The United States of America has a new reason for dissatisfaction with Russia. This time, the Russian Air Force, or more precisely, the aviation group operating in the Baltic Sea region, became the irritating factor.

The US European Command published a video showing the incident, which the US side claims occurred on April 12.

The video shows how. Judging by the behavior of the destroyer's crew, the actions of the Russian pilots, at a minimum, made them nervous.

According to the American media, the United States is trying to convey to Moscow its dissatisfaction with the “provocative and dangerous” actions of Russian pilots through diplomatic channels.

At the same time, the Pentagon decided to publish the video to prove that the planes created a real danger to the ship.

The destroyer Donald Cook conducted exercises in the Baltic Sea together with the Polish military. According to the American side, the actions of Russian aviation prevented a Polish military helicopter from taking off from the destroyer.

Stroked against the grain

White House Spokesperson Joshua Earnest called the actions of Russian pilots inconsistent with the standards of conduct in international air and maritime spaces. “Russian planes flew dangerously close to an American warship and a Polish aircraft,” the White House press secretary said.

The Pentagon, in turn, assures: the speed and angle of attack of the Russian bomber were threatening.

Veterans of the USSR Armed Forces, who remember the events of the Cold War, only shrug their shoulders - nothing unusual happened in the skies over the Baltic, such situations happened quite often in those days, and American aircraft flew over Soviet ships no less often. Except that over the past 20 years, the US military has become unaccustomed to the fact that someone can, as they say, “stroke them against the grain.”

For those who are eager to accuse Russia of aggressive actions, it is worth reminding that it is an American destroyer conducting exercises in close proximity to Russia, and not vice versa. Therefore, the desire of representatives of the Russian Air Force to clarify why “Donald Cook” came here and what he needs here is natural and legal.

“Kuk” and “Su”: a new meeting after two years

The destroyer "Donald Cook" (USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) belongs to the fourth generation of ships of this class. The main weapons of the "Cook" are Tomahawk cruise missiles with a flight range of up to 2500 kilometers, capable of carrying nuclear charges. In conventional and strike versions The destroyer is equipped with 56 or 96 such missiles, respectively.It received its name in honor of a participant in the Vietnam War, captain Marine Corps Donald Gilbert Cook, who died in 1967 from malaria.

The ship, belonging to the 22nd squadron of the US Fleet Forces Command and assigned to the Rota base in Spain, first appeared in Russian shores in the spring of 2014.

The US authorities, dissatisfied with the annexation of Crimea to Russia, decided to flex their military muscles by sending a destroyer to the Black Sea, to the shores of the Russian peninsula.

It was there that Donald Cook first met his now “bosom friend” - the Su-24 front-line bomber. The meeting took place, interestingly, also on April 12. The Su-24 made several flights past the destroyer over the course of an hour and a half, which displeased the US authorities, who also accused the Russian pilot of dangerous maneuvers.

On April 14, the Donald Cook arrived at the Romanian port of Constanta, and on April 24, it left the Black Sea.

According to some reports, the Khibiny electronic jamming system was installed on board the Su-24, which disabled the radar and weapons control system on the Donald Cook. Then the destroyer completely lost speed, reaching the coast of Romania with great difficulty.

American media claimed that right in the port of Constanta, 27 crew members submitted reports of transfer from the destroyer - so strong impression What made an impression on them was their acquaintance with the Russian aircraft. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Experienced "Fencer"

Su-24 (according to NATO codification: Fencer - “Fencer”) is a tactical front-line bomber with a variable-sweep wing, designed to deliver missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground targets. and surface targets. Operation of the Su-24 began in February 1975; operation of the Su-24M modification, about which we're talking about in this case, was started in June 1983.

Despite the fact that this fighting machine has been in service for several decades, it is quite successfully capable of solving problems in modern conditions. In 2009, the first batch of modernized Su-24M2 aircraft was delivered to the Russian Air Force.

At the same time, according to military pilots, the Su-24 is a very serious machine, the piloting of which requires the crew to high level preparation. Only real aces are capable of flying in close proximity to an American destroyer.

As of 2016, the Russian Air Force operates 140 Su-24M/M2 and 79 Su-24MR.

US Secretary of State John Kerry will personally discuss with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the situation with the Su-24 flying near a US Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea.

Due to this official representative US State Department John Kirby explained that "the Secretary of State was notified of these flights, the incident over the US Navy ship Donald Cook, and saw the footage and messages. In his opinion, they (the flights) were unprofessional, almost provocative and undoubtedly dangerous."

The Americans, of course, have already stated that the behavior of Russian aviation was reckless and provocative. Let us recall that Russian Su-24 front-line bombers several times allegedly “came dangerously close” to the US destroyer USS Donald Cook.

The latest incident took place in the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, where a US warship was conducting exercises with other NATO members. For its part, the Russian Ministry of Defense noted that this situation did not pose any threat. Moscow does not understand the reason for such a painful reaction from the United States, since the flights are carried out in accordance with international rules.

A little history: February 12, 1988 American cruiser"Yorktown" and the destroyer "Caron" violated the border of the USSR, invading 7 miles into territorial waters. In connection with this, the patrol ships of the Black Sea Fleet "Bezzavetny" and SKR-6 went to ram the intruders. According to experts, this was a typical show of force - the United States practices this everywhere it appears. But even during the US-USSR confrontation, it became clear that the Americans were good sailors, but psychologically weaker. As a rule, dying for their homeland is not part of their plans.

Hence such a painful reaction to any kind of rebuff - for many years the US military has become accustomed to doing exclusively what they need, regardless of the interests of others. Let us remind you that back on July 18, an American reconnaissance plane “flew more than 200 kilometers inside Swedish airspace, moving away from a Russian fighter.” At the same time, the Swedes subordinate to the United States “tried to hide the information,” but the press found out about it.

There is also a known case when US Air Force aircraft violated the borders of Finnish airspace. But God forbid anyone touches the true or imaginary interests of the United States - the question is immediately posed bluntly.

Although the Americans themselves understand that “Russia operates its flights in accordance with international law.” This was stated by the head of the US Northern Command, Admiral William Gortney.

This statement was made due to the fact that in Lately The Russian Air Force resumed flights over neutral territories, including in Europe, as well as near the borders of the United States and Canada. The latter reacted extremely nervously and accused Russia of escalating tension.

According to Gortney, "We watch very closely what they do... Russian pilots adhere to all international standards that apply to any aircraft that fly over neutral territory. They fly in a professional manner, and so do we, because we monitor very close to them."

Former NATO General Harald Kujat, in an interview with the German portal, also admitted that “Russia did not violate the borders of any states with its “military maneuvers.” Unlike the United States, from 1981 to 1983, American bombers “patrolled in the direction of Soviet airspace” several times a week, turning away only at the last moment before violating the state border. The United States itself declassified many operations of this kind. But what is allowed to Jupiter...

The Russian Ministry of Defense has already issued a statement that the Su-24 flight was carried out in accordance with all international standards. “All flights of Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft are carried out in accordance with international standards,” said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov. “The pilots turned away from the ship in compliance with all safety measures.”

“I am rather inclined to agree with the explanations that were provided by representatives of the Ministry of Defense,” added the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, in turn.

It is worth noting that the exchange of pleasantries with “Donald Cook” does not indicate any particular tension in the region. This is rather a common practice: this is how foreign warships are escorted in other countries.

Let us recall that in March of this year, a detachment of as many as six NATO ships entered the Black Sea and conducted exercises with Turkey and Romania. In May, the American missile destroyer Ross “looked” into the Black Sea, also to support partners - Ukraine and NATO countries. The destroyer Jason Dunham, armed with cruise missiles, also visited here with a menacing look.

And the crew of the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook, apparently, will not soon forget their previous close acquaintance with the Russian Su-24, which not only flew up 11 times to “greet” the ship, but also, incidentally, turned off the entire Aegis with which it is equipped super destroyer.

According to a high-ranking Navy officer, “the NATO fleet does not pose a real threat, it is, let’s say, pressure on the Russian Federation, support for Ukraine. Those combat units that are in the waters, even if they wanted to, could not cause significant damage to the Black Sea Fleet or the territory Russia - moreover, in the event of aggression against Russia, their life time would be 5-10 minutes." That is, it is possible to shoot it down... But the result will obviously be tragic for everyone.

“They brazenly came into our hallway. Naturally, we politely responded: guys, no one invited you here.”

About the incident with the US destroyer in the Baltic Sea and Kerry’s statement on this matter they say:

– Director of the Analytical Information Agency “Orthodox Rus'” Konstantin Dushenov;
– military journalist, writer, retired colonel, member of the Public Councils under the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Viktor Baranets.

Su-24 flight over an American destroyer

The other day, American media reported that on April 12, in the Baltic Sea, Russian military aircraft flew in close proximity to a US Navy ship, the guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook, on board of which a Polish helicopter was preparing for a training flight. “On Tuesday, a pair of Russian combat Su-24s, presumably without weapons, circled the Cook 11 times. At one point, the Russian plane was 30 feet (9.14 meters) from the ship.”, said Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Michelle Boldanza.

The Russian planes were not armed. The American ship did not respond to the incident.

A few days later, on the night of Friday, April 15, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the American side “condemns such behavior”. “It's reckless, it's provocative, it's dangerous. According to the rules of engagement, they (Russian planes) could have been shot down.”, the diplomat said in an interview with CNN Espanol. According to him, the United States will not allow "to intimidate oneself on the high seas."

Official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov, in turn, noted that the crews of the Su-24 aircraft observed all safety measures when flying over the American destroyer in the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. He also indicated that the flight path of the Russian aircraft passed through the area where the US Navy destroyer USS Donald Cook was located, approximately 70 km from the Russian naval base.

Expert assessments:

Victor Baranets

Kerry's statement is entirely based on emotions. He does not appeal to any law or to any UN resolution. Kerry completely does not understand the meaning of the behavior of ships and aircraft in international waters. His words are more calculated on ambition than on a real understanding of the matter. The first and main rule is that airplanes should not fly over any vessel in such a way that it leads to a catastrophe or emergency. Was it? Did not have. Everything else - close, high, low, at high speed, at low speed, whether the wave started or not - purely American emotions, soap bubbles. This is a clear attempt to make a scandal out of nothing in order to once again complement the image of the aggressor that they carefully paint from Russia.

Kerry's claim that a US destroyer could have opened fire and shot down the Su-24 is a brainless claim. Because if the destroyer had opened fire on our plane, the second plane would have destroyed the destroyer. And he would be absolutely right. Russian pilots did not violate a single international rule one iota. And if Kerry knows these rules, then let him show them. But they do not exist and cannot exist. At what altitude the plane flies is our right, the distance to the destroyer is also our right. The pilot chooses a course to ensure a safe flight. Was at least one of the reasonable international requirements violated? None were violated. So let Kerry keep quiet. As we have flown, we will continue to fly.

Now let's look at other aspects of this issue. The destroyer Donald Cook already visited us in the spring of 2014 in the Black Sea. It is known what a shame there was when an unarmed Su-24 processed its electronic warfare systems. This became a national disgrace for the United States, but it was not enough for them. Now the Donald Cook has come for reconnaissance in the Baltic region... Yes, it did not enter Russian territorial waters, but it approached the edge of Russian territorial waters to take some intelligence data. We showed that he is under surveillance, that we are keeping an eye on him, don’t go on too much.

We were on watch. A ship was heading towards us. Every time a ship moves towards the territorial waters of Russia, a duty unit rises, which must open the object and control it until it moves to a safe distance and goes into international waters. This is normal combat duty. We are showing the Americans that everything you do here is under our control. This single task was perfectly accomplished by Russian pilots. We were not going to break the radars, or lower the landing gear, or turn the jet stream so that everyone would be blown off the deck. We just flew around the Cook and will continue to fly.

When we go to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and American planes fly by, we don’t panic, we don’t trumpet to the whole world that we were offended. We calmly accept that they have come to see us, combat training is underway. Over a quarter of a century, Americans have developed a symptom of permissiveness: we are walking across the sea-ocean, everyone make way, because we are Americans! No shit, Americans, we won't take you into account! If you come, we will fly even closer and even lower, so that they know that everyone is equal at sea. Americans must be taught that it is worth obeying international rules. If anything happens, we will destroy the ships, but strictly according to existing rules. If he climbs 20 meters into our territorial waters, he will immediately receive both a missile and a torpedo in the side.

Konstantin Dushenov

In November 1983, I was the commander of a missile and torpedo group on our nuclear submarine with tactical number K-324, which, having suffered an accident near the coast of the United States, found itself in quite difficult situation. Some time ago they even made a film about us - “The Mystery of the Black Prince.” We collided with an American destroyer, wrapped their military sonar system around the propellers, found ourselves unable to move, and had to surface. The Americans surrounded us in every possible way, flying around us from left to right, and from right to left, with helicopters and airplanes. And this despite the fact that at that time, at the height of the Cold War, there were agreements at the state level that when meeting in the World Ocean, our ships and aircraft would not imitate combat maneuvers. Combat maneuvering was prohibited because everyone was armed with full ammunition. So, on our submarine in my direction there were two large torpedoes with nuclear ammunition, two operational tactical missiles with nuclear ammunition. Then the Americans did not care about the agreements and did what they wanted. But now we don’t have such an agreement. The States at one time decided that Russia was weak and there was no point in extending such agreements. So why are they crying now? We fly as we want.

In the end, it was the Americans who came after us! It was also 30 miles from Baltiysk, our main naval base in the Baltic. Did anyone call them? I would see how the Americans would react if the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great were 30 miles from the bases near Jacksonville. Or, for example, it would enter the 30-mile zone of the island of Guam, which is the main US combat base in the Pacific Ocean. Or would approach the island of Diego Garcia, which is a strategic stronghold of the United States in Indian Ocean. They brazenly came into our hallway. Naturally, we politely responded: guys, no one invited you here.

We began to react this way correctly after Crimea, in 2014. The first such action occurred with the same “Donald Cook” when he landed in the Black Sea. And the most famous case This kind of thing happened in 1986, when the Americans decided to check us for lice. An American ship entered the Black Sea and began to approach Crimea. Then our warships were alerted, and the patrol ship, by order of the command, attacked the American cruiser. To use automotive terms, I cut it off. Moreover, he cut in such a way that a collision occurred, a fire started on the cruiser and he was forced to escape. By the way, the commander of the cruiser was subject to penalties in the States for not completing a combat mission. And these were not our territorial waters; the cruiser would simply have been destroyed there. But, according to the command, the Americans came too close to our territorial waters. For which they paid.

And today Russia is unobtrusively trying to explain to the Americans: you have become very relaxed over the last twenty years, get out of the habit, learn to knock before entering, coordinate your plans with ours, and if you don’t want to, then, as they say, whoever is not hiding is not my fault.

Photo by Reuters

Yesterday details of the incident in the Baltic Sea became known. According to the Pentagon, supported by photo and video materials, Russian Su-24 bombers, in company with a Ka-27 deck helicopter, over the course of two days, dangerously maneuvering at extremely low altitudes and periodically simulating attacks, flew over the American destroyer Donald Cook, taking part in maneuvers together with the Polish Navy. The European command has already expressed deep concern about the “unprofessional maneuvers of Russian aircraft.” The White House also expressed concern about the incident. It is noted that attempts to contact the pilots in English and Russian were unsuccessful.

But the Russian Ministry of Defense responded promptly. The official representative of the military department, Major General Igor Konashenkov, made it clear that he was very surprised by the “painful reaction of his American colleagues.” According to him, when flying around an American destroyer located in neutral waters, the crews of Russian bombers acted with the utmost caution. “Having discovered the ship in the visual visibility zone,” the general specified, “the pilots turned away from it in compliance with all safety measures.”

In general, between two great nuclear powers another exchange of pleasantries took place, characteristic of the coming ice age cold war. But objectively speaking, ours flew around the Donald Cook really dashingly, while the flight altitude was no more than 30 m. Once the Su-24 even passed below the ship’s superstructures - so much so that there was excitement from the jet streams, says an American observer.

With the arrival of Sergei Shoigu in the Ministry of Defense, Russian aviation finally began to take to the air regularly, and after the annexation of Crimea - no matter how one treated this historical episode! – some state will has also emerged. By the way, the destroyer Donald Cook already had the opportunity to feel it on its metal skin.

IN Soviet times The American fleet very rarely - all cases can be counted on one hand - decided to look into the Black Sea. But with the advent of independent Ukraine, he completely stopped crawling out of these waters, which were very significant in a defense sense for Russia. Firstly, there are more legal grounds for permanent presence. Secondly, it was believed that Moscow did not have military arguments to seriously object.

At least the crew of the same destroyer Donald Cook, which showed up exactly two years ago (April 10, 2014) in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, felt like they were in control of the situation. The latest Aegis combat information and control system, which allows simultaneous tracking of hundreds of targets, and almost a hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles in nuclear and conventional equipment, with a launch range of up to 2500 km - this was, of course, the strongest argument. Therefore, the appearance of an unarmed Su-24 did not make much of an impression at first. But exactly until the moment when the bomber’s crew turned on the Khibiny electronic warfare system: “Donald Cook” immediately became blind and deaf - in other words, turned into a piece of floating iron with which anything could be done. And the Su-24 simulated 12 attacks and went on a reverse course.

As it later became known, as a result of the meeting with the Russian Su-24, the entire crew of the Donald Cook was demoralized, and 27 American sailors immediately wrote reports for dismissal from the fleet. Naturally, from the banks of the Potomac, Russia was immediately accused of “violating its own traditions and international treaties.” But here’s what’s remarkable: before, the Americans did not react at all to all the urgent requests from Moscow “not to turn the Black Sea into another NATO training ground,” but for some reason the Khibiny had an immediate effect...

But the lessons, apparently, also need to be reinforced. In response to protests from the American side in connection with the latest incident in the Baltic, General Igor Konashenkov noted that the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook was, although in neutral waters, still 70 km from the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet (G . Baltiysk) - that is, at the range of use of on-board weapons. And with a huge reserve. So our reaction was not so unreasonable. In addition, “the principle of freedom of navigation of a US destroyer does not at all cancel the principle of freedom of air navigation of Russian aircraft,” noted an official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

By the way, quite recently, in the same area, over the Baltic, our Su-27 had to drive away NATO fighters that had attached themselves to Sergei Shoigu’s plane, on board which was one of the nuclear buttons assigned to the Minister of Defense by his position. Then everything worked out. Still, it is better for military personnel to stay away from each other. Nothing good is expected from international contacts using ships and military aircraft.

US Secretary of State John Kerry intends to personally discuss with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov the situation with the Su-24 flying near a US Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea.

US State Department spokesman John Kirby explained that “the Secretary of State was notified of these flights, the incident over the US Navy ship Donald Cook, and saw the footage and messages. In his opinion, they (the flights) are unprofessional, almost provocative and undoubtedly dangerous.”

“I can tell you that he will raise this issue directly with Foreign Minister Lavrov,” the US State Department spokesman added. According to the diplomat, the behavior of Russian aviation was reckless and provocative.

Let us recall that Russian Su-24 front-line bombers allegedly “came dangerously close” to the US destroyer USS Donald Cook several times. The incident occurred in the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, where an American warship was conducting exercises with other NATO members.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest later said the US did not want an escalation over the incident. For its part, the Russian Ministry of Defense noted that this situation did not pose any threat. Moscow does not understand the reason for such a painful reaction from the United States, since the flights are carried out in accordance with international rules.

A little history: On February 12, 1988, the American cruiser Yorktown and the destroyer Caron violated the border of the USSR, invading 7 miles into territorial waters. For which they paid: the Black Sea Fleet patrol ships Bezzavetny and SKR-6 went to ram the intruders. According to experts, this was a typical show of force - the United States practices this. But even during the US-USSR confrontation, it was clear that the Americans were good sailors, but psychologically weaker. As a rule, dying for their homeland is not part of their plans. Hence such a painful reaction to any kind of rebuff.

Americans are accustomed to doing exclusively what they need, regardless of the interests of others. Let us remind you that back on July 18, an American reconnaissance plane “flew more than 200 kilometers inside Swedish airspace, moving away from a Russian fighter.” At the same time, the Swedes subordinate to the United States “tried to hide the information,” but the press found out about it. Later there was an incident when US Air Force planes violated Finnish airspace. But God forbid that anyone touches on the true or imaginary interests of the United States - the question is immediately posed bluntly. Although…

Russia operates its flights in accordance with international law, said the head of the US Northern Command, Admiral William Gortney. According to Polytonline, the American military said this due to the fact that the Russian Air Force has recently resumed flights over neutral territories, including in Europe, as well as near the borders of the United States and Canada.

The latter reacted extremely nervously and accused Russia of escalating tension. According to Gortney, "We watch very closely what they do... The Russian pilots adhere to all international standards that apply to any aircraft that fly over neutral territory. They fly in a professional manner, and so do we, because we monitor them very closely." close."

A former general NATO Harald Kuyat in an interview with the German portal Web. de admitted that “Russia did not violate the borders of any states with its “military maneuvers.” Unlike the United States, from 1981 to 1983, American bombers “patrolled in the direction of Soviet airspace” several times a week, turning away only at the last moment before violating the state border.

The United States itself has declassified many operations of this kind. But what is allowed to Jupiter... The Russian Ministry of Defense has already stated that the Su-24 flight was carried out in accordance with all international standards. “All flights of Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft are carried out in accordance with international standards,” said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov. “The pilots turned away from the ship in compliance with all safety measures.”

As Polytonline notes, all foreign warships are targeted by the Russian Navy. They will be closely monitored by Russian radars and combat "Bastions" from the shore. From the air, control is carried out by Russian aviation. This does not indicate any special tension in the region; rather, it is a common practice: this is how foreign warships are escorted in other countries.

Earlier in March of this year, a detachment of as many as six NATO ships entered the Black Sea and conducted exercises with Turkey and Romania. In May, the American missile destroyer Ross “looked” into the Black Sea, also to support partners - Ukraine and NATO countries. The destroyer Jason Dunham, armed with cruise missiles, also visited here with a menacing look.

And the crew of the US Navy destroyer "Donald Cook", apparently, will not soon forget their very close acquaintance with the Russian Su-24, which not only flew up to “greet” the ship 11 times, but also, incidentally, turned off the entire Aegis with which it is equipped super destroyer.

According to a high-ranking Navy officer, “the NATO fleet does not pose a real threat, it is, let’s say, pressure on the Russian Federation, support for Ukraine. Those combat units that are in the waters, even if they wanted to, could not cause significant damage to the Black Sea Fleet or the territory Russia - moreover, in the event of aggression against Russia, their life time would be 5-10 minutes."