Let's think about how often we give alms? Where? How? To everyone or at the call of your heart?

Is it relevant in our modern world this question? Perhaps yes.

How to give alms so as not to “spit in your karma”? And how, having done a favor, not run into scammers?

What is almsgiving? Almsgiving is a manifestation of our mercy. It cannot be said that before God, etc. This is said loudly, which means it will need to be connected with other things.

Let's make it simpler, point out that this is simply our mercy shown. Why do we need it? First of all, for ourselves. For without giving away something of ours that we have, we take part in the exchange of energy.

1.) emptying space for something new,

2.) we close our debts to the Universe.

I'll start with the first one. IN different religions and esoteric teachings say that the first was the word. The word is the expression of thought, the mental sphere of the divine. This means that mercy in the head and expressed in words is also mercy and it has its own meaning in our physical world. That is, mercy is both forgiveness of a person and support in difficult times.

This suggests that even such alms take place. Further, God created man from dust, earth. That is, in order to create something that will serve you in the future, you need to give something of your own, and not just your thing, money, but something that has value (the value is different: money earned, energy invested in it, a thing purchased - energy is invested there, which is earned, products are also dropped or purchased).

A simple law of energy exchange. In essence, we give back the energy invested in the manifested material world things. And in this sacred meaning. Any almsgiving is a return of energy. And we give back in two cases, I have already listed, to empty space for a new one or to pay off debts. We especially have many moments when the Universe requires us to pay off debts 40 days before our birthday. Therefore, if situations arise when someone strongly asks for help on these days, know that it is you who are paying and be happy about it.

By the way, representatives of various religious denominations show enviable solidarity on the issue of alms and to the question “Should I give?” They agree, but with some reservations.

There are certain unspoken and unwritten rules, by following which you can protect yourself and your family.

Definitely, you CAN submit:

If the person asking sits at the entrance to a temple, church, chapel, holy place;

If the person asking is sitting at the entrance to a market or in front of a hotel, for example;

At a public transport stop;

If they ask for food for an animal, give a penny (ruble) for food to the person asking.

Which hand to give? You can serve with the giving hand, for right-handers - with the right, for left-handers - with the left. This needs to be taken into account and let left-handers experiment and observe themselves and determine which hand they have.

You should never give alms when leaving the temple. The answer is simple: you go to the temple as a place of power to gain energy. Well done, we got our fill, went out and gave it away. Even more well done. It is not known what we went to :). What they came with is what they left with. Must be given upon entry to empty yourself and clear space for the greater good. Then be doubly full.


The person asking sits below ground level (in an underground passage);

Why can't it be served below ground level? The earth is a conditional boundary between worlds. We are born on earth and everything that we accumulate, good or bad, joins our karma in this world and at this level. Underground, our action will be nullified, that is, it will not be taken into account for us. This is the first. Secondly, there is a threat to give your good to the lower worlds or make yourself an energy breakdown, from which beings of a lower order will pump energy. Why is this possible? The act of transferring energy, and in our case alms, leads to the fact that at some point the person opens up to give. At this moment, forces can come into play that will deliver an energy blow and make a breakthrough in the biofield or throw hooks, suction cups, and trailers.

The beggar sits near the bread kiosk (you cannot give alms from the change from buying milk or bread, in this way you can lose your health and good luck or take on the fate of the beggar);

The person asking sits near “unclean places”, post offices, cemeteries, medical institutions, pharmacies (by giving, you can lose your health);

To those sitting at crossroads;

Drunk (especially if you know that this money will not be spent on food, but on alcohol);

Young people;

Beggars with children and signs;

It should be served to children with caution so as not to corrupt the child. It is better to ask what the child needs and give him what he needs (things, food).

In addition, you cannot give money from hand to hand (you can take over the fate of the beggar) - only in a box or hat in front of the beggar’s feet, but without touching the beggar’s hand. People who know in this case advise saying: “Let the hand of the giver never fail” or with the words: “Money for you, and God’s grace (mercy) for me,” or something similar. In places with negative energy, this is correct. The same thing happens as below ground level.

You cannot make eye contact when handing over money.

You also cannot serve on Wednesdays, your birthday or christening.

It is interesting that if the seller cheats or cheats on the change, he automatically takes upon himself the problems and illnesses of the buyer, but if the buyer voluntarily refused the change, then this act is considered a mercy for both.

Of course, whether to apply or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. But you always want to know that this money will go to a good cause, and not to enrich another swindler who profits from pity and noble impulses. How to recognize such people? Just turn to your inner self, ask mentally the question: “Should I give alms to this person?” If, in spite of everything, you feel the urge to reach for your wallet, give it and your conscience will be calm. It is important that after alms your soul feels light and blissful. If you feel any unpleasant sensations, deception, or want to leave quickly, you should not apply.

There is another unwritten rule, which is true, perhaps, for all faiths: if you do a good deed, throw it into the water. You shouldn’t tell everyone about what a noble person you are, who you helped and how much money you helped today. All the grace from these good deeds will dissipate in the air. According to Christian teachings, left hand shouldn't know what the right one is doing. That is, mercy must be performed in secret so that a person does not become proud of his action.

And in conclusion, I want to say that mercy is not necessarily expressed in monetary terms. You can always support a person with a kind word in difficult times. After all, the words “I believe in you!”, “I know you will succeed!”, “Be strong! I'm with you!" or “Your works are very talented!” invaluable and may help you make a breakthrough young man to his dream.

Even a fleeting smile on the street or in transport can lift your spirits and distract you from bad thoughts.

In addition, you can simply occasionally, when you have free time, sign up as a volunteer and help orphanages or nursing homes. Believe me, it is not so difficult and not so scary! It is not at all necessary to spend fabulous sums; sometimes simple attention is enough. Think about what you can do best? Give a free master class, give children rubber bands or notebooks by September 1, and just cook delicious borscht and take it to your lonely neighbor. Often people who are truly in need rarely ask for help.

You can buy what you don’t always need at this moment things or a bunch of greenery from an elderly person. Yes, right now you may not need these things (products) at all, but for this money an elderly person will have dinner or lunch.

Grace has many manifestations, but the most important thing is to let everything you do be sincere, come from the heart and with good intentions.

What is alms and how to give it? It would seem that what is so difficult here? It turns out that not everyone can not always be helped, even if asked. Almsgiving is a whole science. Before learning it, you should study and understand the language of theology well.

What is almsgiving? Parable of Alms

There are many parables that say that the rich should give to the poor. And then the one who sympathizes will be rewarded for his mercy, and the one who asks for his patience.

According to religion, almsgiving is giving to the poor. Sharing with your neighbor is one of the main tenets of life. true Christian. But here we need to correctly interpret the concept of “giving alms.” Who is really worth helping, and who should you bypass and thereby save both your soul and the person asking?

Parable of the Wandering Jews

One of the biblical parables is also devoted to this issue. The Jews, wandering in the desert, sacrificed gold twice. In the first case, they collected all the jewelry of their women and cast a calf from them. They presented this gift to the devil. The second time, all the Jewish husbands collected all the gold and silver coins. They presented them as a gift to the Lord God.

What does this mean? That when a person spends what he earns on all his whims, such as parties, clothes, expensive jewelry, then he presents all this to his demon. That is, thereby feeding it. And if he gives acquired property and money to the poor or buys them food and clothing, then the person saves his soul. After all, he makes a presentation to the bright side of his inner being.

Is a person really in need?

But in our world, it is sometimes very difficult to determine who is truly in need and who is fraudulent, begging for money for their greedy needs. You cannot give donations to everyone who asks, and most importantly, how much he asks. One must be able to distinguish between those truly in need and typical speculators making money. This is also stated in the Bible. That is, everyone should give depending on their income. The one who is richer is, accordingly, more. The poor man can give according to his strength. And they will be credited equally. After all, they give equally according to their capabilities.

You need to do good deeds correctly

So how should you give alms? Remember, do everything from your heart and with good intentions. If you see that a person needs more than you, give it, don’t regret it. Avoid scammers and try to warn other applicants about the unclean intentions of the person asking. The look should be welcoming and bright. Under no circumstances should you give with regret or reluctance. Like, you need to apply, but you don’t want to. Or as many do, especially the rich: they throw alms to the poor with a favor. All this will come back to you with the same pain that the person asking you experienced at that moment.

After all, the Bible says that you give not just to the poor in need, but to your God. Thus, thank him for all your good deeds and daily trials. The saying “As you sow, so shall you reap” applies perfectly here. That is, the more you sacrifice with a pure heart, the more will be returned to you later in the works of the Lord.

“When the right hand serves, the left hand should not know about it.” What does it mean? When you donate, no one needs to know about it. And you yourself should not count how much you have given, but how much good is left. If you did something like this, then forget it. The more you give, the more you will receive.

Serve on time

Remember that alms, like everything in this life, must be timely. Serve before it's too late. The poor man has not yet taken the dark road. After all, many may commit crimes in order to feed themselves and their children. They can steal, deceive, force others to give them their property and, worst of all, commit murder. Remember that food should be given when a person is hungry, and not when he died without ever seeing food. Help orphans or those who have stumbled, so that you don’t have to answer to the Lord later. They could have helped, but they passed by, the man laid hands on himself, taking a great sin upon his soul. But you could have done something and didn’t want to, which means that you will have to answer later before the Almighty.

Alms can be different!

After all, almsgiving is a kind human attitude towards someone in need.

You see a woman crying on the street - don’t pass by. Suddenly she was robbed, and she needs help. Or maybe she has a problem at home, and she has no one to share it with, and she cries. It is possible that a person simply feels bad, but does not have the strength to ask for help. After all, you or your loved ones may find yourself in such a situation, and it’s good when strangers don’t pass by indifferently.

Or look around, maybe you have an old neighbor whose children don’t go to see her, or she’s completely lonely and needs help. Go to the store, get water, chop firewood, clean the house, or just talk over a cup of tea. For many lonely old people, your half an hour of time will not only lift their spirits, but will also bring them back to life. And you need to do this every day, and not when you yourself feel bad and think about others.

After all, most of us go to church when one of our loved ones begins to get sick or is unwell ourselves. That’s when we light candles in church and distribute them to the poor. Is this correct? Of course not. Every day someone needs help, and not just when we remember it, and then only in order to save ourselves. It is better to do things when you are healthy and share them with others.

It also happens that rich people are so stingy that they don’t even help their children and don’t share their wealth. And when they are already on their deathbed, they remember them. Then they begin to divide who gets what. Can such a person be sure that his children will fulfill his last wishes? After all, during his lifetime he did not honor them, and they can repay him in kind. If the Lord blesses a rich man through his wealth, then he must share it during his lifetime.

Alms in the church

Many people wonder: what is the correct way to give alms in church? Now you can stumble upon dishonest priests. All of them unanimously claim that if you give alms in church, then you will be rewarded doubly for it. But where is it written and said in the Bible that good deeds in the temple are doubled? All this looks like a marketing scheme of those church fathers who want to put everything into their pockets. Here, too, everyone must distinguish where to leave a donation, and which temple is better to bypass.

Unfortunately, in some modern cathedrals and in the churches the priests don’t even know all the prayers, and not only do they not know, but they haven’t even finished reading the Bible. But you can’t be categorical about everyone. Most of them still truly serve the Lord. Also, many poor churches need alms or simply physical strength. After all, it’s not the good church that has huge domes and everything inside is bursting with wealth and gold. And the one where the priest will help and forgive sins with the bright and pure soul. The church is considered to be the house of the Lord, where people gather and talk with him. Some people ask for health, others for peace of mind.

A good priest gives thanks for what he already has. Many come to the temple to honor the memory of loved ones and relatives. Or they just bring a donation. But the Scripture does not say that the house of the Lord should be richer in gold and wealth than the parishioners who bring alms to its doors.


To summarize the above, we can say that alms are a good gift from the giver to the needy. Therefore, help people from the bottom of your heart!

It doesn’t matter where the alms are given: or just a busy street. The main thing is to help someone in need, if not with money, then at least with a kind word.

What is alms and how to give it? It would seem that what is so difficult here? It turns out that not everyone can not always be helped, even if asked. Almsgiving is a whole science. Before learning it, you should study and understand the language of theology well.

What is almsgiving? Parable of Alms

There are many parables that say that the rich should give to the poor. And then the one who sympathizes will be rewarded for his mercy, and the one who asks for his patience.

According to religion, almsgiving is giving to the poor. Sharing with one's neighbor is one of the main life tenets of a true Christian. But here we need to correctly interpret the concept of “giving alms.” Who is really worth helping, and who should you bypass and thereby save both your soul and the person asking?

Parable of the Wandering Jews

One of the biblical parables is also devoted to this issue. The Jews, wandering in the desert, sacrificed gold twice. In the first case, they collected all the jewelry of their women and cast a calf from them. They presented this gift to the devil. The second time, all the Jewish husbands collected all the gold and silver coins. They presented them as a gift to the Lord God.

What does this mean? That when a person spends what he earns on all his whims, such as parties, clothes, expensive jewelry, then he presents all this to his demon. That is, thereby feeding it. And if he gives acquired property and money to the poor or buys them food and clothing, then the person saves his soul. After all, he makes a presentation to the bright side of his inner being.

Is a person really in need?

But in our world, it is sometimes very difficult to determine who is truly in need and who is fraudulent, begging for money for their greedy needs. You cannot give donations to everyone who asks, and most importantly, how much he asks. One must be able to distinguish between those truly in need and typical speculators making money. This is also stated in the Bible. That is, everyone should give depending on their income. The one who is richer is, accordingly, more. The poor man can give according to his strength. And they will be credited equally. After all, they give equally according to their capabilities.

You need to do good deeds correctly

So how should you give alms? Remember, do everything from your heart and with good intentions. If you see that a person needs more than you, give it, don’t regret it. Avoid scammers and try to warn other applicants about the unclean intentions of the person asking. The look should be welcoming and bright. Under no circumstances should you give with regret or reluctance. Like, you need to apply, but you don’t want to. Or as many do, especially the rich: they throw alms to the poor with a favor. All this will come back to you with the same pain that the person asking you experienced at that moment.

After all, the Bible says that you give not just to the poor in need, but to your God. Thus, thank him for all your good deeds and daily trials. The saying “As you sow, so shall you reap” applies perfectly here. That is, the more you sacrifice with a pure heart, the more will be returned to you later in the works of the Lord.

“When the right hand serves, the left hand should not know about it.” What does it mean? When you donate, no one needs to know about it. And you yourself should not count how much you have given, but how much good is left. If you did something like this, then forget it. The more you give, the more you will receive.

Serve on time

Remember that alms, like everything in this life, must be timely. Serve before it's too late. The poor man has not yet taken the dark road. After all, many may commit crimes in order to feed themselves and their children. They can steal, deceive, force others to give them their property and, worst of all, commit murder. Remember that food should be given when a person is hungry, and not when he died without ever seeing food. Help orphans or those who have stumbled, so that you don’t have to answer to the Lord later. They could have helped, but they passed by, the man laid hands on himself, taking a great sin upon his soul. But you could have done something and didn’t want to, which means that you will have to answer later before the Almighty.

Alms can be different!

After all, almsgiving is a kind human attitude towards someone in need.

You see a woman crying on the street - don’t pass by. Suddenly she was robbed, and she needs help. Or maybe she has a problem at home, and she has no one to share it with, and she cries. It is possible that a person simply feels bad, but does not have the strength to ask for help. After all, you or your loved ones may find yourself in such a situation, and it’s good when strangers don’t pass by indifferently.

Or look around, maybe you have an old neighbor whose children don’t go to see her, or she’s completely lonely and needs help. Go to the store, get water, chop firewood, clean the house, or just talk over a cup of tea. For many lonely old people, your half an hour of time will not only lift their spirits, but will also bring them back to life. And you need to do this every day, and not when you yourself feel bad and think about others.

After all, most of us go to church when one of our loved ones begins to get sick or is unwell ourselves. That’s when we light candles in church and distribute them to the poor. Is this correct? Of course not. Every day someone needs help, and not just when we remember it, and then only in order to save ourselves. It is better to do things when you are healthy and share them with others.

It also happens that rich people are so stingy that they don’t even help their children and don’t share their wealth. And when they are already on their deathbed, they remember them. Then they begin to divide who gets what. Can such a person be sure that his children will fulfill his last wishes? After all, during his lifetime he did not honor them, and they can repay him in kind. If the Lord blesses a rich man through his wealth, then he must share it during his lifetime.

Alms in the church

Many people wonder: what is the correct way to give alms in church? Now you can stumble upon dishonest priests. All of them unanimously claim that if you give alms in church, then you will be rewarded doubly for it. But where is it written and said in the Bible that good deeds in the temple are doubled? All this looks like a marketing scheme of those church fathers who want to put everything into their pockets. Here, too, everyone must distinguish where to leave a donation, and which temple is better to bypass.

Unfortunately, in some modern cathedrals and churches the priests don’t even know all the prayers, and not only do they not know, but they haven’t even finished reading the Bible. But you can’t be categorical about everyone. Most of them still truly serve the Lord. Also, many poor churches need alms or simply physical strength. After all, it’s not the good church that has huge domes and everything inside is bursting with wealth and gold. And the one where the priest will help and forgive sins with a bright and pure soul. The church is considered to be the house of the Lord, where people gather and talk with him. Some people ask for health, others for peace of mind.

A good priest gives thanks for what he already has. Many come to the temple to honor the memory of loved ones and relatives. Or they just bring a donation. But the Scripture does not say that the house of the Lord should be richer in gold and wealth than the parishioners who bring alms to its doors.


To summarize the above, we can say that alms are a good gift from the giver to the needy. Therefore, help people from the bottom of your heart!

It doesn’t matter where alms are given: a church or just a busy street. The main thing is to help someone in need, if not with money, then at least with a kind word.

There is a big difference and a now forgotten meaning in the phrase with which alms are given. If you rearrange the words, you get the following:

“Let my hand fail” (oath).

Wed. "Oh, guards and all sorts of quarterly guards of the good old days! May my hand become impoverished if it writes an unkind word about you!" (Saltykov)

Give more alms, saying to yourself: “Let the hand of the giver not fail!” (Stepanova)

“Let the hand of the giver not fail.” I didn’t even know that you have to give alms very carefully... that is, not to everyone and not everywhere. There are people punished by God for their sins, and there are people who have been sent a severe trial. Therefore, when passing by, you need to listen to yourself and ask: “Should I give this?”, and having heard the voice of our soul, we will hear the answer, only it will be very quiet, so you need to be attentive.

You can give if the beggars are sitting, for example: - at the entrance to a temple, chapel, near holy springs and holy places; - at the entrance to the market; - at stops.
There is a golden rule: it is always given at the output, and nothing at the input.
It cannot be served to those sitting below ground level (in underground passages) or to those who are drunk.
Also, you should not give alms to those sitting at crossroads (of course, not literally at a crossroads), near pharmacies and medical institutions (a person gives his health), near cemeteries and “unclean places”, at post offices, under sacred trees(oak, apple, aspen), with signs or with children (this clean water deception).
Children under 15 years of age should be given only food, so as not to corrupt them. Give money to young and middle-aged people with caution (if there is malicious intent, they can take away energy, health, and vitality).
You should not give alms on Wednesdays - this is the day of Mercury (there will be interference in business and trade, because you are giving away your success), on your birthdays and christenings.
Before giving alms, you need to look at the face of the petitioner and his clothes. If a person is dirty and downcast, looks from under his brows, has “bird-like” facial features, is one-eyed, withered (if he is one-armed, one-legged - first ask yourself, is it worth giving? More often the answer will be no), standing with a hat in his hand - do not give.
Give alms right hand, and in order not to take over the misfortunes of a beggar, you should not transfer money into his hands, but put it in a jar or hat, which beggars usually have in their hands. And remember that money is not given into your hands at all. The hat should lie on the ground, next to your feet (in subtle world small copper money are tears, and when a person bends down, everything rolls off him into this hat). If it is not possible to put it on the ground, then refrain from giving alms. When giving alms, whisper in a whisper: “I only give tribute, but I keep what’s mine for myself!”
If you give in the evening, put the money on the ground, the beggar will pick it up himself. If you are sure that the person asking will drink the money, then do not give it. By giving money for drinking, you can tie yourself to a “drinking place.”

Serve in medium and small coins, preferably 5 kopecks; bills with ones and zeros (1, 10, 100 rubles) can be used. You cannot give coins with an even number - 50 kopecks, except for the church.
It should be served without touching the person asking for it. If they ask from any institution, for example the registry office, especially in the morning, a strictly certain amount of small coins, this means that the Almighty specifically sent this person to take away all the sins of the giver, after which the one who gave alms will calmly and reliably get married, and will be happily married.
Or, for example, someone comes up and asks you to buy a bouquet of flowers at the station for a certain amount, then you need to buy it, and then you won’t have any problems on the road and you will avoid major troubles.

When leaving the bazaar, you can give alms to those collecting alms at the entrance to the bazaar, if they are squatting, on a mat or chair, and the hat is lying close to their feet.
The server sitting on the box will soon “play the box” himself.
Alms given in churches deserve special attention. Do not give alms to anyone in church. Those applying for the monastery can only serve in the vestibule of the church. The one who gives at the exit from the church leaves all his troubles and sins, takes off the burden, and the one who gives at the entrance keeps it for himself, bringing it into the temple and taking it back from there. You can give alms if there is an odd number of petitioners sitting in a row (if there is an even number, you give to the dead) - in this case, it is advisable to give a little to everyone, if not in a row - to whomever you deem necessary.
There is also almsgiving in a hidden form. For example, refusing change at a store. In this case, the seller, who received alms from the buyer, can take on his karmic illnesses.

1 . Christ gives us the highest ideal: “ Give to the one who asks from you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.» (). « Do good to those who hate you and pray for those who use you ()». « Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful» (). « Truly I say to you, just as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.» ().

“Let us do good to everyone, and especially to our own by faith” ().

"5. Give to everyone who asks you and do not demand it back, for the Father wants everything given to be from His gifts. Blessed is he who gives according to the commandment, for he is innocent. Woe to the one who accepts, for if someone, having a need, accepts, he will be innocent; will not leave there until he gives the last coin.
6. But about this it is also said: let your alms sweat in your hands until you know who to give it to."

“I added to this that one should not take upon oneself the distribution of property, but entrust it to the one who is entrusted with managing the affairs of the poor. And he confirmed this with a passage from the Acts, that when he sold his goods and brought, “ laid at the feet of the Apostles", and them " everyone was given what they needed" (). For, he said, experience is needed to distinguish between someone who is truly in need and someone who asks out of covetousness. And whoever gives to one oppressed by poverty gives to the Lord and will receive a reward from Him; and whoever lends money to anyone passing by throws it to the dog, who annoys with his recklessness, but does not arouse pity with his poverty.”

“Who gave, or ordered to give, to a beggar a piece of bread and a glass of water; and, feasting at a luxurious table, does not care whether the hunger and thirst of the beggar are really satisfied, and does not take sincere humane participation in it: let him not rush to assure himself that he has already acquired the right to the kingdom of heaven. To value the kingdom of heaven at the price of a loaf of bread and a glass of water would be to value it too cheaply and to offend the dignity of what is valued.
A work of charity done without thoughtful and heartfelt participation in the needy is a body without a soul: and has no true dignity before the court of Christ, whose law is spiritual, and Who judges according to the spiritual law.
If someone has given alms that are satisfactory and abundant to many; but he did this with the desire to have the glory of a benefactor; such a one gave alms to his vanity: it is not difficult to judge how much Christ owes him for what he did for himself and not for Christ.”

“Every person has boundaries of responsibility outlined by the hand of God. They also tell us the correct hierarchy: who we help first, who we help second, who we help third. The boundary of responsibility outlined by the hand of God for each person is, first of all, his family. It is said: “Whoever... does not take care of his family has renounced the faith and is worse than an infidel” (). These are his people. It is said: “And the Lord divided the tongues.” These are the people who belong to his religious tradition, that is, our brothers and sisters in faith. And when we build relationships with people in charity, based on the correct hierarchy of preferences, it is very reasonable.”

“Alms done for the sake of Christ, for the sake of love for Him, cleanses from sins more than sacrifices, opens heaven more than virginity, can make equal to the apostles”