The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are consistently implementing a plan to establish complete control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke called this process "Total Tiptoeing" as "they" take small steps towards our complete and certain enslavement.

The plans of the shadow forces behind the NWO

Somewhere near the top of the pyramid is a super-elite organization, better known as the Council of 13 Families, which controls all the major events taking place in the world. As its name suggests, the Council is composed of the highest representatives of the 13 most powerful families on the globe.

An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that 99 percent of the world's population is under the control of the "elite" one percent, yet the Council of 13 Families consists of less than one percent of the "elite" one percent, and no one on the globe can apply for membership in the this Council.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over us only because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves kings. These families include:

Rothschilds (Bayer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclairs (St. Clairs)
Warburgs (del Banco)
Windsors (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

(Most likely, this list is not final and some very influential clans are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most influential and famous dynasty on Earth, and its fortune is estimated at approximately 500 trillion US dollars!

They exercise their power through a global banking empire that is almost entirely theirs.

The most important organizations that are trying their best to establish the NWO and completely enslave us include:

Downtown London (Rothschild controlled finance) - NOT part of the UK;

The US Federal Reserve (finance - a private bank owned by the Rothschilds) - is NOT part of the US;

Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and intimidation tactics) – NOT part of Italy;

Washington, DC (military, mind programming, brainwashing and genocide) - NOT part of the US;

All of the above organizations function as separate states, operate in accordance with their own legislation, and therefore there is no court of general jurisdiction on the globe that could ever hold them accountable.

There are many secret societies in the world today that operate as branches of a mega-corporation owned by the Council of 13 Families.

Although they receive significant remuneration for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of "elite" dynasties, they have no idea who their masters are, and they have no idea what the real world looks like. real plan.


Another method of mass enslavement they use against us is the so-called education system. Schools have ceased to be what they used to be, and children learn to remember in them without thinking and blindly obeying.

In fact, this education system is too expensive and irrelevant to maintain in the Internet age.

“Why is it irrelevant?” you ask. Because the Internet gives us free access to an almost unlimited amount of information.

So why do we still spend huge sums on public education? Because the world “elite” demands that our children learn to obey unquestioningly and think in stereotypes.

What can we do about it?

Now the faith of humanity hangs by a thread, as the control of the NWO octopus spreads wider and wider. On the one hand, we are one step away from our complete enslavement, but on the other hand, we could easily destroy the pyramid of their power by simply uniting against their deception and carrying out a peaceful revolution in the minds, hearts and souls of people.

For years I have asked myself what is their most strong weapon which they use to enslave us. Is this weapon a poor education system coupled with the constant impact on our brains? Or is this weapon fear born of religion? Is it the fear of being punished by the system (being sent to prison or being killed), or is such a weapon an invisible enslavement using the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above together have had a gigantic impact on our community and the way we think, but their most powerful weapon is the handing down of the financial system!

Currency slaves

The financial system has quietly enslaved humanity and now we are being used as currency slaves. We work every day from 9 am to 5 pm, in boring and depressing conditions, without any creative or constructive incentive.

In most cases, the only motive that forces us to go to work is to get another wages– and no matter how hard we work, we never have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (receiving multi-billion dollar revenues) pay tens of millions to their top executives and minimum wages to the rest of their employees?

This approach was carefully designed to ensure that a person constantly on the edge of the abyss would never have the opportunity for self-education, introspection and - ultimately - spiritual awakening.

So isn't that what it is main goal our stay on Earth? To become spiritual beings (obviously spirituality does not mean religious) and complete the cycle of incarnation?

“They” are not going to train people who can think critically and have spiritual goals. No, such people are dangerous for these families!

“They” want obedient “robots” who are smart enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough to ask questions.

Money is the eye of the “devil”

The roots of all the most significant problems inherent in our world are deep in the area of ​​​​financial problems: war, disease, the plunder of the Earth, the enslavement of man and the creation inhuman conditions labor brings profit.

Our leaders have been corrupted by money, and humanity's overall mission on Earth has also been replaced by money.

So why do we need a financial system in the first place? In fact, we don't need it (at least not anymore). Our planet doesn't charge us a penny for using it. natural resources, and we have technologies that allow us to extract them without the use of physical labor.


More to the point, there are “brilliant minds” who have been talking about the commodity economy for decades. One such example is Mr. Jacques Fresco, a distinguished industrial designer and applied sociologist who has spent much of his life designing the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Jacques Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be environmentally friendly and self-sufficient, resistant to earthquakes and fires.

Other people are already discussing a transition plan to a future economy where there will be no need for money and all people will be offered best conditions to achieve their highest potential – all for the benefit of all humanity.

So my question is: are we ready to embrace the future and get rid of the control of the “elite” in a world without money, or will we allow a New World Order to arise?

All of humanity can be divided into two categories. In one of them people are controlled external conditions and the lower nature, for which man is only its means or instrument, used by it for its own purposes, and which it controls. The other category includes a significant minority of those who build their own intention and follow it. And everything seems to be clear, but only until we learn that the external and internal for a person are relative. Of course, the external world certainly exists, but what a person perceives is only an illusion. Please note that a person’s perceptions are illusory, but they are not a hallucination if the person is mentally healthy, or a human fantasy. Let us give an example that explains the illusory nature of a person’s perception of the reality of the world. No one will object to the fact that matter itself, consisting of elements of the periodic table, and energy fields do not have the qualities that we perceive. In reality, such a world as we perceive does not exist. But there are objects that do not have qualities we perceive. In reality, there is no multicolor that our world is full of, there are no sounds and smells, and in general the reality of the world is emptiness, because the size of the nuclei of elements and electrons is so small relative to the space that atoms occupy, that by increasing the hydrogen atom to the size of the dome of St. Peter's Church in Rome, the internal diameter of which is 41.5 meters, we will get a grain of sand in the center - the nucleus, and an electron - a grain of dust will rotate at the speed of light at the periphery of this dome around the nucleus of the atom. And besides, both the nucleus and electrons are vortexes of energy. All living things are made up of atoms inanimate objects , which we perceive as dense or fluid bodies that have certain shapes and colors. In fact, all objects of the universe are complexes consisting of vortexes of energy that generate vibrations in themselves, similar to radio waves, which spread in all directions and are perceived by people and other living beings by their perception programs, which transform these vibrations into corresponding qualities. This can be compared to television receivers, which convert radio waves into color images and accompanying sounds. But the human program for perceiving the reality of the universe allows a person to perceive only that part of the reality of the universe to which his perception program is tuned. The rest of the reality of the universe seems to not exist for humans. And here the analogy with a television receiver explains such selectivity of perception - the receiver perceives only the wavelength to which it is tuned. For TV viewers, it will be one channel, but for a person with his internal program for perceiving the reality of the world, it will be one universe or one plane of consciousness-being. Since all material bodies ultimately consist of energy, for people and other living beings those objects of the external world that are not perceived by them are transparent. A person does not realize that all sorts of events are happening around him on other planes of reality, which are located in the same space, but his perception program is not tuned to the frequency of their vibrations and for a person they seem to be absent. A person’s programs for perceiving the reality of the universe are embedded in his genetic apparatus. remember the 95% of junk genes that are not junk at all and thanks to which we perceive the reality of the world in such a way that allows us to survive in this world. We call that part of reality that our perception programs perceive the manifested world, and the rest of the many worlds that are not perceived by us, we call the unmanifested worlds. But, nevertheless, these unmanifest worlds exist, we are surrounded by them and the creatures living in them. Usually these creatures in occultism are called entities, in religion demons, and those creatures that have high vibration frequencies are called angels. Sometimes these creatures are perceived by some people as spirits who prefer, due to their similarity, to settle in those places that are somehow significant to a person. hence the spirits of mountains, gorges, rivers, springs, living in the forest, in caves, in lonely trees, spirits living in human dwellings and not only brownies, but also guardian angels. In fact, the reality of the universe is very densely populated by various forms of life. Some of them, similar in sound, can sometimes be perceived by a person, those that do not have sufficient consonance are not perceived by a person, but a person perceives their influences as various emotional states that are accepted by him as his own.

In ancient, so-called pagan times, when people did not separate themselves, living in the manifested world, from the various forms of life living in the unmanifested reality. They knew that the destinies of people and living nature largely depended on the influence of the forces of the unmanifested reality of the world, and they sought to harmoniously coordinate their lives with these forces. And this was realized in the customs and culture of these peoples, in which they consciously interacted with these forces. Moreover, their receptivity, which allowed them to deliberately interact with the forces of the unmanifested planes, was immeasurably higher than is observed among the people of the modern non-pagan world. Our ancient ancestors in no way denied the one God, who manifests himself through many forces, and with their help controls the destinies of both individual people and many peoples of the Earth. Modern religions of monotheism have separated people from God. Pay attention to how the prayer that Jesus Christ gave begins: pray like this: “Our Father who art in heaven...”. For a religious layman, this sounds like the separation of man from God. Not in vain, even in tsarist times they said: “It’s high to God, it’s far from the king.” The transition from “paganism” to monotheism can be compared to a revolution in which the entire hierarchy of power was eliminated from bottom to top, leaving only the king or president. And, of course, such a revolution did not give anything good to the people. In the modern world they fight and kill, rob and rape, give rise to systems in which there is no justice, people professing any religion that does not encourage such acts, but they are high up to God and Satan rules this world. Remember his words when he said, tempting Jesus Christ, “I have been given authority over this world...”.

In fact, Satan does not control this world - he controls the people living in this world. He has spread his satanic net over all humanity and even over all forms of life. In man it is represented as the ego, which can be seen as controlling the behavior of the human being. It is the ego that determines many traits of the human personality, his attitude towards himself and the world around him. The basic qualities of the human personality have their roots in infinity; they are the support of the ego and its aspiration. To these we can include a person’s desire for significance, often not based on anything, only because “... a person sounds proud...”. There are virtually no limits to the desired significance. There can be many branches on the trunk of significance, each of which is some facet of significance and a variant of its implementation. Such a branch is the desire for wealth, which a person is not able to fully satisfy. If a person could live for a thousand years, then all these years he would accumulate wealth and no moral principles would prevent him from doing so. Or another example - the desire for power - it also has no limits, and at the same time, the desire for power, just like the desire for freedom, is absurd. If we are careful, we will be able to realize how the desire for power manifests itself in most people even at the everyday level, from “you respect me” to “be the way I want.” In any conflict, even the smallest, the desire for power over another person is sure to manifest itself. Even when the last word remains with us - this is also an element of the desire for power. Especially if we accuse another person of something, and even when we express our independent opinion about something when we are not asked to do so. But isn’t the desire for significance at the heart of envy and jealousy? With envy, someone is more significant than me in some way, and with jealousy, I am preferred to another, because I am less significant in the eyes of someone close to me than someone else. But there may be another variant of the manifestation of jealousy, as an element of significance: someone is laying claim to my property, which belongs to me, and I am afraid that he, this person, will be successful in his claims. And it doesn’t matter that this situation can be built on illusions, the experiences of jealousy are not at all illusory and they can also be limitless. The desire for power, wealth, comfort, pleasure has no limits, but the desire for life, which one day ends in death, which also has no limits, has no limits. And this is really so, and every person who is in full consciousness on the edge of his life realizes that infinity awaits him ahead. Those who consider themselves religious people sometimes believe that eternal paradise awaits them, others who consider themselves sinners assume that eternal torment awaits them, but all this is also infinity. But infinity is not extension and eternity is not time - it is the degree of expression of the state, which for the person captured by them reaches a state of intolerance, impossibility, the maximum degree. For example, a person striving for a state of inner peace and stillness may one day experience such a high state of peace that he will perceive it as eternity. A person can experience the same state of subjective eternity with joy that has completely captured his entire being. The same can be said about suffering, when it reaches its maximum, a person during this period realizes that there has never been a beginning for it and there will be no end. He is so caught up in suffering that he is unable to remember a past in which there was no suffering, and he cannot hope for a future in which there is none. During this period, he realizes a painful eternity. From here we understand eternal bliss in heaven and eternal torment in hell - these are the extreme degrees of states that a person experiences in one case in heaven, and in another in hell. But the state of an unquenched thirst for power and a thirst for wealth can also be painful, and a person can devote his entire life to quenching this thirst and not be satisfied even on his deathbed. All these states manifest themselves in every person, most often in a truncated form, when they are not unlimited.

Notice how people communicate with each other, while their thirst for significance is manifested in everything. People want to be pleasant to others, especially when their interlocutor or partner is significant to them. To be significant means to be protected, to be accepted. But significance can manifest itself in both a slave and his master, only for each it will happen in its own way.

Who really controls our world? Political scientists and conspiracy theorists put forward one version after another. Secret societies, political clans or individuals are suspected of trying to take power over the planet into their own hands. But what motivates them in the struggle for power and wealth of our world. A definitive answer could not be found for many years.

And in 2018, a unique historical work was published that sheds light on many issues. So who is really trying to control our human world, here on Earth? Detailed answer with real facts and The Epoch Times offers evidence for review. We think this book will not leave you indifferent. After all, it talks about each of us and concerns absolutely everyone.

The specter of communism rules our world

The evil ghost did not disappear after the collapse of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe

Listen to the Preface


Although the communist camp in Eastern Europe has collapsed, the specter of communism has not disappeared. On the contrary, this ghost already rules our world. Humanity must not fall into optimism by mistake!

Communism is not just some trend, doctrine or failed attempt by people to find a way out. This is the devil. He is also called the evil spirit of communism. It is created from hatred and various corrupted matter of low levels. Initially he was in the form of a snake, and in surface space he appears in the form red dragon. He stands on a par with the devil, who is hostile to the righteous Gods. At the same time, he uses various low spirits and evil spirits to create chaos in the human world. The ultimate goal of this evil ghost is precisely to destroy humanity. So that when God comes to save people, people will not believe in God. So that people's morality will deteriorate to such an extent that they will renounce God and traditions, will not understand God's instructions, and will eventually be eliminated.

The evil ghost has a lot of evil plans, and they are very diverse. Sometimes he uses the most cruel methods to intimidate people who do not want to follow him. Sometimes he deceives people by using concepts like "science" and "progress", painting beautiful pictures and thus inducing people to follow him. Sometimes he creates the illusion that communism is a deep science, making people believe that this is the future direction of human development. Sometimes under the slogans “ democracy", "equality", "social justice", etc. it penetrates into the spheres of education, media, art, law, etc. and gradually quietly attracts people under its flags. Sometimes he puts on the misleading mask of "socialism", "progressivism", "liberalism", "neo-Marxism" and various left wing parties. Sometimes he acts under the flags of “pacifism”, “environmentalism”, “globalization”, “political correctness”, etc. that claim to be true and righteous. Sometimes he supports avant-garde art, sexual permissiveness, legalization of drugs, homosexuality, etc., in order to people indulged their desires and mistakenly believed that this was a social trend. Violence and drastic measures are not the only forms of manifestation of an evil ghost. Sometimes he takes on the guise of a guardian for everyone's well-being. However, his fundamental things do not change - this is the desire to destroy everything traditional by any means, including faith, religion, morality, culture, the institution of family, art, education, laws, and so on. He seeks to deprive people of morality and plunge them into an abyss from which there is no return.

This evil spirit in all its diversity not only did not disappear after the collapse of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe, but, on the contrary, is currently widely moving around the world. Not only China, Cuba and other countries that openly call themselves communist, but even the United States, which is believed to be at the head of the free world, has also almost completely capitulated under the onslaught of the evil spirit of communism. What can we say about Europe, which is becoming socialist, as well as about Africa and Latin America which are under the control of communist forces. This is a terrifying reality that humanity faces - the plan of the evil spirit of communism has already been practically realized.

All people instinctively strive to gain benefit and avoid harm. This forces them to avoid disasters, try to stand out from the masses, create grandiose enterprises or simply enjoy life, and so on. This is not wrong. But as soon as one day people move away from God, these desires of theirs will become a hook for the evil spirit of communism, which will aggravate and strengthen them. In this way people will be in his power. At the same time, the extravagance of the evil spirit of the Communist Party, which goes against the will of Heaven and makes those whom it controls just as extravagant. They begin to uncontrollably strive for power, money, knowledge, in order to play the role of the supreme ruler, in order to command the lives of the people under their power, as well as the course of history, creating a certain social trend.

God created people. Human nature contains good and evil. If a person rejects evil and follows goodness, then he can return to God. And if it’s the other way around, it moves. This choice depends entirely on the person himself.

We noticed that many people who had not yet lost their natural kindness gradually and imperceptibly became representatives of the evil spirit of communism or “useful idiots,” as Lenin called them, manipulated by the evil spirit of the Communist Party. Despite the fact that society as a whole, succumbing to the temptations of the evil spirit of communism, is sliding down and is already on the verge of destruction - those who at will gave his soul to the devil and deliberately destroys humanity, yet very, very little. For most people, the natural kindness remaining in their hearts still gives them a chance to get rid of the influence of the evil spirit. This is our purpose in writing this book. We will try in simple words reveal this difficult and deep problem. So that people can recognize all the tricks of the evil spirit of communism. And the most important thing is that when in the future the moral criteria, culture, art and other traditional things established for them by God are revealed to people, people do right choice between God and the evil spirit.

As soon as a person has a good thought, the Gods will immediately help him get out of the control of the devil. In the process of recognizing the devil's tricks, the reader must think deeply and clearly discern them. We will try from a completely new point and from a different angle to re-play and examine in detail the last few hundred years of human history and analyze in detail how the devil is under different masks And different ways captured our world. Awakening and active deliverance from evil, as well as a return to the traditional path and form of life established by people by the Gods depend on the person himself.

God will certainly defeat the devil. And what the eternal refuge of our life will be depends on which side we stand on.

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"The specter of communism rules our world"

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at skeptic in Who Rules the World: Clans of Money Masters

When Donald Trump won the seemingly hopeless presidential election, questions inevitably arose: Is he a system candidate or not?
Did he become president at the behest of the money holders or the voters?
The question remains open. But not really.
Let's assume that this is a coincidence.
But again, by whose will?
And here such tendentious material, not of the first freshness, but not without relevance, turned out to be quite appropriate, on the subject of who is at the head of the global behind the scenes?
The author claims that not the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
Intrigue, sir.

We look at ss69100 in Clan Baruch - kings of the Jews

Clan Baruch - kings of the Jews

Excerpt from Anthony Sutton's book "The Power of the Dollar"

This - Bernard Baruch. The only representative of the Baruch clan who has appeared in the last 200 years. The clan has ruled the Jews since the Middle Ages. Absolutely all other Jewish clans depend on and serve them. The Jewish ruling clans - Kuns, Shifs, Leibs, Baruchs - belong to the “kohanim” and mix their blood only with each other.

They hold the Rothschild-led Judeo-Masonic pyramid and are the eye in it. In fact, they are the devil in the flesh.

Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they are practically invisible, they are practically not talked about. In addition, interestingly, several symbolic names are being thrown around. And not like that Rothschilds, How Rockefellers. And the Rockefellers are court puppies in a big kennel, compared to those people who lead not only America, but the rest of the world.

For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before his release (he didn’t care anymore). We met with him at the International currency board. Where they have gold bars are stored (under New York, apparently, there are more than in Fort Knox; even the magnetic field there is unhealthy). He gave me an uncut sheet of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

So, Rubin, about three years after that, showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than the usual ones - a thousand denomination, a five thousand dollar denomination, and a ten thousand dollar denomination. These banknotes no longer contained portraits of presidents.

Presidents - only up to a hundred dollars. He said: “These are the serfs, and here are the slave owners.” Who was there? Schiff, Leiba, Kun, Baruch. Their ancestors wear wigs. Yes, the banknotes that are distributed among people already have portraits of those who really lead the world printed on them. They sit in the shadows and the treasures of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

How did it happen?

In 1913, President Wilson created the federal system (the Federal Reserve System) and eliminated the state bank.

We got the original term: Federal Reserve System. That is, a group of these wealthy Jewish bankers took over the obligations of the state bank. It was as if they had merged into one. And a paradoxical system emerged: the whole world owes America, every American, as soon as he was born, already owes America about 60 thousand dollars.

National there is no bank. This Federal Reserve System, which operates here, controls not only United States, but also all countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, unsecured piece of paper, controls the world.

An unsecured piece of paper since the time of Johnson, behind him there is no gold, no land, no jewelry - and he controls the world! Only because it is a medium of exchange. For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch, Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests.

These richest people in the world do not store their wealth in banks. You know, there is such a term “taplisted bank” - the 100 most important ones, and then the list goes on.

Try to find it there "Standard Charter Bank"- a bank that has existed since 1613. Since it is no coincidence that the plane first crashed into the tower where the headquarters of Standard Charter Bank, or rather its “international diplomatic office,” is located. It is no coincidence that billions of dollars burned there and tens of tons of gold melted.

What kind of bank is this, whose headquarters are in London, and which has existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he does. There is such a comic actor in America, Lionel Brian, a close friend of mine. So, his brother, through an acquaintance, got a job in the information system for controlling global transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is the bank of banks of the world's leaders.

It is no coincidence that the first plane dived there. This was a blow to the crown of the world leadership, to the soul of Koshchei. If people did not know this, they would choose a different object. This was not an accidental blow. This bank is not on any list of world banks, however he controls all the calculations in the world. Monitors and controls all global financial transactions at a rate of $20 billion every minute.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. “blew” 8 billion 200 million dollars through the private bank “Sabr”, I thought that tomorrow there would be a murder. The next day, Sabra was killed while he was taking a shower. I had a transcript of where this money went, how it was listed, where it was transferred, but the reason seemed to have disappeared. The information was no longer needed.

Why then were they not exposed? Why isn't Interpol investigating this? Do you think they don't have the evidence that I have? Eat. However, they have owners.

They want to fragment Russia: give the Kuril Islands to the Japanese, Karelia to the Finns, and East Prussia to Kaliningrad.

Why do they need St. Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why a window, just one crack is enough to peek. But behind all this is the shadow of those whom no one talks about. Rockefeller and Rothschild are presented as errand boys. But they are silent about the real ones, for example, Baruch. It's like they don't exist.

- Are there bankers more influential than Baruch?

No. This is a trillionaire. And he puts up a prince in his place. They laugh at us.

- And Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer, yes. He belongs to the richest, but still not the upper echelon.

- The entire financial pyramid is clicking into place on Baruch. What is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, because he is not a product of the 20th century? Apparently an ancient root?

++++ ***** ++++
- Skolkovo... - Medvedev - ...visit to Israel...mamamia...

Not as ancient as medieval. This was a special family associated with the mystical teachings of Judaism. Since then they have been in the shadows. Through funding of Jewish societies, through patronage to all kinds of figures. Most importantly, I wanted to draw attention to the fact that they really run America.

They are not even part of the so-called world board - the Bilderberger club, which consists of 63 people. By the way, among them are from Russia - Chubais. I heard that he was offered the position of minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais just smiled (I understood him): “No, no, I don’t need it.”

Of course, why be a minister of some peripheral government if he himself is a minister of the world government - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And he orchestrates it all Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kun, their families who became related to each other. At the same time, they preside over the world freemasonry.

- I wonder if they thought that under such a rule a world imbalance would begin and it could all end in a cataclysm of global significance? Or do they not care about anything for the sake of their own interests?

They probably don't understand. They firmly believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, like kings of kings, will enter world rule and divide all the property of the planet among themselves.

- After the attacks on New York, the world was gripped by euphoria: even America experienced destruction! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt whether this is the idea of ​​the powers that be. And you also correctly noted that the blow was dealt to their central financial structures, to the office. And as if everyone should be happy. But aren’t they trying to hide the loose ends here by bombing their office, thus hiding the statistics of the numbers, who owes what to whom, and, starting with new page, plunder the world? This way they kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps the system is outdated, there are too many dollars and they decided to derail everything old. Perhaps there is already a backup?

Since they are global “friends”, they have a backup Euro. America is doomed. She is globally playing the last role of the world dog, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be derailed.

The world center is moving closer to Jerusalem. And now, as in Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team,” they have pulled all sorts of strings of wires between houses, are maintaining contact, and are preparing for the appearance of the Messiah. This already happened in 1666.

Then it seemed to them that the time of the coming of the Jewish Messiah was approaching. The Jews began to sell their property, cast gold crowns for themselves, and move towards Jerusalem. We reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: “What is it? Clouds of people are moving toward Jerusalem to rule the world.”

The main one asks: “Who are you?” He replies: “I am the king of kings!” What kind of emperor would like such an answer? He put him in the tower. The next day, the “king of kings” forgot all his intentions, accepted Mohammedanism, and appropriated for himself all the treasures of his fellow believers. They walked like a flock. They are subject to a strange and terrible mysticism, they believe that they must rule the world.

- Consequently, anti-globalists report that the perpetrators of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. This needs to be made clear to ordinary Americans (everyone already knows this).

No, the Americans will not understand this and will not accept it. They were told that the Arabs were enemies. The question needs to be transferred to a different plane: why is America the world's gendarme? Isn't the bombing of skyscrapers a second Pearl Harbor? At present, documents have already been declassified indicating that the president also knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor organized by the Japanese. Roosevelt, And Allen Dallas, and the Masonic and banking elite.

But they agreed to treason and destroy the fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, so that the Baruchs, Schiffs, Leibs, Coons would get what they deserve from participating in World War II. This also led to the strengthening of the position of the American banking system, dollar, revival of the American economy.

America was dragged into the war at the cost of this provocation. Americans are now horrified as Roosevelt was an ideal for many . Of course, the real documents were not particularly disclosed. However, they were declassified, and those who made them public were found. America is shocked: Roosevelt, who was considered a benefactor of the nation, - killer and provocateur.

- What can you say about Bin Laden?

He is a student of those teachers who now condemn him. By the way, in New York the day after the attack, a 1 billion fund was organized to search for Bin Laden. The founder of the fund is anonymous. This is how much the tricks cost and how they spare no expense when it comes to camouflaging Pearl Harbor 2.

- What are Bush’s current positions in America, does the population support him? And is it good or bad that he was chosen and not Horus? Perhaps Gore would be more intellectually suited to this position?

In Russia there is a proverb: “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes.” In America there is a system pocket presidents not for the first century. And finally, there is the humiliating custom of being inducted into the presidency even before the start of the election campaign. 13 days before the start of the election, both presidential candidates go to the central synagogue of New York. Whoever comes out wearing a black cap automatically leaves the arena, and whoever wears a white one becomes president.

This has been the case for several elections since Reagan. This year there was a failure: the rightists got fed up with these ceremonies and burned the synagogue. The candidates need to go, but it burned down - it’s a mess. They tried to organize this meeting again and again the synagogue burst into flames. No one knew who to vote for, and great confusion ensued.

Therefore, Bush won by almost one vote. That is, candidates have already been secretly elected, and it is impossible to publish the result in order to synchronize the process. Neither Bush nor Gore are running America because there are people like Baruch, Schiff, Belderbergeri.

- Do you think that the power of bankers over America is so powerful?

Not only over America, but over the whole world. What's happening in financial world Russia, Armenia, Georgia, some Latvia - everything is under the paw of Baruch and people like him. However, they are mysterious and mystified.

- Isn’t mystical ideology an element of the Baruchs’ control over ordinary Jews in order to drag them into the net?

It's hard to open their eyes to this. But probably. And there are plenty of examples in history.

- Are there Jews who understand where civilization is moving?

Yes, they were and are. Remember the Belgian Jew Spinoza, who gave up his wealth and was cursed by the Jews, but he did not renounce his beliefs.

- Are there Muslims in the anti-globalization organization?

Certainly! A lot of. For example, El Kasi, the former Iranian ambassador to Russia, worked as a representative of Iraq at the UN. Experienced diplomat. A kind person. Muslim.

- How does ordinary America feel about Putin’s image?

In my opinion, no way. Although some people praise it. Their favorite is Gorbachev. A Masonic complex is currently being built for him in San Francisco. He was predicted to have a position Secretary General all religions. Gorbachev received two King David Prizes. There are not even Jews who can receive two prizes at once. And the non-Jew (marked Jew) Gorbachev received - "for services to the Jewish people". This was all done as part of the Harvard Project.”

The best argument for those who doubt it is the words of the American professor Nicholas Murray Butler, cited in the book by Ivor Benson "The Zionism Factor": “The world is divided into three classes of people: a very small group of people who direct the course of events; a little larger - which monitors the flow of events; and the majority who do not understand what is happening".

In this regard, I would like to remind you: “If we do not know what is happening now, we will lose all control over what will happen to us in the future...”

Fragment of an interview with V.S. Gerasimov to the newspaper “Society and Ecology”, No. 29, October 20, 2001.

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There is a mix of wishful thinking here, but there is a lot of opening, there is a lot of shadow on the fence. That’s why everyone can find their own soulful segment here.

But the fact that the tendency is indicated to MOVE THE WORLD CENTER CLOSER TO JERUSALEM IS THE MAIN THING. Accordingly, it is clear WHAT THE DRIVING FORCE AND FROM WHOM is pushing this through in recent world events. The USA was a Jewish-Masonic instrument FOR INTERCEPTING WORLD DOMINATION from London and the British. World domination was based in the Persian Gulf - Asia Minor - Mesopotamia - Jerusalem, which they are trying to portray as such throughout the last KNOWN historical period - the biblical Hebrew.
Today, before our eyes, the United States is being told to live long. That’s because Britain did Brexit because it is well aware of the global trend moving in the direction of Jerusalem (and therefore against Britain) from France and Germany. The USA, like Saudi Arabia, has already been written off as a spent tool.
WHAT is actually happening and WHERE? Iraq, Syria, Türkiye = Asia Minor- Mesopotamia = the last LOCATION OF THE WORLD - So they are being cleared by the Islamic Wahhabi Muslim factor from the Muslim-Arab rooted in them. By whom, it’s clear. I think it’s not an obvious secret and for whom and under whom. A CRUSADE initiated by George Bush Sr. in 1990. We believe that in this FIRST campaign America, the hegemon, died by 2016, although a series of campaigns have already taken place, but globally it is the only one and the first.
The primary LOCATION OF THE WORLD is under Iran - this is where all the anger and hatred of Zionism towards Iran comes from - and all its attempts to crush and suppress it through the USAESWEST = but it is NOT - it also enters into an alliance with RUSSIA. Türkiye is also entering into an alliance with RUSSIA. And Syria. It's just a matter of Iraq, which is still occupied by the United States. But there is the factor of ISIS, banned by the Russian Federation, which for some reason is not being bombed by Russia in Syria. Why? Because Russia needs him to liberate Iraq from the American-French-German occupation of Iraq - when it is clearly shown to him that there is nothing to catch in Syria. And then the EIGHTH WORLD CENTER OF FORCE will be the UNION RUSSIA.
And Zionism will be left (if they are left - Kissinger said that in ten years there will be no Israel - maybe he meant the presence of a Greater Israel from Alexandria to the Euphrates and the Gulf...) the Jerusalem outskirts.

And Britain... remember Xi’s pompous visit to the Queen - is instrumentalizing China... which is also becoming Filipinoized towards Australia (remember the Filipino Obama) and Indonesianized...

The old man is completely out of his mind

There are a number of versions and hypotheses about who rules our world - about the British queen, and about the secret world government, which sits on some private islands and is made up of either Freemasons, or Jewish Freemasons, or even reptilians.

In fact, determining who runs the world is not that difficult, at least in general terms.

Great power always comes with great military strength and big money.

So it was, so it is and so it will be, at least until humanity learns to live without money and wars.

Big power is big because it controls a big economy, big resources, big capital, and a big economy with big resources and capital cannot function without big money.

And without much military force big power cannot do without its big money either, otherwise it will be like a bank without proper security, which everyone will begin to rob until it is completely empty.


Based on this, the version about the British queen disappears completely - there is no basis for it, except for the personal predilection of supporters for the ideas of the greatness of the British monarchy.

Once upon a time, the British crown did have a lot of power and ruled a large part of the world - India, China, most of Africa and the Middle East were British colonies. Even North America, USA - were also part of the British Empire. But all this is in the distant past.

Britain began to lose ground when it lost the American War of Independence, after which the New World began to gradually take away power and influence from the Old.

Britain finally lost its previous positions as a result of the Second World War, losing its colonies and losing the status of an empire. Britain lost its role as a leading world power to the United States, its former colony.

The era of colonialism has been replaced by the era of neo-colonialism, economic and financial colonialism, in which colonies are formally independent states, but are under external control through mechanisms of financial and economic control.

The world hegemon and superpower ruling most of the world today is the United States.

For a long period after World War II, the world was divided in two - one part was under the influence of the United States, the other under the influence of the USSR. This can be seen as a period of global dual power. However, after the liquidation of the USSR, the period of dual power ended and the United States became the only superpower.

On this moment The United States has the greatest military power and controls the world financial system, since the US dollar is the world currency accepted for payments between countries.

Neither the euro, nor the British pound, nor the yen, nor the yuan constitute any significant competition for the American dollar in international payments.

China and Japan sell their products to other countries not for yuan and yen, but for dollars.
Europe is buying Russian gas not for euros, but again for dollars.

There are American military bases all over the world - not British, not Chinese, not Japanese, but American. The world's largest military alliance, NATO, is again controlled by the United States, and through NATO, the United States controls all of Europe.

It is the United States today that has the military strength and financial power that provides global power - power over almost the entire world.

Different countries are subordinated and controlled by the United States to varying degrees - some more, others less, but to one degree or another, Washington controls the vast majority of countries.

No one today has the equal of the United States military power and financial capabilities.

The US not only maintains the world's largest army with the world's largest military budget - the majority of the US military is stationed outside the US, at numerous military bases located around the world.

Most American dollars are also located outside the United States (even nominally), in international circulation. And due to this, the United States receives excess income by issuing dollars, as a result of which most of the dollar inflation occurs in other countries. By devaluing the dollar, the United States, as it were, takes away part of the value from everyone who uses dollars, and takes a kind of percentage.

This is power over the world, when most of the army and money are stationed abroad and ensure control over the vast majority of countries.

It is important to note that the dollar was officially adopted as a world currency back in 1944, when 43 of the 44 countries that took part in the Bretton Woods Conference (all except the USSR) signed an agreement on the transition to the American dollar as a unit of account in international trade operations. Thus, the financial power of the United States over the world is secured at the level of international agreements that arose more than half a century ago.

US military power over Europe is also formally consolidated, at the level of the agreement on the creation of NATO. The US military presence in many countries is formalized by agreements on the location of military bases.

US power over the world is quite obvious and officially enshrined at the level of various agreements and treaties of an economic, financial, political and military nature.

Therefore, there is no need to look for secret world rulers and worship the British Queen for far-fetched reasons. The power over the world is quite obvious and exists quite officially. And it is located in the United States, from where it controls the money and the military power that no one else has equal.

But who exactly rules the world - the senators and the President of the United States?

No, the President of the United States and the Senate are only an administration that issues and implements laws, but does not have full power. The US President and senators are managers who perform their functions in the management system.

The dollar system is controlled by the Federal Reserve, a consortium of 12 private banks.

The US dollar does not belong to the state - it is the private property of the Federal Reserve, the property of a private banking cartel that does not answer to either the President or the Senate.

The Fed has the exclusive right to issue dollars (as well as to withdraw dollars from circulation) and makes an independent decision to change the key rate, that is, at what percentage dollars will be issued to all other participants in the financial system, including the state.

The United States uses US dollars as a client of the Federal Reserve.

And the whole world uses US dollars as clients of the Federal Reserve System, or clients of those banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. Or as clients of the United States - a client of the Federal Reserve. Or as clients of other Fed clients.

All countries that use US dollars in their transactions, all banks and commercial organizations, as well as individuals who use the dollar, are ultimately clients of the Federal Reserve, a private cartel formed in 1913 by twelve private American banks.

And there is no secret in this, everything is quite official. The composition of the Fed board and the banks included in the cartel are known. The Fed meets regularly and informs everyone about decisions made- changes in the key rate and plans to start or suspend the issue of dollars (QI). Everything is official.

Another thing is that the ownership structure of the banks themselves, which form the Federal Reserve System, is no longer so public and one can already guess who exactly owns them. However, this does not change the essence. The point is not in the names of the people who own 12 banks that control the Fed and, through the Fed, the entire American and global financial system. It's a matter of principle.

And the principle is this:

The entire global financial system is controlled by twelve American private banks, which are owned by a small group of individuals representing approximately twelve families.

The owners of the twelve private banks that make up the Federal Reserve control the issuance of dollars and the interest at which these dollars are issued to everyone, including the US government, including the Pentagon and the entire US military, including all countries and banks and organizations distributed throughout the world that use the dollar in their transactions.

The US Army, with all its military might, is essentially private army, since all its weapons are produced with private money - Fed money. And the US military is paid in dollars, so they are ultimately in the service of the Fed.

And since the US government, the Pentagon and all other American services and departments receive money from the Fed and depend on it, since they owe the Fed a percentage for using this money - they one way or another serve the Fed, act in the interests of the Fed, that is, in the interests of those 12 banks , which form the Federal Reserve System, in the interests of the owners of these banks.

And the military campaigns that the United States is conducting are ultimately carried out in the interests of the Federal Reserve, that is, in the interests of the owners of those 12 banks. These campaigns aim to preserve the existing world order with a dollar system that everyone must use to remain clients of the Fed, depend on the dollar, on its issue and the interest rate determined by the Fed, so that the whole world continues to pay interest on the use of the dollar and that the Fed, while implementing emission of the dollar, could remove a kind of financial tax from all its holders.

By issuing dollars in the amount of 1% of the entire existing dollar supply, the Fed, as it were, takes out 1% of their value from all the pockets in which dollars lie. A loss in the value of the dollar of about 1% is not very noticeable for users, especially since everyone is accustomed to a gradual decrease in the value of the dollar, because over the past 70 years it has fallen in price many times over. At the same time, the Fed, by issuing only 1% of new dollars, has at its disposal an amount of several trillion, which can be issued at interest to clients, including the US government. Including military operations aimed at ensuring that this system continues to function and expand to new countries that are not yet actively using the dollar in their calculations or are trying to abandon it.

This is a system of financial capitalism - refined capitalism, in which money is made from money and capital is increased by increasing the money supply, not backed by anything other than military force.

This system began in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

The Fed's first clients were the United States - the American government, commercial organizations and banks.

In 1944, after the signing of the Bretton Woods agreements, this system received global status, accepted by most countries of the world. After this, the stage of spreading the officially adopted system throughout the world began.

In 1991, after the liquidation of the USSR and the social bloc, this system became the only one and without alternative, deprived of the last significant obstacle to gaining complete power over the world.

Today only Iran, North Korea and perhaps Cuba are relatively independent of this system.

China, which some consider independent, has in fact been part of the global financial system for a long time, because it supplies its goods for the same dollars. China's economy is export-oriented and therefore depends on the US dollar no less than the Russian economy. The only difference is that Russia supplies raw materials, and China supplies consumer goods, but in terms of dependence on the dollar, this is not of fundamental importance.

However, what the bankers who created and controlled the Fed were striving for ultimately began to turn against them - the dollar system, which had spread to almost the entire world, had exhausted its possibilities for further growth.

The dollar system has practically nowhere else to grow - almost the entire world has been captured, and the countries remaining outside the dollar system are very small and will no longer ensure long-term growth.

The dollar system is essentially a financial pyramid in which the income of its first investors is ensured by the influx of new clients. And if the influx of clients in such a system stops, the system stops growing and providing income. And this income is vital to the system, because it was included in financial plans members who have logged in previously. There are obligations of system participants to each other that cannot be fulfilled if the system stops growing and providing the previously planned income.

A dollar-based debt system cannot be implemented without further expansion, without the seizure of new countries and their resources.

The problem cannot be solved by issuing dollars alone, unless the rate is lowered below zero, that is, issuing dollars with a negative loan interest rate, in fact giving them to clients, and this is impossible because it contradicts fundamental principles systems.

This means that the owners of the system - the owners of the very twelve banks that make up the Fed - must somehow reboot the system, cancel most of the obligations and perhaps even change the principles of its organization so as not to face the problem of global restrictions in the future.

How the owners of the Fed will reboot the system is anyone's guess. But given the experience of the First and Second World Wars, as a result of which the owners of the Federal Reserve System gained control over the world, we can assume that the system will also be rebooted through the next world war.

Please note that the Fed was created in 1913 - on the eve of the First World War. The Bretton Woods agreements, which made the Fed dollar the world currency and gave the Fed control over the world, were signed in 1944, during World War II. And this, of course, is not accidental.

The creation and establishment of the Federal Reserve System as a global financial power was carried out through world wars - the First and Second. Therefore, it can be assumed that in order to maintain global power, the Fed will also start a world war. Moreover, in a sense, this war is already underway, only it has the character of a distributed hybrid war, which is a network of local conflicts controlled from a single center.

Let's summarize:

The world is ruled by financial capital, controlled by the owners of 12 American banks, which own the Federal Reserve and the dollar system, and have the exclusive right to issue the dollar, which is the officially accepted world currency.

The Fed - a consortium of 12 American banks - issues dollars at interest to everyone, including the US government and the Pentagon, which means the owners of these banks control the American government, the US military and manage the policies implemented by the government, including foreign policy, including military operations (wars), the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen existing system financial capitalism, that is, the financial power of the Federal Reserve over the world.

The owners of the 12 American banks that make up the Federal Reserve rule the world through the dollar system they created, through American government, military, and also through many financial structures different levels(including through the IMF).

The Fed's power over the world is guarded by a large army, most of which is located outside the United States and distributed across military bases located on all continents. This army is supported by NATO, the world's largest military alliance, controlled by the United States, and therefore indirectly controlled by the Federal Reserve.

The owners of the Federal Reserve System gained power over the world as a result of two world wars, and there is every reason to believe that in order to maintain this power they will be ready to unleash a new world war, even larger than the previous ones. And according to some signs, they have already started this war.

The world is ruled by financial capital, making money from money, multiplying its fortunes and power through loan interest and the exclusive right to issue funds, not backed by anything other than the military force paid for by the same funds.

And there is no special secret in this - all this is accepted at the level of many international agreements, openly and officially. However, this system is so large and monstrous that some cannot see it, while others prefer not to notice.