recorded in a special accounting book at the workplace. The exact standards for records, their changes and the rules for making them are regulated by clause 2 of the Resolution.

About hiring

The entry in the work book about hiring begins on pages 2-3, in the “Work Information” section. Required condition- indication of the full name of the organization with additional abbreviated options in the correct wording.

Each column has its own purpose:

  1. serial number;
  2. date of hiring;
  3. position, name of organization;
  4. order/instruction number.

About transfer to another position

To enter information about transfer to work in a division, another company, or by changing positions, you should deviate 1 line from the last entry and continue numbering the list of entries with Arabic numerals. The date format must have a standard version (01/01/2018), and violation of this rule leads to corrections in the work book, its unusability and penalties for the employer.


If the transfer takes place within the same organization, its full name is not required. It is enough to enter the order number and the new position of the employee, certified with a seal and signature.

About dismissal

The dismissal must be recorded on the day the employee submits an application or signs an order to remove him from his position for any reason (confirmed by an article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The exact instructions for filling out work books are established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The document indicates the date last day employee’s work, unless there are other agreements under the contract


If you run out of sheets for recording, the current employer issues an insert. How to format it correctly:

  • issued if there are not enough pages to make entries (you cannot write in the margins or at the bottom of the page);
  • the title page is filled out according to the date of issue of the application, and not according to the date of receipt of the work book;
  • The employee’s data must correspond to real time, since changes may have occurred during work (obtaining education, changing surname, etc.);
  • at the bottom title page the signature and seal of the responsible person/enterprise is affixed;
  • the insert is filed with the book, on the first sheet of which information about additional pages is entered, and the series and number of the document are also indicated.

The number of additional pages is unlimited, depending on the frequency of job changes.

How to correct errors in a work book?

How can you correct the entry so that the document retains its legal force:

  • You can correct the error at the place of work where the typo was made;
  • The new employer has the right to change the entry, having a confirming official document on the legality of the information, an extract from the archives of the collapsed company, an employment contract, etc.


Unauthorized correction in the work book is not permissible. IN similar situation it becomes invalid, and it will be possible to confirm the length of service only in court.

An incorrect entry cannot be corrected based on the words of witnesses, except for court decisions, and also due to the massive loss of documents due to emergency, disaster, fire, etc.

If an employee loses it, then a new one is created at the new place of work. If a loss is discovered, the employer does not have the right to delete the newly created book, since it is accountable. In such a situation, an employee may have two work books at once, each of which is valid.

According to the law, there are no restrictions on this account, and all information about transfers to pension and insurance contributions is stored in the organization’s database. But there is also a negative side:

  • problems when registering pension benefits, since the fund recognizes only one document as genuine, and the length of service on the second is simply not taken into account;
  • receiving child benefits, vacation pay and other payments from two books at once is subject to administrative punishment in the form of a fine and full reimbursement of payments received;
  • problems with employment, which take into account a person’s length of service, position and work skills. By presenting two documents at the same time, a citizen comes under suspicion and, at best, will be denied a job.
It is better to work using one work book, and if it is lost, restore the document at a new place of work or by visiting all organizations again

How to restore a work book if lost?

How to obtain a replacement in the event of its loss is regulated by the Resolution. The owner, first of all, must report the loss of the document to the boss at the last place of work. To do this, you should submit a written application in free form, indicating the reason for the loss and expressing your desire to restore the document.

Full list documents for re-registration include:

  • application to the HR department;
  • documents confirming work experience from all workplaces, archives, extracts from orders, personal account wages And so on;
  • in the event of the collapse of an organization, a decision on labor activity for a certain period of time can be issued by a court, which requires the preliminary filing of a claim for this issue and collecting evidence of employment.


Each document is valid only with a certified signature/seal. The employee is responsible for forgery and falsification.

According to the rules established by law, a duplicate is issued by the employer no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. The document indicates the total length of service (in total), without the names of organizations, positions and periods of activity. In case of invalid records of dismissal, length of service and transfer, such information is not taken into account in the duplicate.

Accounting is maintained at each enterprise, including individual entrepreneurs. The resolution defines the rules for storing documents, the responsibility for which is the head of the organization and the employee himself. What are the requirements for maintaining work records:

  • all dates are written in Arabic numerals;
  • ink must be resistant to UV light, black and Blue colour, but only with a ballpoint or fountain pen (gel ink cannot be used);
  • Abbreviations cannot be made (regardless of the length of the name);
  • all information must comply with the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation about the employee, position, transfer to another place, dismissal under the article, termination of work experience, incentives;
  • the language of writing is state;
  • all data must comply with the specified order;
  • the deadline for making entries when hiring is no later than 7 days, when leaving on the last working day, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract;
  • all entries are numbered;
  • the employer must familiarize the employee with the entry made, which is confirmed by his personal signature on the card.
Work records should be stored in places inaccessible to third parties - use safes and cabinets with locks

If documents are damaged while they are stored at the enterprise, the organization may be subject to penalties. If documents are not in demand for various reasons, the organization is obliged to store them for a certain period of time:

  • work record 75 years;
  • accounting of its movement (registration book) 75 years;
  • accounting of forms (receipt/expenditure book) 5 years.

Issuance upon request is made against the signature of the recipient, since all papers are numbered and are accountable to the organization.

Persons responsible for maintaining the work record book

The person responsible for storage and maintenance is the employer, who is subject to a number of penalties in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation:

  • a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles or suspension of work activity for a period of up to 3 months;
  • disciplinary action in the form of removal from a position for up to 3 years;
  • financial liability for damage caused to the employee.

If the norms established by law are violated, you should contact state supervision, as well as law enforcement agencies and experienced lawyers.

Every citizen, when applying for official employment, is faced with the need to collect a huge package of documents, including a work book. This is a document that displays data on all places of official work, terms, positions held, as well as dates and reasons for dismissals. The importance of this document should not be underestimated, since this is the only form with official records of work experience, which is in the hands of the worker himself.


The history of using the document began 80 years ago. Over the years, work books have become more modernized, and the latest changes that affected the form and the rules for its registration are aimed at increasing protective properties document from entering false data or unauthorized use.

Important! According to current legislation, the Labor Code is one of the documents required for employment, therefore, if a document is damaged or lost, you need to find out how to restore the work book.

Depending on who caused the loss of labor, he must bear the financial costs aimed at re-obtaining it. If the violation was committed as a result of the employee’s own oversight, then the employer has the right to demand compensation for financial losses that the company faced during the restoration of papers.

The advisability of using such reports raises a lot of controversy. This is due to the fact that initially this form of recording working legal relations was provided in order to systematize the number of years worked, positions held and salaries received, which influenced the calculation of pension contributions. That is, the owner of the personal report was sent to the pension fund, where he handed over his work book.

Today everything is much simpler: the Pension Fund independently records and systematizes data on the workdays of each citizen. Compulsory state insurance services work similarly, so there is no need to preserve the copy.

On the other hand, a lot of problems may arise related to the use of labor. These papers are required when applying for credit loans as confirmation of official employment. Entering false information may result in fraudulent acquisition of credit funds.


How to make an insert in a work book, Every HR employee should know. According to the requirements of the law, an employer who attracts an applicant to work for the first time is obliged to draw up and provide a work book, which must be organized within one calendar week from the moment the citizen is hired.

If the applicant comes with his own form, which already contains information about previous places of work, then the manager will have to figure out whether the document is correct and whether the data entered in it is true. You can do this in several ways:

  • a personal appeal to management from the previous place of work where the citizen was employed to clarify the accuracy of the information displayed;
  • checking the form, which must contain a personal number (analysis serial number will allow you to find out whether the year of manufacture of the form matches the assigned license plates);
  • checking the details that appear on each of the records, namely signatures and seals.

In 2003, a new form was released that has additional security measures, such as watermarks located on each page to be filled out. The requirements for how to correctly fill out a work book have not changed.


When applying for a job, the applicant submits an extensive package of documents to the company administration, including a work book. During the period of performance of work, these papers are stored in the personnel department of the employer. The responsibilities of a personnel employee include recording documents and using them for their intended purpose.

In relation to labor forms, an employee of the enterprise’s personnel service performs the following actions:

  • safety of all forms that were handed over to the employer upon employment by all participants in legal relations;
  • establishing guarantees for the safety of subordinate documents;
  • registration of a special Journal, which will display all the movements of workers, as well as their current location;
  • filling out a resignation form.

If the place of work is the first in labor practice, then it is necessary to fill out a blank work report. Also, the personnel employee displays all corrections in the work book that are related to employment, performance of official duties, or termination of a work contract with a specific enterprise. Data entry cannot be made only on the initiative of the responsible person. Next to each entry, approval of the information is required with the personal signature of management and the legal seal of the organization.


It is not uncommon for people who are foreign nationals to be involved in official work. This possibility is established by internal regulations and international agreements, but in practice difficulties may arise with maintaining working documentation. The first question is the work book and the need to use it.

In many countries (especially the former CIS) it is common practice to maintain similar forms, but in Russia they do not have legal force, that is, it will be considered that the applicant does not have a work record. Then is it necessary to fill out a federal form for a foreign employee?

There are no requirements or explanations regarding this fact in the norms of domestic legislation, but enterprise managers prefer to create a new form for newly arrived employees, since the legal norm that specifies the need to conduct labor records does not provide for exceptions for foreign citizens.


This document is subject to strict accounting and safety, but there are often situations when, due to loss or damage, the question arises of how to issue a duplicate work book. Each worker is guaranteed the right to draw up a new document, which, after signing by the owner, receives legal force equal to the original copy.

Regardless of whose fault it was necessary to re-receive the form, both the employer and the employee are equally involved in its re-issuance. The HR department employee undertakes to prepare, execute and completely fill out the document. The employee must collect official statements from previous places of work, on the basis of which information will be entered into the documents.

To receive a new form, the employee must submit an application to the company administration, after which the process of collecting statements of existing experience begins. The data is entered into the form, and then it is approved by the boss. The procedure is free, but the employee will have to pay the cost of a new employment form, the price of which varies between 200 rubles. After the document is produced, the work book is handed over to the owner against signature in order to exclude the company’s fault for possible further loss or damage.

The main task of the work book is to record work activities. But this is not the most effective method solve any situation. At the same time, the work book is still the main document confirming the employee’s work activity and length of service.

Work record and modern times

Over time, the work book loses its function, since the personal entry in the state pension insurance has more full information about the citizen’s labor activity. And the pension is calculated from pension contributions, and not from the length of work experience. But it’s still simply impossible to apply for a pension without a work book.

If at least one mistake is made in the work book, then government bodies may refuse to apply for a pension to an employee. Even if in pension fund If the correct information is found, then you still have to prove your case only through the court. Work books will soon no longer be needed for nothing, but it is still too early to cancel them, since they contain information not only about work experience, but also the reasons for dismissal from previous jobs.

Work book in Soviet time was almost the only document that confirmed the rights of the employee. Do you need a work book now? This question worries most of the population of our country at present.

Since the deputies State Duma approve the abolition of work books, citing the fact that at the present time a work book is needed only in a number of cases. Namely, what is now in mandatory According to the law, an employment contract is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the employee, and this is quite enough.

Another advantage of abolishing work records is that a certain responsibility is removed from HR department inspectors. After all, after dismissal former employee a book is issued against signature after a certain number of days, but what if something suddenly happened and the person disappeared? This document is supposed to be kept for 75 years, and this is also additional work.

Also, our younger generation believes that a work book is an unnecessary document. Sometimes, having lost your work book, you have to collect a bunch of certificates in order to restore it. And this
only for pension.

Opinion of older generations

However older generation opposes the abolition of work records, arguing that when you look at a work record, you see a person in full view. His entire work history, including unpleasant nuances. If they are canceled, then it will be quite difficult for a person to prove his work experience; he will have to collect certificates from previous places of work.

There are also situations where the resume contains four jobs, but the work book contains many more. He didn’t indicate, he tried to hide his unpleasant moments for the sake of preserving his image. And you open the work book, and everything becomes clear.

Work book and individual entrepreneur

There is another exciting question: do you need a work book for an individual entrepreneur? In accordance with Art. 66 Labor Code Since 1997, the Russian Federation employer has kept all records of labor activity in pension insurance. Of course, the work book is a kind of portfolio, which clearly shows where you worked and for what reason you were fired. But many employers now rely on a candidate's abilities rather than records.

But if you still need to document your work experience, this can be done by an employment contract, which is currently being drawn up between the employee and the employer. So you need to take the agreement seriously and keep it along with all documents.

In the time of our grandmothers, a work book was a necessity, but everything is changing, and this document is already outdated. But so far no one has canceled the book, so it plays a very important role in labor relations.