On October 9, the Nobel Committee named the 2009 Peace Prize laureate. It was US President Barack Obama. According to the committee members, his efforts in strengthening international diplomacy and cooperation between people deserve such a high award. Obama will receive about €1 million. The award winners will be awarded in Oslo on December 10.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that the 2009 Peace Prize will go to US President Barack Obama for his outstanding efforts in international diplomacy, reducing nuclear weapons and strengthening cooperation among nations. Obama managed to surpass in the eyes of the Nobel Committee record number There are 204 candidates for the Peace Prize.

In 2007, the Nobel Peace Prize was also awarded to one of the top US officials - the country's Vice President Al Gore and the UN intergovernmental group to combat climate change. In 2008, this prize was awarded to former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari "for his efforts to resolve international conflicts on several continents over three decades." In total, since 1901, the Peace Prize has been awarded to 119 laureates - 23 organizations and 96 public figures. This year, the Nobel Committee to determine the Peace Prize laureate was headed by Thorbjörn Jagland, recently elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe. All other committee members are women.

In 2007, experts believed that there had been a strong logic in the decisions of the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee for at least the last ten years. Among the academicians who decide the fate of the prize, there are two groups. One of them believes that the Nobel Committee has no right to be led by public opinion, therefore the laureate must be worthy, but absolutely Unknown person difficult fate, preferably from a third world country. Representatives of the second group, on the contrary, are convinced that the Nobel Committee should respond to political events in the world and send a clear signal to those forces that seem positive to them - that is, the Nobel Prize should be given to the most positive activist in the world today. By unspoken agreement, the winners of the first and second categories alternate. Thus, in 2003, 2004 and 2006, the winners were unknown to the public (and already almost forgotten) Shirin Ebadi from Iran, Wangari Maathai from Kenya and Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh. Having learned about their victory, the world community was always perplexed because the Nobel Committee was so unpredictable. In 2001, 2002 and 2005, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, former US President Jimmy Carter and IAEA head Mohammed ElBaradei won. The world community was also perplexed about these victories, but only because the choice of the Nobel Committee turned out to be so politically biased.

— To what degree of displeasure and irritation did the policy of the Bush Jr. administration, the Trotskyism of the neoconservatives, who were the main ideologists of this policy, bring the whole world, that even the first reasonable steps of the new American president caused such wild joy in the world community, which resulted in the awarding of the highest peacekeeping award - Nobel Peace Prize. For Obama, this is an advance that he will have to work out for his entire presidential term, and if elected for a second term, then a second presidential term. Indeed, he began to move in a reasonable direction. He declared his refusal to forcefully change unwanted regimes, the practice of spreading democracy in the world through bombing and the thoughtless expansion of military-political blocs and support for unpredictable regimes. He refused to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern Europe and sat down at the negotiating table with Russia on issues of strategic stability. It was Obama who was the first to announce building pragmatic partnerships with our country, as it is, without trying to change it in accordance with Washington's decisions. But this is all just the beginning. The beginning must be followed by specific practical steps. And Obama will have to pay off the loan he received from the Nobel committee. Americans are accustomed to living on credit. But in the context of the global crisis, credit has become a problem. Problems may arise after the award for Obama, especially at home. It will not be easy for him to withstand the pressure of his former fellow senators during debates on Capitol Hill and various hearings. They will not fail to go over such a rapid receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, and will interrogate their president with particular persistence as to what he has done for world stability. Obama will have to answer. Therefore, now is the time of increased responsibility for him - he will have to prove his right to the Nobel Prize, which he received today, several times every day.

The announcement of the Peace Prize laureate was one of the final stages of the so-called Nobel week - the time of announcement of the winners of the prizes, which have been awarded since 1901 according to the will of the Swedish philanthropist and inventor of dynamite Alfred Nobel. According to tradition, the first prize is awarded for discoveries in the field of physiology and medicine (then prizes are awarded for achievements in the field of physics, chemistry, literature and peace promotion). Ceremonial award ceremony for the owners of the most prestigious award in the fields of physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, literature and the fight for peace will traditionally take place on December 10, the anniversary of the death of the founder of the award, Alfred Nobel.

A copy of a letter addressed to The White house, one of B.H. Obama's aides. The sender of the document is supposedly the Nobel Committee. The letter, dated November 21, 2016, reported that the committee was inundated with petitions demanding that B.H. Obama's Peace Prize be revoked. It is also indicated that the Nobel Committee has no reason to deprive a well-deserved laureate of the prize.

The Nobel Committee is indicated as the sender, the sender's address is Oslo. Date: November 21, 2016. Addressed to: Denis R. McDonough (Assistant to the President of the United States).

In capital letters it is stated that this letter is a response to the letter dated November 16, 2016. (Obviously, we are talking about a letter supposedly previously sent from the White House to Oslo.)

The document was signed by the chairman of the committee, Kaci Kullmann Five, and the secretary.

Kasi Kullman-Five writes to the "respected" sender to "dispel" his concerns "about the growing number of letters and public petitions" addressed to the Norwegian Nobel Committee demanding that "President Obama's 2009 Nobel Peace Prize be rescinded."

“As chairman of the committee, I can tell you with confidence that there is no legal basis for satisfying the demands,”- Ms. Kullman-Five says succinctly. This " the firm conviction of the Norwegian Nobel Committee". The committee is convinced that the decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize was correct. The award went to Mr. Obama for "his outstanding efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and international cooperation."

According to the chairman’s opinion, given in this letter (if only it is real), most of the criticism is based on “unconvincing” and even “somewhat speculative” interpretations of “the will and desire of Alfred Nobel.”

In conclusion, the chairwoman assures the White House that the committee members “will continue to carry out their mission with competence and integrity,” and in full compliance “with the provisions of Alfred Nobel’s will.”

A copy of the document posted on the public resource BuzzFeed. It is not possible to verify the authenticity of the document

Unknown commentator on public portal BuzzFeed, which posted a copy of this letter, claims that the Nobel committee participated “in Obama’s crimes.”

In his opinion, the Nobel Committee, as well as B.H. Obama, does not want to bear the burden of responsibility for “peacekeeping missions” around the world. This is "absolutely obvious." After all, it is much easier to pretend that the “untouchable” laureate lived up to the expectations associated with him “and actually established peace in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, etc.”

The only reasonable solution in the current situation is to deprive a person who does not deserve the award, the author of the commentary believes. The anonymous author considers Obama “responsible for millions of human deaths.”

However, to revoke the prize would mean for the committee to find itself in a “rather awkward position” - the Nobel laureates would actually become “accomplices of a murderer.”

The committee might not have rewarded the undeserving at the time, but it “allowed it to happen.” Quite to an ordinary person, judging in the context of humanitarian work, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded out of the blue. Not for any real achievements, but “for the sake of future affairs.” Moreover, those who gave him the award chose the leader of the most powerful military power!

But now, as Barack Obama’s second presidential term ends, one can see that “new climate in international relations”, which the owner of the White House created during all eight years of his reign. Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan - there are wars or military actions everywhere, one way or another initiated by the American administration “and Obama personally,” the author points out.

The appearance of “IS*” is “also on their conscience,” as are numerous casualties and destruction. According to statistics, this Nobel Prize winner has already gone down in history as the most militant president of the United States.

Petitions are periodically published on the websites of the White House and Congress, and on special Internet resources, the authors of which call on Barack Obama to return the Nobel Peace Prize, which he was awarded in 2009. The latest of these petitions, criticizing the American president's aggressive foreign policy, says military operations in Libya and Syria have brought nothing but a huge death toll.

Therefore, the Nobel Committee, perhaps, still needs to gain courage and reconsider its approaches to awards, and also admit mistakes. By depriving “the most powerful man on the globe” of the Peace Prize, the Nobel Committee could implement a “vital” precedent. important for the future,” the commentator is convinced.

As for admitting mistakes, here, we add, the commentator is based on a scandal from a year ago, in which the name of the historian Geir Lundestad, who previously served as director of the Nobel Institute, appears. His book "Secretary of Peace" went on sale last September.

As S. Lyushin points out on the Russian Germany website, this book tells about the people who decided the fate of the awards from 1990 to 2015. Lundestad in those years participated in meetings of a committee consisting of five experts (he himself did not have the right to vote).

Three years after the book went on sale, a statement from the Nobel Committee was made public, where Mr. Lundestad was accused of breach of trust, since, according to the statute, the details of the discussions must be kept secret for half a century: “Lundestad improperly included in the book descriptions of the people and procedures of the committee, despite confidentiality agreement signed in 2014.” At the same time, the chairman of the committee, Kasi Kullman-Five, said in a letter to Reuters that there would be no further comments.

Lundestad himself told the press that he wanted to “shed light on how the prize, which many consider the most prestigious award in the world, is awarded.” At the same time, Lundestad criticized the current committee member Thorbjørn Jagland: this man also holds the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The historian believes that “It would not have been easy for Jagland to agree with the award of the prize if it were not critical of Russia.”

And this is how Nobel laureate Obama is treated in Washington.

On November 10, a group of activists hung a poster on the Arlington Memorial Bridge with an image of the US President and the words “Farewell, Murderer.” One of the activists, Leroy Barton, wrote about this on Twitter.

The group notes that Barack Obama is involved in the murder of thousands of innocent people in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine. The initiators of the protest write that Obama unleashed bloody wars during his reign.

Barton believes Obama does not deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize. His real place is in the Hague court!

It is obvious that many journalists and social activists do not agree with the “Orwellian” activities of both Mr. Obama and the Nobel Committee. The thesis “War is peace” does not suit citizens who want peace on planet Earth. A person who, after being awarded the Peace Prize, bombed Libya as part of NATO cannot and should not be considered a peacemaker and receive Nobel money for his deeds.

The Nobel Committee, of course, is not going to revoke Obama's award. In this case, we can advise the committee members to rename the peace prize, calling it the war prize.

* The organization’s activities are prohibited in Russia by a decision of the Supreme Court

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii. His parents met at the University of Hawaii in a Russian language study group. Father, black Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was born in Kenya into the Luo tribe, and was a shepherd as a child. Obama Sr. managed to receive a government scholarship, and he came to the United States to study economics, leaving at home his pregnant wife, whom he never divorced. His mother, white American Stanley Ann Dunham, studied anthropology. When Barack was still a baby, his father went to continue his studies at Harvard, but due to financial difficulties he did not take his family with him. When his son was two years old, Obama Sr. went alone to Kenya, where he received a position as an economist in the government apparatus. He divorced Barack's mother and saw his son only once before his death in a car accident in 1982, when he was 10 years old. During his life, Obama Sr. was married four times and had eight children.

When Barack was six years old, Anne Dunham remarried, again to a foreign student, this time an Indonesian. Together with his mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro, the boy went to Indonesia, where he spent four years and studied at one of the public schools in Jakarta. He then returned to Hawaii and lived with his mother's parents. During his high school years, Obama worked part-time at a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store. Obama graduated from college in 1979 private school Punahou School in Honolulu. During his school years, Obama's great hobby was basketball: as a member of the Punahaou team, he won the state championship in 1979. In his memoirs, published in 1995, Obama himself recalled that in high school he used marijuana and cocaine, and his grades declined.

After high school, Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles, then transferred to Columbia University, where he graduated in 1983 with a bachelor's degree in political science and international relations. After graduating from college, Obama worked as a consultant at the Business International Corporation and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group, where he worked on environmental issues. However, in 1985, he interrupted his corporate career and settled in Chicago, where he worked in one of the church charity groups. He was prompted to do this by the election in 1983 of the black lawyer and politician Harold Washington to the post of mayor of Chicago. Obama even wrote to Washington asking him to hire him, but the letter went unanswered. Even though Obama never met Washington, the former black mayor of Chicago's rise to leadership in a previously largely white city was a political success story.

As a “social organizer” at a branch of the Gamaliel Foundation, Obama helped residents of disadvantaged areas of Chicago and initiated programs to build housing for the low-income. According to one of Obama's websites, it was his experience in philanthropy that made him realize that changes in legislation and policy were needed to improve people's lives. In mid-1988, he visited Kenya for the first time, where he met his father's relatives.

In 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School, where in 1990 he became the first black editor-in-chief of the university's prestigious Harvard Law Review. At Harvard Law School, this position was considered the highest for students. During summer holidays In college, Obama worked at the law firms Sidley & Austin (1989) and Hopkins & Sutter (1990). In 1991, Obama received a Doctor of Laws degree with honors (magna cum laude) and returned to Chicago], where he began to practice law, mainly defending victims in court different types discrimination. In addition, until 2004, he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School and worked on election law issues at a small law firm Project Vote, which worked to engage low-income people and immigrants in voting.

In 1992, Obama co-founded Public Allies, a non-profit organization to improve the skills of young managers. From 1993 to 2004 he worked at law office Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland and continued to be involved in "social organization." He practiced law until 2002, when his license expired. At this time, Obama became known as a liberal, an opponent of the creation of NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Area, a fighter against racial discrimination and a supporter of a system of universal health insurance.

In 1996, Obama decided to run for the Illinois State Senate from the 13th congressional district, enlisting the support of incumbent Democratic state senator Alice Palmer, who decided to run for the House of Representatives. However, Palmer lost her election and demanded that Obama withdraw his candidacy from the state Senate elections. However, he refused to do this. Palmer rushed to run for the state Senate, but was withdrawn after Obama insisted on verifying signatures for her nomination. Subsequently, Obama managed to get ahead of other Democratic candidates in the primaries and won the election by a large margin over the Republican candidate.

Obama represented the Democratic Party in the Illinois State Senate from 1997 to 2004. In this post, Obama collaborated with both Democrats and Republicans: representatives of the two parties worked together on government programs to support low-income families through tax cuts. Obama was a strong supporter of development preschool education. He also supported measures to tighten control over the work of investigative agencies: thanks to his efforts, laws were passed in the state requiring the recording of interrogations of those arrested for murder on a video camera, as well as maintaining statistics on the race of drivers who were stopped by police.

In 2000, Obama attempted to run for election to the House of Representatives in Illinois' 13th Congressional District. His opponent in the primaries was incumbent Congressman Bobby Rush, a former member of the Black Panther movement. Shortly before this, Rush lost the election for the post of mayor of Chicago, but he brilliantly campaigned for the House of Representatives and received twice as many votes as Obama in the primaries, and mostly the white population voted for Obama. After losing the House of Representatives election, Obama was able to quickly regain popularity among the black population. In January 2002, after Democrats won the state Senate majority, he became chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.

In 2002, Obama gained notoriety for his speech at an anti-war rally in Chicago, in which he denounced the George W. Bush administration's plans to invade Iraq.

In 2004, Obama entered the race for one of the Illinois seats in the US Senate. In the primaries, he managed to win a convincing victory over six opponents. Obama's chances of success increased when his Republican opponent, Jack Ryan, was forced to withdraw his candidacy due to scandalous allegations brought against Ryan during his divorce proceedings.

On July 29, 2004, during the election campaign, Obama addressed the Democratic National Convention. His speech, broadcast on television, brought Obama wide fame in the United States. The senatorial candidate urged listeners to return to the roots of American society and once again make the United States a land of “open opportunity”: he illustrated the ideal of open opportunity through the example of his own biography and the biography of his father.

In the Senate elections, Obama won a landslide victory over Republican Alan Keyes, gaining 70 percent of the vote. He took office on January 4, 2005 and became the fifth black senator in US history. Subsequently, experts noted that, as in Chicago, Obama was able to quickly adapt to the political climate in Washington and create a coalition of supporters.

Obama joined several Senate committees: on issues environment And public works, Veterans Affairs and International Affairs.

As before, in the state Senate, Obama collaborated with Republicans on a number of issues, in particular in work on legislation on government transparency. In addition, together with the famous Republican Senator Richard Lugar, Obama visited Russia: the trip was dedicated to cooperation in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In general, Obama voted in the Senate in accordance with the liberal line of the Democratic Party. He paid special attention to the idea of ​​developing alternative energy sources.

Senator Obama managed to quickly win the sympathy of the press and become one of the most prominent figures in Washington. By the fall of 2006, observers already considered it quite possible for him to be nominated for the next presidential elections. At the beginning of 2007, Obama was in second place after Senator Hillary Clinton on the list of Democratic Party favorites. In January, Obama created a special assessment committee (exploratory committee), a non-governmental organization to prepare for participation in the presidential election. As of early February 2007, 15 percent of Democrats were ready to support Obama, and 43 percent were ready to support Clinton.

In January 2007, Obama faced scandalous accusations. Information began to spread in the press that while living in Indonesia, he allegedly studied at an Islamic school-madrasa, where representatives of the radical Muslim sect of the Wahabbits preached. These accusations were denied, but left a significant negative imprint on Obama's image.

On February 10, 2007, at a rally in Springfield, Illinois, Obama announced his entry into the presidential race. He stated that it was necessary to withdraw troops from Iraq before the elections, by March 2008. Along with the Iraq campaign, he criticized the Bush administration for insufficient progress in combating oil dependence and developing the education system. Soon, on February 13, at another rally in Iowa, Obama made a reckless statement. Criticizing Bush's Iraq policy, he said the lives of American troops killed in Iraq were "wasted." He had to repeatedly apologize and explain that he had expressed his thoughts poorly. Obama's stance on Iraq and his plans to withdraw troops were critically received by Bush supporters not only in the United States, but also abroad. One of the American president's allies, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, announced that Obama's plans play into the hands of terrorists. However, during his election program, Obama indirectly confirmed his words, saying that with the money spent on the war in Iraq, the United States could conduct large-scale research into alternative energy sources. Obama said that by 2012 he wants to achieve complete independence of the country from foreign suppliers of resources, and by 2020, he said, the United States should completely switch to alternative energy sources, ceasing to use fossil fuels and nuclear energy. He cited Iceland as an example of the successful implementation of such a program, but did not name one type of alternative energy, such as hydrogen fuel cells, as the main one, but spoke in favor of any developments in this area. He also supported federal investment in public transportation.

In February 2007, Obama was supported by David Geffen, one of the founders of the film company DreamWorks, in the past one of Bill Clinton's prominent supporters. Geffin said that Hillary Clinton is too controversial a figure and will not be able to unite Americans in difficult times for the country. Together with other Hollywood celebrities, Geffin organized an event to raise donations in favor of Obama - the amount raised reached $1.3 million. Geffin's harsh comments about Clinton were associated with a narrowing of the gap between the former first lady and Obama: at the end of February the difference was 12 percent. 36 percent of Democrats were ready to vote for Clinton, and 24 percent for Obama.

One of the vulnerabilities of candidate Obama was the question of his affiliation with “African-Americans.” As it turned out, some representatives of the black population of America, including the most influential ones, were in no hurry to recognize Obama as one of their own. The fact is that, unlike a “real” American Negro, Obama was not a descendant of slaves brought to the American continent from West Africa. In addition, the senator did not have the opportunity to participate in the struggle for the rights of blacks - unlike most American black politicians. The situation worsened when, in early March 2007, the press reported that Obama's maternal family included slave owners.

Obama's other positions also drew criticism: for example, he demanded the death penalty and supported women's right to abortion.

By the beginning of summer, according to sociological research, the ratings of Obama and Clinton were briefly equal, but already in June Hillary managed to get ahead again (33 percent of Clinton supporters versus 21 percent for Obama). In the subsequent period, Obama's gap from the leader grew and in the fall reached approximately 30 percent: Clinton's rating reached almost 50 percent, and Obama's, respectively, about 20 percent. This is precisely the state of affairs in December - on the eve of the Democratic primaries. In this regard, the first primary elections of the season, the Iowa caucuses, scheduled for January 3, 2008, acquired particular importance. In Iowa, Obama was able to take first place by December, ahead of Clinton and another competitor, former Senator John Edwards. However, the gap between the three candidates in Iowa was narrow, and the state was in close competition. Observers, including veteran Republican election specialist Karl Rove, tied Obama's chances of success in the national race to the Iowa vote.

On January 3, 2008, voting took place in Iowa, and Obama won: he received 37.6 percent of the vote, ahead of Edwards (29.7 percent) and Clinton (29.5 percent). According to sociologists, after this it was no longer possible to talk about Clinton’s sole leadership. The Iowa victory provided a major boost to Obama's campaign. Further, the struggle between Obama and Clinton (Edwards withdrew from the race on January 30) unfolded with varying success, but by March Obama had more votes from delegates ready to support him at the upcoming national party convention. In the spring, he managed to win the confidence of the majority of participants in the primaries in Vermont, Wyoming, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, Oregon and Idaho. By early June, at least 394 superdelegates had pledged their support for the Illinois senator. On the evening of June 3, after the results of the primary elections in South Dakota and Montana were announced, Obama spoke at a rally of his supporters in St. Paul. There he was announced, still unofficially, as the single candidate for the highest US government post from the Democratic Party. On June 7, Clinton announced the end of her election campaign and called on her supporters to support Obama. In fact, after this, Obama's campaign began as a single Democratic candidate opposing Republican candidate John McCain.

Obama's election campaign revealed a number of features. In particular, he fundamentally refused to accept donations from lobbyists, as well as to use budget funds provided by American legislation for the election campaign. Despite this, by mid-2008, Obama's campaign fund had reached $340 million (at the same time McCain's fund stood at $132 million). Massive financial support was also supplemented by the fact that many famous US cultural figures came out on Obama's side, including Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry, and Bruce Springsteen.

In his speeches on economic issues, Obama largely focused on the middle class, for which significant tax cuts were proposed. At the same time, Obama advocated abolishing tax benefits for individuals with annual incomes of more than $250,000, as well as tighter controls over the taxation of large corporations.

IN official biographies it was reported that Obama and his wife attend one of the Protestant churches in Chicago, the main parishioners of which are blacks - Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama's pastor at this church was Jeremiah Wright. In March 2008, American television channels showed excerpts from Wright's sermons: in them, he, in particular, accused the US authorities of spreading the AIDS epidemic and trying to hide the problem of racism in American society. In a sermon after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, he blamed US foreign policy and even uttered the phrase “God damn America.” Obama hastened to distance himself from the activities and words of the scandalous pastor: at the end of May 2008, the presidential candidate announced his withdrawal from this church. Obama explained his action by fears that he election campaign could harm the church. However, the scandal intensified after one of the sermons of another Chicago pastor, Michael Pfleger, made racist remarks about Hillary Clinton.

In July 2008, Obama's foreign policy program was more or less set. Obama announced his plan for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq - within 16 months from the moment he assumed the presidency of the United States (i.e., until the end of May 2010), the main forces were supposed to leave this country. At the same time, Obama's plan included maintaining some US military personnel to pursue terrorists, protect US citizens and train Iraqi security forces. Obama emphasized that abandoning active operations in Iraq will allow the United States to focus on the situation in Afghanistan, where American troops were also deployed back in 2001. During these same days, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki expressed similar ideas, which certainly contributed to the growth of Obama’s authority in international circles. On July 15, Obama repeated the main points of his Iraq plan in a speech devoted to “a new strategy in a new world” and laying the foundations for his planned US foreign policy. Obama also devoted a significant part of this speech to issues of nuclear parity and non-proliferation nuclear weapons. If in 2004, during the US Senate elections, Obama stated that he would support an armed invasion of Iran only as a last resort, then during the presidential election campaign he called Iran the main threat to peace in the Middle East.

Also in July 2008, Obama made a week-long tour of the Middle East and Europe. While in the Middle East, Obama emphasized that he was making this trip solely to familiarize himself with the situation, and not as a possible future US president, but as a senator. Obama visited the main locations of American troops - Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq, where he met with both representatives of the American command and local political leadership. After that, he headed to Jordan, Palestine and Israel, where he was also received at the highest level and held talks with King Abdullah II of Jordan, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli President Shimon Peres and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. In Europe, Obama visited Germany, France and the UK, where he met with the leaders of these countries Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown, and also gave a speech to 200 thousand listeners in Berlin.

Unlike McCain, who in particular called for the exclusion of Russia from the G8, during his election campaign Obama tried not to allow himself sharp attacks towards Moscow and in his speech on “a new strategy in a new world” on July 15, 2008, he even called for establishing cooperation with her. In August 2008, during the fighting in South Ossetia and Georgia (in which both Russian troops), Obama, who was on vacation, at first limited himself to only calling for a cessation of hostilities and the start of negotiations, which contrasted with McCain’s harsh statements against Russia. In this regard, the press noted that McCain seized the initiative on this issue, since Obama did not actually take any definite position. However, already on August 11, Obama issued a new address in which he called Russia an aggressor, stated that there was no justification for its actions in Georgia, and called for a reconsideration of relations with Russia - including with regard to its entry into Worldwide trade organization.

On the eve of the opening of the Democratic Party Convention, on August 23, 2008, Obama announced the choice of a running mate - the presumptive candidate for the post of Vice President of the United States from the Democratic Party. It was Senator Joe Biden from Delaware. Obama and Biden were confirmed at the Democratic National Convention on August 28, 2008.

The last stage of the election race in the United States coincided with the beginning of the financial crisis. In this regard, McCain suggested that Obama postpone the debate, concentrating on finalizing the anti-crisis program, to which Obama refused. On October 1, Obama supported the amended Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, often called the Paulson Plan, which, in response to the failure of large banks and mortgage servicers, provided government loan in the amount of 700 billion dollars.

Obama faced McCain three times at the election debates on September 26, October 7 and October 15, 2008. Polls show Obama winning all three rounds. Unsuccessful performances at the debates, as well as the scandal with the investigation into the abuse of power of Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, lowered McCain's rating. The support of Republican former US Secretary of State Colin Powell played an important role in raising Obama's ratings. Some bookmakers even recognized Obama's election victory in advance. McCain himself said on October 19 that he was prepared for a possible defeat.

On October 22, 2008, Obama paused his presidential campaign for 36 hours to visit his ailing grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, in Hawaii. She died of cancer on November 2, and Obama found out about it only the next day.

On October 28, 2008, it became known that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had uncovered a plan to assassinate Obama: two activists of a neo-Nazi group wanted to kill the presidential candidate. They were arrested and charged with illegal possession of weapons and threats against Obama.

On the evening of October 29, a 30-minute Obama election video was shown on central US television channels. It cost the presidential candidate $6 million and became the longest of the campaign. The last time campaign ads of this format were used was by independent candidate Ross Perot in 1992.

Two days before the election, the Republican Party drew public attention to a statement Obama made in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in January 2008: in which he stated that the bankruptcy of the US coal mining industry was inevitable. Despite this, according to polls two days before the election, Obama was ahead of McCain by 9 percent of the vote.

During his campaign, Obama collected a record $650 million in donations.

In the November 4 election, Obama secured 51 percent of the popular vote and more than 300 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win. Turnout in the election was about 64 percent, the highest in the United States in the last hundred years. Obama declared victory after the results of the vote were announced in the key states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. In his speech, the first black US president in history declared that “Change has come to America.”

Immediately after Obama's victory, information began to arrive about who would be on the new president's team. According to sources in the Democratic Party, Rahm Emanuel was to lead the Obama administration, and Robert Gibbs was named as the future White House press secretary. On December 1, Obama announced the name of the future Secretary of State: it was his rival in the election race, Hillary Clinton. This appointment was met with disappointment by those who wanted a radical change in US foreign policy.

On November 13, 2008, Obama resigned as a senator. Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich had the right to appoint his replacement, and it was known that in 2002 Obama was his adviser in the gubernatorial elections. In December 2008, a scandal erupted: Blagojevich was arrested by the FBI on suspicion of trying to sell the senatorial post left by Obama. FBI investigators stressed that the case against the governor of Illinois elected president won't touch. Blagojevich was dismissed by the Illinois State Senate on January 29, 2009.

The inauguration of the 44th President of the United States took place on January 20, 2009 in Washington. Obama was sworn in as president and officially assumed office as head of state for a four-year term. According to various estimates, between 1 and 2 million people attended Obama's inauguration ceremony. In his speech upon taking office, Obama called on citizens to come together in the face of the global economic crisis, to remain faithful to the American spirit and the ideas of equality, freedom and the right to strive for happiness, and also declared his readiness to “recommit to remaking America.” America)". According to press reports, the total amount spent on Obama's inauguration was a record $160 million. Meanwhile, the next day, January 21, 2009, he had to take the presidential oath again because the first time Chief Justice John Roberts, who dictated the oath to Obama, mixed up the words in it.

Obama began his first day as president with a meeting with economic advisers and heads of security ministries and departments. In one of his first decisions, Obama demanded the suspension of military tribunals at the Guantanamo Bay prison, and on January 22 he signed a decree to close it. The order ordered Guantanamo Bay and other US prisons abroad to be closed within one year. With his second decree, Obama banned the torture of prisoners in these prisons. In March 2009, former US Vice President Dick Cheney accused the Obama administration of putting the US in danger by revising the anti-terrorism measures introduced by Bush Jr. In response, Obama said that the situation with prisoners at Guantanamo only led to increased anti-American sentiment in the world.

On January 27, 2009, Obama said he was willing to extend a hand to Iran if Islamist Republican leaders "unclench their fist." In response, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanded an apology from the United States for the crimes it has committed against Iran over the past sixty years.

Immediately after Obama's inauguration, the US Senate began confirming his cabinet nominees. As a result, almost all applicants received ministerial portfolios. At the same time, the choice of some of the candidates for ministerial posts had a negative impact on the reputation of the new president: the reason was the tax evasion scandal of Timothy Geithner and Tom Daschle. And if Geithner’s candidacy for the post of US Treasury Secretary was approved by the Senate, then Daschle was forced to abandon the fight for the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Obama was forced to declare that he was mistaken in his choice of Daschle as a candidate for minister and would try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Against the backdrop of growing unemployment and falling stock indices, despite stubborn resistance from Republicans, the US House of Representatives and Senate adopted an anti-crisis plan in February 2008, which provided for the allocation of $787 billion to support the American economy. According to Obama's statements, his anti-crisis plan was supposed to create 3.5 million new jobs in the United States, but Republicans argued that it would only worsen the situation in the country's economy.

On February 27, 2009, Obama announced his strategy for withdrawing troops from Iraq. If during his election campaign he promised that the last American combat troops would be withdrawn before the beginning of the summer of 2010, this time Obama announced a new date - the end of 2011. He noted that after the withdrawal of the main military contingent (100 thousand people), auxiliary units with a total number of 30 to 50 thousand will remain in Iraq: for another year and a half they will participate in anti-terrorist operations.

In early March 2009, The New York Times published a report that after taking office, Obama sent a classified letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in which he allegedly proposed curtailing the deployment of National Missile Defense (NMD) facilities in Eastern Europe. In exchange, Russia must convince Iran to stop its nuclear program. Medvedev and Obama subsequently confirmed that the letter did exist and that it touched on the deployment of missile defense and nuclear program Iran, however, there were no proposals for such a “deal”. At the same time, Obama stated that he intends to improve relations with Russia.

At the end of March of that year, Obama unveiled a new strategy regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan. In order to combat terrorism in the region, in particular the destruction of Al-Qaeda, the US President proposed to further increase the US Afghan contingent by four thousand people. Meanwhile, Fox News journalists drew attention to the fact that Obama's strategy had much in common with the Afghan strategy former president USA George Bush.

On April 1, 2009, as part of the London G20 summit, the first a personal meeting between Obama and Medvedev. As a result of the negotiations, the presidents of the two countries agreed to conclude a new treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (START) before the expiration of the START I treaty in December 2009. Noting that their opinions on the deployment of missile defense in Eastern Europe and on the assessment of the war in South Ossetia are different, the participants of the event agreed on cooperation in establishing peace in Afghanistan and finding a solution to the problem of the Iranian nuclear program.

In addition, in the spring of 2009, Obama paid a lot of attention to the bankruptcy of the two largest US automakers: General Motors and Chrysler. Chrysler declared bankruptcy on May 1, 2009, and General Motors on June 1, which became the largest industrial bankruptcies in US history. Obama said he would make every effort not to destroy the American auto industry and preserve jobs. As a result, the sale of Chrysler to the Italian automaker Fiat began, and 60 percent of General Motors' assets were to become US government property.

In early July 2009, Obama visited Moscow and met with Medvedev again. During the visit, the presidents of Russia and the United States signed a document entitled “Joint Understanding on Further Reductions and Limitations of Strategic Offensive Arms.” This document was a statement of preliminary agreements on the preparation of a new treaty on the limitation of strategic offensive arms. In addition, as a result of the negotiations, Russia allowed the United States to transit military cargo to Afghanistan through its territory. Meanwhile, according to experts, the results of the bilateral summit were very moderate: no genuine agreement was reached on the issue of strategic offensive arms, just as no agreement was reached on Russian policy issues in the post-Soviet space.

On September 17, 2009, Obama announced that the United States was curtailing the program to deploy elements of NMD in the Czech Republic and Poland. According to him, Iranian small and medium range pose a significantly greater danger to the United States and its allies than ballistic intercontinental missiles, to counter which Bush planned to deploy radar and interceptor missiles in Eastern Europe. Obama proposed instead deploying a small group of US Navy ships with interceptor missiles in the Mediterranean and North Sea, which would allow a more flexible and rapid response to a possible missile threat. The deployment of ground-based NMD elements in Eastern Europe was postponed until 2015.

This decision was negatively received by Republicans, as well as many politicians in the Czech Republic and Poland. Experts also assumed that this step was a concession to Russia, although the Obama administration categorically denied this. Dmitry Medvedev said that he “appreciates the responsible approach of the US President” and is ready to continue negotiations on missile defense, while Russia’s permanent representative to NATO Dmitry Rogozin called not to fall into “some kind of childish euphoria,” noting that American ships at any moment may be transferred to the shores of Russia.

On October 9, 2009, Barack Obama was announced as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate for his "tremendous efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples." The amount of the award was 10 million Swedish kronor (about 1.4 million US dollars): after the news of the award, Obama promised to spend the money on charity, and regarded the award itself as a “call to action.” The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama, who served as US President for less than a year, caused a mixed reaction. Some Nobel laureates, including Mikhail Gorbachev and Jimmy Carter, responded positively to the award. Fidel Castro and Dmitry Medvedev also welcomed the award to Obama. At the same time, 1983 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lech Walesa noted that Obama received this prize without having done anything, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was even more categorical: he compared this award to the presentation of a sports trophy to “a baseball player who only promised to win 50 matches." The award ceremony took place on December 10, 2009.

In November 2009, the US House of Representatives and in December 2009 the US Senate approved a health care reform bill: this ten-year, $1.1 trillion reform aimed at creating a universal health care system was one of Obama's campaign promises (in the 1990s). years, the health care reform project proposed by Clinton was not adopted by the US Congress).

At the end of November, data on the expenditure of funds from the US federal budget for the 2009 fiscal year were published. Although Obama governed the country only for the last 9 months of the fiscal year, the press announced that he set a budget spending record in the first year of his presidency: budget expenditures amounted to $3.52 trillion (or $2.8 trillion in 2000 prices, adjusted for inflation), with This budget deficit amounted to 1.4 trillion compared to 400 billion in 2008. For comparison, the press cited figures that in 2001, the first year of his presidency, Bush Jr. spent $1.8 trillion, and Bill Clinton spent $1.6 trillion in 1993 (both amounts are in 2000 prices). Anti-crisis plans of the Bush Jr. and Obama administrations were also included in the $3.52 trillion in spending in 2009. It was reported that in the 2010 budget proposal, Obama may reduce the deficit through his predecessor's $700 billion anti-crisis plan.

Since 1992, Obama has been married to lawyer Michelle Robinson Obama (born 1967). They met at Harvard Law College. They have two daughters: Malia Ann (born 1998) and Natasha (Natasha, born 2001, in the press she is often called Sasha).

During the US presidential elections, the press often wrote about Obama's relatives, in particular, his half-brother George Hussein Onyango Obama lived in Kenya on $1 a month in August 2008.

Barack Obama is the author of two books: in 1995, he published a memoir, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, which was originally intended to be a work on Obama's legal practice. In 2006, Obama released a second book: The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. The audio version of the first book won a Grammy Award in 2006. Both of Obama's books became bestsellers. After winning the 2008 presidential election, Obama was named Time magazine's Person of the Year. In November 2009, a ranking of the most influential people in the world was published according to Forbes magazine, in which Obama took first place.

Few people remember that in October 2009, nine months after taking office, President Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. The meaning of this award, presented “for enormous efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” was difficult to understand even then. The Nobel Committee emphasized Obama's desire to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and create a new atmosphere in international relations, especially in contacts with the Muslim world.

The very election of Obama as President of the United States deserved some kind of award, perhaps even a Peace Prize for Americans who gave the main post in their country to a black man or, as they now say, an African American.

Of course, Obama is only half of the Negroid race, and he received this half not from an African-American, but from an African, and he was raised primarily by his maternal grandparents. However, we know that there is a “stronger” blood that society believes (see Stanisław Ossowski, Social Connections and the Legacy of Blood, 1939) to outweigh the weaker ones. Negro blood (like Jewish blood) is inherited by many generations. This is very interesting and even funny: supporters of the Aryan theory believe that their blood is so weak that even 12.5% ​​of “impurities” can spoil it (put a mark on it)?


Did Obama deserve the Nobel Prize?

Maariv 06/01/2016

Obama should return the peace prize

The National Interest 04/07/2016

Barack Obama's legacy

El UNIVERSAL 01/23/2016

Barack Obama and the Nobel syndrome

La Regle du Jeu 11/24/2015

How to get a Nobel Prize

RFI Russian Service 10/12/2015 Obama represents not black people, but a polished class of lawyers-politicians, graduates of Harvard and similar elite educational institutions, who know how to talk beautifully and adhere to not too deep, but left-wing convictions.

After seven years, it began to seem that Obama should return his bonus, which, however, he does not remember. They didn’t even boast about her at the Democratic conventions, although Hillary Clinton was general secretary and initiated most of Obama's foreign policy projects during his first term. “Peace” as such is not the best slogan for elections today.

In 2010, Obama and Clinton extended the strategic arms reduction treaty with Russia, concluded in 1991 and concerning arms control (by the way, one of its consequences was that Ukraine lost its nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of its territorial integrity). At the same time, Clinton talked a lot about resuming (friendly) relations with Russia, which began to make claims to the countries of Eastern Europe, protesting against their sovereign decisions to deploy missiles within the missile defense system.

Now, two years after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in eastern Ukraine, the American administration continues to talk about sanctions, ceasefires and the Minsk agreements, but Russia already knows that at least until November it will be able to do whatever it wants on its western border at will.

In the “Muslim world,” if such a thing exists, the United States suffered only defeats. Despite Obama's repeated assurances that “Assad must go,” the Syrian president did not listen. Moreover, although he signed a statement promising to stop using chemical weapons, such attacks continue. In Syria, according to various estimates, 400,000 people (mostly civilians) were killed, and several million fled the country. Only a small fraction of them have reached Europe, while millions remain in terrible conditions in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, posing a threat to the internal stability of these states. Decisive role Russia is now playing in the Syrian operation, on whose side Turkey has taken, having turned its back on the United States after a suspicious “coup d’etat.” So Obama has lost his most important ally in the Middle East.

The Americans left Iraq and then (partially) returned there. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are now in a state of civil war with - whatever you call them - Islamic fundamentalists, ISIS, Daesh (an organization banned in the Russian Federation, approx.). Libya, however, too. The United States signed an agreement with Iran, according to which (although according to the spirit, not the letter of the document) Tehran can have nuclear potential. What about the successes of US foreign policy? A climate agreement that no one respects, and the “normalization” of relations with Cuba, the fruits of which were a new wave of repression against dissidents and a flow of American tourists to the island.

13:34 14.10.2009 Obama and the Nobel Committee. When war becomes peace, when lies become truth
4. Under the orders of President Obama, acting as Commander in Chief, Pakistan is now the target of routine US aerial bombing in violation of its territorial sovereignty under the pretext of the "Global War on Terrorism" as justification.

5. It is planned to build new military bases in Latin America, including Colombia on the immediate borders of Venezuela.

6. Military aid to Israel has increased. The Obama presidency has expressed its unwavering support for Israel and the Israeli military. Obama remains silent about Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip. There was not even a semblance of a resumption of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

7. New regional commands were strengthened, including AFRICOM and SAUZCOM

8. A new round of threats was directed against Iran.

9. The US intends to contribute to a further rift in relations between Pakistan and India, which could lead to a regional war, as well as the use of India's nuclear arsenal as an indirect threat to China.

The diabolical nature of this military project was outlined in 2000 in "Project New American century\" (PNAC). PNAC announced the following goals:

Defend the American homeland;

Conduct combat operations and confidently win simultaneously in several theaters of war;

Perform "police" duties related to the creation of security conditions in critical regions;

Transform the US armed forces using a "revolution in military affairs". (Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding Americas Defenses.pdf, September 2000)

\"Revolution in military affairs\" refers to the development of new modern weapons systems. The militarization of space, new advanced chemical and biological weapons, sophisticated laser-guided missiles, bunker-busting bombs, not to mention the US Air Force Climate Warfare Program (HAARP) based in Hokona, Alaska, are part of Obama's "humanitarian arsenal."

War against truth

This is a war against truth. When war becomes peace, the world turns upside down. Forming ideas is no longer possible. An inquisitorial social system is born.

Understanding the basic social and political events is replaced by a world of pure fantasy, where "evil people" hide. The purpose of the "Global War on Terrorism," which was fully endorsed by the Obama administration, is to mobilize public support for a worldwide campaign against heresy.

In the eyes of public opinion, having a "just cause" for waging war is central. A war is considered just if it is fought for moral, religious or ethical reasons. This is the consensus on the conduct of war. People can no longer think for themselves. They accept the authority and wisdom of the established social order.

The Nobel Committee says President Obama gave the world "hope for a better future." The award recognizes his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples. The committee places particular importance on Obama's vision and his work to create a world without nuclear weapons"... His diplomacy is based on the concept that those who will lead the global community , must do so on the basis of values ​​and attitudes that are common to the majority of the world's population. (Nobel Press Release, October 9, 2009)

Granting the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama has become an integral part of the Pentagon's propaganda machine. She provides human face invaders, it supports the demonization of those who oppose US military intervention.

The decision to award Obama the Nobel Peace Prize was, of course, carefully agreed upon by the Norwegian Committee at the most high levels in the US government. It has far-reaching consequences.

It unconditionally supports US-led wars as a “just cause.” It glosses over war crimes committed by both the Bush and Obama administrations.

Propaganda of war: legitimate reasons for a state’s entry into war and criteria for its justice

The "just war" theory serves to cover up the nature of US foreign policy while providing a human face to the invaders.

In both its classical and modern versions, just war theory supports war as a "humanitarian operation." It calls for military intervention on ethical and moral grounds against "rebels", "terrorists", "failed" or "rogue states".

Just war was declared by the Nobel Committee as an instrument of peace. Obama personifies "a just war."

Taught in American military academies, the modern version of "just war" theory is embodied in American military doctrine. The "War on Terrorism" and the concept of "prevention" are based on the right of "self-defense." They determine "when it is permissible to wage war": the legitimate reasons for a state to enter into a war and the criteria for its justice or Jus ad bellum.

Jus ad bellum served to achieve consensus within the command structure of the Armed Forces. It also served to convince military personnel that they were fighting for a "just cause." In general, just war theory in its modern version is an integral part of war propaganda and disinformation in the media used to gain public support for the military agenda. Under Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama, just war is becoming generally accepted, supported by the so-called international community.

The ultimate goal is to reassure citizens, complete depoliticization social life in America, keeping people from thinking and understanding, from analyzing the facts and challenging the legality of US and NATO-led wars.

War becomes peace, an expedient "humanitarian obligation", peaceful expression of disagreement becomes heresy.

The Nobel Committee gives the green light to military escalation with a human face

More importantly, the Nobel Peace Prize blesses the legitimacy of the unprecedented "escalation" of US-NATO military operations under the banner of peacekeeping.

It contributes to the falsification of the nature of the US-NATO military agenda.

Between 40,000 and 60,000 US and allied troops are to be sent to Afghanistan under the guise of peacekeeping. On October 8, the day before the Nobel Committee's decision, the US Congress provided Obama with $680 billion in a defense bill that is intended to finance the process of military escalation:

"Washington and its NATO allies are planning an unprecedented troop surge for the war in Afghanistan, even adding to the 17,000 new American and several thousand NATO troops who have been in that war this year." The number, based on as-yet unconfirmed reports from US and NATO commander Stanley McChrystal and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen, demanded from the White House ranges from 10,000 to 45,000. Fox News put the numbers higher at more than 45,000 American soldiers, and ABC News - more than 40,000. On September 15, the Christian Science Monitor wrote about "maybe more than 45,000."

The convergence of estimates suggests that numbers have been agreed upon, and a compliant US media is preparing domestic audiences for the possibility of the largest foreign military buildup in Afghan history. Just seven years ago, the United States had 5,000 troops in the country, but was already slated to have 68,000 by December even before reports of a new deployment surfaced. (Rick Rozoff, US, NATO Poised For Most Massive War In Afghanistan's History, Global Research, September 24, 2009)

A few hours after the Norwegian Nobel Committee's decision, Obama met with the War Council, or as we should call it, the "Peace Council." This meeting was carefully planned to coincide with the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

The key closed-door meeting in the White House Situation Room brought together Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and key political and military advisers. General Stanley McChrystal participated in the meeting via video link from Kabul.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal said he offered the commander in chief "several alternative options," including a maximum injection of 60,000 additional troops. The figure of 60,000 surfaced from The Wall Street Journal:

\"The President had a tough conversation about the security and political problems in Afghanistan and options for building strategic approach moving forward,\" according to the official message of the administration (quoted from AFP: After Nobel nod, Obama convenes Afghan war council October 9, 2009)

The Nobel Committee gave Obama the green light in this regard. The meeting in the Situation Room on October 9 was supposed to lay the groundwork for further escalation of the conflict under the banner of fighting insurgency and building democracy.

At the same time, over the past few months, US forces have intensified their aerial bombing of village communities in Pakistan's northern tribal areas under the banner of fighting al-Qaeda.

Original article: Obama and the Nobel Prize: When War becomes Peace, When the Lie becomes the Truth