The sign of Gemini in the zodiac circle is one of the most sophisticated and mysterious symbols. Representatives of this constellation are characterized good manners, enormous intuition, mobility and vulnerability. Sublime and airy by nature, such people often prefer tattoos depicting a zodiac symbol. But before choosing a sketch and place of application, you should figure out how to do it correctly.

Gemini Motto: “I Think”

The symbol of the sign Gemini looks like a Roman deuce. Indicates the duality of his representative and diplomacy in communication. But any of these symbols carries a certain energy load:

  • spirituality
  • mobility
  • lack of conventions
  • speed of thought and action

Therefore, it is extremely important where exactly the tattoo parlor artist will apply the image.

Gemini tattoo locations

Sign symbol tattoo inked on the inner surface of the left wrist capable of becoming reliable amulet for vulnerable and sensitive Geminis. It does not matter how much the person himself believes in such predictions. This image will protect you from bad thoughts and the envy of strangers. It is believed that such tattoos can activate intuition, one of the main bright qualities of Gemini.

Gemini Tattoo on the outside of the shoulder(preferably the right one) can reduce external pressure, increase self-control, patience and attention. In addition, a tattoo on the right shoulder will help you concentrate your memory and easily solve major problems. Like the tattoo on the wrist, a tattoo on the shoulder somewhat reduces the frivolity inherent in this sign and allows you to control sexual energy.

Since the sign is a symbol, you should not place the main emphasis on its image in the overall picture. Also, do not overload such a tattoo with a bright color palette. A talisman or amulet is capable of fulfilling its purpose by modestly positioning itself in the form individual element against the background of the composition or as a separate independent element.

Gemini looks good on the back and side of the neck, thin female ankle. In the composition it is appropriate to apply a tattoo on the shoulder, shoulder blade, lumbar region. Often the name in Latin is chosen as a companion to the sign itself in the sketch Gemini. Numerous options for font designs in tattoos will make your choice exclusive.

Who is the Gemini tattoo suitable for?

Since the sign symbolizes the masculine principle (the patronage of Mercury), it is very popular among men born under the constellation Gemini (the period from May 22 to June 21). Most often young people choose tattoos small size in a monochrome version with a standard symbol stamp.

Girls tend to decorate the sign with floral elements. They often choose sketches in which the symbol is depicted in the form of flowers, babies, silhouettes of angels - there are many options. In this case, everything depends on the flight of fancy of the salon artist.

Often the symbol of the sign is chosen in the halo of heavenly bodies or in the form of a modest sign, harmoniously woven into a large work of tattoo art. Many choose the union of two symbols, placing the sign of their half in one composition next to the Gemini symbol.

First of all, the symbolism is suitable for representatives of the air sign Gemini. The image looks equally harmonious on a female and male body. And what it should be is decided by the client’s imagination and the artist’s skill.

Famous people born under the sign of Gemini

Arthur Conan Doyle

writer from Great Britain. Based on his work, there is a cult detective series “Sherlock Holmes”

Naomi Campbell

English model. He has been performing on fashion catwalks since he was fifteen. The first woman with black skin to appear on the pages of Vogue fashion magazine

Bob Dylan

singer, composer and actor of the United States. For 50 years he was considered a cult performer in the rock genre. According to Rolling Stone magazine - one of the most significant creative figures

Larisa Guzeeva

Russian TV presenter. Hosts a TV show on Channel One “Let’s Get Married”

Alexander Demyanenko

Soviet actor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR

Angelica Varum

John Kennedy

thirty-fifth President of the United States. Veteran of the Second World War. To this day, conjectures and assumptions are being made about his mysterious murder.

Ian McKellen

theater actor from Great Britain. He received public recognition thanks to his mastery of Shakespearean repertoires. Roles in cult franchises brought enormous popularity: in the “X-Men” film series as Magneto and Gandalf in the “Lord of the Rings” films.

Clint Eastwood

director and film actor in the United States. Winner of five honorary awards, including four Oscars

Kristina Orbakaite

Soviet and Russian pop singer. Honored film actress, with about thirty works in her career. He is an honorary member of the International Union of Pop Artists

Maria Shukshina

Russian actress and TV presenter. In 2008 she was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Mikhail Glinka

Russian composer of the 19th century. Had a significant influence on the music of not only domestic performers, but also far abroad

Marilyn Monroe

model, actress and sex symbol of the fifties of the last century. She was the highest paid actress of her time. Her appearance and proportions are still considered ideal

The meaning of the Gemini sketch is optimal for all their representatives; the picture looks like a constellation symbol.

Main designated qualities

Astrologers proceed from the fact that a Gemini tattoo introduces a certain duality, inconstancy into a person’s life, and emotionally rejuvenates him. Those who feel a tendency towards duplicity and hypocrisy should beware of such an image: these negative qualities may even intensify.

Cultural allusions

In all cultures where the sign of Gemini exists, it is considered to be a combination of incompatible principles. Past and future, black and white, good and evil, sunrise and sunset, and so on. Yes, at least male and female! In dualistic mythology, twins are perceived as a combination of good and evil principles (take, for example, the ancient Egyptian myth of Set and Osiris, similar legends of other nations).

What else does the symbol mean? Often, twins are considered a symbol of fertility; In twin cults there is a close connection with horses. Ancient mythology shows twins as pairs of corporeal mortals and divine immortals (Castor and Polydeuces, for example).

Suitable places

It is believed that beautiful tattoos Gemini is best applied to left wrists. This should provide:

  • isolation from the bad influence of other people;
  • foreseeing the near future;
  • career success and professional activity;
  • general upliftment of life.

If you apply a small drawing (photo) to the outer side of the right forearm, you will be able to achieve, as astrologers believe:

  • high concentration;
  • ability to find a way out difficult situations;
  • strengthening memory;
  • increased endurance;
  • ability to endure life's difficulties.

The specified choice of places is typical for both men and women.

The best styles

Gemini tattoos, as is commonly believed, are ideally combined with an “environment” of stars and flowers, or with the designations of other zodiac signs to which the people dearest to you belong. In men, unchanged appearance Gemini sign, women make them more anthropomorphic, make them in green, purple or even red.

Among all the flowers, the best are daffodils, jasmines, poppies; Some experts advise women to combine the image of Gemini with the stylized look of a walnut tree. It is not recommended for girls and boys to write the same inscriptions.

The history of Gemini tattoos as a zodiac sign

The Gemini sign is often used in tattoos, and it is not always related to the horoscope. Despite the fact that this zodiac sign is often depicted simply as two identical faces, it is best to supplement the sketch with other astrological elements so that the drawing is interpreted unambiguously.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoo: meaning

A tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini can be depicted either in the form of a simple symbol or inscription, or look like a real work of art, a full-fledged embodiment of an artistic idea. Among other astrological signs, this is one of the most popular, and the ideas of the masters are simply amazing. 3D tattoos of the Gemini sign look especially interesting, but more on that a little later.

Most often, twin tattoos are tattooed by those born in the May-June period, or by those who had people dear to their hearts born during these months: a significant other, a parent or a child, although astrologers do not recommend tattooing a symbol of a constellation other than their own. Those born under the sign of Gemini are usually vulnerable and romantic individuals. They make decisions quickly and often change their point of view on various issues.
Popular tattoo options - realistic image twins (both babies and adults; the gender of the people depicted does not affect the meaning of the twin tattoo), the symbol of the sign (two columns connected to each other, reminiscent of the Roman numeral II), the inscription Gemini (from Latin - “twins”), constellation and others .

Types of Gemini Zodiac Sign Tattoos and Their Meanings

The meaning of a Gemini tattoo closely intersects with the influence of the zodiac sign on a person’s character and his destiny. Thus, a tattoo in the form of two faces or columns can symbolize duplicity, two sides of a person, or, conversely, show the harmony of his character. Sometimes two connected columns can also mean a gateway to the world of self-knowledge.

Astrologers also believe that a Gemini tattoo tattooed on the body of a person of this zodiac sign can attract positive emotions, help develop intuition in business and achieve success in both career and personal life. Thus, a pattern on the skin is not only a beautiful image, but also a kind of amulet and amulet that changes the owner’s life for the better.

If we approach the question of the meaning of the symbol of twins in a tattoo from the point of view of the inhabitants of the East, then in this case the sketch can become a talisman. Gemini belongs to the element Air, and in eastern countries - Wind. It is believed that a tattoo can reduce the importance of the elements in a person’s life and save him from excessive frivolity in business, protect him from excessive emotionality and unnecessary love affairs.

In general, a tattoo with the Gemini zodiac sign means duality, different aspects of life, endless movement forward, eternal youth and the desire to constantly look for a new solution, rather than adapt to the existing order.

Tattoo color scheme

From the photo of the Gemini zodiac sign tattoo, it can be noted that most often the sketches are printed in black. Girls prefer warmer and brighter colors, such as green, purple, red and others. Gemini tattoos for men are often purely black. Sometimes this color is combined with other dark shades - blue or gray.

In order to enhance the influence of the Gemini zodiac tattoo on your destiny and make it even more a strong talisman, it is best to depict it in yellow shades, since it is considered the zodiac color for the sign.

Where to get a tattoo?

The meaning of a twins tattoo can vary greatly depending on the placement of the design. A tattoo can become a protective amulet, help you concentrate and find the right solution, or even protect against evil forces. From the photo of twin tattoos you can see that it is rarely done on the shoulder. This is quite strange, because this arrangement of the sketch indicates the person’s purposefulness, his readiness to fight life’s obstacles.

A twin tattoo on the wrist also means a desire for success, but it also emphasizes the good intuition of the owner of the tattoo. If you write a sketch on your left wrist, the drawing will become a real amulet. A tattoo will protect you from evil people and their bad influence, help you develop the gift of prediction or intuition, and find the right solution in life situations.

The meaning of the Gemini zodiac tattoo is also especially special when it is placed on the outer surface of the right forearm. A tattoo will help you concentrate on problems, give you patience, restraint, self-control and even improve your memory. It is believed that when a tattoo of the Gemini zodiac sign is tattooed on the forearm, a person gets rid of bad thoughts and begins to control his destiny, not allowing it to influence circumstances alone.

Those born under the sign of Gemini, despite their openness and friendliness, are often mysterious personalities. Therefore, they often get a tattoo purely for themselves, on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body, away from prying eyes, for example, on the back or on the ribs. Girls place the sketch on their neck and, if necessary, can cover the design with their hair.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoos for girls and men

The Gemini tattoo sign is often tattooed by both girls and boys. The only difference is in the artistry and color scheme sketch. Men prefer the classic, no-frills option. Men's tattoo The sign of the Gemini zodiac is usually quite restrained - the symbol of the sign is in black without geometric patterns or additional elements. The Gemini sign in a tattoo for men is strict, designed in a Gothic style. Sometimes guys choose larger-scale sketches and make real paintings of two people. Girls prefer rather modest and neat options. Most often this is an image of two twin babies, a zodiac sign, decorated with ornate lines, or an inscription in a beautiful font.

The constellation Gemini is a tattoo that is more often tattooed by girls than by men. This is not surprising, because such a pattern is very delicate and neat, it looks great on female body, especially on the ankle or under the breast.

Twins tattoo- a sign of contradictory and changeable natures. These people are characterized by inconstancy, duality and cunning. They are sociable, easily get carried away and learn new knowledge. In addition, Geminis tend to look at the situation with different sides and ultimately evaluate it more objectively.


The roots of the Gemini zodiac sign tattoo need to be looked for in Greek mythology. Like all other signs, Geminis have their own legend.

In the constellation Gemini, two stars shine especially brightly - Pollux and Castor. Their story began in Ancient Greece when the thunder god Zeus fell in love with the beautiful Leda, the wife of the ruler of Sparta. In the form of a swan, he hid from his wife Hera and flew into Leda's window. After 9 months, the queen gave birth to two sons and two daughters - one boy and girl were the children of Zeus, the father of the others was Leda's legal husband. Zeus's son Pollux possessed strength and immortality, like his father, and his brother, the king's son, Castor was an ordinary person. Nevertheless, the brothers became friends and accomplished many legendary feats. They became the prototype of the twin tattoo.

One day Castor quarreled with his cousin and he killed him in a fit of anger. Pollux was very sad about his brother, but immortality did not allow him to meet Castor even in the kingdom of the dead. Then Pollux prayed that Zeus would make him mortal so that he could unite with his brother. Touched, Zeus made concessions and allowed his son to be on Olympus one day and the other in the kingdom of Hades. So the brothers were able to be together again, and the memory of them remained forever in the sky in the form of the constellation of twins.

Interpretation of twins tattoo

Astrological symbols are often used as tattoos by people who want to emphasize or develop certain character qualities inherent in their sign. The Gemini sign tattoo is, first of all, changeability, the ability to look at oneself from the outside, and even to a certain extent, duplicity.

The peculiarity of this sign is that it has one of the widest lists of options for how exactly twins can be depicted.

If this is realism, then the tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini can be done in different ways - men prefer the image of two warriors, those same mythological brothers capable of accomplishing a feat. This design emphasizes the strength and courage of its owner. Girls prefer more feminine options - these could be twin sisters, like the female equivalent of twins, or two babies, which makes the tattoo cute and speaks of a developed maternal instinct.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoo on a girl’s neck - photo

In addition, the astrological symbol of this zodiac sign is often depicted. In this case, the twins tattoo can be an abstraction, a minimalist image, or a stylization of a sign carved on a stone slab.

Gemini zodiac sign tattoo on wrist - photo

Floral ornaments look nice, where tree branches are intertwined as a sign of twins.

You can also often see tattoos of the Gemini constellation - usually the stars are connected so that they look like two brothers holding hands. This could be a single constellation or a full-scale cosmic landscape.

Where is the best place to get a twins tattoo?

For small images, wrist, neck, ankle are suitable.

Medium-sized images look good on the shoulder or forearm. A tattoo on the arm has already become a classic option. Also for tattoos of the zodiac sign Gemini in this format, shoulder blades, stomach, calves, and collarbones are suitable.

But large-scale paintings are best depicted on the back or chest. Usually this is either a bright space or a plot from Greek mythology.

When choosing a place, also focus on whether you want to show off the tattoo or not.

Twin tattoos, especially in a realistic version, are a rather complex design. Not only do the twins have to be identical, but many of the sketches require great detail. That is why it is very important to find an experienced craftsman who can realize any of your ideas. And poor-quality work will subsequently result in a long process of tattoo correction. In some cases, preliminary removal of the unsuccessful pattern is required. Therefore, it is best to order the development of an individual sketch of a twin tattoo - the quality of the design will allow you to judge the professionalism of the artist.

The cost of a tattoo is calculated individually and depends on a number of factors:

Tattooist qualifications;

The complexity of the sketch - the constellation option is much easier to execute than the realistic twins;

Tattoo size;

Number of sessions.

Gemini tattoos are perhaps one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. His duality frightens and attracts at the same time. So we can say with confidence that people who have such a tattoo will arouse constant interest among others.

Gemini tattoos are very common in art. body painting, and the design is not always chosen by people born under this constellation. Many people prefer the zodiac sign symbol because of its visual appeal. In this case, the image becomes simply beautiful decoration devoid of any meaning. To enhance the magical effect of the Gemini tattoo, esotericists recommend adding astrological elements to the composition.

Ancient myths

Gemini - third sign zodiac horoscope, belonging to the element of air. People born between May 21 and June 22 are ruled by the planet Mercury. It is closest to the Sun and rotates faster than other celestial bodies. Moreover, one side of it never sees the Sun, remaining forever cold, while the other, on the contrary, constantly withstands high temperature. This is precisely how astrologers explain the dual behavior of people of the Gemini zodiac sign, their unpredictability and changeability.

According to one version, the constellation Gemini was named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor, the sons of Zeus. When Castor tragically died, Pollux turned to his father with a request to deprive him of immortality too. Zeus turned the brothers into a constellation. The sign is also associated with the founders of Rome Romulus and Remus, the biblical characters Cain and Abel, the Sumerian Enlil and Enki. The meaning of the stories of their relationship is completely opposite: someone fulfilled their mission and achieved harmony with their brother, while someone, on the contrary, fought all their lives and defended their rightness.

The Gemini symbol is usually depicted as two parallel columns with a base and an upper crossbar, inside of which there is emptiness. To ancient people, the sign resembled a gate between the world of gods and mere mortals. The Babylonians believed that every morning the sun god opens the gates precisely during this constellation.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The Gemini zodiac sign tattoo is of particular importance for people born under this constellation. A body design becomes an amulet that attracts happiness, success in career, study and personal life. For Gemini, it is very important to set the right vector, show restraint, and concentrate on a specific task or goal. A tattoo will help in self-knowledge and self-improvement. Whatever design is chosen - a symbol or a twin tattoo depicting people (see photo in the gallery) - its meaning for the owner does not change. It is noteworthy that despite the friendliness and openness, like others air signs zodiac, Geminis are very mysterious and do not reveal their inner world. Therefore, most often they carefully hide the body design from prying eyes, making it on the back, on the ribs. For girls, the option of an image on the neck is also suitable, since it can be easily hidden under the hair.

The general meaning of the Gemini sign tattoo is a thirst for new discoveries and impressions, a dual nature, constant movement forward, youth and naivety. To get a tattoo for good luck and happiness, you should choose the right location. The design on the wrist is chosen by purposeful people striving for success. They have a well-developed inner sense; they sense any situation perfectly. The image on the left wrist should be chosen by those who want to protect themselves from bad influences envious people. Gemini tattoos also help in acceptance right decisions, develop the gift of foresight. In this case, it is recommended to select for sketching inner side forearms. The image radically changes a person’s character, making him more restrained, rational, and tolerant. The owner of a tattoo has the opportunity not just to go with the flow, but to control his own destiny and circumstances. A tattoo on the shoulder also helps to strengthen character and gives strength to withstand life's difficulties. In general, the shoulder, arm and chest - ideal places to apply a drawing to representatives of a given zodiacal constellation, because this is where the main energy channels are located.

Execution technique

Masters admit that Gemini tattoos are much more common than other astrological symbols. This is due to the fact that both the sign itself and the realistic image of identical brothers or sisters give wide scope for imagination, so tattoo sketches look like a real work of art. Men's compositions are usually stricter and more laconic.

The symbol in the form of the Roman numeral II is often made in the Gothic style, without additional patterns and elements, in black. In this case, a minimalist style is more suitable. Sometimes you can find large-scale Gemini tattoos made in a realistic manner.

Women, unlike men, prefer more modest and gentle options: ornate Gemini lettering, images of twin babies surrounded by stars and hearts, an elegant astrological symbol. It is recommended to perform tattoos in yellow color, since it is the zodiac sign for Gemini. In addition, such a pattern enhances magical influence on a person and his character, becomes a powerful talisman and amulet.

Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches