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On March 14, the legendary journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov would have turned 87 years old. In his homeland - in Voronezh nature reserve named after V. Peskov, the fourth Peskov Readings will be held on March 19-20.

The journalistic landing of Komsomolskaya Pravda will take part in them: newspaper columnist Evgeny Chernykh, head of the KP Journalists Club Lyudmila Semina, Club members Alexander Sabov, Yuri Feklistov and former KP staff correspondent for the Voronezh region, now a journalist Russian newspaper Elena Yakovleva. The program of readings includes our report on perpetuating the memory of Vasily Mikhailovich and a round table on the civil will of Vasily Peskov on the preservation of the protected nature of Russia.

The readings are taking place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian environmental system, to the formation of which our outstanding colleague devoted more than sixty years of his life. The landing party is bringing to the reserve one hundred volumes of the Complete Works of Vasily Peskov, an author’s copy of the book “That Same Epoch” by Boris Pankin, editor-in-chief of the Communist Party in the 60-70s, with an essay included in it from the Novo-Khopersky Nature Reserve “The Wolves Ruined Me”, published in Komsomolskaya Pravda after the author’s joint trip with Vasily Peskov, other artifacts for exhibition in the Peskov Museum in the Voronezh Reserve.

In addition, the program of our landing includes meetings with local members of the Club, with regional journalists, and with students of the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh University. We also included student trainees from the department of Mikhail Nenashev in the landing party High school print and media industry.



10.00 – 11.00 Acquaintance with the permanent exhibition of the Vasily Peskov Museum and exhibitions: “A spare pocket of life”: Vasily Peskov about the reserve system of Russia”, “Famous and unknown Peskov”.


1. Literary and musical greeting “For a hundred years we have been protecting the land we love.”

2. Opening speech by the director of Voronezh state reserve named after Vasily Peskov Kholod R.Z.

3. Welcome speech from the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Security environment Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Stepanitsky V.B.

4. Welcoming speech from the director of the Ecological and Educational Center “Reserves” Danilina N.R.


5. “Spare pocket of life”: Vasily Peskov about the nature reserve system of Russia.” Results of the all-Russian action. – Khlyzova N.Yu. (Voronezh Nature Reserve). Presentation of the project for the permanent exhibition of the Vasily Peskov Museum in the building of the former refectory of the Tolshevsky Monastery. – E. Belenova, V. Godunova, D. Nuvazova (Development Agency natural areas“For_Nature”) – the hall of the information center “Meet the Voronezh Nature Reserve!”

6. On perpetuating the memory of Vasily Peskov. – Karmanov R.V. – deputy general director JSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda", Semina L.M. – executive director of the club of journalists of all generations “KP”.

7. Vasily Peskov is a universal journalist. – Tulupov V.V. – Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Voronezh State University.

8. Vasily Peskov about the commanded history. – Kovalevsky V.N. – Director of the Kostenki Museum-Reserve.



Vasily Peskov. “April in the Forest” (Young Communard, 1953), “When the Blizzards Raged” (KP, 1956) – “Grey Heron Colony” (KP, 2013).

The Voronezh Nature Reserve is the “creative springboard” of Vasily Peskov. – Nikolaeva N.I., Sapelnikov S.F., Komov N.M., Lavrov V.L., Aksenova (Komarova) P.V., Ermolova E.K., Masalykin A.I., Klyavin A.A. ., Bakhareva A.A., Semenov V.A., Tregubova E.V., Suchkov A.S., Suchkova L.N., Cheremukhin V.V., Vengerov P.D., Litvinov A.N., Grigorov V.S., Koralkina V.N. (Voronezh Nature Reserve).

Vasily Peskov. “Shots in the Night” (KP, 1981). The Komov case. – Komov N.M., Stepanitsky V.B. (Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation), Shcherbakov A.V. (MSU), Aksenov S.N.

In the footsteps of Vasily Peskov from “Stone Steppe”. – Natsentov V. – student of the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology of VSU.

Vasily Peskov. “Heart of a Hunter” (KP, 1964). Ignatiy Ignatievich Kovalevsky. Minute of Memory. The text is read by V.V. Pasichny.


Vasily Peskov. “Wedded to the Forest” (KP, 1998). Letter from Shpilenka I.P.


Vasily Peskov. “Valley of Geysers” (KP, 1966); “The Edge of the World” (Young Guard: 1967); “Russian trace” (Red Proletarian: 1994; together with Zhilin M.Ya.). Shpilenok Tikhon Igorevich. A minute of MEMORY.


Vasily Peskov. “Meshchera flood” (KP, 1962). Svyatoslav Georgievich Priklonsky. A minute of MEMORY.

“Steps on the Dew” was born here. – Didorchuk M.V. (Oka Nature Reserve).

Hall of the information center “Meet the Voronezh Nature Reserve!” Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after. V.M. Peskova

Answers to questions about the project for the permanent exhibition of the Vasily Peskov Museum in the building of the former refectory of the Tolshevsky Monastery. – E. Belenova, V. Godunova, D. Nuvazova (Agency for the Development of Natural Areas “For_Nature”) – hall of the information center “Meet the Voronezh Nature Reserve!”


Boris Pankin, Vasily Peskov. “Green Smoke” (KP, 1963) Vasily Peskov. “Leaf fall on Khopra” (KP, 1965). An excerpt from an essay about the Khopersky Nature Reserve is read by V.V. Pasichny.

He promised to come again... - Golovkov A.V. (Khopersky Reserve).


Vasily Peskov. “Orlik, Tyapa and Varka” (KP, 1962), “He was a scout” (KP, 1965), “Forest Artists” (KP, 2009). Georgy Georgievich Shubin: person reserve system. – Khlyzova N.Yu. (Voronezh Nature Reserve), A. Goryashko (Kandalaksha Nature Reserve).

In the most difficult years... - Simakin L.V. (Pechora-Ilychsky reserve).

"The path of selfless love." – Yarkina T.Yu. (Zoofilm base Leonovo-Petushki, Vladimir region).


“Reserved Islands” with Vasily Peskov and Vadim Dezhkin. – Danilina N.R. – Director of the Environmental Education Center “Reserves”.


Vasily Peskov. “Taiga dead end” (KP, 1982 – 2013).

At the origins of the “Taiga dead end”. – Shichkova E.V. (Altai Nature Reserve).


Vasily Peskov. “Friends from the Den” (KP, 1976)

We became friends with “Friends from the Den”. – Pazhetnov V.S. (Central Forest Reserve).


With "Anthill" on the Eel. – Starchenko N.N. - Ch. editor of the magazine "Anthill" (Moscow), Novikov V.P. (Chief scientific researcher of the Ugra National Park).


He taught us to protect nature. – Fomicheva T.S. (National Park "Yugyd Va").


Vasily Peskov. “And the summer was dry” (KP, 1969)

At the Curonian fire with Vasily Peskov. – Drobyshev V.N. (Ryazan region), Drobysheva O.V. (Voronezh).


“In the world of animals” with Vasily Peskov about the smallest reserve in Russia. “Galichya Mountain” Fragment of the film.

18.00 – 19.00 “Round table” - CP: “Civil will of Vasily Peskov.”

17.30 – 19.00 (Voronezh) Meeting of KP representatives with regional journalists. A story about the joint work of “KP” and the Voronezh Nature Reserve to perpetuate the memory of Vasily Peskov.

Co-founders of the event: JSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda", Voronezh regional office Union of Writers of Russia, Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University, Tresvyatsky secondary school named after Vasily Peskov, Library No. 25 of Voronezh named after Vasily Peskov, Administration of the Verkhnekhava district of the Voronezh region, Industrial and Humanitarian College, Voronezh

The story “Journey along the protected paths of Ugra” - page No. 1/1

Introductory part: “Journey along the protected paths of Ugra”

Ecological association "Ekos".
FULL NAME. project manager (in full)*: Tatyana Leonidovna Strus.

The participants of the ecological association “Ekos” traveled by road through the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk, Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts. In total, the young travelers traveled more than 600 km.

The trip through the protected areas of Yugra was carried out with the aim of forming among young ecologists the integrity of the perception of the system of protected areas of Yugra, its significance and role in preserving unique natural complexes Ugra. The travelers got acquainted with the system and experience of the Kondinskie Lakes Nature Park, the Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve, and the Reflection Local History Museum in the village of Tallinka.

The trip was supported by a charitable donation from the Global Greengrants Fund. The trip was supported by employees of the Samarovsky Chugas Natural Park: transport was provided. The staff of the Kondinskie Lakes Nature Park hospitably greeted us, placed us in the hospital, gave us excursions, and provided us with a rotation vehicle for driving to the hospital along swampy impassable roads. The museum of the Malaya Sosva reserve held a charity tour of the forest museum.

The participants of the trip had wonderful memories of the trip and a desire to again visit the Kondinskie Lakes Nature Park and the Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve.
In the future, a trip to other protected areas of Ugra is planned - the Siberian Uvaly Natural Park, Numto.
The story “Journey along the protected paths of Ugra”
On the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in different parts of it, there are specially protected natural areas (SPNA), which are considered one of the most environmentally friendly places in the district. Specially protected natural areas are intended to preserve typical and unique natural landscapes, diversity of flora and fauna, and natural and cultural heritage sites. Completely or partially withdrawn from economic use, they have a regime of special protection, and on adjacent areas of land and water, protected zones or districts with a regulated regime of economic activity can be created.

The idea arose to create a project “Travel along the protected paths of Ugra” for children actively involved in practical environmental activities, conducting research work in the forest field, to form an integrity of perception of the system of protected areas of Ugra, its significance and role in the conservation of the unique natural complexes of Ugra.

After the project was prepared and approved, the implementation phase began. The trip route was developed through specially protected natural areas of Ugra: “Natural Park “Samarovsky Chugas”, Natural Park “Kondinskie Lakes” and Nature Reserve “Malaya Sosva”.

The project “Travel along the protected paths of Ugra” was carried out in stage II:

I stage: A trip to the historical and local history museum “Reflection” (Tallinka village), the Kondinskie Lakes Nature Park, and the museum of the Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve took place on October 4 - 6, 2012.

II stage: The trip - a trip to the Samarovsky Chugas Natural Park took place on January 9, 2013.

Stage I:

On October 4 - 6, 2012, an educational, environmental and educational trip of participants of the project “On the protected paths of Ugra” took place.

The delegation included:

I. Participants of the children's environmental association “Ekos” (9 students of the 7th grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 2, 1 student of the 2nd grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 11).

  1. Chusovitin Vitaly Vladimirovich 06/23/1999.

  2. Sedov Ilya Vladimirovich 13.10. 1999.

  3. Bashirov Bulat Maratovich 24.05. 1999.

  4. Dobrynin Stanislav Alexandrovich 04/17. 1999.

  5. Smirnova Anastasia Valerievna 06/11/1999.

  6. Khasanova Agata Muradovna 12/23/1998

  7. Misharina Daria Andreevna 16.12. 1999.

  8. Fomina Zhanna Ivanovna 09.29. 1999.

  9. Usenko Sofya Eduardovna, 07/17/2004. "MBOU Secondary School No. 11, 2nd grade).

II. head, teacher of the subject "Technology", MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Timirbaev Nikolay Sergeevich.

III. Employees budgetary institution Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug– Ugra “Natural Park “Samarovsky Chugas”.

  1. Strus T.L. - methodologist for environmental associations and school forestries, head of the children's environmental association "Ekos".

  2. Usenko L.K. - Head of the Environmental Education Department.

  3. Istomina N.L. - Methodologist on media.

  4. Volkova T.I. - Researcher scientific and methodological department.

The trip took place with funds from a charitable donation from the GLOBAL GREENGRANTS FUND. The project was prepared by Tatyana Leonidovna Strus (head of the children's environmental association “Ekos”) and implemented under her leadership.

Preparatory stage. At MBOU Secondary School No. 2, a meeting was held with trip participants, parents, and teachers, where the trip was described in detail: the route, travel time, stopping places, meals, a list of necessary clothing, and instructions were given. Written permission from parents for the trip was collected. Information letters have been prepared and sent to the director of the Kondinskie Lakes Natural Park. The trip has been agreed upon in terms of timing, participants, and program.
On October 3, on the eve of the trip, 30 centimeters of snow fell in Sovetsky and it got colder. But everything was ready for the trip: travel allowances were prepared, participants were determined by order, provisions were purchased, so the date of the trip was not changed.
October 4, 2012. 1 day of travel.

On October 4, at the appointed time, we arrived by bus at MBOU Secondary School No. 2. All participants - 8 people were present. We took our seats on the bus, fastened our seat belts, and the journey began.

As we approached the borders of the Oktyabrsky district, it became colder and the amount of snow fell increased. 3 hours on the road and we were at the first stopping point - Tallinka. On the basis of the school there is a historical and local history museum “Reflection”, which was created and directed by librarian Olga Pavlovna Stytsyuk. Under her leadership, search expeditions for ancient household items and utensils were carried out in Russian Siberian settlements.

The children listened to information about ancient objects and their uses: a coal-fired iron, a scythe for mowing grass, ancient knives and blades, lamps, samovars, cow bells, kerosene lamps, spinning wheels and other historical objects. Olga Pavlovna also supervises international project“Festival-exhibition of children’s creativity “The Red Book through the eyes of children”, which is being implemented within the framework of the International environmental action“Save and Preserve” under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. During the excursion, she spoke about the holding of competitions, the works of those who came to the competition, the regulations on the competition, and the winning works.

Next, our path ran through the Sovetsky district. In the city of Sovetsky, at the office of the Kondinskie Lakes Natural Park, our delegation was met by employees of the Natural Park and the director, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation Leonid Fedorovich Stashkevich. Park employees gave us a tour of the office, talked in detail about the areas of work, and showed us the library and offices.

The natural park “Kondinskie Lakes” with an area of ​​43,900 hectares was created on the territory of the Sovetsky district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 1995. The park is intended to preserve the water system of lakes Arantur, Pontur, Rangetur, Kondinskoye river basin and adjacent territories with natural landscapes, historical and archaeological cultural monuments located on them. The basis of the fauna is made up of “taiga”: sable, elk, ermine, weasel, white hare, squirrel, chipmunk. But, along with representatives of the middle taiga, species of animals and birds characteristic of the northern taiga and tundra are also observed here (wolverine, taiga subspecies of reindeer, ptarmigan, bean goose, etc.).

Then we switched to a rotation vehicle - a KAMAZ, since it was impossible to get to the cordon with our transport due to difficult road conditions. The basis of the territory of the natural park is the wetland natural complex (about 57%), the swamps themselves occupy about 50%. TO The swamp, as a rule, is adjacent to a ryam (sphagnum swamp overgrown with pine).
After 4 hours of driving along an embankment road and over concrete slabs of marshy terrain, we arrived at the station of the Kondinskie Lakes Park.

The natural park station is located in a picturesque location at the foot of a high hill. Fresh air, the silence of the pine forest, beautiful landscape and comfortable conditions distinguish its location.

Upon arrival, we were accommodated in a cozy guest house, equipped with everything necessary for relaxation. The house has sleeping places, a small hall, and a technically equipped video living room corner where you can hold a presentation. Tall beautiful pines grow in the yard. The most common tree species is Scots pine or forest pine. Low requirements for heat and moisture, resistance to fire and the ability to quickly recover after a fire have allowed it to spread widely in moss swamps. Nearby is a dining room equipped with the necessary cutlery. In the evening there is the opportunity to take a steam bath in a felled wooden bathhouse. In the yard there are enclosures with three brown bears- Potap, Masha, Shurik.

October 5, 2012. 2nd day of travel.
The day was going to be eventful, and so the morning began with a hearty breakfast prepared by the kitchen staff. When preparing lunches, those on duty from among the travel participants gladly helped arrange cutlery, peel potatoes for soups, and prepare salads.

The day's program includes many varied and interesting events.

After breakfast, everyone settled in the hall to get acquainted with the staff of the Natural Park and their activities in the field of nature conservation. We listened to presentations about the Samarovsky Chugas and Kondinsky Lakes natural parks.” Director of the park Stashkevich L.F. told us about the main tasks of the institution and demonstrated documentary about the features of the park, flora and fauna.

Then there was an excursion along the ecological trail to the Moreny Kholm station. A high mysterious hill is the result of the work of a glacier that retreated in ancient years... The trail on the hill is equipped wooden stairs, which is convenient for climbing the hill. Along the trail there are intricate forest characters made by wood craftsmen. On the rise of the hill there is the figure of Leshy, then the figure of a mushroom, which is a kind of stop (station) where you can get acquainted with the mushroom abundance of the park. Next is an equipped resting place with wooden images: squirrels, wood grouse, elk. In the distance from the hill there was a magnificent view of the valley: the surrounding swamps, hills, lakes. Co observation deck there is a picturesque view of the lakes Range-Tour and Pont-Tour. And in the distance, beyond the expanse of the raised swamp, one can discern the floodplain of the Konda River.

Next, the trail is laid to the Bolotnaya station, along one of the many swamps that begin immediately beyond the cordon. Local swamps attract scientific colleagues from abroad, who, due to the lack of swamps in their countries, come here for their research. Contrary to popular belief about swamps as boring, unattractive and even “disastrous” places, they are distinguished by an amazing variety of beautifully flowering plants and a wealth of berries - cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries... Here you can find a carnivorous plant - round-leaved sundew, and delicate representatives orchid family.
After lunch, we drove in a KAMAZ rotation vehicle to one of the lakes - Aran - Tour, which is one of the most beautiful objects of the Park. Having approached the shore, a panorama of a large round lake with forested shores opened up in front of us. I think cold weather The shallow shore of the lake was already covered with ice. During the excursion we were told about this lake. The name “Arantur” is translated into Russian differently: Red Lake, Mednoye, Olenye. There is also something more poetic - Singing. The “musicality” of Arantur was noticed many centuries ago by the indigenous people - the Khanty and Mansi. The voice of the lake can still be heard. The wind running across the water mirror “plays” the coastal pines, like the registers of an organ. The northern peoples were in awe of the beauty and scale of Arantur. Its area exceeds 1,000 hectares, with an average depth of only about one and a half meters. Its banks are peaty, sandy in places, overgrown with pine forests. A narrow strip of floodplain meadows along the banks of the Arantur is brightly colored by willow loosestrife, gentian pulmonata, field mint, and sedges. The “Giant” Arantur is connected to lakes Pon-Tour, Lopukhovoe and Krugloye by the river-channel Akh, which flows into Konda.

Having seen enough of the beauty of the lake, having learned a lot of new and interesting things, we decided to return to the cordon.

In the evening, after dinner, a large forest fire awaited everyone. Around the fire, the guys talked about their impressions of the trip. Everyone enjoyed the trip to the natural park. The guys expressed a desire to come to visit the park staff for an inpatient stay in the summer in the future.
At the end of the evening, all participants in the trip were initiated into tourists, each received a souvenir - a tourist set that will be useful on further trips.
October 6, 2012. 3rd day of travel.

In the morning, after breakfast, we began to prepare for the return journey. Everyone gathered on the territory of the hospital. We thanked everyone for the warm welcome and said goodbye to everyone.

We were accommodated in a KAMAZ rotation bus. 3 hours of driving along an embankment road, concrete slabs and we arrived in the city of Sovetsky. In total, on the territory of the Sovetsky district there are: 1 natural park “Kondinskie Lakes”, 1 nature reserve “Malaya Sosva”. The structural divisions of the reserve include the federal reserve "Verkhne-Kondinsky" and the natural monument of regional significance "Lake Range - Tur".

The Malaya Sosva State Nature Reserve was established by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated February 17, 1976 No. 113 on an area of ​​92,921 hectares as a reserve for indigenous populations of the Siberian river beaver, rare and endangered plant species. The reserve is interesting for its variety of natural objects, unique from scientific, educational and aesthetic aspects.

On the basis of the Malaya Sosva State Nature Reserve there is a nature museum, which is the center of environmental and educational work in the region. The exhibition hall of the nature museum houses 150 exhibits of representatives of the flora and fauna of the reserve. Alexandra Leonidovna Vasina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honored Ecologist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, took us on a tour of the museum. Author of more than 170 scientific publications. One of the authors and scientific editors of the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. She told the children interestingly about her museum, exhibits, and the history of the museum. After the excursion, souvenirs and books about the Samarovsky Chugas Nature Park and the Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve were exchanged.
After the final program - an excursion to the Museum of Nature, our journey continued in the opposite direction - the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.
The journey is over. The children learned a lot of new and interesting things during their trip to the protected areas of Ugra; they visited the local history museum and the museum of nature.

A trip to specially protected natural areas enriched the children with new knowledge about natural areas. Meetings with employees enriched the spiritual world of children with new emotions and impressions. The trip taught us to assess the state of the natural environment, determine the role of protected areas in the conservation of biological diversity, and contributed to the formation of value orientations and behavioral skills necessary for a young traveler in a real travel situation.

Stage II of the journey
On January 9, 2013, participants of the children's environmental association “Ekos” (secondary school No. 2, Khanty-Mansiysk) traveled by bus through the territory of one of the specially protected natural areas - Ugra “Natural Park “Samarovsky Chugas”. The establishment of the Samarovsky Chugas Nature Park arose on the initiative of the public and in accordance with the Government Resolution. The specificity of the Samarovsky Chugas natural park is that the park’s territory is located in close proximity to the residential area of ​​the rapidly developing city of Khanty-Mansiysk. The park area protects against the destruction of the ecosystems of the surrounding natural complexes, including cedar forests on Samarovskaya Mountain. A participant of the ecological association “Ekos” prepared an educational and research work on the topic of preventing the Samarovskaya Mountain from destruction “Water linear erosion on the slopes of the geological object “Samarovsky outlier” during the period of extremely high rainfall”, which takes 1st degree Diplomas at city, district and All-Russian competitions

At first, our path lay in the environmental education center “Shapshinskoe tract”. The environmental and educational center “Shapshinskoe tract” is located 30 km away. from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk to the village of Shapsha. The territory of the center includes ecological trail"Them. A. Cherkasova", open-air cage complex, ecological and local history school "Shapshinsky cedar forests".

The enclosure complex of the environmental education center serves as a kind of rehabilitation center for wild animals caught in difficult situations. life situations. Once here, the animal receives first veterinary care and is kept in enclosures until full recovery. However, due to the fact that some of the pets, after suffering an injury, cannot live in the wild, they have to be kept in enclosures throughout their lives. Today there live: 3 bears, 2 wild boars, rabbits, a raccoon dog, a horse, and swans.

After a tour of the enclosure complex, the trip participants headed to the Shapshinskie Kedrovniki environmental and local history school. A stationary school of ecology and local history created on the basis of the institution, equipped with the necessary equipment, creates good preconditions for conducting systematic practical work with schoolchildren.

Our trip to the Samarovsky Chugas Natural Park has come to an end. Full of various activities: excursions, educational activities, meeting the Park staff, drinking tea, the kids enjoyed the trip and next time they will be happy to come here for an active and educational holiday.

For the support provided in the implementation of the project we thank:

1. Global Greengrants Fund.

2. ALLIANCE “ECODELO”, RUSSIAN COUNCIL of the GLOBAL GREEN GRANTS Foundation and the Interregional Public Environmental Fund “ISAR-Siberia”.

3. Team of the Natural Park “Samarovsky Chugas”.

4. Team of the Kondinskie Lakes Nature Park (director L.F. Stashkevich)

5. Museum Reserve “Malaya Sosva” (A. L. Vasina – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honored Ecologist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug).

6. Head of the “Reflection” museum in Tallinka (O.P. Stytsuk).

Many people know that Siberia is famous for its unique natural beauty. The resources of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are rich and varied. The district's reserves, along with nature reserves and national parks, preserve all the diversity of fauna and flora in natural environment a habitat. The flow of tourists to this mysterious and unique region never dries up. And this is not surprising. They are attracted to a large number of extraordinary animals and birds, beautiful landscapes and the original culture of the peoples of the North.

Tourists visiting this corner of the earth experience exciting and unforgettable emotions. Beautiful forests, swampy taiga, forest-tundra, rivers and reservoirs, rich flora and fauna - all this autonomous region generously shares with connoisseurs of natural beauty.

Tourists of the Autonomous Okrug cannot remain unnoticed. They were created for the purpose of studying, and most importantly, preserving the animal and plant world without disturbing natural processes. Hunting is prohibited on the territory of the reserves. economic activity. This is necessary to preserve ecosystems.

Surely many are wondering what nature reserves there are in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. On the territory of this autonomous region there are two natural sites that are worth visiting. Unique species composition flora and fauna, beautiful nature, rich in incredible beauties, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Believe me, having visited the protected areas of the district, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the life of various representatives of the animal and plant world, see how they behave in their natural habitat, and also enjoy beautiful views of unique nature. The amazing nature reserves of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra), the names of which will be given below, will give you a lot of unforgettable emotions. The beauty of these natural sites is truly unforgettable!

Reserve "Malaya Sosva"

This was organized in 1976. The North Asian river beaver has become the symbol of the reserve. This animal was once quite common, and this species was preserved thanks to the Kondo-Sosvinsky aborigines. It's them careful attitude to valuable representatives of the fauna made it possible to save rodents from extinction, which were completely exterminated almost throughout Siberia. This region was quite inaccessible in the past. It is thanks to this, as well as the customs of local peoples, that the nature of this area is well preserved.

The flora of the reserve consists of 407 plant species. The vegetation cover is mainly composed of taiga plants, but European, northern, southern and Siberian species can also be found. Relics of the glacial and post-glacial periods are also found on the territory of the reserve: Siberian aster, Lapland buttercup, northern bramble, yellow lumbago, crested sedge, obtuse sedge and other equally valuable plants.

The fauna of the Malaya Sosva Nature Reserve includes 38 species of mammals. In addition, more than 200 species of birds and 15 species of fish live here. There are also amphibians and reptiles. Elk, ermine, chipmunk, bear, shrews are common inhabitants of the reserve. In addition to them, there are also particularly rare species of animals, such as the West Siberian river beaver. There are also endangered bird species listed in the Red Book: gyrfalcon, eagle owl, etc.

The reserves of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are of great importance from a scientific point of view. People have been accumulating information about Siberian nature for centuries. Another unique object of this district will be discussed below.

Yugansky Reserve

This natural object covers an area of ​​648.7 thousand hectares. Its main territory contains secondary forests. There are plants in the reserve, some of which are listed in the Red Book. These include the foliage beetle and others. Common pine forests located on the hills.

The fauna of the reserve consists of 36 species of mammals. Of the birds listed in the Red Book, the black stork is found in the territory. You can also find a great bittern here. The reservoirs are inhabited by dace, pike, perch, ruffe, gudgeon, etc. Among the rare species are burbot and nelma.

Nature reserves and national parks of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are the natural resources of the district. It’s definitely worth visiting here to enrich your knowledge and enjoy the grandeur of pristine beauty. Among the national parks of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, it is worth paying attention to the Numto Nature Reserve.

Numto Nature Park

It is surrounded on almost all sides by fields under development. Before today this region remains poorly studied. It conceals a lot of mysterious and unknown things. The park was created as a natural monument, designed to preserve the wealth of the region, become a reservoir of traditional culture and a heritage for future generations.

Natural Park "Samarovsky Chugas"

This facility was organized in January 2001. This was due to the fact that rapid human economic activity in the 70s led to the destruction of ecosystems, including cedar forests. To save natural ecosystems and historical and cultural heritage, on the initiative of the public, “Samarovsky Chugas” was created.

Natural Park "Sibirskie Uvaly"

This object is interesting for its animals and flora. Its territory is home to 120 species of birds, three of which are listed in the Red Book. Of the plants, labaria, which is classified as endangered, is of great interest.

The reserves of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, along with nature reserves and natural parks, are a national treasure of the district. Whoever visits these parts once will never forget about them. The harsh and beautiful nature of this extraordinary corner of the planet leaves an indelible mark on the soul. It is in such places that a person truly connects with nature, forgetting about the bustle of the city.

Nature reserves and national parks of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra) are corners of the Earth that every self-respecting tourist should definitely visit.

In the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in Russia, city libraries will hold a quiz “ Local history landing. Nature reserve trails of Ugra" Schoolchildren aged 10-14 will have to answer questions about protected areas Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, “Red Book” species of animals and plants of Ugra, history of conservation. To help the quiz participants, a book exhibition was organized in the library on Lermontov Street “ Nature reserve trails of Ugra».

The winners of the quiz will be schoolchildren whose work will be distinguished by its completeness, accuracy, original design, and the presence of links to sources from the collections of city libraries. Works will be accepted until May 17, 2017.

The regulations, a complete list of questions for the quiz, and a bibliographic list of literature for the quiz are published on the Children's pages “How to become Great? » website of MBUK TsBS. The results of the quiz and the names of the winners will also be posted here.

The award ceremony for the winners will take place on May 24 at 15.00 in the Central Children's Library.

Click to enlarge

Irina Kalugina

Representatives of the regional operator together with employees of the Department of Industry of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and representatives public organizations checked new container sites in Surgut for compliance with standards,
Publishing House Ugra News
26.01.2020 On January 25, it was cloudy in the region, no precipitation, southwest wind 2-6 m/s, temperature during the day -9 -16, at night -16-18 degrees.
Administration of Nizhnevartovsk region

MBOU "Baevskaya secondary comprehensive school

Baevsky district Altai Territory»

I approve

Head teacher:

S.G. Gaus




Azarova Alla Anatolyevna

Baevo 2015


    Explanatory note

    Program content

    Educational and thematic plan

Explanatory note

Love for the Fatherland begins small - with love for the native land. Often love for small homeland begins with the impressions received from encounters with nature during hikes, walks, listening to colorful stories of old-timers about folk traditions, customs, legends. By nurturing love for the Motherland, we raise patriots.

In-depth acquaintance with national history and culture, activities wonderful people, the stories of Malaya Rodina have a direct impact on the formation life ideals, helps to find role models.

The program will help you learn more about the region and village where we live; get acquainted with folk customs and traditions, crafts; achievements of folk craftsmen.

Touching the achievements of outstanding people strengthens the feeling of love for the Motherland, one’s people, evokes sincere respect and emotion, leaves a mark for life, and the acquired knowledge turns out to be useful in the future.

The camp shift provides great opportunities for such educational activities.

Profile shift program “On the protected paths of the native land”is aimed at studying the history of the native land, village and is implemented onthe principle of compensation for missing knowledge, skills and abilities. This program helps to instill a sense of patriotism in students.

Relevance of the program in expanding the content of general education subjects on the principles of:

Connections between the content of education and school education educational subjects with life through the use of active forms of pedagogy and tourism and local history activities;

A comprehensive impact on the individual of a developing, educational and health-improving nature, aimed at the formation of spiritual, moral and civic qualities, patriotism and love for the Motherland, which serve as the basis for students’ choice of life ideals and behavior in the social environment.

One of the areas of the educational program of the school is “Patriotic Education”. Through this direction, the school carries out local history work and work on patriotic education.

The organization of a local history shift logically complements educational and sociocultural work educational institution, as well as a system of additional education in this direction.

Considering various forms of organizing a shift, we focused on local history events.

Traveling along the protected paths of their native land, the children get acquainted with the history of the school, the village, its outstanding people, the history, culture and traditions of the region and the region.

The specialized shift classes are designed for students in grades 5-8; the program is universal, as it can be used to work with children from different social groups, different ages, levels of development and health status.

Duration of implementation: the course is designed for 7 days, the first 3 days are 4 hours of classes, the next 4 days are 6 hours a day.


nurturing love for the Motherland, citizenship and patriotism, equipping with knowledge about the nature, history and culture of one’s region, village, nurturing a tolerant attitude towards other peoples and their culture.

Tasks programs:

    creating favorable conditions and opportunities to solve the problems of continuous patriotic education;

    education of citizenship, tolerance, responsibility for the fate of the small homeland;

    improving the health of children and organizing proper rest for students during the summer holidays.

Our program helps children develop:

    interest in the history of his native village, region; search and research activities;

    respect for traditions, customs, local rituals, cultural heritage, fellow villagers;

    desire to improve the environment of their native village;

    motivating the individual for cognitive activity and creativity through patriotic education; healthy lifestyle skills.

Area of ​​activity:

local history, educational, historical and patriotic, sports and recreational, cultural and leisure.

Form: game – travel “Native paths”.

Day 1-3 - trail “My Small Motherland”

Day 4-7 - trail “My Protected Land”



"My little homeland"

"My reserved land"

"Excursions to

history of the village and its streets, district"

"The story of my school"

getting to know life and



personalities, etc.


travel, excursions.

Sightseeing tour of Barnaul. Excursion around Belokurikha

Excursion to Zubryatnik, to the Botanical Garden

Excursion to the village of Srostki, to the museums of V.M. Shukshin.

Forms of program implementation.

The local history direction of the program is the priority work of the shift, and is the main block of the program.

1. The local history block is designed to instill in children a love for their small homeland, to instill an interest in the history, culture, traditions and customs of their native land.

Expand the horizons of students, develop their cognitive interests. Raise a person who respects the traditions and customs of people different nationalities- patriot of the Motherland. Activities of this block: conversations, excursions, meetings with interesting people, assistance to labor veterans and elderly village residents, visits to libraries, museums, competitions, preparation of presentations.

2. Security block, includes traffic regulations, fire safety, water safety. Carrying out instructions on labor protection.

3. The health block is based on sports and health-related activities. This block includes sports games, competitions, conversations about healthy lifestyle, sports holidays, excursions.

4. The developmental block includes the design of presentations, quizzes, and games.

Educational and thematic plan










"Excursions to

Summing up the day.



DAY 2.



Summing up the day



DAY 3 Hiking

to the sights of the village,

travel, excursions.


4 hours

Summing up the day





6 hours

Excursion around Belokurikha

Summing up the day



Day 5.



Excursion to the village of Aya, acquaintance with the sights of the Chemal region.

Water games


Summing up the day


Conducting a quiz “My Protected Land”


DAY 6. "I'm learning to work,


Excursion to Zubryatnik

Excursion to the Botanical Garden


Summing up the day



DAY7. Tourist and local history hike

“Paths of museum work.”


Excursion to the village of Polkovnikovo, to the G.S. Titov Museum

"I'm learning to work,Systematization and replenishment of the fund of personal photographic materials “Three Summers in Gorny”

Results of the day

Results of the work of the profile shift.

Presentation “Sights of the City of Belokurikha and Gorny Altai”

    Project " Motherland-my pride"

    Photo album “To the worthy – honor and reward”

    Local history hike – 2014 “Baevo-Gorny Altai”

Rewarding shift participants.

Returning home to the village of Baevo.

Closing a profile shift.

The amount of hours

1 day:


Breakfast (on the school premises)


Safety briefing, introductory conversation about the tasks of the specialized shift, identification of student interests in areas.


"Excursions to

history of the village and its streets, district" (based on the district library)


Meetings with outstanding people from Baeva village


Cost per day:

115 rub.

Day 2:


Breakfast (on the school premises)


“The History of My School”, an introduction to the life and work of outstanding

personalities, etc. (based on the school museum)


Help for labor veterans and elderly village residents


Outdoor competition “We are going on an excursion to Belokurikha and Gorny Altai”


Lunch (at school), summing up the day

Cost per day:

115 rub.

Day 3:


Breakfast (on the school premises)


Hiking to the sights of the village, travel, excursions.


INFORMATION for the 80th anniversary of Yu. A. Gagarin, a story about the house-museum in Kaluga and the museum in the village of Polkovnikovo - 2nd pilot-cosmonaut German Titov (based on the regional library)


Lunch (at school), summing up the day

Cost per day:

115 rub.

Day 4:


Conducting safety training: road safety, fire safety, water safety.Departure from the village of Baevo


Breakfast (Cafe-dining room “Volna”, Kamen-on-Obi)


Sightseeing tour of Barnaul



Excursion around Belokurikha


Ascent by chairlift


Visit to the water park


Arrival at the Yunost camp site in the village of Aya, accommodation


Creation of the project “Resort City Belokurikha.


Dinner (camp site “Yunost”)

Day 5:


Breakfast (camp site “Youth”)


Safety training: safe behavior on water


Excursion to the village of Aya, acquaintance with the sights of the Chemal region.


Swimming in Lake Aya.Water games


Lunch (camp site “Youth”)


Relaxation at a camp site, outdoor games


Afternoon snack (camp site “Youth”)


Dinner (camp site “Yunost”)

Day 6:


Breakfast (camp site “Youth”)


"I'm learning to work,collect, systematize objects of material and spiritual culture, natural objects acquired during a tourist and local history trip to the Altai Mountains.”


Excursion to Zubryatnik


Excursion to the Botanical Garden


Lunch (camp site “Youth”)


Rest at the camp site


Afternoon snack (camp site “Youth”)


Rest at the camp site.“I’m learning to model a photo album “Excursion to MOUNTAIN ALTAI, BELOKURIKH.”


Dinner (camp site “Yunost”)



Breakfast (camp site “Youth”)


Departure from the camp site


Excursion to the village of Srostki, to the museums of V.M. Shukshin


Lunch at the Biysk cafe “Bylina”


Excursion to the village of Polkovnikovo, to the G.S. Titov Museum


Dinner (Cafe-dining room “Volna”, Kamen-on-Obi). "I'm learning to work,collect and systematize exhibits.”Systematization and replenishment of the fund of personal photographic materials “Three summers in the Altai Mountains”


Arrival in the village of Baevo

    The price of the tour (from 4-7 days) includes:

- Travel by bus Barnaul-Baevo-Barnaul-Biysk-Belokurikha-Aya-Ust-Sema-Kamlak-Cherga-Srostki-Biysk-Polkovnikovo-Barnaul-Bayevo Barnaul (including tour operator services and accompaniment by a tour guide) – 1856 rubles. /person

- Accommodation at a camp site 4 days/3 nights – 250 rubles/day.x4 days = 1000 rub.

- Four meals a day 544 rub. /dayx4 days = 2176

- Visiting museums and excursion sites (including transportation costs to the sites and back) -923 rubles/person.

- Travel on the chairlift -350 rubles

- Visit to the water park 1 hour. – 300 rub.

    1-3 days at the school - 115 rubles.x3 days =345 rub.

Expected results

1. Fostering love for your small homeland, instilling interest in the history, culture, traditions and customs of your native land.

2. Expanding the horizons of students, developing their cognitive interests

3. Strengthening the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.

4. Development of children’s individual abilities, introduction to creative activities,

5.Coverage organized holidays children staying in the village during the holidays.

6.Creating the necessary conditions for self-realization of students in various fields of activity.

7. Improving relationships among children and adolescents, eliminating negative manifestations, eradicating bad habits.

8. Strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages

Serdyukov Philip

5 B

Bardikova Diana

5 B

Brovko Yana

5 B

Kvashina Yulia

5 B

Vasinovich Danil

5 B

Kravchenko Marina

5 B

Sorokina Angela

5 B

Yurikhina Lena

5 B

Korneeva Yulia

5 B

Pakhomov Andrey


Nosyrev Artem


Prisada Evgeniy


Aleshina Yana


Nosyreva Ksenia


Romanenko Anastasia


Kurbatova Sofia


Vaber Sergey


Karpenko Daria


Kvasova Maria


Gorbonosova Anna


Zabelin Kostya


Zinchenko Luda


Sorokin Maxim


Alexandrov Dima


Rudnev Dmitry


Chevgun Tanya


Teslin Denis


Palekhina Tatyana


Rakhmatova Daria


Zimina Irina


Vedeneva Tanya


Beletskaya Alla


Kondrashkin Andrey


Bakhareva Alika


Volkov Kostya

Krysko Anastasia


Lipinskaya Alena


Pechatnova Alina


5 B