Mandarin is one of the most favorite fruits of children and adults. In addition to its amazing taste, it boasts healing qualities. This strengthens the immune system, fights colds and flu, as well as a calming and antiseptic effect. Citrus pulp is rich in phytoncides and vitamin C, but most of the beneficial substances are contained in the peel - pectins, vitamins A and P, essential oils, carotene, antioxidants and much more.

Tincture on tangerine peels, decorating many tables in New Year's Eve, besides Have a good mood can give a person something more - improve his health.

The benefits of tangerine peels

Tangerine peel is respected in folk medicine. It is actively used against many ailments.

For colds and bronchitis

Pour boiling water (2 cups) over dry crushed peels (3 tablespoons) and leave for 2 hours. Add honey (2 tablespoons) to the strained infusion and take 0.5 cups 4 times a day. The decoction produces an expectorant effect.

With high blood sugar levels

Pour the peel of three tangerines with a liter of water and boil. Take the resulting decoction a couple of teaspoons 3 times a day to lower blood sugar levels.

To strengthen the immune system

Increase durability immune system Tangerine vodka tincture will help. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. pour spoons of chopped zest into a glass of good vodka and leave for 1-1.5 weeks. Drink the finished drink three times a day, 20 drops, before eating.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Finely chop tangerine peels (100 g) and licorice root (20 g), add water (2 cups) and boil over moderate heat for about 30 minutes. Filter the broth and drink in two doses, morning and evening. The product has anti-inflammatory properties and heals mastitis.

Attention! Decoction, infusion and tincture of tangerines relieve nausea and vomiting, bloating, relieve abdominal pain, restore nails and skin. Their calming properties are high for insomnia, stress, and nervous tension.

Tangerine peel and beauty

The zest of the orange fruit has also made its way into cosmetology. It is used against stretch marks and cellulite, for comprehensive skin care.

Invigorating tonic

To make a refreshing and cleansing tonic, pour tangerine peels cold water and leave for 24 hours. Wipe your face with the prepared product 2 times a day. The skin will acquire a pearly glow, irritation and blackheads will disappear.

Rejuvenating mask

Grind the fruit zest in a blender until powdered. Combine 1 teaspoon of the resulting mass with 1 teaspoon of sour cream and egg yolk. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to your face for 15 minutes. The mask rejuvenates, cleanses and tones the skin.

Preparing tangerine tincture: 3 recipes

A delicious tangerine tincture with alcohol does not require the presence of the fruit itself; it can be created from the zest. It is wonderful not only for its exquisite taste and aroma, but also for its benefits to the body: healing colds, accelerating metabolic processes, improved appetite, antiseptic effect.

Classic tincture

Required ingredients:

  • tangerine peels – 150 g;
  • coffee beans – 2 pcs.;
  • alcohol or vodka – 500 ml.

Preparation process: cut the zest into pieces, pour over boiling water and place in a glass jar or bottle. Heat the vodka to 60 degrees and send it there. The procedure is completed with roasted coffee beans. Seal the container tightly and leave to infuse for a month. Strain before use.

Attention! The quality of a drink often depends on a good alcohol base. If you use vodka, buy an expensive one, without any additives. The alcohol should first be diluted with water to 40-45 degrees.

Tangerine vodka

Along with the classic drink, tangerine tincture or, as it is also called, tangerine vodka, has gained wide popularity. It is a worthy alternative to the recipe described above and even surpasses it in taste.

The main participants of the drink:

  • tangerine peel - 50 g (this is the zest of about 8 medium fruits);
  • fructose – 2 teaspoons;
  • tangerine pulp juice – 80 g;
  • alcohol – 1 liter.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Separate the white peel from the tangerine to prevent the drink from becoming bitter. Place freshly squeezed fruit pulp juice in the refrigerator to clarify.
  2. Fill the finely chopped peels with 95% alcohol and leave to infuse for 3 weeks. Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka, adding pharmaceutical alcohol to it for strength. At the end you should get an alcohol base with a strength above 45 degrees.
  3. After 21 days, filter the drink and add water to 45%. Add tangerine juice and fructose to it.
  4. If the tincture on tangerine peels becomes cloudy, lighten it with pasteurized 2.5% milk (70 ml). The milk will instantly curdle, remove cloudiness and give the drink a special taste.

As a result of all your efforts, you will get light tangerine vodka with a mild taste and New Year's aroma. There is absolutely no alcohol in it. The tincture should be stored for no longer than 4 weeks.

Spicy tangerine liqueur

An aromatic tincture based on tangerines with the addition of spices is easy and simple to prepare.

For 1.5 liters of drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • tangerines – 10 pcs.;
  • cinnamon – 2 pods;
  • vanilla - 2 pods cut in half;
  • star anise – 4 pcs.;
  • fine sugar – 600 g;
  • vodka or alcohol - 1 liter.

Also, prepare a 2-liter glass jar with an airtight lid.

A fragrant tincture of tangerines with vodka is prepared as follows:

  1. Free the tangerines from the peel and white part of the zest (so that the drink does not taste bitter). Place the crusts in a pre-sterilized jar, add spices and vodka. Seal the container and leave for 7 days, shaking occasionally.
  2. After the specified period, dissolve granulated sugar in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pour the syrup into a jar with tincture and leave for another 7 days, shaking the container once a day.
  3. Pour the finished drink into a clean glass container. Close tightly and store indoors with low temperatures up to six months.

Attention! Uncorked tangerine tincture is suitable for consumption only for 30 days. After this, it can be considered spoiled.


Tangerines irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines and kidneys, so they are not recommended:

  • for gastritis with increased acidity of digestive juice;
  • for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • for colitis, enteritis and acute inflammation of the intestines;
  • for hepatitis, cholecystitis and acute nephritis.

Tangerine tincture with alcohol or vodka - tasty and healthy drink. But you should not abuse it, otherwise you may get food poisoning, headaches, and nausea.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Ecology of cosmetics. The New Year's extravaganza is long over, when the magical pine-tangerine aroma lured from the most hidden depths of the soul

By the way, a quick question - what do you do with tangerine peels?

No, no, don't tell me you're throwing them in the trash!

They have so many uses around the house! Let's count:

Dried and ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baked goods and drinks.

Dried skins can be placed in a jar of tea - after a while it will acquire a wonderful smell

They can be added (dried and ground) to meat when frying to obtain an original, unusual taste.

Dry skins are a wonderful way to light a stove or fireplace!

Delicious candied fruits are made from tangerine peels.

By infusing dried skins with vodka, you get a fragrant (and beautiful!) tincture

Tincture of tangerine peels improves digestion and increases appetite

A decoction and infusion of tangerine skins is used for colds, it acts as an expectorant for tracheitis and bronchitis, and helps reduce blood sugar levels

Alcohol infusion is used to strengthen the immune system

“Japanese trick”: dried skins, placed in a plastic mesh, are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them on the body. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. Japanese women know what they are doing ;)

Dried tangerine peels are used in linen closets to prevent moths

You can feed home plants with infusion of tangerine skins and spray them against spider mites.

And popular rumor says that tangerine peels placed under the threshold (at the threshold, nearby) will discourage cats from marking your threshold with their signature mark. The crusts can be replaced with powder or crumbs. I think I can try and spray it with infusion.

For owners of cats who like to chew/gut/break houseplants They also advise putting tangerine peels (in any form) on windowsills or in flowerpots.

But today I would like to tell you in more detail how to make a wonderful skin tonic from fresh tangerine peel. It refreshes the skin, rejuvenates and tightens pores. It is believed that this toner is especially useful for oily skin, but it was tested on normal skin - and it was not a mistake))

Making this tonic is so easy that it takes longer to tell and show than to do.

Step 1. Grind the skin of one tangerine in any way (I cut it with kitchen scissors directly into a glass).

Step 2. Pour in mineral water so that it is approximately 2 fingers higher than the skin mass.

Step 3. The drenched skins should be placed in a cool, dark place and left for a day.

I put it on the balcony under a dark plastic bowl. After a day, it is clearly visible that “something has happened” to the infusion. It turned yellow, became thicker and more oily.

Step 4. Drain the infusion. Skins - wherever you want...

Step 5. The tangerine infusion is now ready for use.

Step 6. In order not to bother with the 1-2 day shelf life, pour it into ice cube trays. A couple of hours - and here it is - a cosmetic product.

The cube feels a little oily to the touch.

Smell: tangerine-fragrant

The taste is bitter-sweet

On the skin - aromatic and light, does not sting, does not tighten the skin unpleasantly

1-2 times a day, wipe the skin of the face (and décolleté) with a cube of tonic. Blot off excess tonic with a napkin. Do not rinse, do not wipe. Just let it dry.

Just rinse your face with a non-frozen toner. Also, do not rinse or wipe off.

I don’t know how much more/less/equally effective natural products are compared to industrial cosmetics - I’m allergic, and I’ve never been able to use a single cream in my entire life.

But surprisingly, the tangerine infusion “came up.” published

Different unexpected products are able to add flavor to different dishes. But many housewives often do not know about their culinary properties and sometimes even throw them away. Just such products include the zest of various citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kumquats, etc. Such plant materials also help to cope with many health disorders. Let's talk in a little more detail about what tangerine zest is, the benefits and harms of it, discuss its use, and also give proven recipes with tangerine zest.

Not the entire tangerine peel is considered the zest itself, but its very upper layer– painted in bright color. It is orange in color and has a sweet and sour taste with a slight pleasant bitterness.

When will tangerine zest be useful? What is its use?

Most often, the zest is recommended to be used in cooking - fresh or dried. In most cases, it is used as a natural flavoring; this product can also replace salt, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Using this supplement helps reduce calorie intake.

The aromatic and healing qualities of tangerine peel allow it to be used in the preparation of salads, baked goods, and various drinks, including lemonades. In addition, amazingly tasty candied fruits are prepared with it.

Tangerine zest is used to prepare essential oils, and various medicines are already prepared on their basis.

This product also has many medicinal qualities; it is widely used in folk medicine, and also as an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium.

Benefits of tangerine peel

Fresh tangerine zest can activate the production of digestive juice and stimulate the digestion and absorption of food. There is evidence that it helps cope with vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bronchitis. As for the dried peel, it effectively soothes nervous system and prolongs the effect of painkillers quite well.

Specialists traditional medicine It is advised to prepare a tincture based on the zest, which thins phlegm and helps eliminate diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And infusions and decoctions of the peel of this fruit have antiemetic, antipyretic and astringent qualities.

Dried tangerine peel has a calming effect, while fresh peel reduces fever. In addition, such plant raw materials remarkably improve the immune system and activate the body’s defenses. The zest has toning qualities and aphrodisiac properties.

There is evidence that consuming tangerine peel helps cope with increased swelling due to its ability to optimize the water-salt balance in the body. Also, this natural medicine perfectly removes excess “bad” cholesterol from the body.

Is tangerine zest dangerous? What harm does it cause?

Tangerine zest can cause allergic reactions. In addition, such a product, when actively used, can harm those patients who suffer from excessive acidity of digestive juice and inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract.

What dishes can be decorated with tangerine zest? What interesting recipes are there with it?

Tea with tangerine zest

You can prepare amazing recipes using tangerine zest. delicious drink- tea. Brew one teaspoon of crushed dry peels with a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then strain. Take this drink several times a day, sweeten it with sugar or honey.

To prepare tea with tangerine peels, you can add crushed raw materials to your favorite tea leaves. This supplement is especially interesting when combined with bergamot tea.

Mandarin zest jam

To prepare tasty and aromatic jam, you need to prepare three hundred and fifty grams of fresh tangerine skins, a couple of glasses of sugar, fifty milliliters of tangerine juice (it needs to be squeezed out of a medium fruit). In addition, use one and a half teaspoons of salt, a couple of liters of water and half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Grind the peels into small pieces. Fill them with water and leave for ten minutes. Then drain the water. Fill the prepared crusts with a liter of water, add salt and simmer over low heat for an hour. Next, drain the water and rinse the crusts with cold water. To prepare the syrup, heat a liter of water over medium heat, add sugar to a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour tangerine skins into boiling syrup. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and cool the future jam.

Heat the cold mass over low heat, squeeze the juice of one tangerine into it, boil for another fifteen minutes, remembering to stir. Pour into container citric acid, stir and cook for another ten minutes. Watch carefully so that the jam does not burn. The finished sweet can be rolled into jars or eaten fresh.

Cake with tangerine peels

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a glass of dried crushed tangerine peels, a glass of sugar, a glass of milk, two hundred grams of soft butter, four chicken eggs and a glass of flour. Also use a teaspoon of baking soda and a little vinegar to extinguish. To prepare the cream, you will need five hundred grams of sour cream and a glass of sugar.

Combine tangerine peels with sugar, pour a glass of boiling water, stir and leave until cool. Stir in soft mixture butter. After cooling completely, beat four eggs into a container and add flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Mix well and bake as one or two layers. If you baked one cord, cut it in the middle into two equal parts.

Mix sugar with sour cream, place two thirds of the cream in the refrigerator. Brush the remaining portion onto the hot cakes. And after the cake has cooled, apply the rest of the cream on it. Infuse the finished dish all night in the refrigerator, so it will be truly tasty.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine experts claim that tangerine peel perfectly treats a variety of health problems. So it can be used for mastitis therapy, including purulent. To prepare such a medicine, you need to combine one hundred grams of licorice zest and twenty grams of licorice root. Grind thoroughly, add four hundred milliliters of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Strain the finished medicine and drink it in two doses a day. It is also worth using this decoction to apply lotions to a hardened area of ​​the chest.
For cleaning joints Traditional medicine experts recommend preparing a special tea: combine a teaspoon of finely chopped tangerine peel with the same amount of currant leaves. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the prepared drink half an hour before your meal. Take it three times a day, and prepare the tea again for each drink. The duration of such therapy is one to three months.
For inflammation of the bronchi healers recommend brewing three tablespoons of crushed dried zest with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. After two hours, strain the finished medicine, sweeten it with high-quality honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Take the prepared drink one hundred milliliters four times a day, warming it up a little before taking it.
To strengthen the immune system and prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh zest with two hundred milliliters of vodka. Leave for a week, then strain. Take twenty drops three times a day, dissolving in a small amount of water. It is best to take it twenty minutes before a meal.

Tangerines - the benefits and harms of exotic fruits

Amazing exotic fruit– tangerine. Bright orange, sweet and sour, with a wonderful refreshing aroma. It is not only tasty, but also very beneficial for our body. The pulp, juice, veins and even the skin have a number of healing properties.

Tangerine chemistry

The benefits of tangerines are due to the presence in them of a whole “bouquet” of vitamins, macro- and microelements, phytoncides, acids, pectins, essential oils and other biologically active substances.

There is a lot of vitamin C in these fruits. To satisfy daily requirement For the body to contain ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat 2 medium-sized tangerines a day.

Vitamins of group B, as well as PP, K, E, D, and carotene are available. The fruit is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Its pectins have a delicate effect on the intestines, improving peristalsis and peripheral circulation.

The phytoncides of the southern fruit perfectly restore natural immunity, protecting the body from pathogenic microbes.

Tangerines are a very juicy fruit. They consist of 85% water, which is easily absorbed by the body, so these citrus fruits are an excellent thirst quencher.

Tangerine benefits

What effect do these sunny fruits have on the body? The benefits of tangerines lie in their ability to:

This fruit belongs to the category of citrus fruits. There are tangerines on almost every New Year's table. The benefits and harms of a fruit depend on the quality and quantity of fruit consumed.

Of course, since childhood, everyone is accustomed to celebrating New Year with the smell of Christmas tree and tangerines. This has become a tradition for Russian people. And in everyday life we ​​often use this sweet and healthy fruit. Children especially love it, as it is easy to peel and is not so sour compared to other representatives of citrus crops (orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.). Also very often, the pulp of the fruit is used to prepare various confectionery dishes. These are juices, cocktails, pies, sweet desserts, ice cream and others. This is due to the affordability and high quality characteristics of the product.

A large number of ascorbic acid, which tangerines are rich in, is undoubtedly beneficial. And the harm from of this property can only be caused if the quantity is abused, since there is an excess of vitamin C in the body. In addition, tangerines contain various biologically active substances: magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin P and others.

It should be noted that tangerines are good and bad for human body. But unique properties possesses not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the peel. For example, the benefits of tangerine peels help in the treatment of various diseases. The most common recipe using the rind is to grind the dried rind and add it to any dish. Effectively helps in the treatment of flatulence and dysbacteriosis. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, brew 1 tablespoon of tangerine powder in 1 glass of boiling water and take half a glass 2-3 times daily, about 30-40 minutes before eating.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, tea with the addition of tangerine peel or juice is used. Ideal for treating coughs, removing phlegm, improving digestion, and increasing appetite in children.

Many people wonder: what are the benefits of tangerines? Try making an alcohol tincture from the crushed peel. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of crushed peel and pour a glass of vodka or 40% alcohol. The exposure time is at least 1 week, after which strain the tincture and take 20 drops, after dissolving them in half a glass of water. The recipe is used for dry cough that does not respond to drug treatment.

It is also advisable to lubricate the nail plates and the skin around them with fresh tangerine peel if they are infected with a fungus.

Of course, we should note all the qualities that tangerines have. Benefit and harm are relative concepts. For example, the harm lies in the fact that with a tendency to allergic reactions a person may develop a rash and skin irritation. This is especially true for children who are sensitive to allergenic foods. Consume tangerines in moderation.

It is also recommended to exclude or significantly reduce fruit consumption for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis). This is due to the fact that tangerines contain a large number of citric acid, which has an irritating effect on the walls of the digestive tract.

When consuming the peel, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of the area in which the fruit was grown, since it is often in the peel that harmful nitrates and various chemical substances. Therefore, tangerines are beneficial and harmful in equal proportions; when consuming, take into account the structural features of the body and other external factors that directly affect your health. Also, pay great attention to the choice of fruit: examine its appearance, condition and color of the peel, and the density of the fruit.

Benefits of tangerine peels

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Don't throw away tangerine peels!

Historically, we have associated tangerines with the wonderful New Year holiday since childhood. They are beautiful, tasty, aromatic, and also very healthy. The little orange sun lifts your spirits with its appearance, color, and aroma - cheerful, warm, sweet. A healing properties essential oil tangerines are incredibly extensive. The oil has an antiseptic, calming and tonic effect, softens irritability, has a mild hypnotic effect, lowers blood pressure in hypertension, optimizes blood circulation in tissues, promotes complete digestion, prevents the accumulation of excess weight, increases resistance and protective properties body, eliminates the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. When inhaling the aroma, the body's energy reserves are restored, weakness and fatigue are eliminated as if by hand, metabolism and digestion are improved. To have a healing aroma hover around the house, you can periodically add a few drops to the aroma lamp or plant a tangerine tree. Three to five tangerines a day - Excellent prevention of intestinal infections, food poisoning and indigestion. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea, fresh tangerines and juice are very useful. 10 - 20 drops of bitter tincture from tangerine peel 15 - 30 minutes before meals increase appetite and improve digestion. Tangerines do not contain nitrates, but they are filled with vitamins C, D and vitamin K, which is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels. Tangerines improve metabolism, remove excess liquid, make you burn fat, while they themselves are low-calorie products: 100 g of pulp contains on average 42 kcal - no more than a cucumber! 3-4 tangerines a day will become a barrier against colds and flu. They are rich in bioflavonoids, which promote the absorption of ascorbic acid. Render expectorant effect for bronchitis and tracheitis infusions and decoctions of dry peel in water (1:10). To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink a glass of tangerine juice every morning. Tangerine juice is a good thirst quencher high temperature. 3 tbsp. spoons of dry tangerine peels, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink half a glass warm 4 times a day for colds, bronchitis. Grind 100 g of tangerine peel and 20 g of licorice root thoroughly, add 2 glasses of water, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, strain, divide the liquid into 2 parts and drink morning and evening. The decoction has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping, in particular, for mastitis. Decoction of tangerine peels helps reduce blood sugar levels. The peels of 3 fruits are boiled for 10 minutes. in 1 liter of water. The decoction should be kept unstrained in the refrigerator and taken daily. Fresh Juice kills some fungi– You should repeatedly rub the juice from the slice or peel into the affected areas.

Orange beauty

The sweetish-spicy aroma of tangerines has long been associated with the festive season. New Year's table and the smell of a Christmas tree. But not many people know that tangerines are beautiful.not only for its juicy taste, but also for its wonderful healing properties. The benefits of tangerines for the human body are undeniable. After all, sunny mandarin slices contain carotene, sugar, citric acid, essential oils, pectins, vitamins B, P, C, bromine and chromium salts, minerals. The most valuable minerals and vitamins contained in tangerine have a beneficial effect on the skin several times higher than other citrus fruits.

Exist different types varieties of tangerines - sour and sweet, large and small, with thin or thick peel, but they are all similar in their beneficial properties. Mandarin is strong natural antibiotic. Regular consumption of tangerines strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the liver, reduces the risk of cancer, gives the skin a beautiful healthy shade. Tangerine juice has an antimicrobial effect and normalizes the digestive system. And sweet tangerines strengthen the nervous system. It is very useful to wipe the skin of your hands and face with fresh tangerine juice; it evens out the skin color, makes it more toned and healthy, tightens pores, and dries out pimples.

Tangerines are good for everyone, but for people with stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, it is better to limit the consumption of tangerines.

The tangerine fruit is full of useful substances and minerals, but its peel also contains a lot of useful substances, minerals, vitamins and essential oils, so never throw away the tangerine peel, but rather find out how it can be used for health.

Benefits of tangerine peel

To get started, just lay out fresh peels in your house, let them dry, the aroma of the skins will eliminate unpleasant odors in the house, it will clean the air from bacteria and germs. When you are tired, stressed and nervous, simply inhale the smell of tangerine peels. Fill a small cotton bag with tangerine skins and carry it with you; when stressed, just inhale its aroma. Wrap the bag with the peel in plastic bag, otherwise the whole bag will smell. Place the peel bag next to your pillow and sleep peacefully all night.

It is very useful to place tangerine peels around the house if someone has a cold. Tangerine skins cleanse the air of viruses, bacteria and microbes, and the inhaled aroma of the peel will speed up the patient’s recovery. The effect is the same as garlic, and if you don't really like the smell of garlic, then tangerine peel will be a good alternative. And all because the tangerine peel, like garlic, contains essential oils that disinfect the air and fight viruses.

Benefits of tangerine peel for indigestion

Chop dried pieces of tangerine peel and brew in boiling water or simply add to tea. The drink will disinfect gastrointestinal tract, will eliminate digestive problems and improve the secretion of the gallbladder. Drink tangerine tea after meals, do not add sugar. Tea leaves made from tangerine skins are drunk by those who want to lose weight. excess weight, instead of dessert after the main course.

For flatulence and dysbacteriosis, grind dry tangerine peel in a coffee grinder and add 1 teaspoon to yogurt, cereals, smoothies, cottage cheese and other dishes.

Benefits of tangerine peel for cough

A brew made from dried tangerine skins helps soften coughs in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, and whooping cough.

For better sputum removal during dry cough: Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped and dried tangerine peel into one glass of vodka and put it in a dark place for a week. Then strain the tincture and take 20 drops dissolved in half a glass of water three times a day before meals.

For bronchitis: Pour 2 tablespoons of dry tangerine peel with 2 cups of boiling water, put on low heat for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for an hour. Afterwards, the infusion must be strained. Take warm 2-3 times a day, half a glass.

Inhalations with tangerine peel for colds: Place finely ground dry tangerine peel in a container with a narrow neck, pour boiling water over it and breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes, alternating nostrils. After inhalation, do not go out into the cold earlier than an hour later.

Tangerine peel against fungal diseases

Tangerine peel helps get rid of fungal nail diseases. Rub your nail plates with fresh tangerine peel twice a day. After several procedures, the fungus will go away.

Tangerine peel for warts

The recipe came to us from the East, where they have long known about the beneficial properties of tangerines. To remove warts, we need a sour variety of tangerines. We take a small tangerine and, together with the peel and seeds, fill it with vinegar in a small mug. Then knead to a paste. Cover the warts with the resulting mixture and leave for 15-20 minutes. After several treatments, warts usually disappear.

Tangerine peel frominsomnia

The essential oils contained in tangerine peel heal the nervous system, help with neurasthenia, and relieve insomnia. It is very useful for insomnia, nervous tension, and rapid heartbeat to take baths with an infusion of tangerine peels. To infuse, pour 3 liters of boiling water over a glass of fresh crushed tangerine peel, bring to a boil again, turn off the heat and leave covered for about an hour. Strain the infusion, squeeze out the peel, pour the infusion into the bath. The bath should be taken an hour before bedtime every other day, the water temperature is 37-38 degrees.

Tangerine peel for mastitis

Mastitis is a disease that mainly develops in breastfeeding women. Inflammation of the mammary gland is caused by the development of pathogenic flora, mainly staphylococci. The peel of tangerines successfully fights the growth of staphylococci, and therefore a decoction of tangerine peels is used as a safe remedy for the treatment of postpartum mastitis. For the infusion, take 50 grams of dried crushed tangerine peel and 10 grams of licorice root, pour two glasses of boiling water, boil again, remove from the stove and cover with a lid, let it brew for 1 hour. Afterwards, strain the broth and drink a glass 2 times a day. This decoction is useful for applying as a lotion to hardened areas on the chest.

Mandarin essential oil

Tangerine oil can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. If you add two or three drops of tangerine essential oil to your skin cream, wrinkles will smooth out and your complexion will improve. Tangerine essential oil will help eliminate oily skin, tighten pores, get rid of pimples, heal pustules on the skin, and help with herpes. Tangerine oil will relieve tension in the body, relieve fear and insomnia. Just add 3-4 drops of essential oil to the aroma lamp and enjoy its subtle sweet aroma.

Tangerines are not only a favorite delicacy New Year's holidays, but a most valuable product for maintaining and preserving beauty and health. Tangerine peel will help solve many health problems, so throwing away tangerine peel is too wasteful. Enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma of tangerines as often as possible and be healthy. I wish you success!

Mandarin - little orange sun - lifts the mood. And the healing properties of tangerines are simply incredible.

Tangerines do not contain nitrates, but they are filled with vitamins C, D and vitamin K, which is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels. Tangerines improve metabolism, remove excess fluid, make you burn fat, while they themselves are low-calorie foods.

Three to five tangerines a day are an excellent prevention of flu and colds, intestinal infections, food poisoning and indigestion.

One tangerine contains 26 mg of calcium and 12 mg of phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth, as well as 8 mg of magnesium, which relieves nervous tension. Scientists have found that this New Year's fruit reduces the risk of developing liver cancer, viral hepatitis, diabetes by almost 9%. serious pathologies circulatory system.

Tangerine peels also have many beneficial properties. .

So learn to wash tangerines before eating them and not throw away the peels. And then you will be able to use them in a variety of ways and save money.

Tangerine peels are widely used in folk medicine.

Using the peel of this orange fruit, you can cure various diseases and also strengthen your immune system.

1. For colds and bronchitis you need to brew 3 tablespoons of dry tangerine peels with two glasses of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the decoction for 2 hours. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to use half a glass 4 times a day. This infusion also has an expectorant effect.

2. If you want strengthen the immune system, then pour 2 tablespoons of tangerine peels with a glass of vodka and leave for a week or a week and a half. Take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals.

3. If you have elevated blood sugar, then it can be reduced using a decoction of tangerine peels: take the peels from three tangerines for 1 liter of water and boil the decoction. Take it daily, a couple of teaspoons several times a day.

4. Thoroughly chop 100 g of tangerine peel and 20 g of licorice root, add 2 glasses of water, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, strain, divide the liquid into 2 parts and drink morning and evening. The decoction has anti-inflammatory effect.

Beauty benefits of tangerine peels

Tangerine peels are also widely used in cosmetology. Due to their beneficial properties, they can be used in the fight against stretch marks, cellulite, and for skin care.

1. Can be done refreshing and rejuvenating facial toner. Peel one tangerine, eat the pulp, finely chop the peels and pour half a glass of chilled boiled water (you can also use mineral water). The tonic should sit for a day, then decant it and wipe your face with it in the morning and evening. By wiping your skin with a cotton pad soaked in natural toner morning and evening, you will get rid of blackheads and give your skin a radiant look. This natural tonic tightens pores and loose skin, nourishes, vitaminizes and tones the skin. And you won't pay anything for it.

2. Vitamins will refresh your face tangerine ice cubes. Finely chopped peels of two tangerines are poured with a glass of boiling water. Allow to cool, strain and distribute into ice cube trays. It is useful to wipe your face with such cubes in the morning.

3. Toning face mask. Grind the tangerine peels in a blender to form a powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with an egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. Mix and apply to face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water and wipe skin with toner. The mask perfectly tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

4. Homemade tangerine peel scrub

This scrub not only improves the condition of the body's skin, but also improves your mood thanks to its appearance and a wonderful aroma. Grind the tangerine peels in a blender or electric coffee grinder and pour the tangerine flour into a jar. And then we dilute the flour with water to the state of liquid porridge and process the body.

5. Beauty recipe from thrifty Japanese women: dried skins placed in a plastic mesh, steamed in a hot bath and washed the body with them. Triple benefit - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. Japanese women know what they are doing :)

Tangerine peels can be used in cooking

1. You can simply sprinkle tangerine peels with sugar or pour syrup and make candied fruits.

2. You can cook tangerine peels excellent jam, which can be enjoyed and treated for colds all year round.

To make tangerine peel jam, you need the following ingredients:

— Tangerine skins 250g
— Sugar 350g

1) Since the tangerines were pre-washed before use, it is not necessary to rinse the peels again. Immediately cut them into small pieces, maximum 3 by 3 cm.

2) Citrus skins are very bitter by nature, so that this property is not transferred to our jam, you should soak them in cold water about 10 o'clock. You can leave them to soak overnight. In this case, you need to change the water 2-3 times, it just takes away all the bitterness.

3) Last time drain the water. Place the crusts in a saucepan. Fill with fresh cold water and put on fire.

4) After waiting for the water to boil, pour in the sugar. Stir gently until it is completely dissolved. And leave until it boils again.

5) Switch the heat to low and cook for 2 hours.

6) Then cool and put in the refrigerator overnight.

7) In the morning, bring the jam to a boil for the third time and then cook over low heat for half an hour.

About 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a couple of small pieces of pineapple, or the pulp of a tangerine, orange or apple, previously crushed to the same size as tangerine peels.

3. It works with tangerine peels excellent tea: Add some dried peels to the tea leaves in the teapot and pour boiling water over it. In a quarter of an hour you will be able to enjoy a fragrant and healthy drink.

4. Dried and crushed tangerine peels are added to meat when frying, to get an original unusual taste.

Tangerine peels are used to make homemade drinks

Tangerine vodka recipe

50 g tangerine peels (about 8 small fruits);
1 liter of alcohol;
2 tsp fructose (3 tsp regular sugar);
85 ml juice from tangerine pulp.

Preparation of vodka:

1) Tangerine peels must be peeled from the white peel, which will impart bitterness to the drink. Squeeze out a little tangerine juice (85 ml) and put it in the refrigerator.

2) The peeled peel must be steeped for 3 weeks in pure alcohol with a strength of 95% (you can take vodka and add a couple of bottles of pharmaceutical alcohol to it - our goal is to get a mixture with a strength of at least 45%).

3) After 3 weeks, filter the infusion and dilute it to 45%, add fructose (sugar) and clarified juice. The drink will become cloudy. You can lighten it with pasteurized milk - this amount is 75 ml of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5%. The milk should immediately curdle and fall out in flakes, removing the cloudiness and softening the taste of the drink.

As a result, you will get a very tasty, absolutely light tangerine vodka, not sweet, soft, with a strong New Year’s smell. You won't feel any alcohol in it. It is advisable to make the drink in limited quantities to drink within 2-4 weeks - they say that the drink spoils after long-term storage... However, it is unlikely to have time :)

Tangerine liqueur

We need:
1 liter of good alcohol;
600 g sugar;
600 ml water;
18 ripe tangerines (peel).

It's very easy to prepare:

1) Place the carefully peeled white tangerine peel into a jar and fill it with pure alcohol.

2) Leave the crusts for 2 weeks, filter and cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, boil a couple of times, carefully removing the resulting foam, cool.

3) Pour our tincture into the cooled syrup, the drink will become cloudy. This is normal. Pour into bottles, which are then placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. We drink it chilled in small portions or make delicious cocktails.

And further…

1. Dried tangerine skins are used in linen closets to prevent moths...

2 an air freshener and for interior decoration. You can give your room a bright citrus scent with tangerine peels. Fill glass vases with pebbles, shells and tangerine peels. There will always be a pleasant New Year's aroma in your room.

3... for decorating gifts. You can cut out various figures from fresh peels, dry them and use them for decoration.

4... for soap making. If you are making home soap, you can use tangerine peels to decorate pieces of natural soap. Orange crusts will give the soap not only a festive look, but also a pleasant aroma

5. Dry skins are an excellent tool for lighting a stove or fireplace.

6. You can feed home plants with infusion of tangerine skins and spray them against spider mites.

Just like that, just don't throw it away tangerine peels You can great savings.