From what pressure in the atmosphere at this moment, sometimes a person’s well-being depends very much, because the atmosphere of our planet puts pressure on everything that is inside it. Atmosphere pressure affects human health and well-being, so scientists from various specialties identify these changes and monitor atmospheric pressure, which is subject to constant fluctuations. In our material we will tell you what normal atmospheric pressure is for a person in mm of mercury and pascals.

What does atmospheric pressure depend on?

First, let's look at what atmospheric pressure is. This is the force of pressure of an air column on a certain unit of surface area.

The ideal conditions for measuring atmospheric pressure are a latitude of 45 degrees and an air temperature of 0°C. The measurement must also be taken at sea level.

But it is worth noting that due to changes in the altitude of the area above sea level, the atmospheric pressure will also change. But at the same time, it will also be considered the norm, so normal atmospheric pressure is different for each area.

Atmospheric pressure also depends on the time of day: at night the atmospheric pressure is always higher because the air temperature is lower. But a person does not notice this, since the difference is 1-2 mm Hg. In addition, in areas that are close to the poles of the earth, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure become more noticeable. But at the equator there are no fluctuations.

What is normal atmospheric pressure for a person?

It is generally accepted that normal atmospheric pressure in mmHg is 760mmHg. That is, on 1 square centimeter of area, a column of air presses with the same force as a column of mercury 760 mm high. This is the normal atmospheric pressure of the Earth, which does not have a negative effect on the human body.

A person does not feel normal atmospheric pressure due to dissolved air gases in tissue fluids, which balance everything. But at the same time, it still exerts a pressure on us equal to 1.033 kg per 1 square centimeter of the body.

But each person must individually understand what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for health, since this largely depends on the person’s adaptation. For example, many people can calmly climb to the top of a mountain without feeling a change in atmospheric pressure, while others faint from rapid changes in atmospheric pressure.

Only a sharp fluctuation in blood pressure can significantly affect a person’s well-being if the atmospheric pressure rises or falls faster than 1 mm Hg. column in 3 hours.

Note also that millimeters of mercury are not a standard unit of change in blood pressure. In the world it is customary to find out the norm of atmospheric pressure in pascals. 100 kPa is normal atmospheric pressure for humans in pascals. A 760 mm Hg. column is 101.3 kPa.

Normal atmospheric pressure for Moscow

Capital Russian Federation located on the Central Russian Upland. There is always low pressure in Moscow, because the city is located above sea level (the maximum point above sea level is 255 meters in Teply Stan, and the average is 130-150 meters above the sea surface).

The normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow is 746-749 mmHg. It is very difficult to give an exact result, since the capital of Russia has uneven terrain. Also, the normal atmospheric pressure for a person in Moscow is affected by the time of year. The norm of atmospheric pressure always increases slightly in spring and summer, and decreases in winter and autumn. If you permanently live in Moscow, then you will feel comfortable with blood pressure in Moscow from 745 to 755 mm Hg. pillar

Normal blood pressure in St. Petersburg

The height of the Northern capital above sea level is less than the height of Moscow. That's why Therefore, the blood pressure norm here is slightly higher. Normal atmospheric pressure in St. Petersburg ranges from 753 to 755 mmHg.

The lowest-lying areas of St. Petersburg are characterized by a “classical” blood pressure norm. The maximum pressure in St. Petersburg can approach 780 mmHg - such an increase can be caused by a powerful anticyclone.

Standard atmospheric pressure by region

It is known that each specific area corresponds to certain normal indicators atmospheric pressure. The indicator changes according to the height of the object above sea level. Changes in indicators occur due to movement air masses between areas with different pressures. Atmospheric pressure changes due to uneven heating of the air above the surface of our planet. A number of factors influence:

  • Landscape features
  • Planet rotation
  • The difference in the heat capacity of water and earth's surface
  • Differences in reflectivity between water and land

As a result, cyclones and anticyclones form, forming weather terrain. A cyclone implies fast-moving vortices with a low blood pressure level. A summer cyclone means rainy and cool weather, while winter means warmer weather and snow. Anticyclones are characterized by high atmospheric pressure; in summer they bring dry and hot weather, in winter - frosty and clear.

The lowest atmospheric pressure is at the equator, and the lowest at the North and South Poles. The amount of atmospheric pressure varies depending on the time of day - the highest at 9-10 and 21-22 hours.

Even within small area Barometric pressure measurements may vary. For example, for Central Asia normal blood pressure is 715-730 mmHg. And for Middle zone In Russia, blood pressure fluctuations are at the level of 730-770 millimeters of mercury. In Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, the atmospheric pressure can drop to 580 mmHg, since the city is located over 2000 meters above sea level. And the atmospheric pressure in China is even lower: for example, in the Tibetan city of Lhasa, the average annual blood pressure is approximately 487 mmHg. pillar The city is located 3500 meters above sea level.

Normal atmospheric pressure for regions of Russia in mm of mercury

In the winter months, an increased level of atmospheric pressure is observed over most of the territory of the Russian Federation. The highest blood pressure during this period is observed over the Mongolian Altai and Yakutia - about 772 mmHg. The lowest pressure in the areas above the Barents, Berengov and Okhotsk seas is 753 mmHg. For Vladivostok, normal blood pressure is 761 mmHg

As we have already said, within one region, atmospheric pressure can vary significantly. Even the indicators for Moscow and the Moscow region may differ, since they have slightly different altitudes above sea level. Therefore, we provide data on normal atmospheric pressure according to Russian cities. But you should remember: even within the same city, the data may vary slightly, depending on the elevation of the area.

Standard atmospheric pressure for Russian cities: table

Normal atmospheric pressure (mmHg)

Rostov on Don

Saint Petersburg






How to measure atmospheric pressure

The atmospheric pressure in a specific area is measured either using special instruments: a mercury barometer, aneroid barometer, liquid and electronic barograph, or using a special formula if the altitude of the area and the pressure at sea level are known.

The formula for determining pressure is as follows: P=P0 * e^(-Mgh/RT)

  • PO - pressure at sea level in Pascals
  • M - molar mass of air -0.029 kg/mol
  • g - Earth's acceleration due to gravity, approximately 9.81 m/s²
  • R - universal gas constant - 8.31 J/mol K
  • T - air temperature in Kelvin. Measured by the formula: t Celsius + 273
  • h - height above sea level in meters

A mercury barometer is a glass tube approximately 80 cm long containing mercury inside. This tube is sealed on one side and open on the other, the open end is immersed in a bowl of mercury. The height of the liquid column, starting from the level of the cup, will indicate the atmospheric pressure at the moment. It is not safe to use such devices, so they are used mainly in laboratory conditions, at meteorological stations and at industrial facilities, where the accuracy of measurements is very important. Electronic barometers, digital weather stations They can be used even on camping trips and at home, and they are inexpensive.

For normal atmospheric pressure, it is customary to take the air pressure at sea level at a latitude of 45 degrees at a temperature of 0°C. Under these ideal conditions, the column of air presses on each area with the same force as a column of mercury 760 mm high. This figure is an indicator of normal atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure depends on the altitude of the area above sea level. At higher elevations, the indicators may differ from ideal, but they will also be considered the norm.

Atmospheric pressure standards in different regions

As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases. So, at an altitude of five kilometers, pressure indicators will be approximately two times less than below.

Due to the location of Moscow on a hill, the normal pressure level here is considered to be 747-748 mm column. In St. Petersburg, normal pressure is 753-755 mm Hg. This difference is explained by the fact that the city on the Neva is located lower than Moscow. In some areas of St. Petersburg you can find a pressure norm of an ideal 760 mm Hg. For Vladivostok, normal pressure is 761 mmHg. And in the mountains of Tibet – 413 mmHg.

Impact of atmospheric pressure on people

A person gets used to everything. Even if the indicators normal pressure low compared to the ideal 760 mmHg, but are the norm for the area, people will.

A person’s well-being is affected by sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, i.e. decrease or increase in pressure by at least 1 mmHg within three hours

When pressure decreases, a lack of oxygen occurs in a person’s blood, hypoxia of body cells develops, and the heartbeat increases. Headaches appear. There are difficulties from respiratory system. Due to poor blood supply, a person may experience pain in the joints and numbness in the fingers.

Increased pressure leads to an excess of oxygen in the blood and tissues of the body. The tone of blood vessels increases, which leads to their spasms. As a result, the body's blood circulation is disrupted. Visual disturbances may occur in the form of spots before the eyes, dizziness, and nausea. A sharp increase in pressure to large quantities may cause eardrum rupture.

Any gas that is part of the atmosphere is characterized by density, temperature and pressure. If you enclose it in a vessel, it will put pressure on the walls of this vessel, because the gas molecules move and create pressure, acting on the walls of the vessel with a certain force. The speed of movement of molecules in a vessel can be increased with increasing temperature, then the pressure will also increase. Any point in the atmosphere or surface of the Earth is characterized by a certain amount of atmospheric pressure. This value will be equal to the weight of the overlying air column.

Definition 1

Atmosphere pressure is the pressure of the atmosphere per unit area of ​​the earth's surface.

The units of measurement for atmospheric pressure are grams per sq. cm, and normal pressure is considered to be $760$ mm Hg. column or $1,033$ kg/cm sq. This value is considered to be one atmosphere.

Note 1

As a result of constant movement, the mass of air in one place or another changes and where there is more air, the pressure increases. Air movement is associated with temperature changes - air heated from the earth's surface expands and rises, spreading to the sides. The result is a decrease in pressure at the Earth's surface.

The air above the cold surface cools, condenses, becomes heavy and sinks down - the pressure increases. The earth's surface heats up unevenly, and this leads to the formation different areas atmospheric pressure, which have strictly latitudinal zonality in distribution.

The continents and oceans on Earth are unevenly located, they receive and give off solar heat in different ways, so the belts of high and low pressure distributed over the surface in uneven stripes. In addition, as a result of the inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane, the Northern and Southern hemispheres receive different quantities heat.

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These features led to the formation of several atmospheric pressure belts on the planet:

  • Low pressure at the equator;
  • High pressure in the tropics;
  • Low pressure over mid-latitudes;
  • High pressure over the poles.

The pressure distribution on the surface is shown in geographical maps a special symbol called isobar.

Definition 2

Isobars- These are lines connecting points on the earth's surface with the same pressure.

The weather and climate of a particular area are very closely related to atmospheric pressure. Cloudless, windless, dry weather is characteristic of high atmospheric pressure and, conversely, low pressure is accompanied by cloudiness, precipitation, winds, and fog.

Discovery of atmospheric pressure

The fact that air presses on ground objects has been noticed by people since ancient times. The pressure produced wind, which moved sailing ships and turned the wings of windmills. But it was not possible for a long time to prove that air has its own weight, and only in $ XVII $ the weight of air was proven with the help of an experiment carried out by an Italian E. Torricelli. The experiment was preceded by an incident in the palace of the Duke of Tuscany in $1640, who planned to build a fountain. The water for the fountain had to come from a lake located nearby, but above $32$ feet, i.e. $10.3$ m it did not rise. Torricelli conducted a series of long experiments, as a result of which it was proven that air has weight, and the pressure of the atmosphere is balanced by a column of water of $32$ feet.

In $1643, Mr. Torricelli, together with V. Viviani, conducted an experiment to measure atmospheric pressure using a tube sealed at one end and filled with mercury. The tube was lowered into the vessel, which also contained mercury, with the non-sealed end down, and the column of mercury in the tube dropped to the level of $760$ mm - this was the level of mercury in the vessel.

There remains a free surface in the vessel, which is subject to atmospheric pressure. After the column of mercury in the tube decreases, a void remains above the mercury - the pressure of the column of mercury in the tube at the level of the surface of the mercury in the vessel should be equal to atmospheric pressure. The height of the column in millimeters above the free surface of the mercury measures the atmospheric pressure directly in millimeters of mercury. Torricelli's pipe became the first mercury barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure.

A column of air from sea level to the upper boundary of the atmosphere presses on a one-centimeter area with the same force as a weight weighing $1\kg\33 g. $ All living organisms do not feel this pressure, because it is balanced by their internal pressure. The internal pressure of living organisms does not change.

Change in atmospheric pressure

With altitude, atmospheric pressure changes and begins to fall. This happens because gases are highly compressible. Highly compressed gas has a higher density and exerts more pressure. With distance from the Earth's surface, the compression of gases weakens, the density decreases, and, consequently, the pressure that they can produce. Pressure decreases by $1$ millimeter of mercury for every $10.5$ m rise.

Example 1

Atmospheric pressure at an altitude of $2200$ m above sea level is $545$ mmHg. Determine the pressure at an altitude of $3300$ m. Solution: with altitude, atmospheric pressure decreases by $1$ mm of mercury every $10.5$ m, therefore, we determine the difference in heights: $3300 – 2205 = 1095$ m. We find the difference in atmospheric pressure: $1095 \ m \div 10.5 = 104.3$ mmHg column We determine the atmospheric pressure at an altitude of $3300 \ m\div 545 \ mm \ – 104.3 \ mm \ = 440.7 $ mm Hg. pillar Answer: atmospheric pressure at an altitude of $3300$ m is $440.7$ mmHg.

Atmospheric pressure also changes during the day, i.e. has its own diurnal cycle. At maximum temperature daytime atmospheric pressure goes down, and at night, when the air temperature becomes lower, the pressure increases. In this course of pressure one can see two maximums(about $10$ and $22$ hours) and two minimums(about $4$ and $16$ hours). These changes are very clearly manifested in tropical latitudes, where daily fluctuations amount to $3$-$4$ mbar. Violation of the correct daily variation of pressure in the tropics indicates the approach of a tropical cyclone.

Note 2

The change in pressure during the day is associated with air temperature and depends on its changes. Annual changes depend on the heating of continents and oceans in the summer and their cooling in winter time. Summer area low blood pressure is created on land, and the area high blood pressure over the ocean.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on the human body

The processes occurring in the atmosphere have a significant impact on the human body, which is forced to reconfigure its biological systems. A significant part of people react strongly to changes in atmospheric pressure, with a decrease in which the pressure in human arteries drops. As atmospheric pressure increases, blood pressure also increases, so often in clear, dry, hot weather, many people experience headaches.

Healthy people tolerate annual fluctuations in atmospheric air easily and imperceptibly, but patients feel worse, experience angina attacks, a feeling of fear, and sleep disturbances.

The skin and mucous membranes react to atmospheric pressure. As pressure increases, irritation of their receptors increases and, as a result, the oxygen content in the blood decreases. Exacerbation of bronchial asthma is associated with increased atmospheric pressure. Rapid decline atmospheric pressure can lead to the development of pathological phenomena in the human body associated with oxygen starvation of tissues and, above all, the brain.

A person cannot influence the weather, but helping oneself survive this period is not at all difficult. In case of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, it is necessary to reduce as much as possible physical activity on your body and use appropriate medications.

We are taught about what atmospheric pressure is at school during natural history and geography lessons. We get acquainted with this information and safely throw it out of our heads, rightly believing that we will never be able to use it.

But after years of stress and ecological situation environment will have a sufficient impact on us. And the concept of “geodependence” will no longer seem nonsense, since pressure surges and headache will begin to poison life. At this moment you will have to remember what it is like in Moscow, for example, in order to adapt to new conditions. And move on with your life.

School basics

The atmosphere that surrounds our planet, unfortunately, literally puts pressure on all living and nonliving things. There is a term to define this phenomenon - atmospheric pressure. This is the force of the air column acting on the area. In the SI system we talk about kilograms per square centimeter. Normal atmospheric pressure (optimal indicators for Moscow have long been known) affects the human body with the same force as a weight weighing 1.033 kg. But most of us don't notice this. There are enough gases dissolved in body fluids to neutralize all unpleasant sensations.

Atmospheric pressure standards in different regions are different. But 760 mmHg is considered ideal. Art. Experiments with mercury turned out to be the most revealing at a time when scientists were proving that air has weight. Mercury barometers are the most common devices for determining pressure. It should also be remembered that ideal conditions, for which the mentioned 760 mm Hg are relevant. Art., is a temperature of 0 ° C and the 45th parallel.

IN international system units are used to define pressure in Pascals. But for us, the use of mercury column fluctuations is more familiar and understandable.

Relief features

Of course, many factors influence the value of atmospheric pressure. The most significant are the relief and proximity to the magnetic poles of the planet. The norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow is fundamentally different from the indicators in St. Petersburg; and for residents of some remote village in the mountains, this figure may seem completely abnormal. Already at 1 km above sea level it corresponds to 734 mm Hg. Art.

As already noted, in the region of the Earth’s poles the amplitude of pressure changes is much higher than in equatorial zone. Even during the day, the atmospheric pressure changes slightly. Insignificantly, however, only by 1-2 mm. This is due to the difference between day and night temperatures. At night it is usually cooler, which means the pressure is higher.

Pressure and man

For a person, in essence, it does not matter what atmospheric pressure is: normal, low or high. These are very conditional definitions. People tend to get used to everything and adapt. The dynamics and magnitude of changes in atmospheric pressure are much more important. On the territory of the CIS countries, in particular in Russia, there are quite a lot of zones. Often, local residents do not even know about it.

The norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow, for example, may well be considered as a variable value. After all, every skyscraper is a kind of mountain, and the higher and faster you go up (or go down), the more noticeable the difference will be. Some people may well pass out while riding a high-speed elevator.


Doctors almost unanimously agree that the question “what atmospheric pressure is considered normal” (Moscow or any populated area on the planet is not important) is incorrect in itself. Our body adapts perfectly to life above or below sea level. And if the pressure does not have a detrimental effect on a person, it can be considered normal for the area. Doctors say that the standard atmospheric pressure in Moscow and other major cities is in the range from 750 to 765 mmHg. pillar

The pressure drop is a completely different matter. If within a few hours it rises (falls) by 5-6 mm, people begin to experience discomfort and painful sensations. This is especially dangerous for the heart. Its beating becomes more frequent, and a change in the frequency of breaths leads to a change in the rhythm of oxygen supply to the body. The most common ailments in such a situation are weakness, etc.

Meteor dependence

Normal atmospheric pressure for Moscow may seem like a nightmare to a visitor from the North or the Urals. After all, each region has its own norm and, accordingly, its own understanding of the stable state of the body. And since in life we ​​do not concentrate on exact pressure indicators, weather forecasters always focus on whether the pressure is high or low for a given region.

After all, not every person can boast that they do not notice the corresponding changes. Anyone who cannot call himself lucky in this matter must systematize his feelings during pressure changes and find acceptable countermeasures. Often a cup of strong coffee or tea is enough, but sometimes more serious help in the form of medication is needed.

Pressure in the metropolis

Residents of megacities are the most weather-dependent. It is here that a person experiences more stress, lives life at a high pace and experiences environmental degradation. Therefore, knowing what the normal atmospheric pressure is for Moscow is vital.

The capital of the Russian Federation is located on the Central Russian Upland, which means that there is a priori a zone of low pressure. Why? It's very simple: the higher you are above sea level, the lower the atmospheric pressure. For example, on the banks of the Moscow River this figure will be 168 m. And the maximum value in the city was recorded in Teply Stan - 255 m above sea level.

It is quite possible to assume that Muscovites will experience abnormally low atmospheric pressure much less frequently than residents of other regions, which, of course, cannot but make them happy. And yet, what atmospheric pressure is considered normal in Moscow? Meteorologists say that it usually does not exceed 748 mm Hg. pillar This means little, since we already know that even a quick ride in an elevator can have a significant impact on a person's heart.

On the other hand, Muscovites do not feel any discomfort if the pressure fluctuates between 745-755 mm Hg. Art.


But from the point of view of doctors, not everything is so optimistic for the residents of the metropolis. Many experts quite reasonably believe that by working on the upper floors of business centers, people expose themselves to danger. Indeed, in addition to the fact that they live in a zone of low pressure, they also spend almost a third of the day in places with

If we add to this fact violations of the building’s ventilation system and the constant operation of air conditioners, it becomes obvious that employees of such offices turn out to be the most incapacitated, sleepy and sick.


Actually, there are a few things to remember. Firstly, there is no single ideal value for normal atmospheric pressure. There are regional regulations that may vary significantly absolute indicators. Secondly, features human body make it easy to experience pressure changes if they happen rather slowly. Thirdly, the more healthy image life we ​​lead and the more often we manage to maintain a daily routine (getting up at the same time, long night sleep, following a basic diet, etc.), the less we are susceptible to weather dependence. This means they are more energetic and cheerful.

Atmospheric pressure is one of the most important meteorological elements. Changes in pressure in space and time are closely related to the development of basic atmospheric processes: the heterogeneity of the pressure field in space is the direct cause of the occurrence of air currents, and pressure fluctuations in time are the main cause of weather changes in a particular area.

Atmospheric pressure is the force with which a column of air, extending from the surface of the Earth to the upper boundary of the atmosphere, presses on 1 cm 2 of the earth's surface. For a long time, the main instrument for measuring pressure has been, and the value is usually expressed in millimeters of mercury, balancing the column of air.

At the beginning of spring, there is a tendency towards a restructuring of pressure fields and a general slight decrease in pressure occurs. As the continent warms up, the contrasts in temperature and air pressure between land and sea are smoothed out, and the pressure field is rearranged, becoming more uniform. In summer, over the territory of Russia, due to the heating of the continent, the pressure continues to decrease, the Asian anticyclone collapses and in its place a zone of low atmospheric pressure is formed, and over the seas with a relatively cold surface - an area of ​​more high pressure.

The annual variation of atmospheric pressure over most of the territory of Russia corresponds to the continental type, characterized by a winter maximum, a summer minimum and a large amplitude. Same annual course pressure is also observed in the monsoon region Far East. The maximum annual pressure amplitude at sea level reaches 45 hPa and is observed in the Tuva Basin. As you move away from it, it sharply decreases in all directions. The smallest annual fluctuations in air pressure occur in the north-west of Russia, where active cyclonic activity is observed throughout the year.

In areas of intense cyclogenesis, the normal annual cycle is often disrupted. Depending on the characteristics, this is expressed in a shift or the appearance of additional highs and lows. Thus, in the north-west of Russia, the maximum pressure shifts to May, and in the northern part of Kamchatka, secondary maxima and minima appear in the annual cycle.

A purely oceanic type of annual variation in atmospheric pressure, with a maximum in the summer months and a minimum in winter, is noted only in the southern part of the peninsula. In the mountains, up to a certain altitude, the continental type of annual pressure variation is preserved. In the high mountain zone, an annual cycle close to the oceanic one is established. Average annual air pressure values ​​are highly stable over time and vary slightly from year to year, on average by 1–5 hPa.

Changes in average monthly values ​​from year to year significantly exceed annual ones. Their range can be judged by the difference between the largest and lowest values average monthly pressure. The daily variation of pressure is weakly expressed and is measured only in tenths of hectopascals. A characteristic of the average long-term daily variability of atmospheric pressure is the standard deviation.

The limits of pressure change at each specific point can be judged by its extremes. The greatest difference between the absolute maximum and minimum is observed in the winter months, when the processes of cyclo- and anticyclogenesis are most intense.

In addition to periodic fluctuations, which include the annual and daily cycle, atmospheric pressure experiences non-periodic fluctuations, which affect the well-being of weather-dependent people. An example of non-periodic fluctuations is inter- and intra-day pressure variability. In the autumn-winter period, during the passage of deep cyclones, the change in pressure between observation periods (three hours) in temperate latitudes can be 10–15 hPa, and between adjacent days can reach 30–35 hPa or more. Thus, a case was recorded when in three hours the pressure dropped by more than 17 mb, and the pressure difference between days reached 50 hPa.

Maps of average long-term pressure fields give an idea of ​​​​some concepts of general pressure, which is a set of main air currents over the globe that carry out horizontal and vertical exchange of air masses. The structural elements of the general circulation of the atmosphere are air masses, frontal zones, westerly transport, etc.

If the Earth's surface were homogeneous, then the western-eastern transfer of air masses would be observed in the northern hemisphere, and the isobars on maps of pressure fields would have a latitudinal (zonal) direction. In fact, zonality is violated in many areas, which can be seen even from maps of average monthly pressure fields in January and July. As the integration period decreases (decade, day), the transport disturbance increases, and closed areas appear on the pressure maps. The reason for the disruption of air currents is unequal heating and, consequently, the air masses formed above them.

Areas of high pressure outlined by closed isobars are called (Az), and areas of low pressure are called (Zn). Cyclones and anticyclones are large-scale eddies that are important structural elements general atmospheric circulation. Their horizontal dimensions range from several hundred to 1.5–2.0 thousand kilometers. When cyclones and anticyclones move, an interlatitudinal exchange occurs, and, consequently, heat and moisture, due to which the temperature equalizes between the pole and. If this exchange did not occur, in moderate and high latitudes would be 10–20° lower than in reality.