What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a braid?
Answer: Machine gun

What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Answer: Letter k

Which knot cannot be untied?
Answer: Railway

What will the bay horse be like if you give it a bath?
Answer: Wet

What horse doesn't eat oats?
Answer: Chess

One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many angles does he have now?
Answer: 5

What can you cook but can't eat?
Answer: Homework

What can't you eat for breakfast?
Answer: Lunch and dinner

What disease does no one get when eating sushi?
Answer: Marine

What two is worth more than three?
Answer: Two pedals of an automatic transmission are more expensive than three pedals of a manual transmission

When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next?
Answer: The eighth will go

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself?
Answer: Jump off the lowest step

What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time?
Answer: live

The more there are, the less weight. What is this?
Answer: Holes

What is Adam's front and Eve's back?
Answer: Letter "a"

Two backs, one head, six legs. What it is?
Answer: Man on a chair
Krupina Lerochka, Samara

Where did the husband not kiss his wife before the wedding?
Answer: In the ring

Not an object, not a thing, they cannot be touched, and they have no shape, but are called round.
Answer: Around the clock, all year round

What is 2+2x2=?
Answer: 6, the first action is multiplication

Three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put hats on them, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on them. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them said: “On me white hat" How did he guess?
Answer: He thought: “If I was wearing a black hat, then my opponent would immediately say that he was wearing a white one, and since I was wearing a white one, he doubted it, because he could be wearing a black one!”

One yacht goes from Nice to Sanremo, the other from Sanremo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. For the first hour, the yachts moved at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which yacht will be closer to Nice when they meet?
Answer: At the moment of meeting they will be at the same distance from Nice

Hot pepper - 30 peas, allspice - 15 peas, cloves - 12 pieces, bay leaf- 7 leaves. What exactly?
Answer: One gram

How much does "7" cost? 2 rubles. How much does "21" cost? 4 rubles. What did you buy and how much does 105 cost?
Answer: We bought numbers for an apartment, “105” costs 6 rubles

There is a house, all the windows are to the south, suddenly there is a bear from somewhere. What colour is he?
Answer: Bely (the house is located at the North Pole)

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?
Answer: It was during the day

There are 4 corners in the room, in each corner there is one cat, in front of each cat there are three cats, on the tail of each cat there is one cat. How many cats are there in the room?
Answer: 4 cats (opposite each cat there are three cats in three corners, and each cat sits on its own tail)

How many animals did Moses take into his ark?
Answer: Not at all. Noah had the ark, not Moses.

What will happen to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the Red Sea for five minutes?
Answer: It will be wet

How to find last year's snow?
Answer: Go outside on New Year's Eve

Which is correct? Is five plus seven "eleven" or "eleven"?
Answer: Twelve

Imagine that you are an electric train driver. The train has 66 wheels, 66 barrels, each barrel contains 66 kg of ice, and there are 66 bottles of beer. The driver drank and became intoxicated. How old is the driver?
Answer: How old are you, after all, you are an electric train driver?

2 soldiers were walking and just... they went around the corner when they saw 3 machine guns. Everyone got 1 machine gun. How could this be?
Answer: There were 3 people: 2 soldiers and Tolya (~only)

There were 6 lions in the cave. 2 left. How much is left?
Answer: Zero. The others got bored and left too.

What can fly at a depth of the second kilometer?
Answer: Fly in a submarine

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?
Answer: Bald

What has a head but no brain?
Answer: head of garlic

Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool?
Answer: Yes, if you wrap the iron in cotton wool

How to say correctly: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?
Answer: The yolk cannot be white

What word starts with three letters "g" and ends with three letters "i"?
Answer: Trigonometry

One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?
Answer: A cow peeks out from around the corner

What kind of word has 40 vowels?
Answer: Magpie (40 a)

Why don't cows fly?
Answer: By air

What is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of fluff?
Answer: They weigh the same

When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?
Answer: 2 kg

Can there be eggs on an apple tree?
Answer: Maybe if they're in a bird's nest

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How many minutes will it take to cook 2 eggs?
Answer: 3 minutes

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?
Answer: 5 minutes

Which hand is better to stir tea?
Answer: It is better to stir tea with a spoon

A cat is sitting on the window. The tail is like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears are like a cat, but she is not a cat herself. Who is this?
Answer: Cat

Why is there a tongue in the mouth?
Answer: Behind the teeth

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Silly questions - great way to learn more about the world. And, if you think about it, they are not so stupid, and curiosity has always been one of the main properties of a person.

Today we are in website imagined what would happen if all the people on Earth jumped at the same time.

For the purity of the thought experiment, let’s gather all the people in one place - for example, on a piece of Earth with an area of ​​1 thousand square meters. km, the size of New York. And yes, imagine, we can all fit there.

  • Let's say the mass of 1 person is 60 kg (let's not forget about children and residents of Asian countries, who generally weigh less than Europeans).
  • There are 7.5 billion people living on Earth. It turns out that the total mass of humanity is about 450 million tons.
  • The mass of the Earth is about 6 sextillion tons, that is, 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

It turns out that the percentage of the weight of all people from the weight of the Earth is approximately 0.000000000000001%, that is, almost zero. As you can see, there are not as many of us as it seems on a planetary scale. Physicist Rhett Allain calculated that the energy from our jump would not be enough to cause something global. But:

  • One of the most noticeable effects to us will be the sound of billions of feet hitting the ground at the same time, this hum will last for several seconds.
  • We will still move the planet! But only by about 0.25 nanometers. This is half the diameter of a hydrogen atom, the smallest atom in the world. This shift will be completely unnoticeable, and the Earth will almost immediately return to its normal position.

By the way, there is another opinion, which was presented by astrophysicist Paul Sutter and physicist Mark Boslough. According to their scenario, the effect of the jump of all humanity will be much more noticeable:

  • They believe that the sound from the landing of all humanity on the asphalt will be so loud (200 dB) that it can rupture eardrums and even kill.
  • A shock wave will arise, which will generate an earthquake of magnitude 4–8, which will cause the destruction of buildings and create a tsunami.

Races are arbitrary, photo img1.liveinternet.ru

It turned out that every person contains information about all his ancestors. This is our very first “passport” that we received from nature. In general, we have a complete family tree within us, which, unlike handwritten versions, cannot be rewritten or destroyed. You just need to learn to read this information. And this is what population genetics does today.

“Where did man come from?”, “Who were our ancestors?” - these questions are included in long list, to which science cannot give reliable answers. But relatively recently, geneticists came to the aid of historians.

In short, it is based on two main properties human body- heredity and variability. By studying this, geneticists discovered that all of modern humanity can be traced back to one woman, whom scientists call Mitochondrial Eve. She lived in Africa more than 200 thousand years ago. How did you find out about this? It's simple - we all have the same mitochondria in our genome - a set of 25 genes that every person has. And they are transmitted only through the maternal line. At the same time, the Y chromosome in all modern men is also traced back to one man, nicknamed Adam, in honor of the biblical first man.

So, we have two biological ancestors of humanity: Adam and Eve, but it is too early to talk about a serious intrusion into the scientific discourse of creationist theory. We are talking only about the closest common ancestors of all living people.

They were not the first and only representatives of the human race on earth, but as a result of a process that scientists call genetic drift, only their genes reached us through their offspring, which turned out to be the most productive. By the way, they lived in different time- Adam, from whom all modern males received their Y chromosome, was 150 thousand years younger than Eve.

These people can hardly be called our “ancestors,” since out of the thirty thousand genes that humans possess, we have only 25 genes and a Y chromosome from them. The population increased; the genes of other people mixed with the genes of their contemporaries, changed, mutated during migrations and the conditions in which people lived. As a result, we received different genomes of different peoples that subsequently formed.

Thanks to these mutations, we can determine the process of human settlement, as well as genetic haplogroups (these are communities of people with similar haplotypes who have a common ancestor, who had the same mutation in both haplotypes - the rest is well described in Wikipedia), characteristic of one or another nation. Each nation has its own set of haplogroups, which are sometimes similar. Thanks to this, we can determine whose blood flows into us and who our closest genetic relatives are.

Slavic gene pool

According to a 2008 study conducted by Russian and Estonian geneticists, the Russian ethnicity genetically consists of two main parts: the inhabitants of Southern and Central Russia are closer to other peoples who speak Slavic languages, and the indigenous northerners - to the Finno-Ugric peoples. Of course we're talking about about representatives of the Russian people. But, what is most surprising, we practically do not have the gene inherent in Asians, including the Mongol-Tatars. So, the famous saying: “Scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar” turned out to be completely wrong. Moreover, the Asian gene also did not particularly affect the Tatar people; the gene pool of modern Tatars turned out to be mostly European.

In general, based on the results of the study, in the blood of the Russian people there is practically no trace from Asia, from beyond the Urals, but within Europe our ancestors experienced numerous genetic influences from their neighbors, be they Poles, Finno-Ugric peoples, peoples of the North Caucasus or ethnic group Tatars (not Mongols). By the way, haplogroup R1a, characteristic of the Slavs, according to some versions, was born thousands of years ago and was common among the ancestors of the Scythians. Some of these Proto-Scythians lived in Central Asia, some migrated to the Black Sea region. From there these genes reached the Slavs.

Such different Slavs

Once upon a time Slavic peoples left the same territory. Let's call it the “ancestral home of the Slavs.” From there they scattered around the world, fighting and mixing with their indigenous population. Therefore, the population of current states, which are based on the Slavic ethnic group, differ not only in cultural and linguistic characteristics, but also genetically. The further they are geographically from each other, the greater the differences. Thus, the Western Slavs found common genes with the Celtic population (haplogroup R1b), the Balkans - with the Greeks (haplogroup I2) and the ancient Thracians (I2a2), and the Eastern Slavs - with the Balts and Finno-Ugrians (haplogroup N). Moreover, interethnic contact of the latter occurred due to Slavic men who married Aboriginal women.

And yet, despite the many differences and heterogeneity of the gene pool, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Belarusians clearly fit into one group on the so-called MDS diagram, which reflects genetic distance. Of all nations, we are closest to each other.

The ancestral home of the Slavs

Today, genetic analysis makes it possible to find the above-mentioned “ancestral home where it all began.” This is possible due to the fact that every migration of tribes is accompanied by genetic mutations, which increasingly distorted the original set of genes. So, based on genetic proximity, the original territorial one can be determined. For example, in terms of genome, Poles are closer to Ukrainians than to Russians. Russians are close to southern Belarusians and eastern Ukrainians, but far from Slovaks and Poles. And so on. This allowed scientists to conclude that the original territory of the Slavs was approximately in the middle of the current settlement area of ​​their descendants. Conventionally, the territory of the subsequently formed Kievan Rus. Archaeologically, this is confirmed by the development of the Prague-Korchak archaeological culture of the 5th-6th centuries. From there the southern, western and northern waves of Slavic settlement had already begun.

Genetics and mentality

It would seem that since the gene pool is known, we can now understand where the national mentality comes from, in particular, the notorious “Nordic” character of Russians. It turns out that the Finno-Ugrians tried their best...

Not really. According to Oleg Balanovsky, an employee of the Laboratory of Population Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, between national character and there is no connection with the gene pool. These are already “historical circumstances” and cultural influences. Roughly speaking, if a newborn baby from a Russian village with a Slavic gene pool is taken directly to China and raised in Chinese customs, culturally he will be a typical Chinese. But as far as appearance and immunity to local diseases are concerned, everything will remain Slavic.

DNA genealogy

Along with population genealogy, private directions for studying the genome of peoples and their origins are emerging and developing. Some of them are classified as pseudo-sciences. For example, Russian-American biochemist Anatoly Klesov invented the so-called DNA genealogy, which, according to its creator, “is a practically historical science, created on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of chemical and biological kinetics.” Simply put, this new direction is trying to study the history and time frame of the existence of certain clans and tribes based on mutations in male Y chromosomes.

The main postulates of DNA genealogy are: the hypothesis of the non-African origin of Homo sapiens, which contradicts the conclusions of population genetics, criticism Norman theory, as well as lengthening the history of the Slavic tribes, which Anatoly Klesov considers to be the descendants of the ancient Aryans. Where are such conclusions from? Everything is from the already mentioned haplogroup R1A, which is the most common among the Slavs.

Naturally, such an approach gave rise to a sea of ​​criticism, both from historians and geneticists. In historical science, it is not customary to talk about the Aryan Slavs, since material culture is the main source in this issue, does not allow us to determine the continuity of Slavic culture from peoples Ancient India and Iran. Geneticists even object to the association of haplogroups with ethnic characteristics. Doctor of Historical Sciences Lev Klein emphasized that “Haplogroups are not peoples or languages, and giving them ethnic nicknames is a dangerous and undignified game. No matter what patriotic intentions and exclamations it hides behind.” According to Klein, Anatoly Klesov's conclusions about the Aryan Slavs made him an outcast in the scientific world. How the discussion around Klesov’s newly announced science and the question of ancient origin Slavs, so far we can only guess.

Despite the fact that the DNA of all people and nations is different and in nature there is not a single person identical to another, from a genetic point of view we are all extremely similar. All the differences in our genes that gave us different colour skin and eye shape, according to Russian geneticist Lev Zhitovsky, make up only 0.1% of our DNA. For the remaining 99.9% we are genetically the same. Paradoxical as it may seem, if we compare various representatives of the human races and our closest relatives, chimpanzees, it turns out that all people differ much less than chimpanzees in one herd. So, to some extent, we are all one big genetic family.