Easter beliefs, what you can and cannot do on Easter.

Over the long existence of the holiday, it has managed to gather a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Easter is incredibly important and large-scale religious holiday, whose history goes deep into the past. Over such a long existence of the holiday, it has managed to gather around itself a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Basic traditions

TO Orthodox Easter They prepare for seven weeks, which are also called Weeks and are accompanied by Great Lent. This is exactly how much time, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ spent in the desert.

The last week before Easter is the most solemn and is marked by many ancient traditions. It is called Holy Week or Great Week. Each day of this week is different in some way, but the most important are: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

This Thursday is called Clean Thursday, first of all, because all Orthodox Christians strive to cleanse themselves spiritually and be ready to accept the sacrament established by Christ. Symbolic and spiritual purity is manifested through physical purity. This is also due to the long-standing Slavic traditions of bathing, which existed back in pagan times. On Maundy Thursday, the popular custom of cleansing with water in an ice hole, lake, river or bathhouse from head to toe was widespread. Bathing had to be in nature and lasted all night until sunrise. Nowadays, most Orthodox Christians limit themselves to more comfortable washing of the house and mandatory cleaning inside and out.

IN Good Friday traditionally they take out the shroud (the symbolic cloth in which the body of Christ was wrapped after being taken down from the cross). On this mournful day you cannot eat or have fun.

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, during services, believers bless paskas, eggs and other foods, thereby receiving permission from the church to eat non-lenten dishes.

What can and cannot be done on the day of the Resurrection of Christ?

Sunday of Great Week is a holiday, so most of the restrictions of the previous days of Holy Week are no longer valid. For those who have been fasting, you can break your fast (the first meal after the end of fasting) immediately after the Liturgy and Communion. If the Liturgy was at night, then immediately after it you can begin the festive meal.

No strict ban for cleaning the house or work. Of course, it is advisable to devote the entire day to joy and relaxation on the occasion of the great holiday, but if you need to work, you can do it.

On this day you cannot be sad, angry, gloomy or quarrel with loved ones. On the contrary, you need to congratulate people from the bottom of your heart, invite them to visit you - in a word, bring joy to your neighbor.

Easter beliefs

. On Easter “The sun is playing” and “on this day everything is merry in heaven and on earth”;
. It is not good to sleep on Easter Sunday, because “he who sleeps will sleep through his happiness”;
. On Easter everyone should have fun, because whoever is sad on this day will be sad all year;
. If someone dies on Easter, it is believed that his happy soul will go straight to heaven;
. On Easter night, all earthly treasures are revealed, they glow with lights on the earth, but only an innocent and pure child can see them;
. So that no one can jinx a child for a whole year, you need to cross him with an Easter egg on Easter and say: “Just as no one ever marries this egg, so no one ever marries (the name of the child”). We need to give this egg to the child to kiss.

Signs for Easter

. If on Easter the sky is clear and the sun is shining, it means a good harvest and a red summer; if it rains, good rye;
. Like rain or bad weather on the first day of Easter, so spring will be rainy;
. If you hurt your elbow during Easter week, my dear remembers;
. If a fly falls into the cabbage soup, wait for a date;
. If your lips itch, you can’t avoid a kiss;
. If your eyebrows start to itch, you will see your loved one.

Customs for Easter

. The most famous custom, which is familiar to everyone from childhood: to the greeting “Christ is risen!”, one must answer “Truly risen!”
. On Easter, old people combed their hair and counted: how many hairs were left, how many grandchildren they would have. Also common were bathing with gold and silver, which was supposed to bring wealth and prosperity.
. Young people climbed onto the roofs of houses to greet the sun, believing in the “playing luminary on Bright Day.” Christ's Resurrection" The phrase “watch for the sun” referred specifically to this custom.
. During Easter week, girls washed themselves with water from a red egg to be rosy, and stood on an ax to become strong.
. To prevent your hands from sweating, do not take salt into your hands on Easter days.
. It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg they received relief from all diseases and misfortunes. The shells from it could not be thrown away until the very end of the holidays.

There were many more Easter signs and superstitions, but many of them have not survived to this day. And even if Easter celebrations are not so magnificent now, it is surprising that after so many centuries many traditions are still observed by a large number of people.

Easter today is not only a religious holiday, it is the cultural heritage of the people, bright and original!

Ancient legends, church books and biblical texts tell in detail to modern man, what believers do on Easter and how to properly celebrate the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. We have compiled for you the most complete selection of all the “dos” and “don’ts” associated with Easter celebrations. Using these tips, you will be able to accurately follow all traditions and not violate a single religious canon.

What to do on Easter: holiday rituals and customs

Everything that people do on Easter should be filled with bright, joyful, sincere and warm feelings, noble thoughts and positive sentiments. This wonderful day should be spent with your family, be sure to visit elderly relatives, wish each other health and happiness, treat everyone with a traditional Easter treat and, of course, christen yourself, greeting those around you with the words: “Christ is Risen! Truly risen!

After the solemn morning service, it is customary to sit down at the table and break the fast with delicious, hearty dishes, and give leftover food to the poor and hungry. Evening time is characterized by daring festivities, performances by youth groups, competitions with gifts, round dances, outdoor games and other festive entertainment events.

Easter: you can’t have a wake and why

Charter Orthodox Church clearly states that under no circumstances should funeral services be held on Easter. holy scripture explains to believers that the bright holiday symbolizes the bright and amazing return of the Savior to eternal life and personifies the victory of the Divine miracle over death. At such a moment, sad thoughts, sorrowful memories and tragic feelings are simply inappropriate. Moreover, the religious calendar has many special days intended for going to cemeteries and commemorating the dead.

What to do before Easter: preparations for the Resurrection of Christ

Everything that must be done before Easter is connected with religious customs and ancient traditions. The week preceding the Holy Holiday is called Passion Week. During this period, believers observe the strictest fast every day, and Friday is the day of the execution of Jesus Christ on Calvary cross- and completely refuse food.

All manifestations of noisy fun, joy and all kinds of bright emotions are strictly prohibited. During Holy Week you should not visit nightclubs and restaurants, have fun at discos or go to the cinema with friends. It is recommended to spend the week in humility and devote the bulk of your free time to reading the Bible, prayers and remembering the deeds of Jesus.

On Maundy Thursday, you need to get up at dawn and wash in the bathhouse, and then thoroughly clean your home, throw away old rubbish and accumulated garbage, wash all dirty things down to the carpets, curtains and curtains, scrub them until they shine kitchen utensils, sweep away all the dust from the corners of the rooms and wash the windows so that the light of a divine miracle can easily penetrate into your house or apartment.

By the evening you need to bake yeast cakes, prepare sweet Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits, paint eggs, trim the ends of your hair so that in the future they will grow thicker and by night completely complete all the hard and dirty work.

On Friday it is appropriate to remember the suffering of Christ and spend this day in solitude. Any work on the ground with a shovel or rake is unacceptable on this day. The only thing you can do is sow parsley. According to the old people, the seed of this fragrant greenery, thrown into the soil on Good Friday, will bring a rich harvest to its owners.

Saturday morning should begin with good thoughts and good deeds. And in the evening, having collected a basket with Easter treats, all believers will go to the all-night service, which smoothly turns into the festive liturgy dedicated to Easter.

What to do after Easter: how to spend Bright Week

Almost everyone knows how to celebrate Easter Sunday, but not everyone knows what they do after Easter and what rituals and customs are associated with Easter week, called Easter. Eastern Slavs Bright Week.
IN church calendar this period is called Holy or Gremyak week. Since ancient times, it has been believed that at this time you need to smile, have fun, enjoy life, actively rest and relax. It is better not to be zealous in work, and to avoid dirty work altogether.

On Bright Monday, men dress in clean, smart clothes and pay visits to all close and distant relatives, visit friends and acquaintances, exchange holiday greetings with acquaintances and give them gifts in the form of dyes, Easter eggs and Easter cakes. At this time, mothers, wives and daughters are at home and catering for the rich, expecting their relatives and male friends to visit.

On Tuesday, everything happens exactly the opposite. Dressed women go to guests and cheerful gatherings, and men stay at home as guardians of the family hearth.

The priests recommend not to burden yourself with sad thoughts and painful reflections throughout the week, to sincerely enjoy life, to remember the most pleasant moments that have happened over the past year. Last year, prepare for the fertile season and plan your summer vacation.

Funeral services and funerals are strictly prohibited. During the whole week, under no circumstances should one grieve for the dead or grieve over the fact that they left their families and went to another world. It is already permitted to baptize children and adults, but the wedding procedure is still prohibited.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to attend entertainment events on Easter and after it, as well as hold bride viewings, light festive bonfires, dance, sing songs and lead round dances, ride on swings and spend all your time as pleasantly as possible free time in good company of kind, warm-hearted and open people.

to make it come true cherished wish, wealth came to the house, and the girl was invited to marry

- one of the most beloved Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ and victory over death. On this day, believers visit, pray, congratulate each other, give colored eggs and consecrate Easter cakes. On Easter, it is customary to have fun (in moderation) and visit the sick and suffering, go to visit and greet everyone you know with three times “Christ is risen!”

Miracle of the Resurrection of Christ. Source: liveinternet.ru

What should you do on Easter so that the year is successful and money is not transferred around the house?

True signs for good luck

1. To make your wish come true

It is believed that it is worth asking the Higher Powers at the All-Night Vigil from Saturday to Sunday. Then it will definitely come true! You just need to be patient and stand through the entire service from start to finish.

Easter services last the whole night. Source: spravoslavia.ru

2. So that wealth comes to the house

At Easter, it is customary to bless not only Easter cakes, but also material things. For example, a wallet. There is a belief that a consecrated wallet will subsequently attract money throughout the year.

3. For good luck

In order for there to be luck in your home, and, as our ancestors advised, on Easter, when the bell rings, you need to whisper three times: “Christ has risen, and my family will have health, my home will have wealth, my field will have a harvest. Amen." Then the year will be truly successful.

4. To get married

It’s also customary for Easter. During a church service, when the priest says “Christ is Risen!”, you must quickly whisper: “Resurrection of Christ, send me a single guy to be my groom!” Or early in the morning at sunrise, on Easter, knock on the glass of your window and read: “Easter sun, roll across the sky, and you, groom, show up at my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen".

5. To stop quarrels

If in your family members of the household do not get along with each other, you need to get rid of high mountain red egg, saying at the same time: “How this egg came down from the mountain, so that grief would be released from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". Also, to get rid of quarrels and conflicts, a cross was burned with an Easter candle on the doorframe of the front door.

What to do on Easter is strictly prohibited

1. Be sad, conflict and use foul language. The same rule applies to all days of the following week. It is believed that anyone who becomes despondent on this bright holiday will mourn throughout the year. And whoever fights and swears will receive an administrative fine!

2. Get married and have sex . Priests throughout Easter week There are no weddings (and no baptisms).

As for sex, any intimate relationship outside of marriage is not welcomed by the church. And to legal spouses sex life should be stopped during Easter.

3. Have noisy parties and celebrate birthdays. It happens that Bright Resurrection coincides with the date when a believer was born. It is better to postpone the name day celebration to another day, since the celebration of Easter is more important than the birthday party.

The same applies to funeral services; grieving for the dead on a joyful day for all Christians is prohibited. For this there are parents' Saturdays and Radunitsa.

4. Guessing. The Church has a very negative attitude towards such things as conspiracies and magical rituals. But in the villages, girls quite often gathered in groups on Easter evenings to tell their fortunes on Easter cakes and colored eggs about whether life was in store for them. imminent marriage, and what the near future will be like.

How to celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ

The week before Easter, Orthodox believers keep a strict fast. It is customary to break the fast after the Liturgy and Communion. The festive table should include colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, and Cahors. They also prepare jellied meat, aspic, stuffed duck or chicken, and pies with various fillings.

Easter cakes and Easter eggs are an indispensable attribute of Easter. Photo VKontakte

You should eat and drink in moderation on Easter. And it is better not to throw away the eggshells left after the meal, but to bury them in a place where people and animals do not usually go. You should do the same with stale Easter cake.

You can and should give gifts to friends and family on Christ’s Resurrection. For example, candles and cards, church utensils, books, Easter cakes and Easter baskets. A painted egg was always added to them as a symbol of evidence of new life.

Should you work on Easter?

On important church holidays, believers tried not to do household chores and work. But it doesn’t always turn out that the day off falls on a Sunday. If you have to go to work on Easter, you shouldn’t make a problem out of it and quarrel with the management (especially now, when there are many for the slightest offense!). Do your work especially conscientiously. It is believed that the Lord will definitely appreciate the zeal of a believer.

But it’s better to postpone household chores on this bright holiday. It is better to find another day for washing and cleaning. Easter must be celebrated with ease and joy, and not in everyday hassles!

Signs associated with the cemetery

The clergy claim that the custom of coming to Easter did not arise during the years of Soviet power, when a ban was imposed on visiting and celebrating various Christian holidays. But commemorating dead ancestors was allowed. Today, when no one prevents believers from attending services, it is better to postpone until Radunitsa, which this year falls on May 10.

Pagans believe that Easter Sunday is the only day of the year when the sky opens and the souls of the dead descend to their burial places to communicate with living relatives and loved ones. Therefore, people rushed to come to the cemetery, bring their loved ones and sweets to the deceased, and ask the souls of the dead for advice.

But littering the grave, throwing food crumbs and eggshells, is extremely undesirable! This will attract birds and... It is better to leave some part of the blessed Easter cakes, eggs and other products on the funeral table in the church.

If you have blessed the food, leave some of it in the church.

Easter, or the Bright Resurrection of Christ, is the oldest and most important Christian holiday, established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

The holiday in honor of the Resurrection of God and the arrival of spring was different nations long before the emergence of Christianity. In the spring, the Egyptians held festivities in honor of the resurrection of the god Osiris, in Ancient Greece glorified the fertility goddess Demeter, and the ancient Celts worshiped the spring goddess Ostara, celebrating the awakening of nature with colored eggs and small wheat buns, very similar to our Easter traditions.

More than five thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated Passover as a calving holiday for livestock, then this day was associated with the beginning of the harvest, and even later they celebrated the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, the spring holiday was called Passover, which means “deliverance.”

And if in the Jewish tradition Easter means liberation from slavery and the acquisition of the Promised Land, then in Christianity the holiday is filled with a different content - the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the acquisition of eternal life thanks to the faith of the Savior, the victory of light over darkness.

Believers prepare for Easter during the seven weeks of Great Lent. This is one of the strictest fasts of the year. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, which is why fasting lasts that long. During Great Lent, believers renounce what completely absorbs them and removes them from the Lord, cleanse their body and soul, repent, pray and become closer to God.

Easter celebration

The Easter Service of God lasts all night. Its solemn moment comes at midnight, when the priest announces “Christ is risen!”, And all those present answer “Truly he is risen!” After the service, the process of consecrating ritual Easter dishes begins: Easter cakes, eggs, meat, sausages, butter, fish and other dishes. Housewives bring beautiful baskets of food, decorated with embroidered towels and candles, to the consecration, after which the believers go home and begin to “break their fast.”

Behind festive table The whole family gathers for Easter. First of all, break the fast Easter eggs. Then everyone tries a piece of Easter cake and feasts on other dishes that are on the table.

After the feast, according to tradition, the youth went to the church and arranged Easter fun - they sang freckles and haivkas, organized games, led round dances and rejoiced at the holiday in the spring. It is believed that everyone should have fun on Easter. And whoever is bored on this day will have a bad year ahead.

Also on Easter, it is customary to visit neighbors, friends and relatives, say Christ and exchange Easter dishes: Easter cakes, eggs, pies and other dishes.

What not to do on this day

It is not advisable to work on Easter, but if your schedule is such that you cannot do without it, accept your activity as a kind of obedience.

Sex is prohibited on Easter.

If there is some Easter food left over, it cannot simply be thrown into the trash. Leftover food should be burned or buried, and care should be taken to ensure that animals do not get to it.

If your birthday falls on Easter, it is better to move the celebration to another day so that it does not “block” the joy of the resurrection of Christ.

People do not visit cemeteries on Easter.

What to do on this day

A person who does not attend the Easter service can hardly be called a Christian. Participation in the service is not only mandatory - in fact, it is considered a sign of belonging to the church.

De facto, the fast ends after the service and communion. If you were at the all-night vigil and took communion, then you can have dinner “slowly” on the same day; if you were not in church in the evening, but attended the morning service, your fast ends after that. And yet, despite long restraint and a large number of various goodies, it is not recommended to overeat.

Easter is one of the most joyful and happy holidays per year. Its celebration is associated with many centuries-old traditions and customs that add special flavor and warmth to Easter. Unfortunately, not all of us are well acquainted with Orthodox Easter traditions. About what to do on Easter and what not to do on this religious holiday, as well as what to do before and after the Holy Resurrection of Christ, and will be discussed further.

What to do before Easter: main traditions by day

The celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord is preceded by Holy Week - the last week before the great holiday. In the old days, every day was associated with certain traditions, which were strictly followed by all believers. So, for example, on Monday housewives began to put the house in perfect order. Except spring cleaning, on this day they also prepared a special essential oil with herbs, which were used to treat various ailments throughout the next year. On Tuesday they washed and mended linen and clothes. Also on Holy Tuesday they made peace and asked for forgiveness. On Wednesday, as a rule, all housework was finished and eggs were boiled.

On Maundy Thursday, all family members had to swim, preferably before dawn. This ritual of ablution guaranteed good health for the whole year, and also symbolized spiritual cleansing. Also on Thursday they started painting eggs and baking Easter cakes. On Good Friday, as a rule, they did nothing and tried not to eat. Thus, the believers longed for Christ. On the last day before Easter - Saturday, the final preparations were completed. On this day, housewives prepared all the remaining Easter treats, cleaned and washed.

What do they do on Easter?

Easter is celebrated on Sunday - the last day Holy Week. Traditionally, believers go to church on the night from Saturday to Sunday to defend Easter service and bless Easter cakes and eggs. In addition to traditional Easter cakes and krashankas, you can also bless water, salt, and fruits. Blessed food is believed to bring health. In addition, it is also customary to leave some of the food brought to the church so that everyone in need on this day can share the joy of the holiday.

On a note! On Easter, it is customary to greet each other with special words: “Christ is Risen.” In response to such a greeting, one must say: “Truly He is Risen.” Then kiss three times.

On Sunday morning, traditionally, the whole family gathers at one table to begin celebrating Easter. First, the head of the family cuts the Easter cake into as many pieces as there are people present at the table. From a piece Easter cake and krashanki and the breaking of the fast begins. Then you can try others holiday dishes. Then you need to have fun and rejoice all day.

What can't you do on Easter?

There is also a list of what not to do on Easter. For example, on this day it is strictly forbidden to swear, quarrel, mourn, or go to the cemetery. You can't work or study either. physical activity. Excessive drinking of strong drinks is also not encouraged by the church. alcoholic drinks, including their consecration during the service.

What do they do after Easter?

In the first week after Easter, it is customary to remember the dead. You can go to the cemetery all week and bring Easter treats.

Also, in the period before the Ascension of the Lord (40 days after the Resurrection of Christ), one should adhere to the main Easter rules: be friendly, joyful, do not use foul language, live in peace with others. If possible, you need to work less and avoid hard physical labor. At this time, it is worth paying more attention to spiritual development and purification.

We hope we have answered your main question about what to do on Easter and what not to do. And this year you will put all the knowledge you have gained into practice.