Sometimes circumstances force us to change our life plans. If an unforeseen emergency interferes with learning, a life-saving solution may be academic leave, among students often referred to simply as academician or academician.

What is academic leave

This is a deferment of study provided to an undergraduate or graduate student due to the occurrence of circumstances that temporarily prevent the continuation of full-time studies. It is available to students of universities and secondary vocational educational institutions studying on a budgetary or commercial basis in full-time and part-time courses.

If a student has been approved for an academic leave, and the fee for the next semester has already been paid, the educational institution offers two options: a refund or credit to the balance against future education.

Grounds for academic leave at a university

Before taking a leave of absence, you need to receive a positive response from the management of the institute. The approval of the rector's office is guaranteed only if the full-time or part-time student has really compelling reasons for interrupting their studies for a long period.

List of valid reasons for academic leave:

  • pregnancy and child care up to 3 years old. In this case, applications are completed in the same stages as when leaving work on maternity leave:
    • Maternity leave (so-called maternity leave) lasts 140 days; in case of multiple pregnancy or complications during childbirth, this period increases;
    • after the initial period, an application is written for parental leave to care for a child (children) up to 1.5 years;
    • if necessary, care leave is issued until the child reaches 3 years of age;
  • health status - exacerbation of chronic or emergence of new diseases requiring long-term treatment, serious injuries;
  • conscription for military service;
  • difficult family circumstances, such as caring for seriously ill loved ones or a sharp decline in financial status;
  • receiving education in another educational institution.

If there are sufficiently compelling medical reasons, the university does not have the right to refuse a student permission to interrupt his studies. In other cases, the decision remains with the administration of the educational institution and may be negative.

How to apply for academic leave at a university, institute, college

Sometimes students get lost because they don’t know what kind of certificate is needed for academic leave. The procedure for granting an academic certificate is the same for secondary and higher educational institutions.

  1. Pay off all “debts”, if any.
  2. Collect a package of documents confirming the need for a break from study.
  3. Write a statement to the rector justifying the reasons.
  4. Bring documents, medical certificates and an application to the dean’s office.
  5. Wait for your request to be reviewed.
  6. If you are eligible for cash payments, apply for them separately.

A sample application for academic leave can usually be obtained from the academic department or from the secretary of the dean's office.

If all points are completed correctly and without delay, the entire procedure will take no more than 2-3 weeks. In accordance with the law, consideration of the request is carried out no longer than 10 days from the date of its receipt.

An academic certificate with a list of subjects taken is not issued when taking leave to interrupt your studies. This document is issued only upon deduction.

Timing and quantity

The law does not set a limit on the number of people on academic leave, but there are still some restrictions:

  • it cannot last more than two years (an exception is maternity leave, special rules apply here);
  • You can go on academic leave again no earlier than one year after the end of the previous one.

You can take academic leave at any stage of your studies, including in the first year before the semester or in the last year before defending your diploma. However, the dean’s office is often wary of students who express such a desire, assuming that students are trying to cover up their poor performance or unpreparedness to complete their thesis in this simple way.

Anything can happen in life, and no one is immune from unpleasant life circumstances. However, they should not become a reason for refusing to receive higher education. For the most serious cases, there is such a cool thing as academic leave.

In what cases and for what reasons can you take academic leave, for how long, how many times and what documents are needed to take academic leave - this is an incomplete list of questions that we will try to clarify in our article.

Academic leave at the institute: reasons to take and justification

First you need to define this phenomenon:

Academic leave is a temporary break from study, agreed upon and approved by the university management. It can be obtained by any student with compelling reasons.

On what grounds can I take academic leave? This could be a serious illness, military service or pregnancy.

By the way, the right to use this service is granted at the legislative level. It is confirmed by clause 12, part 1, article 34 of the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

Here are the main reasons to take a sabbatical:

  • medical conditions (for example, hiatal hernia),
  • family circumstances that may be an obstacle to learning (for example, caring for a disabled person),
  • military conscription.

Let's take a closer look at situations when you can take academic leave.

Medical indications

If you do not know whether it is possible to take an academic leave in your case, remember: you must have a conclusion from a medical commission for health reasons and the inability to continue your studies due to this.

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The most popular reason for students (or rather, female students) to take academic leave from university is pregnancy.

Family circumstances

Is it possible to take academic leave on a part-time or full-time basis at a college or institute, in a master’s program or just before graduating, if you have to care for a disabled relative? Yes, since this case is a family circumstance.

Other family circumstances include:

  • pregnancy,
  • childbirth,
  • child care up to 3 years old,
  • having a disabled parent or other family member over 3 years of age who needs constant care,
  • difficult financial situation, which does not allow paying for education.

Military conscription

Urgent conscription into the army is not carried out at the will of the student. And military service - required condition for all fit men of the state. Therefore, the student has every right to take academic leave.

But the case when a student can take an academic leave is more suitable for part-time students, since full-time students receive a legal deferment from passing conscript service until they complete their studies or are expelled.

However, if you really don’t want to go, but there is no reason for academics. there is no vacation, any man should know.

Procedure and terms for granting academic leave

How many times can you take academic leave? According to Order No. 455, you can take an unlimited number of academic leaves (by decision of the management of the institute or other educational institution). So when asked whether it is possible to take a second vacation immediately after the first, you can safely answer: “Yes!”

But regarding how many years a student can take an academic leave, there is a reservation: any of the leaves taken should not exceed 2 years. At the same time, paying students are not required to pay for their studies during this time.

Be careful! Many institutes have important rule when you can take academic leave at the university: the student should not have any academic debts.

True, this is not regulated by law in any way. So there may be options here. For example, they may not provide the vacation itself, but offer as an alternative:

  • transfer to the course below,
  • obtaining an academic degree vacation only after passing the “tails” before or after leaving school, etc.

What do you need to take a sabbatical?

How to take academic leave for family reasons, health or other important reasons? It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. For this you will need:

  1. Application for academic leave written by the student (indicating the reasons).
  2. Documents confirming the occurrence of difficult life circumstances listed above (summons, doctor’s certificate, etc.).

These documents must be taken to the rector’s office, where the documents and application will be reviewed within ten days. After this period, either a refusal with reasons or an order granting the requested leave will be granted.

More information about academic leave due to pregnancy

Is it possible to take academic leave if expelled? Yes, if at the time of expulsion you find out that you are pregnant! This is a pretty good reason for taking leave both at school, at a music school, and at work (although here it will be called maternity leave, not academic leave).

But to get it future mom must perform certain actions, and promptly:

  • provide the dean's office with a certificate of pregnancy and a certificate in form 095/U, which will provide grounds for sending the pregnant woman to a second medical expert commission;
  • at the clinic at the place of residence or study, provide the following package of documents: student card and grade book, certificate in form 095/U, extract from medical card about registration for pregnancy;
  • pass the appointed expert commission;
  • submit the decision received by the commission to the university administration and write an application for academic leave.

Maternity leave is the only case when academic leave, if necessary, can be extended to 6 (!) years. The reason for this will be the need to care for the child.

In general, the process of obtaining documents for granting academic leave for medical reasons is the same, with only some features in the preparation of certificates (here the certificate must be issued in form 027/U).

Read more about academic leave for family reasons

It is necessary to understand that family circumstances are not an absolute basis for granting academic leave. All this is at the discretion of the rector or a special employee of the educational institution authorized by the rector.

The most important thing is to provide paper evidence of the seriousness of the reasons. For example, a medical certificate of a complex illness of a child or parents, a referral for urgent treatment of someone from the family.

If the reason is a difficult financial situation, then the student must provide certificates from the social security service, written in the names of the parents paying for the education. The certificate must indicate the reason - temporary insolvency.

Academic leave in 1st year

It is not indicated anywhere from which course the case for granting academic leave may arise. So if compelling reasons arise during the first year of study, the student has all the same rights as older students.

So, we have found out how to take academic leave at the institute in graduate school, for family reasons, part-time and full-time. But we would really like to see that there are never difficult circumstances in your life that could force you to stop or delay your studies. In any case, remember: there is always a student assistance service near you that will not stand aside!

It seems it’s time to open a legal consultation on our blog. We have received several letters asking for information on the rules for granting academic leave in 2015, explain the legislative nuances. To write a detailed article on how to get academic leave, the editors of Studlans turned to a lawyer.

We decided to write a post in the form of questions and answers regarding academic leave. If anything remains unclear, ask in the comments, we will forward your questions to a lawyer and continue the topic!

The answers are given according to the state of the legislation as of 2015.

What is a sabbatical leave?

Academic leave is a period for which an educational institution gives a student temporary permission to stop receiving education (higher or secondary vocational). Academic leave is granted on the basis of valid reasons that make full-time study impossible. A student who has received an academic leave of absence is not considered expelled.

Academic leave is granted:

- students;
- cadets;
— graduate students;
- adjuncts;
- residents;
- trainee assistants.

What laws regulate the procedure for granting academic leave?

Academic leave is granted on the basis of clause 12, part 1, art. 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2013. This is a basic legislative act that establishes the right of students to receive academic leave.

Specific provisions for granting academic leave are established by by-law - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 455 “On approval of the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students.”

The Order has an Appendix - “Procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students” . This is the main document that determines the solution to most issues related to the academician.

But to resolve some specific issues, it is necessary to turn to other sources. Thus, closely related to obtaining an academic degree due to pregnancy are the issues of granting maternity leave, as well as parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. This issue is not disclosed in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 455, therefore it is resolved on the basis of the already mentioned Federal Law “On Education”.

Issues related to deferment from army conscription during academic leave are regulated by Art. 24 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Issues related to the payment of scholarships are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 No. 1000.

How to take a sabbatical?

The algorithm for obtaining an academic degree is as follows:

  1. You collect documents confirming extenuating circumstances due to which you have to interrupt your studies.
  2. Write an application addressed to the rector of the educational institution.
  3. Please attach documents supporting your request to your application.
  4. Submit an application with documents to the rector’s office.

What documents are required to apply for academic leave?

To apply for academic leave, you must provide along with the application documents proving that the student is unable to attend classes. Depending on the circumstances, these may be:

— medical certificates 027/U and 095/U;
- summons from the military registration and enlistment office;
— other documents (for example, confirming the illness of a relative, an invitation to study abroad, etc.).

On what grounds can academic leave be granted?

The application for academic leave must indicate on what basis the student requests a break from studies. The circumstances on the basis of which academic leave is granted can be divided into conditional and unconditional.

Unconditional circumstances include:

— medical indications that prevent the continuation of education and confirmed by the conclusion of a medical commission (including pregnancy);
- conscript military service.

The conditional ones are:

- family circumstances;
- other circumstances.

Here the management of the educational institution decides how valid the reasons are that prompt the student to interrupt his studies.

Student, remember: problems with passing the exam are not a justification for the academician! If you have given up on studying, take care of very convincing, preferably unconditional, justifications for receiving academic leave. The rector’s office will definitely find out how you are studying, and if they suspect you of trying to avoid a well-deserved expulsion, they may ignore family and especially “other” reasons for your application.

Is it necessary to somehow confirm the justifications specified in the application for academic leave?

Necessarily. The rector's office will not take your word for it, even if you submit your application on crutches or show obvious signs of being nine months pregnant. Please note that even in the case of unconditional medical indications, certificates must be prepared according to the rules (forms 027/U and 095/U).

As they say, “without a piece of paper you are a bug.” It is impossible to fight the university bureaucracy; you have to play by its rules.

Where can I download a sample application for academic leave?

An application for academic leave is written according to the usual standard. Indicated:

— position and full name of the head of the educational institution;
— information about the applicant (including information about the faculty, specialty, group);
— the word “Statement” is placed in the center;
- a request for academic leave is stated from a new line;
— the justification for its provision is indicated, along with a list of attached documents;
— the date for drawing up the application is set;
— the document is completed by the applicant’s signature.

You can find a sample application for academic leave on our website.

How long is the sabbatical leave?

Maximum duration of the academy – two years. Most often, the student is given a year. If the problems that led to the interruption of studies have not disappeared, you can take another academic leave.

How many times can you take academic leave?

You can take an academic course as many times as you want (but only if you provide compelling reasons). The law does not limit a student’s number of academic leaves.

Is it possible to extend academic leave?

Strictly speaking, academic leave is not extended; if necessary, a new one is simply taken. But in colloquial speech and even in legal advice they often talk about extending academic leave, so you can use this expression.

You just need to remember four important things:

— if an extension is necessary, a new application for academic leave is written;
— documents are again attached to the application confirming the existence of valid circumstances forcing the student to interrupt his studies (that is, the whole procedure is repeated);
— a budget place is guaranteed to be reserved only for the first academic;
— the deferment from conscription applies only to the first academic leave.

Who decides on granting academic leave?

This decision is made by the head of the educational institution (usually the rector). An authorized official can also make a decision. In any case, the legislation allows 10 days from the date of receipt of the application for academic leave to make a decision.

Can they refuse to grant academic leave?

The management of the educational institution has the right to refuse the applicant if it considers the circumstances that prompted him to take a break from studying are not convincing enough.

How to take academic leave for medical reasons?

Academic leave due to illness is quite easy to obtain, since medical indications are considered the most objective grounds for a break in study. But not every illness can justify the need for an academician. The decision as to whether a student can continue studying or whether he needs a break to recover his health is made by a medical commission.

Documents required for consideration this issue:

1) certificate of temporary disability (form 095/U);
2) an extract from the medical history (according to form 027/U).

You should contact the management of the educational institution with these documents, who will give you a referral to undergo a medical examination. Usually the commission takes place at the student clinic. If the medical expert commission recognizes the need for a break in the educational process, the university provides the student with an academic.

Do they provide academic leave for non-medical reasons?

Yes, such a possibility exists. You can get an Academy:

- if you wish to serve in the army by conscription;
- at family circumstances ah, forcing the student to postpone further education;
— in other cases when objective reasons prevent the continuation of education.

The concept of “other circumstances” is very broad, but it should be taken into account that the university may consider them insufficient to grant academic leave. For example, an invitation to work or study abroad can be regarded as both a valid and disrespectful reason, depending on the position of the administration. It happens that students are even provided with an academy so that they can participate in a television show. But this is the good will of the leadership of the educational institution, and not a rule.

We also note that for students who study well, it is easier to get an academic degree due to other circumstances. If a student has problems with his studies, the rector’s office may consider an application for the provision of an academic position as an attempt to evade the session.

Is it possible to take academic leave during pregnancy?

Pregnancy refers to medical indications and is an unconditional circumstance justifying the receipt of academic leave. To go on academic leave due to pregnancy, you must:

— receive a certificate in form 095/U and an extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic about registration due to pregnancy;
— apply with these documents to the dean’s office or rector’s office of the educational institution;
— receive a referral to undergo a medical expert commission (usually it is carried out at the student clinic);
— pass the commission;
— attach the commission’s decision to the application for academic leave.

Is it possible to extend academic leave to raise a child up to three years?

In the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 455 “On approval of the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students,” there are no special instructions on the provision of academic leave for the purpose of raising a child. But clause 12, part 1, art. 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» provides for the observance of women’s rights regarding the receipt of leave to care for a child up to three years old (in accordance with the general provisions of the current legislation).

How to extend academic leave in practice? The algorithm is simple:

1) receive your first academic degree during pregnancy (for two years);
2) after the expiration of the first academic year, you submit an application for the second one - for family reasons (for another two years).

Is academic leave granted for family reasons?

Yes, that's enough common reason to obtain an academic degree. For example, the justification may be the need to raise a child, care for a seriously ill relative, or even a difficult financial situation in the family. All these and other family circumstances must be documented.

But keep in mind that the management of the educational institution has the right to refuse a student. When making a decision, the current circumstances in the student’s life are taken into account, and the objectivity of the reasons prompting them to interrupt their studies is analyzed. The decision in each case is made individually: one student may be given an academic permit, and another, under the same circumstances, may be denied. For example, a refusal may be caused by the suspicion that the student is just trying to solve problems with the session.

Sometimes the university offers an alternative solution to the issue: for example, in case of a complex financial situation, forcing a student to work, he may be advised to transfer to the correspondence department.

Is there a sabbatical leave for military service?

It would seem, why would a full-time student take an academic course for conscription service? You graduate from high school or are expelled, then you will serve. However, in some cases, students prefer to take a break from the educational process and serve in the army - usually for the purpose of a future career. In this case, you can take a student on the basis of a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and then return to the university.

Is it possible to take a sabbatical during the first year?

You can take an academic course at any stage of your studies. The legislation does not place restrictions on this issue, since health problems or other circumstances that impede learning can arise at any time.

You just need to remember that the university management treats students taking academic leave in their first year with respect. special attention and takes particular care to analyze the basis for the claim. Considering that before, you can understand the administration! So you shouldn’t hope that an academic will save you from bad studies.

Is it possible to take a sabbatical leave in the fifth year?

Yes, you can take an academic leave in the 5th year. For example, if a fifth-year student becomes pregnant or a fifth-year student ends up in the hospital with a compound fracture, the university will definitely accommodate. But the rector’s office looks at fifth-year students, as well as first-year students who submit applications for academic studies, with increased attention: is there an attempt to cheat because of an unfinished diploma?

Do they give academic leave in graduate school?

Postgraduate students, like students, have the right to receive academic leave, since postgraduate study is part of the educational process.

Is it possible to get an academic leave if you have academic debt?

In most cases it is impossible. But the university can accommodate the student halfway if there are clearly objective reasons for receiving academic leave. For example, if a student with debt received a severe injury during an additional session, he may be provided with an academic loan on the condition of handing over the “tails” after its completion. Or, as an option, give an academic leave with a transfer to a course below.

Is the stipend paid during academic leave?

This issue is regulated by a special by-law - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 No. 1000 “On approval of the Procedure for the appointment of state academic scholarships and (or) state social scholarship students studying full-time at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, state scholarships to graduate students, residents, assistant trainees studying full-time at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget, payment of scholarships to students of preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations higher education students studying at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget."

According to paragraphs. 13 – 14 of this Order, the grounds for termination of payment of scholarships (both state academic and social) are:

— expulsion from an educational institution;
— academic debt;
— receiving a “satisfactory” grade during the session.

Academic leave is not included in the list of reasons for which the payment of a scholarship is terminated. Being in an academy in itself does not create academic debt. So if you received only “good” and “excellent” in all subjects during the previous session, and now you have taken academic, the scholarship will be paid.

Are any monetary compensations paid during academic leave?

A student who has received an academic degree on the basis of medical indications receives additional monetary payments in accordance with a special by-law - the Government Decree “On approval of the procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens.” True, cash payments during academic leave are small - only 50 rubles per month.

To receive compensation payments, you must submit an application with the relevant documents to the rector's office (you can indicate this point in the application for academic leave). Compensation begins to be paid from the date of granting the academic leave, if the application for it is received no later than 6 months from the date of granting leave. If the student comes to his senses after six months, payments will be received no more than 6 months from the day of the month in which the application for compensation was submitted.

Female students on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three receive a monthly allowance in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

Is a student provided with a dormitory during an academic leave?

Complex issue. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 455 “On approval of the procedure and grounds for granting academic leave to students” refers us to Art. 39 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. And it says that the student’s dormitory is provided...

... if such organizations have appropriate specialized housing stock in the manner established by the local regulations of these organizations.

Have questions? Ask in the comments!

How to go on sabbatical leave while studying at a college or institute

Those students who want to go on vacation are wondering: how to go on sabbatical leave while studying at college or institute. Let's start with why they want to suspend their studies, there can be many reasons for this, but the most basic one is the threat of expulsion that appears after large quantity passes and debts. According to the law, it is possible to receive academic leave for three main reasons:

During the first semester, students can take academic leave only for health reasons, due to compulsory military service or caring for a child under 3 years of age. From the second semester, students can also take academic leave for at will. During an extended period of study, academic leave cannot be taken (with the exception of leave for child care and health reasons).

An application for academic leave should be submitted in free form addressed to the director of the college.

Is it possible to take part in academic work during academic leave?

During an academic leave, a student can take part in academic work, take exams and study as a guest student at universities in Estonia and abroad.

If a student is sent on academic leave, his registration for subjects and exams may be canceled upon application.

During an academic leave, a student is not transferred to the next year (course). The end of the student's nominal period of study is postponed to a later period according to the period of academic leave.

If a student studying at a non-budgetary educational place takes part in academic work during an academic leave, then he pays tuition based on the cost of a subject point or semester.

to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia

from 05.11.98 No. 2782

granting academic leave

1. Academic leave is a leave granted to students of higher and secondary educational institutions vocational education for medical reasons and in other exceptional cases ( natural disasters, family circumstances and others).

2. If an academic leave is granted, its duration, as a rule, cannot exceed 12 calendar months.

3. Conclusion on the possibility of providing sabbatical from college academic leave for medical reasons is issued by a clinical expert commission of a state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student, including the student clinic. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease is not indicated in the conclusion without the patient’s consent. In cases where medical care for students is provided by a health center, the conclusion can be issued by clinical expert commissions of state and municipal health care institutions, the structure of which includes this health center.

4. The decision to grant academic leave to students is made by the head educational institution. The basis for issuing an order is:

for medical reasons - the student’s personal statement and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the healthcare institution;

in other exceptional cases - a personal statement from the student and a corresponding document confirming the grounds for receiving academic leave, indicating the reason.

The basis for issuing an order for admission to the educational process of a student who is on academic leave for medical reasons is the student’s personal statement and the conclusion of a clinical expert commission of a health care institution.

5. Students on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 percent. the minimum wage in accordance with the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments individual categories citizens (clause 1), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 1994 N 1206 “On approval of the procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995 N 29, Art. 3035).

Educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education have the right to make additional payments to students on academic leave at their own expense.

The financial conditions for granting academic leave to students studying on a paid contractual basis are determined by the terms of the contract or additional agreement.

6. The provision of dormitories to students on academic leave is carried out in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 109, 110 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and the Standard Regulations on student dormitories of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, approved by a resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 05.31.95 No. 4 (clause 20) (Bulletin of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, 1995, No. 9, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 07.13.95 No. 903).

7. The procedure and conditions for granting academic leave to foreign students studying at the expense of the federal budget are determined by the terms of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements concluded in accordance with paragraphs 71 and 72 of the Regulations on the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/97 No. 395 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997 No. 15, Art. 1796).

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The state has provided the opportunity to take academic leave for those who have health problems, conflicts in the family, or some unforeseen circumstances that force the student to temporarily suspend their educational activities. Temporary difficulties are not a reason to stop studying and not receive an education.

Academic leave is an official and legally enshrined termination of education caused by a number of circumstances. The decision to grant leave is made by the management of the educational institution. During this period, the student is freed from the need to independently master the educational material.

A temporary break from studies may be allowed for up to 1 year. After the specified period, the vacation can be extended, if necessary, by providing a package necessary documents. However, it is not prohibited to take vacation several times for various reasons.

For example, a student has the right to take leave due to pregnancy. After a year, she can extend her academic leave, but indicate another reason - child care or family circumstances.

In order to continue studying after the end of the academic leave, the student must write an application for renewal educational activities. If an order for permission to take a break from study was issued to a student due to health conditions, it is also necessary to undergo a medical examination and bring a doctor’s report on recovery.

The student has no right to attend classes without a signed order for permission to resume educational activities.

Some higher education institutions may refuse to grant permission to take a break from study until the student has passed all exams and tests for the current session.

This is an unofficial rule so that when the student returns to university, he can start lectures from the next semester, and not in the middle of it.

Leave can be extended an unlimited number of times, but there must be reasons for this. Difficulties in passing a session or reluctance to study are not reasons for requesting an official suspension of educational activities.

What is academic leave

In the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 34, paragraph 12) and the order of Minister D.V. Livanov dated June 28, 2013 describes what academic leave is.

The latest document contains rules for obtaining permission to take a temporary break from study, and some old rules reflected in the order of November 5, 1998 have been cancelled. In particular, until 2013, an official break from study was allowed for a period of 2 years, but now this period has been reduced to 1 year.

During the study break, a student of a budgetary form of education is not paid a scholarship, but his place is retained. If a student decides to extend his academic leave, he will lose his budget place and will be required to continue his studies on a contract basis.

In the case where the reason for the leave was due to health conditions, the student has the right to receive monthly payments called compensation.

The educational institution may initiate payments. For example, if a student is in a car accident and needs an expensive operation, the university administration has the right to allocate an amount from the educational institution’s budget for treatment.

Students have the right to apply to retain their place in the dormitory for the period of academic leave; the decision in this case is made by the rector. However, the university is obliged to provide the student with a dormitory when the vacation ends and the student resumes studies.

Types of academic leave

There are the following circumstances that serve as sufficient grounds for temporarily not attending classes:

  1. A break from study for health reasons/medical reasons.
  2. A break in the educational process during military service.
  3. Suspension of the educational process due to personal and family problems- academic leave for family reasons. This group includes leave for pregnancy, caring for a child or a sick family member, due to going abroad for training/internship. In each of these cases, it is necessary to collect documents confirming the legality of the request to suspend studies.

The concept of “sabbatical leave at the university” refers exclusively to the educational process. If a student works and studies at the same time, he has the right, if there are grounds, to receive a temporary break from educational activities, but having permission to suspend the educational process does not give him the opportunity to leave his job.

You cannot take a sabbatical from work, but you can request permission to be absent from work for 2 weeks.

A break from studying should not be perceived as a vacation or an opportunity not to serve in the military. After the expiration of the permission to stop classes, the student is obliged to resume studies or extend the vacation. The scholarship will not be awarded while you are away from the university.

In case of resuming studies, the student remains obligated to serve. Academic leave is not a deferment from the army. In case of extension of academic leave, the decision on service is made by the medical commission.

Procedure for granting academic leave

Permission for a temporary break from study is granted to persons studying in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions:

  • students of universities, academies, institutes;
  • cadets of military and naval schools;
  • Full-time graduate students of all specialties;
  • employees who are undergoing postgraduate training;
  • doctors who entered residency;
  • assistants who undergo internships at an educational institution.

Depending on the reasons, the student needs to collect a package of documents, including: mandatory An application for academic leave written to the rector is provided.

Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who are in Russia legally and undergoing training in institutions of both higher (universities, institutes) and secondary vocational education (schools, colleges, technical schools) have the right to receive an official break from their studies.

In addition, academic leave is provided to students of any form of study - full-time and part-time, contract and budget. Students who study under a contract are exempt from paying tuition fees during the vacation period.

If any part of the funds was paid before the start of the academic leave, then this amount, under the terms of the agreement, is either returned to the student or counted as a contribution or part thereof for the period beginning after the resumption of studies.

If a foreigner receives education at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Russian Federation, in the case of a request for permission to temporarily interrupt educational activities, it is often necessary to refer to interstate agreements concluded between Russia and the state from which the foreign citizen arrived.

For this reason, a foreigner sometimes has to wait for the university management to make a decision on granting leave.

How to get academic leave

In addition to the application, in order to receive leave from an educational institution with the opportunity to continue studying without going through the reinstatement procedure, you must provide:

  1. Conclusion of the municipal or state hospital to which the student is assigned at his place of residence or study. The diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.
  2. Notice of conscription for military service. The document must indicate the time of receipt of the summons and the place where the student will serve.
  3. Any other document that has legal force and serves as the basis for granting academic leave: for pregnant women - a certificate from a gynecologist, for single mothers with minor children - a copy of the divorce certificate, a court decision on deprivation of parental rights, a child’s birth certificate, a certificate of the state of his health (if the child is sick and requires constant care).

Sample application for academic leave

To the rector _________________ (full name in the genitive case)_________

________________________(the name of the institution)________

from a student (cadet, graduate student) of group _________ (group number)

___________(name of faculty)__________________ faculty

________________________ (student's full name in the genitive case)


Please provide the academic. leave due to _________________________

______________________(explain the reason) ______________________ from _____(date)____ to _____(date)______.


Please provide the academic. leave for a period of one year from “___” ____ to “____” ________ due to health conditions (option: due to family circumstances, due to military service). I am attaching a medical report to the application (option: summons for military service).

________________ ________________ ____________________

(Applicant’s full name) (student’s signature) (date)

According to the law, the application must be considered within 10 days from the date of its submission to the rector or authorized person.

Nov 14, 2017 zakonadmnin