Looks like a brand new watch, where everything goes smoothly, without interruptions, this is a “system” in which everything internal rules are strictly observed. If any failure occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor without delay. One of the first calls that indicates that it is time to see a doctor is a change in the nature of menstruation.

Periods lasting more than seven days, is there a reason to go to the hospital?

Due to the discovery of serious illnesses, a woman’s character may be disrupted; they can last more than seven days. Menstruation is considered the most dangerous when the pad is changed every three hours; due to their abundance, in principle, there is no other way out. In addition, if during menstruation you suffer from terrible pain, and the menstruation itself is discharged with strong blood clots, then this is also a reason to consult a gynecologist.

If you notice these two symptoms in yourself, then do not hesitate, but go to the doctor who will help you. First of all, he will need to confirm the diagnosis, and for this you will need to take many different tests that will help you better understand your problem.

Having received the results, the doctor will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment to help you cope with the problem.

If according to the results there are no serious illnesses, which could provoke long periods, then the woman needs to reconsider her lifestyle and, if necessary, change it. It is quite possible that you will need to change your diet, change your eating habits, completely forget about cigarettes and alcohol, and bring your weight back to normal.

Normal periods are those whose duration is from three to seven. calendar days, these boundaries are characteristic of almost all women, and the duration, as a rule, is set during the first two years after the first menstruation, there are, of course, cases when menstruation lasts a little longer, and up to ten days this is also considered the norm, but if menstruation goes more than 10 days, this is a good reason to see a doctor.

Possible reasons that may affect the nature of menstruation

Menstruation for two weeks may be due to the following reasons:

  • Installation of an intrauterine device. The IUD is the most popular means of contraception. Undoubtedly, it saves from unwanted pregnancy, but besides this positive side The intrauterine device is also fraught with negative consequences, such as prolonged and excessively heavy periods that do not stop for more than ten days. If this problem is present long time, then it is better to abandon the spiral.
  • Hormonal drugs. Birth control pills can also cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. If you notice that after you started taking it, the nature of your periods has changed, then it is also better to refuse them.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance can also cause cycle disruption. As a rule, this happens within two years from the beginning of the first menstruation, after the birth of a child, due to the onset of menopause.

  • Thyroid diseases. Due to problems with the thyroid gland, during underproduction or overproduction of hormones, a failure may occur. menstrual cycle. If you have any suspicions. Be sure to donate blood for hormones. This failure may cause you to be unable to get pregnant for a long time or have problems carrying a fetus.
  • Diseases. Due to decreased platelet production, the blood loses its ability to clot, and periods last too long. By donating blood for analysis, you can identify the problem and begin timely treatment.
  • Adenomyosis. This is one of the types of endometriosis; the endometrium appears in the muscular layer of the uterus. In this case, menstruation may also last more than a week.
  • Myoma, polyps, uterine cancer. These three diseases can also cause heavy and prolonged periods.

What to do if your period is taking too long

What to do if your period takes too long? There can only be one answer to this question: contact a doctor immediately.

Only he can assign you necessary tests, will give direction, this will help to identify everything possible problems, and only then will he be able to prescribe the necessary treatment for you. After all, as you already understand, long and heavy periods are very serious problem, which must be dealt with at the beginning so as not to provoke even more serious illnesses.

Every woman should decide for herself whether it is worth seeing a doctor, but she should remember that your feminine health depends only on timely treatment, which you will not be able to buy for any money.

Often a woman is faced with the question: why does her period last 2 weeks and not stop? The excitement in this case is not in vain. Heavy and prolonged menstruation can result from significant blood loss and even the occurrence of a neoplasm and the development of a serious disease. In order to prevent complications, which are quite difficult to deal with, a woman should not put off visiting a doctor for a long time if the bleeding continues longer than usual.

Why does the duration of menstruation increase?

When your periods have not stopped for more than a week, you need to try to find the cause of the failure. It may not be so significant, and after some time everything is restored, but sometimes a woman simply cannot do without the help of a specialist. Heavy menstruation requires changing pads every three hours or more often. This indicates an extremely large loss of blood.

Another cause for concern arises when your period lasts for two weeks or more, causing discomfort and pain, and the blood comes out in clots. If this occurs during pregnancy, there is a possibility that the embryo is developing outside the uterus or miscarriage is expected. As soon as symptoms are noticed, you should definitely call an ambulance, lie down and try to move less. There are several other reasons why critical days last longer than usual.

Blood from a spiral

The spiral, as you know, is widely accepted among women of the most different ages who do not want to have children for at least several years. The installation of this device can be done by a doctor without much difficulty. They don’t ask for a lot of money for the service, and the spiral itself can last quite a long time.

But there is one important “but”. The installed IUD often leads to the fact that menstruation does not end for 2 weeks.

If such a problem occurs to a woman, she should get rid of the device as soon as possible. medical center. Otherwise, the blood loss will be so great that it can cause illness.

It's all about the pills

Another means of contraception, birth control pills, carry no less danger for the fair sex. Taking the initiative here is very dangerous, because if you start taking pills that for one reason or another are not suitable for the body or take them incorrectly, this will lead to sudden bleeding, as well as disruption of the duration of menstruation, as a result of which the latter can last up to two weeks and over.

Sometimes bleeding starts even twice a month, and it is very difficult to stop it. It's all about the hormones that contraceptives are rich in, they disrupt the established rhythm. The only advice to women who use such pills is to stop taking them and immediately contact a medical facility.

Hormonal imbalance

One of common reasons prolonged bleeding – hormonal imbalance.

It usually occurs several times in a lifetime:

  • for a couple of years after you first get your period;
  • after the birth of a child;
  • during menopause.

When a girl just becomes a girl, that is, meets her first “red days,” her hormonal levels undergo significant disruptions. It is still preparing to firmly establish itself, and therefore can “jump”, as a result of which bleeding during critical days lasts longer than normal. After delivery, when the mother breastfeeds her baby, her body produces a lot of the hormone prolactin, and therefore the duration of menstruation may also increase. During menopause, it sometimes happens that they cannot end due to pathological changes in the uterine mucosa.

What if... illness?

If blood is flowing the second, or even the third week, but the above reasons are not found, there is a possibility of developing the disease. Ailments can be very different and affect different internal organs women. So, often in such cases the thyroid gland suffers. It is responsible for the production of hormones and sometimes produces more of them than required, or even less. The exact diagnosis will be determined by an endocrinologist after the patient passes the necessary tests. The thyroid gland definitely needs to be treated. If this is not done, it will be difficult for a woman to become pregnant, and if conception has already occurred, there may be a threat of miscarriage.

Blood diseases can also be the reason that menstrual days do not stop on time. The reason for this may be, for example, a decrease in the rate of platelet production. Platelets are cells that, in particular, perform the function of stopping bleeding. If there are few of them, a clotting disorder occurs.

A disease such as adenomyosis can lead to prolonged bleeding. Its essence lies in inflammation, which originates in the muscles of the uterus. This occurs due to the extension of the mucous membrane (endometrium) into the muscle layer. Due to the development of the disease, the bleeding may not stop for more than a week.

When a woman experiences hyperplasia, cells begin to divide at an increased rate, and tissues grow into new formations. This is how polyps may appear. A large number of These growths can lead to the fact that even after a week your period will not end. The patient is examined for the presence of polyps in a hospital where the uterus is examined with an optical device.

The source of prolonged bleeding may be uterine fibroids. This diagnosis indicates a benign tumor formed inside the uterus. It is very common and can occur even in nulliparous women. This formation is dangerous because it can provoke new bleeding when menstruation has just ended.

The most serious cause of prolonged critical days may be malignant tumor uterus. The rest of its symptoms appear later, but bleeding is the first, so you need to pay great attention to the problem and not let everything take its course, but immediately get checked by a doctor to rule out cancer.

What to do if bleeding during menstruation does not stop in due time?

If it has already happened that a week has passed, or even the second, and your period doesn’t even think about stopping, you shouldn’t panic, just as you shouldn’t try to get to the cause yourself and start treatment at home on your own. All this is fraught with serious consequences in the form of complications. The main thing is to calm down, tune in for the best and immediately inform the doctor about what is happening.

Menstruation may last more than a week due to serious illnesses. Long and heavy menstruation, when one pad is used every 3 hours, is especially dangerous. Painful bleeding with clots is also a cause for concern. If such symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to undergo a series of tests. Based on the research results, the doctor will determine the disease and prescribe treatment. If there are no diagnosable diseases, a woman should pay attention to her lifestyle. You may need to change the composition and diet, quit smoking, alcohol, and bring your weight back to normal.

Possible causes of long periods

Your period may last for more than a week when an intrauterine device is installed. If the blood loss is too great, intermenstrual bleeding is observed, it is recommended to remove the IUD and use another method of contraception. Long periods may be side effect hormonal contraceptives. If bleeding caused by taking these drugs is heavy and lasts too long, you should stop using this method of contraception.

Long periods are observed due to hormonal imbalance during transitional periods of a woman’s life (in the first 2 years after the first menstruation, after childbirth, during menopause). In young girls, normal hormonal levels have not yet been established, so cycle disturbances occur. Prolonged menstruation is observed in women who have recently given birth. During menopause, menstruation does not end for reasons related to endometrial pathologies. Irregularities in the duration of the menstrual cycle can be caused by malfunctions of the thyroid gland. To identify pathology, you need to consult an endocrinologist and take hormone tests. Menstruation may last for a long time due to a blood disease associated with decreased platelet production.

Prolonged periods may indicate adenomyosis - a hormone-dependent inflammatory process in the muscular layer of the uterus, or endometrial polyps - a focal variation of hyperplasia. The most accurate diagnosis of this pathology is hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity using a special optical system). Long periods can be a symptom of uterine fibroids, a benign tumor. Menstruation may not stop for a long time due to a serious illness - uterine cancer. In this case, bleeding is the first noticeable symptom.

For any woman, menstruation is perceived as punishment from the ancestor Eve for disobedience. Every month I have to endure discomfort for several days. And the rarer and shorter the period of suffering, the better.

However, there are periods that burst into a woman’s life every two weeks, and then she has to endure twice as much discomfort. But this is not the main thing. Bleeding that occurs so frequently is, without any doubt, an alarming symptom of impaired reproductive system health.

There are certain norm limits that you should focus on. Their limits vary and depend entirely on the individual organism. The frequency of the cycle should fall within the range of 21 to 35 days, and 3-7 days of these should be menstrual bleeding.

But there are women whose cycle goes beyond the norm or, conversely,... At the same time, they feel great and do not complain about women’s health - no one has canceled their uniqueness.

But can it be considered normal for the cycle to repeat itself every two weeks? In principle, their frequency may change, it all depends on the state of health of the lady and life situation. But menstruation every 10 days or two weeks is an alarm bell. Especially if this repeats several cycles in a row, you need to urgently look for the reasons.

In fact, any changes are a reflection of the body’s reaction to external or internal influences. This means that even though menstrual periodicity is a clear mechanism, it can still change even in the healthiest women.

It should not be excluded that the uniqueness of the body’s response to various influences may be different in each case. For example, for one representative of the fair half, a little stress can become a source of premature menstruation, while for another, a severe depressive state cannot cause a malfunction of the reproductive system.

Another factor in the violation may be a phenomenon. True, it has not been fully studied and proven, but such situations do occur.

Group of women living together for a long time has approximately the same menstrual cycle for everyone. So to speak, periods adapt to each other.

Setup time

Such failures are exclusively physiological in origin.

The reproductive system of a young girl needs to mature gradually. And since the body is a complex mechanism, the setup time increases. Therefore, it is not surprising when menstruation occurs once every 2–4 months or after 10 days, menstrual flow appears again. But such menstruation is not regular.

For a girl, this does not mean that the system is fully formed and ready for healthy functioning (although there are exceptions).

Some sources compare the reproductive system to an orchestra; their playing must be smoothed out so that the piece sounds as pleasing to the ear as possible. However, this sound requires time to tune in and adapt to the work of other instruments.

The reproductive function also deals with setting up the harmonious functioning of the entire system. As a rule, everything is restored within 6-24 months.

The same fuss only in reverse, when the reproductive system fades, occurs in the period before menopause.

These two stages are destined to play a role in the life of every woman. Everything is natural and natural.

Other natural processes

As has already become clear, any organism has fine tuning that is easy to knock down. And it’s good that nature took care of people and made it possible to foresee the problem if you carefully monitor your body.

If your period comes every 14 days, this is an alarm signal from the body. And quite often, the cause of the problem is banal female actions:

  • Reception. In some cases, the system must adapt to a new regime and within 2-3 months everything should stabilize and return to normal.
  • Usage . The body also needs one month to get used to new living conditions. In such cases, discharge may appear in the first cycle and then disappear. If this does not happen, the drug must be removed to prevent the appearance of pathologies inside the organ.
  • Another pleasant reason when your period comes two weeks after the previous one is. In rare cases, it causes minor symptoms.
  • Or it could be implantation. It is characterized by small drops of blood from the vagina. And if there was unprotected sexual intercourse or the girl can assume that conception has occurred, it is worth doing, but not much later, when there is a delay.

Serious pathologies

In addition to the listed reasons, when menstruation occurs every two weeks, there are reasons associated with pathological processes in a woman’s body.

R Let's look at the most dangerous sources:

  • . In such cases, they say that the embryo failed to attach to the wall of the uterus and came out with bleeding.
  • . Then the bleeding should be accompanied by increasing pain.
  • . Although it is a benign tumor, nevertheless, a woman is at risk, because it can develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Various in the pelvic organs.
  • , and polyps. Since their growth is concentrated inside the uterus, any abnormalities can trigger menstruation in the middle of the cycle.
  • Adenomyosis is a pathology of the uterus in which the endometrium grows into the muscular layer of this organ. every two weeks is one of the symptoms of this disease.
  • Problems associated with blood clotting.
  • Hormonal imbalances. These problems can very likely cause your period to come for the second time in a month. Failures in this case can be caused by various reasons. For example, the body does not produce progesterone in sufficient quantities, and it is associated with the process of reflecting the endometrium. The result is repeated menstrual bleeding.
  • Quite often, childbirth becomes a source of hormonal imbalance. After such “interventions,” it takes time to balance the hormone levels.
  • Uterine cancer. Malignant tumors cause bleeding, as well as additional feature Vaginal discharge may become watery. If a woman experiences such symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor for a full examination.

Preventive measures

Of course, it is unrealistic to foresee all circumstances that could disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system. However, by following the recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of women’s health problems.

If all organs work like a “watch”, menstruation will come on time, and not ahead of schedule or with delays.

What is required from a girl:

  • Follow all hygiene rules;
  • Go through the routine every six months;
  • Visit a mammologist once a year;
  • Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
  • Before taking any hormonal drug, consult your doctor;
  • Monitor and if an alarming signal is detected, discuss it with a gynecologist.

One of the problems that many women face is that their periods last 2 weeks. If this happens regularly, it is imperative to establish the causes of the violations and eliminate them. This can only be done with the help of a qualified specialist.

Prolonged menstruation is dangerous due to large blood loss. If you experience heavy discharge that contains blood clots, you should immediately go to the doctor. Among the main reasons why periods last 2 weeks include:

  • unformed hormonal cycle;
  • uterine diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • taking certain medications;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • consequences of the operation;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • low blood clotting;
  • ovarian diseases.

Most often, menstruation, which lasts for two weeks and indicates pathological changes in the body. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. The treatment method is selected depending on the cause of the problem.

  1. Unsteady cycle

Menstruation lasts two weeks or longer in cases where the cycle has not yet been established. If menstruation first began no more than two years ago, this phenomenon may be quite normal. When the discharge continues for fourteen days, first of all, you need to assess the amount of bleeding. If there is a slight spotting, you should wait until the cycle is established. At the same time, your gynecologist should be aware of existing problems and control the situation.

  1. Hormonal diseases

One of the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon is disruptions in the hormonal system. In this case, diseases such as polycystic disease, endometriosis, etc. may develop. If menstruation is in the second week and a hormonal disease is detected, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. One of the mandatory procedures is taking tests for the amount of hormones. After this, the doctor prescribes treatment. In most cases, conservative therapy is sufficient; for polycystic disease or endometriosis, surgery is performed.

  1. Incorrect contraception

If your period lasts longer than a week or the problem has appeared for a long time, you may need to reconsider methods of protecting yourself from pregnancy. Bleeding often occurs while taking hormonal medications or with an intrauterine device.

When menstruation is 2 or 3 weeks old, great importance has a period for taking contraceptives. If you have just started using this method of protection, you need to wait a little, as the body is being rebuilt. In this case, the abundance of discharge should be taken into account. In some cases, the drug must be abandoned. If the cause of long periods is an intrauterine device, the doctor removes it and selects a more suitable method of contraception.

  1. Pregnancy

Often periods last 2 weeks or longer when a pathological pregnancy occurs, when ovum is fixed not in the uterus, but in the ovary or fallopian tube. In addition, bleeding may occur when a miscarriage begins. What to do in such a situation? First of all, determine the cause of the pathology. In case of ectopic pregnancy, an operation is performed; in other cases, when menstruation is slightly smeared, bed rest and complete rest are prescribed, as well as medications that help maintain pregnancy.

  1. Blood diseases

Sometimes prolonged menstruation is caused by pathologies of the circulatory organs. At the same time, there is a shortage of platelets in the female body. Usually, with heavy periods that last two or three weeks, the woman feels unwell. In this case, she is sent to a hospital for treatment. A mandatory step is a blood test to determine the platelet count. If after therapy the bleeding does not stop, curettage is prescribed: sometimes the endometrium grows into the muscular layer of the uterus and is not able to separate on its own.

  1. Pathologies of the uterus

Another reason for prolonged menstruation is polyps or cysts that appear on the cervix. If bleeding erosion is detected, a diagnostic colposcopy is performed, based on the results of which a treatment method is selected. Erosion can be removed by cauterization or using certain medications.

Polyps or cysts require immediate removal, especially if you have heavy periods. In this case, the pathological formation is removed under local anesthesia.

Any disruptions in the menstrual cycle should be treated taking into account the cause of their occurrence.

If the examination does not reveal any diseases, it is important to adjust your lifestyle.

To normalize the frequency of menstruation, you should correct image life:

  • normalize nutrition;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • increase physical activity;
  • lose weight;
  • avoid stressful situations.
  1. Drug therapy

If a pathology is detected, the woman is prescribed medications. In this case, the doctor takes into account the diagnosis and the general condition of the female body.

A woman may also be prescribed vitamin complexes, antibiotics, herbal medicines. In each specific case, only the doctor determines what medications should be taken. He also prescribes the dosage and course of administration.

Prevention of long menstruation

The duration of menstruation is influenced by both external and internal factors. The cycle can be normalized with the help of medications and hormonal drugs, but much depends on the patient herself.

First of all, you need to change your lifestyle and follow simple recommendations:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene and avoid hypothermia to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. Any inflammation can cause prolonged periods.
  2. During menstrual periods, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  3. Boost motor activity. If you have a sedentary job, sign up for fitness or dancing. Moderate physical exercise ensure normal metabolism and are a good prevention of all kinds of disorders.
  4. Watch your diet - the female body must receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements. Don't overdo diets.
  5. go to the sauna or take a hot bath.
  6. Avoid stress. Emotional turmoil is one of the most common causes of women's health problems.

If menstruation lasts longer than usual, do not self-medicate - this can cause irreparable harm to your health. If any problems arise, you should contact a qualified specialist - only he can determine the cause of the pathology and select best option treatment.