Dictation 1 (carried out after studying the topic “Syntax and punctuation”)


All summer the leaves exposed their palms, cheeks, backs and bellies to the sun. And they became so saturated with the sun that they themselves became crimson and gold.
The forest became very beautiful when all the leaves were painted in bright colors. The drop will click on the leaf, and the leaf will fall off, and another will fly after it.(I option). Autumn is in a hurry, in a hurry. The cold rain washes away the golden dress of leaves(Option II). A motley tornado of leaves will spin when it suddenly swoops in strong wind. They rustle, scratch, fly, swing, run. Golden rain is making noise. “Why did you come to visit us early, autumn?” - the leaves whisper sadly in the forest.

Grammar task

1. Parse the italicized sentence.
2. Write out 2 phrases from the text.

3. Indicate in the text complex sentences (I option) and sentences with homogeneous members (II option).
4. Make up a sentence according to the following scheme:.

" ", – . (I option);
: " !". (Option II).

Dictation 2 (after studying the topic “Word Formation”)


Many plants open and close the corollas of their flowers on a specific schedule.
Daytime flowers awaken as soon as dawn begins. The chicory flowers open the blue stars of their flowers, the rose hips straighten their wide petals, and the bright lights of the poppies flash. By six o'clock in the morning, the yellow heads of dandelions begin to stretch towards the early sun's rays, and behind them the petals of the carnation open wide. The sun is already flooding the forest, field and river with dazzling light. Then the lily, which grows on the water, opens its snow-white corolla. Daytime flowers are usually the first to go to sleep.
The summer day is ending, the sun is sinking lower. And then the night flowers begin to come to life.

(According to V. Vetlina)
(89 words)

Grammar task

1. Sort out the words according to their composition:

dawn, wide (I option);
stars, straightens(Option II).

2. Write down words with the same root and forms of the same word:

flowers (I option);
water(Option II).

3. Write down 5 words with alternating vowels at the root of the word. Indicate the spelling.

Dictation 3 (topic “Noun”)


There are many legends about the remarkable intelligence of dolphins, their sociability and friendliness.
You know wonderful story about the friendship of a dolphin with a Greek boy. You have heard many stories about the interest and love of these animals for people.
Scientists' observations have shown that dolphins are easy to tame and train. They quickly learn various circus tricks, enthusiastically play with a ball, kick it around the surface of the pool, and jump through a hoop.
They treat each other with touching care. Dolphins do not think about danger and rush at the first call to help a comrade when trouble happens to him.
The film "Flipper" is about one of them.

Grammar task

1. Write out 3 nouns from the text in d.p. (I option);
3 nouns in v.p. (Option II).
2. Decline the words:

hobby (I option);
story(Option II).

3. Give examples of nouns at the end of which after sibilants it is written b(I option) and is not written b(Option II).
Indicate the spelling.

4. Perform a morphological analysis of the noun comrade(I option); about friendship(Option II).

Dictation 4 (topic “Adjective”)

The little helpless squirrel lay on the wet path and trembled all over. I put it on my palm. The squirrel felt the warmth and buried her nose in the warm palm.
It was a strong gust of wind that threw the unfortunate squirrel from the tree. Her left front leg was broken.
I had to take the squirrel home. Dad gave her his fur mitten for the house. We treated the squirrel and gave it warm milk.
Gradually she began to get better. Her nose and paw have healed, and her tail has become fluffy and beautiful. The squirrel now loved to run and frolic. For her cheerful character, we named her Shustrik.

(88 words)

Grammar task

1. Determine the case of adjectives

1st, 2nd paragraphs (I option);
3rd, 4th paragraphs (Option II).

2. Form single-root adjectives from the following nouns:

house (I option);
wind(Option II).

3. Perform a morphological analysis of the adjective:

warm (milk) (I option);
on wet(path) (II option).

4. Form a short form of the adjective in the form:

fresh, good, powerful (I option);
melodious, hot, brilliant(Option II).

Dictation 5 (topic “Verb”)


The flood drives forest animals to higher places. Mice take refuge on snags and in bird nests. Foxes climb trees and sit there waiting for the water to recede. Hares flee from the water or gather in large groups on hillocks that have not yet been flooded by water. Here, hares most often manage to wait out the flood.
An expedition is being organized to save the animals. There is water all around. You see how the hares on the island stand in a column and freeze. Among the eared animals you suddenly notice a fox and a badger. The misfortune reconciled everyone.
The appearance of the boat is met with fear. The hares begin to rush into the water, but they have to quickly return. They swim poorly. The hares comically shake themselves off and await their fate.

(According to V. Peskov)
(101 words)

Grammar task

1. Make up sentences with verbs:

be proud, proud (I option);
get ready, get ready(Option II).

2. Write the verbs in the following forms:

drive (3rd pl.), lay(2 liters units), bother(1st literal plural) (I option);
look(1st literal plural), build(3rd liter unit), Twitter(2nd liter unit) (II option).

3. Write out from the text 2 verbs of the perfect form (I option) and 2 verbs of the imperfect form (II option).

4. Form possible tense forms of the verb:

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Duty officer, room, boots, clothes, street, garden, painting, student, coat, ...

2. Test cheating. Parse the sentence.

3. Write the words in 3 columns:

boil..ki, delicious..naya, p..letter, ra...iy, kr..chat, excited, prz..nik, want..ba, star..naya, b..forehead, sample ..lives, uv..dal, hot..hot, m..poured, book..ka.

Indicate the tense of the verbs.

4. Insert the missing spellings. Add antonym verbs to these verbs.

I in. G...V...to swear– II century. see...

o...r...t - get up... -

and...ti - forget...fly -

5. Sort out the words according to their composition:

I century whitewash, strong, whistle;

II century sick, loading, carried.

Maslenitsa (Control write-off)

There were many holidays in Rus'. The most favorite holiday of farewell to winter is Maslenitsa.

The clear sun rolled like a pancake through the snowy glades, through the loose snowstorms towards Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa usually occurs in February. It started on Monday. Tuesday - flirting. Both old and young rode down the slides and played snowballs. Wednesday is a gourmet day: all relatives and friends were supposed to be treated to the best dishes that housewives can cook. Thursday – wide Maslenitsa. Eat, drink, walk to your heart's content. The king of the table was the pancake. NOT FINISHED!!!

The harvest is coming (Warning dictation)

It's a hot summer. It's time to harvest. Every summer day feeds the year.

There are tall loaves of bread standing like a wall. Heavy ears of golden wheat bent to the ground.

Tractors, combines, and trucks were lined up in the machine yard. The final check of readiness for the harvest is underway. The most wonderful machine is the combine harvester. He reaps and threshes. Clean grain will fill the truck bed. The combine will help people quickly remove grain from the fields. (60 words)

Walk (Incoming control)

In the fall, a group of children went to the grove. The birches turned yellow and the aspen trees turned red. Bunches of berries have ripened on the rowan tree.

Along the forest path the guys came out into a clearing. There are fluffy spruce trees all around. Young Christmas trees are turning green. A spring comes out of the ground. The girls collected branches and cones. The boys lit a cheerful fire on the bank of the stream.

Quiet in the forest. The children sat down by the fire. Seryozha began to read an interesting story. On the way home the guys sang songs. They returned from their walk joyful.

(68 words)

1. Underline the basis of the sentence. Give the parts of speech.

I century - VIV sentence;

II century - VIII sentencePart III.

2.. Write the words in 3 columns, inserting the missing spellings.

Add 1 word to each column:

I century I spent so much time on... what a holiday...

… … …

II century cap...ny r...sinka demon...ka

… … …

3. Write down words that have more sounds than letters. Add 1-2 words:

rise, chalk, south, salt, sings, family, spruce forest.

4. Write down 1 word for each scheme: KSO, KO, PKSO, PKO.

Sort out the words according to their composition.

End of autumn (beyondIquarter 2008-09 academic year G.)

The time of golden autumn flew by like a swift-winged bird. Winter is on the doorstep. The fields, forests and meadows washed by autumn rains became silent. There are still late flowers left in the forest clearing. Every morning the cold approaches them.

Birds become human neighbors. A mass of crows flies up to a village, town, city. The hooded crow is an extremely cautious bird.

Crows start looking for food in the morning. But even a well-fed crow will not leave an extra piece on the ground. She hides it in the foliage, in a secluded place, in the snow. (76 words)

Grammar tasks

Option I

  1. Sort out the words according to their composition: quiet, late, clearing .
  2. Parse the last sentence.

meaning (antonyms):

LIGHT (frost) – ...

LIGHT (briefcase) – ...

Option II

  1. Sort out the words according to their composition: rain, autumn, suitable.
  2. III proposals.

3.* For these adjectives, select and write their opposites

meaning (antonyms):

LIGHT (briefcase) – ...

Easy task) - …

Shepherd Ogonyok 4th grade, I quarter The street quickly ran down the hill and turned into a highway. Here the chain of houses ended. A swampy meadow stretched with rare islands of willow and spruce trees.

Every day horses grazed in the meadow. The shepherd was the horse Ogonyok. No one remembered when he appeared. Ogonyok kept a vigilant eye on his herd. He knew the area well, remembered everything dangerous places on a huge wild meadow. He didn't touch people, but he couldn't stand dogs. Ogonyok always drives them away from his site. (73 words)

in autumn

These are wonderful days. The leaves on the trees are yellow, orange, red. The fruits are ripe in the gardens. Potatoes, carrots, and cabbage are being harvested in the gardens. Tomatoes and cucumbers were pickled. A rich harvest of wheat was harvested from the fields.

Our feathered friends are flying to distant lands. The swallows are already on their way. Old ducks teach young ducks to fly. Sparrows, crows, and magpies move closer to people's homes. The forest became quiet. (59 words)

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write out 3 words from the text with unstressed vowels. Illustrate the spellings graphically and add test words.

3. Write 2 words in 3 columns:

  • c b – softness indicator;
  • with separating b. Kommersant.


The swamps began to freeze. The swamp birds were the first to set off.

Swans, geese and ducks were preparing to fly away. Old ducks taught young ducks. Every morning the youth took long walks. They strengthened the wings for long flights.

Clever leaders trained individual packs and then all together. There was so much screaming, fun, joy!

Only Gray Neck could not fly and resigned herself to fate. How she swam, how she dived! Water was everything for the duck. (67 words)

  1. Indicate graphically homogeneous members of the sentence. Parse this sentence by members and parts of speech.
  2. Write down 2 words with unstressed vowels, add test ones. Indicate spellings graphically.
  3. Explain in 1-2 sentences who they callleader and why.

Golden autumn

The famous Russian artist Levitan loved autumn very much. He often painted autumn landscapes. But the pictures came out sad. It was late autumn on the canvases. But this picture is joyful.

It's standing in the yard early autumn. The day turned out to be warm. The blue surface of the river seemed to freeze. Yellow birch trees stand along the shore like candles. The ground is covered with a colorful soft carpet. The bright greenery of winter fields is visible in the distance. A beautiful painting by a talented artist pleases the soul. (64 words)

  1. Sort out the words:autumn, will please, candle.
  2. To adjectivelater, copy out the opposite meaning from the text.

To adjectivesad pick up andwrite down 1-2 words that are close in meaning.

Russian forests

Russian forests are good! The pine forest smells like resin. Beneath the very clouds, green peaks rustle, sweeping the blue sky. Curly birch trees look like white beauties into the water. Mighty oak trees spread widely across the sun-drenched meadows. The thin-legged aspen trembles with every leaf. Bright autumn outfit of the maple tree. Tall slender spruce trees stretched their sharp tops towards the blue sky. Songbirds have settled in the shady oak forests. Quiet streams flow through the wilderness. (65 words)

  1. 1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the wordsmooth surface
  2. 2. Write down the name of a forest made entirely of aspens; oil; oak trees

Blue Patrol

Children's patrol services operate throughout Russia. The green patrol protects the forests. The Blue Patrol guards the waters. The guys monitor the cleanliness of lakes, springs, and streams. They do not allow polluting the shores or throwing garbage into water bodies.

Schoolchildren have a lot of troubles at the beginning of summer. A child saves a small fish. When the spring water subsides, many fry remain in the holes and grooves. The water dries up and the fish die. The blue patrol is in a hurry to help. The children carry all living things into the river with nets, baskets and buckets. (74 words)

  1. 1. Write down 2 words with paired and unpronounceable consonants, add test ones. Indicate spellings graphically.
  2. Explain the meaning of the wordfry 1-2 sentences.

Cranes fly away

In gold autumn days The cranes were preparing to fly away. They circled over the river, over their native swamp. Here slender shoals have reached distant lands.

Cranes are flying high in the sky above forests, fields, and cities. We took a rest in the deep forest.

It’s still dark, but the sensitive cranes have already woken up. An early dawn appeared in the east. The cheerful sun will soon rise over the river. The cranes will fly high. We will hear their farewell voices from heaven.

Goodbye, cranes! See you in the spring! (73 words)

1. Indicate the cases of singular nouns inI,II andIV


III proposals.

Gaidar's Garden

Before the war, Gaidar planted an apple tree in the garden. Arkady Petrovich died in the war. The apple tree remains, his wonderful books and our memory of him remain.

The tree suffered greatly from harsh winters. The guys learned about this and decided to plant an apple orchard. Let there be a Gaidar garden in the courtyard of their school.

Timurites throughout the city planted apple trees of different varieties. The kids have to work a lot for the garden to bloom and for the apples to appear. (65 words)

IV proposals.

2. Sort by composition: planted, sonorous, marching.

About Gaidar

In Arzamas, A.P. Gaidar stayed with his old comrade. They sat until late and remembered their regiment, which was commanded by Gaidar, the battle with a gang of whites and much more. Thus was born the idea of ​​writing a book about my childhood, about my mother, about my military youth, about a glorious time, about glorious people... (44 words)

Summer rest (night - ray)

My friend Vitya visited his brother Kostya in the village of Ilyinke in the summer. The village is located on the banks of the Kamenka River. A ray of sun will shine in the morning, friends are already at the river. And here is the first fish - ruff. The boys also caught big fish. There were perch, bream, and crucian carp.

The guys often went into the forest to pick mushrooms. One day they entered the wilderness of the forest. Silence. Only at the bottom of the ravine a cold spring gurgled. The boys picked a lot of mushrooms in the forest thicket. (67 words)

V sentences; penultimate sentence.

2. ... by composition: silence, cold, visiting;

fish, forest, walked.

3. Write down the nouns in 3 columns by gender:

entrance, health, blizzard, minx, explanation, congress, rise, happiness,


First fish (Homogeneous members of the sentence)

Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked.

Once Yura’s family went to the river to fish. We caught pike, pike perch, and perch. Yurik caught the little ruff.

Grandmother cooked fish soup. Dad, mom and older brother began to praise my ear. Delicious fish soup: Yura caught a big ruff. The boy understood the adults' joke, but was glad. There was also his little fish in the family ear. (62 words)

1. Sort by composition: small, fish, boiled;

Grandma, I'll see, it's delicious.

2. In the dictation text, find 2 sentences with homogeneous members.

Parse them.

3. Compose and write 2-3 sentences with homogeneous members on the topic “Our family”

or “Autumn has come.”

Autumn in the forest."Checking myself"

Has arrived Golden autumn. Along the edges of the forests grow boletuses, slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant saffron milk caps. Ruddy cranberries are scattered in the moss swamps. Bunches of rowan berries turned red in the forest clearings.

On autumn days, songbirds leave their native lands. The swallows and swifts have already flown away. Starlings gather in noisy flocks. The cranes are also saying goodbye to their native swamps. The hazel grouse remained to spend the winter. Bird voices can be heard far in the forest. (62 words)

Who greeted winter like this?

Winter came. Early in the morning Ilya went hunting. The frost stung my cheeks.

There is silence in the birch grove. The bats climbed into the hollow. The hedgehog in the hole covered himself with dry leaves. The frogs buried themselves in the moss. The bear sleeps in a den. The squirrel changed her coat for the winter and repaired the nest. The fox made a soft bed out of leaves in a hole.

In the morning the boys went to birch grove. There was wonderful silence. The squirrel jumped on dry branches. The fresh air pleasantly stung my face. (73 words)

Help your elders (Noun endings I declension)

In the summer, Olga and Kostya went on vacation to their uncle and aunt in the village of Sosnovka. They drove to the village along railway. In the morning, Ilya Vasilyevich took them by car to grandmother Daria. Grandma's house stands on the banks of the Bystryanka River. Geese and ducks swam on the river. Kostya and Olya helped their grandmother take care of the birds. They worked in the garden and garden. Often the guys went to the grove to pick berries and mushrooms. (69 words)

  • INI andIn II sentences, indicate the cases of nounsI declension.


Vast fields and valleys were covered with fluffy snow. Noisy crowd

girls and boys rush on slippery ice. The frost flushed the faces of the children.

Their noses were frozen. But Kostya and Seryozha do not leave the skating rink.

At the skating rink, everyone is in a hurry and not afraid of the frost. Evening is approaching. The friends turned off the path and hurried home along the path. On the way, they remembered their grandparents and decided to visit them. The guys chopped wood, lit the stove and cooked borscht. They rushed home happy. These children will grow up to be wonderful people. (80 words)

Winter forest “Testing myself”

After the snowstorm, the forest looked beautiful and amazing. The spruce stood in coniferous chain mail. Small Christmas trees are covered with snow. There are lush snow caps on the tops of the pines. Birch trees sparkle in the sun with white birch bark. The blizzard silvered the birch tree's light braids with frost. In a forest clearing near the path, a fox's footprint curls like a ribbon. A marten predator rushed in search of prey. An elk plowed through a snowdrift. And life glimmers under the snowdrift. Rake the snow to the ground and you will see lingonberry bushes and blueberry branches. (72 words)

Winter forest (endings of nouns and adjectives)

It's very quiet in the forest. Snow covered the forest clearings with a soft carpet. Illuminated by the winter sun, slender pines stand silently. Their peaks rose high into the blue sky. There is a light blanket of snow on a green spruce branch. Thin birch trees bent over in lacy arches. In the silence of the forest, all the trees are like in a fairy tale. The air is fresh, clean and transparent. It's so easy to breathe! It's good to wander along a forest path or path in winter. (63 words)

Explanatory dictation Mom is mom

The fox got into the habit of going to the division in winter and warming himself by the exhaust pipes. The soldiers fed her, and one day they caught her and put her on a chain.

How the red-tailed beauty begged for freedom! She refused food. I only drank water. Large tears were in her eyes.

And the fox was released. And a day later she appeared again at the warm pipes, but not alone. Four fluffy little foxes jumped joyfully near their mother fox. And she herself seemed to say: “That’s why I was eager to be free.”

“We’ll have to support this family,” the cook remarked cheerfully. (85 words)

Test work on the topic “Adjective”

1. Selective dictation.

Write down the nouns with adjectives. Indicate the cases of nouns. Highlight the endings of nouns and adjectives.

The late departure of birds portends warm winter. From a pure spring

pure water. The smooth road was covered with white snow.

2. Write down the proposal. Perform parsing.

I century The trail of a squirrel stretched across the light powder towards the forest lodge.

II century In the park, the branches of the birch tree were decorated with silvery frost.

3. Sort out the words according to their composition:

I in . kindergarten, late, begging;

II in . grandson, smooth, sanctify.

4 Insert appropriate adjectives into the sentences.

Continue the text in 1-2 sentences.

In... a grove.

On ... days it is good to wander in ... the grove. ... rays play on ... birch trunks. ... the breeze rustles overhead... .

Tractor driverIIquarter

My grandmother Daria’s neighbor is a tractor driver. He is respected by all residents of the village of Slobodka. He performs many different jobs on a tractor. He attached a cart to a steel horse and was carrying potatoes from the field. Then he will hook the plow and begin to plow the ground. I see he’s attached a bucket to the front of the tractor and is digging ditches. At the height of summer, he attaches a mower to the tractor and goes to the water meadows to prepare food for the animals for the winter. If a car breaks down, the mechanic doesn’t call for help, but starts fixing it himself. Handyman.


The spruce forest is gloomy. In such a forest there is always a smell of dampness. The prickly paws of spruce trees scratch your face and hands. Lush teenage fir trees grow along the edge of the forest. These forest beauties are beautiful! A resinous spirit comes from the tree. Small Christmas trees decorate the favorite Orthodox holiday - Christmas.

Spruce is a very valuable tree. Paper is made from its wood. Spruce sings in the violin, in the piano, in various furniture. In the dense spruce forest, birds take refuge in winter from blizzards and blizzards. (70 words)


Tatyana and Victor lived in a forest lodge. In winter, the boy hung a bird feeder from an old spruce tree. One day a red squirrel appeared near the feeder. She carefully jumped onto the tree. The animal began to pick up the rowan with its paws and deftly eat the berries.

The guys made a table for the squirrel. They put crusts on her table

bread, dry mushrooms, nuts. Sometimes children buried food in the snow. The squirrel has a good sense of smell. She raked the loose snow with her paws and took the prey. Every day the girl came running to the feeding trough. (76 words)

Walk in the forest(Explanatory dictation)

It was an amazing walk. The mother and her sons walked single file to the spring along a narrow path. The cold sky was shining. Magpies chattered in the frosty silence. Fast squirrels were hiding in the thick cedar branches. Agile animals jumped merrily along the branches. Under the trees, the tracks of birds and animals were imprinted on the soft snow. A mountain of snow fell from the top of an old spruce tree. It seemed to Huck that the whole earth consisted of a tall, dense forest. (65 words)

1. Sort by composition: blue, surface, beautiful;

northern, attached, generosity.

2. ParseIV proposals.

Write down the nouns, indicate declension and case,

I century A cheerful squirrel is frolicking on an old spruce tree.

II century A tall pine tree grows on a hillock.

Forest in winter"Checking myself"

One winter we went into the forest. IN winter forest silence. Everything is covered with a shiny white blanket. Light, lonely snowflakes swirl in the clean, cold air. The shaggy branches of fir trees are decorated with silvery frost. In this fabulous winter outfit, every branch seemed amazing. In the dense forest, not a soul, not a trace. We spent a long time admiring the beauty of the wonderful winter kingdom. (54 words)

In a forest clearing

The forest clearing is covered with fluffy snow, but life continues on it. Here is an old stump. In a cozy apartment, under the bark of a birch tree, insects hid from the cold. In a hole between the roots lies a lizard. The beetle lay down in the tiny bedroom. In a ditch at the edge of the clearing, frogs sleep under the snow. Their enemy, a hedgehog, fell asleep in a pile of brushwood nearby.

Quiet and empty in the winter kingdom. Only the forest doctor, the woodpecker, sits on a pine tree and steals delicious seeds from the cone. Sometimes a fox or a white hare will run across the clearing. (84 words)

News from the forest “Checking myself”

Prickly snow began to fall. There was a ripple in the dense aspen forest. The blows of snow pellets on tree trunks merged into a mysterious hum. Footprints stretched from the edge of the forest to the village. Dawn has arrived. Snow glistened on the spruce tree. A flock of sparrows hurried towards the village. The wood grouse also flew up to the road in search of food. Elk and roe deer moved towards the clearing. They ate the bark from willows and aspens. The hares compacted the snow near the brushwood.

In winter, animals need human help. Show concern for our little brothers! (76 words)

Winter night In the woodsPrepared dictation

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies in flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark high sky.

Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is hidden life there. A frozen branch crunched in the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees. Here is a ferret running through the smooth snow after a mouse. An owl flies over the snowdrifts. Like a fairy-tale sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare branch. In the darkness of the night, he clearly sees how life goes on in the winter forest, hidden from people. (83 words)

1. Parse:

I sentences;III proposals.

2. Parse as part of speech:

(on) rowan; (by) area;

3. Sort by composition: frosty, ran, snowflake;

They arrived, smooth, snowdrop.

Christmas tree in the Kremlin Explanatory dictation

Every year on the first of January in the Grand Kremlin Palace of the capital

begins fun party Christmas trees. A huge New Year's beauty stands in the middle of the hall, covered in lights. And all around are the joyful faces of the guys, masks, music. All participants in the celebration sing cheerful songs. During the winter holidays, Moscow schoolchildren and many guests from other cities and countries will visit the Christmas tree. They earned the right to attend this holiday through good studies and good deeds. Happy New Year, big and small friends! (74 words)

  1. Perform parsingIV proposals.
  2. ... in composition: joyful, paths, deserved.
  3. Write down 1 noun eachI declension in R., D., P. cases with prepositions.

Beginning of spring “Checking myself”

The sun poured down from above in dazzling streams. Clouds floated across the blue sky like heaps of snow. Spring breezes smelled of fresh grass and bird nests. In front of the house, resinous buds burst on a tall poplar tree. In the garden, young shiny grass began to emerge from the warm earth. The entire meadow was covered with white and yellow stars. Every day birds arrived from the south. Blackbirds ran between the tree trunks. An oriole settled on a linden tree and whistled in its honeyed voice. A woodpecker flew like a gray handkerchief through the transparent birches. Thus spring came into its possession. (82 words)

Russian birch2nd person verb

What a charming Russian tree is the birch. This is truly a peasant tree. It has everything: a woman’s cotton scarf, a whitewashed hut, a Russian stove, a rug, and a canvas shirt. You peer into the knotty trunks and remember the calloused laboring peasant hands. And young birches resemble girlish beauty. You look at them, and sweet and bright Russian names come to mind. You look at the birch tree and hear village round dance songs, the iridescent sounds of the harmonica. You will definitely remember your childhood and youth, and in your soul you will hug this tree, the closest and dearest to you. (85 words)

In the meadow on the topic "Verb"

The spring sun warms up. The snow is melting in a forest clearing. A cheerful, talkative stream ran down the hill along the road. It fills a deep puddle to the brim and overflows. The winter apartments in the old stump were empty. The hedgehog crawled out of the hole. He washed, cleaned himself and ran across the clearing to look for food. A huge forest house - an anthill - comes to life under the warm sun. Ants are busy from early morning until late evening. They carry either a blade of grass or a pine needle. Birds fly up to an old stump. they will make a nest near the stump.

You joyfully observe all life on earth. Take care of your native nature! (90 words)

1. InIn the second sentence, indicate the cases of nouns.

2. ParseVIII sentences.

3. Parse it as a part of speech: melts; warms up.

Summer thunderstormon the topic "Verb"

The sky grew dark and frowned. Dark thunderclouds rolled in. The old forest fell silent and prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind burst from the treetops. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.

Lightning flashed and thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly a solid wall of water collapsed on the ground.

The summer thunderstorm passes quickly. The foggy distance is getting brighter and clearer. The sky begins to turn blue. Light steam floats over the field and forest, over the surface of the water. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not stopped yet. It's rain falling from the trees and shining in the sun. (86 words)

Rook - spring bird

It's warmer. The sun warms the earth with its hot rays. The first thawed patches appeared. Have you already seen the birds arriving? These are the harbingers of spring - rooks. They spent the cold winter in warm regions. Now the rooks are hurrying north, to their homeland. Dozens of birds die on the way to their native places. The strongest fly. On birch trees they repair their homes. Here are black, white-nosed birds walking importantly behind the tractor. With strong beaks they pull earthworms out of the ground. (66 words)

good land

Since ancient times, Mother Earth has been feeding people. They put a handful of grain in the land and get a hundred handfuls. Sow a bag of wheat and a large harvest will ripen. People will plant potatoes, and in the fall they will dig up a dozen. They plant a small cucumber seed and a whole basket of cucumbers ripens.

The magical pantry is generous to people. And people are kind to their nurse. They plow, fertilize, and water the land. (55 words)

Spiny beautyIIIquarter

The foliage on the birch tree has turned yellow. Reddened leaves of aspens are falling. Only the Christmas tree doesn’t drop its needles. She changes her outfit gradually. For this, the tree needs about nine years. The prickly beauty does not sleep until late autumn.

In winter, the Christmas tree falls asleep. Heavy snowballs do not break the flexible branches of the tree. She looks elegant in a white hat and white scarf.

In winter it is warm in the spruce forest. Birds spend the night in it. Spruce paws do not allow the wind to pass through.

The Christmas tree will feel the arrival of a long spring day and come to life. (78 words)

  1. Find a sentence with homogeneous members, label them graphically and draw a diagram.
  2. Write down 3 phrases of a noun and an adjective. Highlight the endings and indicate the case.

Birth of a river

A small window with clear water sparkles in a small bush. There is a spring here. A tiny stream originates from here, then flows out into a wide meadow. From the left and right sides streams rush to the noisy stream and fill it. And now the stream becomes a quiet river. The current in it is slow and calm. The rays of the summer sun play on the mirror surface.

Schools of small fish came into the river backwater. Yellow water lilies swayed on the water surface. Light boats with fishermen appeared in the wide open space. (78 words)

1. BIn the first sentence, underline the stem. Indicate the case of nouns and related adjectives.

2. For adjectives, select and write the opposite in meaning:

SMALL (fish) – ...

SHALLOW (river) – ...

History of the notebook*

Long ago, students wrote on a wax tablet. Now schoolchildren write in notebooks made of white paper.

There is a notebook with blank pages on your desk. Where did she come to you from? The school notebook has a long way to go.

Huge rolls were brought from the paper mill to the notebook room. At the notebook factory, craftsmen cut paper and line. Here the sheets are folded and a thick cover is attached. Then the notebook is stitched using a smart machine. Ready!

During one shift, workers manage to make hundreds of notebooks. Take care of your notebook! Don't tear it up, dirty the pages. Write in your notebook cleanly, beautifully and correctly. (86 words)

  • Indicate in the text the declension and case of the nouns NOTEBOOK, NOTEBOOK.

In the forest

A pine forest stretches along the banks of the quiet Volgushi River. There is no more beautiful forest in the area than this. Summer sun illuminates tall pines with smooth trunks. The trees sway their tops in the blue azure. Nothing disturbs the silence of the pine forest. It always smells of pine. Moss lies like a soft carpet under the trees. There is a fox hole near the roots of an old pine tree. Clusters of late lingonberries turn red on a moss cushion. What is this handsome guy with a dark head on a strong leg? This edible mushroom boletus Behind him came boletus, saffron milk caps, and rednecks. (81 words)

Amazing tree Control cheating

Cedar grows in Siberia. It reaches a height of forty meters. This is a valuable coniferous tree. It is used to make dishes and furniture.

In dishes made of cedar wood, milk will not sour for weeks. Beautiful cedar furniture does not harbor harmful insects.

How many cones ripen on the cedar tree by autumn! People collect pine cones in bags. Nuts are extracted from them. In this case, the nuts remain intact. They are separated from the husk. In a good year, tons of nuts ripen in the cedar forest. Useful cedar oil is made from them. (79 words)

  • Write down words with the same root with the root KEDR-. Give the parts of speech.

Main singer*

The larks have been singing joyful songs for a long time. Vocal singers fly high and sing in the clear azure. In the garden and in the grove the finches are ringing in every possible way. Blackbirds fill the spring forest with their ringing trill. They sing merrily in a friendly choir of forest birds. But the main singer of the Russian forest is not yet there. The nightingale has not arrived yet.

And then a little gray bird with smart little black eyes appeared. She is completely inconspicuous, slightly taller than a sparrow. With the arrival of the nightingales, a real hymn to the beauty of spring began to sound. This little bird has a wonderful voice. And there is no richer and more beautiful voice in the world. (88 words)

1. InIn sentence II, indicate graphically homogeneous members and draw a diagram.

2. Indicate the case of nouns and adjectives in phrases:


3. Write out words from the text that are close in meaning to the word SING.

Happy bug*

The sun warmed the earth. Various insects crawled out, some from a crack, some from an earthen hole, some from under tree bark. They all crawled, ran, and flew into a spacious forest clearing. Spring was waiting for them there with its precious gifts.

She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress. Lemongrass is soft yellow, like a golden autumn leaf. The cockchafer dressed in a chocolate-colored suit.

Spring looked under the leaf and saw an inconspicuous bug there. She decided: “I’ll give him a tiny blue flashlight. Let him light it every evening and let it shine all night.” This lantern now burns like a bright star in the dark night grass, and reminds the inhabitants of the forest that happiness never fades, even in the darkest times. dark night. (111 words)


Early in the morning I go to the neighboring grove. It’s good and joyful in my soul this spring! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. Birds sing loudly in the thicket of bushes and trees. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the surrounding area. Real spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove a cold spring gurgles. I’ll sit on a stump by the key, take out a mug and a piece of bread. It’s nice to drink cold spring water and breathe deeply the air filled with the joy of life! (83 words)

1. Parse the sentence:

I century A light breeze plays in the green trees.

II century The sun pours hot rays onto the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Festive fireworks flashed in the night sky.

3. Write down 2 verbs in the past, present and future tense.

Spring camePast tense of verb

The weather has been clear the last few days. During the day it melted in the sun, and at night the frost reached seven degrees. Suddenly a warm wind blew and clouds moved in. Warm rain fell for three days and three nights. Then the wind died down and a thick gray fog moved in. The ice floes crackled and moved on the river. But in the morning the bright sun came out and the young grass turned green. The buds of the viburnum and birch trees are inflated. The larks began to sing in the sky, and the cranes and geese flew in. The cattle roared in the pastures, the lambs began to play. Real spring has come. (76 words)

1. Parse the sentence by members and parts of speech:

first; last thing.

2. ... in composition:I century – arrived, hillocks, bright;

II century - it was coming, it was raining, dark.

3. Perform phonetic analysis:I century - anchor;II century - Friends.

"Checking myself"

Spring has come. The weather is wonderful. The spring sun is shining joyfully. Song swallows arrived from the distant south. Their playful songs carry far away.

They flew to the old house. The little house crumbled and fell apart. Every day the chirping birds carried straw, clay, and twigs in their beaks. The birds worked for a long time. It turned out to be a good nest.

Soon yellow-throated chicks appeared in the nest. The black cat found out about this. He began to watch the chicks and decided to feast on them.

The swallows saw the cat and began to distract him from the nest. They protect their little cubs from danger. (76 words)


Animal coloring*

Animals are protected by color. In winter, the white hare turned white instead of brown. A lump is rolling along a snowy path. The fox does not see him in the white field.

The hazel grouse is all pockmarked, and there is a stripe on the back. Snuggled up to the land, you won’t notice it in the foliage.

Long stripes are painted on the tiger skin. In summer you will not see the predator in the reeds.

The seahorse is difficult to see among the green grass. It changes color. A ray of sun will illuminate the sea grass, the horse will turn green. The sun will set below the horizon. The water in the sea will become darker, the skate will catch on a blade of grass and also darken. The waves rock him back and forth. (88 words)

1. ParseIII proposals.

Indicate the conjugation, tense, person and number of the verb.

2. Sort by composition: TIGER, (IN) REED.

3. Underline the sentences in the text that explain the names: hazel grouse, white hazel.

Living gift

Blue squirrels have appeared in the forests near Moscow. Where did they get them from? A living gift came from distant Siberia. Ilya Vasilyevich Korovkin gave squirrels to his friends from Moscow. The boys took the squirrels home. The children looked after them, gave them delicious food, and cleaned their cages. But the squirrels were bored in captivity. The family wanted to live together.

A happy thought came to the children. The guys decided to settle the squirrels in the forest. The animals were transferred to forestry. They lived well in the dense spruce forest. The animals became fluffy and cheerful. Blue squirrels decorate the forests near Moscow. They did not forget their friends, they recognized them. (87 words)

1. Select and write down 3-4 words with the root DAR-. Place emphasis, indicate roots and spellings.

2. Indicate the declension and case of nouns: in Siberia, in the spruce forest.


How many wonderful masters sing in a birch grove, in a wide field! The larks, thrushes, and nightingales are ringing in every possible way.

In the spring forest you will hear a song thrush. In a ringing voice he sings out a hymn to spring. His perky trill fills the Russian forest.

The lark is an early singer. As soon as the first ray of the summer sun began to play on the horizon, a joyful song was already heard in the clear azure. You will not see the singer himself in the heavenly heights.

The best singer of the Russian forest is the nightingale. He starts singing late at night. The wonderful sounds do not stop all night. You sit and listen to the most beautiful voice in the world. (85 words )

The Rooks Have Arrived*

This picture was painted by Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. What a good name it has! Like good news.

In the foreground the artist painted rooks. Birds are busy with important work. They are in a hurry to build housing. In the center of the picture are crooked, curved birch trees. The snowstorms did not spare them. In the background you can see the roofs of barns and a church. And then the expanse of the earth, the light sky.

You won't see dark tones on the canvas. The colors are blue, gray, delicate. The canvas is full of light, the fresh breath of spring. The glare of the sun flickers on the fence. Savrasov saw this beauty of nature in a quiet corner of a Russian village. With love and warmth, he showed it to people. (93 words)

1. Find 2 sentences with homogeneous members - with a conjunction and without a conjunction.

Underline the basis, identify homogeneous members graphically.

2. In the penultimate sentence, indicate gender, number and case of nouns and adjectives.

3. For the word NOT SPARE, choose and write down the one that is close in meaning.


May is a time of rapid change. A blue cloud hung over the grove, and the rain began to ring. Before the rain had time to fall, there was already a green haze over the birches.

Birds sing during the day, some even at night. Nightingales and song thrushes sing the best. But even the voiceless do not lose heart, they make noise.

The woodpecker drums with its nose, the stork cracks with its beak. The frogs sing in chorus, and the cranes dance in the swamp.

May is the time for bright nights. Owls and eagle owls just bat their eyes. When should you catch mice?

Flowers appear. The bees are buzzing and collecting honey.

And the young people have a lot of work. Trees are being planted, weeded, and pruned.

It's time for the birds to hatch their chicks. Many interesting events happen in nature in May. (99 words)

Flower clock

You can tell the time by the colors. Early summer morning. By six o'clock the blue bell opened its little eye. The dandelions raised their golden heads. The delicate flowers of the wild carnation are turning red. Next, the rosehip spreads its wide crimson petals. A bright poppy light flashed. By eight o'clock a yellow water lily and a white lily bloomed.

The summer heat is subsiding. Other flowers come to life. Fragrant tobacco and meadow slumber opened up.

Plant a flower clock in your flower bed and it will always show you the exact time. (68 words)

Garden in bloom

Spring is in full swing. The first thunder roared. A cheerful, light rain passed. This young thunder awakened nature to life. Early in the morning, all the trees in the garden were shrouded in a green haze. A few days later, a light cloud seemed to be entangled in the branches. The cherry trees have bloomed. The trees began to hum. How many bees are there! They fly from cherry to cherry. Bees drink sweet nectar from the core of a flower and carry pollen from flower to flower with their paws. From morning until late evening, furry workers work. There will be a lot of fragrant sweet honey in the apiary. (80 words)

School gardenWarning dictation

May is a joyful month. The earth woke up after its winter sleep. The warm rays of the spring sun glide through the curly greenery. Fragrant flowers appeared on lilac and bird cherry. The school garden is buried in a white foam of flowers. Slender birches and maples decorate the alley at the entrance to the school. They were imprisoned late autumn students in our class. The bees are buzzing together in the school garden. They fly from flower to flower and greedily drink the sweet juice.

We walk along the paths of the garden. The school garden is in order. Good job guys! (77 words)

wounded tree

Joyful spring is coming. The forest wakes up after a long winter sleep. At this time, every tree comes to life. Spring juices run in a mighty stream to the twigs, branches, and buds. The kidneys inflate and swell. They are ready to burst and unfurl the first green foliage.

I was wandering through the forest. Then the sound of an ax was heard. I headed towards the edge. At the edge of the forest stood an old birch tree. Fresh ax marks were visible on its trunk. I examined the deep notch. She filled with clear birch sap. Now the tree will wither and die. A man did this evil in order to taste a sip of birch sap. (85 words)

Forest beauties

In our village, wild apple trees grow near every hut. They told me their story. After the war, women and children returned to the village, and there were only ashes. They built housing. There was a roof over my head. Man began to dream of beauty.

The residents went into the forest and dug up wild apple trees in the clearing. They grew there in circles. The soldiers were sitting here on a short rest. They ate apples and dropped the seeds. The apple trees grew and repeated the soldier's circle.

The women brought the trees to the village and planted them near the huts. Forest beauties bloom wonderfully every spring! (84 words)

Monument to the Soviet* soldier

There is a majestic monument in the city of Berlin in Treptower Park. A Russian hero made of stone rises on a green hill.

In one hand the soldier holds heavy sword. With this sword he defeated the Nazis. With his other hand he presses the little girl tightly to his shoulder. She sits calmly on the soldier’s wide palm. He saved her from death. He saved all the children in the world from war.

Today he watches vigilantly from a high hill. Are evil enemies threatening war and wanting to disrupt the peace? Soviet soldier protects the peace and peaceful work of all honest people on Earth. (87 words)

1. Break it down by members and parts of speech:

I sentence;II proposal.

2. Indicate the verb conjugation with the number above.

Along partisan paths

During the winter holidays, schoolchildren set off along partisan paths.

In thick spruce forest it was quiet and frosty. It's joyful to walk alongside friends. Fluffy snow sparkles underfoot. The trees seem like fairy-tale giants. A flock of birds happily flies from birch tree to birch tree.

Teacher Ilya Petrovich led the children to the edge of the forest. This is the place where the partisans lived. Under big oak they noticed a dugout. In the dugout big table. There is a stove huddled under the low window. There are long benches near the walls. (74 words)


Schoolchildren cultivate even rows of young pine trees. It stretches from the forest all the way to the road. We are driving across the steppe. Small ravines cross it. This is ours motherland. In the spring it blooms with red tulips and poppies, sprouts golden bread, and turns green with mighty forests. It's a joy to look at this beauty.

But my heart aches in broad daylight. On the way you come across an overgrown trench or a modest soldier’s obelisk. There are many of them from the Don to the Volga. Stop and bow to the heroes. It is thanks to them that you walk through the flowering land. (81 words)

What does the birch remember?

On the old Smolensk road there is a stumpy birch tree. Instead of the top, sharp peaks turn yellow, the branches below seem to have been chopped off. And the trunk is covered in lumpy scars and swellings. One side is scorched by fire, on the other a charred hole darkens to the very core.

I touched the wrinkled bark and felt the cold metal under my hands. Bullets and shell fragments were deeply embedded in the tree.

There was a fierce battle here, and the birch took the enemy’s fire. Who knows how many brave fighters she saved the lives of, shielding them from enemy bullets.

All wounded, the birch silently and seriously hurt. But she survived and turned green again.

And around the tree a noisy green-haired army of birch trees crowds, stretches upward, rejoices in the sunshine of a summer day, its feathered friends chirp. (113 words)


The wonderful summer time is coming. The hot sun floods the earth with bright rays. Fireweed is blooming. The forest edge is buried in pink foam. A swarm of bees is buzzing among the flowers, and furry bumblebees are buzzing. The air is filled with a fragrant sweet smell.

At noon, the forest clearing suddenly comes alive. Various animals come running to the edge. Flocks of loud-voiced birds fly here. Their joyful songs pour over the clearing to different voices. Bird singing caresses our ears. It’s nice on such a sunny day to sit on a stump by the stream and drink some cold water. (75 words)

In summer

It was a hot day. The summer sun cast hot rays on the ground. I walked slowly up the hill. The climb tired me. I approached the grove and lay down under a mighty oak tree. It's nice to lie down on the silky grass! The branches of the birches bent to the ground. Long shadows slid along the road. The majestic Volga flowed to the side. I involuntarily admired the river. A light boat appeared in the distance. Fishermen moored to the shore and pulled out a net with fish. (65 words)


Ulyana and I wake up early. We take towels from the roosters and run along the dewy path. We wash ourselves with river water and race. Mom treats us with fresh milk and fresh bread. Then we hurry to the birch grove. In the grove a cuckoo crows fervently. And suddenly a chamomile meadow appears in front of us. We feel very happy. And there is a wonderful smell of ripe strawberries all around.

In the evening we bring home a full basket of fragrant berries and a bouquet of cheerful daisies. The room becomes so light and cozy! Mom rejoices with us and hugs us. (84 words)

Mid summer*

The second summer month of July is popularly called the crown of summer. The bread is ripening. The fields brightened under the rays of the hot sun. The Niva turned golden. Behind her, the tops of fir trees and the caps of oak trees darken on the horizon. The meadow has lost its emerald color. The grass has been mowed. Everywhere there are neat piles of fresh, fragrant hay.

Yellow colors have appeared in the forest, but the tree crowns are still green. You look at your feet and notice the first fallen leaves. Suddenly you see a twig with yellow foliage near a birch tree, like a strand of gray hair. Bird cherry also has a lot of leaves with autumn colors.

You walk through the forest, and there is silence around. The birds don't sing. The chicks have long since hatched and the nests are empty. (96 words)

Final control dictation 4th grade 2008-09 school year year


An old moose cow came out to the edge of the forest with a small elk calf. The baby learns to run. They stumble over its bumps long legs. The spring sun gently warms in the sparse forest. The trees have already swelled with fragrant sticky buds. The elk have broken a birch branch, and sweet sap is oozing and dripping from it. Spring puddles in the forest seem blue. The willow bushes were covered with golden puffs. It smells good in the birch forest in spring! The moose dozed off in the warm sun, but she sensitively hears all sounds. A baby is frolicking calmly in a clearing. A sensitive and strong mother will not let him be offended.


Graphically indicate in the text all the studied spellings.

Explain the placement of punctuation marks using diagrams.


For the third day we walked through the taiga. It was still a long way to the station. I was choosing a place to stay for the night. I found a dry, high place. But my companion, who lived all his life in a forest village, refused a convenient parking lot and took me to the swamp.

It's midnight. Suddenly a heavy wind swept through like a tornado and a windfall began. There was a roar, a howl, a crash all around, but we were spared all this.

By morning the sun appeared, and we wandered off to boil tea where I wanted to camp. This place was littered with a pile of trunks. How did the taiga person guess about the danger?

Over tea, the old man confessed that in the evening he noticed traces of a bear that had left the taiga for the swamp. He trusted the animal's instincts. “The bear knows everything, listen to the bear in the taiga,” the old man finished his story.

(According to A. Ivanov-Smolensky.)

(116 words.)

Remind about punctuation marks when speaking directly.

As grammar task we can suggest the following:

1. Write down 2 words with the indicated spellings (or with some of them):

– unstressed vowels in the root: verifiable, unverifiable, alternating;

– unpronounceable consonants at the root, unstressed vowels at the end of verbs and nouns, o–o after the hissing ones.

2. Determine the part of speech of the words in the 2nd or last sentence.

3. Sort by composition: settle down, chose, old man, story.


The evening dawn was fading. The fog began to spread.

I decided to return home. I quickly walked through the thicket of bushes. A plain stretches at my feet, and beyond, a gloomy forest rises like a wall. I looked around and went down the hill. The tall grass at the bottom of the valley was white as an even tablecloth. Bats flew over my head.

Where have I gone? How to find the way?

I went out to the edge and walked through the field. It was difficult to make our way along the narrow path. Tall rye grew all around. A night bird flew low and touched me with its wing. My steps are muffled in the silence.

But then the stars began to light up in the evening sky. The crescent of the new month shines. Now I knew the way and assumed that I would be home in an hour.

(According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(108 words.)


Katya showed me the apartment. She lived in the same room with her mother. In Nikolai Antonovich’s office there is a device on the desk. The inkwell was a bearded head in a cone, the ashtray was an ancient Russian mitten. There is ink under the bump, and Nikolai Antonovich has to dip the pen directly into the hero’s skull. This seemed strange to me.

In the living room there is a bookcase between the windows. I've never seen so many books at once. Above the cabinet hangs a half-length portrait of a broad-browed sailor with clenched jaws and light gray lively eyes.

Then Katya showed me a sea compass - a very interesting thing. It was a copper hoop on a wooden stand, in which a cup swung, and in the cup under a glass cap there was an arrow. The arrow swings and one end with a silver anchor points to the north.

(According to V. Kaverin.)

(119 words.)

Note . Bigwig(in the old days): a metal helmet with a point ending in a knob


One day I was walking along the sandy seashore. It was a hot but windy summer day. The sun was hot, and the surface of the sea sparkled with silver sparks.

A narrow path ran among bushes with dim yellow-white flowers. A little further, tall evergreen pines lined up in a row. Grains of sand creaked strangely under my feet. Sometimes the wind brought small splashes of water from the sea. The silence was broken only by the intermittent singing of small white-breasted birds.

Suddenly there was a short but sharp noise. It looked like a paper bomb exploding. I stopped and took a closer look. Everything around breathed silence and calm.

The noise came from the ground. Small dark brown grains caught my attention. Then I realized that this flower was quietly scattering its seeds.

I looked at this interesting plant for a long time.

(According to G. Ugarov.)

(111 words.)


The famous singer Chaliapin had a voluminous leather briefcase, covered with many labels of travel companies from different countries and cities in which the artist toured. All the years he lived abroad, Chaliapin carried the briefcase with him, not trusting anyone, and almost never let it out of his hands.

There was a small box in the briefcase. Not only people who worked with Chaliapin, but also relatives had no idea about its contents.

Arriving in a new city and entering the room prepared for him, Chaliapin took a box out of his briefcase, looked at it thoughtfully and put it under the bed.

Knowing Chaliapin's tough temperament, they did not ask him about the box. It was a mysterious mystery.

After the artist’s death, his widow opened the boarded up box. It contained a handful of land taken by Chaliapin before leaving abroad. A handful of native Russian land.

(According to A. Less.)

(121 words)


His homeland is distant Mexico. The bright yellow inflorescences of sunflowers seemed to the ancient Mexicans to be wonderful little suns descending to the earth. The mysterious connection of the plant with the luminary of the day was also seen in the fact that the inflorescences turn towards the sun all day long, wanting to catch its hot rays. Therefore, the sunflower was considered sacred.

The Spanish sailors who sailed with Columbus to America brought the plant to their homeland, and there was no end to the delight. Everyone who had even a piece of land tried to grow an extraordinary flower. Others grew sunflowers in pots as a houseplant. They saw it as a charming living decoration, not suspecting that it could be of any use.

And only in Russia, the serf peasant Daniil Bokarev built a small press that squeezes out sunflower oil. This was in 1829.

(According to N. Osipov.)

(119 words.)

Current page: 8 (book has 19 pages total) [available reading passage: 13 pages]


100% +

Control cheating

Wonderful flower

A lovely golden flower was brought from distant America. The rare miracle was of gigantic stature. The overseas handsome man was planted in the center of the flowerbed. He reigned over other flowers. The flower was held on a straight stem. It was decorated with wide leaves. On the large round head there was a crown of delicate yellow petals. The head of the wonderful flower resembled the sun.

The plant loved warmth and always turned towards the sunlight. The time was recognized by the wondrous flower. The flower was called sunflower. Named after the bright sun. (71 words)

According to E. Permyak

Grammar tasks

1. Write out three words from the text with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. Write test words.

2. Write out a word with the combination CH from the text. Write a test word.

Letter from memory
* * *

Frost and sun. Wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend!

A.S. Pushkin

Grammar tasks

1. Write down two words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. Write test words.

2. Write down the word with the combination CH. Write a test word.

* * *

And walking importantly, in decorous calm,

A man leads the horse by the bridle.

ON THE. Nekrasov

Grammar tasks

1. Write down a word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. Write a test word.

2. Write a word with the combination CH. Write a test word.

Control dictations
Cosmonautics Festival

On April 12th we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. On this day, man first left the ground and went out into the starry space. This man was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Valiant son of the Russian people.

On this day, humanity took a giant step in its development. It entered the staircase leading to the stars. (48 words)

Grammar tasks

2. Write out two words with the same root from the dictation.

3. Compose and write down one word each with a consonant B so that using this consonant you get words with spelling patterns:

b) unpronounceable consonant.

golden bird

The oriole is one of the most beautiful birds of our forests. Her song is lovely and a little sad. It looks like the drawn-out whistle of a flute. The songs of the oriole make our forests even more beautiful. And suddenly, from the same place, a terrible cat scream is heard. Did a cat climb a tree? No. This is how the oriole screams. Someone really scared her. In August, parents and chicks fly away. They live in their homeland for only three months. (64 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Add test words to two dictation words with combinations CH - ZN.

2. Disassemble the words according to their composition: BEAUTIFUL, LONG.

3. Compose and write down one word each with a consonant T so that using this consonant you get words with spelling patterns:

a) paired consonant in weak position;

b) unpronounceable consonant.

Star Wanderers

Planets revolve around the Sun. There are also giant ones among them. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Pluto are smaller. We know these wonderful planets. We see them in the starry sky as lovely little stars. Very small planets are called asteroids. They are located mainly in the vicinity of Jupiter and Mars. But they appear in our solar system and beautiful star wanderers. These are comets. When approaching the sun, they develop a terrible tail. And we see a tailed star. In the old days, comets were considered harbingers of misfortune. (82 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Add test words to two dictation words with unpronounceable consonants.

2. Write out one word from the dictation with the tested unstressed vowels in the root I, I. Write test words.

3. Place an accent mark above proper names in the dictation.

Tests for the 2nd quarter
Moon fish

The moon fish amazes with its wonderful appearance and size. This is the hardest of all bony fish. Its weight reaches two thousand kilograms. That's two tons. Giant heavyweights live in the seas of the tropical zone. This fish is the most prolific in the world. (40 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation with the tested unstressed vowels in the root E, Ya, I, O. Write test words.

2. Write out two words with unpronounceable consonants from the dictation. Write test words.

3. Write two words with the same root for the word FISH.

milk tree

Who gives milk? Everyone knows this. Cow. Can a tree replace a cow and produce milk?

This tree grows in Venezuela. Its juice tastes like cow's milk. Local residents carefully cut the tree bark. Juice flows from there. Residents provide cups for this tasty liquid. It is very nutritious and healthy. Even scientists think so. (56 words)

Grammar tasks

2. Divide the words into syllables to transfer words: REPLACE, SCIENTISTS.

3. Write out a word from the first sentence that has more sounds than letters.


Juniper needles are also leaves. Only they are tough. They have a special shape. It is long and narrow. These leaves can survive the winter. They are strong enough for this. The waxy skin prevents them from drying out. The needles live on the tree for several years. Then it turns brown and falls off. But not all at once. Therefore, the tree retains foliage all year round. On autumn and winter days it pleases us with greenery. (63 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with an unpronounceable consonant; b) with a paired consonant in a weak position; c) with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress; d) with a double consonant.

2. Select and write down three words with the same root for the word WINTER.

3. Place an accent mark over the words of the first sentence.

Sandy efa

Of the desert vipers, the sand epha is the best known. In our country, it is found in Asia. Meeting her is dangerous. This snake holds the sad lead in the number of people killed by it. She moves very interestingly. She crawls not forward, but as if sideways. The lateral track consists of individual oblique strips with hooked ends. These traces immediately reveal sand efu. You should be careful in such an area. (66 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with an unpronounceable consonant; b) with a paired consonant in a weak position; c) with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress; d) with a double consonant.

2. Disassemble the words according to their composition: DESERT, LATERAL.

3. Select and write down a word that is close in meaning to the word SAD.


Murka was a strange cat. She loved sweet honey. Once Murka was basking in the morning sun. Then she smelled a delicious, familiar smell. The cat happily opened her green eyes and moved towards her cherished goal. In front of the hive, the gourmet carefully stood on its hind legs. She stuck her sweet little face into the hive. And suddenly the surrounding area was filled with a loud cat squeal. Unhappy Murka rushed into the bushes. (56 words)

According to A. Dorokhov

Grammar tasks

1. Write out two words from the dictation with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. Write test words.

2. Continue a series of words on this rule:

BATH, SUM, ..., ...;



3. Parse the last sentence according to the members of the sentence. Write down the phrases.


How do frogs prepare for spring concerts? Just like people do for the holidays. The frogs are dressing up. The herbal ones have a blue neck. The sharp-faced ones turn blue from head to toe. But especially colorful ones are tropical frogs. The frogs sing diligently and diligently. Moans, hissing, squeaking, roaring, grunting, croaking! Singing for every ear and taste. (47 words)

According to N. Sladkov

Grammar tasks

1. In the words of the first sentence, emphasize the consonants.

2. Write two words with the same root for the word GRASS.

3. Write out a sentence from the dictation consisting only of the main members. The words of this sentence are divided into syllables.


Cacti are known for their ability to adapt to local conditions. Cacti grow in dry and hot climates and for a long time They do well without water. It has rained. The cactus immediately absorbs water. He stores it in the stem. The stem is like a sponge. But its shell is thick. Therefore, the water does not evaporate even in the hot sun. And cactus leaves are needles. The needles save the cactus from evaporation and protect it from local animals. (66 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out a word with the combination CH from the dictation. Write a test word.

2. Write out two words from the dictation with a paired consonant in a weak position. Write test words.

3. In the last sentence, underline the main terms.


Flamingos are very interesting birds. Young flamingos are gray in color. They turn pink later. Flamingos fly, stretched out long neck forward and legs back. They build nests along the seashores. There they fish out tasty crustaceans and snails. Feathers, shells, and crumpled stems lie on the mud. They carefully bind the material together with silt. This is how a flamingo’s nest appears on the sticky mud. (51 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with an unpronounceable consonant; b) with a paired consonant in a weak position; c) with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress; d) with a double consonant.

2. Write down words in which the pronunciation does not match the spelling: BACK, LEGS, SEAS.

3. Disassemble the words according to their composition: LONG, TASTY.


The longest worm lives off the coast of the Atlantic. In length it reaches gigantic size. Specimens up to fifteen meters are known. Wonderful little ones live in whole families. The worm is colored brown. But it looks beautiful purple. It has dark and light stripes on its back. He doesn't like to show his outfit to the sun. The worm comes out to hunt at night. And in the early morning he hides among the stones of the coast. (63 words)

Grammar tasks

3. Write out from the dictation the word with the separator b. Write two more words using the same spelling.


Often, a careless fisherman even manages to scratch his fingers on the thorns of a ruff or on the teeth of a bee-eater until they bleed! But there are really dangerous fish.

Very dangerous big sharks. In a shark's mouth, the teeth come in six rows. They are sharp as a saw. But giant whale sharks don't bother people. Although sharks have a good appetite. They graze in their pastures and eat small crustaceans. Sharks swallow them by the millions. (63 words)

According to N. Sladkov

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation with the tested unstressed vowels in the root E, Ya, I, O, A. Write the test words.

2. Write out two words from the dictation with a double consonant. Divide these words into syllables.

3. Write out one word from the dictation with a separating b and b - an indicator of softness.

mother hen

I lie on the water and hold on to the reed with my hand. Below me is an underwater sandy clearing. On its edge lies an old bucket.

A crayfish crawled out of the bucket and began moving its mustache and eyes. Then he began to feel the sand with his claws. And from the crustacean’s tail crawled crawfish the size of an ant. They, too, busily moved their mustaches and probed the sand with their claws.

I laughed. The Rachata immediately rushed under their mother’s wide tail. And the rakikha gathered her family and deftly ducked under the bucket. She didn't show up again. (77 words)

According to N. Sladkov

Grammar tasks

1. Make a plan.

2. Write a summary of the text, observing the red line.

3rd quarter
Prepositions and prefixesDictionary

thought about it, finished drinking the add-on, flew around, presented, reduced

matured leash surround aged looked walked around

retreat emboldened to give raid crawled dragged

moved away pulled away to want to dig up bitten knocked

swooped in, deceived, completed the treatment, brewed, turned, cooked

concelebrated came in gift fire smell decoction

Selective dictation

He reached the house, ran across the clearing, pulled him out of the hut, pulled him away from the abyss, asked a riddle, ran away with the dog, ran over a nail, flew into the window, tripped him up, built over the house, read about the pilots, ran behind the barn, pulled him off the rope, enter the subway, closed it behind him, looked around, closed it behind him.

Educational dictations
Brave Thrush

The cat strayed from the house, went wild and began to get its own food. The cat is running through the forests and bushes. He catches birds and destroys nests. The cat noticed a blackbird in the hollow. The squeaking of chicks is heard from the nest. That's where the profit is! The cat's eyes lit up. He got close to the hollow and lowered his paw into it. Suddenly a blackbird flew up. The blackbird rushed at the cat from behind and began to peck at it. In the head, nose and eyes. The cat got scared. He crawled down from the tree and started to run. (77 words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the words of the first sentence, underline the prefixes.

2. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with the prefix PO-; b) with the preposition software.

3. Write down one word each with the prefixes OVER-, PRO-, DO-.

Bearded vulture

The vulture is a bird from the vulture family. It has a tuft of feathers under its beak. It looks like a goatee. But why lamb? The bearded lamb often steals small lambs from shepherds. On dangerous mountain slopes, with the blows of its wings it pushes sheep, goats, and dogs into the abyss. Bearded men are very curious. They fly up to a person without aggressive intentions. Bearded men just want to get a better look at him. But this does not make it easier for a person. A two-meter curious one rushes towards you with a whistle. Scary! (70 words)

Grammar tasks

2. Write down one word from the dictation: a) with the prefix POD-; b) with the pretext POD.

3. Write down one word each with the prefixes FOR-, SO-, NA-.

Forest fears

It was a warm day. A mother bear and her cub walked through the sparse forest beyond the ravine. There was a piece of wood lying on a steep slope. The baby grabbed it with his paws. With a terrible roar, the fragment flew down along with the bear cub. Dust rose. The bushes crackled. Forest pebbles rattled. The baby roared in fear and pain. The bear quickly rushed towards him. And the frightened bear was already reaching for his mother. He whined softly. (63 words)

According to S. Ustimov

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with the prefix C-; b) with the preposition S.

2. Disassemble the words according to their composition: APPROACH, HALL, FLIGHT, FIELD.

3. Write down one word each with the prefixes O-, OB-, OT-.

Control dictations

A fragile egg shell crunched in a nest on a pine tree. The first black-eyed chick appeared. The baby has a beautiful outfit made of white fluff. Others followed the first one. U birds of prey the mother always sits with the chicks. And the father is looking for food. The mother meets the father from the hunt many meters from the nest. The father slows down the flight. She turned over with her back down in the air. So she took the prey from his claws into hers. The mother gives the prey to the chicks. (68 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out one word from the dictation: a) with the prefix ZA-; b) with the preposition FOR.

2. Write one word at a time, where TO: a) part of the root; b) prefix.

3. Disassemble the words according to their composition: OUTFIT, FLIGHT, BACK.


Pheasant is a wild chicken. Pheasants live in reeds along river valleys and on the edges of fields. In early spring, roosters search for nesting territories. Everyone has their own. Pheasants protect their territory from other people's roosters. Immediately after birth, pheasant chicks follow their mother from the nest. At first they spend the night on the ground, but under the wing of their mother. By the third day they are already able to flutter. On the thirteenth day they are already flying well. The chicks themselves fly up to tree branches after their mother and spend the night there. (77 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out five different prepositions from the dictation.

2. Write out one word from the dictation, where O: a) part of the root; b) prefix.

3. Form three words with the same root from the word HOD using different prefixes.

Dividing solid signDictionary

disconnect explained entrance move in eat departure

pre-anniversary drive up edible scraps flaw entry

disheveled corrosive volumetric pulled up lifting hugs

furious present injection drove around filming drove off

announcement combine gorging cringed sarcastically explained

Selective dictation

Explain to Marya, the loach shrank, ate greedily, animation on the set, angry brothers, leftover cookies, Daria sarcastically, the pig will eat, drive up to the rise, explained the announcement, present to the sons, pre-anniversary fun, blizzard blowing, disheveled sparrows, hugs of the guest.

Educational dictations
Russian proverbs, sayings, signs

I can’t eat it, but it’s a pity to leave it. You can't get around the fields in one fell swoop. In winter it would be eaten by a fungus, but the snow is deep. Happiness and unhappiness live close together. The yeast is good, but not elevating. And the wolf eats just a few sheep. Woe to the tongueless in a foreign country. Don't pretend to be a sheep: the wolf will eat you. When he was young he knew hunger, but when he had eaten too much he forgot. A friend is faithful in everything measured. Do not teach by idleness, but teach by handicraft. And it happened - and the goat ate the wolf.

They come together on the field, they are not considered kinship. Care didn't eat away, so boredom overcame me. My talent was eaten by a sheep. To eat a fish, you have to get into the water. Hood pie, but I ate it. If they are hungry, they will eat something cold. Maslenitsa is crazy, I'm saving money. Don't rejoice downhill: the climb is steep. Eat a carrot if you don't have an apple. What is the demand, so is the price. The wolf was betrothed, and the hare ate the mare. There is an explanation for every announcement. It happened, but the dog ate it.

You can't eat a fish without bones. The work of people unites. I would eat some pie, but flour is expensive. And they didn’t drive up like that, but they drove away with nothing. The little bird started singing early, as if the cat would eat it. Without fish and cancer, fish. A bear eats a cow, but is hungry, but a chicken pecks a grain at a time and lives well. There was a horse, but it was ridden. Don't play around with the bear - he'll crush you in his arms. Friendly magpies will eat a goose, friendly seagulls will kill a hawk. There is little room for an angry heart, nowhere to disperse. The bear in the weeds has a flawed skin. One cannot eat the cake alone. Let the goat into the garden, he will eat all the cabbage. And by hare trail reach the bear's den.

Debts eat up even the rich. There was a bag of grain, it stood like a stump, and when they poured it out, it shrank. Don't get into someone else's soul. We'll eat on Wednesday, so we won't look at it on Thursday. If you don’t go to the forest, you’ll freeze on the stove. Don’t eat, don’t crumble, don’t ask to eat. Not explored - friend, but explored - two. You can't travel the whole world. Do not whip your horse when going uphill. They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep. The field has not been traveled - the mountain has not been explored. The cat smells whose meat it has eaten. Don't drive downhill, you'll end up uphill. If we don't wash, we'll just ride. Savva ate the lard, but said that he had not seen it. The lazy ones lived to the point where their legs shrank. A wolf won't eat a wolf. In a dream there is happiness, in reality there is bad weather. He who dared ate it.

Don't add fuel to the fire. Don't promise the dog scraps of pie, but throw a piece of bread. Although the cat's back is broken, and the pie is eaten. There is patience for every desire. Don't boast about leaving, but boast about arriving. Who drinks and who sheds tears. You can’t go around the outskirts of God’s judgment. The perky brawler's entire dress is flawed. We’ll eat what we baked, and we’ll see tomorrow. You can’t travel through the steep fields, and you can’t console the enemy with tears. A dog won't even eat bread without growling. Our yard is covered by the sky and surrounded by the wind. What she baked, she ate. Do not embrace the immensity.

Eating only sweets means sorrow cannot be recognized. We’ll eat the seeds, so we won’t worry about the harvest. The road is long, but travelling. In a crooked eye and a straight one with a flaw. Without cracking the nut, you cannot eat the kernels. We'll eat it now and see tomorrow. On a detour, so for lunch, and directly, so at night. Without patience there is no skill. I ate a piece from a bird's sock. We drove down the mountain, but how do we get up the mountain? And I would have sat down and eaten if I had been invited to visit. Found it, but didn’t announce it – it’s the same as hiding it. Eat meat, but you can’t eat the butcher.

Crocodile tears

Do crocodiles cry? What does the old legend tell us? That a crocodile that eats its victim sheds bitter tears. What hypocritical regret! But it is naive to explain this phenomenon by the sympathy of a predator. Ate and shed tears? This is not serious. Simply with tears, crocodiles remove excess salts from the body. So crocodiles don't cry. They just seem to sweat with their eyes. (54 words)

Grammar tasks

2. Divide the words into syllables to transfer words: BITTER, EXPLAIN.

3. Write a word with Ъ with the root EROSH.

Belkin fly agaric

A squirrel dries mushrooms on twigs in the fall. Here are russula, honey mushrooms, and moss mushrooms. Noble food! The mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones, the fly agaric shrank. Why does a squirrel need the poisonous inedible fly agaric? Isn't there poison for squirrels in dry fly agaric? Is fly agaric a cure for squirrels? How to explain this phenomenon? There is no exact answer. (49 words)

To N. Sladkov

Grammar tasks

1. Write out two words from the dictation with separators b and b.

2. Insert two letters into the middle of the words GO, SAT so that you get words with b.

3. Write two words starting with Ъ with the root ЁМ.


Grishka was not an adult bird. He was a disheveled, noisy chick. I found him in the forest. The chick shrank. He sat on the ground sulky and angry. This morning he woke up in a warm nest. Grishka pushed his brothers and sisters aside and sat down on the edge of the nest. Then he flapped his wings and fell to the ground. I handed the worm to the chick. The crow ate the worm instantly.

Grishka rode into our house on my shoulder. And in the evening the chick walked around my table and loudly demanded new treats. (78 words)

According to A. Onegov

Grammar tasks

1. Write out two words starting with b from the dictation. Determine the number of letters and syllables in these words.

2. Write out two words from the dictation with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root of the word. Write test words.

3. Write two words starting with Ъ with the root ED.


This is a very useful bird. An adult cuckoo can eat up to a hundred hairy and poisonous caterpillars in an hour. Other birds do not eat such caterpillars. Old cuckoos fly away at the end of summer. And the cuckoo chicks learn to live independently. Caring little birds hatched, fed the cuckoo chicks and left them. Young cuckoos themselves set off on a long journey to the south. Cuckoos do not flock. But they arrive in due time to distant countries. How do young cuckoos find their way? There is no explanation for this. This is a mystery of nature. (76 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out two words from the dictation with a paired consonant in a weak position. Write test words.

2. Write one word each with a letter combination: ЪУ, ЪУ.

3. Write two words starting with Ъ with the root EZD.