The best lovers according to Zodiac Signs in an exclusive Horoscope from:


Aries are magnetic people. They have a powerful attractive force and like to be in control. Aries are sexy and passionate. And they kiss divinely. Aries are impatient, so they can be selfish in love. This often leads to conflicts.

If you decide to build a relationship with an Aries, consider yourself lucky. The best sex is sex with an Aries at the peak of passion. The first rule of seducing Aries is no need to be shy! Show them your intelligence. Spontaneity should be your middle name. Nothing excites Aries more than unpredictability. And don't skimp on compliments.


This is a zodiac sign with crazy sexual energy. Which zodiac sign is very good in bed? The answer is simple - Taurus. Their appetite for sex is insatiable. They need large quantities physical contact. But don't rush. For Taurus, good “love” is like good food- it takes a little time to feel the taste. Taurus people usually have a very beautiful voice.

To seduce Taurus, give them a lot of gifts. Also take advantage of the fact that they have a very well developed sense of smell. When seducing Taurus, carefully consider the choice of perfume and do not forget to monitor the freshness of your breath.


If you love intellectuals, then you only need a Gemini. To win Gemini, you must show all your ingenuity and wit. They are masters of flirting and can easily outplay you.

They are smart, so they like to be creative in sex. You will never be bored with them. But be careful that they don’t get bored either. Geminis need a constant change of scenery. If Geminis are bored, they become rude and inattentive to their partners.

To seduce Geminis, they need to be flattered. Feel free to praise their intelligence. Do not be afraid once again ask their advice, but don't overdo it, because Geminis are looking for smart partners.


This is the most emotional and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Cancers need a soft and safe relationship. They need a deep emotional connection and a caring partner.

Cancers are tender lovers. But they will stop at nothing to take revenge on the man who betrayed them. Seducing Cancers is very easy. All you need is sentimentality and a little romance. They love to be taken care of. Prepare them a delicious dinner every day. This will be appreciated.


For most people, Leos are the best lovers. They are confident in themselves, and one can only envy their love fervor. They literally bathe their chosen ones in gifts and attention. In sex, Leos strive to explore absolutely everything.

Seducing a Leo is quite simple - they need constant attention to your person. Leos also love when their hair is touched.


If you are ready to be someone's universe, then Virgo is for you. No other zodiac sign will give you so much attention. Outwardly, Virgos seem calm and indifferent, but do not believe this calmness. They have a hurricane of passions inside them.

However, a relationship with a Virgo is not for everyone. The fact is that Virgos easily become literally obsessed with their partner. If a Virgo loves you, then it’s forever. At the same time, their perfectionism can easily ruin your life.

To seduce Virgos, you must love cleanliness and neatness just like they do. And always try to strive for perfection in everything, because Virgos are very picky.


Libras are very attentive and affectionate in love. Their ideas about relationships are very sentimental and romantic. Be patient and try to make all their fantasies come true.

Libra's nature is to flirt. They love to experiment in bed. To seduce Libra, you need to surround them with a romantic atmosphere. Be courteous and gallant. Show them that you know how to have a good time.


This is the sexiest sign of the zodiac. For many, they are the best lovers in the world. However, around Scorpios, you may feel like you are being manipulated.

Scorpios are irresistible and very attractive. They are very skilled lovers, but sometimes it is simply impossible to establish an emotional connection with them. By nature, Scorpios are seducers. Therefore, it will be very difficult to seduce them. Try to use your animal magnetism, if you have it, of course.


Sagittarians are childishly playful and very creative. At any age, they always remain young at heart. Sagittarians are open to any experiments in bed. Today they can be passionate about someone, and tomorrow, having received what they want, they can rush off to meet new adventures. People with this zodiac sign very rarely manage to be stable in relationships.

If all you are looking for is short-term but intense sexual adventures, then you only need a Sagittarius. How to seduce them? Very simple. You need to know their erogenous zones. For Sagittarius, these are the stomach and hips. They also appreciate people with a sense of humor who take life lightly.


Capricorns are very reserved. They can only have sex with the person they are truly in love with. There is no place for adventurous experiments here. Therefore, Capricorns are loyal and reliable partners. There is no need to rush to seduce Capricorn. Meaningful glances, “accidental” touches - these are your weapons. Don't give them what they want for as long as possible and the reward will follow.


If an Aquarius falls in love with you, it will only be because of your body. They don’t care how long you’ve known each other, whether you suit each other, whether your tastes match. The main thing is sexual desire.

The character of Aquarius is one of wild passion and unpredictable romance. They have a very restless character. The more quirks and oddities you have, the more Aquarians will love you. These are the best lovers for those who love vivid impressions. You will have to try hard to win their favor.


Pisces can offer you both romance and the pleasures of passionate sex. It's very easy with them. They strive for a stable and happy relationship. If your partner was born under the sign of Pisces, you can be sure that there will be no problems with sex in your relationship.

To seduce Pisces, you need to be aggressive and persistent. They are usually lazy, so you don’t need to wait for them to start courting first. You will have to do everything yourself.

Even here he is trying to prove that he is not a sheep. Tries satisfy your beloved always and according to for any reason. She is not shy about masturbating. You can't restrain your animal lust condition. Therefore, he trails behind every skirt, and sometimes with his pressure he scares off potential victim. Excitement - more likely yes than no. Condoms - respects from a theoretical point of view.

Aries Woman

Fundamentally selfish. Act You need to deal with her quickly and with pressure. She is a maximalist, so you can either get everything from her or get nothing. The ideal tackle in her case would be Which-someday feat performed in her honor. At first sight it could seem that she is absolutely incapable of flirt. He can even put on a coat or open the door in front of him without the help of a gentleman.


Record holders by number of acts intimacy overnight. They are conservative and not very prone to experimentation. They sleep with everyone, so they are regular customers doctors-venereologists. Excitement is not a fountain in literally and figuratively. They are not friends with condoms, but rather they are enemies. A woman with such a partner is generally better off not show none emotions, do not respond to smiles and compliments. Hold physiognomy brick and forget about the word “yes”.

Taurus Woman

They love wealthy partners. The most erogenous zone of a man, in her opinion, is wallet With currency. But his mental abilities worry her the least. And in general, what lower level The IQ of her lucky chosen one is all the better. She doesn't deny herself anything, she loves Fine eat, therefore often resides “in the body.” Her potential target audience- accomplished businessmen and military personnel.

Gemini Man

Everything is always wrong for him. That time of meeting is not arranges, then the conditions, then everything at once. He is thrown out of balance by any conventions and restrictions. He is very talented in sex, because he is capable guess partner's needs. The most responsible moment shy publish at least the sound, so he sniffs meaningfully. Excitement is the envy of all other signs. Condoms - no, I haven't heard of them.

Gemini Woman

He has the invaluable gift of distinguishing an impotent man from a giant even before he sees what he has in his pants. Often her life comes down to to the search for the ghostly prince in a white coat. If she doesn’t come across one on her way, she has to be content with what she has. That's why it turns out get married not for love. Despite her outward frivolity, she is very calculating. Likes to talk about intimacy and look at pictures of erotic content.

Cancer Man

Loves a variety of naughty poses for except the one that immediately comes to mind from the name of the sign. Tries be virtuoso, so he often spontaneously changes tempo and technique. Loves to do cunnilingus. He loves even more to discuss with his partner how intimacy went, because waiting for praise and compliments. Excitement does not happen from day to day. Condoms are man's friends.

Cancer Woman

But she loves the pose with which associated name her sign! This is probably why she often looks for adventure in her second 90. Her self-esteem is up and down jumps, she is often unsure did you do the right thing?, having slept with a partner. It won’t be surprising if she simply disappears from his field of vision and lies to the bottom. Sometimes these women can be insidious, resourceful And vampires. Their tenacious grip allows Always achieve goals and guarantees a difficult, painful break in relationships. Injured and offended, she gives pain delivery with its claws, because it rarely forgives applied she is offended.

Leo Man

We bring to your attention a love play with a victorious plot and intimate special effects. Director - Lev, stage director - Lev. IN leading role handsome-seducer - Leo. The enthusiastic female audience sobs and applauds! A curtain. Encore. Full house.

Leo Woman

She loves only the first ones roles which plays brilliantly. It’s impossible to be with her without drama, worship, adoration and exploits. Everything should be according highest level. She herself without benefits for he won't lift a finger. Therefore, if he does something, he probably knows why. She sees a man as a slave who would admire her regal beauty and didn’t ask unnecessary questions. She rarely lets her near her body, so she is often cheated on with more accommodating persons servile blood.

Virgo Man

They know their business well and have a rich imagination. Outwardly they seem impregnable And cold-blooded. But for the partner they give everything 100. This is an interesting sexual partner, which capable nice to surprise.

Virgo Woman

They are reserved, calm and pedantic in everything. Despite They don’t take advantage of the fact that they have a string of fans following them. In bed more than calm. These are not the most passionate lovers. Sex on the first date, and not for love? Excuse me, look for another one.

Libra Man

Will not make inquiries about you and pick yours emotional wounds to gain favor. He is more attracted by the beautiful façade than by the soul. Gradually he begins convert attention on your mistakes, without delving into the essence of your motives. Excitement is standard. Condoms - good way protect yourself.

Libra Woman

May flirt without wanting sex. She just needs to feel myself desired and everyone likes it. She is picky in choosing a partner. Looking for an ideal. According to her, this must be leader, guiding not only her, but also others. If a miracle happens and she finds him, then she gives herself all to him. without a trace. Likes to surround himself with comfort, aesthetics And male attention.

Scorpio Man

The most notorious sadomasochist in the entire zodiac. It gives him pleasure to contemplate how partner is suffering in the agony of love and gradually goes to the attic on nerves. Despite to this, women literally line up for a dose of his love poison and themselves fall into his tenacious embrace. Excitement - always! Condoms - whatever he wants.

Scorpio Woman

Sublime thoughts often come into conflict with lustful ones, which case prevail. She emits a sexual charge of such power that it would be enough to illuminate small town . She loves sex so much that she will not be afraid of the most daring perversions. There is nothing strange in the fact that she attract strong body and the spirit of a man. Others are simply too tough for such a temperamental lady.

Sagittarius Man

Until fate throws a woman into his arms, she will be sure that in front of her modest guy And shy. After sex has happened, it is as if he becomes a different person. This “other” is his full opposite. He loves jokes “below the belt” and does not disdain sexual perversions in moderation personal promiscuity.

Sagittarius Woman

This is the Amazon of our time. She loves hunting herself partner. She always needs to raise the bar, so these young ladies are looking for the most hard to reach men. Sex for her is an important part of life. She is loved for her cheerfulness, attractiveness and wit. Can trade a quiet family haven for adventure. Or maybe combine.


He perceives everything with his inherent efficiency, scrupulousness And pedantry. Not very soulful, not very sensitive, not very compassionate. In sex, he is a master of his craft, as in other aspects of life. Excitement is great. Condoms are a must.

Capricorn Woman

Strict in relationships. Torments himself with guesses and his own logical conclusions relatively men. If you get under good mood, will not get off his partner until he satisfies him and himself. IN family life she is a reliable support.

Aquarius Man

Always takes the one he wants. Without hesitation and delays. AND legible, and promiscuous Aquarians are equally dissolute. He is well aware of his depravity and does not consider it flaw. It is almost impossible to bind him, since he values ​​freedom above all else. Size - regardless from dimensions causes he has feelings. Condoms ruin everything.

Aquarius Woman

These are the most unpredictable and sensual partners. They value freedom of action That's why It's never boring in bed with them. The partner can offer her group caresses and not fear consequences. She's ready for anything. Despite this, betrayal is alien to her.

Pisces Man

Lack of initiative, passive, but nevertheless gentle. Never before end doesn't break up With former, because in principle he hates parting. Even though he is a romantic, don’t expect a bunch of gifts, flowers, and especially wedding ring. But there are as many lies as you like. He is a master at this. The only thing is issues his lie- eyes with dilated pupils. Excitement - according to the mood. Condoms - depending on your mood.

Pisces Woman

Partner drowns in such a woman and feels that in her absence he is going through withdrawal. She doesn't burdens yourself in a relationship, therefore leaving the initiative to the partner. If he needs it.

All zodiac signs have erogenous zones and sexual preferences. What do the zodiac signs like most in bed: the gentle Pisces, the many-faced Gemini, as well as other representatives of the astrological pantheon? A piquant selection of erotic tips will help you learn about your partner’s intimate needs.


Oddly enough, the stimulating factor that leads straight to bed is a banal scandal. It is in a nervous state that the Aries body is truly susceptible to the exciting influence of a partner

Do you want to conquer the ardent representatives of the astrological symbol? Then you should know about the erogenous zones of Aries. The most sensitive of them are in the area of ​​the head and face: stroking the hair and forehead, lightly biting the ears, gentle kisses of the eyelids, sliding touches along the temples - such manipulations will resonate with both men and women of this zodiac sign. Biting and licking lips, frantic kisses - this will inflame any Aries.

The passionate natures of the fire symbol simply adore experiments and dominance in sex. These simple tricks will lead a typical Aries into a half-turn, and then he will take the initiative into his own hands.


The back of the neck is extremely sensitive to kissing and stroking, from the border of the hair to the transition between the shoulders and back. This area can be called the main “target” for Taurus partners

Representatives of the earth sign are true connoisseurs of the intimate process. Emotional foreplay and long, varied sex are what they like. It is possible to establish a strong erotic connection with a Taurus with the help of casual and not so casual touches: tactile contact with a partner allows them to feel desired and loved.

Erogenous zones - neck, nose, area behind the ears, collarbones. Unhurried kisses and careful stroking of hidden places will bring the sensual natures of this symbol into a state of incredible excitement. The main thing is to take your time, because Taurus does not tolerate haste in love games.


No routine, no “only in bed and only like this” - Gemini will instantly disappear from your field of vision

The effect of surprise is extremely important for spontaneous people of the air element. Conquering Gemini is not so easy, for this you will have to show Creative skills and ingenuity. True, there is a win-win: their arms, fingers, palms and chest area are incredibly responsive to caresses, and here they are powerless.

A woman of this sign cannot resist the reverent kisses of her hands, starting from her palms and ending with her shoulders. And Gemini men get goosebumps from alternately sucking their fingers. Don’t forget to touch the chest area, use your tongue instead of your hands or lips, then your chosen one will surrender to the impulse of passion both body and soul.


One of the strongest stimulating techniques for Cancers of both sexes is French Kiss: long, emotional, with maximum use of tongue and teeth. It happens that Cancers experience orgasm from just one kiss

Those born under the constellation Cancer are distinguished by sensuality and emotional sensitivity. Want to make your partner tremble? To begin with, show tenderness, whisper something exciting in his ear, this is the only way you will be able to inspire confidence in yourself and set your partner up for a sexual wave.

People of this water symbol get the greatest pleasure from light stimulation of the nipples, and the male sex likes this no less than women: this is the most vulnerable and responsive area on the Cancer’s body. Stroking, spanking, gently pinching and twisting with fingertips will give representatives of this sign indescribable sexual pleasure.

In addition, sometimes people of the water sign are not averse to fooling around with special toys. The main thing is not to overdo it, the secrets of the Kama Sutra are unlikely to delight them. But a bright and high-quality act of love with Cancer can only happen if your relationship has developed quite a long time ago: for these spiritual natures, the determining factor is exceptional trust between partners.

a lion

It is no secret that representatives of this majestic symbol love compliments and crave increased attention to their own person. But this is not enough for Leo to recklessly and lustfully indulge in lovemaking with you. The back and supragluteal region are the main key to awakening the sexuality of people of the fire sign.

An intimate massage of the erogenous zones will contribute to the lion's arousal and will also be an ideal remedy for fatigue and stress. And stroking the hollow between the buttocks can awaken passionate impulses even in the most unmotivated Leos.

In general, people born under this constellation are liberated to the point of impossibility. Do you want to know about their innermost fantasies? Ask directly, they will not hesitate to describe all their desires in detail.


Virgo has an important point: cleanliness inside and around, so spontaneous sex in nature or in a restaurant restroom definitely won’t happen

Quite often, earthly representatives of the zodiac circle are characterized as reserved and cold natures, but such a statement is unlikely to be true when it comes to the intimate side of life. Caresses in the navel, belly and knees delight all Virgos, regardless of gender.

They love the foreplay associated with taking a bath or shower together. A dense stream of water directed to the lower abdomen will have a stimulating effect and bring true bliss to your partner of this symbol. And small kisses and light nipping of sensitive areas will definitely warm up sensible Virgos.


Libras are supporters of naturalness; they will always take care of their partner, surround them with attention and affection. At the same time, they are not averse to experimenting and adding a touch of exoticism to intimate relationships.

Representatives of the air element are visual people, so sexy lingerie, striptease and other erotic attributes help them penetrate the mystery of carnal love. Meanwhile, people of this sign will never insist or force; in sex, it is important for them that everything be mutual.

The secret areas of Libra are the hips and sacrum, as well as the back. Any manifestations of affection in these places are disconcerting and cause a violent reaction in them. The only point that needs to be taken into account is moderation: excessive softness or, on the contrary, excessive aggressiveness in bed will not give them the slightest pleasure.

Can't get Libra to move? Long tongue kisses along the entire spine are an amorous weapon against which these individuals are powerless.


The frantic and ardent Scorpio does not like to chat about his fantasies; he will have to guess about them. But first, thoroughly study adult films and get ready to experiment - the basics of the Kama Sutra will definitely come in handy

Scorpios like to have sex, and they prefer variety in love pleasures. The more developed your imagination is, the more chances you have to make a stunning impression on representatives of the water symbol. True, do not count on hints, turn on your intuition, use experience, existing knowledge and act.

But in this case there will be no problems with erogenous zones: everything that is below the belt is at your disposal. Oral sex- an obligatory element in the Scorpio program of carnal joys.

And men and women of this zodiac sign simply adore it when an intimate relationship is built on contrast. For example, they are not averse to making love in an ice bath and will not refuse a couple of drops of hot wax on their body.


Sagittarians are loving, practically polygamous and prone to frequent changes of partners: a long-term relationship with one person can very quickly get boring for them

Do you want to become the ideal lover or mistress for representatives of the fire element? You'll have to be creative, because they can't stand monotony and boredom. Experiment with images, initiate role-playing games, use unusual sex toys, diversify the location of intimate meetings, and then Sagittarius will certainly not be able to get fed up with the relationship with you.

The most sensitive areas on his body are the hips (especially the area from the groin to the knee), lower back, and hair. Start a gentle massage with inside thighs, smoothly move to the genitals... and, most likely, you will not be able to complete the massage session.

The Sagittarius woman will react violently to fingering and stroking her hair. And the subsequent kisses on the neck will fill her with uncontrollable thirst.


Capricorns view sex as an act of supreme trust. Slowly and uneasy they go through the path to bed that other zodiac signs sprint through

These representatives of the earthly symbol should under no circumstances be pushed towards intimacy. And if your only goal is a sexual relationship, then give up this idea altogether and switch to someone else. For typical Capricorns, the act of intercourse is equated with love; they perceive sex without mutual trust and emotional connection as a waste of time and energy.

This sign is gentle and courteous in bed, and therefore expects the same from their partner. The knees, popliteal fossa, buttocks, back and neck are the most sensitive areas. Slow, gradual stimulation of erogenous places with hands, lips and tongue will cause a flurry of inspiring emotions and a huge range of feelings. A massage of the arms and back will relieve the tension inherent in this sign.


Aquarians are indifferent to sex without feelings, but they are ready to reward their loved ones with a variety of intimate games. In swimming pools, Jacuzzis and bathtubs, extraordinary Aquarians turn on immediately

In love people of this air sign they do not seek adventure: they idealize and exalt deep feelings, but animal inclinations are alien to them. Meanwhile, Aquarians are actively interested in the topic of sex, they like to surprise their other half and bring something new to bed fun.

It’s easy to bring him to erotic oblivion; it’s enough to know the most receptive places: try touching your calves, ankles or feet, and a surge in your partner’s sexual activity will not take long to arrive. Air element personalities go crazy when they get a foot massage, and if you do this right in the bathroom, then passionate sex will take place there.

The fair half of this symbol has another secret place - cheekbones. Aquarius women need constant affection and tenderness; they do not accept rude manifestations in sex.


Pisces are the most gentle and affectionate natures, tireless and inventive in foreplay to sex. If you are an incurable romantic, then you cannot find a better partner. Invite them to a waterbed or a huge bath, because Pisces are excited by the movement of water and warmth

The main erogenous zone of representatives of this water sign is the ankles and feet; a foot massage can ignite an insatiable sexual desire in Pisces. In general, their entire body is capable of responding to touches and kisses, so you shouldn’t focus on one thing.

Stroke your partner's back and he will feel relaxed and at peace; breathe into his ear and you will feel his breathing speed up; touch his lips with your lips, and his whole body will tremble... For these refined natures, what is primarily important is your tenderness and softness, attentiveness to every millimeter of skin and moles. It is foreplay and prolonged caresses that can enhance the erotic desire of Pisces.

The stars don't lie, but don't be shy about talking about sex with those you love. This is the only way you can penetrate the hidden world of your partner’s sexual fantasies.

Experts say that a person is able to demonstrate the dominant character traits of his zodiac sign. This is no exception even in sexual terms, reports CureJoy.

Below you can find out what traits you have sexually and which sign you are well compatible with in bed.

1. Aries.

Aries is an assertive person with little aggression in sex. Aries loves the act of conquest in sex. You don't like emotional drama and love it when your partner grabs your hair and pulls it back.

You are compatible with the following signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini and Scorpio.

2. Taurus.

You are more sensitive than sexy. You know perfectly well how to move. Taurus are experts at arousing their lover with scents, sounds and touches. You also tend to expect sex.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.

3. Gemini.

You can be comfortable and soft, and at the same time you can be rough and tough. You can have sex in unexpected places and are not shy about saying dirty things. You are an unbeatable flirt and enjoy sexual contact with your partners. You truly enjoy sex and love to experiment.

You are compatible with the following signs: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

4. Cancer.

You enjoy sensual love play. You need to be groomed until you allow the process to begin. You can easily understand what your partner wants. For Cancer, sex is filled with love and lust.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces.

5. Leo

Leos are consistent in sex. You rely on your charm and chemistry to attract a partner. You are a passionate and attentive lover, and you want to practice your sex skills more often. You love seduction and foreplay, and your back is one of your most powerful and erogenous zones.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

6. Virgo.

Virgos are considered virginal and chaste. This sign can be very sexual and sensual. You love touch of any kind as foreplay. You love massage, which increases your arousal.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Capricorn.

7. Libra.

Libras are people with impeccable taste and subtle sensitivity. The act of love is mental stimulation and verbal foreplay. You like flirting and love, and additional elements such as lingerie, soft music in the background and a sexy environment.

You are compatible with the following signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

8. Scorpio.

You have a reputation for being a passionate and even lustful partner. Do you like drama and some excitement in your sex life. Often indulge in scenarios that involve power and control. You combine strong sexual desires and powerful emotions, you often struggle with your own desires.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces.

9. Sagittarius.

You are charming, affectionate and very attentive in bed. You love spontaneity in your sex life. You are incredibly flirty and open to new experiments in bed.

You are compatible with the following signs: Leo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius.

10. Capricorn.

Capricorn has a reputation as one of the sexiest and at the same time very sensual signs. It is not an easy task to create a strong libido in Capricorn. Your legs and knees are very sensitive. You love to court and seduce. You take pride in your sexual stamina.

You are compatible with the following signs: Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo.

11. Aquarius.

You love to be seduced, but you don't like to completely give up power to your partner. You prefer creativity and enthusiasm in intimate matters.

You are compatible with the following signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Virgo.

12. Pisces.

You get along well with all types of people. It will not be difficult for you to attract those who admire you without resorting to aggression. You are very romantic, sensual and playful. You love unusual poses. You focus more on pleasing your partner than on pleasure.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Libra.

You're not very lucky if you like sensual foreplay and slow sex. After all, representatives of this sign will never agree to a romantic event - give them adrenaline, activity and the opportunity to dominate. Well, if you are used to completely surrendering to your partner’s hands, then something enchanting awaits you, believe me.


Give this zodiac sign experiments generously seasoned with natural pheromones. They are not averse to fooling around, but they are too decent to offer you something like that on the first date. Therefore, you will have to take the bull by the horns in the truest sense of the word.


Oh, those Geminis! This dual sign is equally successful in being both the main violin in the orchestra and an additional instrument. They are famous for their creative approach to business, so don’t be surprised if you are immediately offered to involve sex toys and other stimulating gadgets in the process.


Have you dreamed about the stage all your life and dreamed of trying on the role of a sexy seductress? Then this is the place for you! Representatives of this sign love role-playing games and easily find all your erogenous roles. However, be prepared for the fact that they often do everything technically, without putting their soul into the process itself.

a lion

Have you dreamed of trying yourself as a great director and were looking for a star for your debut film? Then you are incredibly lucky! Leos love to shine, so the lenses of movie cameras will only encourage them and amuse their pride. They are ready to repeat takes over and over again just to prove to you who the real superstar is here!


Some naively believe that Virgos, who are reserved in life, behave just as coolly in bed. However, it is in the bedroom that representatives of this sign drop the mask and allow themselves to truly relax. They do not forget about their partner, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible.


Representatives of this sign are true connoisseurs of long foreplay and refined caresses. They can make any exquisite fantasy come true with you, but they will only focus on own desires and feelings. So don't expect all the attention to be on you.


Have you seen the "Caution, High Voltage" sign? So, it would look quite natural on representatives of this sign. If you find yourself in bed with a Scorpio, just forget about your shyness and get ready to have fun. They masterfully interpret body language, so they will guess and realize your every desire.


Representatives of this sign are much more interested in the process of courtship, and as soon as the object of desire gives up, Sagittarius immediately loses interest and finds a new muse. In the candy-bouquet period they have no equal, but in bed the role of a seducer for some reason does not work, they simply do not want to invest emotions in the process itself.


Representatives of this sign get excited in a matter of minutes and are particularly resilient. So if you are attracted long distances and games involving some kind of dominance, then you can safely choose Capricorn as your partner.


This zodiac sign imagines itself in the role of a scientist standing on the verge of a grand discovery. They love to experiment and use various materials, various structures, temperature changes and aphrodisiac products as improvised means. Do you want to become part of this sexy and gastronomic action? Then let your Aquarius know that you have always dreamed of trying yourself in the role of a test subject.


Representatives of this sign simply cannot offend their partner with a refusal, so they easily agree to all your experiments. Pisces are incredibly sensual, so they try to give their chosen one as much pleasure as possible.

Text: Yulia Kalnitskaya