In principle, I did not intend to make a page on weapons of the C grade at all. This is due to the fact that any weapon of this grade can be exchanged with the blacksmith of Mammon in the week of victory of the 7 seals. And also due to the fact that recipes for top C weapons are generally obtained just as hard as recipes for . And also because the toad is strangling to steal so many resources for something that can be obtained anyway, and without crafting at all.

But still they asked me to take up this grade, probably these were players of some newly opened server where there were no mammon yet. I will, of course, but first I’ll still tell you how to get this grade without crafting, and then we’ll look at the most popular guns from the point of view of crafters.

In the C grade, there are four gradations of weapons (this is as a rule, but there are exceptions), so that you understand these distinctions, let’s look at everything using the example of one-handed swords:

1st group. Stormbringer- low, p.atk 107
2nd group. - mid-low, p.atk 122
3rd group. Sword of Delusion- mid, p.atk 139
4th group. - top, p.atk 156

Weapons of the first and third groups - low and medium, can be bought in the luxury shop of Giran for . Low costs 2865 D crystals and 573 C crystals, mid costs almost twice as much, that is, 5375 D and 1075 C crystals.

At the blacksmith of mammon, in victory week you can exchange weapons from the 1st and 3rd groups for free for a similar one, but with different SA inserts, or with an additional payment in AA for weapons from the 2nd and 4th groups, that is, 1st the group changes with an additional payment to the 2nd group, and the 3rd group changes with an additional payment to the 4th (top C) group.

Let's look at examples of the same swords.
Stormbringer can be exchanged for free for the following items:

As you can see, some of these weapons can be bought in Luxor, others can only be exchanged from Mammon.
Any such weapon (first group) can be upgraded using AA to a weapon from the second group (needs 696k AA):

In our example, we received a raid sword, and it can already be exchanged for free for any weapon from the second group:

In the second group we will be interested in raid sword and katana, from which we can make different top duals, but more on them later.

Now the third group is the one that can be bought in Luxor; any of the weapons of the 3rd group can also be exchanged from Mammon for a similar one from the group:

In this group, we will be mainly interested in the hamster, for the sake of which the Luxor swords are carried to Mammon.
Any weapon from the third group can be upgraded using AA to a weapon from the fourth (TOP C group (needs 2.196kk AA)):

Having thus received a TOP C weapon (in our example it is Samurai Longsword), it can be exchanged for free from Mammon for any other TOP C weapon:

That's all you need to know about how from any C grade gun I can make absolutely any other C grade gun, without resorting to crafting.

Now let’s look at the C-grade weapons that, for one reason or another, you will craft. We don’t take into account what they sell in Luxor, since in any case it will be much cheaper to buy with crystals than to craft it.

Considering that when the new server opens there are no mammon and there won’t be for at least a week, we can start crafting a couple of swords that may be needed from the first day:

With the hamster, everything is clear, without her, magicians at the C grade have nothing to run with, especially in the first days, and I added Raid because from the very first day all sorts of shady personalities are screaming in Giran about buying top C duals Raid *raid, not realizing that there is nowhere to take them from, as long as there are no Mammon. You can try to craft it and sell it for a very high price, considering that the Sword raid does not fall from RB.

I don’t see any point in crafting other C-grade guns at all, but at the request of the players I will add a description of all the top C-grade guns:

Axes - blunts:



Peaks - polearms:

One-handed swords:

Two-handed swords.

Lineage 2 uses weapons. In turn, there is a classification of weapons by rank, associated with a level system. It is divided into magical and physical, but it also happens different types- bows, swords, clubs, etc.

Types of weapons in Lineage 2

Crossbows are weapons in Lineage 2, which can be used by fighters of only one class of the Kamael race - shooters. It is noteworthy that any types of Kamael weapons in the game cannot be crafted. Its extraction is possible only with the help of a special Kamael skill, which is capable of converting any other to the specified type.

For example, to get a crossbow, you need to remake a bow. Crossbows use bolts instead of arrows, and everything else is exactly the same as with a bow.

Characteristics of crossbows:

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Crit chance: medium.
  • Accuracy: high.
  • Skills: crossbow skill.
  • If you compare crossbows with a bow, you can note a higher rate of fire, but a shorter attack distance.
This is what a crossbow looks like in Lineage 2

Daggers are characterized by a high attack speed, but at the same time inflict minimal amount damage.

Characteristics of daggers:

  • Attack speed: high +.
  • Crit chance: high.
  • Accuracy: low.
  • Physical damage: low.
  • Skills: skill for daggers.

This is what daggers look like in Lineage 2

Two-handed swords have a lower attack speed, but at the same time inflict much higher damage compared to daggers. A good chance of causing critical damage.

Characteristics of two-handed swords:

  • Attack speed: medium.
  • Crit chance: medium.
  • Accuracy: average.
  • Physical damage: high.
  • Skills: skill for swords, two-handed and blunt weapons.

Ancient swords are another unique weapons in Lineage 2, which is used by fighters of the Kamael race. To obtain ancient sword, you need to use a special class skill that allows you to turn a normal two-handed sword in ancient.

Characteristics of ancient swords:

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Crit chance: low.
  • Accuracy: high.
  • Physical damage: high.
  • Skills: skill for ancient swords.

One-handed swords are one of the weapons characterized by average parameters in almost everything.

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Crit chance: medium.
  • Accuracy: average.
  • Physical damage: medium.

In terms of damage, brass knuckles can be compared to ordinary one-handed clubs, but still their attack speed is much higher.

Characteristics of one-handed swords:

  • Attack speed: medium.
  • Crit chance: low.
  • Accuracy: high.
  • Physical damage: high.
  • Skills: skill for brass knuckles.

Magic weapons are capable of causing little mechanical damage, but they can be used to attack enemies with magic weapons.

Characteristics of magic weapons:

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Critical probability: medium.
  • Accuracy: average.
  • Physical damage: low.
  • Magic damage: high +.
  • Skills: weapon skill.

Rapiers - third exclusive weapons in Lineage 2, which is used by fighters of the Kamael race. To get the rapier, you will have to use the Kamael skill, which allows you to transform one-handed swords into rapiers. Lower physical damage, but higher attack speed than regular swords.

Rapier characteristics:

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Crit chance: high.
  • Accuracy: low.
  • Physical damage: low.
  • Skills: skill for rapiers.

If you decide to use one-handed clubs, then you must understand that with high accuracy and physical damage, the weapon cannot inflict critical damage.

Characteristics of one-handed clubs:

  • Attack speed: high.
  • Crit chance: low.
  • Accuracy: high.
  • Physical damage: medium.
  • Skills: skill for swords, skill for blunt weapons.

As for two-handed clubs, their parameters are almost the same as those of one-handed weapons of this type. If we are talking about two-handed magic staves, then they also inflict high magical damage.

Characteristics of two-handed clubs:

  • Attack speed: medium.
  • Crit chance: low.
  • Accuracy: high.
  • Physical damage: medium.
  • Skills: skill for swords, skill for two-handed and blunt weapons.

Bows in Lineage 2 are used for ranged attacks and dealing high damage. The chance of receiving critical damage is also increased, but they attack slower than crossbows.

Bow characteristics:

  • Attack speed: low -.
  • Crit chance: high.
  • Accuracy: low.
  • Physical damage: high +.
  • Skills: skill for bows.

Appearance bow in Lineage 2

Using spears, you can inflict medium damage to several enemies at once who are within range.

Copy characteristics:

  • Attack speed: medium.
  • Crit chance: medium.
  • Accuracy: average.
  • Physical damage: medium.
  • Skills: polearm skill.

If you want to use paired daggers, you will have to level up your character to level 81. You also need to learn a special ability.

Characteristics of paired daggers:

  • Attack speed: high +.
  • Crit chance: high.
  • Accuracy: low.
  • Physical damage: high.
  • Skills: skill for daggers, skill for paired daggers.

To craft dual swords, you will need to use one-handed ones. Compared to them, they are characterized by higher damage.

Characteristics of dual swords:

  • Attack speed: medium.
  • Crit chance: medium.
  • Accuracy: average.
  • Physical damage: high.
  • Skills: skill for dual swords.

What dual swords look like in Lineage 2

More information about weapons in Lineage 2

In Lineage 2, you can purchase special, temporary weapons with the Shadow prefix using coupons. You receive coupons for completing various missions. You can visit gun shop Giran and buy the same weapon for Adena.

The power of any weapon in the game is determined mainly by the strength of its attack. The higher the grade, the more powerful the attack will be. There is such a thing as CA inserts, thanks to which some of the characteristics can be increased. For example, for a magical weapon, the Acumen insert for insight is suitable, which will immediately increase its castes by 15%.

But SA inserts cannot be inserted into Shadow temporary weapons or regular temporary weapons. In all other cases, you can do this at the forge, starting with grade C. If you need to insert CA into weapons of grades 80-84 S, you will have to go to the port of Gracia.

The main purpose of the weapon is to attack opponents, as well as increase some character characteristics related to the attack.

Where to look for weapons in Lineage 2?

One of the most simple ways receiving weapons in Lineage 2- This is a drop after killing regular enemies and bosses. Moreover, some types of weapons can only be obtained through drops from opponents. Often weapons drop from strong RBs, but killing them will not be easy.

IN Lineage 2 weapons can be crafted, but there are some types with which this cannot be done. For example, if you knock out a weapon from a strong RB, then the likelihood that it cannot be crafted is high.

Second way to receive weapons in Lineage 2 associated with completing various quests. Read the task descriptions carefully to find out which ones you will receive a weapon for completing.

The easiest way, of course, is to buy a weapon in a special weapons store. For Adena, you can purchase weapons no higher than grade B. When HF appeared, weapons of grade A became available for purchase.

There is such a thing as monster weapons. You can get items of this type from Mamon if you give him the usual one. Mamon also exchanges one weapon for another. Remember this, because the feature is very popular among gamers.

Weapon grades

Weapons come in several levels at once, which are called grades in the game. In this case, the levels are distributed from D to S. To obtain weapons from D to A grades, just go to the weapons store.

As for grades S, S80 and S84, these weapons can be obtained using one of two methods.

The first option is related to hunting bosses in raids (RB) or epic bosses. These opponents are characterized by high power, survivability and physical damage. And the protective parameters are not small. It is impossible to kill such an enemy alone, so gamers unite in entire groups to set out to destroy strong bosses. The probability that a weapon will drop after the boss dies is not one hundred percent.

The second method is to order weapons from the gnomes. This makes it easier to get it, but, on the other hand, you will need to collect a large number of resources, spend financial resources. You will also need to find special recipe, parts for weapons. But the chance of creating a thing is 60%!

Effect S.A., or Special AbilitySpecial Skill(or Ability). Each weapon has its own effects. The most common - effect Acumen for magic weapons (increasing casting speed), effect Focus for bows and daggers (increasing the chance of inflicting a critical hit), effect Health for swords on tanks (increasing the amount of HP) and Haste- for brass knuckles at Tirants. In any case, everyone chooses the effect for their weapon; I present only the most commonly used (in my humble opinion) options: CA type/weapon type/profession.

I will tell you about which weapon can get which effect later, in a whole series of articles on this topic, but now – for beginners, how and where to insert SA into your weapon.

Weapons of grade C and B are improved at the forge Town of Giran, y Blacksmith Pushkin. By purchasing a weapon and approaching it, you can find out what improvement options are available and what is required for them.

When talking to him, choose Bestow special ability on weapon (Apply special effects to weapons), then press View list and in the window that opens we see our weapons in three variations. By clicking once on the icon, we get a description of this SA effect, and below – what is required to obtain this effect:

In the screenshot, alas, the crystal itself is not visible (too lazy to load the game client of another server right now) - but to the right of Red Soul Crystal, you will have an icon of the crystal itself.

So, we found out what is needed to improve the weapon. All you have to do is get a crystal, buy Gemstones, prepare adena - and you can return to the blacksmith and find a new weapon with SA.

Crystals of levels 7-9 can be purchased at Luxor(Prestige Products Store, aka Luxury Shop), store for ordinary D and C crystals. Just in case, I’ll dwell on this point in more detail.

The location of the store is indicated on the city map (Alt+M):

We run to the store and talk to Trader Alexandria, select from the menu Buy groceries, click once on Soul Crystal, and look at what is required to purchase it:

I repeat - in this screenshot the red CAs are not visible, but they are there.

And so, in a conversation with the blacksmith, we learned that for SA (Special Ability) on Acumen V Homunkulus's Sword required Red Soul Crystal Level 7 In Luxor they learned that to purchase it you need 500 crystals of grade D, and 100 of grade C.

I don’t think there’s any need to tell you in detail where to get ordinary crystals (at the market, breaking something with a gnome, unsuccessfully sharpening a weapon, etc.).

Having purchased the Soul Crystal, we head to Groccery Store, and there Trader Helvetia (Grocer Helvetia) buy 306 Gemstone C (Gemstone Rank C).

Now you can return to the blacksmith, and repeating the conversation described above, get a new, improved weapon.

This example is suitable for all weapons of grade C and B. The only difference is in the number and grade of gems, color and level Soul Crystal and the number of adena for improvement.

With weapons of grade A and S, everything is a little more complicated, because... deals with such weapons only Blacksmith of Mammon (Mammon Blacksmith)(he is filming Seal on things, how to find it and other little things - I wrote in detail). Moreover, if Gemstone C and B, like Soul Crystal the required level, you can buy it in stores - but with levels A and S it’s a little more difficult. In general, the system is the same - get a Soul Crystal of the required level and color, gemstones of the required grade and in the required quantity, come to Mammon the Blacksmith - and get SA in your weapon.

For S80 and S84 weapons, CA is inserted from Master Ishuma (Ishuma) in the Air Harbor of Gludio.

About what S.A.-the effect you can get in your weapon, and what Soul Crystal this will require - I'll tell you later.

The main weapon in the world Lineage II- one of the elements of combat equipment. With its help, the character deals damage to enemies. The basic parameters of the weapon are physical and magical attack. It also has physical and magical protection, attack speed and other less significant indicators that affect the characteristics.

In the game, weapons are divided into classes (swords, clubs, bows, etc.) and grades (no grade, D grade, C grade, etc.). The weapon class for a character should be chosen in accordance with his profession. For example, archers are not recommended to fight with swords. The damage inflicted on the enemy will be weak, and they will not be able to use their attacking abilities (skills). However, at the same time, magicians or healers, in addition to magic staves, can also use some swords that have an increased magical attack. Dwarves also have and develop skills for both using clubs and using pikes. Before choosing any weapon, you should thoroughly study the characteristics and skills of your character.

The higher the grade of the weapon, the higher its basic performance. But there is also a small but... For a character who has reached, for example, level 20, for using weapons of grade C or higher, a penalty will be imposed on attack speed and accuracy. Those. He will strike at long intervals, and often these strikes will not reach the target (zero damage). What weapon at what level should a character acquire in order to avoid receiving a penalty?

From levels 1 to 19, No grade weapons are used.

From level 20 to 39, D grade weapons are used.

From levels 40 to 51, C grade weapons are used.

From level 52 to 60, B grade weapons are used.

From levels 61 to 75, A grade weapons are used.

From levels 76 to 79, S grade weapons are used.

From level 80 to 83, S80 grade weapons are used.

C 84 uses weapons of the C84 grade (S84 grade).

Characters with more high level can use weapons of a lower grade. There are no fines for this.

In weapons stores located in cities, you can purchase weapons without a grade , D grade and C grade for magicians and warriors. In a specialty store Luxury Shop (Luxor), which is located in Town of Giran, Grade B weapons are sold, but you can purchase them not for money, but for crystals.

In order for weapons to cause higher damage during battle, it is advisable to use magic charges. They are also divided into grades and classes. For example, for weapons of grade C, you should purchase charges of the same grade. Charges that do not have a grade can be purchased in trading stores located in cities. Charges of grade D and higher can be purchased from other characters or from gnome crafters. According to the rules of the game, only crafters can make charges of various grades (depending on the level of the gnome).

Charges are also divided into two classes:

Soul Shots– used for physical weapons.

Soul Charges- used for magical weapons, divided into types - ordinary Spirit Shot- cost less, cause less damage) and Blased Spirit Shot- cost more and cause higher damage. Are in higher demand).

The main weapon has no restrictions on improvement. It can be sharpened with special scrolls, insert a crystal SA (SA), Elemental Stone and Life Stone .

With the help of improvement scrolls (sharpening), the damage dealt to an enemy or monster increases. Regular scrolls can be purchased from other players, knocked out from monsters, or obtained from treasure chests by opening them with keys (they also drop from monsters). Blessed scrolls drop out when successfully hunting Raid Bosses. The game provides various events, by participating in which you can also get enchantments. The castle manor also provides the opportunity to obtain various upgrade scrolls.

Inserting a stone into a weapon SA (SA), the special attributes of the product can be improved. The stones vary in level and color. You can improve weapons of grade C and higher with the help of SA.

Life Stone- This is another way to improve (augment) your weapon. Augmentation is available for products of grade C and higher. The character's level must be equal to or higher than the stone's level.

Elemental stones can be inserted into weapons of grade C (S) and higher. This stone adds attack power of the corresponding element to a weapon. Exists 4 types of attributes - Earth (Earth), Water (water), Fire (Fire) and Air (Wind). You can get them on Crystal Island from high-level monsters.

Among players, there is a division of weapons of each grade into levels: low (low), medium (middle) and high (top). For example, the expression “Top D weapon” means that the character owns a D-grade weapon, which has the highest magical and physical attack and defense indicators of this grade.