Each person has his own deepest desire. It often happens that one has to wait for years for its fulfillment, and for some it even takes their whole life. And not everyone realizes that the realization of what they want can be brought closer, and magic will help with this.

Throughout the history of magic, many conspiracies have been invented to help dreams come true. Many of them are successfully used today. Particularly popular are conspiracies to fulfill a wish, which are read before bed.

A person who longs for the fulfillment of his desire will try everything in practice. possible methods. However, many are then disappointed, faced with the fact that, despite all the techniques they have tried, the dream is in no hurry to come true.

Meanwhile, the magic of desires is intended only to create conditions for the fulfillment of the wish of the performer, to arrange events in a person’s life in such a way that they help the cherished wish come true.

The lion's share of responsibility for making a dream come true lies with the person himself: the performer must do everything to get closer to his goal, notice, accept and take advantage of the opportunities that magic creates for him. Inaction here is contraindicated, otherwise not a single witchcraft ritual will help.

General rules for performing rituals

Magic should not be confused with sorcery. Remember that magic only happens in fairy tales, and magic only helps to achieve real life goals, therefore the desire must be real. You should not ask higher powers for something that is a priori impossible to achieve. Such rituals require a conscious approach.

Also, when choosing your desire and performing rituals, you need to take into account the following conditions:

  • your desire should not harm anyone, no one should suffer after its implementation. If the desire is with insidious and evil intent, higher powers will turn against you, and you will have to pay a cruel price;
  • strong belief in the power of magic. Without faith in magic, nothing will work. If you decide to do a ritual to test its effectiveness or out of curiosity, immediately prepare to be disappointed;
  • pursuit of your dream, a sincere desire to achieve it;
  • a pre-thought-out and clearly stated formulation of your desire. Avoid uncertainty and ambiguity, otherwise you will not get what you originally wanted.

As for the time of rituals, it is best suited for this period from new moon to full moon. The specific time is usually specified in the instructions for the plot. If this explanation is not available, choose the waxing moon - you definitely can’t go wrong.

Examples of effective spells to make a wish come true

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

The lunar phase does not matter for this prayer. The conspiracy is not designed for instant results. It should be said as often as possible: before bed, in the morning, after waking up. The text goes like this:

“My guardian angel! Bless you for the fulfillment of your wish. Help us carry out our plans.”

An indispensable condition is to ask only for good things, something that will not harm anyone.

On your birthday

If you are a birthday boy or will soon become one, I advise you to read the ritual from this video before going to bed:

To the waxing moon

Say the words below for the growing month, for 3 days, without interruption, before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. Text:

“A clear little star, light up in the sky, for the joy of all the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable and bright fire, for the joy of all the Orthodox. A clear star, to the house of God's servant (own name) Look, clear little star, sanctify my house with unquenchable and bright fire. Hear my deepest desire(name your wish) .

Fast-acting spell for bread

A ritual for the most impatient. Usually it helps to realize your plans before the next full moon. However, you need to make a wish that is actually achievable. It is carried out on the waxing moon.

As soon as it starts to get dark outside, go to the store and buy a loaf (loaf, loaf) of bread. Don't give it to anyone. As you begin to get ready for bed, lock the door in your bedroom, take out the bread and speak to it using the following words:

“Just as bread is the head of everything, so I am the mistress (master) of desires. What I wish comes true. What is not mine is forgotten. With bread in your head and desire in your hands. Everything that’s mine is with me, what’s someone else’s is not needed. Amen".

Place the charmed bread under your pillow and go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, break off a piece of bread with your hands and eat it. Feed the birds with the remaining bread.

On the water

Pronounced during the waxing of the moon.

Draw water from a well in the morning or natural source, let it sit until the evening. As soon as you are ready to go to bed, speak the water 3 times using the following words:

“The water is clean, spring water (well- select the appropriate option). You carry secret power within yourself. What you need, you fill with life, and what you need, you drown forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my wish and receive what I desire. Fill me with strength and revive me, do not drown my innermost. Not to harm, but for the benefit, not for someone else, but for me. Amen".

Drink 3 sips of the charmed water, and with what is left, wash your face and hands. Go to bed.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

A conspiracy to make a wish come true is an ancient way to carry out your plans and enlist the help of the Higher Powers. For a magic spell to really help, you must follow certain recommendations and be sure to believe in success.


Basic recommendations for reading conspiracies to make wishes come true

Like any real magical act, reading spells for wishes requires strict adherence to the prescribed rules.

Before performing a ritual to fulfill a wish at home, you need to:

  • stay in a secluded place;
  • choose a specific time for the ritual;
  • use magical paraphernalia;
  • pronounce the words of the spell exactly.

You can fulfill a desire with the help of magic only by maintaining the purity of your thoughts. It is necessary to understand that in witchcraft nothing happens for free. However, the point here is not about money, but about the amount of energy aimed at a positive result.

In order for the plan to come true and the spell to work, magic spell should read:

  • if your dream does not contradict the Divine plan and Christian values;
  • maintaining a positive attitude and faith in the result;
  • acting with an understanding of where is black and where is .

The most powerful rituals to make wishes come true

Of the numerous rituals for the fulfillment of human desires, the most powerful can be identified:

  • conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief;
  • ritual with hair;
  • water spell;
  • ritual to fulfill a wish with a candle;
  • "six-day" ritual;
  • ritual "witch's basket";
  • ritual “spirit of desires”;
  • ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed;
  • braid spell;
  • ritual “pot of wishes”;
  • ritual with paper;
  • mirror spell;
  • prayer for the fulfillment of all desires;
  • ritual with photography;
  • ritual with keys.

Strong ritual on a scarf

To perform a strong ritual on a scarf, you will need any clean scarf.


  1. While concentrating, you need to think carefully about what you want at the moment.
  2. Say your wish out loud three times and begin reading the plot.

May the great spirit of the Lord fulfill my desire, for there will be help from the Heavenly Father to those who believe in him. Unknown paths will help my desire come true, in reality it will take on flesh. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what he asks for. I will tie the handkerchief in a knot, pray to the Lord God, and rely on his will. Amen.

After the spell is completed, you need to keep the scarf under your pillow.

Hair spell to make wishes come true

In order for a powerful spell to quickly work on your hair, you need to:

  1. Cut a strand of hair on the waxing moon.
  2. Braid the cut hair into a braid.
  3. Tie with white thread.

I weave a wish into a braid, that whatever is planned, may come true. Help your guardian angel, with God's help fulfill your wish. For the benefit of your servant (name) and good people.

Water spell

In order for the strongest wish-fulfilling ritual on water to work, you need to:

  1. Write on a blank piece of paper cherished wish.
  2. Collect a glass of clean water (preferably from a well).
  3. Take three teaspoons of salt.
  4. Stir the water in the glass clockwise with a spoon and gradually pour salt into it, pronouncing the words of the spell.
  5. Afterwards, burn the paper with desire.
  6. Pour the ashes into a glass and, stirring, read the following words three times: “Water, water, my sister! Help me - make my wish come true! May my word be strong, firm, indestructible. Amen".
  7. After finishing the ritual, you should drink water.

Conspiracy with a candle

For powerful conspiracy You will need a green candle, symbolizing success, wealth, fulfillment of desires, and also:

  • lavender oil;
  • ground pepper.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the day of the full moon, you need to take a candle and scratch a wish on it with a needle.
  2. Then thickly lubricate the base of the candle with lavender oil.
  3. Then sprinkle it with ground pepper.
  4. Light a candle and read the words of the spell seven times: “Light the candle fire - your wish will come true!”
  5. You need to look closely at the candle and imagine your wish coming true.
  6. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn to holy saints, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  7. You need to wait until the candle burns out, and store the wax from it under your pillow for three nights.

Six Day Ritual

It is a universal magical ritual that is used for:

  • the embodiment of the most secret desire;
  • fulfillment of everyday desires in the near future.

Help me, Lord and all the Saints in heaven, I appeal to you with prayer from my heart. I ask you to fulfill your wish. Amen (three times).

Each time, reading a conspiracy, it is necessary, after completing it, to pray, saying: “Our Father.” The fulfillment of desires will happen the faster, the stronger the person performing the ritual wants it.

Ritual "Witch's Basket"

A simple ritual should be performed on the last Sunday of the month.

For the ritual you will need:

  • candles;
  • decorative basket;
  • three bay leaves;
  • seven rose petals (red);
  • writing paper;
  • small bag (cotton).

Algorithm for performing actions:

  1. Place the basket on the table and light the candles.
  2. Write your cherished wishes on a piece of paper within exactly one hour (one for 4 weeks of the next month). Desires must be different. Don't imagine bad dreams.
  3. Then the candles should be extinguished, the wishes should be placed in a basket and covered with a scarf.
  4. It is unacceptable for a leaf with wishes to catch anyone’s eye.
  5. On each subsequent Sunday of the month, you need to light a candle and pull out your wish list.
  6. The procedure is performed with eyes closed.
  7. Next, you should take the note with your wish out of the basket and put it in the bag. And carry it with you for exactly a week.
  8. Then the paper needs to be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.
  9. Repeat the procedure every next Sunday.

Ritual “Spirit of Desires”

Before making wishes or making wishes at home, you should think about the consequences. Communication with otherworldly forces not always safe, it requires maximum concentration of will and, naturally, respect for spirits. If all conditions are met, you can begin the ritual.

In order to summon the Spirit of Desires, you need to do the following:

  1. Clearly formulate your cherished desire in your head.
  2. Close the doors of the room you are in tightly. There should be no mirrors in it.
  3. Prepare a treat for the spirits, such as sweets, fruits or honey.
  4. Stand with your back to the gifts and say in Latin: “Great Spirit come to me, make your wish come true” / “Magna Spiritus Veni ad me, velle venit verum.”
  5. The spirit must materialize after pronouncing the call three times. When it appears, turning around is strictly prohibited.
  6. Then you should ask the spirit for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. After which you should thank him and let him go in peace.

Another way to summon the Spirit of Desires is presented in the video. The video was filmed by the channel “Cs Gotroach”.

Ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed

The dream is important element in any magical ritual, thanks to the ability to subconsciously influence the process of fulfillment of desires.

To perform the ritual correctly you need:

  1. On the night of the full moon, swim in clean water.
  2. Then take a glass of blessed water in your hand and think about your desire.
  3. Ask your guardian angels for help in its implementation.
  4. Stand at the window through which the moonlight falls and turn counterclockwise three times.
  5. Say a conspiracy: “Guardian Angel, come to me when I call, the servant of God (name) is ready for the fulfillment of his desire.”
  6. You need to charm the fulfillment of desires and ideas by repeating the spell thirty-three times, and then go to bed.

The wish will come true not “right now,” but in the very near future.

Pigtail plot

A real way to quickly fulfill your intended desire is called the “magic braid.”

To implement an effective ritual you need:

  1. Make a braid. Three small red laces are suitable for it. They need to be tied together with knots.
  2. Afterwards the braid needs to be increased to 12 braids.
  3. At the moment of weaving and after it, it is necessary to visualize the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  4. Repeat the words of the spell 12 times: “Braid your hair, braid your hair – your wish will come true.”
  5. After the wish comes true, the braid should be burned with gratitude.

Ritual “Pot of Wishes”

A powerful ritual to make a wish come true, which will work best if you use it on your birthday.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • clay pot;
  • white material;
  • gold or red ribbon;


  1. You need to buy a small clay pot (200-300 ml).
  2. Place a thing at the bottom that symbolizes your desire.
  3. Pour honey into the bowl and leave it on the table, do not cover it with a lid.
  4. The next day you need to cover the pot with a piece of white cloth and tie it with ribbon.
  5. Hide the pot of desire in a secret place.
  6. Once a week, take out the pot and pronounce your wish over the honey.
  7. When the wish comes true, the honey should be poured under the bush and the pot should be washed.

Ritual with a piece of paper

The ritual for the quick fulfillment of a cherished desire is carried out on the waxing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • notebook;
  • laurel leaf;
  • pencil or colored pen.


  1. You need to write a wish on a piece of notebook paper.
  2. Then fold it into an envelope shape and place the bay leaf inside.
  3. Shout the wish loudly three times.
  4. Pray to the guardian angels.
  5. Hide the sheet with the wish in a secret place.

In the near future, the wish will come true, after which the paper written on must be burned and the ashes washed off with clean water.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Buy a small round mirror.
  2. Wash it in spring water.
  3. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  4. Then, you should look in the mirror without blinking and read the plot three times.
  5. Then hide the mirror under the pillow.

Conspiracy words:

I look through the mirror, I serve God the Lord. As soon as I see myself, I will give the power to the mirror. Look, look closely - my desire is sincere. It will not be forgotten, tomorrow it will come true. Amen.

When your wish comes true, you need to wash the mirror and put it aside until next year.

Prayer for the fulfillment of all desires

Very strong prayer to fulfill a cherished desire - an appeal to Saint Martha. You should contact her if the desire comes from the heart and will not harm anyone.

Before turning to the Saint for help, you should perform certain actions:

  1. Wash your body and put on clean clothes.
  2. Light a church candle (blessed).
  3. Place fresh flowers in a vase on the table.
  4. Focus on good thoughts.
  5. Read the plot nine times in a row.

O Saint Martha, You are the Miracle Worker! I ask you for help! You are completely in my need, and you will become my intercessor in all endeavors! With goodness in my heart, I make a vow that I will carry this prayer to people! With humility and hope I cry - take away my sorrows and sorrows! In the bliss of the Holy Spirit that fills your heart, have mercy on me, a sinner! Grant me and my loved ones the intercession of the Lord our God, and do not leave me in the care that burdens my heart (name a desire). I humbly pray to you, Martha, conquer need and sorrow, as you have overcome the evil Serpent. Amen.

After saying the prayer, Saint Martha should read “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God” at least once. For your wish to come true, you need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Ritual with photos to make wishes come true

A very powerful ritual is aimed at making your innermost dreams come true. It is performed strictly on the new moon.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Take a thick sheet of paper.
  2. Draw a circle in the center of the sheet.
  3. Paste your favorite photo inside the circle.
  4. Write your most important desires along the perimeter of the photo.
  5. Circle the listed desires.
  6. In the free space between the circles, write the words of the spell: “I am in the circles of invisible forces”! I am part of the creative force of the Universe! May all my wishes come true!”

After the ritual, you need to hang the circle of desires so that your gaze always falls on it (possibly in the center of the room). In most cases, wishes come true three weeks after the ritual.

Ritual with keys

According to reviews, this ritual, together with a conspiracy to fulfill desires, has enormous power. It must be used to acquire something magically.


  • wax candle;
  • seven keys;
  • seven needles;
  • birch bark


  1. On a new moon, you should write down a secret wish on a piece of birch. You should write down as if the wish has already come true.
  2. Next, you need to take a candle and grease its surface with honey. Then place it on a candlestick and stick seven needles into it one by one, onto which seven keys are then hung.
  3. Then you should light a candle and read the conspiracy to make your desire come true.
  4. After reading the plot, you need to say the wish out loud. Then look at the candle flame until the first key falls, and then extinguish the candle.
  5. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish must be cast for seven days in a row.
  6. When the last key falls, you need to burn a piece of birch bark, and hide all the ritual objects in a secluded place until your wishes come true.

Every person has their own desires and dreams. And achieving them is not always easy. A wish fulfillment spell will help you realize your wildest and most unrealizable dreams. Like any magical action, such a ritual should be carried out strictly following all recommendations and rules. It is in this case that the ritual will bring the greatest benefit, and you can avoid negative consequences. In addition, such wish spells are easy to perform independently, without outside help.

By following all the rules, you can achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Unquestioning compliance with all rules will ensure the speedy fulfillment of desires

A conspiracy or prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future requires mandatory compliance certain rules and recommendations from experts in the field of esotericism and occultism. A wish spell will only work if the dream is truly meaningful and relevant. You cannot use conspiracy rituals to make a wish come true just to satisfy a momentary impulse. You cannot abuse magic by casting a wish spell too often and in small ways. Otherwise, higher powers can punish not only that there will be no magic and rituals to fulfill the desired will not bring results. If this is not observed simple rule the fate of a person (and perhaps even his next generations) may be disrupted, just remember that magic is not a toy and you should not turn to it for the sake of interest.

Determination must be supported by a real desire to fulfill the plan and a sincere belief in a positive result. A positive psychological attitude is very important. In order for your plans to come true, it is imperative to adhere to the rules regarding time, attributes and order of actions. To strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish brought results, no one should know about its implementation, regardless of whether the conspiracy works or not.

Don't tell anyone about your plans

In order for a cherished desire to come true, the motives should not be black, sinful, or harmful to anyone around. Only bright and pure thoughts will help in magical rituals.

As for the rules, the following can be distinguished:

  1. When conducting rituals at home, it is important to correctly formulate your requests; there should be no ambiguity.
  2. Conspiracies are always carried out on the new moon to fulfill a wish, as well as during the waxing moon. So the energy of the growing moon will contribute to the fulfillment of your plans.
  3. In order for your cherished plans to come true, you must turn to the heavenly powers for help in complete solitude. It is absolutely forbidden to be distracted by homework while reading, everyday problems otherwise any ritual will not be effective.

Also, in order for a wish to come true, one must cleanse oneself. For this:

  • It is obligatory to fast for three days before the ceremony;
  • ask for forgiveness from those who were intentionally or accidentally offended (this can be done mentally, but only very sincerely, from the bottom of your heart);
  • Be sure to wash yourself before going to bed. It is good if a person undergoes cleansing with water in a bathhouse or river, but if this is not possible, you can use ordinary running water in the shower. Mentally imagine how, along with the flow of water, all the accumulated negativity that prevents your dreams from coming true is washed away from you.

Prayer will help you get what you want

In addition to incantations and spells, on fast execution wishes, a strong prayer is read to the saints, options may be different. There are also words that are only allowed to be read once in a lifetime. This also needs to be taken into account when turning to magic.

Effective rituals

A ritual called “magic braid” is effective. This conspiracy effective in fulfilling your desire, only you must sincerely believe in its power. To carry it out you will need three red threads or woolen laces of the same length. Tie their ends in one knot. Next, you should weave a braid of 12 weaves.

While braiding, you need to clearly imagine your dream, believe in its fulfillment, and put a positive charge of energy into the braid. In this case, no magical texts are pronounced. Keep the braid in a secret place until your cherished dream comes true. After which it will need to be thanked and burned.

There is also a very strong wish spell, which is carried out on the new moon. This ritual will help in order to get a loan or mortgage in order to receive an affirmative answer from the authorities. On the new moon before going to bed, take a green candle and scratch cherished words on it with a needle (for example, car, boss’s signature, apartment). Then lubricate this candle with lavender aromatic oil (it helps to carry out the most powerful spells). Then sprinkle ground pepper on the candle.

You need to scratch the cherished words on the green candle

Place the candle in the candlestick, light it, and read the following powerful spell onto the flame of the candle:

“Candle fire! Candle light! Give me what I ask!”

Read these words 3 times to fulfill your innermost desire. The candle should burn out completely. Then hide the remaining cinder in a clean handkerchief and put it under the pillow. Let it lie for three days, then take it out and hide it in a secret place (no one should know about it). When you go to apply for a loan or sign an agreement, take this cinder with you. And after getting what you want, bury the cinder near any tree.

Another effective method To make a dream come true, it is carried out using a clay pot, honey, a piece of clean white cloth, a red or yellow ribbon. With the help of this ritual you can speed up the implementation of your plans. It’s great if this conspiracy is to fulfill your desire to read before going to bed on your birthday. You need to purchase a new clay pot and place a symbol on the bottom that represents your dream (a coin for wealth, love for a heart, a car for a toy car). If you can’t visualize your dream in this way, you can simply write the cherished word on inside pot.

Next, pour honey into the pot and place it on the windowsill. After a day, cover it with a clean white cloth and tie it with ribbon. During these actions, think about your dream, tell honey about it. Place the pot in a secluded place. Now take it out once a week and remind honey of your desire. When your dream comes true, pour honey under the fruitful tree with gratitude. Wash the pot and save it for the next ritual to fulfill your dream.

A simple ritual on a bay leaf

Bay leaf

This ultimate wish granting spell requires the following attributes:

  • three bay leaves;
  • paper;
  • pen with red ink.

This spell to fulfill a wish on a full moon is simple but effective. Write your dream on a piece of paper and say it out loud three times. Then fold the sheet in three and place bay leaves in it. Say your wish out loud again. Read any known prayers, hide the piece of paper in a secret place.

Until what you want comes true, say your dream out loud after waking up. As soon as you open your eyes after waking up, immediately talk about your dream. There is no need to read prayers, spells and conspiracies.

After achieving what you want, burn the leaf with gratitude to the universe, and scatter the ashes to the wind. All conspiracies to make wishes come true and rituals to make your dreams come true are performed on any day of the waxing moon or full moon.

Spell on a scarf

The ritual on a handkerchief is simple and does not require special attributes or knowledge. Fortune telling or a spell on a scarf helps wishes come true. This is one of best conspiracies. Only a pure and sincere, bright desire can speak to a handkerchief. The scarf should not be new, just yours. Say the words of the spell three times, while tightly squeezing the handkerchief in your hand:

The handkerchief should belong only to you

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. I will tie a scarf for my wish, ask God for it and wait for it to come true. May the dream I made come true, may my wishes come true, may my thoughts and impulses come true. With my prayer I ask higher powers for help. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing last words You need to tie the scarf in a knot and put it in your pocket or bag. The enchanted item must be carried with you constantly until the spell to make a wish come true on the scarf has an effect.

Shirt ritual

Powerful rituals under the moon on things are very popular and effective, since they are directly related to the energy of the person who wears these clothes. The white ritual for the fulfillment of a wish requires the following attributes:

  • plain undershirt, without a pattern;
  • bath broom;
  • mirror;
  • red thread, needle;
  • candle.

You need to sincerely believe in the power of conspiracy

In order for your cherished wish to come true the next day, you must very sincerely believe in the power of the ritual. It is carried out at full moon. Heat up the bathhouse and take a good steam bath with a broom. When using a broom say:

“I will wash my body, I will cleanse my soul. Let my soul become blank slate, there will be only one dream in it and nothing more. Let my words come true right now. What is said comes true, no one can destroy or break my intentions. Amen".

Leave the bathhouse with your hair down. Place a mirror in the corner on the windowsill so that the moon and the person himself are reflected in it. Light a candle, place it in front of the mirror, read the following words on the mirror:

“White magic, magic mirror, help me get what I want. Everything I wish for will come true once.”

Take a shirt and embroider rings along the hem with red threads. There should be 9 knots in total. Such knot magic is ancient and very strong. Next, put on your shirt and say:

“I washed my body, cleaned it, made room for dreams. Listen to the prayer, my dream, don’t sit quietly. I want to tell you, come true as soon as possible. On a high mountain, in a wide steppe, in the ocean sea, at the bottom of a deep swamp, I will hide the key to the castle, I will lock my words tightly.”

Hide the candle and mirror. Sleep in a shirt. Such full moon prayers are the strongest and are used in many traditions as the most powerful tool for achieving cherished desires.

Other spell options

Ritual on a mirror and water

Water is the best conductor of energy

Water spells to make a wish come true are very powerful, since water is a strong conductor of energy. This ceremony is carried out on the date of birth or on the birthday itself. In the first half of the day, you should purchase a new mirror. Next, cleaning is carried out under running water for 15 minutes, saying:

“The water is clean, the water is bright, help my dreams come true, and my intended desires come true. Let the spoken objects be brought into the water and into the light, so that everything planned can be fulfilled.”

Wipe with a clean cloth. Then look at your reflection and read these words:

“Through a mirror reflection, through seeing myself, my double, may my wish come true! I want to (name what). As I see myself, I will see that my dream comes true. Amen".

Wrap the mirror in a clean cloth and place it under your pillow. When your wish comes true, rinse the mirror under running water and save it for the next day or number of birth.

There is a similar ritual, it is black, performed in a cemetery. Helps with money. But magicians do not recommend doing it yourself.

Harness the power of the forest

Another magical act that grants wishes takes place in the forest. There you need to find three pine trees and cut off small branches with cones. Tie the branches together with a red cord, saying:

“I break the branches and collect the bouquet. I’ll make a wish, the pine tree will grant it. Every needle is the key to my luck. Let... (voice your innermost desire).”

Place the branches in a vase. Every day you can pick a needle from the bouquet, several times a day, praying to God, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God. When the needles run out, the dream will come true. Sometimes you may dream that your wish has come true. The dream book says that this is a good sign. In the morning say these words:

“Whatever you dreamed and imagined, let it come true. I'll save your sleep. Amen".

Knowing what spell needs to be cast, you can get rid of any obstacles on the way to your plan.

Turn to Prayer

There are also many prayers you can use to achieve your goals. Among them:

  • prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • prayer to Saint Matrona;
  • Mother of God;
  • Our Lady of Kazan;
  • Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

A prayer for the fulfillment of the Matrona of Moscow’s wish is read in front of her icon. This is a very powerful prayer, Matronushka will help you fulfill your wish. Using the divine way of carrying out the plan, it is important to remember that such a prayer will only work if the requests are sincere, from the heart, and the person repents of his sins.

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The opportunity to change your destiny and become much luckier in life has always been a desired goal for many people living on earth.

There are simple rituals and complex ones, for which they use various items. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish is carried out with the help of icons, candles, precious stones, branches of various plants, canvas and other improvised means. The likelihood of a desire coming true depends on the belief in its power.

To achieve the desired result, you need to take it seriously, calm down and focus as much as possible on the ritual itself. Mentally, you need to very clearly imagine not only the end result, but also the events that will follow after its execution.

You should only ask for what meets your needs and is not a momentary whim. The more minute details there are, the more real the chance of changing the situation. Experts believe that conspiracies work best during the changing seasons, when a person’s energy potential is maximum.

Conditions for realizing a dream.
  • - it must be real;

    The necessary conditions:

  • - you cannot tell anyone about magical actions;
  • - as a result of its execution there should be no negative factor regarding any
  • living being;
  • - you need to remember your dream constantly and repeat the request several times a day;
  • - the plot should be read out loud;
  • - in the spoken text you cannot use words with the particle “not”.
Bread, salt and water:

Spells and conspiracies have been used by our ancestors from time immemorial. A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish has survived to this day, which is carried out before sunrise on Sunday or Saturday. To perform the ceremony you will need pure water, salt, bread and candle. A loaf of bread should be kept in right hand, and salt is on the left.

With a candle lit, the bread is sprinkled with salt and the phrase is said:

“Bread and salt is prepared for the gods, intended for dreams. I want my wish (to formulate a request) to come true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

Each piece must be chewed thoroughly, joyfully imagining the implementation of your plan. After this, you need to drink 3 sips of charmed water, which is first spoken with the words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so will my desire be born from it. Water - water, help me."

At the end of the ritual the words are said:

“Bread, salt and water will always help, this is a joy, not a misfortune. Everything will be as it is said. Amen".

Spell for a scarf.

We use a scarf.

After you make a wish, pick up a handkerchief and read three times:

“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help,
For the Lord helps those who ask for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality,
Events will acquire a path for implementation,
And by the Spirit of the Lord it will be given to me what I ask Him for.
I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

After reading, tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish comes true. After performing, without untying, burn the scarf.

Ritual with red threads.

Red thread plot:

On the full moon, you need to buy a woolen skein of red thread and a candle of the same color. On a sheet of white paper you need to write your requests, which will be fulfilled within a year. Next, a 20 cm long thread is cut from the skein, and 9 knots are tied on it in different places.

For each of them a corresponding plot is read. The wish list needs to be tied with a charmed thread and the package hidden in a secluded place. On the last day of the year, the note is burned. Within a year, dreams should come true.

An ancient rite.

The power of the ancients.

This effective way has been known for a long time and is distinguished by its effectiveness. To carry it out, you will need parchment, on both sides of which an appeal is written:

“Adam and Eve! Almighty God has united you together in a holy place, in an earthly paradise. So let the person (name) be favorable to me and fulfill everything I ask. (+Eli, three times).

After this, the parchment is burned and diluted with ink with 7 drops breast milk, which a woman feeds her firstborn and a small amount of magnetic powder. The request is written with a quill pen sharpened with a new knife. According to user reviews, the result exceeds all expectations.

Prayer for the fulfillment of a wish.

Ritual with a balloon.

Buy a helium-filled balloon, the balloon should match the color of your wish (see above). Write your wish on it or tie a piece of paper with it to it, release the ball, and watch it until it disappears from view.

Ritual on a broom.

This ritual is very simple and accessible to almost everyone. You need one twig from three different brooms, one twig from three different trees, one twig from three different brooms. Take everything in your hands and say:

“As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God’s moon, and God’s moon is with the first star. And I, the servant of God ( name), upon fulfillment of your desire. Amen."

And they immediately take this composition to the crossroads. They leave without looking back. While they walk back and forth, they don’t look back, don’t turn their heads, don’t talk to anyone. Do it on Sunday from the waxing moon to the full moon. But not after sunset.

The opportunity to change your destiny and become much luckier in life has always been a desired goal for many people living on earth. There are simple rituals and complex ones, for which various objects are used. A conspiracy to make a wish come true is carried out with the help of icons, candles, precious stones, branches of various plants, linen and other available means. The likelihood of a desire coming true depends on the belief in its power.

Change your destiny

To achieve the desired result, you need to take it seriously, calm down and focus as much as possible on the ritual itself. Mentally, you need to very clearly imagine not only the end result, but also the events that will follow after its execution.

You should only ask for what meets your needs and is not a momentary whim. The more minute details there are, the more real the chance of changing the situation. Experts believe that conspiracies work best during the changing seasons, when a person’s energy potential is maximum.

Conditions for realizing a dream

Bread, salt and water

Spells and conspiracies have been used by our ancestors from time immemorial. A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish has survived to this day, which is carried out before sunrise on Sunday or Saturday. To carry out the ceremony you will need clean water, salt, bread and a candle. The piece of bread should be held in the right hand, and the salt in the left.

With a candle lit, the bread is sprinkled with salt and the phrase is said:

“Bread and salt is prepared for the gods, intended for dreams. I want my wish (to formulate a request) to come true. I’ll eat bread and salt, my wish will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

Each piece must be chewed thoroughly, joyfully imagining the implementation of your plan. After this, you need to drink 3 sips of charmed water, which is first spoken with the words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so will my desire be born from it. Water - water, help me."

At the end of the ritual the words are said:

“Bread, salt and water will always help, this is a joy, not a misfortune. Everything will be as it is said. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

We use a scarf

To carry out the action, you will need your own clean handkerchief, which should be held tightly in your fist and the spell should be pronounced three times:

“My desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of our Lord. The Lord helps those who ask. Unknown paths and events lead to the fulfillment of desires. It becomes real and strengthened by the spirit of the Lord. Everything I ask for will come true. I tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

The handkerchief is tied in a knot, placed in a pocket and stored there until the result appears.

Ritual with red threads

Red thread conspiracy

On the full moon, you need to buy a woolen skein of red thread and a candle of the same color. On a sheet of white paper you need to write your requests, which will be fulfilled within a year. Next, a 20 cm long thread is cut from the skein, and 9 knots are tied on it in different places.

For each of them a corresponding plot is read. The wish list needs to be tied with a charmed thread and the package hidden in a secluded place. On the last day of the year, the note is burned. Within a year, dreams should come true.

Ancient rite

The Power of the Ancients

This effective method has been known for a long time and is effective. To carry it out, you will need parchment, on both sides of which an appeal is written:

“Adam and Eve! Almighty God has united you together in a holy place, in an earthly paradise. So let the person (name) be favorable to me and fulfill everything I ask. (+Eli, three times).

After this, the parchment is burned and diluted with ink with 7 drops of breast milk, which the woman feeds her firstborn, and a small amount of magnetic powder. The request is written with a quill pen sharpened with a new knife. According to user reviews, the result exceeds all expectations.

Making a wish come true with a large candle

Big candle to help

Magicians claim that the color of the candle plays a big role in the ritual. For example:

  • — a red candle increases self-esteem, gives strength, sexual pleasure, brings healing and victory;
  • - the yellow tint is responsible for Creative skills, making new friends, making long trips;
  • green color used to improve material well-being, search new job and getting rid of diseases:
  • Blue colour develops intuition, gives peace and health;
  • - orange tone is good luck, success, a wonderful career;
  • - pink candles are lit when asking for romantic love, wedding, tender feelings;
  • White color acts in a healing way and protects against evil influences.

Candles should be large and smooth. A separate candlestick and a heat-resistant vessel are purchased for them. On a piece of paper you need to write your wish with a note that its implementation will bring only good. A candlestick is placed on the note and the candle is lit. Every evening you need to look at the burning flame for 15 minutes, and at the end of the ritual, the paper should be completely burned in the prepared vessel. The ashes need to be scattered to the wind. After performing the ritual several times, you don’t have to worry anymore, heaven heard your request.