And the writer Boris Andronikashvili proved throughout her life that nature rests on the children of talented people. But people close to Maria Koroleva’s family claim that the daughter did not follow in her mother’s footsteps not because of a lack of talent: this is how Masha protested against the indifference and coldness of her mother, who sent her one-year-old daughter to the care of her grandmother.

Childhood and family

Maria Borisovna Andronikashvili was born in June 1959 in the capital. It’s already been 4 years since “Carnival Night” died down, which turned my mother, Lyudmila Gurchenko, into a star of Soviet cinema. The father, a handsome man and an intellectual, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak, who was caught in the meat grinder of repression, also appeared on the screen and took his first steps in literature.

A creative family of talented people, bright and famous, could become an environment in which a movie star, singer or playwright would grow up. She could have, but she didn't. The parents lived together for 2 years and separated a year after the birth of their daughter. Lyudmila Markovna, whose film career was developing rapidly, sent the one-year-old girl to Kharkov, to her mother.

Gurchenko soon married the writer’s adopted son, and Andronikashvili began a relationship with. Masha turned out to be superfluous in the lives of her closest people. Later, when Maria was 3 years old, Lyudmila Gurchenko tried to pay attention to her daughter, but filming and touring took up all her time, and Masha again and again went to her grandmother Lela, Elena Alexandrovna.

Before Maria had time to get used to Fadeev, he was replaced by a new “father” -. Then musician Konstantin Kuperweis appeared, who stayed in the actress’s life for 18 years. It was him who Maria the Queen called dad. Delicate and kind, he managed to find a path to the girl’s heart and gradually established a relationship with her.

Later, Maria Koroleva, revealing the pages of her biography to journalists, frankly admitted that she hated show business and conversations about it, she was not interested in the life of an acting bohemia, cinema did not attract her, the stage did not attract her.

Mom wanted to see a continuation of herself in her daughter, but Masha, in her words, went into “conscious indifference.” I didn’t use cosmetics, I didn’t like bright and fashionable clothes, dyed her hair “eggplant” color and blended in with the crowd. On top of everything else, the girl had a congenital defect that made it difficult to feel confident.

Maria Koroleva saw her own father in fits and starts; he had no influence on her daughter. Relations with her mother were overshadowed by quarrels and scandals - Lyudmila Markovna tried in vain to “remake” her daughter, and she did everything in defiance. Gurchenko became irritated and moved away from Masha.

Maria Koroleva’s admission to medical school was also a protest: it’s not that the profession attracted the girl so much - she did it in spite of her star mother, who was planning Masha’s admission to a theater university. Maria Koroleva graduated from college without much success; she did not want to continue her studies at a medical institute and got a job at a children's oncology clinic.

Personal life

At the age of 18, the daughter of the prima donna of Soviet cinema married a man of the same age named Alexander Korolev. The wedding took place in the best restaurant in the capital, “National”, inviting eminent guests. Mom gave her daughter a diamond ring, which became a family heirloom.

After her marriage, Maria Koroleva’s relationship with her mother did not happen; the family met at the same table on major holidays. Lyudmila Markovna did not like her son-in-law; she considered the life of her daughter, who did not want to see prospects, to be a mistake.

In September 1982, Maria Koroleva gave birth to a son, Mark, naming him in honor of his great-grandfather. A year later, daughter Elena appeared, inheriting her great-grandmother’s name.

Lyudmila Markovna reached out to her grandchildren, trying, if not her daughter, to make them continue the profession. But Gurchenko saw an “obstacle” on the way to her goal in the form of her son-in-law. After a loud scandal, Maria Koroleva separated from her husband, but the family was soon reunited. After all the family troubles, Lyudmila Markovna’s relationship with her daughter’s family completely went wrong. Communication with Masha and the children was reduced to a minimum.

Mark Korolev, having become a teenager, found himself in dubious company. An addiction to drugs appeared in his life: it started with weed and ended with heroin injections. To snatch the child from the clutches of death, Maria Koroleva and her husband raised money and sent their son to study abroad. A year and a half later, Mark arrived from England for the New Year holidays and went to celebrate the girl’s birthday in a cafe. I bought some drugs along the way. The injection turned out to be fatal - the 17-year-old boy died in the hospital.

The famous grandmother was informed about the death of her beloved grandson by Maria Borisovna’s neighbor. Gurchenko did not forgive her daughter for not telling her personally about the tragedy.


Grandmother Maria Koroleva, dying, bequeathed the apartment to her granddaughter Lena. Lyudmila Gurchenko did not like this mother’s decision: the actress entered into a scandalous lawsuit with her daughter. The trials were accompanied by newspaper publications and hype; more than once Gurchenko’s relationship with his daughter was dissected “bone by bone” on a TV show, dividing the public into two camps. It seemed that scandals had entered the life of the star and her daughter forever.

A bundle of old grievances grew and became an insurmountable obstacle for Maria Koroleva in communicating with her mother. The already meager communication ceased completely. Maria Borisovna focused on the family, daughter Elena, granddaughter Taisiya, who appeared in 2008.

Journalists did not stop, lying in wait for Maria Koroleva near the house. Her photos without makeup and in simple clothes regularly appeared on the pages of the yellow tabloids, exciting the public with the striking difference in the appearance of mother and daughter.

According to the woman, constant scandals turned her life into hell. Journalists tried to extract information from her about her relationship with her mother, twisted what was said, conveying to Lyudmila Markovna information distorted, like a broken phone. The hot-tempered Gurchenko reacted violently to her daughter’s “words” - and a new scandal was born.

At the end of March 2011, having learned about the death of the film star, a crowd of onlookers and journalists gathered near Maria Koroleva’s house, wanting to get another sensation. To escape from the “raid”, the Queen called the police three times. Correspondents and onlookers were banging on the door of the apartment, the phone was red with calls and questions about whether the daughter would go to the cemetery to say goodbye to her mother.

The scandals in the star family did not stop even after the actress’s funeral. The family of Maria Koroleva and Lyudmila Markovna’s sixth husband, Sergei Senin, divided Gurchenko’s property. In 2013, the Queen and Senin made peace, leaving their differences in the past.


November 8, 2017. The 58-year-old daughter outlived her mother by 6 years. The woman's body was found in the entrance of the house an hour after her death. Before this, Maria Borisovna complained to her daughter Lena about a cold and fever.

Lyudmila Markovna’s daughter went to the clinic, but never arrived. The cause of death was heart failure. Maria Koroleva left two granddaughters, whom the famous great-grandmother never saw.

Gurchenko’s daughter died on the eve of the release of the program “. Live" on the TV channel "Russia-1", the announcement of which last interview Korolev has already been broadcast. On the program, Maria Koroleva was supposed to meet for the first time her half-brother Alexander, the son of Boris Andronikashvili.

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Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko does not need any special introduction. She is known and loved by several generations of viewers. She was able to be remembered for her roles in films that were watched not only by people of the older generation, but also by young people.

The most important thing is that she remained desirable to men at any age. When the actress was already over 70, there was talk of her affair with a young designer who was 35 years younger than her.

During her life, Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. Probably, the constant love of men gave her energy and inspiration. This woman could not live a single day without love.

Marriage of convenience

Little Lucy grew up in a creative environment. Her parents were involved in art. The girl learned to sing very early and during the war years she earned her living in this way. When she graduated from school, the question of where to go to study next did not even arise. The talented schoolgirl decided to enroll in VGIK and she succeeded the first time.

Already as a student, Lyudmila began to try her hand at cinema. Director Vasily Ordynsky played an important role in this. He noticed the aspiring actress when she just became a university student. He literally fell in love with her beautiful facial features and chiseled figure.

Lyudmila decided for herself that her marriage to the director could become a profitable match for her. Ordynsky could become her personal director and direct her in his films. Lyudmila and Vasily got married. The man understood that the girl’s feelings were not sincere, but he loved her and tried to justify all her hopes.

Discord in the family occurred after Gurchenko was not approved for main role in one of Ordynsky's films. The commission rejected her candidacy, and the director simply could not resist her. After this incident, Lyudmila filed for divorce. The man still loved his wife and was against separation, but the actress was adamant.

People close to the director said that even decades after breaking up with Gurchenko, he could not forget her and stop loving her. And she simply chose to forget this marriage as a mistake of her youth.

Fall in love with a handsome man

Having broken off her first relationship, the actress was ready for a new one. She was young and beautiful, and her career was just beginning. New love overtook Lyudmila unexpectedly. They met their future husband Boris Andronikashvili in the canteen of VGIK. The guy passing by looked at the girl so much that she almost lost consciousness from such a look.

Lyudmila was struck by the beauty of Boris and plunged into new novel with the head. The couple got married and were predicted to have a long and happy family life. At first everything was like that. The newlyweds always appeared together at all events and looked very harmonious. Lyudmila was madly in love with her man and was ready to make any sacrifice for him.

The fruit of such love was the birth of a child. The couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. But the birth of a child was not a joy for the actress. She hoped that she would have a son, whom she would name Mark in honor of her father. Another disappointment followed.

Gurchenko's daughter - Maria Koroleva

Lyudmila was forced to leave her career as an actress for some time and start raising a child. While she was busy with household chores, her husband often stayed late at work, and preferred to spend time in the company of friends. Soon the woman found out about his many mistresses.

Lyudmila calmly packed her things, took her daughter and filed for divorce. Boris didn’t really resist. So the couple calmly filed for divorce, and the actress promised herself that she would never give birth to children again.

A fleeting romance

A woman like Lyudmila Gurchenko did not remain alone for long. Two years after her divorce from Andronikashvili, she met Alexander Fadeev, that was adopted son famous Soviet writer.

Their acquaintance took place in an elite restaurant. At first, Gurchenko did not consider him as a potential spouse, but under the pressure of beautiful courtship she gave in. Lyudmila agreed to Fadeev’s proposal to become his wife. They formalized the relationship after just a few months of dating.

Interesting notes:

Lyudmila hoped that with Alexander she would find her feminine happiness. But that did not happen. Her husband spent most of his time in restaurants and devoted more time to his friends than to his wife. In fact, Gurchenko and Fadeev turned out to be completely different and could not give each other anything important. As a result, after two years of marriage, the couple divorced.

Two stars

Lyudmila Gurchenko and met in the same corridor. That's how they started family life. There was no acquaintance as such. The whole country knew them and they needed no introduction.

The initiative came from Kobzon. Lyudmila already had three unsuccessful marriages behind her and was rather pessimistic. For some time she did not respond to the singer’s advances. But he did not back down and the actress gave up.

The whole country followed the development of their relationship. It seemed that such a marriage would be successful. Two accomplished stars, two strong personalities, but this is precisely what prevented their happiness.

There were constant conflicts in the family, including on professional grounds. After several years of marriage, Lyudmila filed for divorce, but Joseph did not keep her.

Hope for happiness

When Lyudmila Gurchenko was already 40 years old, and she didn’t expect to meet a real man, fate gave her a chance in the person of Konstantin Kuperweis. Their acquaintance was completely accidental, but continued for almost twenty years.

Konstantin became support and support for the actress, and for her daughter Maria he replaced her biological father. The man became Lyudmila’s personal guardian angel. He tried to predict all her desires and fulfill any whim.

For Gurchenko, the news that her husband had another woman came as a real shock.

For a long time she could not believe it. How could Konstantin deceive her like that, fulfill her every whim and at the same time have relationships on the side. She was able to survive this and let go of her unfaithful husband.

Little girl

It would seem at 58 years old to look new love almost impossible. But for Gurchenko, age was not a barrier. Her last husband became producer Sergei Senin. They met while working together on the film “Sex Tales.” Next to Sergei, the actress finally felt loved and protected.

She saw her father in her wife. Senin was similar to him both in appearance and character, and called Lyudmila his daughter. She was pleased to feel like before - a little perky girl who was loved and cared for.

Gurchenko lived with her sixth husband until the end of her life. She even died in his arms. She died happy and loved, as she dreamed of living her whole life.

// Photo: frame from the film “Twenty Days Without War”

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was married six times and only one of her long-term relationships was not registered. The actress lived with her fifth husband, musician Konstantin Kuperweiss. civil marriage 18 years. When they met, he was 18 and she was 38 years old.

Konstantin Kuperweis in the new Channel One documentary “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life" shared his memories.

It was during the period of her relationship with Cooperweiss that Gurchenko triumphantly returned to films, acted a lot and successfully... Konstantin did not become her last husband.

However ex-spouse The actress categorically rejected all rumors and gossip that he, like some of his predecessors, cheated on Lyudmila Markovna. The musician gave a completely different reason for the separation; according to the musician, he did not leave for another woman. In addition, after so many years of marriage, during which Cooperweis literally words, he served the actress faithfully (he was her confidant, conducted work negotiations, supported her on the set, took care of the house, looked after her mother and daughter), Konstantin left everything he had acquired together to Lucy. And after the divorce, he moved to his parents in Khrushchev.

“Apparently, we have exhausted communication with each other. We didn't share anything, everything that Lucy had was left. I went to my parents’ family, to the Khrushchevka. I'm not complaining at all. And I didn’t leave for another woman or anything like that. All this talk in the press is not true,” said Lyudmila Gurchenko’s fifth husband.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

The character of People's Artist Gurchenko, according to many who communicated closely with her, was not easy. Lyudmila Markovna was extremely consistent and principled; she did not forgive two things - unprofessionalism and betrayal. Infidelity was the first and main reason, according to which Gurchenko parted with the men she loved and loved her. Because of infidelity, she left her first husband, director Vasily Ordynsky, divorced her second, the father of her only daughter, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, kicked out her third, actor Alexander Fadeev, who one day came home in the morning.

Gurchenko lived with the fourth, Joseph Kobzon, for three years. Life with him was fun and interesting, but it was not happy for the actress. Then Gurchenko was not filmed; she was having a hard time with creative stagnation. Lyudmila Markovna hoped that the famous artist Kobzon would help her career. But the husband, despite his popularity, could not so easily call Mosfilm and demand: “Give Lucy the main role!” Kobzon was occupied with his own career. And the brighter the singer’s star shone, the more of a failure Gurchenko felt. The result is divorce. Gurchenko cut off their common past in one fell swoop. And after the separation, Kobzon and Gurchenko did not communicate for 40 years, until her departure.

The same thing happened with the fifth husband. Konstantin Kuperweis admitted in the documentary that he himself was afraid of meeting with Gurchenko after the breakup.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

“I avoided even those rare concerts where we could meet by chance. I didn’t want to see Lyusya, I was afraid... I don’t even know what. These meetings could bring back some memories, including good ones,” said Konstantin Kuperweis.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

Friends, acquaintances and creators documentary film We are convinced that the relationship with Kuperweis was very happy for Gurchenko. Unlike others, he gave her what she wanted most - fatherly care. Even though he was younger, she called him daddy. Although Cooperweiss never truly became a father in this marriage, Gurchenko did not want any more children.

“It wasn’t even an ultimatum, it was a condition. She said: "I've been married many times before and I don't need an extra stamp." And I also immediately decided on the issue of having children together: “I don’t want any more children.” Well... I accepted it,” said Gurchenko’s fifth husband.

// Photo: frame from the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko. Carnival life"

, Russia

Boris Borisovich Andronikashvili(cargo. ბორის ანდრონიკაშვილი , real name Pilnyak, also Andronikashvili-Pilnyak; October 28, Moscow - ) - Soviet writer, actor and screenwriter. Member of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR since 1979.


Born on October 28, 1934 in Moscow in the family of the writer Boris Pilnyak (pseudonym Boris Andreevich Vogau) and actress Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili. In 1937, my father was arrested on charges of state crimes. The mother, fearing for the fate of her son, sent him to Tbilisi to his grandmother, who adopted her grandson and gave him her last name - Andronikashvili. In his youth he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi Naval School.

In the early 1950s, he left for Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film studies department of VGIK, from which he graduated in 1959. As a student, he met his first wife Lyudmila Gurchenko. In 1959, their daughter Masha was born, and three years later their marriage broke up. After that, he dated Nonna Mordyukova for 5 years. They wanted to get married, but it never came to a wedding. Boris Andronikashvili's second wife was the artist Rusudan Khantadze, with whom he lived until the end of his days. In their marriage they had a daughter and a son.


  • Parents:
    • Father - Boris Andreevich Pilnyak (1894-1938), writer, convicted and executed in 1938. In 1956 he was rehabilitated.
    • Mother - Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili (1908-1960), actress and director, princess of the Andronikashvili family, repressed in 1938. Rehabilitated in 1956.
  • Aunt - Nato Vachnadze (1904-1953) - actress, People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Cousins ​​(sons of Nato Vachnadze):
    • Eduard Nikolaevich Shengelaya (b. 1933) - film director.
    • Georgy Nikolaevich Shengelaya (b. 1937) - film director.
  • Wives:
    • Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko (1935-2011) - actress, director, singer, People's Artist of the USSR.
    • Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova (1925-2008) - People's Artist of the USSR.
    • Rusudan Khantadze is an artist.
  • Children:
    • Maria Borisovna Koroleva (née Andronikashvili, R. 1959), daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko.
    • Kira Borisovna Andronikashvili (b. 1970), daughter of Rusudan Khantadze.
    • Alexander Borisovich Andronikashvili (b. 1973), son of Rusudan Khantadze.



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An excerpt characterizing Andronikashvili, Boris Borisovich

Outside, crying and screams could be heard somewhere in the distance, and fire could be seen through the cracks of the booth; but in the booth it was quiet and dark. Pierre did not sleep for a long time and with open eyes lay in his place in the dark, listening to the measured snoring of Plato, who lay next to him, and felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations.

In the booth into which Pierre entered and in which he stayed for four weeks, there were twenty-three captured soldiers, three officers and two officials.
All of them then appeared to Pierre as if in a fog, but Platon Karataev remained forever in Pierre’s soul as the strongest and dearest memory and personification of everything Russian, kind and round. When the next day, at dawn, Pierre saw his neighbor, the first impression of something round was completely confirmed: the whole figure of Plato in his French overcoat belted with a rope, in a cap and bast shoes, was round, his head was completely round, his back, chest, shoulders, even the hands that he carried, as if always about to hug something, were round; a pleasant smile and large brown gentle eyes were round.
Platon Karataev must have been over fifty years old, judging by his stories about the campaigns in which he participated as a long-time soldier. He himself did not know and could not determine in any way how old he was; but his teeth, bright white and strong, which kept rolling out in their two semicircles when he laughed (which he often did), were all good and intact; There was not a single gray hair in his beard or hair, and his whole body had the appearance of flexibility and, especially, hardness and endurance.
His face, despite the small round wrinkles, had an expression of innocence and youth; his voice was pleasant and melodious. But the main feature of his speech was its spontaneity and argument. He apparently never thought about what he said and what he would say; and because of this, the speed and fidelity of his intonations had a special irresistible persuasiveness.
His physical strength and agility were such during the first time of captivity that it seemed that he did not understand what fatigue and illness were. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, when he lay down, he said: “Lord, lay it down like a pebble, lift it up into a ball”; in the morning, getting up, always shrugging his shoulders in the same way, he said: “I lay down and curled up, got up and shook myself.” And indeed, as soon as he lay down, he immediately fell asleep like a stone, and as soon as he shook himself, in order to immediately, without a second of delay, take up some task, like children, getting up, taking up their toys. He knew how to do everything, not very well, but not badly either. He baked, steamed, sewed, planed, and made boots. He was always busy and only at night allowed himself conversations, which he loved, and songs. He sang songs, not as songwriters sing, who know that they are being listened to, but he sang like birds sing, obviously because he needed to make these sounds just as it is necessary to stretch or disperse; and these sounds were always subtle, gentle, almost feminine, mournful, and at the same time his face was very serious.
Having been captured and grown a beard, he apparently threw away everything alien and soldierly that had been imposed on him and involuntarily returned to his former, peasant, folk mindset.
“A soldier on leave is a shirt made from trousers,” he used to say. He was reluctant to talk about his time as a soldier, although he did not complain, and often repeated that throughout his service he was never beaten. When he spoke, he mainly spoke from his old and, apparently, dear memories of “Christian”, as he pronounced it, peasant life. The sayings that filled his speech were not those, mostly indecent and glib sayings that soldiers say, but they were those folk sayings that seem so insignificant, taken in isolation, and which suddenly take on the meaning of deep wisdom when they are spoken opportunely.
Often he said the exact opposite of what he had said before, but both were true. He loved to talk and spoke well, decorating his speech with endearments and proverbs, which, it seemed to Pierre, he was inventing himself; but the main charm of his stories was that in his speech the simplest events, sometimes the very ones that Pierre saw without noticing them, took on the character of solemn beauty. He loved to listen to fairy tales that one soldier told in the evenings (all the same ones), but most of all he loved to listen to stories about real life. He smiled joyfully as he listened to such stories, inserting words and making questions that tended to clarify for himself the beauty of what was being told to him. Karataev had no attachments, friendship, love, as Pierre understood them; but he loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him to, and especially with a person - not with some famous person, but with those people who were before his eyes. He loved his mongrel, he loved his comrades, the French, he loved Pierre, who was his neighbor; but Pierre felt that Karataev, despite all his affectionate tenderness towards him (with which he involuntarily paid tribute to Pierre’s spiritual life), would not for a minute be upset by separation from him. And Pierre began to feel the same feeling towards Karataev.