Headed Russian state. No one officially noticed the date, but meanwhile this is a good reason to hold interim results of his reign. During this time, Russia managed to once again become the world's breadbasket, as in tsarist times, and even increase industrial production by 1.5 times. What else has changed?

During these holidays, an important date actually passed unnoticed - it was 18 years since Vladimir Putin headed the Russian state. No one officially noticed the date, but meanwhile this is a good reason to hold interim results of Putin’s reign.

In the last days of December, experts summed up the results, but limited themselves only to the past 17th year. And here one cannot but agree with the president’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, who highlighted, first of all, his economic successes - after all, Russia emerged from a two-year recession; according to the results of the first 10 months, GDP growth was 1.6 percent.

However, the 18th year will, first of all, be a year of federal elections. Therefore, it would be much more interesting to look at a deeper retrospective than just the past year. For example, consider what positive developments and changes have occurred in Russia over the past 17 years - starting in March 2000, when Vladimir Putin was first elected president.

However, as you know, in the status of acting president, Putin headed the country a little earlier - on December 31, 1999.

The economy has broken important records in 18 years

Yes, recent years in the economy have been quite difficult, given the sanctions confrontation between the West and Russia, as well as the financial crisis, many of the consequences of which we still feel. However, this crisis has been largely overcome, people have become accustomed to sanctions, and serious progress is visible in the long term.

It is worth highlighting two economic indicators that were especially painful for our country in the 90s - a huge public debt and inflation that is not inferior to it. Over the past 18 years, a colossal breakthrough has been made in this direction. Debt decreased during this time by as much as 22.7 times - from 69.1% of GDP in 2000 to 3.1% in 2016. Inflation was also defeated. If in 2000 it was 20.2%, then already in 2006 for the first time in modern history Russia fell below 10%, and as of December 4, 2017, it reached a record 2.5% in annual terms.

The unemployment rate has also decreased over 18 years. This figure decreased from 10.6% to 5.2% of the economically active population, reaching its historical minimum for our country. For clarity, it is worth noting that in the European Union (for which unemployment has generally been a sore subject in recent years), it is 7.4%, in the euro area - 8.8%, in France - 9.7%, in Austria - 9.4 %, in Italy - 11.1%, in Spain - 16.38%, in Montenegro - more than 20%, in Greece - 21%.

At the same time, Russia managed to increase its gold and foreign exchange reserves. During the reporting period, our country's international reserves increased more than 30 times - from 12 to 378 billion dollars. The general recovery of the economy also contributed to the growth of its investment attractiveness. Even against the backdrop of the difficulties of recent years caused by sanctions pressure, in general the volume of investments over 18 years has increased by more than 2.5 times.

If these indicators look abstract to some, then what could be more real than industrial growth? And it was significant in 2000-2017. Russian industry demonstrated an increase in production by 55.4%.

Didn't lag behind Agriculture, for which many liberal economists for some reason never stopped predicting collapse almost every year. However, the grain harvest almost doubled - from 65.4 million tons in 2000 to 140 million tons in 2017. Moreover, last year’s result was absolutely breakthrough, since it broke a 40-year-old record (127.4 million tons in 1978). Russia is once again the world's largest wheat exporter and has regained its pre-World War I title as one of the leading suppliers of bread to world markets.

Livestock farming also showed significant progress. Pork production almost doubled (from 2.2 million tons in 2000 to 4.4 million tons in 2016), eggs 1.3 times (from 24.2 to 34.4 billion pieces), poultry meat 6 times (from 1.1 million tons to 6.2 million tons).

Successful military reform took place

As Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications, told the newspaper VZGLYAD, during these 18 years, the successes of the economy, in particular the military-industrial complex, contributed to the modernization of the armed forces. In addition to the increase monetary allowance military and a general increase in army spending, radical reforms were carried out, the army was equipped with the latest types of weapons and equipment. In particular, in 2017 alone, the level of re-equipment of the army was 62%. Thanks to all this, a radically new look of the Russian Armed Forces was formed, which the world community could see, for example, in Syria.

Another successful area has been the development of information technology, especially in recent years. The level of Russian programmers is confirmed by first places in international competitions. In particular, in 2016, Russians took all three prizes at the World Programming Olympiad.

The development of the IT segment became possible, firstly, thanks to fundamental science, a technical school, secondly, thanks to the active growth of the domestic market and the achievements of Russian companies in foreign markets Thirdly, thanks to the high development of the necessary infrastructure, for example, Internet access, in our country, Abzalov emphasized.

We got out of the demographic hole

Another important area of ​​life in our country is demographic policy. And, perhaps, it turned out to be no less breakthrough than economics. Everyone remembers the demographic hole of the 1990s. How is the situation now?

Just four years ago, the country achieved positive natural population growth for the first time since 1991, which amounted to 25 thousand people. Between 2000 and 2016, the birth rate increased by one and a half times. If in 2000 it was 8.6 per 1000 people, then in 2016 it was 12.9, and from January to October last year it was 11.6. If in 2000 only 29% of Russian families had two children, then in 2016 - already 41%. The share of third and subsequent births increased from 11 to 19%.

The increase in the birth rate was facilitated by family support measures taken by the government all these years, such as, for example, the payment of maternity capital.

“According to our expert estimates, the measures that were taken in 2006, together with the measures taken in 2011-2012, collectively resulted in from 2 million to 2.5 million additional births. Without these measures, we most likely would not have had such results,” Sergei Rybalchenko, general director of the Institute of Scientific and Public Expertise, told Gazeta.ru.

It is difficult to single out the most effective demographic measure - they work as a “package,” says Alla Makarentseva, head of the RANEPA Laboratory for Demography and Migration Research.

“If we talk about recent years, then, rather, this is a reduction in the queue for kindergartens and the first steps towards making nursery groups accessible and, in general, establishing a balance between work and raising children - all services related to child care,” - she emphasized.

The reduction in infant mortality played a huge role in increasing the birth rate. A set of measures in the healthcare sector, including the opening of perinatal centers, made it possible to reduce its risk by 2.6 times. In 2000, the infant mortality rate was 15.3 per 1,000 births, and in 2017 it was 5.3. And this is a historical minimum for our country. By the way, in the USA in 2016 this figure was 5.8, in Europe - 6.64, in Ukraine - 8, in Georgia - 15.6.

One more important aspect demographic policy was an increase in life expectancy, which, by the way, also remains an important indirect stimulus for increasing the birth rate. Overall life expectancy in 2000–2016 increased by 6.6 years and reached 71.9 years. And in 2017, for the first time in the history of our country, it reached 72.6 years.

It is important to note that the mortality rate from circulatory diseases decreased by 1.37 times from 2007 to 2016 (from 846 per 100 thousand people in 2000 to 616 in 2016). During the same time, the mortality rate as a result of road accidents fell 1.8 times: from 27 to 15 per 100 thousand population.

Medicine has become more high-tech

Increasing natural growth and life expectancy, as well as reducing infant mortality, are impossible without qualitative changes in the medical field, and this is not only the opening of perinatal centers. State financing of healthcare from 2000 to 2017 in real terms increased almost 3 times, and in nominal terms - from 204.5 billion rubles in 2000 to almost three trillion in 2017.

Naturally, increased funding contributed to the improvement of the equipment of medical institutions. In 2011-2013, 389.7 thousand units of various medical equipment were supplied to them. As a result, in just three years, the equipment of medical institutions increased by 2.5 times. Accordingly, the development of high-tech medical care occurred. The number of patients who received such assistance increased 16 times in 2005-2017: from 60 thousand to more than 960 thousand patients.

In healthcare, the creation of high-tech medical centers remains an important factor, says Dmitry Abzalov. If previously you had to go to Moscow for high-tech medical care, recently corresponding centers have appeared in many federal districts, which has significantly improved the infrastructure, he emphasized.

Large-scale free medical examinations are being carried out, which also contributes to the improvement of the population’s health. The number of people who completed it increased by 3.9 times from 2008 to 2015: from 5.8 million to 22.5 million people.

In addition, the fleet of ambulance vehicles is being significantly updated (2,307 vehicles in 2016, another 1,446 in 2017). At the same time, the traditionally difficult situation with medical institutions in rural areas began to improve. Since 2000, more than 5 thousand medical units have been put into operation in villages, of which 369 in 2017.

No more queues at kindergarten

Over the years, queues for kindergartens have been almost completely eliminated. Since 2012, about 800 thousand places in kindergartens have been created. As a result, the enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions increased from 64.6% in 2014 to almost 100% in 2017.

Improvements have also been made to the quality of education. In particular, last year a record was set for the number of schoolchildren who received the maximum 300 points on the Unified State Exam, and the number of those who did not overcome the minimum threshold on the Unified State Exam, on the contrary, decreased by half. Moreover, if in 2001 Russian students primary school occupied 16th place in an international study of reading literacy, then in 2016 they already rose to first.

Expenditures on science also increased. Funding for citizen science from the federal budget has increased almost 20 times (from 17.4 billion rubles in 2000 to almost 350 billion in 2017), and funding basic research- 14 times (from 8.2 to 117.5 billion rubles). All this contributed to an increase in the number of young scientists (under the age of 39). Since 2000, their number has increased 1.5 times and today accounts for 43% of the total number of researchers.

In addition to education and science, attention was paid to culture. For example, many new museums have opened. From 2001 to 2016, the number of public and private museums in the country increased from 2,027 to 2,742, while museums began to receive many more visitors - from 476 to 857 visits per 1,000 inhabitants.

At the same time, there was also an increase in interest in art among children. The number of children studying in art schools increased by 234 thousand people over ten years, and in 2015 their number exceeded 1.5 million. The most important factor that ensured all these achievements in economic development, including the influx of investment, was political stability, says Dmitry Abzalov. Although changes in oil prices during these years also played a big role, he noted, the chosen economic course and targeted development of specific industries, for example, the military-industrial complex, the IT segment, or the agro-industrial complex, were also important, the expert concluded.

Over the past 20 years, 23,000 cities, rural towns and villages have disappeared from the map of Russia.

Over the past 10 years, the population in the Far East has decreased by 40% and in the Far North by 60%.

Every year Russia loses in population an entire region equal to Pskov, or a republic the size of Karelia, or a large city like Krasnodar.

Every minute in Russia 5 people die, only 3 are born. Mortality exceeds birth rate by 1.7 times, in some regions - 2-3 times.
26,000 children annually do not live to see 10 years of age, 50 babies die every day, 70% of them in maternity hospitals.

In terms of life expectancy, our country ranks 162nd in the world behind Papua New Guinea and Honduras.

The average life expectancy of Russian men is 59 years (in EU countries - 79 years, in the USA - 78, in Canada - 81, in Japan - 82 years).

Ten years ago, in 2001, Russia ranked 100th in life expectancy, already then hopelessly behind developed countries world: men died 15-19 years earlier, women 7-12 years earlier. We have now slipped to 122nd place in the world behind countries like Guyana.

About 1 million 600 thousand people are born in our country every year, about 2 million 100 thousand die. Almost 60% of all deaths are due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, about 15% - from cancer, 4% each - from diseases respiratory and digestive organs.

Over the past seven years, the number of patients with the cardiovascular system has increased by one and a half times (from 2.4 to 3.7 million people), and the number of patients with cancer has increased by 17% (from 1.2 to 1.4 million people).

In 1992, cancer was newly diagnosed in 882 thousand people, in 2008 - already in 1.4 million people. In 1992, diseases of the circulatory system were detected in 1.7 million people, in 2008 - already in 3.8 million people.

For simple population reproduction, 14.3 children should be born for every thousand inhabitants. In Russia - 9.8 newborns. In Azerbaijan - 29.3, in Armenia - 22.8, in Georgia - 18.7, in Kazakhstan - 23.4, in Kyrgyzstan - 30.1, in Uzbekistan - 32.8, in Tajikistan - 43.7, in Turkmenistan - 34.3.

Every third baby in Russia is born sick. The incidence rate of newborns has increased by 32 percent over five years. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth have become more frequent: in 1992, 1.3 million women faced such problems, in 2008 - already 2.7 million.

According to the All-Russian Medical Examination, the number of practically healthy children in Russia has decreased to 32.2 percent; in many regions, healthy children are no more than four percent.

Analyzing the results of draft boards, doctors note a steady deterioration in the health of young men. Even according to the most minimal health requirements, every third conscript is considered unfit for military service. Most of all diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys, and cardiovascular system (31.2%), 20.7% - consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, 19.3% - mental retardation, psychopathy.

The leading cause of mental retardation in children and adolescents is iodine deficiency. In Russia, 70 percent of the population has an iodine deficiency, but iodization of water and food in the country has been canceled due to the high cost, although less than 50 grams of iodine preparations are required per ton of salt.

As stated " Rossiyskaya newspaper“Head of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff Kishin, out of 220 thousand young men of the last conscription, 15 thousand turned out to be “underweight” - dystrophic.

The number of young men suffering from diseases that require sports and health correction increases annually by 12-15 percent. Of the 10.5 thousand Muscovites called up for service, more than 75 percent were unable to even meet school physical fitness standards. The number of children's sports clubs, health camps, providing teenagers with sanatorium and resort treatment.

With the $500 million that Roman Abramovich, not counting the gigantic monthly payments, invested in the development of the English football club, it was possible to build 300 thousand children's playgrounds in Russia (the construction of one playground costs 50 thousand rubles).

Due to injuries and poisonings, the mortality rate among adolescents over the past ten years has increased six times for boys and three times for girls.

60 percent of young guys may have problems with their offspring - the result of beer being elevated to a cult. As British scientists have proven, natural hormones in beer are the same female hormones, only of plant origin, which negatively affect the ability of men to procreate.

66% of Russian citizens cannot receive qualified medical care.

Russia ranks second in the world in the distribution of counterfeit medicines - at least 300 million euros per year. 87% of medications sold in pharmacies are counterfeit or do not meet their expiration dates. Usually, the tablets do not contain enough active substance or use chalk pacifiers.

In just five years, from 1996 to 2001, and only the Moscow Regional Dermatologic Dispensary alone registered the transfusion of syphilis-infected blood into 325 recipients. Since 2001, statistics on this type of crime have been cancelled. Although the scale of infection of patients with “dirty” blood is catastrophic, if in the district hospital of Khanty-Mansiysk alone 116 liters of donor blood were destroyed in a year: 1.5 liters - HIV-infected, 22 liters - with hepatitis C virus, ten liters - with hepatitis B , 9 liters - with syphilis...

In terms of healthcare spending, Russia shares 112-114th place in the world with Morocco and Ecuador - only 5.3% of GDP versus 9-11% of GDP in Western European countries.

Our government spending on healthcare and education is three times less than spending on intelligence services.

However, remember that...

Russia wrote off Libya's debt of $4.5 billion, Afghanistan, when the Americans arrived there, $11.6 billion, and Iraq, again at the request of the Americans, $12 billion.

In 1994-1995, 786 tons of gold were exported from Russia to banks in England, Latin America, Australia, and Romania.

Chelsea Football Club for $500 million, Boeing 737 personal jet for $100 million, Blue Abyss, Pelorus, Ecstasy yachts for $350 million, Fining Hill estate in the south of Great Britain for 22 million dollars, the castle "De la Cro" in France for 23 million dollars... - this is how Roma Abramovich fattens on the national wealth stolen from the people of Russia.

According to Forbes magazine, David Rockefeller Sr. has a net worth of $2.5 billion, Lawrence Rockefeller has a net worth of $1.5 billion, and Winthrop Rockefeller has a net worth of $1.2 billion. The Rockefellers, who have been profiting from banking speculation for centuries, collectively have less than one “Russian” Misha Friedman.

The American president has one country residence - at Camp David. The British Prime Minister also has one - in Checkers. U Russian President- residence "Rus" in the Tver region, Moscow region "Gorki-9", "Barvikha", "Arkhangelskoye", "Dinner" in Valdai, "Shuiskaya Chupa" in Karelia, "Volzhsky Utes" in the Samara region, "Pines" in Krasnoyarsk region, "Angarsk Farms" near Irkutsk, "Tantal" in the Saratov region... The dacha in Barvikha-4 alone occupies more than sixty hectares, a special allotment from the Moscow River... The presidential dacha "Rus" alone is guarded by at least six hundred Human...

For winter Olympic Games in Sochi - a favorite project of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who, like Medvedev, sees in them a chance to demonstrate to the world new Russia- over 15 billion dollars will be spent. For comparison: the Olympics in Vancouver cost two billion dollars, and the Olympics in Salt Lake City and Turin cost the same.

The 2018 FIFA World Cup will cost Russia even more.

In 2012, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit will take place in Vladivostok. The cost of preparing for the summit is an astronomical amount - 284 billion rubles.

From the appeal of the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences to the Government of the Russian Federation: “If the existing intensity of birth rate (9.8 per 1000 population) and mortality rate (16.3 per 1000 population) is maintained, Russia will face an inevitable and accelerating decline in population: depending on forecast scenarios - by 25-50% by the middle of the century.”

Speaking at the 21st Special Session of the UN General Assembly, V. I. Matvienko, then Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government, reported: “Russia is fully committed to the spirit and goals of the Cairo Conference. Following the guidelines of Cairo, the Russian Government purposefully pursues its population policy. Government approaches to solving demographic problems have been radically adjusted.” Terrible confession! After all, in Cairo, at the international conference on population, under the decent name of “sustainable development”, a program was adopted to reduce childbearing.

In the National Report on the Population Situation, presented by Russia at the session of the UN General Assembly, among the six Russian priorities of demographic policy there is not a word about increasing the birth rate. Until 2015, the Russian Government has one goal: “the reproductive behavior of Russian families will continue to be focused on the birth of one child,” hence the active implementation of numerous UNESCO programs in schools, instilling the ideal of a small family, preaching the ideology of abandoning childbearing.

“In St. Petersburg, Dr. N.B. Almazova created a Center for Family Planning and Reproductive Health. Its annual budget is about $1.7 million. The center carries out contraceptive sterilization operations,” from the annual report of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) mission.

It can hardly be called a mere coincidence that the number priority tasks International Fund family planning includes “Reduction or elimination of benefits for children and family”, and in Russia the increase in the paid period of child care and the inclusion of child care time in the length of service have been cancelled.

According to official statistics, 70 percent of pregnancies in the country end in abortion. In reality, there are much more of them, not all abortions are performed by hospitals, a wide network of private abortion clinics does not keep records at all, no one registers the use of abortion pills...

The Ministry of Health and Social Development spends almost half of the budget funds for items related to obstetrics and gynecology on abortions.

In Russia there is a gigantic network for the “extraction” of embryonic material and the production of drugs from it, the so-called fetal therapy - treatment using drugs obtained from human embryos (fetus - in Latin “fetus”) - the “elixir of youth”. A human embryo aged at least 14-25 weeks, the fruit of late abortions, has miraculous properties. With the development of fetal therapy, the number of late-term abortions has sharply increased. According to official data, we have one and a half percent of late-term abortions per year. 90 thousand! - a whole city of children killed for money.

There are 31 million children in Russia. No more than 30 percent are healthy.

More than two million orphans are officially registered in Russia.

7,000 children become victims of sexual crimes every year.

The number of sexual crimes against minors has increased 25.6 times over the past ten years.

Russia's first sobering-up center for alcoholic children has been opened in Moscow - a children's and adolescent drug treatment inpatient department on the basis of drug treatment clinic No. 12.

Out of every five teenagers admitted to the Filatov Children's Hospital in the capital, one child is an alcoholic, one is a drug addict, two are substance abusers. Only one child out of every five is normal.

80 foreign organizations have official licenses for the right to adopt children from Russia.

Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia A.S. Savin admits that taking our children abroad “is closely related to the search for organs for transplantation. This situation is actively used by transnational organized crime to create a highly profitable black market for donor organs.”

Neither after the Civil War nor after the Patriotic War were there as many children thrown onto the streets as there are now. 4.5 million children under 15 years of age inclusive “are not covered by any form of education,” as deputies state softly, roundly, and non-intimidatingly in official documents State Duma the number of street children in Russia.

Child homelessness has become one of the most profitable and dirty businesses in Russia. “Moscow has become for foreign pedophiles what Thailand has become for lovers of a small female body,” this is the terrible conclusion that the staff of the Center for Temporary Isolation of Juvenile Offenders (TSVIMP) came to as a result of a long-term sociological survey of street children.

A little more than 60 million rubles are allocated annually from the Moscow state budget for the prevention of child homelessness. 87 million rubles of budget funds are spent on sterilization of stray animals in Moscow. 27 million rubles more than for homeless children. 13,000 rubles per dog. Dogs of power are more expensive.

Russia supplies 50 percent of all child pornography to the world market.

The system of special schools meets the need for maintenance and training of juvenile offenders by no more than seven to eight percent. In 61 regions of the country there is not a single closed children's institution at all. In Moscow, instead of the 700 necessary shelters, there are only 14.

Russia ranks abnormally high in mortality from external causes - more than 260 thousand people annually. Murders, suicides, deaths in road accidents. Twice more than in China or Brazil, five times more than in Western countries.

In terms of the number of intentional murders, Russia ranks 19th in the world (adjacent to Ecuador and Swaziland) and first in Europe.

In the USA - six murders per 100 thousand population per year, in Europe - 1-2 murders, in Russia - 16.5.

We have 41 thousand suicides a year, twice as bad as in European countries and three times worse than in the USA.

In 2008, 50,000 people went missing. This is three times more than in the USA and 19-20 times more than in the European Union. For the last three years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been secreting such information.

Over the past decade, the number of pensioners in the country has increased by 2,300,000 (8%), while the child population has decreased by 6,700,000 (15.7%).

Every year 700 thousand families break up in our country.

Seven million childless families.

30% of children in Russia are born out of wedlock.

More than 12 million disabled people are officially registered in Russia; over four million alcoholics; more than two million drug addicts; about a million mentally ill; about 900,000 patients with tuberculosis; over 22 million hypertensive patients; at least one and a half million are HIV-infected.

We have four million homeless people, three million beggars, three million street and station prostitutes. Approximately one and a half million Russian women “work” on panels in Europe and Asia.

Six million Russian citizens suffer from mental disorders.

Every day 10 thousand abortions are performed in the Russian Federation.

More than 80 thousand murders per year.

About 30 thousand people die in road accidents.

About 100 thousand die annually from drug overdose.

About three million crimes a year.

Almost every third crime registered is not solved.

There are more than a million prisoners in Russia. There weren’t so many even during the period Stalin's repressions. 800 - 810 prisoners per 100 thousand population - first place in the world.

Since 1999, the volume of alcoholic beverages in the country has increased annually by 25 percent. Every four years - double! More than 1,300 distilleries are working to feed the people, which is 12 times more than in the entire Soviet Union. Plus the home-made products of several tens of thousands of moonshine outlets and rivers of foreign swill...

Alcohol consumption is 14 liters of standard alcohol per person per year (according to other sources - 18 liters). At the level of eight liters, the physical degradation of the nation begins.

40 thousand Russian citizens die every year from drunkenness in the country - this is three times more than our losses during the entire Afghan war.

Over the past 10 years, the sale of cigarettes to the population has increased by 25% both in absolute (about 430 billion pieces per year versus 355 billion in 2000) and in relative terms (more than 3 thousand cigarettes per capita per year versus 2, 4 thousand in 2000). In the 1990s, cigarettes were sold half as much.

Almost 70% of men and more than 30% of women smoke.

According to World Organization healthcare, 33% of children and adolescents in Russia are regular smokers and by the time they reach adulthood they already suffer from chronic diseases. Russia ranks first in the world in the number of children and adolescents who smoke.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), there are up to 2.5 million drug addicts in Russia. 70% are young people under 30 years old. The lower age limit has dropped to 11-12 years, these are students in grades 5-6.

According to the UN, over the past 10 years, the number of heroin addicts in Russia has increased tenfold.

Every day in the country, 82 people of military age die from heroin use, that’s 30,000 young people a year - more than losses Soviet army for 10 years of the Afghan war. Throughout Europe, 5-8 thousand people die every year from hard drugs.

According to the Chief Military Prosecutor Fridinsky, more than three thousand conscripts are annually declared unfit for military service due to drug use.

The director of the Federal Drug Control Service, V. Ivanov, believes that a drug apocalypse has arrived in Russia:

every year the army of Russian drug addicts is replenished with 80 thousand “recruits”;

in terms of the number of drug addicts, Russia is ahead of the EU states by an average of 5-8 times;

Russia leads the world in hard drug consumption.

In September 2009, the UN Narcotics Council published the Afghan Opium Survey report: Russia annually consumes 75-80 tons of Afghan heroin.

Over the past decade, the number of adult drug addicts has increased eightfold, teenage drug addicts by 18 times, and child drug addicts by 24.3 times.

In 1991, the number of adolescents registered for the first time with a diagnosis of drug addiction was 4.9 per hundred thousand inhabitants, now it is 77.4. Since 1997, mortality from drug use has increased 12 times, among children - 42 times.

The life expectancy of drug addicts has decreased to 4 - 4.5 years.

Member of the Patriarchal Anti-Drug Council M. Mokhov: “The whole country is inundated with drugs. Four thousand types of medicines containing narcotics and stimulants are sold in pharmacies, six thousand types of food products contain chemical elements, stimulants and drugs that poison the body. 90 percent of wine and vodka products contain methadone. What is non-alcoholic beer? This is a fast beer. The bacteria in this fast beer produce ephedrine, not the alcohol molecule. People drink pure drugs, including children. This is biowar!

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health and Sports Nikolai Gerasimenko: “When the law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotronic Substances” was developed, there was strong opposition to establishing liability for drug use. Even when the law had already been adopted, a number of deputies of the State Duma, almost ninety people, appealed to the Constitutional Court to abolish liability for drug use and legalize drugs.”

According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 20 thousand drug dealers are active in Moscow alone. 65.7 percent of those involved in drug crime are young people 18-30 years old.

Couriers from 48 countries are detained for transporting and selling drugs - from Tajikistan and Lithuania to Nigeria, Angola, Zaire... 90 percent of heroin is brought to the capital by Tajik drug couriers.

According to intelligence services, 35 percent of the drug market in Moscow is controlled by Azerbaijanis, the most famous are the so-called “Mingachevir” brigade and the Azerbaijani-Dagestan “Zagatala” brigade, which specialize in maintaining drug dens and selling drugs of plant origin.

About 50 tons of drugs are seized from drug traffickers every year. For comparison: the special Drug Control Bureau in Iran finds 250 tons, although Russia has long been exactly the same consumer and drug transit country as Iran.

The volume of heroin consumed in Russia is estimated at at least $12 billion. With such a scale of the drug business in the country, there is not a single high-profile case against drug lords.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the number of registered drug-related crimes has increased by 1,407 percent over the past ten years.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, every year 180,000 people in Russia die “for reasons related to exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors.” More than 360 thousand people are injured at work, and about eight thousand die. 10 thousand occupational diseases are registered annually. More than 14,000 people become disabled. Losses from unfavorable working conditions annually amount to 4% of GDP.

More than 40 percent of the country's workers are employed in heavy, hazardous industries.

In Russia there are more than 50 thousand dangerous objects and five thousand especially dangerous ones.

There are 60 thousand hydraulic structures on the territory of Russia, many of which support six or eight cubic kilometers of water. Six thousand hydraulic structures have been in operation for more than a hundred years, 6.5 thousand require overhaul, 400 are in disrepair.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, about 300,000 fires occur in Russia every year, in which 20,000 people die and over 12,000 are injured. Daily material damage averages 17.2 million rubles.

Russia topped the “black list” of countries dangerous for air travel. Civil aircraft flights in Russia end in accidents twice as often as in Africa, and 13 times more often than the world average.

1,600,000 people work at Minatom enterprises. The territories of 22 enterprises of this department are “polluted.” 58 percent of illnesses among Minatom workers are due to radiation. From 50 to 90 percent of physical protection equipment at nuclear facilities are worn out.

189 nuclear submarines have been decommissioned, only 59 have been disposed of. 104 boats with spent nuclear fuel on board. 30 submarines have already lost their main ballast tanks and could sink at any moment. According to Minatom itself, leaks have already occurred on six submarines... 152 spent reactors are hopelessly awaiting disposal at the coastal and floating bases of the Northern and Pacific fleets. In the Pacific Fleet, storage facilities with reactors have not undergone technical inspection for 30 years...

In 2001, V.V. Putin signed a Law that allowed the import of highly toxic nuclear waste (spent nuclear fuel) into Russia. After the adoption of this law, thousands of tons of nuclear waste were brought to Russia from Poland, Serbia, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Vietnam and other countries. The burials are located in the Chelyabinsk region (PO Mayak), in Krasnoyarsk-26 and Tomsk-7. In total, about 19 thousand tons of spent nuclear fuel are stored in Russia.

Greenpeace has published a confidential protocol of negotiations between Techsnabexport, the German company Internexco and the Swiss company Swiss Utilities on their intention to import more than 2,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel and 550 cubic meters of high-level nuclear waste to Russia from Switzerland. This is only from one country!

The Chernobyl disaster led to the release of radioactive aerosols into the atmosphere with an activity of about 50 million curies. Over the decades of its activity, the Mayak production association in the Chelyabinsk region has produced low levels of radioactive waste general activity more than a billion curies, but already the first stage of the Rus Repository program gives us three billion curies of imported nuclear dirt - 60 Chernobyls.

Chernomyrdin, Chubais, Gaidar, Kokh, Mostovoy, Boyko, who headed the grandiose operation developed at Harvard and Chicago, codenamed “privatization of Russia,” contributed to “the establishment of control by foreigners over strategically important and economically significant enterprises of the defense complex and related enterprises scientific and technical sphere, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry" (“Analysis of the processes of privatization of state property in the Russian Federation for the period 1993-2003”, M., 2004).

According to the State Duma Control and Budgetary Committee, in 1994 alone, due to fraudulent privatization, the loss of the state treasury from privatization amounted to 1 trillion 669 billion rubles. Having sold 46 thousand 815 enterprises, Chubais's State Property Committee gave the treasury less than $1 billion, while a similar privatization in the Czech Republic was half as large in volume - 25 thousand enterprises - brought income to the state of $1.2 billion.

In the United States alone, more than a thousand patents have been registered for military and dual-use technologies, the authors of which are Russian inventors, and the holders of patents and exclusive rights are foreign entities. Foreign companies received thousands of patents for scientific and technical developments of the Russian defense complex in the aviation, rocket and space industries in Russia itself.

From the “sale” of the largest Russian enterprises, the value of which at the minimum price exceeds 1 trillion. dollars, the treasury received... 7 billion 200 million dollars.

According to the Accounts Chamber, the total losses of the federal budget due to numerous violations during the sale of fuel and energy enterprises of the oil complex in Bashkiria alone are estimated at $113 billion.

The state sold a 40% stake in TNK OJSC for $25 million. A 6% stake in this company was immediately resold and sold for $35 million.

The building of the trade mission in Bulgaria with an area of ​​21.35 thousand square meters, when transferred to the balance of the Presidential Administration, was valued at... 20 thousand dollars - cheaper than a one-room apartment.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from 1993 to 2003, more than 50 thousand crimes related to privatization were detected.

The Russian super-profitable metallurgy "left" the state for 214 million dollars (Norilsk Nickel - 170 million dollars, Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant - 31 million dollars, Mechel - 13 million dollars). The real price of Norilsk Nickel is more than 52 billion dollars. Norilsk Nickel “paid back” 130 times for the new “owners”. The Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant “paid for itself” 350 times.

The Russian oil industry was sold for $639 million (YUKOS - $159 million, Sidanko (now TNK-BP) - $130 million, Surgutneftegaz - $88.9 million, LUKOIL - 141 million. dollars, Nafta-Moscow - 20 million dollars). This is how much only 1.5% of LUKOIL shares are worth today. The total net profit of LUKOIL during this time was more than 65 billion dollars. "Surgutneftegaz" - 34 billion dollars.

Kakha Bendukidze “acquired” the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (Uralmash) for 700 thousand dollars. The businessman himself admitted that he bought the plant “for one thousandth of its cost.”

A consortium of commercial banks consisting of Inkombank, Oneximbank, Imperial Bank, Capital Savings Bank, Menatep Bank, and the joint-stock commercial bank International Finance Company issued a loan of $650 million to the Government of the Russian Federation, receiving as collateral eleven largest, extremely profitable enterprises: Yukos, Norilsk Nickel, Sibneft, Lukoil... Before the banks gave the state a loan of 650 million dollars, the Ministry of Finance placed almost the same amount in these banks " free foreign currency funds of the federal budget." As the auditors of the Accounts Chamber concluded: “Banks actually “credited” the state with public money. The government initially had no intention of buying back the most precious pieces of its economic system. As a result, “banks that “lent” to the state were able to become owners of extremely profitable state enterprises.

97 percent of pulp and paper enterprises moved into private hands. The most promising ones ended up under the control of foreign capital.

The proceeds from the privatization of timber enterprises did not exceed two percent of their real value.

In 1996, more than a thousand enterprises worked in the domestic gold mining industry, now the state has only 33 left, of which 11 are mines and mines, which account for less than one percent of the gold produced in Russia. On the boards of directors of privatized enterprises for the production, extraction and processing of precious metals, precious stones There are no representatives of the state at all, neither from Roskomdragmet, nor from the Ministry of Finance, nor from the Gokhran of Russia, despite the fact that according to the Law, the state monopoly on precious metals and stones is maintained.

While producing 25 percent of the world's rough diamonds, our cutting industry's share of the global diamond mining industry is only 6.7 percent. Belgium has more than two billion dollars from the production and trade of diamonds, Israel receives almost two billion dollars from the sale of diamonds, but we receive a maximum of 150 million dollars.

For the export of wood we receive four billion dollars instead of the hundred billion dollars that we could receive by sending abroad not “round timber” and “saw logs”, but finished products...

Russia sold 500 tons of ignited weapons-grade uranium extracted from nuclear warheads to the United States for $12 billion. According to Spiegel magazine, the price of weapons-grade uranium is $60 billion per ton.

The auditors of the Accounts Chamber state: “The federal executive authorities have not created an effective system to prevent the transfer of federal property of strategic importance to the control of foreigners. The process of buying up blocks of shares of strategically and economically significant enterprises for Russia by foreign persons through nominees and on the secondary stock market has not been and is not controlled to this day.” Foreigners have blocking stakes in JSC ASTC im. Tupolev”, Saratov OJSC “Signal”, and CJSC “Euromile”. The little-known American company Nic and Si Corporation, through the front company Stolitsa, acquired stakes in 19 aviation enterprises of the military-industrial complex! The State Committee for Antimonopoly Policy has never rejected requests from foreign or legal entities controlled by them to purchase a controlling stake in enterprises that are strategically important for Russia. After the Americans acquired a controlling stake in the Kursk JSC Kristall, the production of components for the guidance systems of the Igla missile system and other special products for the army was immediately stopped, and the unique technological base was destroyed.

In the privatization plan for 2011-2013. more than 850 state-owned companies are included, among them: VTB, Sovcomflot (more than 150 ships, total deadweight of 11 million tons), United Grain Company, RusHydro, Sberbank, Rosneft, Transneft, Rosagroleasing, Rosselkhozbank, Rosspirtprom, Russian Railways... According to government order No. 1874-r dated October 25, 2010. CJSC Bank Credit Suisse, LLC Deutsche Bank, LLC Commercial Bank J.P. Morgan Bank International, LLC Merrill Lynch Securities, LLC Morgan Stanley Bank and GOLDMAN SAX are authorized to sell the above property. Among them is the Russian VTB Capital, although even the shares of VTB itself are instructed to sell Merrill Lynch Securities.

The USSR provided a third of the world's inventions. Russia has lost these positions and today produces less than 1% of high-tech products.

In terms of the number of scientific publications, Russia is already inferior to India, and several times inferior to China. From 2004 to 2008, Russian scientists published only 2.6% of the global number of scientific papers, which is slightly more than Holland (2.5%).

In terms of the number of articles per 1000 population, Russia is inferior not only to the leading countries of the West, but also to Greece, Portugal, South Korea, the Czech Republic and Poland. Russia is being overtaken by Türkiye and Iran.

Another indicator - the average number of citations per article - reflects how popular the published scientific results are. According to this indicator, Russia is in 203rd place, below Cuba. Even Albania is ahead of Russia.

According to the report of the World Intellectual Property Organization (2010), 155 thousand patents were filed in the world, less than 500 from Russia. Russia received fewer patents than one Chinese company.

According to official statistics, up to 800,000 researchers from Russia are working abroad today.

Every year, up to 15% of university graduates leave the country. The emigration of specialists (mostly young) is 10-15 thousand per year.

According to UN experts, the departure of a person with a higher education abroad causes damage to the country in the amount of 300 to 800 thousand dollars. According to the rector of Moscow State University, Moscow University spends up to 400 thousand dollars on training one world-class specialist. Brain drain costs our country $25 billion annually.

According to scientist Yu. A. Lisovsky, today almost a quarter of the American high-tech industry is supported by immigrants from Russia.

Today, only 10% of university graduates in Russia work in their specialty.

As a result of the loss of intellectual personnel according to the human development index, which includes the level of education, science and technology, morbidity and longevity, GDP per capita, etc., Russia, from 52nd place in 1992, by 1997 had slipped to 119th place in the world.

Today, the contribution of Russian science to the world does not exceed 3.75%.

In the global high-tech market, the US share is currently 60%, Singapore - 6%, Russia - 0.5 - 0.8%.

Among 49 countries producing 94% of the gross product of the world economy, Russia ranks last in the technology index.

At the exhibition of nanotechnology products in the United States in May 2009, Russia presented only nine exhibits.

According to experts, about 20,000 Russian scientists work for EU countries, remaining full-time employees of Russian state scientific institutions, mostly “closed”.

Allocations for scientific research and development amount to 1% of the domestic national product of the Russian Federation.

According to a survey by VTsIOM, 69% of Russians do not use the Internet at all. Only 11% of respondents use the Internet daily. Only 9% of respondents connect to the World Wide Web once a week, and 3% occasionally.

There are 42.3 active Internet users in Russia per 1 thousand population, in Sweden - 573.1, in Jamaica - 228.4.

The Human Development Index (HDI) is an integral indicator that is used to determine the level of development of a country. In this ranking, Russia ranks 73rd out of 180 with a score of 0.806, falling between Ecuador and Mauritius.

According to UNESCO, Russia in terms of the intellectual potential of youth has slipped from 3rd place in the world (1953) to 47th.

Minister A. Fursenko admitted: “25% of schoolchildren do not know mathematics and about the same number do not know the Russian language.”

The subject "Russian literature" is excluded from the list of compulsory subjects of the Unified State Exam (USE).

Two million Russian teenagers cannot read.

At St. Petersburg State University, the department of Russian history, which successfully existed both under the Sovereign Emperor and under Soviet power, was liquidated. The same fate befell the Department of History of Russian Music.

28,160,000 of the working population of Russia do not produce anything; they exist at the expense of the budget and the solvent part of the population. This is army personnel along with contract soldiers, conscripts, civilians, personnel of auxiliary enterprises, scientific institutes, design bureaus and universities - 1,470,000 (including 355,000 officers and 1,886 generals and admirals, 10,523 - the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, 11,290 - military command and control bodies , 15 academies, 4 military universities, 46 military schools and military institutes); personnel of the FSB, FSO, FPS, FAPSI, SVR, etc. - 2,140,000; full-time employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Migration Service, the Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor's Office - 2,536,000; customs, tax, sanitary and other inspection workers - 1,957,000; officials of licensing, control and registration authorities - 1,741,000; apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and government foreign institutions (UN, UNESCO, CIS, etc.) - 98,000; employees of other federal ministries and departments - 1,985,000; clerks of pension, social, insurance and other funds - 2,439,000; deputies and employees of government structures at all levels - 1,870,000; clergy and staff of religious and religious buildings - 692,000; notaries, legal offices, lawyers and prisoners - 2,357,000; private security personnel, detectives, security, etc. - 1.775.000; unemployed - 7,490,000.

In 2006 alone, the legislative branch grew by two percent, the judicial branch by 3.8 percent, and the executive branch expanded by 20.4 percent. The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control grew 176 times over the year from 116 to 20,469 people. The number of employees in the prosecutor's office increased by 2,000 people. Rosstat grew by 1.4% - at the end of the year it employed 23,796 people.

There are one and a half million officials in Russia - three times more than in the USSR.

Ex-Minister regional development In Russia, Vladimir Yakovlev admits: “Soon there will be no one to work in the country. Up to 60% of Russians are old people, children and disabled people. Of the 20 million men of working age, about a million are serving prison sentences for various crimes, 4 million serve in the systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the FSB. Another 4 million are chronic alcoholics, a million are drug addicts. Male mortality in Russia is 4 times higher than female mortality. Now the losses of healthy men are similar to the losses of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War."

On November 11, 2008, Chief of the General Staff Makarov signed a directive “On preventing the disclosure of information about the reform of the RF Armed Forces.” The document prohibits the dissemination of any information about the progress of reforms, emerging problems, and, most importantly, about the mood in the troops. And what might the mood be like if, as a result of the reform in the Ground Forces alone, by 2012 the number of units and formations will decrease from 1890 to 172. Officer Corps will be reduced from 315,000 to 150,000 people, general's - from 1,886 to 900 people. The institution of warrant officers and midshipmen is being eliminated. 65 military universities will be reorganized into 10 educational and research centers. It is not surprising that 87% of Russian army officers are openly disloyal to the authorities.

Over the past 10 years, the Russian Navy has shrunk by 60%:

out of 62 nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles, 12 remain;

out of 32 patrol ships, 5 remained;

Of the 17 escort warships, 9 remain, only 3 are in service.

The Navy has:
1 aircraft-carrying cruiser
2 heavy missile cruisers
4 missile cruisers
9 destroyers
9 large anti-submarine ships
31 small anti-submarine ships
14 small missile boats
51 minesweepers
20 large landing ships
21 small landing ships
15 diesel submarines
10 deep-sea vehicles.

In terms of combat capabilities, our Navy in the Baltic is 2 times inferior to the Swedish fleet, 2 times inferior to the Finnish fleet, and 4 times inferior to the German fleet;
on the Black Sea - Turkish by 3 times; the US fleet - 20 times, the British fleet - 7 times, the French fleet - 6 times.

By 2015, the Russian Navy will retain no more than 60 class 1 and 2 submarines and ships (15 per fleet), almost all of them are outdated models. By this time, the US fleet will increase by 300 ships of the same classes.

Transport Minister Igor Levitin supported the initiative of St. Petersburg officials to repurpose the berths of the Baltic Shipyard, Russia's leading naval enterprise, for cruise ships and yachts. The territory of the plant (64 hectares on Vasilyevsky Island) will be occupied by an elite business district.

Russian President Medvedev immediately excluded nine Russian enterprises from the list of strategic objects, including the developer and manufacturer of the Topol and Bulava missile systems - the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and the Votkinsk Plant.

The latest Russian nanoaviation technology fighter, the Su-35, is just a modification of the Su-27 model, which is more than 20 years old.

Of the 1,800 Soviet-made combat aircraft in service with the Russian Air Force, 1,200 aircraft cannot fly and require major repairs.

Many Russian Air Force pilots do not have flight hours even up to the minimum standard: an average of 50 hours per year (8.5 minutes per day) instead of 120 (20 minutes per day).

Major Troyanov, who crashed on the territory of Lithuania, had an annual flight time of only 14 hours in a Su-27. He lost his way due to lack of flying practice.

There will soon not be a single sniper pilot in aviation, almost no 1st class pilots.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 883 dated August 25, 1995, the Ka-50 “Black Shark” helicopter was put into service and produced in the amount of five units. The State Armaments Program provides for the purchase of only 12 such helicopters by 2015.

The share of modern weapons and equipment in the army is about 10%.

Russia spends over 35% of its budget expenditures on military departments and ministries. At complete absence of a clear military doctrine, 40% of the military budget (about a trillion rubles) is stolen. In 2005 alone, misuse of budget funds in the amount of 19 billion rubles was revealed in the military sphere.

Since 2006, such data has been classified.

Managers of defense enterprises refuse defense orders because the “rollback” does not leave the plant with funds even for the cost of products.

Over the past 7 years, the army has received a total of 114 new T-90 tanks, 20 new SU-27 aircraft, 6 modernized SU-25 and 3 TU-160 aircraft (1 new and 2 modernized).

Each Russian Glonass satellite consists of about a third of imported components. The Glonass control station in Korolev, Moscow Region, with five simultaneously visible satellites, was unable to determine its own location.

The country's air defense is focal in nature. There are huge “holes” gaping in it, the largest being between Khabarovsk and Irkutsk (about 3,400 km). Not even all missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are covered by ground-based air defense, in particular this applies to the 7th, 14th, 28th, 35th, 54th divisions. The centers of the Russian military-industrial complex Perm, Izhevsk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Tula, Ulyanovsk are not protected from air strikes.

Almost all the gas produced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (89% of all gas produced in Russia) passes through one area, where 17 high-pressure gas pipelines intersected among the endless tundra and floodplain forests of the Pravaya Khetta River. Local residents from the village of Pangody call this place “The Cross”. The life of 78% of the Russian population depends on this area measuring 500 by 500 meters. What happened here is that it will immediately cause a catastrophe in the electric power industry of the European part of Russia (it is 80% dependent on natural gas), undermining the most important source of foreign exchange income and the death of hundreds of thousands of people from the cold, because with the shutdown of thermal power plants, the supply of heating in cities will stop.

From the coast of the Arctic Ocean to Panguda is a little more than 500 km.
For a modern cruise missile - 15 minutes of flight.

The country's Prime Minister V.V. Putin boasts of the “new product” PVOS-400. But there are only two divisions. This is not enough even to cover such a small country as Serbia.

During the period from 2000 to 2007, Russian strategic nuclear forces lost 405 carriers and 2,498 charges. Only 27 missiles were produced, 3 times less than in the 90s, and one Tu-160, 7 times less than in the 90s.

Since the 1990s, most artillery design bureaus and research institutes have not produced a single new development, either in barrel artillery or in missile field, nor in ammunition.

In 2009, out of 238 regular military training grounds, 131 training centers were liquidated. The number of personnel of surviving training grounds and training centers reduced by half.

Our soldier in the European part of the country is opposed by 10 NATO soldiers, for each of our tanks there are two NATO tanks, for each of our aircraft there are three NATO ones.

It's even worse in the Eastern direction. The Chinese army of two million is opposed by a Russian group of 80 thousand soldiers and officers.

The central economic region of Russia from Smolensk to Voronezh - five regions, each of which is as large as a European state - is protected by an army of 15 thousand bayonets. After the reduction of the army corps here, the entire border Karelia is covered only by a brigade of border boats.

10 divisions and 16 brigades of the Russian Army are pitted against more than 40 divisions and 60 brigades of NATO countries, against 87 divisions of China...

The flight time of the NATO strike aviation group from the borders of Estonia to Moscow does not exceed an hour. Over the past decade, anti-aircraft missile forces have been reduced by five times, and air defense aviation has been reduced by three and a half times. Of the radar stations and automated control systems on combat duty, none are younger than fifteen years old, more than half are older than 25 years. Aviation is also old. 55 percent of cars are over 15 years old. The most popular Russian bomber today, the SU-24, rolled off the assembly line between 1975 and 1982. Only 40 percent of the aircraft fleet is between 5 and 10 years old, and only 20 aircraft were manufactured in the last five years.

Of the 62 aviation regiments, only six are in constant combat readiness. The remaining regiments do not meet the requirements for combat readiness, both in terms of the state of aviation equipment and the level of training of flight personnel.

Until 1991, NATO air squadrons had to travel 1,700 kilometers to Moscow; 4,500 were always ready to meet them Soviet aircraft and more than 2,500 anti-aircraft missile systems, and another 600 aircraft from the Warsaw Pact countries. Then both the United States and NATO understood that it was impossible to break through to Moscow. Today the NATO road to Moscow is 600 kilometers, and, God forbid, if two hundred combat vehicles rise up to meet them.

Having received military air bases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan with the help of Russia, NATO aviation can now launch air strikes as far as Novosibirsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, and throughout the Siberian-Ural strategic industrial hub of Russia.

Here is a list of the loyal, sold, surrendered to the enemies of the fighting, serviceable, mighty Russian fleet. According to the conclusion of experts who made this list public through the Versiya newspaper (No. 3, 2004), “many of these ships did not serve even half of the established period and were sold for ridiculous money.” Prices are in thousands of US dollars. A memorial list of our fleet, our power, our strength, our pride, our national respect, our strength, money, sweat, mind.
Patrol ships

Patrol ship "Valiant" - 69.54 thousand US dollars

Patrol ship "Zorkiy" - 227.5

Patrol ship "Strict" - 316.5

Patrol ship "Steregushchy" - 314.16

Patrol ship "Savvy" - 292.56

Patrol ship "Ferocious" - 97.79

Destroyer "Uporny" - 173.9

Destroyer "Attentive" - ​​117.99

Destroyer "Thundering" - 225

Destroyer "Indestructible" - 216

Destroyer "Gnevny" - 363
Large anti-submarine ships

Large anti-submarine ship "Khabarovsk" - 579.6

Large anti-submarine ship "Yumashev" - 468

Large anti-submarine ship "Makarov" - 516

Large anti-submarine ship "Isachenkov" - 514.25

Large anti-submarine ship "Isakov" - 496.1

Large anti-submarine ship "Smyshlenny" - 189.57

Large anti-submarine ship "Chapaev" - 744

Large anti-submarine ship "Oktyabrsky" - 724.8

Large anti-submarine ship "Vladivostok" - 1083.77

RKR "Zozulya" - 756

RKR "Fokin" - 543.4

KR "Murmansk" - 1718.87

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Minsk" - 4236.7

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Novorossiysk" - 3832.34

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Kyiv" - about 1800 (sold in 2000)
Landing and reconnaissance ships

LDK "Muromets" - 97.28

BDK "Ilyichev" - 242.5

BDK-47 - 248.9

BZRK "Zakarpattia" - 192.24

MRZK "Ilmen" - 3180.39

SSV "Sarychev" - 113.24

SSV "Primorye" - 150.48

SSV "Chelyuskin" - 114.59

OSV "Transbaikalia" - 207.99
Floating bases, floating workshops and measuring ships

PB-27 - 252.52

PM-147 - 161.7

PM-150 - 181.22

KIK "Spassk" - 868.5

KIK "Chumikan" - 1544

KIK-357 - 205

For the “sale” of this gigantic armada, the treasury received less than $30 million. The construction of one destroyer costs exactly ten times more.

Government Order No. 405-r on the transfer of Russian military bases worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Georgia was signed by Sergei Kiriyenko. State Duma Resolution No. 2364-11 “On the illegal actions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation S.V. Kiriyenko to transfer real estate of Russian military bases to Georgia” was ignored. A few years later, these weapons were killing Russian soldiers.

Length of radar-controlled areas state border in the country's airspace decreased at an altitude of 10,000 m from 99% to 59%, at an altitude of 1000 m - from 84% to 23%. The share of outdated air defense weapons and military equipment is 65-80%. The serviceability of air defense fighters is 48-49%, air defense systems - 92%, radar weapons - about 50%. A reduction in the combat strength of anti-aircraft missile divisions should be expected by 95-98% (from 118 to 6). At the same time, the provision of serviceable anti-aircraft missile weapons The Air Force will make up about 5% (including 6 S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems).

Russia even parted with the legendary military base in the Vietnamese Cam Ranh Bay, which faithfully served Russian interests for more than 20 years. A powerful radio interception center, an airfield with several runways, a modern pier, an electronic tracking station, a school, a hospital, residential buildings, a separate mixed aviation regiment, which includes four Tu-95 strategic bombers, four Tu-142, Tu-16 squadrons and Mig-25... Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that Russia can no longer afford Cam Ranh. So we lost a strategically important bridgehead for Russia, which ensured our naval presence in Indian Ocean and in the Persian Gulf area.

In recent years, we have lost not only Cam Ranh. We left the naval base in Tartus (Syria), having lost our footing in the Mediterranean, left Svenfuegos in Cuba in close proximity to American shores, closed three electronic intelligence centers in Angola, two bases in Somalia: the air base in Hargeisa and naval - in Berbera. They liquidated the most modern intelligence bases in Ethiopia, Syria, Egypt, South Yemen, and Angola. Powerful radar stations in the cities of Cabinda, Benguela and Lobito monitored the Atlantic Ocean. Four secret radio interception bases in Nicaragua also suddenly turned out to be unnecessary for Russia.

After leaving Vietnam, the only listening base for Russian intelligence services remained the electronic espionage center in Lourdes (Cuba). The capabilities of this Russian electronic center, modernized in 1997, even made it possible to intercept messages from American communications satellites, telecommunication cables, and control communications at the NASA center in Florida. Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro, not without reason, stated that Russian intelligence services receive 70 percent of their intelligence information with the help of Lourdes... And we abandoned this base.

The powerful Ramona electronic intelligence complex in the Korean city of Ansan, Hwanghae Province, allowed our intelligence to monitor US aviation in Japan, where, as is known, 11 American military bases are located in Okinawa alone. The Americans did not even suspect that our intelligence had eyes and ears in Ansan. Now Russia doesn’t need this base either!..

One of the most tragic dates in the modern history of Russia, another black day of the Russian calendar - March 22, 2001, on this day at 8 hours 59 minutes 24 seconds Moscow time the Russian orbital station "Mir" was killed. Russian cosmonauts assessed the liquidation of Mir as a betrayal of Russia. In Star City, Putin, Kasyanov, Klebanov and Koptev were nicknamed “Ku Klux Klansmen who lynched Mir.” Everyone is convinced that the decision to close the orbital center was made under pressure from the United States. The Americans carefully monitored the descent of the "Mir" - information from the Russian Mission Control Center was directly transmitted to NASA - they made precise telemetric "notches" of the entire trajectory of the station's descent, the fall of its parts, and, of course, calculated our super-secret scheme for controlling high-precision ballistic missiles. What spies had been hunting unsuccessfully for decades literally fell right into their hands. No arguments from scientists, cosmonauts, or military personnel convinced President Putin to stop the decision that was fatal for Russia.

In 1989, the catalog “Scientific and technical achievements in the Energia-Buran system” was sent to 74 Union ministries; 600 appeared in it latest technologies, the implementation of which could provide an economic effect of about six billion dollars. “Democratic” Russia did not need the results of 15 years of colossal work.

According to the director of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Yuri Solomonov, developer of the Topol-M and Bulava missile systems, “more than 200 technologies for the manufacture of ballistic missiles have been lost in Russia.”

Of the 240 aviation enterprises, only seven remained under state control. The state does not have a single share in the 94 largest aircraft factories in Russia. Most of the enterprises producing military equipment came under the control of foreigners.

The Americans took control of the leaders of the domestic engine industry - the Aviadvigatel design bureau and the Perm Motors plant, which developed and mastered the production of D-30 engines for the Tu-134/154, Il-62/76, Mig-31 aircraft. The latest developments are the PS-90A engine for the Il-96 and Tu-204(214).

Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Novokuznetsk, Sayan aluminum smelters, Achinsk. Nikolaevsky alumina refineries are privately owned by Oleg Deripaska. Under the guise of Deripaska, foreign companies such as Dilkor International LTD, Galinton Investment LTD, Runicom Fort LTD, Paimtex Limited LTD are the owners of 65.5 percent of the shares of BrAZ, 55.42 percent of the shares of KrAZ... So this is already the property of foreign states.

The West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant, the Volzhsky Pipe Plant, the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, the Prokopyevskugol Association, the Kachkanarsky Mining and Processing Plant, the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, the Kuznetskugol Association, the Mezhdurechenskugol Association, the Orsko-Khalilovsky Metallurgical Plant became foreign property. at.

The Brunsvocek company owns 25 percent of the shares of the Irkutsk Aviation Production Association (IAPO), where military equipment accounts for 90 percent of the total production volume: the Su-27ub combat trainer, the Su-30 interceptor fighter, the Su-30mk multi-role fighter...

“95% of large Russian industry is in foreign jurisdiction,” admitted the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship, Evgeny Fedorov.

Gorbachev’s “perestroika” and the subsequent stage of “Yeltsin-Gaidar-Chubais liberal reforms” destroyed the Russian economy to a much greater extent than the Great Patriotic War. During the war, the USSR lost approximately a third of all major material assets. Over 20 years of liberal reforms, Russia has lost 42 percent of all major material assets. In absolute numbers, Russia’s material losses from “liberal reforms” are incomparably greater than during the Second World War, because the initial value of fixed assets in 1987 was much higher than their size in 1941! The human losses during the “reforms” are quite comparable to the losses of the war of 1941-45. Labor productivity also fell by a third, which is unprecedented not only for developed and civilized countries, but also for the most backward countries of Asia and Africa,” Doctor of Economics, Professor G. I. Khanin.

According to the UN, industrial production of our country, even compared to 1991 (in 1990-1991, for the first time since 1922 in peacetime, all major economic indicators did not grow, but fell sharply), is less than 75%, agricultural production - slightly above 80 %, including livestock farming - 60%. The economic gap with the leading countries of the world has increased by 2.5 times. Fixed production assets decreased by more than 40%, labor productivity decreased by 30%.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, in terms of coal production we have slipped to 1957, in the production of cars - to 1910, in the production of metal-cutting machines - to 1931, forging and pressing machines - to 1933, trucks - by 1937, for the production of tractors - by 1931, grain harvesters - by 1933, production of televisions - by 1958, lumber - by 1930, building bricks - by 1953, fabrics of all types - by 1910, woolen fabrics - by 1880, shoes - by 1900, whole milk products - by 1963, animal oil - by 1956. If in 1989 we produced 55.7 million tons of milk, now it is 32.9, which is at the level of 1958. Large livestock cattle from 58.8 million heads in 1989 it decreased to 27.1. Twelve years ago we had 40 million pigs, now we have 15.5 (1936 level). The decline in sheep and goats is even more noticeable: from 61.3 million heads (1989) to 15.2.

130 agricultural engineering enterprises were destroyed in the country.

Russia imports food worth $35 billion.

Currently, almost 70% of food products are produced according to specifications, and not according to GOSTs, which allows the production of low-quality food.

More than 40% of products sold in Moscow are counterfeit. Most often, counterfeits of vegetable and butter, condensed milk, tea, coffee, mineral water, beef stew, honey and confectionery. The leaders of the “black list” were: cottage cheese, 42.5% of which does not meet the standards, curd cheese (45.5%), curd mass (42.1%), loose sour cream (33.3%), shawarma (40%) , salads (20%) and cakes (18.8%).

Something unprecedented is happening in Russia, unthinkable in world practice: natural resource rent goes to the owners and managers of mining companies. They appropriate up to 85 percent of the profits, although in the main oil-producing countries the state's share of revenues from oil sales is at least 60 percent and reaches 90 percent.

The period for depletion of profitable reserves for individual mineral resources does not extend beyond 2013-2025, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation said in a statement following an audit of reproduction efficiency mineral resource base Russian Federation. At today's production rates, exploited reserves of oil, uranium, copper, gold will run out in 2015, gas - in 20-25 years.

Availability of resources (% of world reserves): USA - 6%, Russia - 25%, European Community - 10%, others - 59%. Resource consumption (% of world reserves): USA - 40%, Russia - 5%, European Community - 40%, others - 15%.

Russian civil aviation has reduced the volume of air transportation by more than three times and the production of civil aircraft by tens of times. Between 2003 and 2005, between 11 and 18 civil aircraft of all types were produced annually in Russia. Meanwhile, the American company Boeing and the European Airbus each produce 350-400 aircraft annually.

In 1991, 1,500 aircraft were produced in the country, in 2010 - 14.

“In 1980, our country was the second economy in the world, it was five Chinas and 60 percent of the USA, now it is 1/5 of China, six percent of the USA,” said G.G., Deputy Director of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Malinetsky.

Russia's GDP is not much greater than the economic product of Los Angeles County in the United States.

Eleven of the 15 former republics of the Soviet Union have higher economic growth than Russia.

Exports of raw materials in 2000 accounted for 44% of the country's total exports, in 2010 - already 65%. But the share of machinery and equipment decreased from 11% to 5%.

Air transport used to be used by 97% of the population, now only 3%.

Volume postal items decreased by 20 times.

More than 30,000 settlements in Russia still do not have telephone connections.

In the 90s, an average of 6.1 thousand kilometers of new roads were introduced in the country per year, since 2003 - no more than 2-3 thousand kilometers. Two thirds of federal highways and 76% of territorial ones do not meet the standards. 92% of federal highways have only two lanes.

Average cost of 1 sq. m of housing in Russia has increased 9 times in recent years. If in 2000 the purchase of an apartment on the secondary market with an area of ​​50 sq. m was equal to the average annual income for 6 years, then in 2008 - already for 15 years.

A kilogram of gold in Moscow can only buy four square meters of housing.

According to Rosstat, the area of ​​emergency housing in the country has tripled: from 29.8 million square meters. m in 1992 to 99.5 million sq. m. m in 2008.

The annual number of new settlers decreased by almost 9 times: from 948 thousand in 1992 to 144 thousand in 2008.

The cost per square meter in luxury apartments in Moscow has exceeded $109,000. The cost of the most expensive apartment among those exhibited in open sale, exceeds 22 million dollars (Kakha Bendukidze bought the giant Uralmash from the state for 700 thousand dollars, another giant Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant left state ownership for 31 million dollars).

Prices for natural gas supplied by Gazprom to Russian consumers increased from an average of 358 rubles per 1,000 cubic meters in 2001 to over 2,500 rubles in 2010.

The cost of gasoline-95 in oil-producing countries in 2010: Venezuela - 47 kopecks per 1 liter; Turkmenistan - 68 kopecks per 1 liter;

Iran - 2 rubles. 39 kopecks per 1 liter; Libya - 4 rubles 17 kopecks per 1 liter; UAE - 12 rub. 27 kopecks per 1 liter; Azerbaijan - 14 rubles. 37 kopecks for 1 liter; Kazakhstan - 17 rubles. 97 kopecks for 1 liter; Russia - 26 rubles. for 1 liter.

According to the Federal Service state statistics The Russian Federation, which conducted a study of income distribution among the country's population in 2010:

13.4% of the population with an income below 3,422 rubles per month live in extreme poverty;

27.8% of the population live in poverty with an income from 3,422 rubles to 7,400 rubles per month;

38.8% of the population live in poverty with an income from 7,400 rubles to 17,000 rubles per month;

- “rich among the poor” are 10.9% of the population with an income from 17,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles per month;

7.3% of the population live at the average income level with an income of 25,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles per month;

The wealthy include citizens with an income of 50,000 rubles to 75,000 rubles per month. Their number is 1.1% of the Russian population.

The so-called rich make up 0.7% of the population. Their income is estimated to be over 75,000 rubles per month.

From the above data it is clear that the extremely poor, the poor and the poor make up exactly 80% of the population of modern Russia. That's 113 million people.

The fortune of 100 Russian billionaires is $520 billion, which is equal to the entire gold and foreign exchange reserves of the country's Central Bank.

“Part of the population, undoubtedly, are outsiders, and some are not just leaders, but leaders against the backdrop of extremely rich countries,” said Rosstat head Alexander Surinov. “The incomes of the poorest and richest residents of our country differ by 800 times!”

In the “crisis year of 2009” alone, the number of billionaires in Russia doubled.

In 2010, the number of Russian billionaires increased even more: from 62 to 101. The cost of the “entrance ticket” to the top ten was $13 billion. The total wealth of those in the top hundred increased from $297 billion to $432 billion. The richest remains the head of Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant OJSC Vladimir Lisin, whose fortune is estimated at $24 billion. In second place is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal OJSC Alexey Mordashov ($18.5 billion). Then comes the president of the ONEXIM group, Mikhail Prokhorov ($18 billion). The top ten included Vladimir Potanin ($17.8 billion), Alisher Usmanov ($17.7 billion) and Oleg Deripaska ($16.8 billion).

Russian billionaires pay the lowest taxes in the world (13%), which their colleagues in France and Sweden (57%), Denmark (61%), and Italy (66%) have never dreamed of.

1.5% of the Russian population owns 50% of the national wealth.

60% of the population has no savings at all.

“Our state is an apparatus of the rich to protect their wealth. What was given to Russia from God and is not the fruit of human hands ended up in the hands of 15% of people who illegally appropriated what, by definition, belonged to them

Expert of the Center, Kravchenko L.I.

Taking first place in the world in terms of territory, Russia is rapidly losing its position in the demographic field. If in 1991 the Russian Federation was in 6th place in terms of population, then in 2012 it was in 10th place, by 2050 Russia will take 14th place. A reduction in the population of such a vast territory creates threats, first of all, to the territorial integrity of the state. The situation is obvious: the country is experiencing a demographic crisis. But the question remains open: what factors and reasons is it due to and does it affect the entire population or is it selective?

This study is devoted to the analysis of this problem.

The demographic problem in Russia has been discussed for a long time. Since the mid-90s, the country has experienced a population decline. In 2010, the process of population decline was stopped. According to Rosstat, in 2012 the population of Russia increased for the first time and in the first half of 2013 amounted to 143.3 million people. (Fig.1).

Fig.1. Population of Russia 1990-2013, in million hours.

The increase in population, while natural decline continued, was ensured by the migration balance. In 2013, according to Rosstat, Russia for the first time overcame the natural population decline. However, the dynamics of changes in natural increase demonstrates that the birth rate exceeds the death rate only in a few federal districts of Russia. The question remains open: at whose expense did this “demographic miracle” happen? Does it have ethnic and religious roots or is it determined by material factors (economic well-being of the regions)?

Until 2009, the only federal district with a positive birth rate balance was the North Caucasus. In 2012, the number of such federal districts increased to four: North Caucasus, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern. The increase in the Far Eastern Federal District is due to an increase in growth in the Sakha Republic (ethnic composition: Yakuts - 49%, Russians - 30%). In the Siberian Federal District, a 44% increase was ensured by a population increase in the republics of Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, Altai, and a 56% increase due to regions with a Russian population share of 83-88%. In the Ural Federal District, the positive balance was achieved mainly due to the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs (the share of the Russian population is 63.5% and 59.7%, respectively). (Fig.2). IN In the first half of 2013, the dynamics continued.

Fig.2. Dynamics of natural population growth in the Federal Districts, in people. (according to Rosstat)

In the next two years, natural population growth is expected in the Volga and Southern Federal Districts. At the moment, in the Volga Federal District there is a positive balance - in five national republics (Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Mari El, Bashkortostan and Udmurtia), as well as in the Orenburg region (75% Russians) and Perm region(83% Russians). In the Southern Federal District, there is a positive balance in Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region (61% Russians). The increase in the district will be achieved due to the excess of birth rates over deaths in the Krasnodar Territory (approximately 2013) and the Republic of Adygea (approximately 2014).

The most demographically disadvantaged Central Federal District will achieve positive dynamics no earlier than 2017. According to data for the first half of 2013, natural population decline has continued in all regions of the Central region, while Moscow is the leader in terms of positive balance of natural population movement.

Table 1. Forecast of natural population growth by federal districts



North Caucasus-




Far Eastern

Year achieved
annual population growth

forecast - 2017

forecast - 2015

forecast - 2014

always an increase

forecast - 2014

Subjects that will provide positive
federal balance
new district

Moscow, Moscow region

Lika Komi, St. Petersburg, Kalinin-
gradskaya and Arkhan-
Gel region

Kalmykia and Astra-
khan region

6 res-

Tatarstan, Mari El, Bashkor-
Tostan and Udmurtia

cue and Yamalo-
Nenets auto-
nominal districts

Republic of Altai, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, Zabay-
Kalsky and Krasno-
Yarsky region

Sakha (Yakutia)

The current state of natural population growth is characterized by a steady increase in the birth rate and a slower decrease in mortality. This is most likely explained by the transfer of increased birth rates a generation earlier (perestroika years) to the USSR.

The birth rate increase coefficient, showing how many times the birth rate has increased by district, indicates accelerated growth in the North Caucasus (1.7 times), Ural and Central federal districts. (Fig.3).

Fig.3. Ratio of the 2012 birth and death rate to the 2000 birth and death rate.

In terms of mortality growth rates, a slowdown is observed in all districts except the North Caucasus.

In absolute terms, the birth rate in the North Caucasus Federal District is significantly lower than the birth rate in other districts. However, in terms of relative indicators (birth rate and death rate per 1000 people), the North Caucasus region demonstrates best performance- high birth rate and low death rate. On average, the birth rate in this district is 4.1 units higher than the Russian average birth rate. , in terms of mortality is 5 units lower. The most disadvantaged region in terms of demography is the Central District - in terms of birth rates it is 1.5 times and in terms of mortality rates it is 1.7 times worse than those of the North Caucasus Federal District. (Fig.4).

Fig.4. Birth and death rates per 1000 people by federal districts

The ratio of fertility to mortality in this district exceeded 2, while in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern regions only in recent years it was possible to reach only 1. And although each federal district demonstrates an increase in the gap between fertility and mortality over time, the highest rate is in the North. Caucasus region. (Fig.5).

Fig.5. Birth-to-death ratio by county

In recent years, the top ten leaders in natural population growth have not changed. So, the growth in the Republic of Dagestan is ahead of this indicator in all federal districts with positive dynamics (except for the North Caucasus), and the growth in the Tyumen region and the Chechen Republic in 2012 is ahead of the positive balance in the Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts.

The greatest population decline was observed in a number of regions of the Central Federal District. The absolute leader in this indicator is the Moscow region, while Moscow is among the top ten leaders in natural growth. St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region have the same dynamics.

Table 2. Leaders in population growth in 2012

Table 3. Leaders in population decline in 2012

Traditionally, population decline is observed in regions with a predominantly Russian population. This is the most important effect. Among the demographic leaders are the national republics with a low share of the Russian population, as well as the Tyumen region and Moscow, where the growth was achieved due to immigration and the high standard of living of citizens.

Based on the hypothesis that natural decline directly depends on the share of the Russian population, we will consider the dynamics of natural population movement in 20 regions with a share of the Russian population above 90% and 9 regions with a share from 1 to 31%.

Regions with the highest percentage of Russian people in their ethnic composition demonstrate decreasing natural population decline, but the prospect of achieving an excess of birth rates over deaths in the coming years is unattainable. (Fig.6).

Fig.6. Balance of natural increase in 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the share of the Russian population over 90%, in people.

At the same time, in 9 regions with a share of the Russian population of 0.7% up to 31%, the birth rate significantly exceeds the death rate, with the leaders being the Islamic republics of the North Caucasus. (Fig.7).

Fig.7.Balance of natural increase in 9 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, people.

In 2020, 2025 and 2030, the so-called “baby boom” will affect exclusively national republics. In the Chechen Republic, Ingushetia, Tyva, Dagestan, the Altai Republic, Yakutia and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a demographic explosion will be observed in every year.

Table 4. Regions with the highest expected birth rates

Chechen Republic

Chechen Republic

Chechen Republic

The Republic of Ingushetia

The Republic of Ingushetia

The Republic of Ingushetia

Tyva Republic

Tyva Republic

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Dagestan

Altai Republic

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Altai Republic

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Altai Republic

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The Republic of Buryatia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Kalmykia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The worst birth rates in these years will be demonstrated by regions with a Russian population. In 2030, another Orthodox nation, the Mordovians, will also be far from the baby boom. The ten regions with the lowest birth rates in 2020-2030 mainly include the regions of the Central Federal District.

Table 5. Regions with the lowest expected birth rates



Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg


Moscow region

Leningrad region

Leningrad region

Tula region

Moscow region

Tula region

Murmansk region

Tula region

Smolensk region

Leningrad region

Smolensk region

Voronezh region

Yaroslavl region

Yaroslavl region

Moscow region

Ivanovo region

Murmansk region

Ryazan Oblast

Kamchatka Krai

Vladimir region

The Republic of Mordovia

Magadan Region

Ivanovo region

Tambov Region

Thus, the demographic crisis is mediated by ethnic selectivity. The decline of the Russian population continues and has already led to its reduction by more than 8 million people since 1989. Since 2002, the number of ethnic groups professing Islam has increased. The number of Uzbeks increased 2 times, 1.6 times - Tajiks, which is explained by migration flows. The size of the Russian Islamic population has increased, with high growth rates demonstrated by the peoples living in the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District. Among the Orthodox peoples, the number of Armenians and Ossetians has increased. There has been a reduction in such Orthodox ethnic groups , like Russians, Udmurts, Mordovians, Chuvash, Mari. Since 2009, the population of Udmurtia began to grow due to natural growth, in the republics of Mari El and Chuvashia - since 2012, the decline in Mordovia has continued; the Russian population continues to decline due to natural population decline.

Table 6. Ethnic composition of Russia according to census data, in million people




Whole population































Based on the 2010 census data on the share of the Russian population in the population of the subjects, we can talk about a decrease in the Russian population in 2012 by 88,000 people, while the population of other nationalities increased by 108,000 people.

The rapid decline in the share of the Russian population in national republics creates threats national security countries: the connecting role of the Russian people is lost, regions appear that do not identify themselves with Russia, there is a breakdown in ties between peoples in the spatial field of Russian civilization. Demographic situation in the region becomes an indicator of separatist sentiments. The most unstable in this regard are regions such as Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya, with the share of titular peoples exceeding 90%, as well as the Republic of Tyva. These republics also have the lowest proportion of people speaking Russian. Potential sources of tension may be those regions in which the share of titular peoples exceeds 50% and due to natural growth this share increases.

Table 7. Regions with the greatest potential threat of nationalist strife with the Russian people and separatism

Subject of the federation

Share of the titular people

Share of Russians

Proportion of people who speak Russian

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Chechen Republic

Tyva Republic

Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

Chuvash Republic

Republic of North Ossetia

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Tatarstan

Republic of Karachay-Cherkess

Let us introduce for further analysis the concept of the “demographic stability” coefficient, allowing for cluster analysis.

du , Where

N(t ) is the number of people for the corresponding year (census years are selected), R/S is the ratio of the crude birth rate to the crude mortality rate. The introduced coefficient indicates population growth due to current natural increase and the demographic result of prolonged previous growth.

The threshold value in the case of a harmonious combination of positive signs of demographic stability (previous growth and current growth) is 2. If the coefficient is less than two, then the conclusion follows that something is wrong. Either earlier or at the current moment. This is where the possibility of semi-quantitative assessment of “sustainability” arises. The calculation takes into account those peoples who do not have statehood outside of Russia (to eliminate errors associated with migration flows). (Fig.8).

Fig.8. Coefficients of demographic stability of the peoples of Russia

This figure shows that there is also a religious characteristic “responsible” for demographic success. The demographic stability coefficient has a pronounced confessional character: for peoples professing Islam it is equal to 3.85; for Buddhists and shamanists – 2.86, for Orthodox peoples – 1.83. The only Orthodox people with a coefficient above 2 are the Ossetians. The peoples of the Islamic area, Buddhist and other beliefs are demographically reviving more actively. For some reason, Orthodoxy is still associated with the worst indicators of demographic development. Probably, the ideological mission of Orthodoxy has not yet become an effective factor influencing the reproductive tradition. The worst indicators are among the Mordovians and Russians, who have not yet reached the level of self-reproduction of the population.

Thus, the problem of the demographic crisis in Russia is mediated not only by ethnicity, but also by a mental factor, in particular, the role and significance of the ideological function of religion. The problem of the revival of Orthodoxy most acutely affects the Russian people. Therefore, indeed, we can talk about an ethno- and confessionally selective demographic crisis.

In the work “State policy of leading Russia out of the demographic crisis” a four-factor model is presented that explains the demographic situation in the country. It includes the material factor, the ideological and spiritual state of society, the civilizational identity of the Russian state and the role of state policy in managing demographic processes.

Typically, the overly exaggerated importance of the material factor actually only to some extent influences the results of the natural movement of the population. The emphasis of government demographic policy on maternal capital does not particularly affect demography and does not explain the observed positive phenomena in the current increase in birth rates. The psychological state of the population is more important. Thus, the stress of the 1998 default led to an increase in population loss in 1999, and the 2009 crisis slowed down the process of reducing population loss.

Improvement in fertility rates depends on the number of people entering childbearing age. The correlation between those born and those who entered childbearing age is greatest when the childbearing age is 30 years, as well as 25 and 29 (the birth rate of one year was compared with the birth rate of the year equal to the difference comparison year and childbearing age). This correlation coincides with actual data on the distribution of births by maternal age. (Fig.9).

Fig.9. Correlation between the number of people entering childbearing age and the birth rate and the distribution of births by maternal age, in people. (according to 2012 data)

It follows that the current improvement in fertility rates in Russia is associated with the high growth in fertility in the 80s. This was a short-lived psychological effect of perestroika. In the future, the birth rate should slow down, since the new generation of people of childbearing age are children of the 90s, when there was a sharp drop in the birth rate. If we take 25 years as the average childbearing age, then starting from 2013 the growth rate will slow down, but if the childbearing age is 30 years, then over the next five years we can still expect an increase in the birth rate for some time, but from 2017 it will begin to decline steadily. (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Natural population growth and birth rate, thousand people, 1990-2012

The material factor explains nothing at all in terms of successful natural movement in national regions where the standard of living is low. Figure 11 shows the slowdown in the decline in attrition in 2010 as a consequence of the 2009 crisis for the subjects with the largest share of the Russian population. (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Average value of natural population decline for 20 regions with the share of Russians population over 90%, pers.

Thus, The demographic problem is only to a small extent determined by the material factor; the ideological and spiritual state of society has a significant influence.

Manifestations of the decadent ideological and spiritual state of the Russian and other Orthodox peoples are the following:

Value crisis;

Late marriage: decrease in the number of people getting married at the age of 18-24 and height in the range of 25-34 years (Fig. 12);

Fig. 12. Distribution by age at marriage for men and women (proportion of total number of people married), 1980-2010.

Divorces. The number of divorces per 1000 people in regions with the greatest population decline is 3.9-4.8, in the republics of the North Caucasus 0.9-3;

Sexualization of youth;

Extramarital reproduction;

Nuclearization of the family;

The problem of lonely people;

Abortion. Since 2000, there has been a downward trend in the number of abortions, which is largely due to the practice of widespread use of contraception. But Russia still has the highest abortion rate in Europe. In absolute terms, the number of abortions in 2012 was 1.06 million (compared to 2.13 million in 2000);

Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse;


Gender gap and specifics of family relationships;

Confessional basis of demographic variability.

The government refuses to notice the fact that the low birth rate and high death rate in our country are associated primarily with the spiritual state of society. So, in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2007 N 1351 “On approval of the Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” it is written, that “the current demographic situation in the Russian Federation is largely determined by the socio-economic processes that took place in the 20th century.”

The main reasons for the low birth rates are named: “low monetary income of many families, lack of normal living conditions, modern family structure (orientation towards small children, an increase in the number of single-parent families), heavy physical labor of a significant part of working women (about 15 percent), working conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards standards, low level of reproductive health, high number of pregnancy terminations (abortions).” However, if you look at the statistics, you can see that it is in the national republics, especially the North Caucasus Federal District, that the population with the lowest incomes lives, whose birth rate is not affected by either the income level or the 2009 crisis.

A new problem aggravating the demographic crisis in the country is the immigration challenge to national identity. Currently, stabilization of the population in Russia has been achieved due to the migration balance (in 2012, the number of remaining migrants was 294,930 people).

The first years after the collapse of the USSR were characterized by two streams of migration: the Russian population from the former Soviet republics to Russia and the Russian population from Russia to European countries, the USA and Israel. At the first stage, there was an influx and outflow of highly qualified personnel (Fig. 13).

Figure 13. International population migration, in people, 1990-2012.

There was a noticeable decrease in the outflow of the population by the end of the 1990s. In the 2000s, the outflow of qualified labor decreased, but there was an increase in labor immigrants from a number of CIS republics. Coincidence in the dynamics of migration inflows from the CIS republics (Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, republics Central Asia) indicates their quality of work. The exception is migrants from Kazakhstan, who, most likely, are the Russian population or assimilated Kazakhs who moved to Russia not for work, but for permanent residence. (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Migration balance 2005-2011, people

In 2012, 91% of the total migration growth occurred in the CIS countries, of which 50% - these are representatives of the republics professing Islam (Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), together with Kazakhstan - 63.5%. The influx of low-skilled labor on the one hand, and the increase in representatives of other religious faiths on the other hand, raises the question of the immigration challenge to national identity.

In the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, one of the tasks in the field of demographic policy is “attracting migrants in accordance with the needs of demographic and socio-economic development, taking into account the need for their social adaptation and integration.” This means that the current migration situation in the country is a consequence of the implementation of a specific task that clearly does not correspond to the national security of the country.

The concept further states that measures in the field of migration policy will be: promoting the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad; attracting qualified foreign specialists, attracting young people from foreign countries (primarily from member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Estonia) for training and internships in the Russian Federation with the possible provision of advantages in obtaining Russian citizenship upon graduation, creating conditions for the integration of immigrants into Russian society and the development of tolerance in relations between the local population and immigrants from other countries in order to prevent ethno-confessional conflicts. It was not possible to attract qualified foreign specialists; a small number of compatriots returned from abroad, but instead of the declared attraction of qualified labor, labor migrants headed to the country, who were called upon to solve the demographic problem.

As a result, in solving the demographic problem, the instrument of migration policy was used, which in turn only led to visible improvements in the demographic situation and created more serious problems associated with the immigration challenge to Russian identity and the integration of a new ethnic community into the multinational Russian people.

Solving the problems of demographic policy through attracting migrants and increasing the standard of living of the population is not effective, since it completely ignores the fact that the modern demographic situation is caused by a spiritual crisis, especially of the Russian people. The crisis, which is already obvious, is of an ethno-selective nature, but this fact is hushed up or not noticed, in any case, there is no adequate state political reaction to it.

Table 8. Peoples of Russia. Ranking by population (largest to smallest)

* Data on fertility, mortality and natural increase are estimated or missing.
** Peoples of the Republic of Dagestan
Color designation (peoples column) based on religious characteristics.

Table 8 presents data on the demographic state of the peoples of Russia with a population of more than 100,000 people in 2010. Based on these data, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In general, such peoples as Chechens, Armenians, Avars, Ossetians, Dargins, Buryats, Yakuts, Kumyks, Ingush, Lezgins, Tuvans, Karachais, Kalmyks, Laks, Cossacks, Tabasarans, Uzbeks, Tajiks do not need additional measures to stimulate the birth rate , Balkars. Their numbers and share in the country's population have increased, the birth rate is above the national average, the mortality rate is below the national average, and the number of births exceeds the number of deaths. These peoples have retained their spiritual identity, have not accepted the destructive values ​​of consumer society, and demonstrate high potential for further demographic growth.

An effective state policy to stimulate the birth rate is carried out in relation to the Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Udmurts, Kabardians and Komi. Although their numbers and share in the country's population have decreased, the peoples have been able to achieve natural growth; the potential for their further demographic recovery is high birth rates and low deaths. These peoples demonstrate cohesion and national self-identification, which is largely due to the presence of their own public education within Russia. They also retained traditional moral and spiritual values ​​to a greater extent.

It is necessary to take additional measures to stimulate the birth rate for Russians, Mordovians and Adygeis. An analysis of the situation of the Russian people speaks of the selective policy of reducing their numbers: this is the only people in Russia that does not have its own statehood - it does exist Russian statehood, the birth rate remains below the Russian average, mortality rates exceed the average, and the size and proportion of the population continues to decline steadily. The borrowed values ​​of the consumer society, which are corrupting the spiritual foundation of the Russian people, the lack of cohesion, a unifying national idea and a sense of pride in one’s country, lead to the loss of original spiritual guidelines, which finds its physical expression in the natural decline of the Russian population and the reduction in its numbers.

But it is the Russian people who are the bond of all Russian peoples, Orthodoxy is the spiritual basis that can unite different faiths on the principle of peaceful coexistence and harmonious development. Awareness of the described threat and adequate government policy are required.

World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision // United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2013

The peoples whose population as of 2002 exceeded 100,000 people and who did not have statehood outside the Russian Federation are listed.

State policy of bringing Russia out of the demographic crisis / Monograph. V.I. Yakunin, S.S. Sulakshin, V.E. Bagdasaryan and others. Generally edited by S.S. Sulakshina. 2nd ed. - M.: ZAO ≪Publishing House ≪Economy≫, Scientific Expert, 2007. - 888 p.

How the country has changed during 18 years of Putin's presidency

During these holidays, a really important date slipped by unnoticed - 18 years since Putin headed the Russian state. No one officially marked the date, but meanwhile this is a good reason to take stock of the interim results. After all, during this time Russia managed to once again become the world's breadbasket, as in tsarist times, and even increased industrial production by one and a half times. What else has changed?

In the last days of December, experts summed up the results, but limited themselves only to the past 17th year. And here one cannot but agree with the president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, who highlighted first of all his economic successes, because Russia emerged from a two-year recession; in the first 10 months, GDP growth amounted to 1.6 percent.

However, the 18th year will, first of all, be a year of federal elections. Therefore, it would be much more interesting to look at more deep retrospective than one past year. For example, consider what positive developments and changes have occurred in Russia since Vladimir Putin was first elected president in March 2000.

However, as you know, in the status of acting president, Putin headed the country a little earlier - on December 31, 1999.

The economy has broken important records in 18 years

Yes, recent years in the economy have been quite difficult, given the sanctions confrontation between the West and Russia, as well as the financial crisis, many of the consequences of which we still feel. However, this crisis has been overcome for the most part, people have become accustomed to sanctions, and in the long term it is visible serious progress.

It is worth highlighting two economic indicators that were especially painful for our country in the 90s - a huge public debt and inflation that is not inferior to it. Over the past 18 years, a colossal breakthrough has been made in this direction. Debt has decreased by as much as 22.7 times during this time - from 69.1% of GDP in 2000 to 3.1% in 2016. Inflation was also defeated. If in 2000 it was 20.2%, then already in 2006, for the first time in the modern history of Russia, it fell below 10%, and as of December 4, 2017, it reached a record 2.5% in annual terms.

The unemployment rate has also decreased over 18 years. This figure decreased from 10.6% to 5.2% of the economically active population, reaching its historical minimum for our country. For clarity, it is worth noting that in the European Union (for which unemployment has generally been a sore subject in recent years) it is 7.4%, in the euro area - 8.8%, in France - 9.7%, in Austria - 9.4% , in Italy – 11.1%, in Spain – 16.38%, in Montenegro – more than 20%, in Greece – 21%.

At the same time, Russia managed to increase its gold and foreign exchange reserves. During the reporting period, our country's international reserves increased by more than 30 times – from 12 to 378 billion dollars. The general recovery of the economy also contributed to the growth of its investment attractiveness. Even against the backdrop of the difficulties of recent years caused by sanctions pressure, the overall volume of investments has increased by more than 2.5 times.

If these indicators look abstract to some, then what could be more real than industrial growth? And it was significant in 2000–2017. Russian industry demonstrated production increase by 55.4%.

Livestock farming also showed significant progress. Pork production almost doubled (from 2.2 million tons in 2000 to 4.4 million tons in 2016), eggs 1.3 times (from 24.2 to 34.4 billion pieces), poultry meat 6 times (from 1.1 million tons to 6.2 million tons).

Successful military reform took place

As Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications, told the VZGLYAD newspaper, during these 18 years, the successes of the economy, in particular the military-industrial complex, contributed to the modernization of the armed forces. In addition to increasing the military's pay and a general increase in army spending, cardinal reforms were carried out, the army was equipped the latest models of weapons and equipment. In particular, in 2017 alone, the level of re-equipment of the army was 62%. Thanks to all this, a radically new look of the Russian Armed Forces was formed, which the world community could see, for example, in Syria.

Another successful area has been the development of information technology, especially in recent years. The level of Russian programmers is confirmed by first places in international competitions. In particular, in 2016, Russians took all three prizes at the World Programming Olympiad.

The development of the IT segment became possible, firstly, thanks to fundamental science and technical school, and secondly, thanks to the active growth of the domestic market and the achievements of Russian companies in foreign markets. Thirdly, thanks to the high development of the necessary infrastructure, for example, Internet access, in our country, Abzalov emphasized.

We got out of the demographic hole

Another important area of ​​life in our country is demographic policy. And, perhaps, it turned out to be no less breakthrough than economics. Everyone remembers the demographic hole of the 1990s. How is the situation now?

Just four years ago, the country achieved positive natural population growth for the first time since 1991, which amounted to 25 thousand people. Between 2000 and 2016, the birth rate increased by one and a half times. If in 2000 it was 8.6 per 1000 people, then in 2016 it was 12.9, and from January to October last year it was 11.6. If in 2000 only 29% of Russian families had two children, then in 2016 – already 41%. The share of third and subsequent births increased from 11 to 19%.

Measures contributed to the increase in the birth rate family support, adopted by the government all these years, such as, for example, payment of maternity capital.

“According to our expert estimates, the measures that were taken in 2006, together with the measures taken in 2011-2012, resulted in from 2 million to 2.5 million additional births. Without these measures, we most likely would not have had such results,”– General Director of the Institute of Scientific and Social Expertise Sergei Rybalchenko told Gazeta.ru.

It is difficult to single out the most effective demographic measure - they work as a “package,” says Alla Makarentseva, head of the RANEPA Laboratory for Demography and Migration Research.

“If we talk about recent years, then, rather, this is a decrease Queues for kindergartens and the first steps towards making nursery groups available and, in general, establishing a balance between work and raising children - all services related to child care,” she emphasized.

Played a huge role in increasing the birth rate reduction in infant mortality. A set of measures in the healthcare sector, including the opening of perinatal centers, made it possible to reduce its risk by 2.6 times. In 2000, the infant mortality rate was 15.3 per 1,000 births, and in 2017 it was 5.3. And this a historical low for our country. By the way, in the USA in 2016 this figure was 5.8, in Europe – 6.64, in Ukraine – 8, in Georgia – 15.6.

Another important aspect of demographic policy was increase in life expectancy, which, by the way, also remains an important indirect incentive to increase the birth rate. Overall life expectancy in 2000–2016 increased by 6.6 years and reached 71.9 years. And in 2017, for the first time in the history of our country, it reached 72.6 years.

It is important to note that the mortality rate from circulatory diseases decreased by 1.37 times from 2007 to 2016 (from 846 per 100 thousand people in 2000 to 616 in 2016). During the same time, the mortality rate as a result of road accidents fell 1.8 times: from 27 to 15 per 100 thousand population.

Medicine has become more high-tech

Increasing natural growth and life expectancy, as well as reducing infant mortality, are impossible without qualitative changes in the medical field, and this is not only the opening of perinatal centers. State financing of healthcare from 2000 to 2017 in real terms increased almost 3 times, and in nominal terms - from 204.5 billion rubles in 2000 to almost three trillion in 2017.

Not only has the health of the population improved over the past 18 years, but so has its literacy. And the place to start here is by increasing the accessibility of education.

Over these years there were almost completely queues for kindergartens have been eliminated. Since 2012, about 800 thousand places in kindergartens have been created. As a result, the enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions increased from 64.6% in 2014 to almost up to 100% in 2017.

Improvements have also been made to the quality of education. In particular, last year a record was set for the number of schoolchildren who received the maximum 300 points on the Unified State Exam, and the number of those who did not overcome the minimum threshold on the Unified State Exam, on the contrary, decreased by half. In addition, if in 2001 Russian elementary school students took 16th place in an international study of reading literacy, then in 2016 they already rose to first place.

Expenditures on science also increased. Funding for civil science from the federal budget increased almost 20 times (from 17.4 billion rubles in 2000 to almost 350 billion in 2017), and funding for basic research increased 14 times (from 8.2 to 117.5 billion rubles) . All this contributed to an increase in the number of young scientists (under the age of 39). Since 2000, their number has increased 1.5 times and today accounts for 43% of the total number of researchers.

Achievements of Russia in 2017: economy (Time forward!#272)

The whole truth about the REAL Russia in 2 minutes

How many factories has Putin built in Russia? Answerpopulists(Time- forward! #263)

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone interested...

1 In the field of physics, a synthesis of the six heaviest elements of the periodic table was performed. Scientists from the laboratory named after. Flerov. It is located at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna near Moscow. These new substances have received official recognition from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

2 Creation of technologies for obtaining light radiation of the highest power. This power is based on the parametric amplification of light that occurs in nonlinear optical crystals. This installation was built at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Nizhny Novgorod.

It produces a powerful impulse that is greater in power than all the power plants on the planet.

The creation of high-power laser systems makes it possible to study extreme physical processes. It has also become possible to obtain laser neutron sources with unique properties.

3 Physicists at the Russian nuclear center in the city of Sarov managed to obtain powerful magnetic fields. The magnetic field obtained as a result of a scientific experiment is millions of times greater than the strength of the earth's magnetic field. These magnetic fields make it possible to study the behavior of superconductors and other substances under extreme conditions.

4 Scientists from the University. Gubkin found evidence of the non-biological origin of oil and gas. These minerals may also arise from complex processes occurring in the Earth's upper mantle.

thus, oil and gas will never run out, as was previously believed.

5 An equally major geographical discovery on Earth was the discovery by Russian scientists of a lake under ice in Antarctica, which was named “Vostok”. The discovery was made thanks to radar observations and seismic sounding. As a result of drilling a well at Vostok station, scientists obtained data about what the climate on Earth was like in the distant past. It also became possible to draw conclusions about changes in temperature and CO2 concentration. This lake was isolated from the rest of the world for about 1 million years. Scientists suggest that this discovery will help to understand on which planet in the Universe life can exist.

Lake "Vostok"

6 The remains of dwarf mammoths were discovered by Russian scientists on. Previously it was believed that mammoths became extinct in historical time. Thanks to the use of radiocarbon dating, it was revealed that the last mammoths lived on this island around 2000 BC.

7 Siberian archaeologists have discovered a third species of human beings, which are called "Denisovans". Previously, only two types of ancient people were known to science: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. The bones of new people were found in Denisova Cave, which was discovered in Altai. This people lived in Eurasia 40 thousand years ago.

  • Read also:

8 Information about water on Mars. According to ground-based observations and observations obtained from scientific instruments on American and European probes, assumptions about the presence of water ice on Mars were confirmed. They were discovered by the Russian HEND device. It was created at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ice was found in mid-latitudes and near the poles of Mars. Also on this planet, our scientists discovered methane absorption lines. The infrared spectrometer on the Hawaiian CFHT telescope was used for research. Methane on earth is released as a result of the activity of living beings. Measurements from the European Mars Express probe confirmed these sensational data.

Photo report: Russian HEND device on board the American spacecraft “2001 Mars Odyssey”

9 New hypotheses about human migration on Earth. Based on the results of studying the folklore and myths of the peoples of Siberia and America, Russian anthropologists have proven the possibility of determining the directions of movement of primitive tribes. These data are confirmed by archaeological excavations and the science of genetics.

10 For proving one of the seven millennium challenges ( "Poincaré conjecture") In 2002, the mathematician from Russia G. Perelman was awarded a prize of 2 million rubles. But he refused it, which attracted the attention of all the media in the world. The mathematician explained his decision by saying that his successes were no greater than other famous scientists in the world, who also came very close to this result. The mathematician also refused a $1 million prize from the Clay American Mathematical Institute and the Henri Poincaré Institute in Paris.

Grigory Perelman

11 The study of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, measuring 20 meters in size, also became an important event in Russian science. Thanks to analyzes carried out at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was assigned to the class of ordinary chondrites.

The age of the asteroid, according to experts, was 4.56 billion years, that is, the same age as the entire solar system is now.

While moving to the earth, the asteroid flew at a short distance from the sun. Scientists made this conclusion based on the presence of traces of melting and crystallization processes that were found on meteorite fragments.

  • Read also:

More achievements

The Russian Academy of Sciences has demonstrated many achievements in various scientific fields over the past 20 years. For example, a new method for studying quantum integrable models has been developed. Hydrothermodynamics-based models have also been built to analyze global environmental changes. Great importance for world science is the creation of a multiprocessor computing system MVS-1000/M.

It has a performance of 1 trillion operations per second and is the most powerful supercomputer in Russia.

The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences provided the results of many years of measurements of the neutrino flux from the Sun. For this purpose, the gallium-germanium neutrino telescope of the Baksan Observatory was used. Thanks to these results, it became possible to reconsider the role of neutrinos in the evolution of the Universe and the structure of elementary particles. The successful launch of the CORONAS-F spacecraft will allow us to better study processes on the Sun and their impact on our planet.


At the Physico-Technical Institute named after. A.F. Ioffe developed a new laser design and laser diodes that can operate in continuous mode even at room temperature. The use of heterostructure technology with extreme size quantization has made Russia a leader in this field. Academician Zh. I. Alferov received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research into semiconductor heterostructures.

Zhores Ivanovich Alferov

The concept of wind tunnels new generation. This made it possible to create complex gas-dynamic processes in the hypersonic speed range. The Institute of Organic Chemistry has created a metal oxide system with a high content of lattice oxygen. When reacting with methane, it became possible to obtain gas with a selectivity of 95%.

Science crisis

At the same time, many scientists believe that Russian science is in a state of crisis. For example, the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. Aldoshin at the Ural Scientific Forum, which was held in Yekaterinburg, expressed his opinion about the destruction of industrial science in the country. IN Soviet time it connected the scientific community and industrial enterprises. In the 90s, she simply disappeared, according to Aldoshin. Industry financing has deteriorated significantly. The investment of commercial enterprises in science has become unprofitable, since specific scientific solutions from scientists have ceased to be forthcoming. Thus, industrial science remained on state support, which is not distinguished by large amounts of financial injections. This is reflected in the number of publications and discoveries of Russian scientists. Many scientists and analysts believe that the disappearance of high-tech industry led to the real collapse of Russian science. It was she who was the main customer of scientific developments.

The main reason for the decline was poor funding for science, which is still several times less compared to the USA and China. In the 90s, the number of scientific and design organizations and design bureaus decreased. During these years, the emigration of researchers and university graduates from the country sharply increased, which caused enormous damage to the country's budget. During these years, many developed scientific technologies were lost and were never introduced into production.

Russia has lost its scientific position in almost all sectors. Not only fundamental science suffered, but also its practical branches. Among them, the decline in nuclear energy can be especially noted. Compared to world scientific research Russia accounts for only 2.6%.

According to the technology index, Russia is in last place in the world. The country has gone back in terms of high technology development by about 15 years. In biotechnology and other areas for at least 20 years. To correct this situation in science, it is necessary to attract about 500 thousand specialists. At the same time, scientific emigration does not stop and about 15 thousand young scientists leave the country every year. Moreover, most likely, they will never return, since many analysts are not confident that the situation for the normal work and life of Russian scientists will soon change.

Also, there are no comprehensive government measures to stimulate innovation in science. There is also no rapprochement between the domestic private sector and science, which is the main potential consumer of innovation. There are no attempts on the part of the state to encourage private business to order and implement innovations, as well as to promote innovative products to markets. To correct the situation, it is necessary for the entire society to realize responsibility for its country and its future.