Do you have a disease or psychosomatic disorder? Then this article is for you. You will learn the underlying causes of illness or psychosomatics, and we will talk about energy and the human chakra system. Chakras and diseases - what is the connection between them? you ask. Few people know that chakras are directly related to diseases.

If you have a disease or psychosomatic disorder, then definitely some time ago your chakras stopped working correctly. This article will help you diagnose your chakras and find the causes of illness or psychosomatics.

Any disease begins in the energy bodies, and then over time, if a person does not change his usual thoughts, emotions, way of actions, disturbances in energy cause diseases in the physical body.

Chakras are human energy centers. Each chakra is responsible for certain areas of a person’s life and transmits information about you to the world around you. If you don’t know what state your chakras are in, you can determine this by the presence of successful or unsuccessful areas in your life.

But if the chakras work incorrectly for a long time, this can lead to the occurrence of diseases in the physical body.

In this article I will talk about what diseases arise due to disruption of the chakras.

Sahasrara – 7th chakra, crown chakra

Sahasrara is the chakra of cosmic consciousness, the highest spiritual knowledge, responsible for understanding the essence and meaning, as well as understanding one’s path, “why am I here?”

Open sahasrara is an intuitive comprehension of the truth, the ability to see oneself from the outside, understanding one’s path and connection with the Divine.

Closed sahasrara is following someone else's orders, authority, a feeling of being lost; if there is no authority, a loss of guidelines occurs. Usually this is accompanied by rejection of the otherworldly, higher, spiritual, lack of faith, closeness to the Cosmos and the Divine, rejection of the beliefs of another person, the conviction that the other should not have any of his own beliefs.

Sahasrara has the shape of a disk with a diameter of 10-15 cm, is located around the crown and has a depth of about 5 cm, with its center above the pituitary gland.

Diseases caused by malfunction of the crown chakra

Migraine- this is a consequence of awareness of the essence that cannot be changed and from which one wants, but cannot get rid of, awareness of one’s helplessness, in the presence of one’s ideal and the desire for this perfection. At the same time, perfection is understood in the form and variant that this person invented for himself, absorbed from others, or in accordance with his system of values ​​or beliefs.

Migraine can also be a consequence of the fact that a person, wanting to meet the expectations of other people, adapts to the expected requirements. Again, in the form in which he imagines or imagines them to himself. The desire to adapt to the expectations of others is dictated by a lack of understanding of “who I am and where I’m going”, non-acceptance of one’s individuality, the position of a victim, when responsibility is shifted to others (“well, of course, I try for them, I reshape myself to suit them, so they are responsible for my happiness and misfortune”).

Thus, not wanting to give up his ideals, a person falls into his own slavery, that is, narrowness of thinking, limited perception of reality, non-acceptance of himself and his individuality, loss of connection with the Divine, denial of the Divine in himself.

Ajna – 6th chakra, “third eye”

Ajna – covers the eyes, ears, brain (left hemisphere). The front focus of ajna is in the middle of the forehead, the back focus is at the back of the head. This is the center of awareness, the center of basic sensations (vision, hearing).

Ajna is based on the left, logical hemisphere. Left-hemisphere thinking creates an answer to a question from individual elements of information, i.e. from all the countless connections between objects and phenomena, it actively selects only some that are most relevant to a given specific task.

Closed ajna is a lack of understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, being at the mercy of limited thinking, when a person acts according to a template previously accepted for him. Often this is accompanied by some kind of beliefs, resistance or fight against something, when a person acts “in the name of something”, “against something”, “for the good of children”, “for women’s rights” and other slogans.

Open ajna allows you to structure the content, organizes the perception of information, puts it “on shelves”, and is able to convey the very essence of information. Open ajna gives tactical thinking, successful implementation specific tasks to improve your life, as well as the ability to be a performer.

The Third Eye is associated with the ability to create and understand mental concepts. The occipital part of the chakra is associated with the implementation of ideas formed through the front part of the chakra - this is the volitional executive center.

If the front part of the chakra is open and the back part is closed (in this case, as a rule, the head protrudes sharply forward relative to the body), then the person understands everything well, but I can't do it. If, on the contrary, the back of the head works well, and the front part is closed (the head is strongly tilted back), then the person successfully implements any random or alien ideas, acts “without a king in my head”.

Diseases caused by improper functioning of the 6th chakra

Headache arise when there is an incorrect attitude towards practical activities, to work, as well as with logical, mental non-acceptance of something (disgust, protest, resistance), or when concentrating on the forehead area (“think, think! Decide! I must!”).

Headaches can also be a consequence of self-doubt, lack of self-sufficiency, dependence on other people's approval or praise. Very often, headaches are characteristic of people who received too strict an upbringing in childhood and therefore do not believe in their strengths and capabilities. Constant tugging and control develop over time into total self-control, which creates stable tension in the ajna and, as a result, headaches.

Ear diseases symbolize problems with parents of the same sex. Ear pain is a symbol of high irritation with what you hear, because you don’t want to hear it, but you are forced to do it and, moreover, you have no right to express your opinion to this person or change the situation. Often acquired deafness represents a persistent unwillingness to hear anyone.

Weakened vision indicates a reluctance to see the world, “I feel bad with you, I don’t want to see you (or myself), although I have to.” Emotional discomfort increases intraocular pressure, which ultimately affects visual acuity.

If the external world causes anxiety, then myopia(everything that is “far away” becomes difficult to see, “I don’t want to see it”, “I don’t want to see my future, something could happen there”). If the source of anxiety is in the family, in relationships with loved ones, then farsightedness.

The ability to see your past lives improves the functioning of the ajna chakra as a whole. But in order to eliminate the causes of the diseases described above, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of this particular problem.

Vishuddha – 5th chakra, throat center

Vishuddha is the center of creative processing of external and internal, the center of creativity and creation, the center of abundance. Open Vishuddha is a feeling of beauty in the world, unconditional love for oneself and others, self-affirmation, self-sufficiency, regardless of the results. Activity is perceived as a game, as an independent value, realized from an excess of strength.

Vishuddha is based mainly on the right, figurative hemisphere of the brain.

In case of violations in the 6th chakra, people become characterized by lack of independence, the desire to manipulate other people and circumstances, and the desire to subordinate them to their desires. This is a closeness to nature, to beauty, to people.

If the chakra is open, a person is able to actively use everything that life gives him. If there are disturbances in the chakra, then a person will not be able to take advantage of even what “floats into the hands” itself. People with closed Vishuddha cover up their prejudices and suspicions, fears and lack of success with pride and rigid behavioral programs. Fear of not being accepted by other people leads to avoidance of communication with them.

Vishuddha is the area from the lower jaw to the collarbones. “Lump in throat” is the most well-known sensation here. Coughing is a sign that something is happening in Vishuddha - resistance to something, irritation from something, or cleansing of the chakra if you have started working on yourself.

Energy organ of Vishuddhi - thyroid, the main organ of the body's immunity, adaptation to changing conditions. The immune system is responsible for the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases.

The Vishuddhi zone includes the lungs as respiratory system, throat, hands, nails and hair. Constantly being in a state of sadness and boredom, refusing change and creativity - basis of Vishuddhi diseases.

Diseases caused by improper functioning of the 5th chakra

Diseases of the throat and vocal cords symbolize energetic unpreparedness for changes, fear of impending changes due to the feeling that we cannot stand up for ourselves, or ask for help, receive support (“I can’t handle it”). Throat problems arise from the feeling that a person does not have the right to what he wants.

A person literally “steps on his own throat.” Subconsciously he believes that he has no right to speak.

Neck diseases (osteochondrosis) symbolize mental fear of change, disharmony, this is a sign of excessive constancy of activity, adherence to the usual scenario and routine. Neck mobility is the ability to be flexible in thinking, the ability to see the other side of an issue, to understand another person’s point of view. When we have neck problems, it means that we are stubborn and refuse to be more flexible, and do not want any changes.

Excessively tense neck muscles they talk about a “blow to the head” and the fear of life it generates, the fear of change. The neck muscles located below the ears tense up in the absence of guarantees and a feeling of doom. In this case, the person often raises his shoulders.

Hair begin to die off and fall out in case of constant tension due to stress, overload, “falling on the head.” Hair symbolizes strength. Loss of strength causes fear, tension and leads to hair loss. Depression and lack of self-confidence create conditions for the development of dandruff fungus.

Asthma often appears with insufficient self-love, suppressed, unfulfilled desires, aspirations that the person himself buries alive. A person with asthma feels as if he has no right to even breathe. Such people have an exaggerated conscience and a feeling of guilt for many things. This is a disease of giving up, weak hands, literally and figuratively.

Lung problems usually arise from a feeling that a person does not have the right to live to the fullest, from a feeling of fear of life or the suggestion that he is useless in life.

The main organ of creativity of Vishuddha is hands. Left hand its functions are closer to svadhisthana and anahata; it is responsible for emotional relationships. Right hand closer to ajna, manipura and is associated with the problems of profession, business relationships, and manifestations of oneself in the outside world.

Hand pain, numbness etc. they talk about internal prohibitions on activity, creativity, that a person is either afraid to do something because of instilled prohibitions, or must move to the spiritual, non-material level of activity.

Anahata – 4th chakra, heart center

Anahata is responsible for the ability to kindness, generosity, love, and unconditional acceptance. Pleasant warmth in the chest, a feeling of openness of the soul, a feeling of strength in the chest or, conversely, heaviness, tension, compression, load - these are sensations in anahata.

Anahata is revealed when a person is heartily loved and unconditionally accepted. A person on anahata initially internalizes how they treat him and then also treats others.

Open anahata is the basic condition for the perception of information,
especially qualitatively new information that does not rely on already created
logical structures. Without anahata, a child is not able to assimilate life knowledge; an adult perceives innovations much more easily with an open anahata. On the spine in the area of ​​annahata there is a zone whose massage stimulates learning.

Anahata develops on contact tactile sensations of contact. The input of information is through loving touch. Lack of loving touch leads to mental retardation.

Anahata is a chakra of transformation, a change in earthly energy coming from the lower chakras upward into the spiritual spheres, and energies of the spiritual plane coming from the upper chakras, for their use in the lower chakras for implementation in life and in the body.

This is the place where love arises, communication with the heart. From anahata comes faith and trust, a feeling of calm strength. This chakra is responsible for the feeling of life in the “here and now”, connection with the process of life itself.

When anahata is open, a person is able to see the uniqueness of himself and his neighbor, his uniqueness, inner beauty and light, as well as negative aspects, and accept this as something whole, unique. A person feels in complete harmony with the world around him.

When this chakra is closed, a person cannot give love without expecting anything in return; he has an internal calculator turned on: “he gave so much - they owe me so much.” A closed chakra leads to rejection of the world and dissatisfaction.

Anahata is responsible for mental (emotional) activity in general, for the cardiovascular system; the main organ of Anahata is the heart.

Diseases caused by improper functioning of the 4th chakra

Heart it hurts when a person is forced to “cross out” from his life what was dear to him (a loved one, unfinished business, lost item etc). The heart is the organ of love. The heart is the organ of joyful acceptance of the world. Excessive joy, as well as suppressed, rejected manifestations of joy are at the root of anahata diseases.

The lack of emotional warmth, as well as the excessive rational control of the caregiver, leads to an unconscious desire to hide, close anahata - hunch over, pull together the shoulders, bend the neck, and gives rise to problems with posture.

Shoulders- a symbol of social status, duty, honor. Disagreements with the sense of duty, fear associated with social problems of obligation (“I should, but I’m afraid”), fear of society - accumulate in the shoulders.

Manipura – 3rd chakra, solar plexus chakra

Manipura is the main point of needs, strength, feelings, desires. This is the chakra of concentration “I can!” The chakra is responsible for external activity and physical actions. This is the center of self-affirmation of one’s “I” through the embodiment of desires.

The manifestation of sentimentality and gentleness is an open, free, strong manipura. Suppressed, closed manipura is unfulfilled desires, hatred, envy. Normal satisfaction of desires, self-affirmation in society are signs of healthy manipura.

Open mature manipura helps to feel the great spiritual satisfaction that comes from a person’s awareness of himself as a unique being, occupying an individual place, having his own purpose, connected with the entire Universe.

At negative emotions in the solar plexus there is an unpleasant aching pain, a feeling of compression, squeezing. Pleasant sensations in manipura are associated with bodily relaxation, bliss; in this case, manipura emits warmth and light.

Manipura diseases are associated with manifestations of aggression, manipulation, lust for power, appropriation, and envy. These are pathological thoughts about achievement and appropriation, envy, anger, greed (both manifested and suppressed).

The main organ of manipura is spleen. The spleen controls the digestion of food and the overall digestion process. Diseases of the spleen indicate a violation of the process of appropriation - distorted family relationships, for example, overly strong-willed relatives, suppressed activity, fruitless dreams, etc.

Plays a significant role in manipura liver. The liver is in charge of the central, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems, which are responsible for connecting the body with the external environment and regulating the activity of internal organs.

Liver diseases are based on excessive, violent anger, irritability, malice - these are symptoms of rejection of the external environment and yin-yang imbalance. Diseases begin with the gallbladder, then spread to the liver and indicate fuss due to a state of extreme anxiety in the face of expected danger and an excessive aggressive reaction.

Diseases due to improper operation of the manipura

Allergy– a consequence of suppressed fear, a feeling of rejection from loved ones. Very often this is a consequence of premature cessation of breastfeeding and the transition to artificial feeding of the child, insufficient holding of the child in arms, and insufficient physical contact with the mother. “They don’t touch me, which means I’m not worthy of love.”

Stomach diseases talk about cunning, the desire to manipulate, unsuccessful ambitious efforts to achieve something through ingenuity, resourcefulness, deception, lack of faith in one’s own own strength and the ability to achieve what you want. A person is afraid that he is not good enough for someone. A person tries to solve problems with self-esteem through manipulative means, instead of simply loving and respecting himself.

When a person passively gives up and ceases to ambitiously desire something, pancreatic diseases develop as evidence of self-doubt.

Hypertension and hypotension, i.e. fluctuations in pressure indicate violations of one’s invented picture of the world, the correctness of which a person has no doubt (“this is the only way it should be!”, “I know how it should be!”). The unbridled desire to control the situation leads to dependence on the situation, which a person has no opportunity to influence.

Those people who have a strongly expressed control motive in the absence of the opportunity to fully satisfy this need are prone to developing hypertension. Those whose motivation is dominated by the desire to achieve success in activity (rather than the need for control or power) have normal blood pressure.

For healing to occur, a person’s internal picture of the world must change, one must learn to live, accepting the world as it is, without being offended by it and without trying to remake it. Accept the world as it is. And don’t try to fit all the diversity of the world into some invented framework of your own. The world will always find a way to show that there are no limits, they are only in your head.

Hypotension– this is the other extreme of control, passive non-interference, depressive self-withdrawal, refusal to be active in a situation of relative well-being.

Small intestine it hurts with fear of action, of power, strength, fear born as a result of aggressive actions that are inadequate to the situation. If this aggression continues, duodenal ulcer will be replaced by pathological processes in the cardiovascular system as a reaction to the angry expulsion of love.

Svadhisthana – 2nd chakra, sexual center

Svadhisthana is the chakra of vitality and vital energy, it is the center of bodily sensations, sexual energy, love and compassion for all living things, the center of attracting attention to oneself and creating trusting relationships with other people.

Signs of health in svadhisthana - a feeling of contentment
belonging to the same gender, self-realization in the family or relationships with other people, the desire to attract attention.

If the chakra does not work correctly, then this chakra stimulates the occurrence of resentment, disappointment, self-doubt, and lack of connection with the process of life. Feelings of inferiority and helplessness to cope on one’s own develop due to
which a person becomes dependent and controlled.

Diseases caused by improper functioning of the 2nd chakra

Colon diseases talk about a tendency to depression, a tendency to “give up” and passive suffering.

The blocked back part of svadhisthana can block sexual desire, which leads to avoidance of sex, denial of its meaning and blocking the possibility of enjoying it.

A constant feeling of the need for protection from various threats and protection from life itself, lack of self-confidence lead to overweight. Fat is an ideal defense against external threats, so the best thing the body can do to protect itself in situations of fear and danger is to gain fat. (Attention! This is not the only cause of excess weight, it needs to be studied individually)

A woman who subconsciously believes that sex is dirty and men are animals will experience problems in the area gynecology or genitourinary system. Unfulfilled need for sexual relations may manifest itself in pain that occurs in the heels.

With unsatisfied sexual arousal, painful conditions develop in svadhisthana.

Sexual energy during orgasm- this is a strong energy discharge that comes out of svadhisthana and cleanses the entire body or spreads and is sublimated by other chakras. If sexual experiences are felt only in the genital area, and svadhisthana is contaminated, then this part of the body begins to experience overload, constant pressure and problems arise. painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and then illness. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously direct sexual energy to all parts of the body, distribute it across all chakras.

Muladhara – 1 chakra, root chakra

Muladhara is the lower chakra, located in the perineum, the chakra is open downwards. This is the chakra of connection with the earth as the basis of security. She is the center of security and is responsible for mental stability in stressful situations, for satisfying basic internal needs. In a state of stress, unpleasant sensations of compression, tension in the perineum, sometimes weightlessness, falling, loss of connection with the ground arise, and in a state of safety and pleasure - an open, soft, pleasant sensation.

Self-confidence, will to live, “inner core” - signs of health
muladharas. The core structure of a healthy muladhara allows one to take responsibility. Therefore, muladhara is also a chakra for the structure of activity, external realization, and creation in the material world. Muladhara is responsible for the general physical condition, skeletal system, water and mineral metabolism and is most closely related to the legs.

Good internal stability gives independence. A person with good internal concentration is less susceptible to external influences, has independent thinking and quickly finds a way out in various difficult situations. Therefore, all exercises aimed at developing coordination and mastering space also build resistance to stress.

Diseases due to improper functioning of the root chakra

Kidneys are responsible for water and, accordingly, mineral metabolism in the body and the skeletal system, which is closely dependent on it. Fear (in a broad sense) is bad for your kidneys. Kidney stones are “frozen tears,” especially in men, when pain and suffering are not experienced emotionally, but are stuck in the body.

Bladder It hurts when you feel worn out, squeezed by the circumstances of life.

Pain in the lower back, lower back, they say that fear of uncertainty dominates, painful doubts and mistrust of life oppress, much is not clear, there is no feeling of security and confidence that everything will be fine.

Joints pain due to disturbances in muladhara. All acupuncture meridians pass through the joints. People with joint pain and rheumatism would like to have everything, to be perfect, and at the same time, from childhood they were subject to criticism, envy, and greed from others. As a result, they become confident that moving an arm or leg will be incorrect or will cause a negative reaction from others and therefore dangerous for the wearer, which causes reluctance to use the limb. In such people there is a cruel judge who is always on the alert and never sleeps. Man “eats” his bones and the bones of their loved ones, criticizing them the same way they criticized him.

Legs belong to the sphere of muladhara. Leg problems indicate an emotional, unconscious reluctance to move forward in some direction, literally or figuratively, a reluctance to act in a direction that is not yet clear, or a direction that will not be approved by others.

If a person does not want to realize that he is not able to “stand firmly on his feet” in life, or has already “fallen” in terms of life, then this can lead to weakening of the limbs and avoidance of using them.

In conclusion

So, in this article I told you what connection between the state of the chakras and the presence of diseases in humans. I studied most of these symptoms from clients, myself and my friends, because feeling a person’s energy and comparing it with what and how a person says about himself and his life is not a problem for me. I took some of the above symptoms from Liz Burbo’s book “Your Body Talks to You” and highly recommend it to you if you want to find the causes of your illness or psychosomatics and get rid of your illness by working with yourself from the inside. The causes of the disease are at the level of thinking, way of reacting, way of action and all these three levels influence bio-chemical processes in the body (the release of certain hormones, etc.), which either make you healthier and happier, or, on the contrary, sicker and unhappy. But only you choose what you want to be!

From ancient Sanskrit "chakra" translated as "wheel". Seven main chakras are responsible for our lives. They are located along the spinal column. Each of the chakras has its own functions. Some are responsible for physical health. Others are for mental development. Still others - for the person’s state of mind.

All seven chakras are located in. From the center of each chakra comes a kind of stem that connects it to the spine. Thanks to this, the chakras gain access to Sushumna. This is the most important energy channel running along the entire spine. It goes from below to the human head and is a connecting link between the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth.

Chakras and calm- these are two different things. You will never see chakra frozen in place. Like our organs, the chakra “lives” its own life. It constantly rotates and vibrates. This helps her attract universal energy and transmit it through channels into the human body.

Each chakra rotates either to the right or to the left. Turning to the right gives yang masculine energy. This is willpower, focus on action, sometimes aggression and thirst for power. Turning to the left, accordingly, attracts feminine energy. It endows a person with such traits as humility, acceptance of decisions by fate, and weakness in the face of external circumstances.

Some people endowed with supernatural powers are able to recognize the rotations of the chakras. They know how to influence the chakras to change their trajectory. In principle, you can learn this if you really want to.

All chakras are responsible for accepting energy. It comes from everywhere: from the Universe, surrounding nature, nearby people and even objects. Next, the energy is transmitted through channels to the subtle energy bodies, and then disperses throughout the body.

The manifestation of energy occurs through the root chakra, which operates at the weakest frequencies, as well as through the crown chakra. It is considered the most developed and has the highest frequencies. Human body It is designed in such a way that it cannot perceive frequencies directly. Therefore, they are transformed into sensations, thoughts, emotions, and only then are transmitted to both the physical body and subtle bodies.

Responsible for the processes occurring in our body endocrine system. That is why each chakra is inextricably linked with one of the endocrine glands. Thanks to this, a kind of channel is formed through which universal energy flows from the chakras to the physical body. Esotericists call it the energy of life. It received this name for a reason. After all, it is universal energy that helps a person live and develop both physically and mentally.

Sometimes situations arise in our lives in which one or another chakra malfunctions. This can happen both when the chakra is blocked and when it opens extremely strongly. In the first case, the incoming energy becomes insufficient; in the second, on the contrary, the body is oversaturated with it. This leads to disruption of the endocrine glands. And this, in turn, can result in both metabolic failure and very serious diseases.

For physical body chakras act as transformers. They receive current coming from higher energy (remember that we are talking about very high frequencies that our body is not capable of perceiving), convert it to a low frequency, and then transmit it to the physical body.

Through chakras a person receives vital energy

Our Universe is an endless source of strength and energy. Every living creature (including humans) draws energy from this source in accordance with its capabilities. Portions of supplied energy depend on the frequencies at which they operate. thin bodies. So, one person (more spiritually and mentally developed) can take more energy, another - less. Chakras play a huge role in the functioning of this system. The fact is that the human body cannot withstand the pressure of the original universal energy. If even a drop of it got into our body, all systems would fail. Chakras prevent the force of the Universe from destroying the body. They process incoming energy, lowering and converting its high frequency. Thus, weaker energy reaches the flesh - one that the physical body can absorb without harm to itself.

Like the Universe, a person consists of several layers. The first layer is material. This is our flesh. Next come and layers. Each of them operates at a specific frequency and wave. By the way, if you practice, you can easily change them. If you can do this, you will be able to change your thoughts, control your feelings and emotions, and connect to the Divine. All this is truly possible thanks to a person’s imagination. How to achieve effective work with your subtle bodies? There are many ways. First of all, awareness of yourself in this world will help you. No less effective is expanding consciousness and working with the subconscious. Finally, a significant role in changing life is played by positive thinking and guided imagination. By using these methods you can get rid of negative thoughts, cleanse your karma and connect to Divine powers.

Human consciousness- this is one of the most powerful tools. He is not limited by any material world, neither distance nor time. Consciousness knows how to move through all subtle bodies, changing them. Almost such changes occur every minute and every second. The work of consciousness is inextricably linked with energy centers - chakras. If a person concentrates his attention on one of them, his consciousness (whether he wants it or not) begins to work with those organs and areas that are subordinate to the chosen chakra. Working out the chakra helps restore broken energy connections. By concentrating attention on one or another chakra, you can cure diseased organs, improve emotional condition. How to determine which chakra you need to work with? Very simple. As a rule, a person himself feels on a subconscious level what is wrong in his body. Analyze what problems you think about most often, what you voice, what you focus on. These are precisely the sore spots in your body. Now all that remains is to find out which chakra is responsible for the areas that concern you and start working with it.

By the way, don’t think that by focusing on the problem and thinking about it around the clock, you will solve it. Most likely the situation will be the opposite. Putting more and more energy into thoughts and emotions related to problems will only make them worse. A different approach is needed here - concentration on the chakra. For example, you have problems on the personal front. This means that you need to work with the chakra that is responsible for love. Meditate, balance the chakra, correct it. After some time, the imbalance caused by the malfunction of the chakra will level out. And you will notice how the problems that concern you go away.

Each chakra is unique - it has its own color, sound and element

If we turn to Indian culture, we learn something more interesting about the chakras. It turns out that each energy center has a specific color and sign. Chakras belong to the elements. Each of them has certain properties.

For example, the element of earth is responsible for the functioning of the gonads. It is associated with the first chakra, which is influenced by the planet Mars and is colored red. Ruby also has a beneficial effect on it. If the first chakra is destabilized, it can be balanced by knowing everything described above. For example, buy something red for your apartment, buy jewelry with a ruby, walk barefoot on the ground in the summer.

Surely you remember that chakras are not static. They move, rotate and vibrate. But this is how healthy chakras behave. What about the sick? Their mobility weakens. This causes the flow of energy passing through the chakra to be significantly reduced. If measures are not taken in time, the chakra may become completely blocked.

By the way, blocked chakras are not that rare. Problems with energy exchange can arise for a variety of reasons. For example, a person has suffered a serious injury (or several minor injuries). They affected the field of activity of one of the seven chakras. This led to a decrease in her mobility and blockage. Also, a blockage can appear after a targeted energetic attack on the chakra.

The functioning of a healthy chakra is similar to the functioning of a valve. When energy comes in, it opens, letting in a portion of force (exactly as much as the body needs), and then closes. If negative or unwanted energy approaches the chakra, it filters it. The sick chakra begins to malfunction. It stops closing itself off to bad energy, letting it into the body. Or, conversely, it closes so tightly that no energy (even that which will benefit a person) can leak through it.

In order for everything chakras worked properly, you need to exclude from your life those factors that can lead to their violation. First of all, these are physical injuries. Also Negative influence the functioning of the chakras is affected by the use of alcohol and drugs, taking medicines, smoking, anesthesia. If you have undergone surgery (under local or general anesthesia), you can be sure that one (or perhaps several) of your chakras is already impaired. In this case, treatment of energy centers and their gradual harmonization are required.

In the postoperative period, the chakras affected by anesthesia, as a rule, remain open. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to external factors. The chakras freely allow negative energy into the body, which destroys the subtle bodies. And it also happens that they, on the contrary, harden and close, blocking a person’s opportunity to experience certain sensations and develop any abilities.

You've probably come across the word "chakra" at least once. But do you understand correctly what we're talking about? And are you sure that you live in harmony with yourself? Now we will tell you everything about chakras.


From ancient Sanskrit, “chakra” is translated as “wheel”. That is, literally this is the energy that lives inside you and constantly spins. Seven main chakras are responsible for our lives. Each has its own color, its own meaning (ownership), location in the body, name and sound for its opening. Some are responsible for physical health. Others are for mental development. Still others – for their state of mind.

The chakras are located along the spine, but each person is slightly different. This is the same as yours individual feature, like fingerprints.

Despite the fact that they have different functions, they perform one thing together - all chakras are responsible for receiving energy. This energy comes from everywhere: from the Universe, from the surrounding nature, nearby people and even objects. Next, the energy is transmitted through channels to the subtle energy bodies, and then disperses throughout the body.

Figuratively speaking, through the chakras a person “eats” the energy the body needs.

The manifestation of energy occurs through the root, lowest-lying, Muladhara chakra, which operates at the weakest frequencies, as well as through the crown Sahasrara chakra. It is considered the most developed and has the highest frequencies. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot perceive frequencies directly. Therefore, they are transformed into sensations, thoughts, emotions, and only then are transmitted to both the physical body and subtle bodies.

Any chakra can be in 2 states, like breathing:

  • in the phase of absorption of energy and information from the surrounding space
  • in the phase of radiation (removal) of energy and information from the body

These phases constantly alternate because the chakras, like pure energy, are constantly in motion. If you just imagined a yogi frozen in the lotus position, meditating and barely moving, then you were mistaken.

Chakras and calmness are two different things.

You will never see chakra frozen in place. Like our organs, the chakra “lives” its own life - it constantly rotates and vibrates, which helps to attract energy and transmit it to the human body.


The chakras are located from bottom to top (from 1 to 7) not by chance - this is required condition. Here are the areas:

  • 7th chakra (Sahasrara) – in the crown area
  • 6th chakra (Ajna) – in the central part of the forehead
  • 5th chakra (Vishuddha) – throat area (thyroid gland)
  • 4th chakra (Anahata) – at the level of the heart, along the central line
  • 3rd chakra (Manipura) – in the area solar plexus
  • 2nd chakra (Svadhisthana) – in the pelvic area
  • 1st chakra (Muladhara) – perineal area

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This chakra is called the main or root chakra. It is located in the crotch area. Color – red. If the main chakra is healthy, then you will be confident in your abilities and your whole life will be stable. This makes it easier to live in the world. After all, the calmer you are about your future, the easier it is to survive.

A healthy root chakra develops your instinct for self-preservation. In addition, she is subject to all the instincts that are responsible for maintaining health (both physical and mental), satisfying basic needs (nutrition, reproduction). But its defining function is still the development of instinct, which is responsible for protecting life from dangers.


This is the second chakra, which is located between the navel and the upper edge of the pelvic bone. Basically, this is the place below the navel, two or three fingers' width. Orange color. One of the main functions of the chakra is awareness of another person. If svadhisthana is harmonized, then you are attentive to people, respect their feelings and look closely at them. And all because you feel like a whole independent person.

As a rule, chakra harmonization is established in early childhood. If parents and grandparents love the child, respect his feelings and thoughts, no problems arise.

But if a child grows up without love and affection, the chakra malfunctions. In this case, an adult does not want to take care of his family, he is completely fixated on himself, on what is happening inside him. He doesn't care about people's feelings. Often such a person does not feel the difference between the boundaries of his biofield and other people's biofields. Therefore, he shamelessly invades the lives of other people, inflicting mental wounds on them.

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Manipura represents the personal sun of each person, therefore its color is yellow. The chakra contains the center of inner strength. Through it, the life-giving energy of the sun is absorbed. Through her work, strong connections are established with the surrounding people and nature.

This chakra helps you develop both mentally and spiritually. It transmits the emotions that arise in us to the Universe. It is she who is responsible for developing a person’s ability to lead people, to control the flow of his inner strength. She is subject to the development of intelligence.

Through Manipura you establish a connection with the people around you and nature. The perception of the world also goes through it.

The chakra concentrates a person’s personal energy, his desires, and ability for self-realization. In other words, it is your ego. If the chakra works without failure, then you can easily build harmonious relationships with your loved ones. In addition, the state of Manipura determines whether a person will be a leader. A desire arises in her to achieve a high position, gain recognition in the team, gain power, and stand out among the gray masses. Through it we achieve the goals and objectives we have set.

This same chakra helps you understand and accept the behavioral norms developed by society.


The chakra is located in the chest area. Thanks to it, the connection of the three lower chakras with the three upper ones is ensured. Green color. In this way, the physical body and emotional center are able to connect with the centers of development of the spirit and mind.

Anahata is a source of love for people, caring for them, and showing compassion. Your loyalty depends on her condition. It helps you intuitively feel every person at all levels at once.

This Chakra helps you see the beauty of nature and feel its harmony. It can push you to establish harmony in all areas of your life. Anahata opens a person’s heart, brings him closer to the harmony that exists in painting and music.

This is a special energy center that turns words into wonderful sensations and vivid emotions.

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Vishuddha is located in the throat area. Blue color. Vishuddha is responsible for communication skills and creative expression of personality. Through it you build communication with the people around you, with your inner world, with space. The development of the chakra determines how a person sees himself. Its functions include ensuring communication between the crown and lower chakras. Thus, it builds connections between thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Through it, information is transmitted to the Universe from all chakras of the body.

Thanks to Vishuddha you are able to laugh, cry, experience joy, fall in love. The chakra helps you express everything that is happening inside. If it weren't for her, all emotions and feelings would remain locked in the heart.

Vishuddha is the center of inspiration.

It transfers the creative abilities generated in the sexual chakra to highest level. Thanks to this, a person gets the opportunity to create: write poetry, music, draw, dance.


Ajna is located in the middle of the forehead. Color – blue or indigo. Ajna helps a person develop conscious perception of the world around him. The mind and memory are subordinate to her. Thanks to Ajna, you can access your subconscious and listen to your intuitive feelings.

It helps to understand the prompts of the Universe and respond correctly to its non-verbal messages.

Ajna controls the harmony of the brain hemispheres. In other words, its functions include ensuring that emotions and reason do not overlap each other, but are mutually complementary.

When Ajna begins to open, its owner has many questions regarding his purpose in life.

You will begin to strive for self-improvement and believe in your strength. And in the end you will understand that you are just a part of the vast Universe. It’s as if your soul will awaken, urging you to find the meaning of your existence. The ordinary life that many people live (career, accumulation, social status) ceases to satisfy you and you will strive for a spiritual one.

In the Sahasrara there is something that you are able to understand with your brain. Then the received facts turn into intuition, and then into an understanding of the Universe. By the way, the knowledge that is born in the Sahasrara is much higher than that that appears thanks to the third eye chakra. The fact is that the sixth chakra, as it were, distances a person from the object he is considering, and Sahasrara helps to merge with it.

Thanks to Sahasrara, we can perceive the Universe as a unity of all types of energies.


Surely you still remember that chakras are constantly in motion. They move, rotate and vibrate. But this is how healthy chakras behave. What about the sick? Their mobility weakens. This leads to the fact that the flow of energy passing through the chakra is significantly reduced, and if measures are not taken in time, the chakra may be completely blocked.

Unfortunately, blocked chakras are not that uncommon.

Problems with energy exchange can arise for a variety of reasons. For example, you suffered a serious injury (or several minor ones). They affected the field of activity of one of the seven chakras. This led to a decrease in her mobility and blockage. The balance was disrupted - and that’s it, a chain reaction of failures began in all other chakras.


In order for all chakras to work properly, you need to exclude from your life those factors that can lead to their disruption. First of all, these are physical injuries. Also, alcohol and drugs, taking medications, smoking, and anesthesia have a negative impact on the functioning of the chakras. In this case, treatment of energy centers and their gradual harmonization are required.

To treat sick chakras, there is color therapy. It's simple and effective. You can also practice self-medication (special meditations) and yoga. Work with your subtle bodies, learn to be aware of yourself, contemplate in your imagination the colors and movements of your chakras, control your breathing.

All this will help harmonize the functioning of the chakras and make you healthy. Which means your life will get better again.

Man is a delicately constructed creature. In addition to the daily needs for food and a decent standard of living, he needs to replenish his internal energy. Chakras are energy centers invisible to the eye, which are responsible for the balance of mental and physical health. But what if these centers stop working normally? What influences this?

What are human chakras?

From Indian Sanskrit, the word “chakra” is translated as “circle”, “mandala” or “wheel”. It is believed that energy centers look like circles within which energy rotates. Psychics indirectly confirm this version. Many of them see peculiar energy clots in people in the form of vortexes of energy, and they rotate like wheels.

For uninitiated people, we can call chakras subtle structures - conductors of energy from outside world. They are not visible to the eye, they are not detected by instruments, however, they represent a single complex system capable of self-regulation.

Where are the chakras located?

In total, a person has about 120 chakras located in different parts of the body.

Of these, yogis identify 7 main chakras, which are closely interconnected. Each is responsible for its own area of ​​the body. At the bottom of the lower back at the level of the tailbone, the root chakra is responsible for energy, at the level of the navel - the sacral chakra, right above it - the solar plexus chakra. The heart chakra works near the heart, and the cervical chakra works in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. The parietal and frontal chakras “work” on the head.

Some experts add 4 more chakras to this list. They are located in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms, but are not the main ones.

Each chakra has its own color, smell and belongs to its own element (earth, water, fire or air).

What are the chakras responsible for?

  1. Peace of mind.
  2. Human health.
  3. Experiences.
  4. Emotions.
  5. Fears.

How chakras work: the principle of absorption and emission of energy

The main task of any chakra is to receive for a person the energy that the outside world emits. Energy, entering through the chakras, begins to move through the human energy channels and disperses through the subtle bodies throughout the body.

The work of the chakras can be compared to nutrients that enter the body with food and through the circulatory system they are delivered to each cell. In fact, energy is the same food for a person, so his health directly depends on what quality it is.

Where does a person get energy from?

  1. From Space.
  2. From people from close circle(there are donors who give energy, and there are vampires who absorb it).
  3. From nature.
  4. From objects.

For successful work, the chakras must be open, work harmoniously and harmoniously. Any malfunction in at least one chakra immediately leads to an imbalance in a person’s life: health problems arise, he will begin to get nervous and worry.

If several chakras go astray from normal operation at the same time, real chaos can reign in life and it will be very difficult to correct it.

However, every person, if desired, can learn independently control the work of the internal “wheels” and draw energy in the direction he needs. The main thing is to know the meaning of each chakra and understand: what benefits its work and development, and what spoils and destroys everything.

What chakras are responsible for: the meaning of each human chakra

Name and location. What does it correspond to? Harmonious physical development (deviation) Harmonious spiritual development (deviation) How to develop

Base of the spine (where scientists believe humans had a tail many centuries ago).

Color - red, stone – ruby.

The chakra is responsible for coordinated work immune system, musculoskeletal, s and human possibility to have children. The opportunity to have healthy children, prosperity. If the chakra malfunctions, a person loses the will to live, often gets sick and gets tired quickly. Study patience, punctuality, be disciplined.

Area of ​​the navel and genitals.

Stone - amber, color – yellow, golden.

The chakra helps fill and make it bright intimate life, sex, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. If the chakra malfunctions, a person may experience problems such as gluttony, obesity, impotence. The joy of food, love, entertainment. When deviating, a person becomes an adulterer, he is characterized by intemperance and gluttony. Observe moderation in food, entertainment, do not change sexual partners. Modesty in desires and asceticism help to open the chakra and experience pleasure more acutely.

In the solar plexus area.

Color – fiery, yellow. Stones – topaz, amber, tourmaline, citrine.

Regulates work endocrine system, intelligence, gastrointestinal tract. The ability to earn money, the desire to improve. With an open chakra, a person is characterized by honesty, generosity and endurance. Be humane, love people, the ability to forgive weaknesses and mistakes.

Heart area.

Stones - rose quartz, aventurine. Color - green.

Establishes activities cardiovascular system, circulatory system. Develops heartiness love, the ability to live in harmony with the world around you, with yourself. To love and protect loved ones, animals, nature.

Throat area.

Color blue, stone – aquamarine.

Responsible for the functioning of the ear, nose and throat. Insufficient development leads to hearing disorders, frequent sore throats, and disruptions in the hormonal system. Develops sociability, helps develop fine taste, ear for music, put a good voice. Be truthful, try to speak a little, but to the point.

In the area of ​​the "third eye" (between the eyebrows).

Color - blue, stone - tourmaline.

Responsible for the nervous system. Deviations in work are fraught with blindness, mental illness, a neoplasm in the body. Responsible for intuition, the development of intellectual abilities and erudition. Disruption of the chakra leads to life in illusions, “rose-colored glasses”, impracticality and weakness of character. Listen to your intuition.

In the back of the head.

Stone - diamond, color - violet.

Responsible for peace of mind, psycho-emotional health. Responsible for kindness, warmth, and the ability to forgive. Try to develop spirituality and compassion.

How to open chakras?

As we have already said, any person can learn to independently organize the work of all their chakras. To do this, you need to learn how to cleanse and open them: the process is not easy, not at all fast, but quite accessible with some diligence.

The following help to open the chakras:

  1. Yoga classes.
  2. Meditation.
  3. Healthy and active lifestyle.
  4. Moderation in food.
  5. Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  6. Physical exercises to train strength and endurance.
  7. Breathing exercises.

Only comprehensive measures and constant work on oneself will lead to a person’s chakras opening, and he will learn to fully control himself.

Many spend long months and years on this, achieving harmony through hard work. But as a reward for efforts, a person gains fullness of life, the ability to enjoy even the most insignificant events in life, physical and moral health. Everything is in your hands, health and harmony to you!

Useful video about chakras and their meanings

The vitality of the human physical body is supported by energy. In addition to the visible and tangible dense, each of the living has an energy body. It consists of:

  • chakras(energy vortices of a certain localization and frequency);
  • nadi(channels for moving main energy flows);
  • aura(field of energy that permeates and surrounds the physical body).

The word "chakra" is borrowed from Sanskrit, where it means "wheel, circle."

Bioenergy depicts chakras in the form of continuously rotating disks or funnels formed by the energies of various high-frequency vibrations. The direction of movement of energy flows in neighboring chakras is opposite. With ordinary physical vision, they can be seen in Kirlian photographs that record the electromagnetic field of living organisms.

Energy chakras in human bodies

These moving clots of energy, like antennas, perform two main functions:

  • capture, hold, transform the energies of the surrounding space and the individual himself;
  • redistribute and radiate the energies of the physical body, spirit, mind and emotions.

In Hindu traditions, these energy formations are depicted as a lotus flower of different colors with an unequal number of petals. In accordance with the frequency of energy vibrations, they are painted in the colors of the rainbow spectrum - from red (first, lower) to violet (seventh, upper chakra).

The first five chakras are associated with the five basic elements:

  • earth (red, muladhara);
  • water (orange, svadhisthana);
  • fire (yellow, manipura);
  • air (green, anahata);
  • ether (blue, Vishuddha).

The activity of certain chakras determines the temperament, character, abilities of an individual, and the palette of his feelings. Activation of a certain energy center increases the potential of its capabilities, often opening up new, unconventional abilities - siddhis (Sanskrit)

Projecting the etheric body onto the physical, we can say that the chakras are located along the spine. They are connected to each other by sushumna - a single energy channel, the projection of which on the dense plane is the spine. Some of the yogic directions claim the connection of the chakras with the endocrine glands and plexuses of nerves. Consequently, the state of these energy vortices directly affects the areas of the head and spinal cord responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system.

The functioning of each of the seven fundamental chakras determines different aspects of human fulfillment. Their imbalance leads to diseases that manifest themselves on the physical plane over time. It is known that all subtle human bodies are inextricably linked with the physical.

There is an opinion about the sequential opening of chakras with age. Based on this,

  • muladhara begins to function at the age of 7;
  • svadhisthana from 14;
  • manipura with 21;
  • anahata since 28 years old.

The three lower energy vortices ensure the existence of the physical and etheric body of the individual, fuel his instincts and materialistic aspirations.

The upper ones, starting with Vishuddhi, have a direct connection with astral body person. The energetic frequency of their vibrations coincides with the lower limit of this body.

How do the main chakras of the human body work?

1st chakra: MULADHARA (root chakra)

This (ideally the most powerful) energy vortex is located in the area of ​​the coccyx, at the base of the spinal column, between the anus and genitals. This is where the life energy of Kundalini is concentrated. The three most important energy channels – pingalas, idas and sushumnas – originate here.

Muladhara is nourished by the energies of the Earth. Through it they are redistributed to other energy centers. The Muladhara chakra is like the base of the human energetic skeleton. Directly affects the functioning of the adrenal glands.

The frequency of energy vibrations of Muladhara coincides with the wave vibrations of the red color. Energy of this order “grounds” a person and gives him a sense of smell, or “smell.”

It is here that the energy is concentrated, giving a person the strength to physical activity and realization of basic natural instincts. A balanced Muladhara allows a person to successfully fight for survival and a “place in the sun”: to obtain food, shelter, ensure their own safety and continue their family line.

Fear, anger, despondency and depressive moods block the natural flow of energies in Muladhara. A person with an unbalanced root chakra is characterized by self-doubt, hoarding and greed, poor adaptability to the environment, weak immunity, illness and destruction of the body. He is intolerant, rude, aggressive and jealous.

Muladhara is harmonized by physical work on the earth, sports, nature, hatha yoga, and meditative practices. A person with an open muladhara is hardy and cheerful, knows how to defend his own interests. Feels stability, security and sacred connection of the physical body with the Earth.

The bija mantra of this chakra is LAM.

2nd chakra: SVADHISTHANA (gender chakra)

Literally translated from Sanskrit, the name of this chakra means “own home.” It is localized in the area of ​​the sacrum and pubic bone, just below the navel. The second name is the sexual or genital chakra. The frequency of its vibrations corresponds to the color orange and the element of water.

The state of Svadhisthana determines vitality, sociability, craving for pleasure, attraction to opposite sex, sexuality and sensuality of the individual. Excess energy in this chakra can find outlet in creativity. In the body, the Svadhiskhana chakra is associated with the kidneys and genitourinary system.

As a rule, in women this chakra works more actively. Openness and willingness to communicate, sexual attractiveness, emotionality and positivism provide a woman with gender fulfillment and a prosperous family union. A harmonious woman feeds a man with the energy of this plan.

Svadhisthana is blocked by negative emotions, often even in adolescence. Later this leads to diseases of the hormonal and reproductive systems, arthritis. An imbalance of this energy center manifests itself in despondency, irritability, hysteria, suspicion, fear of relationships with the opposite sex, lack of compassion, destructive aspirations and poverty.

The sexual chakra is harmonized by engaging in your favorite hobby and everything related to the element of water - swimming, spa, contemplating waterfalls, etc. Balance in Svadhisthana is manifested in the fact that a person receives pleasure from his actions to a greater extent than from their result. Communicating with him is easy and fun.

Bija mantra of svadhisthana - YOU.

3rd chakra: MANIPURA (solar plexus chakra)

Translated from Sanskrit “precious city”. Its vibrations resonate with yellow and the element of fire. This chakra is located in the solar plexus area, slightly above the navel. The state of Manipura directly affects small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, endocrine system and skin of the body.

Intuition and emotional energy are concentrated here. The work of manipura determines leadership skills personality, will, mental balance and the ability for self-realization.

The third chakra is blocked by fears, anger, sadness, helplessness, loneliness, which often have their roots in childhood. Energy does not flow to higher centers, and the person is fixated on material things. The imbalance manifests itself in a harsh and sarcastic character, greed and hoarding, hostility to the world and deceit. Later it results in vision problems and allergic manifestations.

Manipura is harmonized by contemplating the sun and fire, eating spicy food, and karma yoga. If this energy center is open, a person is aware of his purpose and strength, is calm and self-confident, intuitive and flexible, clearly expresses his thoughts, successfully interacts with the world around him, has self-discipline and knows how to concentrate on achieving goals, and enjoys life.

The bija mantra of manipura is RAM.

4th chakra: ANAHATA (heart chakra)

The heart chakra, its name is translated from Sanskrit as “divine sound”, “unstruck”. Localized in the center of the sternum, at the level of the heart muscle. Radiates the energy of love, kindness, altruism. The vibrations of Anahata correspond to the element of air and green color spectrum

Being a “bridge” between the upper and lower chakras, it balances selfishness and spirituality. Harmonizes space. Responsible for creative realization, acceptance and unconditional love, controls the expression of feelings and emotions. At the physical level, Anahata’s work determines the condition of the heart, lungs, nervous and circulatory systems.

The heart chakra is blocked by resentment and anger, unrequited love, and inappropriately deep feelings over trifles. An imbalance of this chakra gives rise to dependence on the object of love, fetishism, arrogance, and fraud. Such a person suffers from self-doubt, he is selfish and lazy, often cold and withdrawn in relationships. At the physical level, Anahata imbalance manifests itself in diseases of the chest organs, eye diseases, and destruction of the physical body.

The harmonization of Anahata is facilitated by forgiveness, opening the heart in meditative practices, communication with nature, and bhakti yoga. An individual with an open heart center is balanced in emotions, holistic in thoughts and actions, balanced and calm. Inspiration and creative activity never leave him. Most of the time he feels joy and inner harmony, which he is ready to share with others.

Anahata's bija mantra is YAM.

5th chakra: VISUDHA (throat chakra)

The name of this chakra in Sanskrit sounds like “pure.” The fifth chakra is located in the area of ​​the larynx and thyroid gland. This is the center of a person’s will and spirituality, contributing to the revelation of his individuality. On the physical plane, the vocal and hearing aids, upper respiratory tract, and teeth are associated with it. The blue color and the element of ether resonate with the vibrations of this chakra.

The state of Vishuddha determines vocal abilities, speech development and the degree of self-expression of the individual, as well as its emotional and hormonal status.

Vishuddha is blocked by concentration on the past and fear of the future, betrayal (lack of will), feelings of guilt, deceit, idle talk, slander, rudeness. A person with an unbalanced throat chakra is characterized by increased conflict, the desire to contradict “simply because I have the right.” Another extreme is also possible - isolation and reluctance to share one’s own thoughts. Such a person is afraid of public speaking and collective energy. On the physical plane, diseases of the nervous system, thyroid gland, and larynx are not uncommon.

Harmonization of the throat chakra is facilitated by mantra - yoga, meditative practices aimed at revealing creative potential and a feeling of happiness. Balance in the fifth chakra is manifested in calmness, clarity and purity of thoughts, in the discovery of new talents. Such a person understands the meaning of dreams. Spirituality and the divine principles of the Universe are open to him, which he often transforms into singing or writing literature.

Bija mantra of Vishuddhi is HAM.

6th chakra: AJNA (third eye)

The name of this energy center is translated from Sanskrit as “command” or “order”. Chakra of the highest order, the center of the Superconscious, the so-called “third eye”. Located above the spinal column, between the eyebrows. Its vibrations correspond to the color blue and the element of space. The sixth chakra unites the three main nadis and supplies energy to the central nervous system.

The state of Ajna determines the level of intelligence, memory, wisdom, intuition, and a person’s ability to concentrate. This energy center determines the mental health of the individual and balances the work of both cerebral hemispheres.

The blocking of the sixth chakra is caused by spiritual pride, opposing oneself to other people (duality), and abuse of the gift of clairvoyance for selfish purposes. It can be expressed in the denial of spiritual truths and materialism, the cultivation of bodily pleasures, and envy. On the physical plane it manifests itself in the form of headaches, diseases of the brain, hearing aid, and vision.

With the harmonious work of the Ajna chakra, a person has access to a transcendental state, Superknowledge and superpowers. A person realizes the divinity and unity of existence, is freed from sins, sees the unmanifested, subtle world of energies, and receives information from the “Higher Self.”

Bija mantra - OM (SHAM).

7th chakra: SAHASRARA (crown chakra)

In Sanskrit, the name of the seventh chakra means "thousand". Located directly above the crown of the head, it determines the functioning of the pineal gland. Resonates with purple and the elements of sunlight. The energy center of abstract philosophical thinking of the highest level.

Sahasrara functions with greater or lesser intensity in everyone. Her condition determines the spiritual aspects of human existence. The function of this chakra is to nourish the nervous system with the energies of the Cosmos, which then, passing through energy channels and chakras, are directed to the Earth.

When the functioning of energy in the Sahasrara is difficult, self-pity appears, and in extreme forms of manifestation - great martyrdom. An imbalance of this chakra provokes AIDS and Parkinson's disease.

When the Sahasrara chakra is maximally opened, a person has an Awakened Consciousness. Such an individual has paranormal abilities and Planetary thinking. Has divine vision on all planes, feels the bliss of existence. He radiates Divine love, dwells in advaita, beyond space-time limitations. An energy projection is formed above the head of such a person, which can be perceived as a glow (halo).

Bija mantra - OM.

The total number of chakras in the human energy system is in the tens of thousands. In addition to the seven main ones, there are many secondary and tertiary ones subordinate to them.